help me - Frozen operator screen, unlocking, flashing and usb connector. - Touch CDMA General

Hey there, just want to say before I tell you my problems that this forum is cool. I recieved a lot of useful information and tools for my phone here. Thanks.
Onto the problems!
Okay so first of all, I was given an HTC Vogue on the Telus network from a buddy because my previous phone fell in the pool. I was having a blast with this phone, 'twas the best thing that ever happend to me.
Now before I get into specifics, I'd like to mention that I've never been able to connect to activesynce because the computer would not recognize the USB cable. I've never been able to fix that problem.
Recently I've been having problems with my phone. Sometimes it would take a little spill onto the floor from my lap because I'd forget it's there or whatever. The back casing would come off and the battery would come out. No worries, I would just pop it back in and off I go. But this time it would boot up to the Telus screen with the buncha red writing.
M 03
B 01
R 3.41.00
D 3.07
After that text disappears, the phone would freeze at the Telus screen and either: a) No LEDs would flash b) a yellow LED would come on c) THe phone would be left on that screen and just shut off after a while.
So i did some research and found that I could preform a hard reset. Voila! It worked like a charm and I was off using my phone again, but it had barely been 24 hours before the phone froze and I had to reset. And the phone would revertback to the previous problem. Hard reset would NOT work. It would reset the phone but still freeze. Sometimes it wouldn't even stay on the hard reset, the phone would shut off as soon as I release the SEND button after holding all fo the hard reset buttons. So i went back here and on Google to look for the fix.
I've done a bit of research on possible fixes to my phone like disassembley of the phone and the placement of plastic sheet over a processor of some sort and flashing the ROM.
So what I did was look up some custom roms and what not. From what I understand you need a CID Unlocker before custom roms can be used. I looked around and found that I need the USB connector to work for the phone to become unlocked. But this conflicts with my current situation and whenever I try to flash with a custom rom from the microSD, it takes me to the Loading... screen and stays there without any mention of flashing a ROM. This is also the case when I try to put the CID Unlocking .nbh on my microSD card.
So I ask what I can do for my phone to revive it. I've done extensive searches on any fix to my phone with little or no result. I need some fixes fast because I have a tonne of important calls coming in that I need to answer. I will not accept that my phone is dead.
Please guide me in the direction on how to unlock the CID with a microSD card. Or just anything that'll enable me to use my phone again. I con't afford ot buy another one.
The info on my boot loader screen reads.

The info on my boot loader screen reads.
I gather that you can get to the boot loader screen by the above info. While on that screen try pluging you cable into a direct USB port on the computer and then into the phone. If your phone is recognized it will change from serial to USB at the bottom of the multi color screen. If that doesn't work let me know.

Also here is a link for the unlocker for the CDMA Touch on PPC Geeks

whitey10tc said:
The info on my boot loader screen reads.
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I gather that you can get to the boot loader screen by the above info. While on that screen try pluging you cable into a direct USB port on the computer and then into the phone. If your phone is recognized it will change from serial to USB at the bottom of the multi color screen. If that doesn't work let me know.[/QUOTE]
I've tried that. The phone reads USB but the computer can't recognize the phone. Activesync won't work either.
I've tried flashing with a stock rom. Everything runs fine in that screen. I soft resetted the phone and it went to the windows mobile 6.1 screen with an orange LED and just sat there, I wanted to wait but impatience got the best of me and I soft resetted and now it gets stuck on the telus screen again. Sometimes the green LED flashes as if the phone was running normally and the screen dims. I don't know whats going on.
I think I've tried that ppcgeeks thing but I can't be sure. It doesn't work because I can't connect my hpone with the USB cable.

