Dead or alive...?? 8-D - XPERIA X8 General

After playing w/Floyo 2.2.1 and sd mounting(which does not work properly to me)
ive notice root explorer indicates no root access. Ive installed busybox installer and fetched 1.18 after which...:
-no xrecovery access at boot
-locked home screen but trying to unlock it says: Launcher...unexpectedly stopped etc etc..., DSP manager etc etc - neverending loop.
Any chance to bring the brick back to life ??
Please help !

i had this problem as well when i first started.
download PC Companion , click Support Zone, Software Update, Repair phone and follow the instructions.
it will delete all your data(of cos not sd card) and bring it back to android 2.1 default hope this helps.

Yes, I would..but PC Companion or Update Service/Engine state they cannot fetch any software (due to internet access problem), ive turned off router and windows 7 firewall and still nothing..

zsolarewicz said:
Yes, I would..but PC Companion or Update Service/Engine state they cannot fetch any software (due to internet access problem), ive turned off router and windows 7 firewall and still nothing..
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thats a weird error... i dont know whats the problem, sorry...

redsock said:
thats a weird error... i dont know whats the problem, sorry...
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it has to be a version of busybox.
when install xrecovery, there is one u should always keep.
maybe when trying JiT, it need a new busybox,
but after that, put back xrecovery-busybox to system/bin.
it should work. (got same problem twice btw)

I have only one solution for you: reflash.. works always XDD
If you cant use the SE update service or PcCompanion, use flashtool from b1nary.. flash it any firmware, at least one that you could install xrecovery to restore or search for updates on SEUS..
Sent from my Sony Ericsson X8 using XDA App

Thanks guys!
Reflashed succesfuly w/russian ftf and now i am back in 2. 2. 1, btw dont know why it shows ver. 0. 11 instead 0. 12. Sd mounting either not workin for sure or reboots. Eg. Sd ready to be removed and reboot. Anybody succeeded to run app2sd on racht's 0.12?
Sent from my X8 using XDA App


Need help please guys ( htc tattoo room )

