Battery Charging - Epic 4G General

I noticed something recently. My epic used to SUCK with battery life and took really long to charge. I've flashed a few roms over with ext4 etc, but I am now on stock dk28, (rooted+cwm2.5). Now what I noticed is that my battery charges really fast now even with wifi. BUT i m kinda thinking that maybe the battery statistics are not right? The batery seems to stay charged for a good time now too. Now, I am wondering why this could be. Three things I'm thinking:
1. I remember switching batteries with a vibrant before but I thought I switched them back. I don't know maybe I didn't now that I think about it?
2.flashing roms at random times/ when the battery was low. BUT I did odin back to stock 2.1 after all this..
3.Battery conditioning?
Thanks guys for any feedback.
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What's really funny I just odined back today and I'm noticing really great battery life.
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when u flash to a new rom that significantly different than the previous rom you had you need to get your phone fully charged, power off and wait for it to complete charging again then boot into clockwork,unplug,wipe batt stats, boot and dont plug in untill the batt dies and phone powers off. This will let android gauge your batt....i've notice that flashing a new rom with a low charge seems to really throw off the bat stats

BopChie said:
when u flash to a new rom that significantly different than the previous rom you had you need to get your phone fully charged, power off and wait for it to complete charging again then boot into clockwork,unplug,wipe batt stats, boot and dont plug in untill the batt dies and phone powers off. This will let android gauge your batt....i've notice that flashing a new rom with a low charge seems to really throw off the bat stats
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That's not entirely accurate. Android gauges it on a full battery CYCLE. you don't have to go from full to dead. You should always start full though. You can run from full, to 50%, plug it in, back down to 50%. That would complete one full cycle. Theres a thread with all the info on it. I'd link it but I'm on my phone.
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JBakey said:
That's not entirely accurate. Android gauges it on a full battery CYCLE. you don't have to go from full to dead. You should always start full though. You can run from full, to 50%, plug it in, back down to 50%. That would complete one full cycle. Theres a thread with all the info on it. I'd link it but I'm on my phone.
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Gauges a full cycle, beeing the FULL cycle of the battery... i.e fully charged to fully drained... then it knows the capacity

That is all completely unnecessary. Just charge it to full, power off, boot into clockwork, wipe battery stats, restart. No other steps are required to calibrate your battery.

Or just simply use the phone normally and it will balance itself out naturally in a couple days. Charging is always quick for me "if" I'm not doing data and resource heavy tasks.
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I do bump charging or quick charging or whatever its called.
The hero would charge to like 35% in 10minutes. The epic only charges to like 5% in 10minutes lol
I hate the epic battery. But when its fully charged, it lasts the day for me.
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My epic battery used to be terrible, 4hours. But with little no changes im getting at least 12 hours or moderate use wifi, GPS, auto bright, and 3 or 4 widgets. i can only think that the battery has been conditioned.
Also i flashed the EB13 from here this morning with setCPU and i'm getting at least 4 more hours. Also charging is faster 30% in 60 minutes.


