Which Gingerbread to go for - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

i always used Android/Non-Sense/Nand-Builds since it is possible.
Now i just tried WP7. Wow, its fast and reliable. Butit is also boring and very VERY simple. Since i am an android guy who just wanted to know what he is talking about when someone asks for help with WP7, it is time to go back.
Besides the battery-performance is bad under WP7!
So, i was confident with Froyo, but i think Gingerbread is now ready and stable enough (according to some devs)
I dont like MDJs Builds for some reason, so which of these Builds should i go for:
[21 JAN] Pure Gingerbread gpc_hd2_gingerbread_v8
[20 JAN] NexusHD2-Gingerbread V2.1 NAND
I cannot see the differences. Which one is faster? Which one more stable?
I could test for myself, but i am interested in your opinions

I've gone for Pure Gingerbread gpc_hd2_gingerbread_v8
(well V7).
Works perfectly for me. Need to keep blutooth off when not using it as it drains batter but other than that perfect.

I've tried gpc first, but for every rom after v4 it kept hanging at the green htc boot screen. So I've switched to NexusHD2.
In my opinion there is no difference between the two. Both are fast, stable and have good battery drain.

Out of curiosity, is there any Sense version of Gingerbread?

No. 10char

im using sergio76's hyperdroid gingerbread v1, its super quick, very very stable and even with wifi on and using it heavily the battery lasts for 5+ hours (im yet to test without wifi)

COPENHAGENs Gingerbread build is very good. The kinks are still being worked out yet still very functional.

rockyjegnahazhaz said:
COPENHAGENs Gingerbread build is very good. The kinks are still being worked out yet still very functional.
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If u are t mobile based in the us check mine out. Its essentially copes set to T-Mobile stuff. He and I will be combining builds at some point for a logical carrier approach
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Best Cyanogen Mod Based (non-sense) Build?

I don't much care for Sense, as do allot of users, which is I'm sure why there's an increase in CM based android builds.
I haven't tested all of these builds yet, but I'm downloading them now. I know the original ShubCRAFT works great, but hasn't been updated in a while, leading to Warrenb to re-cook it to add the new kernel with Wifi Tethering support, amongst other things.
I've been using for about a week now, the HyperDroid build, which has been amazing, though I've gotten occasional touchscreen freezes, causing reboots. But I can confirm data to work amazingly, in addition to the wifi tethering.
Warrenb's Re-Build of ShubCRAFT 1.5 version 1.2a (RMNET/PPP) - Wifi Tethering
Bansters 1.2a - Wifi tethering
HyperDroid 1.1 - Wifi Tethering
Post your experience with the various non-sense based CM builds, along with any builds I might have missed.
There is allot of general discussion on each individual build, but as each build changes so much from day to day, especially with kernel changes, it's hard to determine which is currently the best and most stable build for HD2. I personally prefer the CM builds as they have the additional settings (long press app number, and mostly the status bar tweaks with the battery/dBm indicator without having to install any additional apps or have them in the background running, taking up bar space with additional batteries).
shubCRAFT is my favorite. I've tried the others, but it feels most like stock CM6 to me and everything just works. I do wish there were other builds based on the nightly CM builds... But oh well!
For whatever reason I stick with shubcraft. Maybe its a loyalty thing but I feel like Im missing something whenever I am on a different rom. Also aslong as I dont tinker everything works out rather well I actually am starting to feel I have a real android phone and not just a port.
hazard99 said:
For whatever reason I stick with shubcraft. Maybe its a loyalty thing but I feel like Im missing something whenever I am on a different rom. Also aslong as I dont tinker everything works out rather well I actually am starting to feel I have a real android phone and not just a port.
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I agree, it feels just like my nexus one.
I just downloaded Bangsters.....
USB Mass Storage/Tethering/Hotspot!!
I'd say it has the most features to date of all the builds.
But I wonder if the USB Mass Storage is working correctly 100%?
I know in other builds it's been disabled because of data corruption....
Did they just turn it back on or was that issue resolved?
Bangsters the best looking but shubcraft has the killer battery life using Energy ROM so far.
REVISION: Hyperdroid is becoming my personal favorite!
I'm using bangsters and gotta say I'm never going back to sense.
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Shubcraft for sure.
I've tried them all, and Shubcraft is the most stable one out there (at least for me!) . Next to that, i took my phone from the charger yesterday morning and i still have 51 percent left (with SetCPU).
That is with internet, messaging, theming and email every now and then
Definitely Shubcraft, many congrats and thanks to its developers.
Htcclays SuperHD2
I like shubCRAFT but then i recently switched to Hyperdroid, and so far? I LOVE IT!
ive tried them all and for me me, its definitely hyperdroid!
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Well as far as builds go htcclays 1.2 is flawless no sod slow wake ups and everything works
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Htcclay all the way... no freezes, great battery life. Its my day to day is now.
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Haven't tried the others, but hyperdroid v1.1 was good (no crashes, and a very few problems) and now the v 1.2 is even better, high frame rate and very fluid (1845 in quadrant)
I voted shubcraft because I've been using it daily since 1.4.
I just last night tried out hyperdroid and bangsters. Both of the used the really high res look which I like. I ended up liking bangsters more because launcherpro and adw were built in. Performance seemed about equal.
Its hard to give a preference if you just try them out like I did. They need long term use for a better evaluation. I wish one build was clearly superior to make this decision easier.
Stuck with bangsters as shubcraft hasn't been updated in a while.
mccm. good loking.
Switched to JDMS since shubcraft & hyperdroid are discontinued, and it's the best I've found thus far.
Been using Bangsters 1.5 and have been happy with it, even have it down to 0-3ma during standby. He's been slow to update lately though, as he had some IRL things goin on.
I was going to try Shubcraft, but then noticed it got discontinued, and didn't notice WarrenB's version, so I'll give that a try instead.
I did have some issues when transfering a large file (+500mb) to the card while the phone was running, and the system just didn't want to work right until I deleted that file, so not sure if the usb mass storage is working 100%. Perhaps there's a file size limit for "working".
HyperDroid is the first ROM that works stable, and I can actually use for more than a few hours.
Thus my vote is for HyperDroid.