I LOVE xda
Go for 2.3.3 more like it
Sent from my HTC click using XDA Premium App
First of all you need to root your phone. Take a look in this thread and follow section 1.5. Instead of the recovery file suggested by the instruction, use the one from this thread. (Otherwise you won't be able to flash Gingerbread)
You have now rooted your phone and flashed a custom recovery program. Now you'r ready to choose a rom. I would suggest nFinityGB from arco. Just download the rom you like and put it on your SD card. Reboot your phone into recovery and DO A FULL BACKUP. Do a wipe/factory reset and flash the new rom (flash zip from sd card or something like that). Reboot the phone and have PATIENCE, the first start can take up to 5 to 10 minutes. Enjoy!
If you run in to any trouble, search! I can almost guarantee that your problem is not entirely new or unique, if it is; feel free to ask for help
yh nfinity gb is best man
guys i try a rooting way but hmmmmm give me error with rootTattoo app
its give me after its runing on dos screen ( no space left on the device ) !!!
& i have 2 gb card & all well ?
what i can do now
format everything and reset phone then try again is easiest way haha. never had an issue with flashing roms or rooting so don't even really know where to look but that i bet will work
same error
no space left on the device + ADB This should list a device as a long number always give me error cant found the ADB !!!!!!!!!!!!
why u don't make one tool or app with all that command 2 help us !!!!!!
really its 2 much 2 do .................!!!!!!!
why u cant make it easy guys !!!!!!!!!!!
DJFUNK said:
same error
no space left on the device + ADB This should list a device as a long number always give me error cant found the ADB !!!!!!!!!!!!
why u don't make one tool or app with all that command 2 help us !!!!!!
really its 2 much 2 do .................!!!!!!!
why u cant make it easy guys !!!!!!!!!!!
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Be quiet man!
There are development tools using here and all the thread - tutorial mentioned above are very good.
Did you download the android-sdk to get adb? If yes, you should go with the terminal in the platform-tools folder to launch adb.
im really get so sad ....... i was think i can found fun with my tattoo
C:\androidsdk\tools>adb devices
'adb' is not recognized as an in
operable program or batch file.
so thats why im asking why if u are real good programmers
why u cant make easy for normal users !
or even 2 make the errors less
really tell now no one can found good way for help me !
even i do whatever u say guys but its ........ give errors always
adb is now in the platform-tools folder of android-sdk (like I told before...).
dud ya i fix the adb problem now we back again for
no space left on the device !!!
that happen when i use rtattoo tools when i make rootTattoo always give me that error ?
& already i have 2gb memory card ..........!!
& i make factory data reset be4 i start with rtattoo & i format the sd !
no space left on the device !!!
that happen when i use rtattoo tools when i make rootTattoo always give me that error ?
& already i have 2gb memory card ..........!!
& i make factory data reset be4 i start with rtattoo & i format the sd !
The memory is not the SD card space but the internal memory of the phone.
the internal phone space 150 mb
& the sd card space 1.83 Gb
that is what i found on the phone !
Use Universal Androot and ROM Manager much easier without PC
Sent from my HTC click using XDA Premium App
I have only encountered the "no space left" error once and that was when I missed a step in the manual rooting process. I didn't have any problem with the automated rooting tool mentioned in the FAQ and no problems at all when I did the manual rooting following each and every step carefully.
Sorry but I have know idea what causes the problem if you are following the instructions.
Andy, I've been reading about Androot and ROM Manager since you posted.
I have the standard 1.6 version from HTC, using Androot and ROM Manager I can use any of the rom's posted here in xda or do I need something else?
Did you rooted and flashed your tattoo this way?
SkL_opt said:
Andy, I've been reading about Androot and ROM Manager since you posted.
I have the standard 1.6 version from HTC, using Androot and ROM Manager I can use any of the rom's posted here in xda or do I need something else?
Did you rooted and flashed your tattoo this way?
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Yes I sure took a while of rebooting and removal of battery etc but finally it worked....

Trying to go from 2.1 to 1.6

I am trying to do the directions I was given to go from 2.1 back to 1.6 for warrany reasons via this link
I am having difficulty trying to use the tool that was provided because I keep getting a error message when i try to flash with RootX10a_v2.exe that says, "java is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file" I tried using the tool on a 32bit system and a 64bit system and I keep getting the error message (both Windows 7). How can I get it to work?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I did install SEUS
I just did this last night...what i did was get latest flash operators firmware,...then bundled them...i have not had the error before...try to redownload flashtool
Sent from my X10a using XDA Premium App
Restoring back to AT&T 1.6 Branded 1237-4604 Firmware with Root Explorer:
Your phone must be rooted. Make sure you run a backup first as this will wipe data. You need the app Root Explorer set to write permissions R/W (at top of the screen) then go into system/build.prop file and long press on build.prop file and open in text editor. Then change the SI number from 1234 - 4820 back to 1237-4604 in every place you find it. I think it appears 2 maybe 3 times. Then save and close. REBOOT! Then run repair software via SEUS or PC Companion. *If you have run SEUS or PC Companion since you updated to 2.1, you need delete the contents inside the folder "db" found inside the update service program wherever it is saved on your computer. **It will say that you have the latest software, but REPAIR ANYWAY! Reboot, setup, reinstall your Backup app from market, Restore. DONE!
*Root Explorer costs a couple $, but well worth it. If you have problems finding Root Explorer or do not have a paypal account, send me a PM. I will help you.
Theres no reason to go back to 1.6, if you are on official 2.1 it wouldn't invalidate your warranty. Just use SEUS to flash back to the last official release and you're good to go.
Sent From My *Super Fly X10*
If I (or anyone for that matter!) help you, dont be afraid to press THANKS!
CMoney87 said:
Theres no reason to go back to 1.6, if you are on official 2.1 it wouldn't invalidate your warranty. Just use SEUS to flash back to the last official release and you're good to go.
Sent From My *Super Fly X10*
If I (or anyone for that matter!) help you, dont be afraid to press THANKS!
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Looks like he's on AT&T, which forgot to release 2.1

