I installed fedora on my droid x - Droid X General

Yeah..... I would love to post a tutorial to the developers part of this Droid X forum but I can't until I post at least 10 times. I figured since I spent a lot of time working on this (because I have no computer and have done it all on my phone) I'd post a tutorial on it
No loopback module required and I'm working on uploading a working version for all Droid X devices (with the latest update) which will include X11 with a small desktop environment (LXDE) and vncserver.

Please don't spam - if you have something to share, please do, and you and I can work out the details rearding the thread's location.
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA App

Are there any major benefits to running Fedora? And does it shut down Android, or run like an app in the foreground?

N4melessS0ldier said:
I really don't think anything I've posted so far is technically spam, just posts and replies..... such as this, this is indeed a reply.
Sent from my DROIDX using Liberty 1.5 with FC10 Linux chrooted!
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Let me rephrase - I feel like you're just trying to 'burn' posts until you can post this in development, by using this thread as a teaser. Please do not do this. Instead, please post what you've got on the subject now, in this thread. You will easily pass 10 posts with substantive discussion and, after that, I see no reason why the thread can't be moved in to Dev (just as so many threads are moved OUT of Dev... )

mrkite38 said:
Let me rephrase - I feel like you're just trying to 'burn' posts until you can post this in development, by using this thread as a teaser. Please do not do this. Instead, please post what you've got on the subject now, in this thread. You will easily pass 10 posts with substantive discussion and, after that, I see no reason why the thread can't be moved in to Dev (just as so many threads are moved OUT of Dev... )
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Sorry, I kinda asked him to reply to my posts with legitimate questions so that he could make the 10 posts. Didnt mean to encourage any spamming
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
mod edit: appreciated, this 10 post thing is new to all of us.

Thread cleaned. OP, please follow the instructions per my last post.

Can you drop your instructions in here for those of us who want to give this a try? Then I'm sure Mrkite would be more than happy to move the post to development when you have enough posts! =)
forgive me if i'm putting words in your mouth... just taking what I though you inferred in a previous post

zehkaiser said:
Are there any major benefits to running Fedora? And does it shut down Android, or run like an app in the foreground?
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The benefits of running Fedora, from my standpoint, are mainly for developers that want custom binaries, that run in linux, to run on their Droid X orrrrr for regular end users who want a precompiled version of the Fedora 10 root filesystem that includes binaries (applications/programs) that are useful.
As far as running linux, it does not replace the Android OS. You aren't actually booting linux. Since Android OS is already techincally linux, you can just "chroot" into the root filesystem of a precompiled Fedora 10 distribution for ARM based devices.
So, the short answer is that Fedora will run parallel to Android OS and in order to access the desktop environment you need to run an android app that works as a VNC Viewer and connect to your own device (localhost).
I will be uploading a precompiled Fedora 10 to my server which will include a VNC server, LXDE (desktop environment), X11 (X windows server), and maybe a few other binaries specifically compiled for the Droid X (the kernel for the Droid X cannot be changed as most of you know (or maybe I'm just unaware of how to change it)).
Oh and by the way, I will be uploading this to my server @ anonymouslyacquired DOT info (if posting my website is against xda policy, please let me know and I will edit out the domain name registered to my server)
edit: uploaded rootfs-f10/fedora.txt to my server which I typed up to give people some info on how to do this themselves.....

Please post some instructions!
I am avidly wanting this. Especially if you get an X server running natively without the need for a vnc loopback!
I would love to be able to ssh to my server and get some x11 forwarding going If only just for the heck of it.

N4melessS0ldier said:
The benefits of running Fedora, from my standpoint, are mainly for developers that want custom binaries, that run in linux, to run on their Droid X orrrrr for regular end users who want a precompiled version of the Fedora 10 root filesystem that includes binaries (applications/programs) that are useful.
As far as running linux, it does not replace the Android OS. You aren't actually booting linux. Since Android OS is already techincally linux, you can just "chroot" into the root filesystem of a precompiled Fedora 10 distribution for ARM based devices.
So, the short answer is that Fedora will run parallel to Android OS and in order to access the desktop environment you need to run an android app that works as a VNC Viewer and connect to your own device (localhost).
I will be uploading a precompiled Fedora 10 to my server which will include a VNC server, LXDE (desktop environment), X11 (X windows server), and maybe a few other binaries specifically compiled for the Droid X (the kernel for the Droid X cannot be changed as most of you know (or maybe I'm just unaware of how to change it)).
Oh and by the way, I will be uploading this to my server @ anonymouslyacquired DOT info (if posting my website is against xda policy, please let me know and I will edit out the domain name registered to my server)
edit: uploaded rootfs-f10/fedora.txt to my server which I typed up to give people some info on how to do this themselves.....
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Can you post the rest of the files for this on the site?

