[GUIDE] Guide to picking a ROM - Droid Incredible General

Back when I got this phone a few months ago, I was having a hard time choosing a good rom that suits me. I tested nearly every rom that's out there and *think* I have something I'm going to stay on for quite a while. The process would have been much easier, though, if there was a guide to choosing a rom, so that's exactly what I made for the noobs that just got this phone. So without further ado:
Before you choose a rom, you should learn a bit first.
There are three main types of roms:
AOSP (built from source)
Sense (built off HTC roms)
Senseless (a Sense rom without sense… more on this later)
Within AOSP roms, there are two main types: vanilla UI and custom UI. Vanilla UI roms run on Froyo (2.2) or Gingerbread (2.3, latest version except for Honeycomb). These have the stock Android UI. You can tell if a rom is AOSP by visual inspection of the dock. In Froyo AOSP roms, the dock has a background of a rounded, translucent rectangle with two dividers, with a 4x4 tiny grid for the app drawer button in the middle. In Gingerbread AOSP roms, the dock has a background of a sharp-cut grey rectangle with no dividers, with a 4x4 tiny grid for the app drawer button in the middle. This doesn’t always work, as some Sense themes will change the dock, but Sense roms will almost always also have a black top notification bar, which in AOSP roms (Froyo or Gingerbread) is always white.
AOSP roms are built from the Android Open Source Project. Because Android is open source, anyone can take the code, add, remove, or change features, and create their own version of Android. The current (stable) Android version is Gingerbread 2.3, but the only phone using it is the Nexus S and no manufacturer has made their own version except for Samsung (Nexus S only). Enter AOSP building. Because Gingerbread is available in the AOSP, devs can download the source, add the necessary drivers, mod it, and release it. This is what CyanogenMod 7 or OM(F)GB is.
There are Froyo 2.2 AOSP roms also, but since HTC has made their own Froyo with Sense, there is no point in using an AOSP rom just to have Froyo. There is if you want extra customizations and hate Sense. Personally, I would never use a Froyo AOSP rom, only a Gingerbread one but that’s just me.
Then there are roms with really customized UIs like MIUI and LiquidMetal/Light. They look nothing like the standard AOSP UI. MIUI looks like an iPhone, and LiquidMetal looks like… nothing I’ve ever seen before. Check it out yourself.
Sense roms are built off HTC official roms. There are three main types: Incredible-based roms (based on the Incredible stock rom), Evo-based roms (based on the Evo 4G stock rom), and New Sense roms (based on Desire Z, Desire HD, or Incredible S stock roms). Incredible based roms are the result of a dev taking the official rom and adding or removing stuff. Evo based roms are based off ports from the Evo official rom or ports of an already modded Evo rom. These roms are a bit faster than real Incredible roms. Porting is easy because the devices are very similar. New Sense roms are ported from Desire Z/HD or Incredible S. They have a “Personalize” menu that replaces the “Add” menu, which allows you to use HTC-supported skins.
They can also rotate the launcher. You can tell old sense roms from new sense roms by pressing menu at the home screen and see if there is an item called add or personalize. Old sense will have add, but new sense will have personalize.
Senseless roms are just sense roms without sense. This probably makes no sense (lol). Basically, you can use launchers like ADW or LauncherPro without leaving sense running. This is better because sense will take up battery and CPU and if you don’t use it then it’s a waste. There is a desensitizing script at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=724813 . I haven’t tried it.
A: Have you read the stuff above? If not, then read it. If you have, proceed to the “Android Rom Personality Test” below.
1. Do I like HTC Sense UI? (Quick Info: HTC Sense UI is the UI that comes on your device stock. Distinctive Characteristics: Flip Clock, Black Status Bar. Sense also has a ton of awesome widgets.)
a. Yes. I love it! Proceed to Question 2
b. No. I hate it! Proceed to Question 4
2. Do I like the Inc/Evo Sense or the Desire Z/HD/Inc S Sense better? (Quick Info: Do you like to rotate the homescreen and retain Sense? Do you like HTC supported themes? Yes to anything = I prefer Desire Z/HD/Inc S)
a. Inc/Evo Sense. Proceed to Question 3
b. Desire Z/HD/Inc S Sense. Proceed to Rom Recommendations (Type 3)
3. Do I like any Inc theme or Evo theme?
a. I like a particular Inc theme. Proceed to Rom Recommendations (Type 1)
b. I like a particular Evo theme. Proceed to Rom Recommendations (Type 2)
c. I don’t know. Proceed to Rom Recommendations (Type 1 and 2)
4. Do I like any of the HTC apps (News or Mail for example)?
a. I like them but not Sense. Proceed to Rom Recommendations (Type 4)
b. I hate them in addition to Sense. Proceed to Question 5
5. Do I like the Stock android interface?
a. Yes. I like it. Proceed to Rom Recommendations (Type 5)
b. No. I hate it in addition to Sense. Proceed to Rom Recommendations (Type 6).