Wipe battery stats made it worse

I followed directions on what I thought to be a battery fix, but it ended up making my battery life twice as bad. Actually it takes longer to charge now than it does to drain.
Anyone else have this happen?
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I did the same thing, but I've only charged once and I didn't time it. I haven't been timing any of my charges or discharges, but maybe give it some more time, that's kind of how stats work isn't it....usage over time? Good luck.
Today I started at 100% (not a powered off full charge though). After 2 hours of moderate use I was down to 50%. I have been charging for an hour via car charger and currently at 67%.
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Not to be a dink, but then it would appear that you didn't follow the instructions. As a result, YMMV I guess.
1. You will need to charge the phone to 100% (while the phone is off).
2. Leave charging cable plugged in.
3. Boot into recovery and wipe the battery stats (should be under Advanced).
4. Then boot into Android.
5. Then remove the charging cable.
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Give it another shot, and I would suggest that maybe it not be thought of as a "fix". Try using the wall charger as well. I only use the wall charger as I have a converter in my vehicles. Let us know how it goes!
Wynnded said:
Not to be a dink, but then it would appear that you didn't follow the instructions. As a result, YMMV I guess.
Give it another shot, and I would suggest that maybe it not be thought of as a "fix". Try using the wall charger as well. I only use the wall charger as I have a converter in my vehicles. Let us know how it goes!
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Those are actually the directions that I followed yesterday afternoon. I didn't notice the battery life being any different after doing that initially. At the end of the day I charged my phone via wall charger for roughly 8 hours while I slept.
I was unplugged for less than two hours and watched it drop down 50%. Wifi was off, Gps also off. I was doing some web browsing and also using the xda app. I played a game for a couple of minutes.. That was it. I really should've checked the battery usage but I didn't think of it in time.
I only charged it in the car today out of necessity because of the super quick discharge. When I'm at home I only charge with the wall charger.
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I'd venture a guess that you have something else running the background. I honestly wish that I had something more for you, but I'm going to have to fold.
Wynnded said:
I'd venture a guess that you have something else running the background. I honestly wish that I had something more for you, but I'm going to have to fold.
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I've heard others say they found facebook or twitter running in the background and that when they killed that it made a big difference in battery life. Perhaps that?
WiFi set to never turn off
I noticed this morning that WiFi had been set to never sleep, I just changed that t 15 min.
Had a full 100% charge last night did not leave on the charger, minimal use this morning down to 78%.
Let's see how the new WiFi settings works.
oldman_58 said:
I noticed this morning that WiFi had been set to never sleep, I just changed that t 15 min.
Had a full 100% charge last night did not leave on the charger, minimal use this morning down to 78%.
Let's see how the new WiFi settings works.
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that doesn't do anything unless you leave wifi on all the time, and if you do then that would be one solution to this problem.
htc_woe_is_me said:
Those are actually the directions that I followed yesterday afternoon. I didn't notice the battery life being any different after doing that initially. At the end of the day I charged my phone via wall charger for roughly 8 hours while I slept.
I was unplugged for less than two hours and watched it drop down 50%. Wifi was off, Gps also off. I was doing some web browsing and also using the xda app. I played a game for a couple of minutes.. That was it. I really should've checked the battery usage but I didn't think of it in time.
I only charged it in the car today out of necessity because of the super quick discharge. When I'm at home I only charge with the wall charger.
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I experienced the exact same issue after doing the battery thing yesterday. Tried several different kernals since then - no change: I could just about watch the battery go down. This morning I wiped and loaded SR Sense 2.5.2 and the updated stock kernal from ROM manager. We'll see how it goes...
rfarrah said:
I experienced the exact same issue after doing the battery thing yesterday. Tried several different kernals since then - no change: I could just about watch the battery go down. This morning I wiped and loaded SR Sense 2.5.2 and the updated stock kernal from ROM manager. We'll see how it goes...
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I did this and just installed 2.5.2. I then installed the Hydra kernel and wiped battery stats when I was at 100% and the unit was off/green light. The battery has gone to crap too. Any ideas?
thats weird, i did wipe battery stats (correctly) at 11 last night. i woke up at 9:30 (lol) with 93% battery left. the phone was sleeping the whole time, but i had sync turned on and had recieved several facebook updates, txts, and emails. now im losing around 10%battery every two hours or so, and i am using the phone to send txts and emails every three to five minutes. so battery life is actually much better. after the cable is unplugged, is it necessary to let the battery die fully, then charge, or can i charge it now? (its at around 30%)