Sorry, guys I had it running on my Droid X for awhile, but then I lost the phone. Eventually I switched to T-Mobile and now I have a Samsung Galaxy S 4G running Fedora 12 with X server (only viewable through droid-vnc-viewer, an ssh server and XFCE4 desktop environment). Since the SGS4G doesn't have nearly as much internal memory as the Droid X does, I created a fedora.img file that is on the sdcard and run a script I modded (from the bootubuntu script) which mounts the image and chroots into the OS. If you guys are still interested I can post instructions on what I remember of putting Fedora on the Droid X but I will be uploading the filesystemm image to hxxp://anonymouslyacquired.info/fedoraonsgs4g along with the scripts that make it possible!
Note: the filesystem I'm uploading is preinstalled with a bunch of stuff and its 1.5GB total (oops) its actually really only around 900Mb but I left some space for installing stuff.
with my scripts just copy everything to a folder called "fedora" under the root of your sdcard and run "sh /sdcard/fedora/fedora.sh" in android terminal emulator. It will tell you what to do next (type "bootfedora" press enter). Once you're in fedora type "startvnc" and/or "service sshd start"

Instructions for SGS4G


Mac friendly dev apps

Hey Guys,
Whats the best tools for building the kernel? roms? rom kitchen etc.
For a macbook pro 17 10.6.4.
I seem to have problems with everything.
is there a tool-chain? for osx?
Wrong section buddy. Ask a mod to move it to general.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Alex530 said:
Wrong section buddy. Ask a mod to move it to general.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I dont see why this should go to general. Its about dev work. Hence in the android dev talk.
i agree, this is a development related question. I too would like to know where/which toolchain to get.
any help is greatly appreciated.
Development is for when you actually developed something.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
vague questions about development in general on the android platform should go somewhere in here...
The vibrant section isnt the only subforum around here...
This section was made specifically for posting developments to the vibrant platform...
edit: oh yeah forgot about chef central all your cooking needs...
If you're looking to do kernel hacking or just build a system, then all you need is the command line. All of the tools in the SDK are written to be used this way, but if you're going to be editing source files, you may want a decent text editor (I like TextMate). If you're uncomfortable with the command line, then you probably shouldn't doing that kind of development.
For applications themselves, Eclipse is probably the way to go. It's a bit bulky (and not the nicest IDE), but it is quite competent and gets the job done. Plus, there are the ADT (Android Development Tools) that allows for graphical management of your SDK targets, as well as an AVD editor for setting up different emulator environments and one-button access to DDMS.
(While this question may have been best posted in the general Android dev section, I don't see any reason why it's not development related and should be in general or Q&A.)
rpcameron said:
If you're looking to do kernel hacking or just build a system, then all you need is the command line. All of the tools in the SDK are written to be used this way, but if you're going to be editing source files, you may want a decent text editor (I like TextMate). If you're uncomfortable with the command line, then you probably shouldn't doing that kind of development.
For applications themselves, Eclipse is probably the way to go. It's a bit bulky (and not the nicest IDE), but it is quite competent and gets the job done. Plus, there are the ADT (Android Development Tools) that allows for graphical management of your SDK targets, as well as an AVD editor for setting up different emulator environments and one-button access to DDMS.
(While this question may have been best posted in the general Android dev section, I don't see any reason why it's not development related and should be in general or Q&A.)
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thanks rpcameron - we appreciate the info!
and vinnydakid why bother posting if it doesnt answer the question or provide direction. your comment just took up space...
sorry...double post...
rpcameron said:
If you're looking to do kernel hacking or just build a system, then all you need is the command line. All of the tools in the SDK are written to be used this way, but if you're going to be editing source files, you may want a decent text editor (I like TextMate). If you're uncomfortable with the command line, then you probably shouldn't doing that kind of development.