My boot loader screen has changed after flashing the stock rom. It now reads:
same problem after flashing, just different writing on the boot loader screen.

patience is the key.
patience is the key.
If you go to bootload screen connect cable and it changes to USB you should be connected.
Also here is a link to a tutorial
To be sure that your computer is not connecting to the phone plug usb in go to deivce manager and double check the USB if it is not connected correctly it will have a warning sign by that port. Try reinstalling updating your drivers for the usb.
patience is the key.
patience is the key.

beanage said:
My boot loader screen has changed after flashing the stock rom. It now reads:
same problem after flashing, just different writing on the boot loader screen.
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You need to flash the SPL 2.31 bootloader

It appears as if it's fixed for the most part. Some minor problems but that doesn't stop the fucntionality of the phone. But I'm still pretty pissed that no matter what i do, my phone will not be recognized by the computer with the USB cable. i've tried everything and looked everywhere. Does someone want to send me the usb drivers for the Vogue? Please don't tell me that i don't need drivers because activesync won't connect. I've seriously looked all ove rthe internet for fixes and none of them work. Any pointers ro anyone want to send me official HTC drivers? I want to start using cooked ROMS.

here you go HTC windows driver will work for the vogoue
But unfortunately won't solve active sync problem. I would uninstall activesync and reinstall on your windows XP computer.

Quote from HTC website
Activesync is not recognizing my device, what should I do?
Be sure that you have not connected your device to your PC before you installed Activesync. If you did plug in your device before installing, uninstall Activesync and start the process over ensuring that you do not plug your device in until after Activesync has been installed.
Verify that your device is recognized by your PC in the Device Manager; if it is not, resolve that issue first.
Unplug your device from the PC for a few seconds and then plug it back in.
Perform a Soft reset on the device while it is plugged into the PC.
On the device, go to Start>Settings>Connections>USB to PC and check the "Enable advanced network functionality.

crap, my phone just ****ed off again. Same deal as before. Hate being broke.

help with vogue frozen loading screen
i unlocked my vogue and flashed NFSFAN 6.5 ROM and now phone freezes at loading screen and will go no further. i can still pull up bootloader thats all. any help or tips would be appreciated. thank you

what is your bootloader version

htc boot up screen and bootloader
r 2.26.00
s 3nfs

are you using a GPS ROM if so you have the wrong bootloader and need the 2.31 from this post Install the 2.31 and give it a try.

tried using 2.31 unlocker, when i run the RUU and says it will take 10 min it accually takes 10 sec and installs fast then after my phone restarts bootloader still says .41

You need that SPL 2.31 for that ROM
This is a quote from the facts thread for your ROM
First go here and
READ the hell outta it until you have it step by step.
(BTW use the 2.31 unlocker regardless about the GPS thing)
OK, now that you've read that (happy dance time)
Download the 2.31 Unlocker and NFSFANs WinMO 6.5 ROM.

Here is a good link for the boot loader. unlocker.

yeah still can't get 2.31 to load on my phone. i tried to flash the stock alltell and sprint roms but at 29% it freezes or has recovery issues and will not go past 29%. flashed dcd 0.2.0 and got it to load! bootloader still shows .41 but now when i boot up phone it says in red at bottom of HCT boot screen.
m 03
No radio

Who is the original carrier You will need to get that OEM ROM and flash it. Then run the 2.31 unlocker follow the directions you can use the bootloader on the factory rom I have done it with sprint and alltel Vogues. The OEM ROM will reinstall your radio then you canuse the unlocker. The .41 unlocker is for non GPS radio and ROM combinations.


