Factory exchange - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

First off I apologize for asking such a dumb question, but I always like to be well informed. As I mentioned in my other post, I am still a noob. I have gotten to a comfortable point with my custom Rom and o/c kernel. Now that I have gotten there, I was looking through some of the forums here and found that there are two display types made into the mytouch 4g. I ran the check in terminal and found that I have display type 1 which is said to be the bad type. A friend of mine who came over today bought his mt4g from eBay, and his is type 2. Major difference!! Now I believe I am going to put in for a warranty exchange for this phone, which brings my question, how can I go about making sure I get an exchange that is type 2 display, so that I don't go through the whole unrooting/exchange process for nothing?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

powduh09 said:
Now I believe I am going to put in for a warranty exchange for this phone, which brings my question, how can I go about making sure I get an exchange that is type 2 display, so that I don't go through the whole unrooting/exchange process for nothing?
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You can't; that's the risk you take. Some people have the type1 screen, some have minor body defects (chips in the bezel, non-centered FFC, squeaking, etc), etc...There are issues with this phone.
You roll the dice requesting a new one. Maybe the screen is your only issue. Maybe you get sent back a perfect phone, but odds are you won't and it will have some other minor flaw like a casing squeak, or some bezel chips, an off-center camera, or maybe everything. There is no guarantee made you will get a better (cosmetically, subjectively) phone by swapping it.
If the risk is worth the potential reward, go for it! Just don't get your hopes up too high . I have a type1 screen and having never seen a type2 except in screens/videos, don't miss anything. I have no other body defects, though, so it's not worth the hassle to me to swap it and hope I fix one problem without gaining 5 others.

Kline said:
You can't; that's the risk you take. Some people have the type1 screen, some have minor body defects (chips in the bezel, non-centered FFC, squeaking, etc), etc...There are issues with this phone.
You roll the dice requesting a new one. Maybe the screen is your only issue. Maybe you get sent back a perfect phone, but odds are you won't and it will have some other minor flaw like a casing squeak, or some bezel chips, an off-center camera, or maybe everything. There is no guarantee made you will get a better (cosmetically, subjectively) phone by swapping it.
If the risk is worth the potential reward, go for it! Just don't get your hopes up too high . I have a type1 screen and having never seen a type2 except in screens/videos, don't miss anything. I have no other body defects, though, so it's not worth the hassle to me to swap it and hope I fix one problem without gaining 5 others.
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Judging from what you've said, it isn't worth the risk. I do have a physically and cosmetically perfect phone, the only problem is the display. But if I have to deal with issues such as you mentioned, I am perfectly happy having the bad display. I only wish they had made all these phones with the better display. Now that I have actually seen one.
Also, I am on the phone with my friend now, who says though his screen is better, my phone out performs. This could be thanks to the guys responsible creating my Rom, however, he insists that his truly doesn't act like a mt4g at all... Almost makes me wander if there's
Already a knock off being made of these phones.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App


They're not hot pixels, it's dust!

Okay, so I've had a few Heros and sent them all back apart from the one I have now. The main reason for returning 5 Heros so far, was the quality of the screen. Basically there was dust under the screen. I initially thought it was stuck pixels but I'm now certain it's dust.
Dust is visible during the boot animation. It looks like stuck pixels; really bright little points of light. The reason they're visible during the boot animation is because for some reason, the backlight is up full when the phone boots. This will highlight little specks of dust which may not necessarily be visible at other times.
Now, I've noticed another type of dust speck. This kind is visible when the phone is off, or in sleep mode. This type of dust speck is lit by ambient light, so it is visible only when the screen is off, or showing a black image etc, in bright daylight.
So logically, this would lead me to believe that there are at least 2 layers of screen into which dust can find its way and consequently show itself up differently; either highlighted by the screen backlight (like during the boot animation) or highlighted against the screen by ambient light.
When I got the Hero I'm currently using, I was glad to have finally received one with no screen dust. 2 days later, and I have 2 specks of dust, one of each type, both on the left hand side of the screen. This is B.S. because I'm obsessive about screen imperfections, and if dust is getting in now then what's it gonna look like in a month, or 10 months?
Why do HTC have such bad quality control? Or why have they made a screen that isn't sealed so any dust, lint or any other pocket sh*t combination thereof can get inside and irritate the hell out of me? This makes HTC look like amateurs. My SE P1 has sat in my pocket for 2 years and still has a visibly perfect screen.
I am now considering disassembling the handset to impliment my own cleaning and sealing of the internals. Does anyone know if there exists in circulation a technical manual for the Hero?
I had a feeling they weren't hot/dead pixels - 'cos they're only noticable to me when I adjust the viewing angle and blast my brightness up to full and on a black screen/image.
I think it should be accepted that the phone is a load of crap and that it's not going to be able to live up to what was promised.
tatwamasi said:
I think it should be accepted that the phone is a load of crap and that it's not going to be able to live up to what was promised.
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and who cares what you think?
Its actually a cracking phone despite some teething problems and i have had some, many people have had NO problems at all.
Its NEVER sensible to buy any new product when it first comes out as you often get initial 1st production run issues, especially in complex devices
so your basically talking out of your crack
My Nokia E71 had the same problem. The screen (what you think is the screen) is a protective glass/plastic sheet and the dust can get behind it (between it and the lcd). I only got it sorted when the dust built up so bad and it took the repair shop about 15 minutes to fix.
spacecat said:
and who cares what you think?
Its actually a cracking phone despite some teething problems and i have had some, many people have had NO problems at all.
Its NEVER sensible to buy any new product when it first comes out as you often get initial 1st production run issues, especially in complex devices
so your basically talking out of your crack
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spacecat said:
and who cares what you think?
Its actually a cracking phone despite some teething problems and i have had some, many people have had NO problems at all.
Its NEVER sensible to buy any new product when it first comes out as you often get initial 1st production run issues, especially in complex devices
so your basically talking out of your crack
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No need to be rude.
On topic, I'm not sure how many more things need to be wrong with this handset before you'd agree with me. Aside from the all the hardware faults being reported people are recommending turning off widgets and apps (what's the point in multitasking if it takes twice as long?) and deleting parts of the OS to get it to run at something approaching smoothly. I know there are updates due but right now pretty much anything you want to do with the phone seems to be flawed. (funnily enough I'd finished typing the "anything" before my phone displayed "a" on the sceen).
Fair enough if you're loving it (though I could uncharitably say who cares what you think) but there's no way I'd recommend this phone to a friend.