[Q] Best Android build like FroyoSense

I verry liked the FroyoSense build from Darkstone en later MCCM. But there was a conflict between MCCM and ???..
But wich Android build is almost the same as the FroyoSense build? And also verry good too use?
I'm finding Evo Carbon Remix V0.5 Features by motoman234 to be very stable and bug-free. I've only had BSOD a couple of times and I'm able to use it on a daily basis. Here's the link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=839410
sooo... what's wrong with froyostone 3.2 then? I use it on a daily basis and it's rock solid, great batt life and quite fast too. the only thing I change is kernel, every time hastarin give us something new... everything works.... I don't really get it.
bronx said:
sooo... what's wrong with froyostone 3.2 then? I use it on a daily basis and it's rock solid, great batt life and quite fast too. the only thing I change is kernel, every time hastarin give us something new... everything works.... I don't really get it.
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I can't speak for anyone else, but the EVO build is the only one I've used so far that doesn't constantly freeze up on me. Granted, I haven't messed around much with changing just the kernel which may have minimized the BSOD problems. I also prefer the very polished look of this build and it's enhanced animations, ect. Just personal preference.
yeah... I was reffering really to op's post. if he liked froyostone, then why fix what's working ok?
Its been awhile since I used froyostone but it was an excellent build as darkstone is awesome. I currently use mdj froyo HD 4.4 for my daily sense build. It can seem laggy but responds well to a 422/1500 setcpu setting. Up to you but can't find a flaw about it. Good luck
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I found that cedeesmiths Desire Spot build was the logical progression from froyostone.
Everything works, no little annoying bugs. Very good battery life.
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The most stable Android build? Less bugs, not laggy?