Issue of Using Athena Unlocker

First of All, I am Noob for all this flash phone stuff~~
I was using A-Unlocker last night on my Athena, however the phone got f**ked up
I was able to finish the Step 1 "Flash SPL". After I done with Step 1, here is I got from bootloader 3 Color Screen
ATHE 100
SPL-V1.20. Olipro
and it unlocked Step 2 "Unlock Radio"
after the Step 2 there was a Notice popped up "Your Device must now be unlocked with a program, please configure your device and then connect and sync with Activesync. after doing so, click OK and watch your device screen"
and My phone stop at HTC loading screen, not able to boot to "Window Mobile" system. I did reset phone many times but didn't work.
Please Help Me Out here~~ Tyvm
p.s: I can still boot the phone to bootloader 3 Color Screen
please help me
Your device is okay. You can already proceed to flashing any ROM that is desgined for SPL 1.2. If you want just a good looking ROM, you might want to try PK3.0 ROM. If you want WM6.1, try irus ROM.
If I'm you, I'll skip any rom that uses SPL3.5 for the time being until you're sure there is a mean to come back to SPL 1.2. This mean you should skip AP4.0 for the time being.
To flash one of the SPL1.2 based ROM, remove your storage cards and SIM cards, and ensure your battery is close to full. Then get into Bootloader mode (by pressing down the Camera and poke into the reset hole - hold it down for a good few seconds until you see the tr-colored screen). Then connect your cable until you see USB on the device screen. Then on your PC, start the RomUpdateUtility program and follow the instruction on the PC.
Good luck.
Thx, man! U Rock!!
Just flash the phone with PK3.0 Rom~

plz help

My heads spinning from all the information aka post and threads, but im still stuck like my wizard on the 2nd splash screen.
I wasnt trying to upgrade the rom jst clear storage but after everything ive read i would like to upgrade to wm6 but first i want to get my wizard working.
I tried backing up the rom to the sd card but I get "You didn't get the proper security level to download a specific image" So i take it my wizard is cid locked.
My IPL:1.01 and SPL:1.06 does that mean its a g3. My activesync 4.5 doesnt pick up my wizard is it because it cant boot, i tried with it in bootloader mode still doesnt pick it up.
So plz point me in the right direction to fix my wizard
ok i think the place where im stuck at is cid unlocking my wizard with out using that imei site. any help or is there another way to do this.
This helped me when I was stuck on the first screen. For some reason, the Radio file was gone. Follow this exactly, it works. In my case (sounds like yours also), at the end of this you will at least have access to the phone again.
After your done. You will have a RGB screen, then follow these directions to load a base rom and unlock so you can keep going until you ca load WM6.1. Windows Mobile 6 for newbies
I've had many, many problems over the last 3 days trying to do this. I completed it all in less than a day, but when I used the phone it had terrible reception. I completely downgraded everything back to square one. Still bad phone reception. I was about to through it out the window, when someone called my wife's cell phone and she also had bad reception. I then put my sim in another phone, same problem. Well, at&t has a tower down for the last 3 days. What timing, it seems to work when not at home, but hard to test that way Anyway, moral of the story is. Don't give up, keep plugging along.
Good luck.
I'm pretty sure imei checker is for SIM unlocking.
For G3 CID unlocking and upgrading read the stickies in
If you can start your Wizard in bootloader, and it says "usb" in the lower-left, you can flash your original ROM. An active sync connection is not needed. Search for your carrier's ROM if you don't have it and I'd recommend the "no carrier ID" version of the RUU.
Have you tried a 'Hard Reset',hope it'll work,if it boots up into working OS and it already has IPL/SPL 1.xx,use lokiwiz02b tool to SIM/CID unlock the phone and than upgrade.
If it doesn't work still after Hard Reset,most probably,its Extended_Rom is corrupted,its required to reflash a new rom.
Activesync doesn't work in absence of a working OS and in Bootloaders mode.Its not required for flashing a rom.Just get the phone into Bootloaders and hook the phone with pc via usb cable and watch small usb appear at the bottom of the bootloader screen,if its there,it good to go and flash the rom.
ok so i downloaded the button rom finally but how do i flash it to my wizard.
Get your phone in Bootloaders,hook up the phone with pc via usb,watch small usb appear at the bottom of the Bootloader screen,if its there run the 'RUU' application,it'll start to flash,it stops at a certain percentage,don't get worried and do anything,after a couple of minutes it starts again,let it complete 100%,the phone'll restart and boot up in new OS.
which ruu application. I jst downloaded 1 which comes in the form of a rar file saying ruuwrapper. is that the right 1
So after lots and lots and lots more reading i realized i dont need a ruu. all i need to do is get into bootloader mode plug in the usb and run the wizard button rom. It worked perfectly my wizard is back to life yip pee.
Anyway i wud jst like to thank u guys for all the help and compliment u guys on a gr8 forum.
Now my next challenge is wm6 with touch flo.