Official ROMS ?

i'm very happy with my arc, but i want to root it. i have fastboot lock so i'm gonna use gingerbreak i think. But is there a official site or something where we can find the official ROMS of sony ericsson if anything go wrong ? And how are we going to update gingerbread when update will be available ?
Rooting with Gingerbreak doesn't cause anything wrong with your ROM. Also you can use SEUS if you still have your boot loader locked.
OK thanks, i'm going to do that. But i can't find a way to launch the gingerbreak apk, everybody speaks as everything was obvious, but i don't know what adb is, and i can't put the app on the phone (not the sd card...) but i'm gonna google it.
whocancatchme said:
OK thanks, i'm going to do that. But i can't find a way to launch the gingerbreak apk, everybody speaks as everything was obvious, but i don't know what adb is, and i can't put the app on the phone (not the sd card...) but i'm gonna google it.
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just put the gingerbreak apk (v1.2 is the one i used) in the sd card then launch Application Installer (in my Arc this app is included) then you're all set. ah and remember to set first the usb debugging. and on my arc it didn't format the card.
Put the .apk on the SD card, and open it using astro file manager.
Yeah thanks i opened it with root explorer i think it's the same thing... doesn't work for me. I press root, then it unmount my SD card and then i wait forever and nothing happens, so i press home, try to mount my SD card, the app crash so i need tro restart and i'm back where i started..
you need set allow usb debugging to true before you run the apk. I used 1.2 too, it only took like 2 sec to do it.
and when it says "mount your sd card" means mount it to the phone, not your computer.
Thank you i made it really cool i delete all the app add by orange !!! I have one last question If an update comes out will i be able to update if im rooted ? And is it going to unroot my phone ?
Yes - you'll still be able to update using SEUS - rooting won't affect that.. but you will lose the root! might be better off installing a generic .184 or .181 rom using Flashtool so that you get the early update, and none of the junk Orange like to add!
I already thought about that but there is some apps usefull from orange like voicemail like iphone... and i dont know where to find those official roms

