[Q] Need Help - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Can't downgrade from RADIO_2.15.50.14** to RADIO_2.12.50.02_2 are unlock it

What exactly did you try?
And what exactly is on your phone as of now (OS, HD2 version, SPL, etc.)
It´s quite difficult helping without basic data.

Sorry hd2 with w7
hd2 with w7 cant downgrade so i can get batter battery life keep getting error 260:connection

Do you have Windows Mobile Device Center on your PC? If yes, this actually installed the older drivers for your HD2, enabling the system to connect with it.
Did you put your HD2 into bootloader mode (tricolor screen) before connecting it to the PC? The USB flash mode from MAGLDR is not the same!
Once in bootloader mode, you could use an RUU.exe for a Radio ROM.

i have no problem upgrading and downgrading, just keep trying and do it slow you might skip a step order. so far its easy for me to do that

Thank you
Got it to downgrade now if i could just unlock again usb plugged in and Zune is on and it saids to plug in usb and turn Zune on

I recommend to flash a custom ROM which comes with all the Chevron unlock stuff cooked in - means, you won´t face any re-lock issue anymore.
Search in the development thread, for example this one.


help me - Frozen operator screen, unlocking, flashing and usb connector.

Hey there, just want to say before I tell you my problems that this forum is cool. I recieved a lot of useful information and tools for my phone here. Thanks.
Onto the problems!
Okay so first of all, I was given an HTC Vogue on the Telus network from a buddy because my previous phone fell in the pool. I was having a blast with this phone, 'twas the best thing that ever happend to me.
Now before I get into specifics, I'd like to mention that I've never been able to connect to activesynce because the computer would not recognize the USB cable. I've never been able to fix that problem.
Recently I've been having problems with my phone. Sometimes it would take a little spill onto the floor from my lap because I'd forget it's there or whatever. The back casing would come off and the battery would come out. No worries, I would just pop it back in and off I go. But this time it would boot up to the Telus screen with the buncha red writing.
M 03
B 01
R 3.41.00
D 3.07
After that text disappears, the phone would freeze at the Telus screen and either: a) No LEDs would flash b) a yellow LED would come on c) THe phone would be left on that screen and just shut off after a while.
So i did some research and found that I could preform a hard reset. Voila! It worked like a charm and I was off using my phone again, but it had barely been 24 hours before the phone froze and I had to reset. And the phone would revertback to the previous problem. Hard reset would NOT work. It would reset the phone but still freeze. Sometimes it wouldn't even stay on the hard reset, the phone would shut off as soon as I release the SEND button after holding all fo the hard reset buttons. So i went back here and on Google to look for the fix.
I've done a bit of research on possible fixes to my phone like disassembley of the phone and the placement of plastic sheet over a processor of some sort and flashing the ROM.
So what I did was look up some custom roms and what not. From what I understand you need a CID Unlocker before custom roms can be used. I looked around and found that I need the USB connector to work for the phone to become unlocked. But this conflicts with my current situation and whenever I try to flash with a custom rom from the microSD, it takes me to the Loading... screen and stays there without any mention of flashing a ROM. This is also the case when I try to put the CID Unlocking .nbh on my microSD card.
So I ask what I can do for my phone to revive it. I've done extensive searches on any fix to my phone with little or no result. I need some fixes fast because I have a tonne of important calls coming in that I need to answer. I will not accept that my phone is dead.
Please guide me in the direction on how to unlock the CID with a microSD card. Or just anything that'll enable me to use my phone again. I con't afford ot buy another one.
The info on my boot loader screen reads.
The info on my boot loader screen reads.
I gather that you can get to the boot loader screen by the above info. While on that screen try pluging you cable into a direct USB port on the computer and then into the phone. If your phone is recognized it will change from serial to USB at the bottom of the multi color screen. If that doesn't work let me know.
Also here is a link for the unlocker for the CDMA Touch on PPC Geeks
whitey10tc said:
The info on my boot loader screen reads.
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I gather that you can get to the boot loader screen by the above info. While on that screen try pluging you cable into a direct USB port on the computer and then into the phone. If your phone is recognized it will change from serial to USB at the bottom of the multi color screen. If that doesn't work let me know.[/QUOTE]