so basically, i was wondering if it is necessary to run your battery fully down after doing a wipe battery stats
I don't know what to tell you guys. Since wiping stats, my phone has been up for 36 consecutive hours with an awake time of 2:40 and the battery is at 30%.
For reference I guess....
SLOflatlander said:
so basically, i was wondering if it is necessary to run your battery fully down after doing a wipe battery stats
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Great question. Anyone have any knowledge on this? I didn't let mine discharge all the way.
I do have some kind of update. I had to do a factory wipe today and since I did that my battery life has been much better.
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Has anyone else done this that can report there results?
I was about to do this but now I am skeered.
It's completely impossible for wiping your battery stats to make your battery life worse. It's a common misconception that by wiping your battery stats you somehow condition your battery. It's actually quite the opposite, because you're actually conditioning Android by wiping your stats. No matter what your battery percentage or meter says, your battery is still capable of holding a certain amount of electrical charge and your phone will not die until it's fully discharged. On the other hand it *might* make your percentage or battery meter read wrong if you either:
a. wiped your battery stats without a full bump charge (e.g. wiping your stats at 60% charge *might* make your phone think 60%=100% and as a result, you'd see huge decreases. but, you would most likely sit there with a phone showing a 1% charge for hours after it got there.)
b: didn't allow your phone to discharge fully after wiping your stats (same problem as example a, but the inverse of it)
All wiping your battery stats does is delete the file "batterystats.bin" from your /data/system folder. This file is recreated when you boot your phone after wiping them. It keeps the data on what's using your battery for when you click "battery use" in the settings menu. It's also thought to hold the stats that tell you phone what a full charge and no charge feels like and that if you fully bump charge your phone, wipe that battery stats, and then full discharge your phone (without interrupting it by switching ROMs or doing updates) that you will have a more accurate battery meter. It won't eliminate the need to bump charge your phone or make your battery life better. It will just be perceived as better since you won't get 20% drops in your reading in 30 minutes due to a badly calibrated batterystats.bin file. Also, you'll feel better because instead of looking at a 50% reading, you'll be looking at 60%.
Your battery still has the same capacity, charges to the same level, and discharges in the same amount of time. The only thing that can change those things are usage levels.
so should i redo my wipe battery stats then? when i originally did it, i ran it down to around 40%, then rebooted, then i plugged it in around 15%. would this mess it up then?
vantagejuan said:
It's completely impossible for wiping your battery stats to make your battery life worse. It's a common misconception that by wiping your battery stats you somehow condition your battery. It's actually quite the opposite, because you're actually conditioning Android by wiping your stats. No matter what your battery percentage or meter says, your battery is still capable of holding a certain amount of electrical charge and your phone will not die until it's fully discharged. On the other hand it *might* make your percentage or battery meter read wrong if you either:
a. wiped your battery stats without a full bump charge (e.g. wiping your stats at 60% charge *might* make your phone think 60%=100% and as a result, you'd see huge decreases. but, you would most likely sit there with a phone showing a 1% charge for hours after it got there.)
b: didn't allow your phone to discharge fully after wiping your stats (same problem as example a, but the inverse of it)
All wiping your battery stats does is delete the file "batterystats.bin" from your /data/system folder. This file is recreated when you boot your phone after wiping them. It keeps the data on what's using your battery for when you click "battery use" in the settings menu. It's also thought to hold the stats that tell you phone what a full charge and no charge feels like and that if you fully bump charge your phone, wipe that battery stats, and then full discharge your phone (without interrupting it by switching ROMs or doing updates) that you will have a more accurate battery meter. It won't eliminate the need to bump charge your phone or make your battery life better. It will just be perceived as better since you won't get 20% drops in your reading in 30 minutes due to a badly calibrated batterystats.bin file. Also, you'll feel better because instead of looking at a 50% reading, you'll be looking at 60%.
Your battery still has the same capacity, charges to the same level, and discharges in the same amount of time. The only thing that can change those things are usage levels.
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Do you know how we can see what's inside the actual batterystats.bin file? I tried in root explorer and cannot open in no matter how I try.
i dont care what vantagejuan says, when i tried this process...and did it correctly, my battery was down to 85% within an hour..i know this because i unplugged it when i woke up for work, and i when i clocked in, it was at 85%
it was never this bad, i tried locating the file again from an old backup, but it didnt hoping that like someone else said, a couple cycles through it will get better
im using the skyraider 2.5.2 vanilla with the hydra oc/uv kernal
i had this setup before AND after trying the battery fix and im using the seidio 1750...
frustrations are back from when i first got the phone