For applications themselves, Eclipse is probably the way to go. It's a bit bulky (and not the nicest IDE), but it is quite competent and gets the job done. Plus, there are the ADT (Android Development Tools) that allows for graphical management of your SDK targets, as well as an AVD editor for setting up different emulator environments and one-button access to DDMS.
(While this question may have been best posted in the general Android dev section, I don't see any reason why it's not development related and should be in general or Q&A.)
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Thanks for this info.
I already use eclipe with the android plugin. That's how i was able to write the one click root apk.
But, ive tried a few rom kitchens. and they dont seem to work.
Also, Looking for a deox that will work on mac. For both APK/ROM.
Also, Looking to see how to build a kernel on a mac.
I think i need a working tool-chain to cross compile.
If someone can point me to it.
I haven't used it for android development yet, but xcode is an awesome application for programming on the mac. And best of all, not only is it free, but it ships on every osx install disc in the extras section.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
rhcp0112345 said:
Thanks for this info.
I already use eclipe with the android plugin. That's how i was able to write the one click root apk.
But, ive tried a few rom kitchens. and they dont seem to work.
Also, Looking for a deox that will work on mac. For both APK/ROM.
Also, Looking to see how to build a kernel on a mac.
I think i need a working tool-chain to cross compile.
If someone can point me to it.
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To build a kernel from source on a mac, you're going to need to dual-boot linux (ubuntu seems to be very popular among devs) set up your dev environment and run a make (compile)
jroid said:
To build a kernel from source on a mac, you're going to need to dual-boot linux (ubuntu seems to be very popular among devs) set up your dev environment and run a make (compile)
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I'm pretty certain that OS X can cross-compile Android's linux kernel. (I'm not 100% on this, but pretty certain. If it's not, a dual-boot is not necessary: I use a VM in VirtualBox.) However, if you're compiling Android sources (and AOSP), 10.6 is not presently supported (but it is possible, with work). Also, you need to use HFS+ with case-sensitivity—if your drive is not formatted for a case-sensitive filesystem, then building in a disk image is advisable.
Smali/baksmali both run on a Mac, so if you need to de-odex there is no problem there; but they are command line programs.
As far as a ROM kitchen: Call me crazy, because perhaps I'm in the minority here, but a "kitchen" is not really development in my eyes; it's putting a bunch of files into a zip file (which can be done on the command line, again), and perhaps editing a few text and/or XML files specific to the hardware.
In the end, other than ensuring your machine meets the requirements necessary to build the source (and you can find them at the source website, make sure to check the "Setting up your machine" section), the Mac already has all of the programs necessary. From what I've seen of most of Google's Android developers, many (if not most) use a Mac.
rpcameron said:
I'm pretty certain that OS X can cross-compile Android's linux kernel. (I'm not 100% on this, but pretty certain. If it's not, a dual-boot is not necessary: I use a VM in VirtualBox.) However, if you're compiling Android sources (and AOSP), 10.6 is not presently supported (but it is possible, with work). Also, you need to use HFS+ with case-sensitivity—if your drive is not formatted for a case-sensitive filesystem, then building in a disk image is advisable.
Smali/baksmali both run on a Mac, so if you need to de-odex there is no problem there; but they are command line programs.
As far as a ROM kitchen: Call me crazy, because perhaps I'm in the minority here, but a "kitchen" is not really development in my eyes; it's putting a bunch of files into a zip file (which can be done on the command line, again), and perhaps editing a few text and/or XML files specific to the hardware.
In the end, other than ensuring your machine meets the requirements necessary to build the source (and you can find them at the source website, make sure to check the "Setting up your machine" section), the Mac already has all of the programs necessary. From what I've seen of most of Google's Android developers, many (if not most) use a Mac.
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At the moment MacOS 10.6 ("Snow Leopard") is not supported.