Hey all,
i wanted to know which build you prefer and which build the most stable one is. im searching for a version with less bugs. i want a non laggy version. can somebody help?
the ram versions are far away from being stable right?
what about the hd versions? have they much bugs?
I love to know this too. I want stable and not care much of nice animation. i think you will get different answer because i don't think anyone know what the best out there. You will have to try different one to see which one work for you best. Every single one out there will the different issue you might run into? The good thing are alot of developer actively working on these rom for FREE. That really nice of them. I really appreciate all the hard work.
The common response to this question is that it's really about personal preference at this point. There may be some small features not working in each build but I can't say that any of them have any particular major flaws unless it's a "work in progress" build like Gingerbread MyTouch4G or whatever. I recommend bookmarking this http://android.hd2roms.com/ and get a better idea of the different Roms and see which are staying updated or w/e. I like to have 2 types of Roms, a Stock-like or Cyanogen-based and a Sense-themed. Of these types, I have found the following to be particularly good for me:
- Cyanogen-based: HD2ONE (all though he is not developing any longer, this one should be solid for a long time.. my personal favorite) - JDMS (could easily replace HD2ONE for me if JDMS stays in the game and keeps new Cyanogen builds rotating in and doing the testing\tweaking for us)
- Sense-themed: MDJ Froyo HD (I'm most impressed with MDJ's commitment to keeping his roms up to date. Sense based are often bulky so I have to overclock them a tad but MDJ compensates by undervolting nicely)
- Stock-like: Darkstone SuperRam (I may be biased for Darkstone's builds but this one loads super quick) - NexusHD2 (Solid and Slick... nothing wrong with this one)
- Experimental: MDJ Gingerbread (Really looking forward to the last couple things to get ironed out on this build)
So yeah, there are 6 right there that I use. Which one I use the most is kinda hard to say. I currently bounce between HD2ONE and MDJ FroyoHD. I use Excellar boot loader and just customize my Rom names and just reboot in each and play/test them all for speed/stability/functionality at my leisure. I just load up my card like this and figure out what works for me the most:
Bottom-Line... all of them are excellent, have fun and try each on. And don't be afraid to try something new. A lot of new guys are trying to get their stuff out there for us and need testers and feedback to help them perfect it. Sorry for being long winded, there really is no simple answer. They are all good!
For me its MDJ Revolution HD v.1.2 with hastarin 8.6 kernel
Its apsolutly fast, stable and good looking. I have tried almoust all versions and this one is definitly winner for me.
I vote for option A - Try them all and see which one you like best.
Mdeejay Sense Clean 2.3 build as posted in Mdeejay thread by Hastarin. It has Hastarin kernel 8.53b included but you can update to 8.6. It's totally stable and I haven't found anything to replace it.
Sent from my HTC HD2 Android
SupeRam by darkstone, top notch
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HD2ONE is the best for me. Smooth Quick & Stable for everyday use. Also installing Luncher Pro from market place makes it unbelievably smooth.
which rom do you use with hd2one? chucky or ozdroid or energy? i want to have a wm rom that is very lite and starts android automatically
mdjee jay evo sense revolution
pone- htc hd2 leo
android version- 2.2
kernel version-
build no- mdjee jay evo sense revolution
dis si the best
superrom by darkstone is byfar the best i have used and i have tryed a lot of roms
Evil_enc said:
Hey all,
i wanted to know which build you prefer and which build the most stable one is. im searching for a version with less bugs. i want a non laggy version. can somebody help?
the ram versions are far away from being stable right?
what about the hd versions? have they much bugs?
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The Nexus build from TyTung is the most stable and there is nothing "not" working...check it out.
MCCM's builds are perfect. Everything works and they are fast without overclooking. I get 1662 on quadrant with stock CPU settings. with his builds. I'm using his Desire HD build.
Sent from my HTC HD2 Desire HD using XDA App
Also, they are rock solid stable and battery draws 5 - 7 mA in standby.
Sent from my HTC HD2 Desire HD using XDA App
ttibbetts83 said:
superrom by darkstone is byfar the best i have used and i have tryed a lot of roms
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but it doesnt work for me for calling.no sound when i call soneone.but music plsys fine.
Nexus build by TyTung, it is very smooth & stable, with very low battery consumption
i agree with the nexus one notion. my only problem is that battery when standby averages at 11 mA
Any build can be as good as you want if you know what to do. For me, I simply like sense builds. I have mdj 1.7 as main but I am currently testing moto my touch 4g and dandiest desire z.
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dan138zig said:
i agree with the nexus one notion. my only problem is that battery when standby averages at 11 mA
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There are two causes for this, one Tytung address in his post; GPS off.
The other is addressed in my post; it's a light that stays on that's supposed to be used only during call.
Check it out.
deadmansink said:
There are two causes for this, one Tytung address in his post; GPS off.
The other is addressed in my post; it's a light that stays on that's supposed to be used only during call.
Check it out.
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my gps was already off.
sorry but i can't find your post in your signature. do you mind showing it?