I've tried that. The phone reads USB but the computer can't recognize the phone. Activesync won't work either.
I've tried flashing with a stock rom. Everything runs fine in that screen. I soft resetted the phone and it went to the windows mobile 6.1 screen with an orange LED and just sat there, I wanted to wait but impatience got the best of me and I soft resetted and now it gets stuck on the telus screen again. Sometimes the green LED flashes as if the phone was running normally and the screen dims. I don't know whats going on.
I think I've tried that ppcgeeks thing but I can't be sure. It doesn't work because I can't connect my hpone with the USB cable.
My boot loader screen has changed after flashing the stock rom. It now reads:
same problem after flashing, just different writing on the boot loader screen.
patience is the key.
patience is the key.
If you go to bootload screen connect cable and it changes to USB you should be connected.
Also here is a link to a tutorial
To be sure that your computer is not connecting to the phone plug usb in go to deivce manager and double check the USB if it is not connected correctly it will have a warning sign by that port. Try reinstalling updating your drivers for the usb.
patience is the key.
patience is the key.
beanage said:
My boot loader screen has changed after flashing the stock rom. It now reads:
same problem after flashing, just different writing on the boot loader screen.
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You need to flash the SPL 2.31 bootloader
It appears as if it's fixed for the most part. Some minor problems but that doesn't stop the fucntionality of the phone. But I'm still pretty pissed that no matter what i do, my phone will not be recognized by the computer with the USB cable. i've tried everything and looked everywhere. Does someone want to send me the usb drivers for the Vogue? Please don't tell me that i don't need drivers because activesync won't connect. I've seriously looked all ove rthe internet for fixes and none of them work. Any pointers ro anyone want to send me official HTC drivers? I want to start using cooked ROMS.
here you go HTC windows driver will work for the vogoue
But unfortunately won't solve active sync problem. I would uninstall activesync and reinstall on your windows XP computer.
Quote from HTC website
Activesync is not recognizing my device, what should I do?
Be sure that you have not connected your device to your PC before you installed Activesync. If you did plug in your device before installing, uninstall Activesync and start the process over ensuring that you do not plug your device in until after Activesync has been installed.
Verify that your device is recognized by your PC in the Device Manager; if it is not, resolve that issue first.
Unplug your device from the PC for a few seconds and then plug it back in.
Perform a Soft reset on the device while it is plugged into the PC.
On the device, go to Start>Settings>Connections>USB to PC and check the "Enable advanced network functionality.
crap, my phone just ****ed off again. Same deal as before. Hate being broke.
help with vogue frozen loading screen
i unlocked my vogue and flashed NFSFAN 6.5 ROM and now phone freezes at loading screen and will go no further. i can still pull up bootloader thats all. any help or tips would be appreciated. thank you
what is your bootloader version
htc boot up screen and bootloader
r 2.26.00
s 3nfs
are you using a GPS ROM if so you have the wrong bootloader and need the 2.31 from this post http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=20370.. Install the 2.31 and give it a try.
tried using 2.31 unlocker, when i run the RUU and says it will take 10 min it accually takes 10 sec and installs fast then after my phone restarts bootloader still says .41
You need that SPL 2.31 for that ROM
This is a quote from the facts thread for your ROM
First go here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=20370 and
READ the hell outta it until you have it step by step.
(BTW use the 2.31 unlocker regardless about the GPS thing)
OK, now that you've read that (happy dance time)
Download the 2.31 Unlocker and NFSFANs WinMO 6.5 ROM.
Here is a good link for the boot loader. unlocker.
yeah still can't get 2.31 to load on my phone. i tried to flash the stock alltell and sprint roms but at 29% it freezes or has recovery issues and will not go past 29%. flashed dcd 0.2.0 and got it to load! bootloader still shows .41 but now when i boot up phone it says in red at bottom of HCT boot screen.
m 03
No radio
Who is the original carrier You will need to get that OEM ROM and flash it. Then run the 2.31 unlocker follow the directions you can use the bootloader on the factory rom I have done it with sprint and alltel Vogues. The OEM ROM will reinstall your radio then you canuse the unlocker. The .41 unlocker is for non GPS radio and ROM combinations.