Type 1: You should use an Incredible-based Sense rom. My favorites are Skyraider Sense, Redemption, and Magnolia.
Type 2: You should use an Evo-based Sense rom. My favorites are Incredibly Re-engineered, Warm 2.2, and Redemptive rEVOlution.
Type 3: You should use a New Sense Rom. My favorites are Uber Z and Warm Z.
Type 4: You should use a Senseless rom or use the Desensitize script on any Sense rom. I don’t have any recommendations.
Type 5: You should use an AOSP rom. For Gingerbread I recommend Cyanogenmod 7 or OM(F)GB. For Froyo I don’t know, I haven’t used an AOSP Froyo rom before.
Type 6: Use a “Different UI” rom. These are MIUI and Liquid Metal/Light. I prefer Light though they aren’t too different. Also there is the Meizu M9 rom which looks like a refined MIUI but it’s very buggy.
CREDITS: Thanks to the community for being great. I don’t claim that any of these roms are my work.
I will try to maintain this guide (for example add the Gingerbread Sense rom from Huashan if it ever gets done).


Custom ROMs - - Sense or AOSP? What's your poison?

Firstly let me just as I give a MASSIVE congratulations to the guys in #g2root for all their hard work in achieving permanent root. I'm not going to lie, I thought Christmas time was an achievable target when it came to breaking the eMMC lockdown on the G2 and DHD but to do it in early November? (applause)
Anyway, my Black Ops addiction forces me to keep this short and sweet, as time is of the essence and I must earn some COD Points before work!
My question is, when we start seeing custom ROMs, will you be sticking with Sense or moving to an AOSP ROM? I'm interested in your reasons and also wondering whether there are any users who were fans of AOSP (Stock Android) and have been converted by the new and improved HTC Sense 'experience'?
Things to consider are speed, functionality, looks etc.
I'll weigh in with my opinion later on.
Please don't start flaming each other and turn this into some kind of epic fight between the OS and it's illegitimate shell UI of a child!
They both have pro's and con's.
I much prefer stock android. Sense is nice, but i just don't really like the look of the dock (even though you can change it). Stock android with the transparent dock at the bottom, and all fancy animations for opening/closing apps, keyboard sliding up etc just looks awesome!
Also gingerbread im sure will probably have more eye candy, but again HTC might cut these from their roms. So i'll be sticking with stock. Cyanogen maybe..
No I couldnt get to grips with sense it looks really flash, but maybe it's because i came from the Magic that the system overhead of running all the ui effects worries me, so I have disabled it all and am waiting on Cyanogen
What counts more?
To me its not the UI that counts but the android version, in other words if i had a choice of CM 6.1 or my current sense rom id go for sense. Don't get me wrong CM is amazing but both being 2.2 id rather take the extra functionality, looks and ease of use of the new Sense roms than an AOSP build. However if i had the choice of CM 7.0 (ie gingerbread) or sticking with sense 2.2 i would move over to AOSP without a second thought!
After coming from the Hero and the amazing FroydVillain 1.5. I cannot wait for Hacre to start cooking ROMs for the DHD. So my choice is firmly in the AOSP camp.
Unless a custom rom offers something i dont have ill stick with sense. I like it graphically and much prefer htcs widgets.
Only phone ive loaded custom roms on before was my htc hero but that was because it fixed a message notification problem.
So far ive no issues with my DHD so see no reason at the moment for a custom rom.
bratfink said:
To me its not the UI that counts but the android version, in other words if i had a choice of CM 6.1 or my current sense rom id go for sense. Don't get me wrong CM is amazing but both being 2.2 id rather take the extra functionality, looks and ease of use of the new Sense roms than an AOSP build. However if i had the choice of CM 7.0 (ie gingerbread) or sticking with sense 2.2 i would move over to AOSP without a second thought!
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Sorry, surely Cyanogen adds functionality, or did I miss something? Yes you'll lose the SENSE skin but I'd be surprised if any real functionality is lost
i prefer aosp clean roms,i always used to have aosp cooked roms on my ex-desire and looking forward for aosp roms on dhd
Bring the AOSP roms on !!!
ghostofcain said:
Sorry, surely Cyanogen adds functionality, or did I miss something? Yes you'll lose the SENSE skin but I'd be surprised if any real functionality is lost
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Im fully aware of the benefits of CM but being mostly a business user the utility i gain from sense is far greater than on AOSP, however the geek in me just cannot live with not having the latest and greatest OS. Simple as that.