HELP External SD Issues

After rooted the official gingerbread my device was never the same.
Let me try to explain what is happening to see if someone can help.
Official roms:
When I turn my device to PC via USB and then choose the option Mount USB Storage what happens is in the device the Android stays Green with the option below to mount storage, the SD card is apparently un-mounted from device but in the PC I can see the SD card content normally and see it as a removable storage drive
Custom roms:
When I turn my device to PC via USB and then choose the option Mount USB Storage what happens is in the device the Android stays Green with the option below to mount storage, the SD card is apparently un-mounted from device but in the PC I can see the SD card content but can’t make any changes as it opens up as a CD drive. Imagine you put a CD/DVD in your drive you can see all the files but you cannot write on it.
What can I do as seems to be a deep system alteration that won’t change by doing anything at all such as flashing new roms, changing complete content of pink screen, factory resets, etc, etc.
Can someone plz help me with this?
try this with cm7
settings->about phone->project menu->USE GOOGLE USB
I stuck with 2.3 official again!!!
I think I going to deliver my phone to TMN and say that got ****ed up after official upgrade instalation
I've read somewhere that the TMN ones (or some of them) are called "black sheep" since they have some problems (installing other roms I think), maybe your problems where there all along and the updates brought them to the surface...
Yeah, send it back
Yes I know, but I got lucky as my device is like a Hummer.Mine is not.
Goes over of it all, until I messed up... lolol
druida did you format the sd card on the pc and chnage the partition size?
I have the device partitions resized months ago.
yes card was formated and formated and formated.
priestx said:
I've read somewhere that the TMN ones (or some of them) are called "black sheep" since they have some problems (installing other roms I think), maybe your problems where there all along and the updates brought them to the surface...
Yeah, send it back
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I have a so called "black sheep" and official 2.3.5 is rooted and runnin' flawlessly.
try revert to 2.2.2 using internal sd card.
I got it at last doing this:
Dial * # * # 2846579 # * # *
Background Setting > USB ports setting > choose "Normal Mode" and then rebooted.
The option that was by default and was giving me all this trouble was "Manufacture mode".
Tried to choose "Google Mode" but after reboot revert back to "Manufacture mode" again.
This way every time I connect the USB and choose the option Mount Usb Storage the SD was getting unmounted in the device but in the PC was showing as removable disk giving me full access.
When I unplug the cable I had to mount the card again.
****ing weird!!!!
priestx said:
I've read somewhere that the TMN ones (or some of them) are called "black sheep" since they have some problems (installing other roms I think), maybe your problems where there all along and the updates brought them to the surface...
Yeah, send it back
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no they are not (me +2other friends have such phones). it's hapenning the same as before: people messing up.
Well, this problem is not related to 2.3.5 update, but with updates in general, 'cause i have it about a month ago. Same thing as you, but if U use a 2.2 custom ROM (flb or void) you should mount usb properly. If U go to device manager you will see that the drivers aren't properly installed.
Altough I don´t know the exact time, i think my probelm begins when after flashing a ROM I got the blue screen and needed to install b138 elisa. I guess after we get a blue screen the phone never is the same.
BTW i got 0 imei. And have an theory to this to. The IMEI are related to an operator, so when flashing a official rom not from operator, maybe the phone goes crazy and the IMEI begins to shown 0, it's not a big deal, since we can communicate normally with people.
so how do I install the drivers correctly?
I found a way to revert from 2.3 and I'm in MIUI again but USB issue still there shiiiiiiit
