[Q] HTC HD2 HTCMESSAGE.EXE GPRS question - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Newish to this forum but need big assistance!
I have several HTC HD2 which have a problem flashing up the message "There is a problem connecting to the GPRS service in your registered home network" when using any internet based application. We have several applications using the net on the phone so when there is no signal etc this message pops up quite often.
I know it is being caused by "HTCMESSAGE.EXE" from the process viewer in the task manager and am trying to disable it in the registry but can not find the entry.
I don't mind the connection dropping etc but the message could pop up over other applications making it unusable so it's crucial to disable it.
Any ideas anyone?
Many thanks in advance.

replace HTCMESSAGE.exe with a dummy exe like the one inlcuded and it will stop bugging you.
Note that this probably disables more than this single warning
see you


After closing MSN I keep reconnecting to the Net

I don't think this has been mentioned before, so I hope someone has an idea.
Exec on corp install, with MSN Messenger used and then exited (using P+ so should all disappear once it's exited). A few seconds later, and until I get fed up and do a reset, I keep getting connection bubbles showing it's reconnecting to the net. It's as though the MSN connection or program is still active and keeps trying to re-establish the net connection to it.
Anyone else have this?
Sure u havn't applied the "gprs always on" reg hack? Symptoms match exactly the desired behaviour of this hack. Search this board for registry settings so u can check yours.
If I'd put the registry hack on, do you think I'd have posted about GPRS reconnecting??
lol....I've been using XDA's since 'back in the day' and I ain't that dim :idea:
Thanks for trying though matey, all suggestions welcome. I take it noone else has had this problem?
Had the same problem today, I found the only way was to go the start/ settings/ system/ Memory and select the running progams from here close it down (MSN) the system doesn't like like and you get a warning but it does close the application - perhaps an incompatability issue with the 2005 OS? - Mike
I have also had this problem, I found that although Messenger had signed out the MSN utils generally hadn't but by clicking "switch user" in the softkey menu it logged off and stopped connecting
Sorry I forgot to reply...
Tried that next time I connected to MSN and after using the Switch User option, it stopped the reconnecting.
Thanks all.

smsengine error - no incoming texts!

Hi there,
Can anyone help me with an odd sms problem?
After installing some programs to try and back up my text messages from my xda exec, which were unsuccessful, I've since uninstalled them and now discovered I'm not recieiving any incoming text messages... only the network voicemail 901 messages ever get through, but whenever a text message comes in I get a dialogue appear saying
The file 'smsengine' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file."
when "ok" is clicked, the dialogue closes, then when the pocket outlook is opened I get a small dialogue box saying
SendMessage failed.
Obviously I can't ever see what the message was, it just never gets displayed in Pocket Outlook (presumably due to the error above )
Any Ideas what I can do? is smsengine.exe a standard WM5 program, if so, can somebody find it on their machine, copy and email it to me, and tell me where to save it to?
Or do I need to muck about in the registry?
I can't reset my phone to factory defaults because I have some really, really really important text messages relating to my employment which was why I started this mucking about trying to back up the messages in the first place... so I'm really stuck now, and I'd really appreciate if someone could offer some advice on what the best approach would be.
I've heard of smsengine.exe afaik its not a standard wm5 file i'd say whatever programs you installed to backup are the cause of your problems.
I'd reinstall the programs and remove 1 at a time to see which is the cause
What programs did you install?
solved - thanks - any other sms backups that might work?
Thanks Deadmetal
Strangely I'd already tried uninstalling, with no luck, but tried reinstalling, then removing, and eventually the problem seems to have fixed itself using this proceedure. very odd!
The program I installed was smsOrganizer by zedsoft
Which doesnt seem to work on the Exec for some reason, even though it says its WM2005 (which I presume is WM5 - if I'm wrong with this assumption it might explain why it messed it up <grin>)
Can anyone recommend a good (free) tool to backup sms messages under WM5 that I can use?
Thanks for the help
Ah! smsorganiser! Yeah I thought the software you had been using was that. I've had several problems using it but it does look a decent piece of software if the bugs ever get ironed out!
the problem keeps on!

hiding data connection dialog

Hi Guys
Is there a way that the "negotiating data connection" dialog can be hidden with a registry change on WM5?
Reason being I'm developing a flash lite data driven app for a device specific service with issued handsets to users during a corporate event. I'm going to make the Flash Lite app using a loop to regularly try accessing the data connection to keep it alive, but there is a possibility the signal will disappear and reappear as people walk around.
Basically I've found users get confused by the OS messages in this case and I don't want the usual "Connecting to 3G" message to make them think there's a problem if it can't connect.
If there's no data connection - My app will store data locally until getting back into an area of coverage, then reconnect and send data.
try this, go into phone settings, sounds and notifications, and for event select "connection established.
you can then uncheck the box that says "display message on screen"
Thanks NguyenHuu - didnt think about the obvious approach! I'll give that a try!
Ha! That's too good. I've been wondering about this for awhile, too. never thought to try the easiest method! thank you sir.

Lost application for Tilt2

I had to replace my tilt2 under warrantee. I had to reinstall many applications once my new phone arrived. The problem is I have one application that I dearly loved and I cannot find it anywhere. It was an application that block my phone from accessing the Internet using anything but my WiFi connection. In other words it would not allow any application go out to the Internet using cellular data.
Does anyone out there know what this application was called or where I can find another copy of it. I have a vague recollection that it was on someone's cool applications webpage but it's been too long for me to remember.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
are you talking about modaco no data?

Help... no 3G access...???

Hi all. Bad news for a first post. I've been reading and reading and researching to get a better understanding, as the most experience I've had with altering phone software is modding a Samsung Blackjack 2 for awhile.
I have the US AT&T HTC Tilt 2 (Rhodium). I will be as specific as possible - I cannot access the internet (no web access, no email access, etc.) I can send and receive sms messages and send and receive phone calls. The strange thing is I can send and receive mms messages (I thought they used 3G?)
Here's the specifics BEFORE I had the problem:
WinMo 6.5, latest framework, no mods of any sort. No problems of any kind.
I installed the HARDspl with the hopes of soon putting a ROM on my phone (I liked what you folks have to offer). I installed Opera Mobile 10, set it as my default, installed cleanRAM, ran it twice. I installed LockDevice. I installed mobilematt's Crystal Clock, and an HDWALL cab. I did the three background regedits to get the HDWALL to work properly by using the Mobile Registry Editor.
I properly soft reset and restarted along the way as prompted. I have no other extra programs that weren't mentioned.
The error message told me it couldn't connect, with the option of checking my settings or dismissing the error. It told me to reset my device specific to my manufacturer... etc.
FUNNY ENOUGH, I just restarted the phone to try again... and it worked. The error is not there, and I can access the internet on IE and Opera 10, check my email, etc.
Did you just get the phone? When I got mine I had the same problem, I upgraded from a Tilt to a Tilt2 and I had to get a new sims card, my sister also had the same problem when she upgraded to the ATT Fuze from the Pantec matrix, everything worked but no 3g internet connection