Given the choice of a same version Sense UI and a CM ROM I'd likely stick with the Sense UI version. There is a lot more integration than normal flavour ROMs offer and it's one of the reasons HTC have been praised. Small touches like basic Facebore and Twatter integration without needing an app specific to them is nice, as it the browsing of Facebork photo albums as if they're on your device.
ghostofcain said:
Sorry, surely Cyanogen adds functionality, or did I miss something? Yes you'll lose the SENSE skin but I'd be surprised if any real functionality is lost
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It depends on what you call real functionality. As I just said above I love the extra touches that Sense UI has such as the Facebork photo albums, cross-account linking with updates from social networks in their contact profile on your phone and for me the best implementation of copy and paste outside of iOS. It's basic things, not massively important but those touches are missing from stock Android.
skimminstones said:
Unless a custom rom offers something i dont have ill stick with sense. I like it graphically and much prefer htcs widgets.
So far ive no issues with my DHD so see no reason at the moment for a custom rom.
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me too, i completely agree
I'm really torn between HTC Sense & AOSP. There are positive things for both, as this phone was supplied with android 2.1 and HTC Sense. So for me my first introduction to android was via the Sense UI so once I had rooted the phone and applied s-off I was keen to see what was difference for the user interface (ease of use) and to compare the battery life etc. I'm currently using cyanogen nightly builds, and I'm most impressed with its performance, I do miss some of the HTC widgets, but I get by! now for me my comparison between the two is like comparing kde vs gnome!
Currently my preference is with AOSP, but only by a slim margin as to some degree Sense is (for first time use) easier, but is quite taxing on CPU...
so there's my 2 cents worth!
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
AOSP !!!
I dont use any Sense widgets. I prefer the speed in a Senseless ROM
I prefer Sense ROM most of the time.. i will try to play around with AOSP once in a while but when a higher version of android is out but still no official sense rom is out yet, AOSP is a must.. this applies to Gingerbread and higher xD
How about that sense browser with the translate feature on long press, can't get that anywhere but sense, and LPP has similar widgets
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I'll be sticking with Sense, at least for a while anyway (until I get bored!).
It's nice to have something that just works. Coming from WM6.5 it's such a breath of fresh air to just have a phone that does what it's supposed to when you want it to.
I have a Kaiser flashed with CM6 and a Rhodium with AOSP if I ever want to play with that, but right now I just want a seamless environment, and Sense seems to provide that for me quite nicely.
Sense without any doubt!! The only setting I would choose AOSP is if Gingerbread comes out before an official Htc rom with Sense, as said by many. That would be the only scenario I would choose that, and then decide what to do if/when Htc comes to the upper Android version too. I really feel good with Sense, love it!
I'llstick to the first Sense rom "without all the Sense crap" I will see. Why?
The sense phone dialer is unbeatable, so useful! I don't need the clock, Fancy widget takes care of this. I don't need the news and weather stuff and all Sense crap, but because of the dialer, the contacts management AND the music interaface, it's worth having. In the Desire Android development thread, there was 1 rom like this, but I stuck with a AOSP rom because it was better. This sense rom was ok, but still, too many crap in it. The AOSP was ok, but with an update almost everyday, I could merely keep up. So I gave up and sold my Desire. Now I'm back again on the Android scene, let's see what it brings.
dazultra2000 said:
I'll be sticking with Sense, at least for a while anyway (until I get bored!).
It's nice to have something that just works.
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yep, i agree, im not bored with it yet and it works - no reason to change

[Q] best rom with Sense UI for Vision

Hi guys, i like HTC sense interface, i was wondering what's the best, that is closer to the stock rom and simplest rom for Vision, in particular for t-mobile G2?
Here's a link to Virtuous Rom......I ran it myself for quite a while very smooth and stable.
I believe that there are five maybe six Sense-based roms built for the Z/G2. Go take a look in the development section, there are a number of stream lined sense roms ported from various devices such as the Desire HD, mytouch 4g, and the Desire Z etc.
That link will take you to the various ports.
Currently the most updated and supported Sense rom is the Virtuous rom maintained by RMK40, get ready to read because there's a lot of goodies packed with this rom.
Here ya go: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=837042
And lastly, there's like two other Sense roms that really arent supported much any longer, one by Paul I believe (released shortly after permaroot achieved) and a slimmed down Vanilla based sense rom (probably what you're wanting) by the VillianRom team.