Druida69 said:
so how do I install the drivers correctly?
I found a way to revert from 2.3 and I'm in MIUI again but USB issue still there shiiiiiiit
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I d0n't lnow, i don't have an solution, I install some drivers that are in huawei server, but with no luck.
The main point is: using a 2.2 rom, all ok, upgrade to a 2.3 rom, and U have problems, so the problem it's not on pc and in hardware, the problem somehow is software.
What I'm wondering it's that the official 2.3.5 help with this problem, but with your report the hope dissapear...
yes the problem is in the device nt in PC.
I think its missing the adb USB drivers inside the device.
and yes its software problem not hardware
Is your IMEI 0 ?
Do you have wifi ERROR in 2.3 Custom Roms ?
I have that USB problem since I tried to format SD Card directly from the mobile, with CM7... all problems started there... and there is another user over here that made the same with MIUI.
nrdl said:
Is your IMEI 0 ?
Do you have wifi ERROR in 2.3 Custom Roms ?
I have that USB problem since I tried to format SD Card directly from the mobile, with CM7... all problems started there... and there is another user over here that made the same with MIUI.
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ME! Me Me! lol
I have this problem, but don't have problems with wi-fi, my imei is 0 also, but if you use custom or stock 2.2 the usb works fine, so don't think that the problem is caused by formating the sd... I guess is that the libraries in 2.3 somehow changed, i guess the libraries from geno changed a while ago, and therefore this bug appears. It's not for everyone 'cause we all know that x5 have personnality, so...
regarding IMEI yes its 0.
I don't know when it happen and how it was before as I never look for it, up to this moment.
Regarding the USB, I think start to happen when I tried to root the official 2.3.
All drivers in computer are fine as I uninstall them and install all again just to make sure.
Something change something deep inside the phone software and mess all of it.
I manage to do a shortcut though. In official 2.3 you can mount usb storage again if you do this:
dial *#*#2846579#*#*
then you will be inside Project Menu.
Go to Background setting > USB ports setting and you will see these options:
Normal Mode
Google Mode
CTS test mode
Manufacture mode
Authentication mode
Other Mode
By default all systems are with Google Mode activated.
Change to Normal Mode and it solve the problem.
If you try to change this option in CM7 for example, won't work, odd but I don't know why...
Hello !
This USB issue happens to me since CM7 (imei 0, wifi error...). And it happens with all roms (even 2.2.2 stock rom)
I can use usb storage, but in the end I have to manualy mount card again.
With 2.3.5 Official I went into Project Menu and was already in Manufacture Mode, if I change it to Google Mode everything works normally... but after a reset setup returns back to Manufacture Mode.
It is a solution... temporary... but it is
why dont u switch back to cm7 or oxygen and give it a try . surely there is some problem with official 2.3 , mine sometimes says " sd card damaged and stuff .format ... " . am switching back to cm7 . dont want this waste of time rom . ( u know how long we have waited 4 this official update . cant even manage power widgets n LED without external app . f**kin huawie )
mkr17 said:
why dont u switch back to cm7 or oxygen and give it a try . surely there is some problem with official 2.3 , mine sometimes says " sd card damaged and stuff .format ... " . am switching back to cm7 . dont want this waste of time rom . ( u know how long we have waited 4 this official update . cant even manage power widgets n LED without external app . f**kin huawie )
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As I said before, this problem, regardeless appears more often now, it's not related with the update to official 2.3.5 since I and at least to people more, have this problem before official beta rom appears... It is related to the process of upgrading any rom, and I think it happens when we get a pink screen...