i reeallyyyy need somebody's help with unbricking my phone.. please hellpppp!!

alright.. i made a similar post to this before and i came across the wiki...
well i can't view what my SPL or my IPL because as soon as i turn the device on, all that shows is the boot loader screen and displays serial on the top with 0.16-0.90 in red characters on the bottom (I'm not sure what those are)...
here are the only details that i know about my phone:
I DON'T have hard SPL
My Original ROM i was using before was an htc windows mobile 5 rom
The reason that my phone is bricked right now is because the usb cable disconnected in the middle of the flash
I'm using Windows Vista for flashing
Computer won't recognize the phone when on usb
My phone (qtek 9600) can't load the operating system
Helping me will be greatly appreciated
come on.. I'm without a phone
Do you have a 2GB or smaller SD card? Copy a rom image to it and rename it HERMIMG.NBH
Turn it on and you might get lucky!
Just make sure its stock rom that was supplied, or the updated WM06 version as the CID should check out then...
vwkess forgot to mention, reset into bootloader, hold power, ok button and reset with stylus. Hold all buttons in until you get to the tri-colour screen. If it works, follow the prompts....
i think i can hlep.
i had recently bricked my phone with a custom wm6 image, it worked fine for two days and then i reboot, and all i see was the welcome image, nothing else.
so what i did is -
i pressed the hard reset buttons - power + OK + SOFT RESET (Stylus), kept it pressed for 3-4 seconds, the fone rebooted, the screen was full with some colored bricks i connected my fone in USB and on screen i saw USB.
I then again flashed my fone with the working update, it worked perfectly for me, try may be you can get some luck
ps - before doing all these, i turned my fone off by removing the battery, i removed sim card and mmc card as well.
That may work too, but again, try to flash with a stock rom, untick "connect with USB" in activesync and then try.
Make sure you go to boootloader screen, instruction in rajivlodha's post, before you connect to the pc.
I need some help as well.
I think I may have bricked my phone. It's a rooted htc hero cdma. I'm running cyogenmod on it and it was working fine, until using metamorph to apply some changes to the theme.
I went to reboot, and it now it won't load past the htc screen. Even when i try the key combination to put it into recover mode. I didn't install a nandroid backup, and i'd be fine with just completely wiping my phone. help is appreciated.