Proper way of calibrating battery?

Hi folks, I'm running CM6 8/26 nightly with Snap v7.4 kernel with SetCPU set to conservative on 998mhz max and 245mhz min. I'm getting horrid battery life and I think I'm doing something wrong: I wiped battery stats in Clockwork and now my battery SUCKS. -.-
Question is, what its the proper way of calibrating an Evo battery? I've seen the official HTC response but I don't think it's going to make a difference. Isn't there another method that requires you to drain the battery? Any info will be appreciated I've been looking at forums all day.
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letshaveDEX said:
Hi folks, I'm running CM6 8/26 nightly with Snap v7.4 kernel with SetCPU set to conservative on 998mhz max and 245mhz min. I'm getting horrid battery life and I think I'm doing something wrong: I wiped battery stats in Clockwork and now my battery SUCKS. -.-
Question is, what its the proper way of calibrating an Evo battery? I've seen the official HTC response but I don't think it's going to make a difference. Isn't there another method that requires you to drain the battery? Any info will be appreciated I've been looking at forums all day.
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You can't just wipe battery stats - there's a process to go through. What you're referring to is Cyanogen's battery recalibration method found here. Read through fully before wiping anything.
Thank u very much, I wiped the stats by mistake
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fachadick said:
You can't just wipe battery stats - there's a process to go through. What you're referring to is Cyanogen's battery recalibration method found here. Read through fully before wiping anything.
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Actually it is almost as simple as wiping battery stats. That command he gives is what the wipe battery stats command in the recoveries do.
1. Charge battery to full (where it's actually 100% not green light.
2. Boot into recovery wipe battery stats.
3. Fully boot into os then unplug charger.
4. Leave unplugged until the phone shuts itself off.
At that point you should be calibrated.
On a related topic, the Battery Graph app available in the market also has an option to wipe battery stats from within the OS, doesn't it? Might save having to reboot into recovery once you're charged up.
It's a lithium battery. You can't condition it. Just use it as normal and ignore all these placebo effect steps.
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daving313 said:
It's a lithium battery. You can't condition it. Just use it as normal and ignore all these placebo effect steps.
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This is all about calibrating the software (battery stats).
daving313 said:
It's a lithium battery. You can't condition it. Just use it as normal and ignore all these placebo effect steps.
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They're not calibrating the battery. they're calibrating the phone to know when the battery is really fully charged which, until you do this, is not the case when the charge light turns green.
Regardless, none of this worked. I've quit all services, no sync, auto brightness and wifi and I'm still getting horrible battery life. SetCPU is set to conservative. It's BULL**** my display is on for thirty minutes and the battery dies 20%. I played a game on my friend's iPhone 4 for twenty minutes and his battery barely died 3%. This is really unacceptable and I'm probably going to return my Evo or sell it if the battery life doesn't get better soon from these methods I'm seeing online
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Crazy man, maybe something happened cause that is pretty bad.
Have a backup to go back to, prior to this happening, to see if it reverts back to normal?
Naw nothing happened to my phone...... All of us Evo owners should be able to use this beautiful phone with all of the features at max without the battery going to ****. My phone has behaved this way since unboxing. I'm not a big fan of the iPhone 4 but I will give it props on battery life. I have yet to try the longer HTC method but it seems kind of pointless.....
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If it has always been like that then you may have a bad battery, if it started after you wiped the battery data then it is just showing you bad readings.
You should be able to get a good calibration if you reset your battery data again, maybe try through your recovery if possible, and then fully charge it with your phone turned off. Once it is charged you can either use it normally till it dies or you can tether, use gps, watch youtube, etc, and drain the battery down. Just make sure you go from a full charge to the phone shutting itself off without plugging it in to anything. Do that charging with it off and using it till it dies two or three times and your battery stats will be calibrated.
When I did this to mine it showed my battery at 0% for at least half an hour before it finally died, and that was with me listening to pandora and browsing the web.
Edit: FYI, the Evo's talk time is usually between 6.5 to 7.5 hrs, the iPhone 4 is around 7 hours also. If your battery is not lasting that long you need to take it in to sprint and have them give you a new battery.
letshaveDEX said:
......I have yet to try the longer HTC method but it seems kind of pointless.....
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HTC's method worked wonders for me. i'm a heavy heavy HEAVY user (no, not fat) and I get a good 10 hours with everything besides 4g on plus surfing, gaming and tethering for SEVERAL hours. For all that I do on my EVO 10 hours is HUGE. If I have a moderate day of usage (maybe a little more than moderate for the average user) I get around 19 hours.
Btw none of this will help if you are getting near 100% awake time. If that's the case you need to find the software causing that first.
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Try this, it helped me. I did not come up with this btw.
With phone on, charge until green.
Unplug and turn phone completely off.
Charge phone until green once again.
Unplugand turn on. Once phone had turned completely on turn the phone back off again.
Charge until green one more time then unplug and turn on and you're done!
Sent from my Htc Evo 4g