{{NEW}} One Click Root [4.1.B.0.587/.431/ 4.0.2.A.0.62] {Arc S / Arc / PRO}

Hi folks
Here is how to root 2011 Xperia running any of the 4.1.B.0.587 4.1.B.0.431 / 4.1.A.0.562 and 4.0.2.A.0.62 firmware . No need to downgrade kernels or anything, just root it straight away
Go to settings > Security > Mark "Unknown sources"
Settings > Developer options > Mark USB debugging
Settings > Xperia > connectivity > USB connection mode > select MSC mode
PC Companion installed on your PC.
1) Connect your phone to PC ( IMPORTANT > Skip PC Companion installation pop up on your phone.) and wait for the adb drivers to be installed. If these drivers don't get installed, phone would not be detected by Eroot.
Make sure nothing else ( specially flashtool ) is running on your PC in the background.
2) Download this rooting toolkit. Google Drive /// MediaFire /// 4-Shared and run it. If any downloading starts, cancel it by clicking the green button. Don't let the eroot download anything.
It should now detect your phone and show an option to "-root". Just click on it, wait till it finishes
3)Rooting done ( For confirmation see if any Super User app has been installed )
4) If by chance it fails for the first time, give it another go. it won't harm your phone in any way. If you still face problem, click on show content below
Go to your C:/ Drive / User/Username/AppData/Roaming/ folder and delete the eRoot folder.
If it says cannot be deleted then open up task manager on your PC and kill bec.exe . Then delete eroot folder.
Still not working ? used the archived method to root 2011 Xperia here below the animated Xperia picture.
5) While posting in the thread for help, remember to give details. Don't just write > "it's not working, help please ".
"Confirmed working on" List
( Both Unlocked / Locked Bootloaders )
Xperia SL / S / ION / Acro S
Arc / Arc S
Neo V / Neo
Mini / Mini Pro
Live with walkman
Xperia Active
Xperia Play
All Xperias Rooting thread
AW: {Arc S/ Arc / Ray} One Click Root for [4.1.B.0.587 / 4.1.B.0.431 / 4.1.A.0.562 ]
Hey Nabeel,
I still remember you from sony's forum Haha
Nice & easy way rooting :good:
Thanks for your help on the past ^^
jader13254 said:
Hey Nabeel,
I still remember you from sony's forum Haha
Nice & easy way rooting :good:
Thanks for your help on the past ^^
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Hahaha, How can i forgot you man
BTW i'm really happy for what you're today
All the very best with your work jader :good:
AW: {Arc S/ Arc / Ray} One Click Root for [4.1.B.0.587 / 4.1.B.0.431 / 4.1.A.0.562 ]
Nabeel. said:
Hahaha, How can i forgot you man
BTW i'm really happy for what you're today
All the very best with your work jader :good:
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Haha I love you man! I still remember where I posted questions in sony's talk forum, after I firstly flashed ICS and wanted to flash back stock gb...
Can't forget the sentence: "sharing the forum's love" after I was happy you helped me with everything
Haha awesome time...
Oops, this getting into OT...
Maybe we can continue in general talk thread... >>
Thank you for all info,this was simple and fast :laugh:
Did this work on UNLOCKED BOOTLOADER:beer:
Sent from my LT18i using xda app-developers app
omerino said:
Thank you for all info,this was simple and fast :laugh:
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Thanks for posting man
uncle donal said:
Did this work on UNLOCKED BOOTLOADER:beer:
Sent from my LT18i using xda app-developers app
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Yes it's for both locked/ unlocked bootloader
Confirm working on neo L
Confirm working on neo L
For neo L with Tigris Kernel,Vengeance ... ( Unlock BL )
Just connect to PC , and do the steps in OP
For neo L Lock BL
1. Enable USB Debugging from (Menu\Settings\Developer Options\Development)
2. Enable Unknown Sources from (Menu\Settings\Security)
3. Enable MSC Mode from (Menu\Setting\Xperia\Connectivity\USB Connection Mode)
4.Then simply flash MT11i_4.1.A.0.562_kernel via Flashtool
5.Then Root using the tool above , after done manually remove and reinsert battery
6.Then flash back MT25i_4.1.B.0.626_KERNEL ONLY_bywewenk or MT25i_4.1.B.0.631_KERNEL ONLY_bywewenk
*If you are on .626 & .587 use .626 kernel , If you are on .631 then use .631 kernel
Confirmed working fine on Arc S (LT18i) running 4.1.B.0.587.
Just today I decided to finally root it. I had been looking for some ways to do it here but hadn't decided how to do it yet. I wasn't too enthousiastic about having to downgrade, root, and upgrade again. (Most of all, I didn't want to have to reconfigure my entire phone...)
The primary reason for wanting to root was moving more apps to SD - I'm tired of not being able to install apps and having to decide every week which app I need to uninstall since I'm running out of space.
So - I used this. The menu is in Japanese (I think - correct me if I'm wrong ), but I managed to get it to work after 2 attempts.
If whoever made it could translate the GUI to English and add an option to choose a language. it would be great. But even without that, it did the job for me!
Whoever made this - THANK YOU!
Nabeel Bro, i tested ur signature, it's working fine for me !!
Hi Nabeel.!
This is a really easy way to root.
It works fine in my brother's Xperia Arc S running 4.1.B.0.587.
Thanks a lot!
Saingpor said:
