WP7 Installed, activated, live working, sd formatted, Android coexists... now? - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

As soon as i discovered I could give WP7 a try on my HD2, i started all the process...
Now it works i activated the live account and everything is ok.
I also succeded in having android still booting from the on purpose formatted SD, and i choose from magldr the desired OS.
Now... what?
I mean, WP7 seems incredibly smooth and i would like to go deeper in it, but i find myself lost.
here are my questions, being used to working with wm 6,5 and android :
1) How do i get my contacts/tasks/appointmentsback on the phone from outlook on pc ?
2) Is it possible to use the IGO8 Wm 6,5 version here with WP7?
3) how do you use the phone as an AP (wifi , usb or BT tether)?
where do i find all the needed app?
I mean, the market seems tailored only to make you spend money.
There a lot of music file to download, but where are free apps?
In the Android Market you have a plethora of free apps, but i cannot find free apps for WP7 in its market, i only see apps to buy...
How can i have my Hd2 / WP7 ready to a daily use, comparable with android?
where are simple useful apps like
tapatalk, a nav, layar, wikitude, news and highlights, dictionaries, comic readers...
how can i customize the home screen like the easy android widget way?
I think i am missing something, it is my first dive into WP7 sea, so if an expert Wp7 lifeguard lends a hand, i would really appreciate any advice...
thanks in advance.

To answer your second question. No you won't be able to run any of your current Navigational software on WP7. From what i've gathered, there is currently no good paid for app for it. So no Copilot, TomTom, IGO.
It's the only thing keeping me from changing over to it actually.

Market Place is the best place to go. Search xda to find other apps, there are entire sections deticated to apps on this site. The only problem with installing from places other than the market place is that your phone has to be unlocked. If the app is not an Official app, meaning it can be found on the Market Place, then sooner or later will run into an error message requesting that you uninstall the app. This because your phone automatically locks itself after a while. You can fix by unlocking the phone again, but you will have to keep doing it everytime you want to run or install unsigned apps. If you want free apps, swipe left to the free apps section in market place.
Windows Mobile apps are not supported on WP7. You can get T-Mobile TelNav from market place, just search for it keyword tmobile
Search windowsphone.com for support setting up and syncing outlook.
No tether or wi-fi support available yet, at least none has been mentioned by anybody yet.
As for those apps you are looking for, chances are they are not on WP7 as of yet. But to make sure, search Market Place for them. To do so follow these steps: When in market place press the Home key. This will open Market Place search. (Outside of market place this key will open bing search)
For customizations go to windowsphone.com for guides and tutorials on how to use the phone and customize.
Most questions about windows phone 7 can be answered by searching or going to windowsphone.com

1) How do i get my contacts/tasks/appointmentsback on the phone from outlook on pc ?
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Just setup a liveid or exchange account. easy as hell and you should have seen this while booting the phone for the first time. Once you setup the account everything will be sincronized.
2) Is it possible to use the IGO8 Wm 6,5 version here with WP7?
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no. i read somewhere theres a gps software available but not sure which one. Major companies are still developing their softwares for wp7.
3) how do you use the phone as an AP (wifi , usb or BT tether)?
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cant right now. operators dont want period. theres a hack for samsung focus i think which enables you to use wp7 as ap. not sure about other phones, softwares or if theres already something available for this task.
where do i find all the needed app?
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first. make sure your country has support for marketplace.
start marketplace -> click apps -> slide right -> click ALL -> slide right 3 times till u reach FREE.
you should see a list with lots of good free apps to download. You can also use bing to search through all the list. Check bing visual search. its really good.
where are simple useful apps like
tapatalk, a nav, layar, wikitude, news and highlights, dictionaries, comic readers...
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check marketplace. theres already 6k apps available for download/buy but you have to remember wp7 is still young. it was release few months ago you have to be patient and wait for the softwares to appear. iphone / android didnt get 100k apps in 1 day and compared to android market wp7 marketplace is growing faster.
how can i customize the home screen like the easy android widget way?
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just click and hold to remove/add etc whatever you want on the start screen.
sorry for my english