Phone won't charge past 95%

OK so I'm having a issue with the 2.3.4 rom I'm on the latest cherry blurr on the stock radio also stock kernel and my phone won't charge past 95% I'm using transfer recovery to install the rom and also I use fastboot to wipe the phone before any rom install, can anyone tell me why im having this issue and I have wiped battery stats before
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You have to keep it charging even at does take some time to charge beyond 95%.
When it hits 95% the charging status shows the phone is unplugged but the phone is plugged in
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Did you try running CWM and resetting your battery stats? Do that once you've reached 95. Then let it drain completely. Then charge it to F. Then reset the battery stats again. I did that when mine wouldn't go beyond 99.
My ATRIX does the same thing, just leave it in until it reaches 100%. it will take a little while but it'll work.
rdubyah said:
My ATRIX does the same thing, just leave it in until it reaches 100%. it will take a little while but it'll work.
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I've left mine on overnight and it stops at 98.. gonna drain and recalibrate
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Mine gets All the way to where it says phone fully charged. But as soon as I unplug it, it says 99%. Did a battery wipe then giving to let drain and recharge and will, wipe battery status again. Will report back.
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The phone will charge upto 100% and then stop till it hits around 95% again(not exactly 95% but example). This is a safety feature to protect the battery from charging continuesly.
Alright ill let it charge some more now and report back
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phro321 said:
Mine gets All the way to where it says phone fully charged. But as soon as I unplug it, it says 99%. Did a battery wipe then giving to let drain and recharge and will, wipe battery status again. Will report back.
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let us know how you get on as i have the same exact problem
Wiped and recalibrated and it's still the same. The second i unplug it goes down to 99 and pretty much downhill for the rest of the day
I think there is a general issue with the battery and GB and i don't think there is a concrete fix yet.
Thanks guys phone charged to 100% gave it some extra time
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If this happens, there is no need to drain the battery.
Boot into CWM and clear the battery stats.
Download Battery Calibration from the Market.
Start Battery Calibration, (and leave running).
Put your phone on charge with the AC charger. The phone will take a while to get to 100%, especially the last couple %.
You will hear a chime when the battery is fully charged. Leave charging for another 15 minutes, (sometimes if you unplug it right after it hits 100% it drops to 99% straight away).
Calibrate with Battery Calibration.
Thanks for the tip!
Mine's been stopping at 98. It gets to 95 at a normal pace that I'm used to seeing with this phone, then takes probably 8-10 hours to get up to 98 and then just stops there and won't charge any more, no matter how long I leave it in. The OP said he just gave his extra time and it eventually got back up to 100...but how much extra time should I be giving it? No amount of calibration has helped me yet.
Any thoughts?
what I have done is when the phone is close to charged but not fully is to wipe the battery cache, then connect it to charge. for the first few charges it will stay at 100% for some time before it starts to drop, an it will drop faster then it should and be out of power before it hits 1% but on the 3rd charge it always seems to calibrate itself. I do not drain it fully just till it is pretty low. To put in hard number fully charged it is about 4200mV and so I wipe the battery stats close to 4150 and charge when it gets around 3700
do this a few times and for me at least the battery seem to be pretty well calibrated.
thebeardedchild said:
Mine's been stopping at 98. It gets to 95 at a normal pace that I'm used to seeing with this phone, then takes probably 8-10 hours to get up to 98 and then just stops there and won't charge any more, no matter how long I leave it in. The OP said he just gave his extra time and it eventually got back up to 100...but how much extra time should I be giving it? No amount of calibration has helped me yet.
Any thoughts?
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Have you tried what I suggested in post #12?
Tao_Man said:
what I have done is when the phone is close to charged but not fully is to wipe the battery cache, then connect it to charge. for the first few charges it will stay at 100% for some time before it starts to drop, an it will drop faster then it should and be out of power before it hits 1% but on the 3rd charge it always seems to calibrate itself. I do not drain it fully just till it is pretty low. To put in hard number fully charged it is about 4200mV and so I wipe the battery stats close to 4150 and charge when it gets around 3700
do this a few times and for me at least the battery seem to be pretty well calibrated.
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Phon shouldn't be going all the way to 1% I believe. Battery internal safety should shut it off at around 5% to prevent a complete drain which will ruin the battery. If you are seeing 1%, that would lead me to think you are not calibrated properly.
CaelanT said:
Have you tried what I suggested in post #12?
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More or less.. for one, though, the battery calibration app should be doing the same thing as wiping the stats in cwm. And even still, my battery will never get to 100 no matter what, so I can't really wait til then to calibrate.. I've tried forcing earlier calibrations but to no avail
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Try charging with the phone off overnight, turning it on while still charging then calibrate. Hope this helps.
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BBock9 said:
Try charging with the phone off overnight, turning it on while still charging then calibrate. Hope this helps.
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Thanks, I'll try doing that. I think I'm gonna let it discharge almost all the way, then turn off and charge while that little battery icon is the only thing on the screen. I'll try wiping again at the end, and let you guys know.