Confirm working on neo L
For neo L with Tigris Kernel,Vengeance ... ( Unlock BL )
Just connect to PC , and do the steps in OP
For neo L Lock BL
1. Enable USB Debugging from (Menu\Settings\Developer Options\Development)
2. Enable Unknown Sources from (Menu\Settings\Security)
3. Enable MTP Mode from (Menu\Setting\Xperia\Connectivity\USB Connection Mode)
4.Then simply flash MT11i_4.1.A.0.562_kernel via Flashtool
5.Then Root using the tool above , after done manually remove and reinsert battery
6.Then flash back MT25i_4.1.B.0.626_KERNEL ONLY_bywewenk or MT25i_4.1.B.0.631_KERNEL ONLY_bywewenk
*If you are on .626 & .587 use .626 kernel , If you are on .631 then use .631 kernel
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So i guess it's a success for that " For neo L with Tigris Kernel,Vengeance " ?? Because on locked bootloader even doomlord kit works by swapping kernel.
Daniel75 said:
Confirmed working fine on Arc S (LT18i) running 4.1.B.0.587.
Just today I decided to finally root it. I had been looking for some ways to do it here but hadn't decided how to do it yet. I wasn't too enthousiastic about having to downgrade, root, and upgrade again. (Most of all, I didn't want to have to reconfigure my entire phone...)
The primary reason for wanting to root was moving more apps to SD - I'm tired of not being able to install apps and having to decide every week which app I need to uninstall since I'm running out of space.
So - I used this. The menu is in Japanese (I think - correct me if I'm wrong ), but I managed to get it to work after 2 attempts.
If whoever made it could translate the GUI to English and add an option to choose a language. it would be great. But even without that, it did the job for me!
Whoever made this - THANK YOU!
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It's Chinese.. Anyways, All this was made possible because of that user wym986 , so i hope you pressed thanks button for him in his thread
Even if you search for Eroot, you won't find no word. it's really him who posted and saved us all
auni said:
Nabeel Bro, i tested ur signature, it's working fine for me !!
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Yeah Auni, hard luck, will contact a mod tomorrow
BajoPrimate said:
Hi Nabeel.!
This is a really easy way to root.
It works fine in my brother's Xperia Arc S running 4.1.B.0.587.
Thanks a lot!
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No problem mate
root 587
no root arcs buil 587
help me
nl2988 said:
no root arcs buil 587
help me
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Arc S was the first phone to be tested and I did that :victory:
Without any problem.
You've to tell us what problems are you facing, then only we could help you.
Not working on windows 8 pro 64 bit
jcgechevarria said:
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Man, it works on widnows 8 as well.
Please remember to give details about the problem. So what's exactly happening ?
Nabeel. said:
Man, it works on widnows 8 as well.
Please remember to give details about the problem. So what's exactly happening ?
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I tried all the links, first Bitdefender says that has a virus, second if i disable antivirus, program runs, downloads somthing about 10 mb, and closes.
My phone is an lt15i arc, as you can see on my signature.
jcgechevarria said:
I tried all the links, first Bitdefender says that has a virus, second if i disable antivirus, program runs, downloads somthing about 10 mb, and closes.
My phone is an lt15i arc, as you can see on my signature.
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But what i need to know is, that eroot kit detects your mobile at all ?
It closes on it's own ?
It's probably the antivirus acting up buddy. I just tested again on W8 pc and it works really fine.
First connect your phone to PC with USB debugging on, then wait until the adb driver is installed. Only After that run the rooting toolkit . Cancel that downloading ( 10MB ) as soon as you see it, now see if it shows an option to Root.
If that doesn't help then follow this reply. ( Your antivirus might have removed some file of eroot, that's causing it to close on it's own, so follow this reply and install eroot again , but before that make sure you disable antivirus) >
Nabeel. said:
But what i need to know is, that eroot kit detects your mobile at all ?
It closes on it's own ?
It's probably the antivirus acting up buddy. I just tested again on W8 pc and it works really fine.
First connect your phone to PC with USB debugging on, then wait until the adb driver is installed. Only After that run the rooting toolkit . Cancel that downloading ( 10MB ) as soon as you see it, now see if it shows an option to Root.
If that doesn't help then follow this reply. ( Your antivirus might have removed some file of eroot, that's causing it to close on it's own, so follow this reply and install eroot again , but before that make sure you disable antivirus) >
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
First thanks for your replies, no, eroot does not see my phone, and yes it closes on it's own, i will try all you explain may be tomorrow, will report result as soon as i can, only last question, usb mode on msc or mtp, beacouse i see both ways on diferents posts.
I've used MSC.
Good luck.
Sent from my GT-S5830