I think you should accept that your talking crap, go on any site about any new tech and people are slagging it off this works that doesnt etc etc.
You will also find lots of people saying its great.
Now your backtracking on your own post , what if the update makes its great your going to look an even bigger twat than you look now.
Phone has been barely out a couple of months
tatwamasi said:
No need to be rude.
On topic, I'm not sure how many more things need to be wrong with this handset before you'd agree with me. Aside from the all the hardware faults being reported people are recommending turning off widgets and apps (what's the point in multitasking if it takes twice as long?) and deleting parts of the OS to get it to run at something approaching smoothly. I know there are updates due but right now pretty much anything you want to do with the phone seems to be flawed. (funnily enough I'd finished typing the "anything" before my phone displayed "a" on the sceen).
Fair enough if you're loving it (though I could uncharitably say who cares what you think) but there's no way I'd recommend this phone to a friend.
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spacecat said:
I think you should accept that your talking crap, go on any site about any new tech and people are slagging it off this works that doesnt etc etc.
You will also find lots of people saying its great.
Now your backtracking on your own post , what if the update makes its great your going to look an even bigger twat than you look now.
Phone has been barely out a couple of months
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tatwamasi, I know you are right with some points about the hardware faults and all but i guess ( i wont say i think ...lol) that every new phone that comes out at one point has them.
Buying a product just after its release is a risk to take if you know what i mean but hey who cares as long as the warantee is there
anyway, i think the htc hero is a great phone. Its just that many of us had high expectations. too much maybe. Many of us complain of the lag and stuff... so far i havent used any smartphone without one. of course you might mention the "iphone" to me but let me just say that i prefer a laggy phone with the capability of running applications on the background than a smooth one without the multitask capab.
Like spacecat said, i am sure there'll be an update to fix these things.
Here here!
Awsome Handset! Awsome O/S!
Teething issues to be epected with all devices of this stature!
and if you implement the correct apps and methods your lag issues are solved! (e.g swapper + Taskill) Simpuls! Worked for me
I know as I, most of the guys here on XDA have been running winmo for donkeys and android is a breath of fresh air!
This is XDA-DEVEPLOPERS lets stop *****ing and do something productive.....
P.S.... come on, really Dust in the screen you evven admitted you cannot see it while in normal operation
spacecat said:
I think you should accept that your talking crap, go on any site about any new tech and people are slagging it off this works that doesnt etc etc.
You will also find lots of people saying its great.
Now your backtracking on your own post , what if the update makes its great your going to look an even bigger twat than you look now.
Phone has been barely out a couple of months
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In no way did I backtrack. I can't be bothered to argue with you though. Bye!
tatwamasi said:
I think it should be accepted that the phone is a load of crap and that it's not going to be able to live up to what was promised.
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Let me know of a product that doesn't live up to what was promised. Oh and please explain your meaning of 'promised'
Can I be the ref here and step in with some points that can't really be denied.
1. Dust under screen: Unacceptable. Heard of quality control? Shoddy screen manufacture is fine, even expected in a handset from Tesco that costs £10. Not in the £400 HTC Android flagship.
2. Screen gap. Also unacceptable. I don't even need to explain why.
3. Early adoption = expect problems. I disagree. This is true in practice but not in principle. I didn't pay £400 to be a beta tester. If you can't get the tolerances/design/software sorted out for the first batch then don't sell any until you do.
I'll be the first to say that the Hero is one of the best handsets out there if not THE best, but these little manufacturing issues are a huge fail.
I feel your pain.
Since over a month I want to buy the HTC Hero. At different shops I checked about 7 or 8 devices - all had at list a single dust spot under the screen.
Completely agree with you, that is unacceptable. It doesn't take much in the manufacturing process to secure a dust-free environment.
So, as long as HTC is not able to provide a dust-free screen, I won't buy a HTC device.
I'll have another look at a new shipment when my dealer calls me. That will be it.
Dust under the screen is very irritating especially in bright daylight.
My eyes get fixated on it, can't help it! How much easer can life be for others who just don't care or just don't see it.
panmores said:
I feel your pain.
My eyes get fixated on it, can't help it! How much easer can life be for others who just don't care or just don't see it.
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Well i have no dust under the screen. ( touch wood touch gold) . Maybe because the protective shield i applied on my screen goes slightly beyond the screen, thus covering the gaps and everthing. It is hardly noticable if u ask me.
deeren said:
Well i have no dust under the screen. ( touch wood touch gold) . Maybe because the protective shield i applied on my screen goes slightly beyond the screen, thus covering the gaps and everthing. It is hardly noticable if u ask me.
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For most peoples' cases, the dust was there before they received the phone - i.e. during the manufacturing process. For me, the dust is not such a big deal as it's not causing any problems with my day-to-day usage. Only when the dust starts to cause dead pixels, will I worry. But for now, I'm loving my Hero (even more so, now with Paul's latest 1.4.1 custom ROM) to bits!
tatwamasi said:
I think it should be accepted that the phone is a load of crap and that it's not going to be able to live up to what was promised.
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lmao, spoken like a true sadass.
Fact is when a phone comes out for the first month it isn't really what anyone expects, phones are always hyped up to be more than they are, or how would they sell? Happened with the Touch HD, Touch Pro, Touch Diamond, Touch Pro 2, heck, it was even with the iPhone for much much longer till Apple pulled their finger out.
The recent update from MoDaCo (1.4.1) has vastly improved things, and this isn't even the official update and its only the 1st update.
This phone lives up to my expectations because I was on earth, not somewhere out there drifting in space.
There are still issues with the phone, but like with all custom roms, they address the problems. Thanks Paul and all the developers / users out here who are feeding back problems to HTC and then fixing them for us great owners.
Oh, back on Topic. I had one spec which only showed on startup, but its gone now so I guess it was just dust. I wasn't bothered though, couldn't tell it was there in use.
Oh come on, worst reception of any handset I've ever had (across 5 separate Heroes) and build quality standards through the floor are the hallmarks of the Hero in my experience.
That's not taking into account the software issues (which I could stomach knowing that there's an update on the way).
Sorry if those things are to be expected, it's just that I've never had so many issues with a handset, but apparently it's standard? Oh well, welcome to your world then, I guess I should expect nothing to work when I buy it and hope it gets sorted later. It's unfortunate that this has been my introduction it's just that previously, everything did just work! (With the exception of the crappy camera on my W960i, that was much better after the update).
I appreciate that people feel some kind of bizarre emotional attachment to their purchases but I don't get why they'd say "I happened to get a good one so it doesn't matter! You have no right to be disappointed" when the issues are real and out there.