Here it is: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=855560
Lastly, please please please research as much as possible regarding any questions you may have as the only true route of learning is through consequence and self accomplishment. Not spoon feeding. Hope this helps
Virtuous is updated at least one a month, with great improvements with each. I highly recommend. Its extremely fast as well.
sent from my V I S I O N.
so I installed virtuous 0.9, its a very good rom, the only thing that i have to say regard the functions assigned to the physical keyboard, i have a g2 and at the key com/www is assigned the function tab, is it possible to make it work as com/www?
i saw the image of those rom : VillainROMZ & SuperVillainZ for the G2/DZ - Sense UI & Vanilla Style, meXdroid Mod EXTRA HotSauce! V 0.2 and Enomther's [ROM] TheOfficial G2/DZ v2.14.2, do they contain basic sense interface in it?
is Q'n'D-MIUI-1.1.28-V1.0-EN based on sense?
underground9 said:
so I installed virtuous 0.9, its a very good rom, the only thing that i have to say regard the functions assigned to the physical keyboard, i have a g2 and at the key com/www is assigned the function tab, is it possible to make it work as com/www?
i saw the image of those rom : VillainROMZ & SuperVillainZ for the G2/DZ - Sense UI & Vanilla Style, meXdroid Mod EXTRA HotSauce! V 0.2 and Enomther's [ROM] TheOfficial G2/DZ v2.14.2, do they contain basic sense interface in it?
is Q'n'D-MIUI-1.1.28-V1.0-EN based on sense?
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probably a way to make it function like that if you do the legwork yourself. no option through the rom because its based on the desire z which has a tab key and no www.com key.
miui is not based on sense its based on miui and is compared to an iphone like interface. its very smooth and fast. a great rom but not sense.
not sure about the other roms you mentioned because i run virtuous

List of ROM's + MODS, KERNELS, RADIOS, HBOOT and MORE -- For the HTC Incredible

* These ROM's are listed in no particular order besides by category, they are just all here for you to see and choose for yourself. Check the threads to find out any bugs or problems certain ROM's may have. Some are optimized for speed, others for ease of use, features, while some are simply genius.
If you're new to custom ROM's don't get discouraged after a single bad experience with a particular ROM, I can almost guarantee you that you will find one that will blow away the Stock ROM to your liking.
Too many to choose from? Ask around in the Q & A section to get opinions for what ROM is best for you.
We love our developers here and hope everyone looking to change their incredible up will find a ROM (or ROM's ) that they love.
-------- GINGERBREAD ROM's --------
--------Gingerbread (Android 2.3.x) is the latest Android release for our phones.--------
With HTC Sense - ROMs based on a stock or ported Sense ROM (Gingerbread)
Incredible (stock) framework - Framework that comes with your phone
IceCream Sense
TeeROM Rockin' Stock
Carbonite Fusion
sic*CENSORED* Sense
McSense - Gingersense
Inc Ultimate
Touch Of Blue
Stock OTA 4.06.605.2
Stock GB
Cricket Incredible (NOT for Verizon, only for Cricket!)
Gingerbread Sense 2.1/3.0 Mix
Synergy Rom Nightlies
Nils Business GingerSense 2.1/3.0
Inc2 McTwist
Pure Speed
GingerSense ReMix
Optimized GingerSense
Optimized Shift
Uber GingerSense Unleashed
Evo Shift 4G GingerSense Port
Incredible 2 v 2.1.0
Gingerbread Sense 3.0
Shooter ReWiND 3D
Nils Business GingerSense 3.0
Dub-Shot Espresso
Kingdom Stock
Uber Kingdom
Incredible DoubleShot Espresso
Ace Revolution 3D
Desired Inc HD 3D
OVORene Community ROM
Gingerbread Sense 3.5
Warm TwoPointThree 3.5
Nils Business GingerSense 3.5
Droid Incredible HD XL
Runny Revolution 3D
HTC Bliss Sense 3.5
Sense(less) - These are Sense ROM's with the Sense UI removed/replaced
Incredible (stock) framework - Sense Launcher and UI Removed
Another Senseless Rom
In-Sensitive Minimalist
Gingerbread Sense 3.0 - Sense Launcher and UI Removed
In-Sensitive Dee-Zire
Condemned SupraROM
AOSP - Android Open Source Project (ported to the Incredible)
Pure/Customized AOSP
CyanogenMod7 Nightlies - later version + bug fixes from Final
MIUI - iPhone-like ROM in appearance but with the freedom of android
Gingerbread Deck
Salvage-Mod BETA
FrostBlur Merge of MOTOblur
Bugless Beast
Condemned B-S - CM7 with modifications
KANG-Pons CM7.2 - CM7 with modifications
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-------- ICE CREAM SANDWICH ROM's --------