bnlf said:
Just setup a liveid or exchange account. easy as hell and you should have seen this while booting the phone for the first time. Once you setup the account everything will be sincronized.
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ok, but i hate sending my private data to an external server, i like usb (local) sync.
is there a way?
no. i read somewhere theres a gps software available but not sure which one. Major companies are still developing their softwares for wp7.
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so, no working nav... ok
cant right now. operators dont want period. theres a hack for samsung focus i think which enables you to use wp7 as ap. not sure about other phones, softwares or if theres already something available for this task.
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so, this will be the only OS not offering this simple and useful service...
first. make sure your country has support for marketplace.
start marketplace -> click apps -> slide right -> click ALL -> slide right 3 times till u reach FREE.
you should see a list with lots of good free apps to download. You can also use bing to search through all the list. Check bing visual search. its really good.
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i'll try, but i am really beginning to think that android is the future while this wp7 seems only a "new past" (if you understand what i mean).
thanx 4 the answer mate, very clarifing

gaiden0000 said:
To answer your second question. No you won't be able to run any of your current Navigational software on WP7. From what i've gathered, there is currently no good paid for app for it. So no Copilot, TomTom, IGO.
It's the only thing keeping me from changing over to it actually.
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I am dual booting WP7 and Desire Z, I use co-pilot from Desire Z.

I have the same question about contact elsewhere but no responses.
I have separate contacts on my hd2 and hotmail and wish to keep them separate.
When you register your hotmail on wp7 it automatically downloads all 700 contact which I don't want in my phone.
My hd2 is synced with outlook but I don't think you can sync wp7 with outlook.
I had an omnia 7 for a week and returned it keeping my hd2
Reluctant to flash to wp7 nit I know I can move my 300 phone contacts over.
Non tethering is a real pain. HTC did confirm to my directly that the HD7 does support tethering but the function has been removed by the operators

aenedor said:
I am dual booting WP7 and Desire Z, I use co-pilot from Desire Z.
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thanks . care to share how u did it ? is ur android sd build ?

pool7979 said:
thanks . care to share how u did it ? is ur android sd build ?
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It is a SD build, it is Dandiest's Desire Z 2.1 (the 2.2 fix / update caused it to lock up when mounting the SD card YMMV).
I followed this post : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=913815 and the post it links to because at the time I could only mount one SD card at a time via my HD2.
I recomend reading the whole post and the post it links to several times before starting, I rushed into it and as a result made mistakes by not following the instructions properly, what should have taken 2-3 hours (mounting 1 SD card at a time) took nearer 8 LOL! cause I kept redoing steps until I realised how / where I was doing them wrong. This was last Sunday.
EDIT: I have a 16 gig class 6 SD card and an 8 gig SD class 6 card, I used the 8 GIG initially when installing MAGLDR and WP7 then following the instructions above transfered the WP7 partition to the 16 GIG card. This gave me a smidging under 8 gig for WP7 and a smidging under 8 gig for Android, not huge but not too shabby neither. I see you can buy 32 gig cards now, but the fast ones cost £80 so that is something for my future

I have the same question about contact elsewhere but no responses.
I have separate contacts on my hd2 and hotmail and wish to keep them separate.
When you register your hotmail on wp7 it automatically downloads all 700 contact which I don't want in my phone.
My hd2 is synced with outlook but I don't think you can sync wp7 with outlook.
I had an omnia 7 for a week and returned it keeping my hd2
Reluctant to flash to wp7 nit I know I can move my 300 phone contacts over.
Non tethering is a real pain. HTC did confirm to my directly that the HD7 does support tethering but the function has been removed by the operators
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You can go to Settings, Email & Accounts, click on the accounts and uncheck contacts, except for hotmail. Go figure. But I think you can sync with outlook using exchange server directly, if not sync using exchange with google and sync outlook with google as well.