[Q] Flash back from WP7 to WinMo 6.5.*

Hi there. I flashed my hd2 (T-MOBILE) to WP7.
Now i need flash back to winmo 6.5.*
i try looking for some thread at forum but no luck (new forum look )
can someone tell me (link) how to flash back to 6.5.* and what ROM is the best for my radio version
T-Mobile LEORadio_2_10_50_08_2
GeneralWoo said:
Hi there. I flashed my hd2 (T-MOBILE) to WP7.
Now i need flash back to winmo 6.5.*
i try looking for some thread at forum but no luck (new forum look )
can someone tell me (link) how to flash back to 6.5.* and what ROM is the best for my radio version
T-Mobile LEORadio_2_10_50_08_2
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I have the same problem, I have radio but Im having some issues with WP7 restarting itself and no data connection, so I want to flash the 2.15 radio. I think I need be running WinMo to do this, but I have no idea how to flash back to a winmo rom from WP7. Help?
Get to the tri color boot screen (vol down + power button)
Flash your win 6.5 ROM.
Hi, I am also trying to flash back to 6.5 from WM7. Could someone please give me some more details about how to flash back? I have the 6.5 rom on my PC and can get to the boot screen no problem but if I then try and install the old rom it fails as the PC doesn't detect the phone as being connected. Any help would be much appreciated, as although I love WM7 on my HD2 when it is working, it has a habit of randomly rebooting a lot! Thanks!
Hewarmsjeans said:
Hi, I am also trying to flash back to 6.5 from WM7. Could someone please give me some more details about how to flash back? I have the 6.5 rom on my PC and can get to the boot screen no problem but if I then try and install the old rom it fails as the PC doesn't detect the phone as being connected. Any help would be much appreciated, as although I love WM7 on my HD2 when it is working, it has a habit of randomly rebooting a lot! Thanks!
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Just keep your phone unplugged and put it in bootloader mode. After a few seconds, the bottom part of the screen should say serial. Once it says that, plug it into your computer. Serial should change to USB in a second. If your computer doesnt have a driver for it yet, it should install that. Once its done, and once your phone says USB on the bottom of the bootloader screen, you should just be able to run the rom installer on your computer and install it. Good luck!
Thanks for you help, I managed that fine, though I had also wanted to remove the Hardspl I had used to add WM7. I have tried flashing the stock ROM back (via SD card and via USB) to overwrite it, however it fails to install correctly and the phone is being very unstable. Any suggestions!?
According to the thread I used to flash HSPL to my phone, you just make sure youre running a stock rom, then run the HSPL program like you did when you first put on HSPL, but choose 2.08.0000 in the selection screen.
That said, I havent removed HSPL so Im not entirely sure what to do if that doesnt work. If thats what you tried, Im not sure what to tell you
Have tried fiddling again and think I have done it! In the boot screen it now says SPL-2.08 (hopefully this is stock!?) and the phone seems to be behaving! Cheers for your assisstance
Yup, thats stock. No problem
peace warhead said:
I have the same problem, I have radio but Im having some issues with WP7 restarting itself and no data connection, so I want to flash the 2.15 radio. I think I need be running WinMo to do this, but I have no idea how to flash back to a winmo rom from WP7. Help?
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You can changes Radio Roms as you wish under any OS. Just hold the Vol Down key when switching on to enter bootloader and flash via USB from there.
SMS92 said:
You can changes Radio Roms as you wish under any OS. Just hold the Vol Down key when switching on to enter bootloader and flash via USB from there.
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Yeah, I figured that out after I flashed back to WinMo -_____- haha
Now I just need to figure out how to make Chevron communicate with my phone so I can activate WP7
peace warhead said:
Yeah, I figured that out after I flashed back to WinMo -_____- haha
Now I just need to figure out how to make Chevron communicate with my phone so I can activate WP7
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i suggest u use windows 7 (PC) and connect to internet when you are plugging phone to pc ,so it will download the usb driver and all of your problems will disapear
imanh said:
i suggest u use windows 7 (PC) and connect to internet when you are plugging phone to pc ,so it will download the usb driver and all of your problems will disapear
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Hmmm I actually havent tried that yet, Ive done pretty much everything aside from reinstalling windows and stuff. I shut off my wireless during the process though because I turned off my antivirus and firewall. Hopefully that will work. WP7 is nice even without being activated, but it certainly doesnt come with many apps.