-------- This version of android is currently not optimized for our phones. --------
-------- ICS ROM's typically will run slower and have worse battery life than previous versions of android.--------
AOSP - Android Open Source Project (ported to the Incredible)
Pure/Customized AOSP
Abduction ICS
Android Open Kang Project (ProTekk)
Evervolv ICS
OMX - Pure ICS
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-------- FROYO & Older ROM's --------
-------- These ROM's are no longer being updated by their developers and they run on an older version of Android.--------
With HTC Sense - ROMs based on a stock or ported Sense ROM
Incredible (stock) framework - Framework that comes with your phone
Nils' Business Sense
Redemption Rom
Magnolia Final
Carbonite Fusion v.4
Liberation - stock ROM, no carrier branding (bloat/restrictions)
SkyRaider Sense
Evo framework - Framework that comes with the EVO, some say it runs better
Redemptive rEVOlution
Incredibly Re-Engineered
Myn's Warm Two Point Two
Ported Sense's - New Sense UI ported from newer HTC devices
Warm Z TwoPointTwo
Uber Z
Nils' Business Sense - Desire-Z Based
Incredibly Re-Engineered Z
IncDoes Sense "Desire Z"
SUPER-Z Enhanced
HTC Incredible S (Vivo) port
Sense(less) - These are Sense ROM's with the Sense UI removed/replaced
Sense Launcher and UI Removed
Sense(less) rEVOlution 2.0 Inc-EVO Hybrid [EVO Sense Framework]
SkyRaider Athena
PhotonDroid (beta)
AOSP - Android Open Source Project (ported to the Incredible)
Pure/Customized AOSP
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* Post here if something is outdated or needs to be added and I'll be sure to keep this list up-to-date.
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Performance -and- Other Useful MODS:
* These are mods that either upgrade system structures or tweak settings to provide better performance and/or battery life.
Adrenaline Mod: DOWNLOAD
Supercharged V6: DOWNLOAD
The Best RAM Optimization: DOWNLOAD (note. if you use adrenaline V13 then you dont need this script because it is now included.)
WiFi Only (disables 3G and 1x radio): DOWNLOAD
CM7 Custom Lockscreen Rings DOWNLOAD
(MOD)(PORT)Beats Audio&Xloud DOWNLOAD
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Other Helpful Links:
List of Kernel's:
- Kernel's help decide how much CPU / battery power is used as well as many other complex workings such as memory management and process management.
Every ROM comes with a kernel, but here you can choose which one you like best and combine it with whatever ROM you like best.
List Of Radio's:
- The radio controls GPS, WiFi, 3G and 1x connections. You will at best only see moderately minor changes in these areas while trying different ones. Possible to increase data speed, GPS lock speed, as well as better battery life.
List of Recoveries:
- A Recovery is a simple program used to flash new software (such as ROM's and KERNELS) to your phone. Your phone should have come with Clockwork after you rooted it, but check here if you want to flash a different one.
List of HBOOT's:
- HBOOT is a core piece of software used to check hardware, initialize software, and can be used to flash other vital pieces of phone software including the radio and recovery.
Important Things to know about your Incredible's battery:
- Explains why your battery level always has a big drop after a full charge
Custom Splash Screens + Boot animations:
- You can change the way your incredible looks when you boot it up
Android Kitchen - Customize Your UI:
- Take your android UI into your own hands! Upload your current ROM, and from there you can customize the appearance of your ROM: including colors, textures, effects, icons, and much more. Don't be stuck with a phone that isn't perfect!
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Current Setup
ROM: CyanogenMod 7 Nightlies
Kernel: Incredikernel
Radio: 11.19
Custom Theme by: Android Kitchen
Custom Lockscreen by: Widgetlocker (downloaded from market, customized via various XDA threads)
CPU cap: 883MHZ (done in CM7 Settings)
Launcher: Launcher Pro + (downloaded from market)
Keyboard: Swiftkey X (downloaded form market)
If I said something useful be sure to hit the "Thanks" button! :D
Thanks man! Now I know which roms are available on the incxDD
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
fantastic list, thank you
Looks good. I didn't go over it with a fine comb, but I did notice that you left out Redemption Rom, which is different than Redemptive rEVOlution. And Tiamat is a kernel, not a ROM.