well I meant vm when I said dual-boot. I'd recommend just to make a decent size partiton on your drive and install a linux distro. I'd rather make compiles on the full OS rather than compiling on a vm
I think im just going to wait for my netbook on WED. Macbooks only have 4G of ram. MAX. I hate VM'ing. slows everything down.
rpcameron said:
I'm pretty certain that OS X can cross-compile Android's linux kernel. (I'm not 100% on this, but pretty certain. If it's not, a dual-boot is not necessary: I use a VM in VirtualBox.)
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After thinking on it a little, I realized the reason cross-compiling is an issue is only because of the processors, not because of OS X/xnu versus Linux. Cross-compiling is building for one processor on another—in this case, building for ARM on x86.
There really is no issue of OS X/xnu versus Linux because both are fully POSIX compliant; as long as the same build tools are used in the toolchain, the only issue is having an ARM toolchain running on x86. Don't know what I wasn't thinking clearly before, but there's the core of the matter.
Of course, the original caveats stand: building on 10.6 (Snow Leopard) is not supported, and the build cannot be done on a case-insensitive filesystem (which is the default for OS X). But git/repo and the rest of the build environment runs without a problem on 10.5, therefore there is no problem building Android/AOSP on a Mac. (Again, "cooking a ROM" is no problem regardless of your OS X version or filesystem, because nothing is really being built, only packaged.)
The kernel and even Eclair build even with Snow Leopard but you have to change some make files and fix some code. Google "android eclair 2.1 snow leopard" and you'll find a few links that tell you the changes needed. You also need to make some changes to build Eclair using the default Java 6 that comes with Snow Leopard - google it.
The toolchain for the kernel is Code Sourcery - both the 2009q4 and 2010q1 versions work. Also, you need to make sure that your disk is case-sensitive - or build a disk image that is case-sensitive and mount that, it is what I do. Again, google is your friend and there are some pages that tell you exactly what you need to do to set up the environment.
For development using the Android SDK, the installation page for the SDK tells you how to set it up on the Mac. You would use Eclipse for development. I tend to use emacs when in the Android code proper, while I use Eclipse for App development.
ROM kitchens - beats me. That's not development
atinm said:
The kernel and even Eclair build even with Snow Leopard but you have to change some make files and fix some code. Google "android eclair 2.1 snow leopard" and you'll find a few links that tell you the changes needed. You also need to make some changes to build Eclair using the default Java 6 that comes with Snow Leopard - google it.
The toolchain for the kernel is Code Sourcery - both the 2009q4 and 2010q1 versions work. Also, you need to make sure that your disk is case-sensitive - or build a disk image that is case-sensitive and mount that, it is what I do. Again, google is your friend and there are some pages that tell you exactly what you need to do to set up the environment.
For development using the Android SDK, the installation page for the SDK tells you how to set it up on the Mac. You would use Eclipse for development. I tend to use emacs when in the Android code proper, while I use Eclipse for App development.
ROM kitchens - beats me. That's not development
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I read the 'thats what i do'
any chance you can share with me a pre-done version?
I really hate to go through all the work if its been done. (reinvent the wheel)
rhcp0112345 said:
I read the 'thats what i do'
any chance you can share with me a pre-done version?
I really hate to go through all the work if its been done. (reinvent the wheel)
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I am assuming that you mean to build the kernel and eclair, not just do applications.
You will need to do *some* work if you want to build the kernel and eclair using Snow Leopard because you do have to set up your environment - read the http://source.android.com/source/download.html setting up your machine page to get that squared away and also install the code sourcery toolchain 2010q1 build. The changes in the eclair source are easy - use www.justinlee.sg/2010/06/22/compiling-android-2-1-eclair-source-on-mac-os-x-10-6-snow-leopard/ and follow the steps (there really are just two changes).
If you just want to build apps, then you don't need any of this and just need to install the SDK.