Atrix not charging past 88%

As of Saturday evening, my phone will no longer charge past 88%. Earlier on Saturday, the phone was charged to 100% in my car. We lost power and the phone ran down to 3% before I was able to charge it again.
After charging over 8 hours, the phone would not go past 88%. Any ideas?
MacAlert said:
As of Saturday evening, my phone will no longer charge past 88%. Earlier on Saturday, the phone was charged to 100% in my car. We lost power and the phone ran down to 3% before I was able to charge it again.
After charging over 8 hours, the phone would not go past 88%. Any ideas?
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Have you tried to recalibrate the battery? Try this.
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Voelker45 said:
Have you tried to recalibrate the battery? Try this.
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I have not tried that. Weird thing is, the battery calibration app reads 4196mV at 70% while charging and ~4200 while at 88%.
Just go to CWM recovery and wipe battery stats. Do a few charge recharge cycle. It should be OK.
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anupash said:
Just go to CWM recovery and wipe battery stats. Do a few charge recharge cycle. It should be OK.
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Yup wiping the battery stats in cwm will do the trick
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Charge to 88% or until you notice it not going any further. Turn off the phone. Plug in the charger and wait until the battery display shows. While the phone is still plugged in, remove the battery. Wait for it to boot up and show a no battery icon (or something like that). Once it does, put the battery back in and leave it for about 30 mins. When you hit the volume buttons, the display will show between 5-10% charged. Anyway, after about 30 mins, turn the phone one and it should show 100%. Re-calibrate the battery after that using the app or recovery.
Are all android batteries like this? I've never had a device with such finicky battery stats. I too have the 88% problem and i feel like im recalibrating every week. I will try again.
s1mpd1ddy said:
Are all android batteries like this? I've never had a device with such finicky battery stats. I too have the 88% problem and i feel like im recalibrating every week. I will try again.
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I don't think they're all like this..but I know its as annoying as F***. Every morning almost i'm doing the "battery pop out" trick just so that it'll read full. It would be different if it read 95% or something and stuck there for awhile until the battery caught up to the actual reading..but it doesn't. The battery continues to drain at a normal rate, so you basically lose however many % you had initially.
Definately annoying..
Rickroller said:
I don't think they're all like this..but I know its as annoying as F***. Every morning almost i'm doing the "battery pop out" trick just so that it'll read full. It would be different if it read 95% or something and stuck there for awhile until the battery caught up to the actual reading..but it doesn't. The battery continues to drain at a normal rate, so you basically lose however many % you had initially.
Definately annoying..
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so you're having to do the pop-out trick every day? that's definitely not something you should have to do....... what gives with our battery?
Mine did this before and what I did was run it all the way to 0% and it cuts of and will not start, then charge it to 100% with the power off and and then boot it up. Work like a charm for me.
lilhaiti said:
Mine did this before and what I did was run it all the way to 0% and it cuts of and will not start, then charge it to 100% with the power off and and then boot it up. Work like a charm for me.
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Same, friends atrix wouldn't get past 86%, calibration app didn't work and neither did wiping bat stats. Draining however did fix but damn was it slow. 6+ hours to reach 100%
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ChongoDroid said:
Same, friends atrix wouldn't get past 86%, calibration app didn't work and neither did wiping bat stats. Draining however did fix but damn was it slow. 6+ hours to reach 100%
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do you have the same battery issues on your galaxy?
So I've been sitting at 1% for the past hour. Been playing games, have wifi, bluetooth, GPS all turned on.
Thing will just not turn off!
EDIT: Right as soon as I post this, it turns off. Over 1 hour on 1%.
Will recharge tonight and hopefully it works right.
I had this problem for a while but you should know that it will fix itself eventually. The phone is fully capable of re-learning the limits of the battery and after several days will begin to display the correct charging status. Mine took about a week to start displaying 99% in the morning.
This happened after I did the complete discharge, charge, pull battery, charge again, then boot procedure. It was fine for a couple of days then started displaying 82% as a full charge then slowly got better. I'm fairly confident that I'm not leaving anything on the table in terms of capacity either since with moderate use and turning off wifi when I leave the house I'm getting about two days of charge.
Sounds like a jumping battery problem to me.
1. Click on this link:
2. Download juggernault's jumping battery fix.
3. Follow the instructions there
4. if it solves your problem, thank the dude for his contribution to the Atrix community and also leave him a comment to thank him.
heres what you need to do
Already have juggernaults battery fix applied. Thinking this is just some freak occurrence.
EDIT: Drained the battery at work. Charged since 6:30 while powered off and phone charged past 88%. All is well in Atrixland!
MacAlert said:
Already have juggernaults battery fix applied. Thinking this is just some freak occurrence.
EDIT: Drained the battery at work. Charged since 6:30 while powered off and phone charged past 88%. All is well in Atrixland!
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Not a freak occurrence. Happens to me too all the time.. makes me not wanna flash anything . I jump charged my phone to 100 today. Did battery pull, wiped stats and calibrated
Sent from my CM7 Atrix
s1mpd1ddy said:
do you have the same battery issues on your galaxy?
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No none, I had battery drain but it was kernel related. I get a days worth of heavy usage out of mine now.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Figured I'd follow up. After doing all this ... first recharge went to 98. Second recharge overnight.. 85 Max. WTF
Sent from my CM7 Atrix