[Q] Flashing rom for htc touch HD

hey guys..hope to be in a good health
this is my first theard ever here.. and honstly i found xda more useful,more likly to me rather than any websits else..so i'd like to thank guys here "u rocks guys "
now i'd like to ask about flashing anew rom for my HTC touch HD t8282
running win-mo 6.1 with arabic supported language..touch flow 3d..etc
but now i'm bored with original rom and i was looking for some roms around here and i found what i excatly wanted
but..(i'm sorry for that question :$) i dun know how to flash a new rom to my blackstone..i used search fuction and dummies guide also but..rofl i didn't get what they were takin about
so i was asking if someone could provide me with smplified way to install a new rom using HSPL
Thanks in advance and sorry for z long topic ​
basically, flashing a winmo phone is an easy process:
1. bootloader mode (power on with VOL- button pressed)
2. flashing
3. hard reset
however, there are a few preparations if your device was never flashed before, you need to install hspl on your phone and make sure you have the correct driver installed on your pc. the driver for the device in bootloader mode might vary from the driver used to sync the device, when switched on.
1. the driver:
if you have windows xp, connect the phone in bootloader mode and look, whether it changes from serial to usb on the bootloader screen, you should be fine by then.
on windows vista/7 you connect the device in bootloader mode, and might actually take some time for it to download another driver from windows update. if it changes from serial to usb, first try to connect using mtty, before attempting to flash, because the connection might not yet be stable and you might want to have a look at the thread (ref updating the usb drivers).
2. hspl
to quote the dummies' guide thread:
(HSPL2a) Place your phone into its bootloader.
(HSPL2b) Run HSPLWrapper_Blackstone_156OliNex.exe from the download in step (HSPL1a) and follow it as normal.
(HSPL2c) If successful, go to step HSPL3. If the flashing process sits at 0% and you get Error [260] connection after some time, go to step (Troubleshooting).
pretty easy, in other words, just connect the device in bootloader mode and run the package on the pc, it will unlock the spl and flash hspl.
if all went well, you are ready to flash, download any rom you like from the rom development section, and flash it using the .exe file that comes with them, might be updater.exe, blackstone RUU.exe or something else. if your rom download only consists of an .nbh file, like ruu_signed.nbh or BLACIMG.nbh, download advanced RUU and use it to flash.
alternatively, if this is to complicated for you as a beginner, you can rename the rom file to BLACIMG.nbh (if it is not already named like that) and put it in the root of the sd card, by then entering bootloader mode, it should find the rom and give you detailed instructions on how to install it.
last step, hard reset, as described in the original manual, switch on, while pressing VOL- and VOL+ and follow the instructions onscreen.
Chef_Tony said:
basically, flashing a winmo phone is an easy process:
1. bootloader mode (power on with VOL- button pressed)
2. flashing
3. hard reset
however, there are a few preparations if your device was never flashed before, you need to install hspl on your phone and make sure you have the correct driver installed on your pc. the driver for the device in bootloader mode might vary from the driver used to sync the device, when switched on.
1. the driver:
if you have windows xp, connect the phone in bootloader mode and look, whether it changes from serial to usb on the bootloader screen, you should be fine by then.
on windows vista/7 you connect the device in bootloader mode, and might actually take some time for it to download another driver from windows update. if it changes from serial to usb, first try to connect using mtty, before attempting to flash, because the connection might not yet be stable and you might want to have a look at the thread (ref updating the usb drivers).
2. hspl
to quote the dummies' guide thread:
(HSPL2a) Place your phone into its bootloader.
(HSPL2b) Run HSPLWrapper_Blackstone_156OliNex.exe from the download in step (HSPL1a) and follow it as normal.
(HSPL2c) If successful, go to step HSPL3. If the flashing process sits at 0% and you get Error [260] connection after some time, go to step (Troubleshooting).
pretty easy, in other words, just connect the device in bootloader mode and run the package on the pc, it will unlock the spl and flash hspl.
if all went well, you are ready to flash, download any rom you like from the rom development section, and flash it using the .exe file that comes with them, might be updater.exe, blackstone RUU.exe or something else. if your rom download only consists of an .nbh file, like ruu_signed.nbh or BLACIMG.nbh, download advanced RUU and use it to flash.
alternatively, if this is to complicated for you as a beginner, you can rename the rom file to BLACIMG.nbh (if it is not already named like that) and put it in the root of the sd card, by then entering bootloader mode, it should find the rom and give you detailed instructions on how to install it.
last step, hard reset, as described in the original manual, switch on, while pressing VOL- and VOL+ and follow the instructions onscreen.
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thnx 4 help really usefull and easy,i apperciate it
thnx again
@ blackspyker
did you successfully flash the hspl and a new rom?
(just seeing if this thread is solved or not)
just like me dear, please help us. but mine is English version
just like me dear, please help us. but mine is English version
blackspyker said:
hey guys..hope to be in a good health
this is my first theard ever here.. and honstly i found xda more useful,more likly to me rather than any websits else..so i'd like to thank guys here "u rocks guys "
now i'd like to ask about flashing anew rom for my HTC touch HD t8282
running win-mo 6.1 with arabic supported language..touch flow 3d..etc
but now i'm bored with original rom and i was looking for some roms around here and i found what i excatly wanted
but..(i'm sorry for that question :$) i dun know how to flash a new rom to my blackstone..i used search fuction and dummies guide also but..rofl i didn't get what they were takin about
so i was asking if someone could provide me with smplified way to install a new rom using HSPL
Thanks in advance and sorry for z long topic ​
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download this, extract all the files, take micro SD out of device, connect device to active sync and then run HardSPLWrapper_Blackstone.exe on your pc, it will now start to flash a new SPL, when complete confirm you got it installed, go into bootloader mode (tricolour screen! {hold volume down and press the reset button under the back cover}) now verify the screen shows 1.56.OliNex, which is the new Hard-SPL version.
when complete you will be able to flash any rom to your touch hd/blackstone
note: if you do not flash a new rom you will have graphical issues with the current rom, however this gets fixed as soon as you flash a new rom
if you have any trouble, click me and go to the first post
good luck