Ubuntu sbf_flash.iso [Moderator Please Remove, Thanks]

"[Q] Droid 2 Users using 32-bit(x86) or 64-bit?"
I'm trying to develop something that will help droid2 users but I need to know whether most people use a 32-bit OS or have a 64-bit OS. This way I can help the most people by starting on the one with the most users. Thanks for your input.
This is for any OS Windows or Mac or Linux.
MODERATOR: Please Close and Remove This Thread, Thanks!
If you have a 64bit you can run x86 so why not just make that version. <-- Windows at least
Anyways, I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64
I thought about starting with that but because I'm running a 64-bit OS aswell I have to make the 32-bit product on a 32-bit OS so I'd have to do tweak it a little bit and was hoping most people were using 64-bit.
that makes sense.
32 bit is always the safest route to take because of the backwards compatibility of 64 bit OS with 32 bit executables. You are going to have to make that call though. If you want to reach the most people though, I would say 32 bit.
Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
Can you shed some light on what you are creating? I am interested in this project. I can also host it for you if needed.
lol it has to do with linux and that's all I'll put out right now but I'll update as soon as I get further into it. This was going to be my test post because I want to start making it I just needed so guidance as to where to start.
That would be awesome if you could host (I'm new to dev stuff and was gonna ask for some help getting it out there).
not a problem. just let me know when you need it. I am currently working on acquiring a new domain so that it will host droid2 files and we can grow this section of the forums because the Droid 2 is lacking in the dev department lol
I'm new to d2 but facelessuser makes a good point. I'm intrigued...
Sent from my Full Android on Vogue using XDA App
This is just a heads up post
I'm almost done making a custom ubuntu 10.04.1.iso with adb and the sbf_flash script for linux install this will allow anyone to flash their phone in linux as it's a live cd and will be booted from the disk tray for a single session. No windows driver problems or RSDlite errors.
(it's in x86 if you were wondering; which was the main reason it's not already posted.)