Sense without 3.0

Hey everybody, before you start bashing about me using the search butten... I did, I was just unsuccessful. The thing is, I've used so many different types of roms and most of them work fine but always there seems to be a problem. What I'm trying to say is. Are there still recently updated Sense roms witch are not Sense 3.0 because I hate unstable roms, I've had so much trouble before. I'm looking for a as fast as possible rom with Sense 2.1 and one that keeps my phone alive longer than 5 hours. Right now I can't even find Sense 2.1 roms without all the flashy sense 3.0 skins and stuff. I did find some old stuff but like I was saying, I don't really like unstable stuff since my phone is killing me with the battery drain.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a recent sense 2.1 rom witch is fast, stable and good for the battery.
No there is nothing. The sad truth of hd2 chefs since two months : all about updates. Stability and fixes ? They don't care about. Thank u for tytung and charansingh...
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Sense 3.0 is wayyy too buggy on the HD2 and in reality little or no progress has been made over the last few months as the issues have not really been resolved so im at a loss as to why someone would want to flash it on their phone, give me a solid stable build anyday (like Hyperdroid CM7) i don't miss sense in the slightest and i really cant see why people are so preoccupied with it!
jonny68 said:
Sense 3.0 is wayyy too buggy on the HD2 and in reality little or no progress has been made over the last few months as the issues have not really been resolved so im at a loss as to why someone would want to flash it on their phone, give me a solid stable build anyday (like Hyperdroid CM7) i don't miss sense in the slightest and i really cant see why people are so preoccupied with it!
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sense 3 can be buggy but i prefere the look of sense over a CM7 or any stock gingerbread as they look ugly compared to sense and the keyboard on gingerbread is godawful compared to a sense keyboard
just try
[13.Apr.11][RAM HD] imilka's RAM Desire HD v2.0 [Des HD][A2SD][K:Raf1.9OC]
I've used it since 13 Apr. and with the GPS-Fix it was absolut perfect. Wich means no Bugs or something.
Batterydrain was ok. 3mA in Standby with Wifi on.
Uptime with normal usage 24 Hours.
Hope it helps!
Yeah but many FC on games...
Played a lot. Don't get some FC at all
Richy99 said:
sense 3 can be buggy but i prefere the look of sense over a CM7 or any stock gingerbread as they look ugly compared to sense and the keyboard on gingerbread is godawful compared to a sense keyboard
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I actually think CM7 looks brilliant, i use smart keyboard pro dont really bother with the gingerbread keyboard.
[21 APR][RAM HD] imilka's Glacier Sense v4.0 [MT4G][A2SD][K:raf1.9OC] http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=919148
the best stable and fully working android rom for the hd2
thanks imilka for his great effort
ham2z said:
[21 APR][RAM HD] imilka's Glacier Sense v4.0 [MT4G][A2SD][K:raf1.9OC] http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=919148
the best stable and fully working android rom for the hd2
thanks imilka for his great effort
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Thanks to all the Dev's who made the HD2 to this incredible phone!
jonny68 said:
Sense 3.0 is wayyy too buggy on the HD2 and in reality little or no progress has been made over the last few months as the issues have not really been resolved so im at a loss as to why someone would want to flash it on their phone, give me a solid stable build anyday (like Hyperdroid CM7) i don't miss sense in the slightest and i really cant see why people are so preoccupied with it!
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This ^
Hyperdroid and Typhoon are both EXCELLENT roms. I am running Hyperdroid right now. Battery drain is minimal.
It seems like the majority of the HD2 ROMs are Sense ROMs. Are there any good non-Sense ROMs, even stock Android ROMs for the HD2, or does everything pretty much include Sense?
Nope, Typhoon and Hyperdroid are great and faster, as stated in the post above yours...
you should try the boyppc shiftpda i have been using his Roms from the begining and never had any problems they just work good battery life but you need to manage it well but its a shame he has stoped usig the DAF install for his latest Roms but give them a go see how you like them