Crazy battery reading

My battery was at 9%. I plugged it in, rebooted to recovery and it read 70%. I thought it was just a misread but when I rebooted it was still at 70%. Has anyone seen this before?
I'm running HB 0927, fast charge is off.
sent from the depths of helly bean
Mine acts that way, but usually just the opposite. Then over time it slowly goes up.
yeah im having a similar problem my phone battery will be at 88% then it will me at 60 in under 20 minutes which is very unusual
blizzardproof said:
yeah im having a similar problem my phone battery will be at 88% then it will me at 60 in under 20 minutes which is very unusual
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I've noticed that while in use the batt percent will drop a lot but then rise a few percent when you turn screen off.
sent from the depths of helly bean
Mine has done the opposite where it read 70 and dropped to 3% when I got into recovery. What's also odd about mine is that every time it says Charged, when I unplug it, it's never higher than 96%. But if I talk on the phone while it's plugged in, it will go as high as 99%.
That used to happen to me. I just plugged my phone in when it was dead, then I rebooted and I had 70%. Its actually very convenient. When I have to go somewhere, I just plug it in for a minute and my battery is all good to go.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
Lol it doesn't work that way, the phone might not read the battery percentage correctly, doesn't mean it can fully charge the battery in a few minutes. After you flash a rom or factory reset, it might take a bit of using the phone to get a precise battery reading.
Although some rom have the feature to enable fast charge, but it only improve charging by a bit.
Also its okay to not charge lithium ion batteries to 100% all the time, its actually better for the life of the battery to only charge up to high 90s, some roms have the feature to limit the charging percentage.
It's because now-a-days people don't know too much about the incorrect battery stats and how to fix them.
I've had the same problems, but it's quite weird, it goes up sometimes and down most of the time.
Charge to 100% - or as high as your phone gets - then wipe battery stats. Reboot a few times and charge again to 100% and then do it again.
There's a much better method laying around here, but i'm just too lazy to search right now.
Mine,does that also. I pull the battery out and it recorrects it
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
Charging it solves the prob, but rebooting without just screws it up, especially when I had a camping retreat I couldnt call anyone causr of incorrect stats.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