Thanks for this, very helpful. You might want to break the HTC Sense sections up into Sense UI and Z Ports, since there is an important difference between how the ROM's function
EDIT: Mods should sticky this and/or merge with the "Useful Threads" sticky because frankly the current sticky is awful and no where close to being up to date
PonsAsinorem said:
Looks good. I didn't go over it with a fine comb, but I did notice that you left out Redemption Rom, which is different than Redemptive rEVOlution. And Tiamat is a kernel, not a ROM.
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Thanks, didn't even notice- surprised I left that one out.
Fixed and fixed.
Zoon0n said:
You might want to break the HTC Sense sections up into Sense UI and Z Ports, since there is an important difference between how the ROM's function
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Good idea, will do later tonight
Darn. I did something similar just yesterday or maybe the day before, just not with ALL the roms and with a bit of more info on what rom to use for noobs and posted in dinc general, but nobody's replied yet
Might want to update your Ruby link. 2.0.2 (Final build) was released some time back Thread here:
solarpolitiks said:
Might want to update your Ruby link. 2.0.2 (Final build) was released some time back Thread here:
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Also added "Carbonite Fusion v.4" ROM and organized the 1.0 and 2.0 Sense.
This is great... can we get it stickied? I remember seeing this a while back and then it disappeared. Good resource for people who like me that swap roms every week
FWIW, IncROM has been updated to 1.4.
Great List and Very Helpful! I thought Redemptive REVOlution a ported Sense ROM from the EVO?
Some Additions
Wonderful iist, and great that they finally made it a sticky. Just a few items to add to the list, possibly:
IncDoes's Desire HD (I know it is a little outdated, but it is still great)
MyTouch Beta v3
And, possibly a link to the thread with the RA recovery images?
All in all, this is an incredible (yes, pun intended) list.
ktdt00 said:
Great List and Very Helpful! I thought Redemptive REVOlution a ported Sense ROM from the EVO?
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It has the EVO framework but Sense UI is the same version as the rest in that category which is why I left it there and not in the ports category. This is kind of a weird ROM that doesn't fit well for either category but I felt it had more of the same attributes that the Stock Sense had than the newer Z sense ports.
alanthemanofchicago said:
Wonderful iist, and great that they finally made it a sticky. Just a few items to add to the list, possibly:
IncDoes's Desire HD (I know it is a little outdated, but it is still great)
MyTouch Beta v3
And, possibly a link to the thread with the RA recovery images?
All in all, this is an incredible (yes, pun intended) list.
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I know right? I was happy to see it stickied when I checked back here this morning
Thanks, added both.
alanthemanofchicago said:
And, possibly a link to the thread with the RA recovery images?
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can you post the link?
POQbum said:
It has the EVO framework but Sense UI is the same version as the rest in that category which is why I left it there and not in the ports category. This is kind of a weird ROM that doesn't fit well for either category but I felt it had more of the same attributes that the Stock Sense had than the newer Z sense ports.
I know right? I was happy to see it stickied when I checked back here this morning
Thanks, added both.
can you post the link?
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RA Recovery
Ultimate Droid
Touch of Photons
Incredibly Re-engineered
Warm Two Point Two
The New Guy
Geared Romage
Carbonite Fusion
Meizu M9 port
Dell Streak port
n_i_x's MIUI port
Gingersuave MIUI
URL="http://heylisten.org/ROM/android/htc/dinc"]HeyListen.org ROM Index[/URL]
Also, IncDoes Desire HD was abandoned a while ago, the Desire Z ports have more features, less bugs, and are more stable. I don't think anyone still uses the DHD version.
I've added a few.
A good 1/3'rd of that list were ones that were already listed here.
Many of them had issues to where I can't put them up because of dead links, or because there was no thread/pics/description, just a file for the ROM.
But the ones I could add I did.
Please change "LiquidMetal" to "LiquidMetal / LiquidLight".
Nice list. Thanks!
POQbum said:
I've tried to rank the popularity of the ROM's by having the more popular ones first in their different categories.
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Curious what criteria you use to evaluate popularity.
Based on the list of ported ROM's I may as well quit even though I have had thousands of downloads.
NilsP said:
Curious what criteria you use to evaluate popularity.
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Combination of OP date, thread views and replies. I put the list together hastily and have been tweaking things to it since I posted it like 2 days ago based on suggestions.
Well.. I decided the rankings are not a good idea as there's no way to really check peoples ratings on each ROM and no way to see how many people have downloaded each one. So the rankings were just a bad idea in the first place.
I did also notice the Sense ports were poorly ranked, but I think it's best just to leave them all here and let people decide instead of popularity rank having any sort of influence.

Comparison of different custom ROMs?