[VMWare Image][9-DEC-2011] Android AOSP/ROM Developer Environment

Everyone is allowed to make changes to the VMWare image and re-upload it. If you re-upload the VMWare image with the made corrections, post the download link(s) in this thread. I will update the first post.
If there is a AOSP Developer that is willing to make a complete tutorial, please make one that works and is up-to-date with 2.3.7
The more people we have working on making ROMs, the better.
This VMWare image is:
- Base: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- ICS ready
- Gingerbread ready
- Fully updated
- Eclipse with ADT Plugin
- Android Kitchen Integrated
Latest changelog (Coming soon)
- Based on 10.04 LTS instead of 11.10
- Different approach
Download link:
Bypass 24h wait time, limit reached --> Solution? Reset your ip! In Belgium this is easy by restarting your modem/router. This may be different in other countries.
more mirrors will come!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Image is extracted, where do I start?
Continue from this link
How to build 2.3.7 for Nexus S
This is just a snippet that may help you.
repo init -b android-2.3.7_r1 < /dev/null (This branch is ready to use with Nexus S and Nexus S 4G)
repo sync
source build/envsetup.sh
lunch full_crespo-userdebug
make -j8 (-j8 = for eightcores like 2600k, 2630QM / -j4 = for quads 2500K/2620M/Q6600 / -j2 for dual cores / ...)
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Don't forget to add the vendor files of the device. You need to download the scripts as well of the driver binaries.
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I tested a quick build. And it's working.
A virtual machine with limited RAM in order to compile AOSP? Definitively not a good idea. Why not dual boot? Sooooo easy to install the worst distro ever (*buntu).
This is awesome. My only problem is that I only have VMWare Workstation 7.
Super! Waiting for this
djjonastybe said:
Dear community,
I made a AOSP developer environment for VMWare Workstation 8 or latest VMWare Player (free).
You can use this VMWare image as a base to build AOSP ROMs. Imade it for those having trouble getting it to work or maybe if you don't have time to set it up properly. Well if you are downloading this you might have a good reason!
Anyway have fun!
If there are any errors let me know.
This VMWare image is:
- ICS ready
- Gingerbread ready
- Fully updated
Download link:
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Who would have guessed that an android dev would have difficulty setting up a linux enviroment . . . go figure.
You do not have to be an Android Dev to compile Android. I haven't written a single line of code for Android and can compile AOSP 2.3.7 fine.
This is simply to save time. And if you have good enough hardware (like myself) compiling Android AOSP in a VM session works perfectly fine.
Most people that are into computers have a rocking system. I have 12GB ram, I dedicate 8 for my VM and the rest for my main OS (windows 7). Works fine, what's the issue?
Some people don't want to dual boot and sometimes a Linux distro doesn't support certain hardware or can't be installed.
I would appreciate it. THANKS
nice.....this could be very useful
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
FeaRThiS: Who would have guessed that an android dev would have difficulty setting up a linux enviroment . . . go figure.
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You seem to be the only one against uploading this.
Guys I am still trying to upload it. I am splitting it in 700MB sizes. Crocko's uploadservice is down. I will upload it on depositfiles and multiupload
@FeaRThiS just stated the obvious. I also think the first step to understand how to build an AOSP ROM is knowing how to setup the development environment.
I don't have anything against using a VMWare image. But, IMHO, considering the time for uploading/downloading the file, if you do the setup yourself (in VMWare or whatever), you should have already been compiling your ROM by now.
suksit said:
@FeaRThiS just stated the obvious. I also think the first step to understand how to build an AOSP ROM is knowing how to setup the development environment.
I don't have anything against using a VMWare image. But, IMHO, considering the time for uploading/downloading the file, if you do the setup yourself (in VMWare or whatever), you should have already been compiling your ROM by now.
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Okay, its not useful for you two.
I like it and i will try it.
djjonastybe said:
You seem to be the only one against uploading this.
Guys I am still trying to upload it. I am splitting it in 700MB sizes. Crocko's uploadservice is down. I will upload it on depositfiles and multiupload
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I have nothing against it and it may even be useful in case of emergency when you can not access a linux machine, but as stated by @S suxeN the first step for any dev would be learning to create their own dev enviroment.
i didnt say that.
but the statement is right. Anyways i yet think this image is of great use, as you can always start from there, if u did something wront, what can always happen to nun-linux users.
I don't know anything about linux. Is Eclipse with ADT on here by any chance? If not, what IDE is there to develop with in this VM?
I didn't think that far. Eclipse is not installed.
But I will work on it for next release. For now you have to install it manually. I hope tomorrow evening the new vmware will be uploaded!
Hey guys, don't be so hard on the fella. He's doing us a great service in a way. Not all of us are able to bring laptops wherever we go, dual-boot, etc. I just downloaded this to my external drive that I use to keep my stuff on for work and it'll come in handy when I wanna test apps without worrying about nuking my phone.
Also, it helps that I can demo apps on the thing to co-workers on screen than using a phone. That way I won't have to worry about them screwing things up if they decided to 'explore.'
Can someone help me with this? This has the binaries for the Nexus S.
Where do I place the scripts?
I have a vendor folder with several maps in it now. But I don't know what I have to do now.
I placed the 'vendor' folder in my working directory. But lunch isn't showing up crespo in the list.
These are my steps:
I executed lunch. I realised I did not have crespo in the list. So next, I read the line 'Building for devices'.
Eventually I ended up here:
Building devices
Obtaining proprietary binaries
Starting with IceCreamSandwich, the Android Open-Source Project can't be used from pure source code only, and requires additional hardware-related proprietary libraries to run, specifically for hardware graphics acceleration.
Official binaries for Nexus S, Nexus S 4G, Galaxy Nexus, and PandaBoard can be downloaded fromGoogle's Nexus driver page, which add access to additional hardware capabilities with non-Open-Source code.
There are no official binaries for Nexus One, ADP2 or ADP1., ADP2 or ADP1.
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I clicked the link and downloaded the GWK74 binaries.
Now then I read further:
Extracting the proprietary binaries
Each set of binaries comes as a self-extracting script in a compressed archive. After uncompressing each archive, run the included self-extracting script from the root of the source tree, confirm that you agree to the terms of the enclosed license agreement, and the binaries and their matching makefiles will get installed in the vendor/ hierarchy of the source tree.
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I have the vendor hierarchy...
Do I have to put these files in:
my home folder/bin
home folder/workingdirectory_name
Or what do I have to do now?
updated first post with small hint on how to download 2.3.7 for our Nexus S. Good luck!
yep, i think this is pretty awesome. for me, i'm not an android dev but i've dabbled with theming and porting mods from other phones to the epic 4G previously. i'd love to be able to start with a system ready to go and mess around with some guides to learn how to compile source, etc... thanks.
Nice image man, gonna give it a go later. Thought I'd put my word in the discussion , sure there lots of talented devs, but they have all got different hardware/software and time requirements. So this becomes a useful tool to add to the inventory.

[Q] [INFO]Need a wing to be taken under.