Any recommended stable and smooth SD ROM?
Devilson0103 said:
Any recommended stable and smooth SD ROM?
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why don't you try the SuperRam froyo 1.5? it's veeeryy stable.; but the only thing i don't like, is that there is no stock battery % for the battery.. and i don't want to use widgets as they drain your battery!
i think that the only sense gingerbread rom that will be ok for hd2 will the one that finally htc is going to release for htc desire and i hope that someone of our devs will port it.personally after testing of allmost all sense roms i see that the only one that works with the smallest lags is the roms that are based in desire`s sense like first nand rom by dft or the one from bauner.the other sense roms were made for mobiles with better hardware from hd2 like better cpu and more ram and i think it is very difficult to fit in hd2.
jonny68 said:
Sense 3.0 is wayyy too buggy on the HD2 and in reality little or no progress has been made over the last few months as the issues have not really been resolved so im at a loss as to why someone would want to flash it on their phone, give me a solid stable build anyday (like Hyperdroid CM7) i don't miss sense in the slightest and i really cant see why people are so preoccupied with it!
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You are very wrong. There has been ALLOT of progress over last few months as far as 2.1+3.0 or just 3.0.
Check out the rom in my sig, its very stable and fast, Infact its much more stable and faster then the standard DHD sense roms that have allot of lag and the need to reboot various times and have to wait till system settles etc. The one in my sig has no lag and works virtually straight away.
The only bugs really are camcorder (which is nearly fixed + you can use non-HTC in mean time) and minor gfx bugs that are hardly noticeable and the added features well make up for it.
essentialjpm said:
It seems like the majority of the HD2 ROMs are Sense ROMs. Are there any good non-Sense ROMs, even stock Android ROMs for the HD2, or does everything pretty much include Sense?
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Well im not sure if you have been looking with your eyes closed or what because there is MANY non-sense roms available.
If you want a AOSP stock rom then you should get the NexusHD2 roms, either froyo or gingerbread, They are very fast, very stable and as close to stock as you will get.
DannyBiker said:
No there is nothing. The sad truth of hd2 chefs since two months : all about updates. Stability and fixes ? They don't care about. Thank u for tytung and charansingh...
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Sadly, i have to agree with this.. I dont see a point in releasing half finished ROMS and then updates that don't really fix things...
Sense (non 3) roms are less and less available, but thankfully we have guys like tytung and charansing havibg roms ou there that work for 100%
Dont get me wrong, i respect and appreciate the efforts, but i dont see the use of 20 releases where all of them have the same flaws and nobody can fix that until we have the desire source for GB.
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KrewsialNL said:
Sadly, i have to agree with this.. I dont see a point in releasing half finished ROMS and then updates that don't really fix things...
Sense (non 3) roms are less and less available, but thankfully we have guys like tytung and charansing havibg roms ou there that work for 100%
Dont get me wrong, i respect and appreciate the efforts, but i dont see the use of 20 releases where all of them have the same flaws and nobody can fix that until we have the desire source for GB.
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What you and all the other newbies here don't seem to understand or grasp is that this site is called xda-developers and this forum is for developments. Things dont always just "work" they develop. What doesn't work now will work later, that's just how it is. Even the most stable roms like NexusHD2 etc didnt work properly in beginning.
The point of these releases that have bugs is so that people can test, leave feedback etc and so dev can work on developing the build.
If you dont enjoy trying new builds, tweaking roms or generally playing with them you can stick to NexusHD2 but for the people like myself who do enjoy the whole process we have a choice.