Android / Mogul / Google Apps sync

I know that people are working on developing the Android platform for other phone, what I am wondering is this: will we ever be able to sync our google apps with the mogul (or any other phone) without running Android?
What I am wondering is this; I am using an exchange server right now, but come January/Febuary I am not going to have that option available anymore, so I was wondering if we will be able to sync our google apps at some point without having an Android phone...
I don't know much about hacking or the developement that goes into customizing Android, but it would seem like it would be possible to lift whatever part of the Android os that is being used for syncing the google apps, so that it could be used on other devices. It seems like this would be possible just like taking off touch flo, or any other built in program (I know it probably isn't quite that simple, I was just trying to explain my concept of things).
Will this be possible? Will we be limited to haveing a phone with Android os for this?
I know there isn't mass support for google apps on WM but there is the gmail Java App, which i use. I don't use this, but i know its out there, and its an app to sync your google calender with your WinMo calendar. I'll see if i can spot it and drop a link for you here.
parrott84 said:
will we ever be able to sync our google apps with the mogul (or any other phone) without running Android??
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who uses google 'apps'? lol. google.com is good for searching, and that's about it. all their side software has never impressed me or been usefull.
agreed. I and the majority of the people using windows mobile don't give a **** about google apps. I want android to just simply be bootable and stable from my sd card. I really don't want to run it all the time as windows mobile is second nature to me now.
Sweeny Russ said:
agreed. I and the majority of the people using windows mobile don't give a **** about google apps. I want android to just simply be bootable and stable from my sd card. I really don't want to run it all the time as windows mobile is second nature to me now.
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I second this.

Wirelessly Sync folders on PC AND WiMO?