Ok XDA im fairly new to this but have a decent background with software and such. And i am looking for a bit of assistance on cooking/modding my own rom. and just wondering if you guys have any pointer? Thank you!
A few questions, mostly for others to help:
Do you have some sort of Linux distribution installed on your computer, such as Ubuntu? If you are, do you feel comfortable with terminal commands?
If not, do you run Windows or OS X? Would you be willing to install Ubuntu or something similar through alongside, or us Wubi if you would like to use it inside your current OS?
Are you planning on compiling AOSP, port from other phones, or base it on stock?
Are you going to be theming and/or optimizing?
Do you have a 32- or 64- bit-capable computer?
I'll post some links in a minute to what I use
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
i think paul at modaco may even have a kitchen available. that makes things easy.
lithid has a compiler for android <3.0, i believe. use your powers of google-fu
tropicalbrit said:
A few questions, mostly for others to help:
Do you have some sort of Linux distribution installed on your computer, such as Ubuntu? If you are, do you feel comfortable with terminal commands?
If not, do you run Windows or OS X? Would you be willing to install Ubuntu or something similar through alongside, or us Wubi if you would like to use it inside your current OS?
Are you planning on compiling AOSP, port from other phones, or base it on stock?
Are you going to be theming and/or optimizing?
Do you have a 32- or 64- bit-capable computer?
I'll post some links in a minute to what I use
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
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I have a basic knowedge of commands. really basic. i run windows 7 on a 64 bit. and as for what i want to do? well im looking to learn it all. ive mostly been tinkering with sense roms. ive been using Team Nocturnals Shooter for E4G as my daily. good place to start?
Need Java JDK first: here
Definitely need ADB and Fastboot, great YouTube video by QBKing here
7-Zip and/or WinRAR. I have both, but I prefer 7-Zip. Get the 64-bit beta version here. WinRAR here too, get the 64-bit
UOT Kitchen for some theming here
Gimp, for theming
Notepad++ for editing text
Of course, a kitchen: Custom ROM Creator Studios here . Has many tools that you will need, including APK Tool and deodexing tools.
Great for Sense, "What You Know about Rosie?" And more by Tommy here
Chef Central for Android
so i followed the adb video to a t and it isnt workin?