Perhaps it was naive of me to expect my text messages to arrive, for video playback to work and for me to be able to make phone calls on my phone (especially when the same SIM delivers decent reception in the same spot in another phone) but it does significantly diminish the experience for me. Camera's better than I thought it'd be, I'll give it that.
Either way, I'm not crying about it and my comment was meant to be flippant. Allowing myself to see my phone as a piece of crap that isn't going to work properly has given me the opportunity to chill out about it and not get annoyed. It's just a phone, oh well. I was hoping it'd be able to replace my iPod but I guess it won't be able to.
And that is how I made peace with the Hero. With any luck the significant issues in software will be sorted in the update. Until they are, I don't think I could possibly recommend it though and right now, I think I should have got an iPhone. C'est la vie.
Was that spoken like a true Sadass? Hope you got a big laugh if so.
I had initial issues LED failure, but it has since been repaired and the video playback is poor.
Otherwise im loving it , great form factor/design balance between screensize and phone size.
internet is superb on the browser and tethered to my laptop,
phone calls and messaging/emails work great and im lovin the apps and market place.
Love the customisable 7 screens no lag that i have noticed.
Best phone i have ever had YES perfect NO but what is..... if the update improves the video i dont know how i could fault it right now
tatwamasi said:
Oh come on, worst reception of any handset I've ever had (across 5 separate Heroes) and build quality standards through the floor are the hallmarks of the Hero in my experience.
That's not taking into account the software issues (which I could stomach knowing that there's an update on the way).
Sorry if those things are to be expected, it's just that I've never had so many issues with a handset, but apparently it's standard? Oh well, welcome to your world then, I guess I should expect nothing to work when I buy it and hope it gets sorted later. It's unfortunate that this has been my introduction it's just that previously, everything did just work! (With the exception of the crappy camera on my W960i, that was much better after the update).
I appreciate that people feel some kind of bizarre emotional attachment to their purchases but I don't get why they'd say "I happened to get a good one so it doesn't matter! You have no right to be disappointed" when the issues are real and out there.
Perhaps it was naive of me to expect my text messages to arrive, for video playback to work and for me to be able to make phone calls on my phone (especially when the same SIM delivers decent reception in the same spot in another phone) but it does significantly diminish the experience for me. Camera's better than I thought it'd be, I'll give it that.
Either way, I'm not crying about it and my comment was meant to be flippant. Allowing myself to see my phone as a piece of crap that isn't going to work properly has given me the opportunity to chill out about it and not get annoyed. It's just a phone, oh well. I was hoping it'd be able to replace my iPod but I guess it won't be able to.
And that is how I made peace with the Hero. With any luck the significant issues in software will be sorted in the update. Until they are, I don't think I could possibly recommend it though and right now, I think I should have got an iPhone. C'est la vie.
Was that spoken like a true Sadass? Hope you got a big laugh if so.
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Hold my hands up on that one, I thought you were only talking about software issues, not hardware, so I apologise.
I completely understand where you are coming from regarding hardware, seems HTC have had issues on a couple of their latest phones, Diamond 2, Pro 2.
I had a Touch Pro 2 and after the 5th, I gave up and got a refund. The hinges were loose, faulty, slack. The screen had actual dead pixels. Keyboards faulty. Screen loose.
Other than moving back to my Touch HD which was perfect in every way (after having custom rom made, and it really needed Windows Mobile 7 to make it perfect), I thought the Hero was the next step.
Hardware wise, for me, it is. It is perfectly built, feels solid in my hand, screen nice and clear, reception perfect for me (same as all other HTC devices I've had and my iPhone 3g).
I know some people have had major issues with phones and the majority seem to be the people with Orange's Graphite branded phones, gaps in screens, poor reception etc and it must be certain production lines causing the issue.
Hopefully more roms coming out will make the software spot on, but as for hardware, they all need sending back as £400 is a lot for a phone, like I said about the Touch Pro 2, when your paying that much for a phone you expect it to be perfect (hardware).
Aside from the hardware, there is so much achieved in this latest update from MoDaCo (1.5) and more and more software on the Market everyday, software will be 110% in the near future.
Hope your hardware issues get sorted, send it back!!

[Q] How Loose is Your Hinge?

The subject of this thread says it all, how loose is the hinge on your G2?
Very Loose = keyboard opens on its own, doesn't remain closed when held upside down or sideways, screen wobbles when typing on it
Loose = keyboard opens with some effort (jiggling/shaking), opens a little bit when held upside down or sideways
Not Loose = keyboard feels secure, doesn't open on its own, keyboard remains closed when held upside down or sideways
Mine = very loose (after one week of use)
I think you need to add some objective qualifiers/descriptions for each of the categories to make this thread even remotely meaningful. The descriptions in the poll choices are completely subjective. What makes "extremely loose" different from " somewhat loose" or "not loose"? For instance, I've read some people's screens wobble when the keyboard is open and they are typing. Does yours do that? Is it looser now that one you first received it?
Mines not at all then again I don't really use the keyboard. I can hold it upside down and it won't unhinge, it does feel wobbly whenever I type on the keyboard though.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
redpoint73 said:
I think you need to add some objective qualifiers/descriptions for each of the categories to make this thread even remotely meaningful.
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Added some definitions to the choices. If you have anything that should be added/changed let me know. I'd really like to make this poll beneficial for all of us.
redpoint73 said:
Does yours do that? Is it looser now that one you first received it?
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Mine is very loose. It was nice & tight when I first got it, but about one week after receiving it (brand new) it's now very loose.
mine is pretty loose. it was when I got it and it hasn't gotten any worse. at first I was really annoyed but honestly, I got used to it and don't care anymore. I know that might sound hard to believe but it's true for me at least.
it only comes open at a strange angle that its never actually in. I can make it come open by itself but it never has just during regular use. the only part that still bothers me really that there is a give to the screen when using the touchscreen with the keyboard out. but just in terms of functionality, there's really no effect.
Please make sure you vote by selecting one of the radio buttons at the top of the first page.
Also worth mentioning about my phone is that it opens slightly when I pick it up from a flat surface (e.g. desk, table), so I have to remind myself to pick it up from the bottom of the phone versus just the top or sides.
My impression from reading the various threads on this topic is that the phone is not designed to stay closed when held upside-down or sideways. I haven't seen anybody mention theirs staying closed under these conditions. But I would be curious to hear if there are some like that.