Best android vers.

Please people, tell me, what is the best android ROM for HTC HD2 ?
ICS 4.0.4 don't work very well(camera don't work, people can't call me, etc)
Maybe there is some older vers. what's working well ?
Older Gingerbread builds are stable and almost in 100% perfection. Choose your ROM from several devs, I am using Typhoon and it's quite nice for everyday use.
Gingerbread for sure ..i used hyperdroid stable n fast
I am still using this one since three months.
[March 15] [Sense 3.5] Energy™ -.¸¸.·´¯ SensationXL/Runnymede build that just works !
If you want you can look for or try.
Please "Thanks" button...
versacci said:
Please people, tell me, what is the best android ROM for HTC HD2 ?
ICS 4.0.4 don't work very well(camera don't work, people can't call me, etc)
Maybe there is some older vers. what's working well ?
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Which ICS ROM are you using? I've used NexusHD2 (ICS version) for almost a month now and never had a single issue of the ones you've mentioned, and neither do most users. For daily use, ICS is by far the best in all honesty.
versacci said:
ICS 4.0.4 don't work very well(camera don't work, people can't call me, etc)
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Are you kidding? It is nearlly as stable as Gingerbread and definately much faster.
But if you like retro style, I'd recommend you using Hyperdroid, that is quite fast too.
Sevastopol said:
Are you kidding? It is nearlly as stable as Gingerbread and definately much faster.
But if you like retro style, I'd recommend you using Hyperdroid, that is quite fast too.
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But it lacks with the data2ext Compatibility and some other Gingerbread-" luxury".
I could nearly recommend every GB ROM of the last 6 months, i prefer the Typhoon ROM with Black LK Loader.
novl said:
But it lacks with the data2ext Compatibility and some other Gingerbread-" luxury".
I could nearly recommend every GB ROM of the last 6 months, i prefer the Typhoon ROM with Black LK Loader.
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How exactly does Data2EXT differ from A2SD? Cos A2SD and Link2SD can both be used on ICS.
Nigeldg said:
How exactly does Data2EXT differ from A2SD? Cos A2SD and Link2SD can both be used on ICS.
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sure, you can patch ics and get it. but out of the box its not supported by ics, gb got that at the most roms
Gesendet von meinem HTC HD2 mit Tapatalk
novl said:
sure, you can patch ics and get it. but out of the box its not supported by ics, gb got that at the most roms
Gesendet von meinem HTC HD2 mit Tapatalk
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? You literally install an app and you have Link2SD, it's hardly much effort. And the UI of ICS is infinitely superior to GB, the HWA makes a tonne of difference in scrolling and gaming and especially the browser performance, and on ICS things load faster. There's no feasible reason one should use GB over ICS now other than simply not wanting to bother because they already have GB installed.
ICS custom roms are improving day by day. I have tytung ICS rom now
and it works very good for me. I have no issues with camera or phone calls.
Only 160 dpi seems to be problem, while creating shortcuts to contacts... i just can't see call button when touched them. But if you are using 240dpi it works almost flawlessly now.
But if you won't like to install ICS rom, you should try previously mentionted Hyperdroid, my adventure with Android on Leo started with this rom and had it for a long time.
I'm using Paranoidandroids ROM and it's the best one I've ever used.
Ihave tried dozens of Roms & [hstr-Touchwiz][SamasungGalaxySII] is one of the stable ones so far, too bad the SD-Rom is discontinued but there are 2 in the NAND section
Delwing said:
ICS custom roms are improving day by day. I have tytung ICS rom now
and it works very good for me. I have no issues with camera or phone calls.
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Installed yesterday and work great from now. Very smooth
Right now, IN MY OPINION, based on my experience, you're best options for HD2 are Tytung's ICS Rom if you want an ICS based Rom, its smooth and everything works, Paranoid Android is good also and has allot more Mods but more buggy. Gingerbread based Roms are all pretty much perfect by now. I recommend UrDroid for Sense 3.5, Pure Cynogen for CM7 Based Rom, and MYMIUI for MIUI based Rom. I have personally had the best experience with these Roms, but there are others that are excellent roms as well, I dont mean to take anything away from them, i respect the works of all the chefs that make the HD2 Great.
Happy Flashing!
Would agree with above on ICS.
GB even with all the tweaks in the world is a UI horror in use & viewing, when look at level of development gone into it through official & unofficial channels I would of expected a hell of a lot more no hassle innovative features ...
I saw 200~ hours uptime with my vanilla miui 2.4.20. Did not have any problems. Using till 20/4/12.
I have a Android froyo 2.2 (darkstone build the newest one desire build) on my htc hd2 everything works phone, web,mms, keyboard just everything however the battery life is horrible i mean bad. with out using the phone and just on standby by the afternoon around 3 or 4 i have about 50% battery and yes i have tried app killer from the android market still no good. i know my battery isnt bad cause on my regular windows os it can last me a day plus so i was reading and other people dont have this problem with other os but its kinda confusing to find the rest and people dont really give enough feedback on other roms so what im asking is that does anybody eles have problems like me with the battery? if you dont can you please tell me which android ROM is best and send me a link so i can try it out thank you
umudan said:
I have a Android froyo 2.2 (darkstone build the newest one desire build) on my htc hd2 everything works phone, web,mms, keyboard just everything however the battery life is horrible i mean bad. with out using the phone and just on standby by the afternoon around 3 or 4 i have about 50% battery and yes i have tried app killer from the android market still no good. i know my battery isnt bad cause on my regular windows os it can last me a day plus so i was reading and other people dont have this problem with other os but its kinda confusing to find the rest and people dont really give enough feedback on other roms so what im asking is that does anybody eles have problems like me with the battery? if you dont can you please tell me which android ROM is best and send me a link so i can try it out thank you
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Did you try the battery calibration?
how about paranoid android, which is based on cm9. wonderfull rom, great battery life, amazing features, give it a try and judge for yourself. good luck