So here's what I want to do:
I have a folder on my pc with files in it. I want that to sync that with a Cloud storage type system online. Then I want a folder on my Touch Pro 2 to sync with that online folder. Now I know what your thinking and before you flame me with stuff like dropbox, sugarsync, mesh, myphone etc... they can't do that. They sync from pc to online just fine, but then on the tp2 I have to navigate to the web to retrieve files, or with sugarsync there is an app to install and I can load the app and download the files to a folder that way. I don't want to do that. I want a folder to always stay sync'd. I've search all over and can't find that kind of functionality. This would be real handy in a scenario where i need to constantly sync 5 or more phones together with multiple pc's. I don't want to tell the user, ok go to www.getdropbox.com or load this or load that...
I hope I am just missing something and it does exsist.
Live Mesh does exactly what you are talking about. Just leave it running if you need it constantly updated rather than just when you run it. That is the exact purpose of Live Mesh...
Nagrom Nniuq said:
Live Mesh does exactly what you are talking about. Just leave it running if you need it constantly updated rather than just when you run it. That is the exact purpose of Live Mesh...
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Unless i missed something, then it only works that way if your able to install mesh and sign in on your phone. I didnt think they were accepting anymore ppl for testing on mobile devices. I installed it and checked just to see. Without this, your forced to grab files from the web.
I can't get the live mesh program to work on my Sprint Touch Pro 2. It lets me enter my login info and then crashes while logging in. Is there something I'm missing?
hperry said:
I can't get the live mesh program to work on my Sprint Touch Pro 2. It lets me enter my login info and then crashes while logging in. Is there something I'm missing?
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No clue about why it would crash. It doesn't matter anyway, you can't use it. It's closed to new people.
Anyone have any thoughts about the actual topic of this thread? There has to be a way... No one needs to do this?!
igl007 said:
No clue about why it would crash. It doesn't matter anyway, you can't use it. It's closed to new people.
Anyone have any thoughts about the actual topic of this thread? There has to be a way... No one needs to do this?!
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It's not closed. You just need to activate your mesh account for windows mobile which involves clicking on a specific link. I did it and I got the client installed and working. Works great! But wouldn't want to deviate from the actual topic of this thread...
hperry said:
It's not closed. You just need to activate your mesh account for windows mobile which involves clicking on a specific link. I did it and I got the client installed and working. Works great! But wouldn't want to deviate from the actual topic of this thread...
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How would that be deviating? If there is a way to get into Mesh and it's not closed, that would potentially directly solve the original post.
Found link:
I will report if this works. Thanks!
it definitely worked for me. you'll see that windows mobile becomes an option in your mesh after visiting this link. but getting the program to validate on your device (touch pro 2) is hit or miss. i just had to try it many times and finally it worked. then there is also an issue of the program crashing upon startup that i mentioned above. i've narrowed that down to being related to the memory card. the program will start if i remove the memory card prior to executing it. i can then put the memory card back in while the program is in the login screen and it works. still trying to find a better solution. let me know if you have any luck.
hperry said:
it definitely worked for me. you'll see that windows mobile becomes an option in your mesh after visiting this link. but getting the program to validate on your device (touch pro 2) is hit or miss. i just had to try it many times and finally it worked. then there is also an issue of the program crashing upon startup that i mentioned above. i've narrowed that down to being related to the memory card. the program will start if i remove the memory card prior to executing it. i can then put the memory card back in while the program is in the login screen and it works. still trying to find a better solution. let me know if you have any luck.
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Been playing with it all night. So far it's working flawlessly. No crashes at all. I have a 8gb storage card. It's sync'd to and from 1 other verizon phones, and 4 pc's... It's cool, you take a pic with your phone and voila it's on my wife's phone too, as well as the mobile picture directory at home. Would love to help you get it working too. Have you checked out this forum?
You can also use Remote Touch. It doesn't sync, but it does allow you to transfer files remotely, back and forth from your desktop and your phone. And of course, you get the added benefit of controlling your desktop remotely with your phone.
When I'm in a hurry to leave the office I'll queue a bunch of files in RemoteTouch and have my phone download them while I'm on the road.
igl007 said:
Been playing with it all night. So far it's working flawlessly. No crashes at all. I have a 8gb storage card. It's sync'd to and from 1 other verizon phones, and 4 pc's... It's cool, you take a pic with your phone and voila it's on my wife's phone too, as well as the mobile picture directory at home. Would love to help you get it working too. Have you checked out this forum?
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Can you tell me the exact phone you have? Is it the Verizon touch pro 2? Maybe it's my brand of memory card? It's definitely good when it's working.
Also, did you have any trouble validating the phone on the mesh? Took me several attempts and it seems other people had the same issue. I have been to the site you linked a little bit but maybe more research is in order.
hperry said:
Windows Live for mobiles not closed to new people.
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Yes it is.
osirisHTC said:
Yes it is.
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If you're going to make up a quote for me, at least use proper grammar. When I made that post 6 months ago, it was still open.
osirisHTC said:
Yes it is.
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I had no difficulty just now (14 Feb 2010, 22:54) setting up a mesh including my desktop, notebook, and Touch Pro 2.
mstevens said:
I had no difficulty just now (14 Feb 2010, 22:54) setting up a mesh including my desktop, notebook, and Touch Pro 2.
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can you tell me if the live mesh client is running robustly on your touch pro2? i had tons of crashes the last time i messed with this. haven't tried it since. most of the problems i had are documented in this thread.
For the op, there is a Schaps Network plugin, http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=67564. It may do what you want, too. Not sure. Just making a suggestion.
hperry said:
can you tell me if the live mesh client is running robustly on your touch pro2? i had tons of crashes the last time i messed with this. haven't tried it since. most of the problems i had are documented in this thread.
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No, I certainly couldn't say "robustly." It's more like "haphazardly."