Mine opens by itself when upside-down or sideways. But I have to try very intentionally to hold only the keyboard part, and not touch the screen part at all. Its so awkward and unnatural to hold the phone this way, that I'm on the verge of dropping the phone. Its never opened unintentionally from normal use. The screen does not wobble at all when the keyboard is open. I guess that makes mine "somewhat loose". The phone is exactly one month old, and the looseness does not see to have changed over that time period.
redpoint73 > Does your screen open up at all when you pick up your phone when it's laying down on a table or other flat surface? That's what bothers me the most about this loose hinge. Every time I pick up my phone I am reminded at how loose the hinge is.
dustrho said:
redpoint73 > Does your screen open up at all when you pick up your phone when it's laying down on a table or other flat surface? That's what bothers me the most about this loose hinge. Every time I pick up my phone I am reminded at how loose the hinge is.
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Maybe just a tiny bit (almost imperceptibly). Only noticeable by the fact that if I drop the phone lightly in the palm of my hand, I can hear the two halves "flop" back together lightly. This is the only case where I can raise a criticism (and a very minor one at that) regarding the hinge. I would prefer it to be tighter in the closed position, but it really doesn't bother me. Mostly only when I read threads like this that make me think about it
redpoint73 said:
Maybe just a tiny bit (almost imperceptibly). Only noticeable by the fact that if I drop the phone lightly in the palm of my hand, I can hear the two halves "flop" back together lightly. This is the only case where I can raise a criticism (and a very minor one at that) regarding the hinge. I would prefer it to be tighter in the closed position, but it really doesn't bother me. Mostly only when I read threads like this that make me think about it
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Have you thought about adding adhesive magnetic tape to your phone? There are threads that go into detail about that, and I think I'm going to give it a shot.
dustrho said:
Have you thought about adding adhesive magnetic tape to your phone? There are threads that go into detail about that, and I think I'm going to give it a shot.
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I saw that thread. I don't know if it bothers me enough to add magnets. I would also be concerned about the effect the magnets would have on the phone's magnetic compass.
My one would go to "very loose" categorie :-( Keeping in mind that my phone is just 3 weeks old, it's realy sad...
Sent from my HTC Desire Z, using magic XDA app
I did an online chat with a TMO rep today, and will be doing an exchange for my phone. Unfortunately they will be shipping me a refurbished one, even though my phone is just one week old. The TMO rep stated that "the loose hinge is a known issue," and if that's the case why are they not exchanging this phone with a new one? Seriously pisses me off.
Don't you have trading standards or some regulatory body like that who can advise on your rights? A refurbished item in exchange for something a week old?.... that wouldn't happen here in the UK.
Mine is firm. and I got mine the first day radio shack started selling them which was 3 months ago if I remember correctly never had a problem texting upside down at all and never oppend byitself and best of all never exchanged it either 8D
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
dustrho said:
I did an online chat with a TMO rep today, and will be doing an exchange for my phone. Unfortunately they will be shipping me a refurbished one, even though my phone is just one week old. The TMO rep stated that "the loose hinge is a known issue," and if that's the case why are they not exchanging this phone with a new one? Seriously pisses me off.
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Don't stand for that. Call, talk to technical support, state your case and when they tell you they can't do anything because it's a known issue, ask for a supervisor, or customer loyalty.
They will send you a new phone, but I can assure you that the hinge will be just as loose as the one your exchanging it for. I'm 100% convinced it's designed that way.
For those who don't know me here, I previously owned the MT4G. I experienced major issues with the phone and exchanged it a total of FOUR times, meaning I had in my possession (not at once) a total of five MT4Gs. The first four phones had incredibly bad creaking buttons, the fifth one had perfect buttons but a washed out display. I refused to continue going the route of MT4G swapping, so they suggested me going with a different phone, and I chose the G2. The G2 they sent me arrived last week, brand new in a prestine unopened box. The hinge was perfect, not too tight and definitely not loose like it is now. Each day it got a little bit looser, and now it's just ridiculously loose to the point that it opens no matter how I hold it.
So, maybe they're shipping me this refurb because I've already gone through so many exchanges, but two of their top phones have so many issues that it just makes me sick. With all the issues with the G2, MT4G and Vibrant, I'm shocked I haven't heard about any lawsuits against TMO. Or at the very least, I think TMO should be proactive about this and admit that there are problems with these phones, and that they should be more than willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the customer is happy. I have to say I was treated very well during all those MT4G exchanges, and I feel they did everything they could to make sure I was a happy customer. But, I'm still not thrilled being told that I need to accept a refurb for a G2 that was technically brand new and just one week old.
digital_exhaust said:
They will send you a new phone, but I can assure you that the hinge will be just as loose as the one your exchanging it for. I'm 100% convinced it's designed that way.
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My hinge is somewhat loose. It doesn't bother me at all, it doesn't affect daily use. I notice people on this forum and others are too caught up on this non-issue imo. Honestly if your one of those people where a loose hinge is gonna bother you, you might as well get another phone. No point in getting a replacement G2 for a loose hinge when its most likely gonna be the same.
boost3d23 said:
I notice people on this forum and others are too caught up on this non-issue imo. Honestly if your one of those people where a loose hinge is gonna bother you, you might as well get another phone. No point in getting a replacement G2 for a loose hinge when its most likely gonna be the same.
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It is an issue because some people have received a G2 that has no problems whatsoever with the hinge and others have received a G2 with a loose hinge (like myself). I'd be totally fine with the phone if everyone's phone was the same, but knowing that some have a normal/strong hinge (not loose) and mine is super loose makes me feel like I'm not getting exactly an issue-free phone. No way in hell was this phone designed to be loose like that. It shouldn't open up the second I pick it up off the table, but no matter how I pick it up or hold it the screen moves around or opens up. It's just not right. If it stayed closed until I gave it some force to actually open up, I'd be totally fine with it. Once it's open the looseness doesn't bother me one bit, but I can't have a phone that refuses to stay closed when it should be closed.
As I understand it (so take this with a grain of salt), this isn't illegal (at least in the US) and is actually standard practice for many companies (to use refurbished stock for warranty replacements and new ones if that stock has been depleted). If you have ever filed a warranty claim on a defective laptop for example, odds are you will receive a refurbished one in replacement (or if they are repairing it by replacing the motherboard, it'll most likely be with a refurbished board). In fact most warranties (probably all) clearly state replacements may either be new or refurbished. This is probably why you haven't heard about any lawsuits. Add to this the fact that this particular issue is very subjective (as you've probably noticed just by how dismissive many of the users are on the forum with regards to the issue) and making a legal case becomes even tougher. Also, unless T-Mobile or HTC has officially stated this to be an actual defect (and not just an offhand comment of a customer support rep), they can simply say it was working as designed (or at least within the spec'ed tolerances). While it all definitely feels unfair in some situations, it's unfortunately just how it is with US consumer protection laws. They have no obligation to replace your unit with a new one, only a working one. I believe if the replacement they send you is defective as well, you can get a refund for the phone (T-Mobile's policy).