Reflashing stock att rom

I have an HTC Surround that I cant get to boot past htc logo and if i try to hard rest it goes to spl screen. Where can i get the software to reflash it. I also have another microsd that i can change out if that is bad
still working on
So I replaced the mirco sd and tried to do the restore using the power and volume buttons and still would not get it to try and boot more then a few secs and stop at the htc screen. I also flashed the stock att rom that I got off xda but still no luck. My last chance is trying a new battery today are there any more suggestions
My surround did the same thing recently. It's a problem surrounds have. Unfortunately you have tried the 3 most common solutions.
1: reflash with stock rom
2: Change out sd card
3: hard reset
The only way I know of to get a working one after you have tried those 3 things is hope it's under warranty. :-/
jackkaiserwork said:
So I replaced the mirco sd and tried to do the restore using the power and volume buttons and still would not get it to try and boot more then a few secs and stop at the htc screen. I also flashed the stock att rom that I got off xda but still no luck. My last chance is trying a new battery today are there any more suggestions
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Where did you get that stock at&t rom? I've been all through the developer section and all I see are telus and cingular roms. I've got a phone from the shop that's stuck on the htc logo and replacing the sd card hasn't fixed it. I tried to flash a telus rom because hey what the hell do I have to lose but RUU wasn't able to establish an ActiveSync connection on the htc logo screen looping repeatedly. Is there a way to force it into a sort of download mode from the htc logo to do the flashing from?
AT&T Surround ROMS
v1nsai said:
Where did you get that stock at&t rom? I've been all through the developer section and all I see are telus and cingular roms. I've got a phone from the shop that's stuck on the htc logo and replacing the sd card hasn't fixed it. I tried to flash a telus rom because hey what the hell do I have to lose but RUU wasn't able to establish an ActiveSync connection on the htc logo screen looping repeatedly. Is there a way to force it into a sort of download mode from the htc logo to do the flashing from?
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Cingular is AT&T. I have flashed both of these ROMS to my AT&T Surround. Both work perfectly.
Pre nodo : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=860842
Nodo : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1051579
Is there one for mango?
Thank you very much
bmamo said:
Is there one for mango?
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depending on the spl version of your phone you can flash the cotulla rspl/hspl then flash the DFT rom, you will get mango full unlocked
rob243 said:
depending on the spl version of your phone you can flash the cotulla rspl/hspl then flash the DFT rom, you will get mango full unlocked
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full unlocked as in developer or simlock unlocked?
developer unlock sorry you will be able to sideload to your hearts content even install .xap directly from the browser on the device.
great, thanks!
I'm a bit new to windows phone but I learn quickly usually. could you help me a little bit more by telling me what exactly cotulla rspl/hspl, and DFT rom are? Is there a guide anywhere i could follow?
thanks again
---------- Post added at 02:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 AM ----------
i'm guessing this should work:
C. Windows Phone 7 ROM Flashing Instructions
1. Unzip your downloaded *.zip file in a separate folder
2. Press and hold power-on/off button to power-off the phone
3. Press and hold volume-down button and then press power-on/off button to enter bootloader mode
4. When your phone enters the tricolor screen bootloader mode, release volume-down button
5. Connect your phone to your windows 7/vista/xp pc/laptop with a usb cable
6. Verify that your phone will be identified and relevant drivers will be installed by windows os of your pc/laptop
7. After completion of (6.) above, check the usb message connection on your phone screen
8. To flash the new ROM go to your pc/laptop folder of (1.) above
9. Double click on the ROMUpdateUtility.exe file and strictly follow the instructions on your pc/laptop screen
Do You still need help about this?
Basically you need to download DFT_RSPL_WP7FG2_LAUNCH from this forum, this will allow you to flash a custom rom. The ROM installed at the phone must be a NODO one because mango roms updates the loader and are not compatible.
For apply it you must put the phone on loader. Connect the phone to the usb, turn it off, turn it on but holding volume down key.
Once there you will see the 3 color screen and will say USB run the DFT_RSPL_WP7FG2_LAUNCH and follow the steps.
The phone will restart and showing again the 3 color screen but with HSPL now you can install DFT ROM. DFT ROM is basically a custom Windows Phone with the option to sideload apps you just run ROMUpdateUtility.exe from the DFT ROM downloaded and it will upgrade your OS to DFT Version.
Now what? SPL too high!
My brothers HTC surround has crashed, and fails to load the OS. i can get to the bootloader, but it's
spl-4.2.2250.1 (129185) MNG
i've got HSPL and RSPL, but they say DON'T TRY IF NOT 1.X SPL OR IF IT SAYS MNG. his says both. he was running mango, and i'm just trying to reinstall a stock rom. I'm wondering what advice any of you might have. I've reinstalled roms on Samsung devices, but not on an HTC, so i'm not sure what all this is about, or what the consequences are of proceeding. any help would be great.
Thanks dudes.
Is it 1/2 bricked?
If you connect the device to a PC does it go to USB mode? At teh red blue green screen does it say USB at the bottom?
It does display USB. If i leave it on for like an hour, eventually, i just discovered, windows DOES load, and it says "your memory is corrupt" it does connect to the computer, and it is detected by my pc, and it does display USB. I'm going to try to put in a new SD card, but i'm wondering once i do that, will i be able to flash the retail rom to it, with that spl.
Check this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1597837.I believe you will have to downgrade your bootloader. I haven't tried this yet myself, I hope it helps you out.
need custom unlocked rom for my htc surround at&t
Hi.. Plz help I have HTC surround at&t unlocked device and I need to fully unlock
It so dat I can install apps from web without going to wp7 market.
And I want to flash it with custom rom..