[Q] About to jump to Android :)

Devs - I have been following the android development here on and off. I feel I've had enough of WM 6.5 and want to jump over to android. I have been doing lots of reading lately, but am not getting answers to few questions - Please let me know if android supports the following, I'm continuing my research as well
1) Exchange support: My office e-mail is also synced to my HD2. Does Android allow this?
2) Geo-tagging of pictures
3) Do we have any equivalent of Microsoft myphone? It feels good to have all data backed up to the cloud each night.
4) Twitter / Facebook - no worries here. official apps available
5) Compatibilty with MS Office apps? Can we view/edit excel, ppt's and word docs?
6) RSS feed readers? I use the one that comes with Sense
7) Facebook / Contacts integration
8) What is the best way of exporting PIM data (appointments, messages, contacts) from WM and importing it into Android?
9) Do we have complete media support? I have a good collection of songs and movies on my phone now. Also, does android support hardware acceleration for movies like the HTC photos app does?
10) Does GPS and the digital compass work? does the Google maps app on Android make use of the GPS receiver?
More questions as and when they come up.
I am on the following:
ROM version: 1.48.720.2 WWE
Radio version:
I am running the stock ROM that came with the phone, and I've got only the official hotfixes from the HTC site. Anything else I should be aware of while upgrading?
thanks in advance for all the help!
I have just installed my first android rom and I don't think you are going to get all you are hoping for. Most things work, depending on which build you go for but as I found you only have about half the functionality you get from WM6.5 - not because of the operating system, android is very slick and pretty, but it's the software you've accumulated over the years that makes the difference.
I think if I spent a few weeks accumulating all the apps then things might get close but android feels a little restrictive after so many years using WM.
You are best off trying it, it will run alongside WM with a little effort.
Upgrading to another ROM & radio is your first step, I'm using the latest stock 3.14 with no problem. Format a fresh SD card and start to load it, make sure all your WM apps are shut as windows exits very fast.
I have to say that the browser in android is the best I have ever seen on any device, flash works, videos play, browsing is almost the same as a desktop - it makes WM look it's age.
1. Yup, Ecxchange ActiveSync is part of android.
2. I've never really used it on Darkstone's FroyoStone, but it's part of the settings in the camera, and it activates the GPS.. So I guess so.
3. I use Gmail. It syncs mail, contacts and calendar. Really haven't searched for anything else, since I used gmail in WinMo.
4. You said it, man.
5. No idea.
6. Plenty on the market, and lots of them are free.
7. Works like a charm, and imho better than WinMo.
8. Again, I used Gmail. It doesn't export messages, but that didn't bother me.
9. No idea.
10. Yes. I'm having a feeling that sometimes my digital compass is acting a little weird, but I'm not sure. Maybe its my sense of orientation thats a little weird
I must say that I feel the exact opposite of boomboomer, android doesnt feel the slightest restrictive to me. The android OS as a whole took a couple of days to get used to, but the plethora of possibilities available just in the android market seems just awesome to me. I spend two days on finding the equivalent WinMo apps on the android market, and stumbled upon a lot more awesome apps in the process. (Even found my beloved Chuck Norris app!
But I do agree on the browser. It really is lightning fast!
You can use Sprite Migrate to move contacts and anything else from WM to Android. Ill post the steps later is necessary but you should be able to just Google it.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Klovnecaspar said:
1. Yup, Ecxchange ActiveSync is part of android.
2. I've never really used it on Darkstone's FroyoStone, but it's part of the settings in the camera, and it activates the GPS.. So I guess so.
3. I use Gmail. It syncs mail, contacts and calendar. Really haven't searched for anything else, since I used gmail in WinMo.
4. You said it, man.
5. No idea.
6. Plenty on the market, and lots of them are free.
7. Works like a charm, and imho better than WinMo.
8. Again, I used Gmail. It doesn't export messages, but that didn't bother me.
9. No idea.
10. Yes. I'm having a feeling that sometimes my digital compass is acting a little weird, but I'm not sure. Maybe its my sense of orientation thats a little weird