That being said, if you are upset about it, I agree that you should try talking to T-Mobile again. Make a big fuss about it to them. More times that not, they would rather appease the customer than lose one or face bad press. With your phone being only a week old, maybe you can ask if they would do something like issue you a refund and then place another order for a new phone?

Got a good display but slight light leak, should I bother?

Hey everyone:
I bought the MT4G from a retail store and it had the washed out display. Did my research, swapped it out for another, got a black one with a good panel 2 display, made in China, centered FCC.
But this one has slight light leaks around the genius button and home button when they are lit up.
I'm just looking for your honest opinion, should I even bother with the hassle of getting stock back on this phone, unroot it, and then swap it out again while I'm still within the 14 day return window?
I know that some will say this decision will have to do with personal preference, and the slight light leak doesn't bother me aesthetically, but I do worry about getting particles and water in the phone as I exercise a lot with my phone and where light leaks, stuff can also get in.
Thanks in advance for any opinions regarding this. Cheers
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
m00nshake said:
Hey everyone:
I bought the MT4G from a retail store and it had the washed out display. Did my research, swapped it out for another, got a black one with a good panel 2 display, made in China, centered FCC.
But this one has slight light leaks around the genius button and home button when they are lit up.
I'm just looking for your honest opinion, should I even bother with the hassle of getting stock back on this phone, unroot it, and then swap it out again while I'm still within the 14 day return window?
I know that some will say this decision will have to do with personal preference, and the slight light leak doesn't bother me aesthetically, but I do worry about getting particles and water in the phone as I exercise a lot with my phone and where light leaks, stuff can also get in.
Thanks in advance for any opinions regarding this. Cheers
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
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My honest opinion I have a good display but some light leaks around the home button. I have decided to say screw it and leave well enough alone I guess it all depends on if it bugs you bad enough to go through the swap out process.
No, as I stated in OP, it doesn't bother me too very much. I'm pretty much leaning towards your point of view, I've got a good display, screw dealing with the swap process.
In another thread, Phateless, responded a very good response when I posed the very same question. Prior to that, I thought my question would have been lost in the shuffle of all the other responses to the thread (Good Display v.s. Bad Display *I think*), so I created a new thread in Q/A, hoping for more responses to an OP instead.
He basically stated the warranty exchange program is a good way to get the perfect phone without having to give up your own phone first. I think this is a good way to go about it. I know I want the MT4G, even though the G2 looks pretty nice, I don't need the keyboard and the extra bulk that comes with it, and unlike a lot of folks, I dig Sense.

[Q] [DISCUSS] HD2 Damaged - Opinions Requested!

So over a trip I went on, my beautiful HD2 stopped working. I have my suspicions as to what caused the damage, but they still come off as odd. Basically, I had my HD2 working perfectly ... I went into the bathroom to take a shower ... and I guess it was steamier than usual [since I was in a different climate than usual] ... the next day the device would vibrate to indicate boot but only display a faint logo onscreen of the ROM I am using [meaning backlight broken] then it would turn off after trying to boot I guess. I checked out the phone, looked for damage or water or anything ... couldn't find anything significant. I did notice that the tags on the phone and batter, which I learned are for water detection, had turned red. That struck me as odd because it wasn't the first time I had the phone in the bathroom with me. In any case, at this point the device won't even turn on ... plugging in the charger does nothing. It is basically dead.
So I am going to T-Mobile tomorrow, see if they will be kind to me haha. I highly doubt it, because the tags don't lie .. regardless of whether or not I feel it was a valid case of "water damage".
So, if they give me warranty and provide me with a new HD2, then this thread will be useless, but under the assumption they don't ... I was wondering if the HD2 is the phone to stick with.
I think it is great and all, but I always wonder if there is something better.
I was reading that the Nokia N8 can be run on T-Mobile USA when unlocked, I am not sure of the truth behind that ... but the specs on that device look pretty awesome. I just don't like that it is a huge switch from WinMo/Andro/WP7 capabilities. It also doesn't have that XDA-Developers community backing.
That is basically all I was thinking in terms of alternatives ... any other thoughts?
Man that really sucks about your HD2, and that is very curious that the water indicators turned red. I also don't think you will get much love from T-Mobile either because of the water indicators. But I say get another HD2, I know it is starting to become a older device now but to me there is just no other phone out there that can stand up to the awesomeness of the HD2. Besides you know if you get anything besides a HD2 you will be kicking yourself in the butt later on for not getting another HD2.
The Nokia N8 will not keep you happy, there are issues with both the software and hardware, similarto the issues Nokia software has been displaying from the 5800/5530 software fiasco.
I would never go near a top range nokia - they have lost the plot over the last 2/3 years. all imho of course
I have a myTouch 4G/HTC Glacier and the phone is a beast. screen looks awesome(but not as big as hd2), hspa+, 768mb RAM, front facing camera, etc...lots of nice ROMS and great devs. Im running cm7 rc4 on mytouch and get 30+ hours on a full battery charge
So I went to T-Mobile today ... they instructed me to call Customer Care and they should be able to send me a new device. Looks like I am sticking to the HD2.
I am still curious though: I am aspiring to be a Software Developer (actually, Cornell CS '15 ), and for that reason I know the HD2 is a great phone for me [I think it is like 5 different OSes it can run]. I have been curious, because I haven't had the time to sit down and do this myself, which OS is best to have on NAND ... since now the HD2 can do WinMo, Andro, [and WP7?] on boot. I feel like WinMo is a great choice, because then I can use HARET to boot Android ... but then I can't use WP7. And if I choose WP7, then I am stuck with just that. And if I choose Andoird, then I am stuck with just that.
I dunno ... just something to ponder I guess Opinions are greatly appreciated
Keep checking this thread m8 for ppl's views on OS.
Cyclonezephyrxz7 said:
So I went to T-Mobile today ... they instructed me to call Customer Care and they should be able to send me a new device. Looks like I am sticking to the HD2.