How to fix an HD2 that Freezes at the splash screen and won't boot

I just had this problem and I saw that a ton of others had it too. It was where my phone would stop at the windows screen and not boot, and my PC wouldn't read the phone so I couldn't load a new rom or Hard SPL. How I fixed it was by getting my phone into bootloader mode, (the multi colored screen). Here's how to do it.
While phone is Off:
Hold Volume down & press power button
While phone is On
Hold Volume down & press Reset Button (meaning the little yellow button by the battery that you have to press with a pen to soft reset it)
Once your on the bootloader screen, plug your phone into your PC, you will hear the ding that the computer recognized it but your Windows Mobile desktop software will still say your not connected, don't worry about that,, you are connected. After that, just pick whatever rom you want, then just install it like normal. and it works. If your not running a rom, do the same but install hard SPL instead of a ROM.
I hope this helps,
As long as your phone turns on at least to the opening screen there is hope.
i had that problem, my phone was stuck on stock together splash screen, but I just called up tmo and they have sent me a new hd2.
Three words. I LOVE YOU! well not really since I'm not gay ha!
By the way This also works for the HTC Imagio!
can someone help me ! i have the same problem. im not sure i can even open the bootloader menu . when i reset it ,it still goes 3 colours. when i try puting a new rom on it it comes up error 262. tried task29 but still error 262. tried reinstalling activesinc , still error 262,something is telling me to sign into my comp as admin but ... can anyone help?
waigstar said:
can someone help me ! i have the same problem. im not sure i can even open the bootloader menu . when i reset it ,it still goes 3 colours. when i try puting a new rom on it it comes up error 262. tried task29 but still error 262. tried reinstalling activesinc , still error 262,something is telling me to sign into my comp as admin but ... can anyone help?
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Ok first off what ROM do you have and what SPL does it show when you are in the muticolor bootloader screen? Secound if you are trying to flash a ROM yse right clicking the .exe file and selecting run as adminastrator is a good idea. l
I had the same problem.. what usually helps for me is when it gets stuck.. pull out the battery and give it a solid 15-20 minutes.. and then turn it on and do nothing up until after it has booted
i do the battery thing but i cant go on doing this , i put a little txt or phone call and the phone goes bonkers and heats up,nightmare!
ok on the tri colour screen it says
SPL-S.08.0000 8G XE
AH!! just got into the boatloader screen !! by pressing volume up and down together~! rest it! but i need to wait cos ive pulled the battery again!!!
I am having the same issue. I had a android rom then was finally able to flash via sd the stock rom, but it would just freeze on splash screen when trying to boot. Now when I try to flash rom again it will start and freeze on 1%. Any suggestions?
Now when I try to load rom via usb it starts and then freezes on 1%. Then will say communication error and then when trying to boot phone it says software issue and now I cant even get a rom put back on! Please help lol
stormohio said:
Now when I try to load rom via usb it starts and then freezes on 1%. Then will say communication error and then when trying to boot phone it says software issue and now I cant even get a rom put back on! Please help lol
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Ok try going to and download and install the latest version of ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) , wich ever one you have to have for your computer, and install it on your computer as they have updated USB drivers for your HD2.
have you tried loading a rom from the root of your memory card LEOimg.nbh?
i have this problem too...but what is worse is after i went to splash screen and connect my phone to pc, my pc wont detect my i cant flash a new rom...
ps : im on stock rom bought this almost 2 years ago if im not mistaken
melodicstealer said:
i have this problem too...but what is worse is after i went to splash screen and connect my phone to pc, my pc wont detect my i cant flash a new rom...
ps : im on stock rom bought this almost 2 years ago if im not mistaken
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You need to put your phone into bootloader then your computer will recognize it. Hold the volume down button down while you power on the phone and the multicolor bootloader will come up. Next connect your HD2 to your computer via your USB cable. Wait for the Serial in the white bar of bootloader changes to USB and then flash. If you go to the device manager of your computer while you see USB on your phone it should say HTC USB Sync if you want to be assured that you have a connection to flash with.