Ubuntu Touch Xoom Port

I've got Ubuntu Touch running on my Xoom, not perfectly. I have an LTE Xoom, but I'm building as if it is Wifi Only (I no longer have service on LTE).
Font rendering in some places is unreadable.
Display settings have to be manually tweaked in /usr/bin/ubuntu-session to set GRID_UNIT_PX=10
Have not tested sound at all
Camera doesn't seem to work
Haven't tested GPS
Installation instructions:
reboot in recovery
install base Xoom (Wingray) Image: cm-10.1-20130228-UNOFFICIAL-wingray.zip md5: b1391ff076e67f68f89606c2ae349986
install the Ubuntu 12.10 Touch Preview, daily build quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip*
use ubuntu_chroot to edit /usr/bin/ubuntu-session and set GRID_UNIT_PX=10
I'm able to connect to my wifi and use the internet via an adb (ubuntu_chroot shell), but apps including the browser used from the device don't seem to have connectivity.
*This download is a daily snapshot, the latest version may or may not work, I've only tested using the version from 20130228.
Reserve a spot for some more technical details.
Could i get a link? I would love to give this a try! :good:
mikedmor said:
Could i get a link? I would love to give this a try! :good:
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PM with the link sent, when I get to 10 posts or get moderator approval, I'll edit the original post to include the download link.
Please keep me posted on how it goes. I'll try to document the steps I took to get it running soon (very minimal, just followed the official porting guide)
Just finished building it as I have seen Xoom support removed from the wiki yesterday. Did you unset CONFIG_ANDROID_PARANOID_NETWORKS to make apps work?
dreamcwli said:
Just finished building it as I have seen Xoom support removed from the wiki yesterday. Did you unset CONFIG_ANDROID_PARANOID_NETWORKS to make apps work?
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I did not unset CONFIG_ANDROID_PARANOID_NETWORKS as it broke the build and I have not had time to investigate it further. Were you able to build with it unset? Is the networking in the apps working for you?
skippyishappy said:
I did not unset CONFIG_ANDROID_PARANOID_NETWORKS as it broke the build and I have not had time to investigate it further. Were you able to build with it unset? Is the networking in the apps working for you?
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I comment several lines in the kernel source code so I can build it with the flag unset. I still can't fully boot Ubuntu Touch as the libraries used are not in the runtime path so I need to fix it. Will report here when I have time to work on it.
Good luck on the development
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Thx dreamcwli and OP
This project sounds like it will be good for devs and enhanced users and it keeps the hopes of the xoom staying around for a few more years.
Keep up the work and give us hope.
Did you symlink libraries under /data/ubuntu/usr/lib/armeabihf to /system/lib to boot the system?
CBDSonline said:
Thx dreamcwli and OP
This project sounds like it will be good for devs and enhanced users and it keeps the hopes of the xoom staying around for a few more years.
Keep up the work and give us hope.
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dreamcwli said:
Did you symlink libraries under /data/ubuntu/usr/lib/armeabihf to /system/lib to boot the system?
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I did no modifications to the ubuntu partition other than changing the GRID_UNIT_PX to make the layout fit the screen better. On my first attempt the screen was black, so I took a look using adb logcat and saw:
I/SurfaceFlinger( 1064): SurfaceFlinger is starting
I/SurfaceFlinger( 1064): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
E/libEGL ( 1064): eglGetDisplay:121 error 300c (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER)
E/libEGL ( 1064): eglInitialize:137 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
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This made me suspect it was missing some binaries (the only ones I'm using are from the Google binaries page for the Wifi Xoom).
device/moto/wingray/device_base.mk is looking for the vendor directories which do not match the directories I had after extracting them.
mv vendor/moto/ vendor/motorola
mv vendor/motorola/stingray/ vendor/motorola/wingray
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Then rebuild with brunch and the error was gone and the screen lit up with Ubuntu touch.
skippyishappy said:
I did no modifications to the ubuntu partition other than changing the GRID_UNIT_PX to make the layout fit the screen better. On my first attempt the screen was black, so I took a look using adb logcat and saw:
This made me suspect it was missing some binaries (the only ones I'm using are from the Google binaries page for the Wifi Xoom).
device/moto/wingray/device_base.mk is looking for the vendor directories which do not match the directories I had after extracting them.
Then rebuild with brunch and the error was gone and the screen lit up with Ubuntu touch.
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I have updated the location path for proprietary blobs. What I got is linker.c can't load /system/lib/libubuntu_application_api.so. Did you use Ubuntu-specific tools to build it? I am on Arch Linux so I am thinking about it those tools make different result.
dreamcwli said:
I have updated the location path for proprietary blobs. What I got is linker.c can't load /system/lib/libubuntu_application_api.so. Did you use Ubuntu-specific tools to build it? I am on Arch Linux so I am thinking about it those tools make different result.
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To setup my environment, I created a new VM using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and followed the steps in "Set up your development environment" in the porting guide.
skippyishappy said:
To setup my environment, I created a new VM using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and followed the steps in "Set up your development environment" in the porting guide.
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Now this is interesting!!!! Xoom is not officially supported by canonical, a 14year old was trying to port it. Even if the device is not listed anymore you can send an email to canonical and tell that you will be the one to port it to xoom! Keep up the good work. i am willing to test your work! I have a UMTS_Everest xoom. If you are interested please PM the links to me
darksnoopy said:
Now this is interesting!!!! Xoom is not officially supported by canonical, a 14year old was trying to port it. Even if the device is not listed anymore you can send an email to canonical and tell that you will be the one to port it to xoom! Keep up the good work. i am willing to test your work! I have a UMTS_Everest xoom. If you are interested please PM the links to me
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PM sent. The port itself has been trivial, at least getting it to boot. Easy to see why Canonical chose this path.
Very interested in this please pm me a link, I have a little knowledge of linux so I may be able to play around a bit.
slaming said:
Very interested in this please pm me a link, I have a little knowledge of linux so I may be able to play around a bit.
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PM'd, I should be able to edit my original post with the download links now.
I can confirm developers have to use phablet-dev-bootstrap tools to build it now. With phablet-dev-bootstrap you will get additional components that are required for Ubuntu Touch. I will test how network going with my build.
Built it and working fine now. With CONFIG_ANDROID_PARANOID_NETWORK unset I can use browser and other network apps without problem. However the usability is not good at current stage.