HD2 USB connection does not work

I have a HTC HD2 running on a Android NAND ROM.
I have to unlock the SIM. I was told I had to go back to Windows Mobile first.
Problem is, my USB connection does not work.
WHen the phone is on android, if I plug the cable, my phone recognizes it but nothing happens on my PC (windows 7)
When I am on the bootloader screen, it is only written "Serial" but never "USB".
Tried several cords/USB ports...
Phone isn't connecter in Windows Mobile manager either.
Any advice, please ?
Sometimes you can introduce unlock code from Android too...Try this with another SIM and see it it asks for SIM/network code!
But if still want WM, you should flash it from micro-sd.
vil-2 said:
I have a HTC HD2 running on a Android NAND ROM.
I have to unlock the SIM. I was told I had to go back to Windows Mobile first.
Problem is, my USB connection does not work.
WHen the phone is on android, if I plug the cable, my phone recognizes it but nothing happens on my PC (windows 7)
When I am on the bootloader screen, it is only written "Serial" but never "USB".
Tried several cords/USB ports...
Phone isn't connecter in Windows Mobile manager either.
Any advice, please ?
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Check to make sure you have the proper drivers installed on your computer first, if not you can always download hd2 drivers off xda. This is probably the easiest and safest thing to do first. otherwise, like above you can try it though android and see what happens. Best bet is to instal WM 6.5 with a broke usb is through sd card, but that is not without its risks. Check the forums for the file and "how to" guide, i remember reading it once. Also, not sure how you will back to Android without usb port to flash magldr or cwm? Good Luck with whatever you decide to do, maybe someone else has other ideas.