[Q] The only thing that's working: bootloader

Hello together
wish you nice eavening!
My Problem is the following: The only thing, on my htc touch hd T8282 that seems to work, is the bootloader.
Til five minutes ago I could read there:
BLAC 100 32M
MicroP - BlackStone (LED) v6
now the following is added:
in the right, top corner: RUUNBH
in the green field: Upgrade ROM code error, Please try again
I think, this is because, in my helplessness, I interrupted the flashing process. But that's not the main problem.
Beside that, I can "start" the phone only by plugging in the USB cable from Computer or charging station. Then the phone vibrates, and the "smart mobility" screen comes up. After about 5 seconds it starts again, doing the same.
I tried hard resets, but it doesn't work. The only reason why I'm still trying to repair the phone is, that the bootloader is working. To me a signal, that somhow not everything is lost, but maybe I'm wrong.
I tried to flash the phone too. I tried first with the official "BlackStone_GER_1.56.407.2_Radio_52.60.25.33_1.12. 25.16DE_Ship.exe" which worked in the bootloader mode. At least the screen "flashing was sucsessful" showed. The bootloader was the same and nothing changed.
After that I tried with "HSPLWrapper_Blackstone_156OliNex.exe", which is not working. It demands a connection with the ActiveSync, which I have on my Computer, but the only way the computer detectes the Phone is in the bootloader mode. In normal mode computer and active sync don't detect a phone.
So my questions to you:
Do you know a way to load the hard spl (from OliNex) to the phone, although I cannot connect it to ActiveSync? There should be one, because with the official data it "works" (or seems to).
Do you have any help?
Samuel ben jamin said:
Hello together
wish you nice eavening!
My Problem is the following: The only thing, on my htc touch hd T8282 that seems to work, is the bootloader.
Til five minutes ago I could read there:
BLAC 100 32M
MicroP - BlackStone (LED) v6
now the following is added:
in the right, top corner: RUUNBH
in the green field: Upgrade ROM code error, Please try again
I think, this is because, in my helplessness, I interrupted the flashing process. But that's not the main problem.
Beside that, I can "start" the phone only by plugging in the USB cable from Computer or charging station. Then the phone vibrates, and the "smart mobility" screen comes up. After about 5 seconds it starts again, doing the same.
I tried hard resets, but it doesn't work. The only reason why I'm still trying to repair the phone is, that the bootloader is working. To me a signal, that somhow not everything is lost, but maybe I'm wrong.
I tried to flash the phone too. I tried first with the official "BlackStone_GER_1.56.407.2_Radio_52.60.25.33_1.12. 25.16DE_Ship.exe" which worked in the bootloader mode. At least the screen "flashing was sucsessful" showed. The bootloader was the same and nothing changed.
After that I tried with "HSPLWrapper_Blackstone_156OliNex.exe", which is not working. It demands a connection with the ActiveSync, which I have on my Computer, but the only way the computer detectes the Phone is in the bootloader mode. In normal mode computer and active sync don't detect a phone.
So my questions to you:
Do you know a way to load the hard spl (from OliNex) to the phone, although I cannot connect it to ActiveSync? There should be one, because with the official data it "works" (or seems to).
Do you have any help?
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wel its saying spl so its original spl and not hspl
if you downloaded the german rom form the xda site it doesnt work as the spl in that rom isnt for youre device
if youre in bootloader try to flash hspl on it and then you can flash roms from the site
the other option is got to htc official site and look up the blackstone
there search the latest rom
if you want to download it you have to enter youre imei(can be found under the battery) with that code the rom youre going to download is only for oure device and is supposed to work for you
hope it helps
Thankyou for writing!
I downloaded and tested the rom from the htc site. I can run that and it comes up with the "successful screen". Then, the phone restarts, and I have the old problem, nothing changed.
As I mentioned before, I can not flash the hard spl from OliNex. That's my big problem. Because, also mentioned before, my phone is not recognized by the active-sync programm and in bootloader mode the HSPLWrapper from OliNex doesn't work.
hope there are some more replies and answers..
Samuel ben jamin said:
Thankyou for writing!
I downloaded and tested the rom from the htc site. I can run that and it comes up with the "successful screen". Then, the phone restarts, and I have the old problem, nothing changed.
As I mentioned before, I can not flash the hard spl from OliNex. That's my big problem. Because, also mentioned before, my phone is not recognized by the active-sync programm and in bootloader mode the HSPLWrapper from OliNex doesn't work.
hope there are some more replies and answers..
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In activesync (or windows mobile device centre) go to connection settings and make sure that "allow usb connections" is ticked. Then retry connection device to computer. Put device into bootloader while connected. Does bottom of bootloader change from "serial" to "usb" after a couple of seconds?
In activesync "allow USB-connections" is ticked.
In the white, bottom part of the bootloader is written "USB" when connected to Computer. But if I connect it to the charging unit and start in bootloader, the white field is empty. I can't start it without any electricity source. Either there is another problem with the battery or, because you can't turn it off, the battery is flat all the time.
Also, the original htc blackstone rom-program, detects a connection to the phone, and is loading the rom properly, it seems. Because I could turn the bootloader screen back to where I already was once (by loading the official rom again):
BLAC 100 32M
MicroP - BlackStone (LED) v6
Somehow it seems, that the power button is not working, I can't shut down when it is in bootloader, and can't really start the unit. But it's hard to say, 'cause it's starting automatically.