I am still curious though: I am aspiring to be a Software Developer (actually, Cornell CS '15 ), and for that reason I know the HD2 is a great phone for me [I think it is like 5 different OSes it can run]. I have been curious, because I haven't had the time to sit down and do this myself, which OS is best to have on NAND ... since now the HD2 can do WinMo, Andro, [and WP7?] on boot. I feel like WinMo is a great choice, because then I can use HARET to boot Android ... but then I can't use WP7. And if I choose WP7, then I am stuck with just that. And if I choose Andoird, then I am stuck with just that.
I dunno ... just something to ponder I guess Opinions are greatly appreciated
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If you choose WP7, you can run Android off SD card via MAGLDR.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
So its official, adios HD2
I wish the device weren't so darn expensive! Unless I get paid as I am expecting for a little job I did recently, I may have to put off my hopes to get another HD2 for a while.
Anyone have any good recommendations of where to buy a New or LIKE New HD2 cheap? ... I can deal with superficial damage on the back-side, as long as the camera lens and the entire front side have NO damages to them [and of course the phone functions like new]. I have scavenged ebay a bunch today...best offer I could find was about 300$ for a brand new device, 280$ for a Like-New that fits my criteria ... 250$ for a like-new that is a little less appealing.
*note: changing the thread title so it doesn't seem to go off topic
Cyclonezephyrxz7 said:
So its official, adios HD2
I wish the device weren't so darn expensive! Unless I get paid as I am expecting for a little job I did recently, I may have to put off my hopes to get another HD2 for a while.
Anyone have any good recommendations of where to buy a New or LIKE New HD2 cheap? ... I can deal with superficial damage on the back-side, as long as the camera lens and the entire front side have NO damages to them [and of course the phone functions like new]. I have scavenged ebay a bunch today...best offer I could find was about 300$ for a brand new device, 280$ for a Like-New that fits my criteria ... 250$ for a like-new that is a little less appealing.
*note: changing the thread title so it doesn't seem to go off topic
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I may be willing to sell my hd2
So I ended up buying a new [Used] HD2. I was told that the only issue was the metal plate over the batter [which I saved from my old HD2] ... so I was fine with it. I just got it today, it had a few minor scratches on the screen as well as what i think is a tiny Crack. So I am debating putting up with it, or calling the guy up and asking him what is up with that...
I purchased it on eBay ... so I just wanted your opinion on this: I bought it pretty cheap [235$] in comparison to other offers on the site, and the description was:
HTC HD2 (T-Mobile) cell phone
Used but in overall excellent condition
The only issue is that the metal cover on the back has some scratches, nothing major, screen is excellent
Includes phone /w battery and charger only, charger is not the original HTC charger, but it works 100%t
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I called the guy up to ask a few questions: Is it just the back-plate that has superficial damage? Has the device been tested to work as though new? The screen has nothing on it? And the guy basically told me that the back-plate was the only issue. Now that I have the phone, though, there are those minor scratches, and that small crack on the screen, as well as the cover to the earpiece missing/worn so it is silver now, and also the top right and left corners have a bit of damage.
Basically, when I put the soft-shell cover I have over it [stock], I can't see any of the superficial things except the screen, so they don't bother me as much. After all, it was listed USED, so I expected so much. I am just concerned about the SCREEN. If it is a crack on the screen, it will just get worse with time, am I right? If it were a scratch I could deal with it MAYBE, but being a crack I just don't want to have to look towards buying a THIRD device later on due to a cracked screen ...
[by the way, this crack wasn't a result of shipping I think ... it was in a nice thick layer of bubble-wrap and none of the bubbles had popped.]
So what is your opinion? Should I call this guy up, see what the deal is? Or should I deal with it?
Opinions appreciated!
EDIT:: Here are some low-res photos [one close-up, one far away]. I had to use my Exca to take them, I couldn't find my camera
Swapping just the one piece is harder than swapping a glass digitizer screen combo, since to get them apart involves baking the phone for so many minutes at (I think it is) 60 degrees, then you will need to glue the new one back to the digitizer.its not just a simple swap. Plus the screen is the last piece in the stripdown process, EVERYTHING comes apart before you get to the screen.
If I were you I'd consider asking for some money back and live with the crack, or if he wont go for that tell him you want full refund. But you need to be quick, eBay will support your claim but leave it too long makes it look dodgy.
as for cracked screen getting progressively worse, that's not necessarily the case. I dropped mine ages ago (several months) and it now has around 8 or9 large cracks, all the way through the glass radiating from one corner all the way up to the top, and they are no worse now than when it happened, (i have a screen protector to save my fingers from possible sharp bits) though the rigidity has suffered greatly, and it now creaks and groans when it gets pressure in my pocket.
Yeah, I figured so much about the screen ... Turns out what I have is screen+digitizer, but the cable for the digitizer isn't in any condition where it will work again, haha. I didn't expect/want to do a screen-replace when I took apart my broken HD2.
Yeah, I know I have to act quickly for eBay to hold up a better case, in case the guy doesn't want to be easy about it. I just got the phone literally an hour ago in the mail.
I'll try to have some more higher-res photos up by tonight because I am still not sure if it is just a nasty scratch, or a crack...and as you can see my Excalibur doesn't exactly take a good picture haha. What I find odd is that usually a crack starts at the edge of the glass and progresses inwards, but this one starts in the middle of the screen and has like 3 little 'legs' of it coming out. I'm not scratch/crack expert so I can't really say ... I'll just have the photos up later.
Otherwise, I'll probably call the guy up tomorrow, see what the deal is/is going to be.
I would demand a Partial refund if you are happy enough with the phone.
If you get it, buy a zagg invisible shield screen protector to preven the crack from getting any worse. Had some good and bad luck with ebay purchases, but thats a story for another thread
Could be a pressure crack, I have a friend with a desire HD and he sat down with it in pocket, and a lighter against the screen, and he has a similar sounding crack, a few small cracks radiating out from a tiny central chip.
Okay, so I got the higher-res images ... the links are as follows:
I think that 280 shows it the best, the others give you a view of it in respect to the whole phone. It isn't huge or anything ... decently sized. When the screen is on, I really have to look to find it. Besides feeling it with my finger as I swipe over it, I wouldn't really be bothered by its being there. My friend said it seems more like a surface scratch, but unlike the other scratches, I can actually feel this one [which is why I think it is more like a crack]. Ohh semantics!