Is there a thread with a basic comparison of the different ROMs available for the MT4G and what the major differences/advantageous/disadvantageous are?
tmagritte said:
Is there a thread with a basic comparison of the different ROMs available for the MT4G and what the major differences/advantageous/disadvantageous are?
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You should do a little research on your own, most people will flame you for this question seeing how all the info you ask are already on these forums.
You can either A. Check the rom development section and see what all the roms have to offer and compare them from there or B. Flash and test yourself
I was hoping maybe someone had written an introductory guide for noobs that I had missed that might save me a lot of reading/testing. Based on your response, that doesn't seem to be the case, so lots and lots of reading for me it is...
tmagritte said:
I was hoping maybe someone had written an introductory guide for noobs that I had missed that might save me a lot of reading/testing. Based on your response, that doesn't seem to be the case, so lots and lots of reading for me it is...
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No one has sat down and written a guide as far as what ROM has what feeling to it.
Cyanogen is a AOSP ROM. Plain Jane Android, nothing fancy. Just works and does a quick job of it
Iced Glacier is a slimmed down variant of the MySense that comes on the phone
Gorilla, IIRC, is a traditional Sense ROM
and the last popular one is a MiUi (pronounced My You Eye) rom...
I could be wrong on the last two.. but yea... there is alot of reading to see what you like. Typically you will not find write ups on ROMs because of biased opinions.
Here's my quickie breakdown... Just my opinion (I have not used all of them myself)
Froyo based (Android 2.2.x)
HTC Sense/Expresso ROMs:
Stock - stripped down version of the HTC Sense UI, very fast, but filled with T-mobile BLOATWARE, Sense UI experience is limited.
Ice Glacier - same as above with BLOATWARE removed and ROM optimized.
Desire HD/Z/Thunderbolt - FULL Sense UI experience, a bit slower than STOCK, but with lots of Eye Candy... Great for beginner users who wants all the bells and whistles. Desire Z's Sense UI can work in landscape, but because of it, it is also the slowest of all Sense UIs.
CM6, G2 - Your AOSP ROMs (Google ROMs) totally striped down to bare minium.
Very very fast, but without ANY eye candies or fancy UI's. Some like it due to their speed, some hate it because of lack of Eye Candies.
MIUI - This is a Chinese invented UI which very closely resemble Apple's iOS UI. So for former Apple users, this would seem most intuitive to them.
LiquidMetal - This is an Acer Exclusive UI. It is also very fast because the Framework for it is fairly light weight. It is kinda unusual so takes time to get used to it. Some like it because its FRESH some hate it because it is VERY different from Sense UI.
Gingerbread based (Android 2.3.x)
CM7 - AOSP bare minimum Android... Super fast because its the latest greatest, no eye candies but highly customizable with stuff from users and market place....
Anyways, just my 2 cents...
Wow, great summaries, thanks so much!
I had no idea the stock MT4G ROM isn't the full Sense UI...
Me either! What differences are there between stock sense ui on the MT4G and a 'full' version of sense ui on the other roms?
And thanks for that little breakdown, very helpful
faux123 said:
Here's my quickie breakdown... Just my opinion (I have not used all of them myself)
Froyo based (Android 2.2.x)
HTC Sense/Expresso ROMs:
Stock - stripped down version of the HTC Sense UI, very fast, but filled with T-mobile BLOATWARE, Sense UI experience is limited.
Ice Glacier - same as above with BLOATWARE removed and ROM optimized.
Desire HD/Z/Thunderbolt - FULL Sense UI experience, a bit slower than STOCK, but with lots of Eye Candy... Great for beginner users who wants all the bells and whistles. Desire Z's Sense UI can work in landscape, but because of it, it is also the slowest of all Sense UIs.
CM6, G2 - Your AOSP ROMs (Google ROMs) totally striped down to bare minium.
Very very fast, but without ANY eye candies or fancy UI's. Some like it due to their speed, some hate it because of lack of Eye Candies.
MIUI - This is a Chinese invented UI which very closely resemble Apple's iOS UI. So for former Apple users, this would seem most intuitive to them.
LiquidMetal - This is an Acer Exclusive UI. It is also very fast because the Framework for it is fairly light weight. It is kinda unusual so takes time to get used to it. Some like it because its FRESH some hate it because it is VERY different from Sense UI.
Gingerbread based (Android 2.3.x)
CM7 - AOSP bare minimum Android... Super fast because its the latest greatest, no eye candies but highly customizable with stuff from users and market place....
Anyways, just my 2 cents...
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This should be stickied on the rom bible!
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

best rom for hero with eye candy and usability???