In any case, just another curious question. Seeing as I just got the phone, I haven't put on any custom ROM or anything, assuming I would have to settle an issue potentially, but I realized when trying to hook the phone up to my computer that the SD card didn't register. It had registered just fine earlier today, and at my friends house. Then I didn't use it for maybe 4 hours. Then just now it didn't register. It was fixed with a reboot. Is this likely an OS thing that will be fixed with a new flash of a better ROM [this is running a STOCK rom by the way]. This phone would be pretty limited without its MicroSD Card slot. I just want to make sure that if that is a hardware issue, I bring that up.
I guess this will be the final post/update:
I talked to the guy, and he offered me either to ship it back at my expense [but still get a full refund], or he could give me $25 for the inconvenience/hassle. Having really thought about it, looked at the scratch/crack. I took him up on the latter offer.
I guess it just means I should be more careful when using the phone. After all, its like I said: I can't notice it unless I look for it when the device is on. Its a shame that there was a crack on the screen, but for $200, I think it is a darn good bargain. Also, the MicroSD card slot has been working just fine...I think it was an OS thing. If the MicroSD card slot does turn out to be an issue, hopefully it is within the next 40 days, haha, so I can still get it covered by Buyer Protection. Further, I simply cannot find a price as good as that
So, I guess this is the end of this thread. Thanks to anyone who helped

Sigh.. Am I being too demanding?

I have had I think like 5 RMAs all with different things wrong.. My last one SEEMED perfect but it overheated a lot then suddenly developed a really loud creaking of the frame, so I asked for another and now this one is sooo close to perfect but it has minor minor screen lifting on the left, nothing like it was on the earlier ones, just barely, doesn't move much, do you think it will get worse over time or should I just stick with it cause it's mostly fine ? If the screen lift stays as it is then whatever it's not that bad and I plan on getting a new phone soon anyways so I won't be on my tablet 100% of the time, but if the screen lift worsens then it's unacceptable.. What do you guys think? Did anyone with minor screen lift notice it get worse? I might just try the opening the back to fix it myself at this point.
noneabove said:
I have had I think like 5 RMAs all with different things wrong.. My last one SEEMED perfect but it overheated a lot then suddenly developed a really loud creaking of the frame, so I asked for another and now this one is sooo close to perfect but it has minor minor screen lifting on the left, nothing like it was on the earlier ones, just barely, doesn't move much, do you think it will get worse over time or should I just stick with it cause it's mostly fine ? If the screen lift stays as it is then whatever it's not that bad and I plan on getting a new phone soon anyways so I won't be on my tablet 100% of the time, but if the screen lift worsens then it's unacceptable.. What do you guys think? Did anyone with minor screen lift notice it get worse? I might just try the opening the back to fix it myself at this point.
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I would just keep this almost perfect one. I'm in the same situation as you. I RMA'd until I got a nearly perfect N7 with no flaw other than minor screen lift. Mine hasn't gotten worse and it's been over a month now.
Sent from my Paranoid Nexus 7
RockNrolling said:
I would just keep this almost perfect one. I'm in the same situation as you. I RMA'd until I got a nearly perfect N7 with no flaw other than minor screen lift. Mine hasn't gotten worse and it's been over a month now.
Sent from my Paranoid Nexus 7
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Well that's promising then, yeah it's not even really bad right now it barely moves just a little high.. And assuming the next nexus isn't made my asus.. I will be getting it so that should offset anything wrong with my N7 Speaking of which though, does anyone remember any manufacturing defects with the samsung galaxy nexus ? Was it bad like this or can we hope for a smooth nexus release and this was just a fluke?
noneabove said:
Sigh.. Am I being too demanding?
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Its a pathetic $200, dude. Not to mention its built in the third world.
Keep the one you have and start using the dam thing. Geez!
After 5 RMA's Google should cancel all affiliation with you and tell you never to use ANY of their products EVER again.
na, if Google and Asus would of got it right the first time OP would not have to rma so much.
op, how long have you had your screen lift? has it stayed the same? I have had my nexus about a week. and have screen lift still deciding what to do
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
I just got my 6th Nexus today and I feel the same as you. It has screen lift, stuck pixels, back cover doesn't sit right, backlight bleed, and it has a big LCD mura smudge in the top left corner.
Part of me wants to just give up and get a refund but it would be such a great device if there weren't any faults. I have concluded that none of them are faultless however; many posters here reckon theirs are fault free but I have yet to see one. If you have had 5 RMAs it's only because you, like me, are someone who notices the faults and isn't in denial about them.
Every one of them (but for the smallest percentage) has screen lift to some degree. I'm sure other, more capable manufacturers will be releasing properly built tablets in the very near future though so keep that in mind. You should probably also consider the possibility that the screen lift and the design flaw that causes it will potentially cause other more serious defects to appear like a cracked screen for example.
If the N7 had a direct competitor, there's no way I would buy the Nexus with all the faults it has but as yet, it's the best 7 inch out there all things considered. Won't be difficult for other manufacturers to beat though, just make a tablet with same specs and no faults.
In all honesty if you can't live with the screen lift I would get a refund and wait for something better to come along. You're very unlikely to get one without some sort of fault.
Often people just receive other peoples faulty trade ins. So it might only be 1-2 defective units if that was the case.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Harry GT-S5830 said:
Often people just receive other peoples faulty trade ins. So it might only be 1-2 defective units if that was the case.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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I don't think this makes any sense, can you explain?
I would have given up after the second unit did not satisfy me.I am glad my first one works very well.
A case that covers the bezel takes car of any of those "slight screen lift" problems very well as I suspect it is just cosmetic in nature.jmo
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
Just saying.
But to answer your question....yes. You will never be satisfied with this device because of your experience, either real or perceived you will always be looking for a flaw. Better to move on with another device that better meets your expectations.
Whatever you decide, good luck.
There is no perfect tablet out there and all of them have something that is going to irritate someone. Get a refund and spend double on the "perfect Ipad" which has no flaws....ever(sarcasm). Again, nothing is perfect in the technology world.
James-NC said:
I would have given up after the second unit did not satisfy me.I am glad my first one works very well.
A case that covers the bezel takes car of any of those "slight screen lift" problems very well as I suspect it is just cosmetic in nature.jmo
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My case worked wonders for my minor lift, hasn't bothered me in weeks xD
Hemidroids said:
Its a pathetic $200, dude. Not to mention its built in the third world.
Keep the one you have and start using the dam thing. Geez!
After 5 RMA's Google should cancel all affiliation with you and tell you never to use ANY of their products EVER again.
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That seems a bit extreme.. I use the thing a lot, I love the device itself, I use it with 6+ hours of screen on time every day, I was just wondering if I was extremely unlucky.. This is the best one so far, my last one i thought was the best one but it became really loose after awhile...
motrinHD said:
na, if Google and Asus would of got it right the first time OP would not have to rma so much.
op, how long have you had your screen lift? has it stayed the same? I have had my nexus about a week. and have screen lift still deciding what to do
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
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Yeah I'm more annoyed with asus's factories and maybe also google for not monitoring the whole process..
I've had screen lift since the day I opened this one, but like I said it's not bad, it's like just barely reaching the silver part of the bezel, nothing like the original ones where it was above the bezel
Switchbitch said:
I just got my 6th Nexus today and I feel the same as you. It has screen lift, stuck pixels, back cover doesn't sit right, backlight bleed, and it has a big LCD mura smudge in the top left corner.
Part of me wants to just give up and get a refund but it would be such a great device if there weren't any faults. I have concluded that none of them are faultless however; many posters here reckon theirs are fault free but I have yet to see one. If you have had 5 RMAs it's only because you, like me, are someone who notices the faults and isn't in denial about them.
Every one of them (but for the smallest percentage) has screen lift to some degree. I'm sure other, more capable manufacturers will be releasing properly built tablets in the very near future though so keep that in mind. You should probably also consider the possibility that the screen lift and the design flaw that causes it will potentially cause other more serious defects to appear like a cracked screen for example.
If the N7 had a direct competitor, there's no way I would buy the Nexus with all the faults it has but as yet, it's the best 7 inch out there all things considered. Won't be difficult for other manufacturers to beat though, just make a tablet with same specs and no faults.
In all honesty if you can't live with the screen lift I would get a refund and wait for something better to come along. You're very unlikely to get one without some sort of fault.
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If this weren't a nexus device, I would have given up on it after the second RMA, hands down, but now the pros pretty much outweigh the cons, if my tablet stays in the condition it is for the forseeable future (until the next nexus tablet? haha) then I have no problem keeping it, despite the existing flaws. Also I'm considering the fact that when they eventually announce the next nexus phone that I will be picking it up pretty much right away, right now I have an older phone (htc desire Z) so I use my tablet like all the time when I'd be using my phone otherwise, even for texting often haha, so when I get a good phone I suspect it will offset my N7 usage and I won't care as much
James-NC said:
I would have given up after the second unit did not satisfy me.I am glad my first one works very well.
A case that covers the bezel takes car of any of those "slight screen lift" problems very well as I suspect it is just cosmetic in nature.jmo
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Yeah I need to get a case.. I just have a sleeve right now, I need to figure out which case is best and what I want it for.. I want something that doesn't add much bulk, and maybe one that can be a stand.. I saw one that was a rotating stand so you could set it up in both landscape and portrait and that one seemed cool cause most right now only show landscape :/
Hemidroids said:
Its a pathetic $200, dude. Not to mention its built in the third world.
Keep the one you have and start using the dam thing. Geez!
After 5 RMA's Google should cancel all affiliation with you and tell you never to use ANY of their products EVER again.
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Douchebag alert ^
First we (consumers) are spending our hard earned cash on this tablet whether its $200 or $2000. We shouldn't have to settle for a half assed put together product. Their quality sucks period and isn't acceptable. They need six sigma and six S present in their factories. I should be able to RMA till the dumb f#%@s get it right. This is my last Asus product.…
I don't think its demanding at all to expect a product that's not defective right out of the box brand new. If you are within the time period of exchange I don't see why you shouldn't take it back if you aren't happy with what you paid for. It took me 6 exchanges with GameStop to finally get one I'm happy with, that hasn't had an issue out of the box or pop up after a week. If you get a good one this tablet is worth it, at least to me, its essentially a 7" version of my phone which is why I didn't give up looking for a good one. Asus should have better QC in place so I shouldn't have to. I also had the Prime so I can tell you it stinks
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA
I dont wish to read all the posts, but my last one had a minor screen lift that I did not notice for 2 days, but I sent it back because we payed for a tablet that doesnt have a screen lift, thats what it comes down to, not to mention any lift does compromise the glass. My second one is perfect.
A TPU case will provide protection and overhang the lip a little so you don't see any lift.
TRY THE WASHER METHOD by making a few little plastic screw tabs. Pulled mine in nice and tight and it's now solid. I had real bad lift too and the bevel was also bowed on the side. Now everything is nice and straight. Great for a 5 minute fix.
As far as returns, returning something 5 times expecting different results is retarded (IMO). It is a manufacture defect where the screws are too long. They "solve" this by simply removing the screws (which is retarded too). So technically your aren't going to get a perfect device because they are all made that way. Sure there are some that don't have this (my first one) but chances are your going to have this on each one. So just fix it yourself. Big deal. It's easy and faster and BETTER then Asus' fix.
Dead Pixels or popped speakers or something that legitimately hinders your usage... yea exchange that sucker. A little screen lift isn't going to do anything.
I have not had any issues with mine at all, it is an August build. ASUS products have been good to me though. MY TF101 was also good. The power button was and does feel flimsy on that one though.
5 RMA's makes me think someone is looking at this with a magnifying glass and TRYING to find a reason to complain.
Hemidroids said:
Its a pathetic $200, dude. Not to mention its built in the third world.
Keep the one you have and start using the dam thing. Geez!
After 5 RMA's Google should cancel all affiliation with you and tell you never to use ANY of their products EVER again.
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i hope you are joking. If not your screen name fits you well ( Ooops thought it was hemroids) I dont care how much you pay for the device it should have had better quality control before going out to the public.
player911 said:
A TPU case will provide protection and overhang the lip a little so you don't see any lift.
TRY THE WASHER METHOD by making a few little plastic screw tabs. Pulled mine in nice and tight and it's now solid. I had real bad lift too and the bevel was also bowed on the side. Now everything is nice and straight. Great for a 5 minute fix.
As far as returns, returning something 5 times expecting different results is retarded (IMO). It is a manufacture defect where the screws are too long. They "solve" this by simply removing the screws (which is retarded too). So technically your aren't going to get a perfect device because they are all made that way. Sure there are some that don't have this (my first one) but chances are your going to have this on each one. So just fix it yourself. Big deal. It's easy and faster and BETTER then Asus' fix.
Dead Pixels or popped speakers or something that legitimately hinders your usage... yea exchange that sucker. A little screen lift isn't going to do anything.
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Yeah with this one I may just try the washer fix, especially since it seems reversible in the worse case scenario that my tablet breaks somehow.. or maybe I'll just cover it up or both, we'll see haha
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