My daughter is 16 and a techie. she is running stock 2.1 on her hero. Recently, she ran out of room on her phone for memory because with stock 2.1, you can not move apps to the sd card. is there a program or a rom, that offers everything the stock rom has, PLUS the ability to move apps from phone to sd card?????
mookiemoo said:
My daughter is 16 and a techie. she is running stock 2.1 on her hero. Recently, she ran out of room on her phone for memory because with stock 2.1, you can not move apps to the sd card. is there a program or a rom, that offers everything the stock rom has, PLUS the ability to move apps from phone to sd card?????
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I think liquidsense has apps2sd, or if she's willing to give up Sense then cyanogen 7 does.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Ginger-on-Hero action here!
what is sense?
thanks for your reply, but what is sense? is it significant enough not to be without or what?
Sense is the user interface that came with the phone. It is made by HTC and is found on most HTC phones (EVO 4G, EVO Shift 4G, HTC Incredible, etc). It's an Android skin/theme and more. The notification bar theme, Sense widgets (weather, flip clock, etc), dialer application, messaging app, etc are all unique to Sense only. I say it's more than a skin/theme because there are differences in functionality in addition to looks.
Motorola makes MotoBlur, but no one likes it. Samsung makes TouchWiz. They all offer a different Android experience.
AOSP (Android Open Source Project), aka "Vanilla Android" is Android in its purest form, the OS that the above build over.
It's hard to describe, you have to see the difference for yourself. This thread isn't comprehensive at all but shows the general sense of the differences.
sense is the HTC home integration. there are other AOSP options available, AND, firerat's allows users to modify the internal storage space, in most cases making app2sd null. there are also lots of themes for AOSP gingerbread flavors like CM7. those AOSP options won't have sense.
ok, so is there a general preference from users? do more tend to prefer the sense roms or aosp roms? I want her to be able to download apps with ease, not have to flash them, want her camera to work and all major functions. i read one thread on sense 2.2 rom but it appeared that the camera still does not work. I am trying to obtain a rom that has all functions working, and the ability to move apps from phone to sd card much like i can with froyo 2.2.1. does this help narrow down what i am looking for?
As far as I know, there isn't a fully functional Sense rom past Eclair (2.1). A lot of users prefer AOSP roms, as Sense is a resource hog and it's heavy. CM7 and asopMod are both excellext roms, though cm runs better on my device for whatever reason. If you get an AOSP rom, you'll need to flash it and the gapps.zip to get the market and such because Android is open source, Googles apps are not.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Ginger-on-Hero action here!
My favorite sense rom is zenEXP 0.9.7. You can find the download link by searching for it on Google.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
I liked CM7+AOSP rom http://http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=864403 which has pretty features, and working apps (camera, navigation, sms, etc.) and it's very customizable
mookiemoo said:
ok, so is there a general preference from users? do more tend to prefer the sense roms or aosp roms? I want her to be able to download apps with ease, not have to flash them, want her camera to work and all major functions. i read one thread on sense 2.2 rom but it appeared that the camera still does not work. I am trying to obtain a rom that has all functions working, and the ability to move apps from phone to sd card much like i can with froyo 2.2.1. does this help narrow down what i am looking for?
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Sir, I would recommend CM7
Everything works on that, gps, camera, wifi, bluetooth etc etc. Plus it has
ability to move apps to SD. Very stable, fast and actively being developed.
aospCMod which is a mixture of asop and CM7
It has everything working as well so You can't go wrong with this one
either. (This is my current rom)
You would only have to Flash the google apps once and after that She
will be able to to download apps from market like she normally does
right now with her sense rom. I believe I have answered all your questions.
Please free to ask if you have any more questions. Both of these roms
are so fast that she will never miss sense again!!!
Download adw launcher from the market. After its installed press the home key and choose adw. Don't check the box. Click ok. This is what is used in most aosp roms. If you go the aosp way you'll have to find alternatives to the sense widgets that look similiar if that's what she likes. There are plenty out there. CM7 and anything built off of 2.2 or 2.3 has native apps to SD, meaning you won't need to partition the sdcard. There are a couple.of sense roms still being updated, but the majority have moved on to aosp or CM7. These also seem to feel smother than a Sense based ROM. I would still prefer a sense based ROM, though.
Sent from my soon-to-be EVO 3D
I am using aospCMOD20110523 and its running great for me. Its fast and my battery life is way better.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
JesterGrafix said:
I am using aospCMOD20110523 and its running great for me. Its fast and my battery life is way better.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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Yes, I am also using the same release and my experience is
same as yours =]
When the Gingerbread Sense 2.1 ROM is fixed up a little bit more I would definitely recommend using that.