I must say that I feel the exact opposite of boomboomer, android doesnt feel the slightest restrictive to me. The android OS as a whole took a couple of days to get used to, but the plethora of possibilities available just in the android market seems just awesome to me. I spend two days on finding the equivalent WinMo apps on the android market, and stumbled upon a lot more awesome apps in the process. (Even found my beloved Chuck Norris app!
But I do agree on the browser. It really is lightning fast!
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boomboomer said:
I have just installed my first android rom and I don't think you are going to get all you are hoping for. Most things work, depending on which build you go for but as I found you only have about half the functionality you get from WM6.5 - not because of the operating system, android is very slick and pretty, but it's the software you've accumulated over the years that makes the difference.
I think if I spent a few weeks accumulating all the apps then things might get close but android feels a little restrictive after so many years using WM.
You are best off trying it, it will run alongside WM with a little effort.
Upgrading to another ROM & radio is your first step, I'm using the latest stock 3.14 with no problem. Format a fresh SD card and start to load it, make sure all your WM apps are shut as windows exits very fast.
I have to say that the browser in android is the best I have ever seen on any device, flash works, videos play, browsing is almost the same as a desktop - it makes WM look it's age.
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Yes all of those things are functional in hyperdroid 1.6. This is what I run. I have posted my directions here. Easy to follow:
Thanks everyone for your feedback.
@ Klovnecaspar - how do you sync messages and pics to the cloud? gmail takes care of contacts, mails and appointments
@Zynro - Thanks. I will try it out.
@AMCjungle - Looks like a pretty detailed procedure. I don't have a T mobile HD2. It's a T8585 model. Would there be any change in the procedure?
Okay. I've made the jump. Installed the stock 3.14 ROM followed by the darkstone froyo build. Everything's good so far, still setting up everything ....
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Don't hesitate to post your feelings about it when you get used to android... I loved wm, but use android on my hd2 for months and honestly I can't go back.
My first tips are:
don't use a task killer it will be counter productive
Use an alternative home, launcher pro is highly recommended
For a business use, calendar widgets like pure calendar and pure grid calendar are very readable and customizable
Titanium backup is able to backup all your programs and their data on your sd card. You can after upload them in a dropbox account. Indispensable in case you have a problem or want to change build
For editing office files, the best I found is documents to go. Give it a try its great.
The only drawback I found is that you can't sync your notes with onenote. There are some great apps for notes that can sync to cloud like catch but I prefer use a simple text document with the powerful search features of the file editor Astro.
Oh for playing videos rockplayer is free, and play all kind of videos without a glitch, even with subtitles if you want.
hope that will help your experience
Wow...thanks a ton...will get titanium backup asap.
I've started to encounter the data corruption issue...missing files some of them appear in the "lost. dir" folder.
Another issue is with the data connection...it drops intermittently ans I have to switch on the airplane mode and then turn it off to restore the connection.
Any thoughts?
Overall, it has been a fabulous experience. It would be wonderful if HTC released an official rom for the hd2
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

Re-installing Windows Phone 7

I have just installed HSPL 2.08 and MAGLDR 1.13 with wp7.
I installed everything correctly, but i tried to install updates using zune, and now WP7 crashes randomly and sometimes has a hard time starting up.
I would like to re-fllash wp7, but i cant get into the MAGLDR menu to select the USB FLASH MODE option (or something along those lines) In order to flash the WP7 rom, like i did to begin with.
Any help? Going into rgb mode (HSDPL) works, but i cant flash it using this method.
stevemilw said:
I have just installed HSPL 2.08 and MAGLDR 1.13 with wp7.
I installed everything correctly, but i tried to install updates using zune, and now WP7 crashes randomly and sometimes has a hard time starting up.
I would like to re-fllash wp7, but i cant get into the MAGLDR menu to select the USB FLASH MODE option (or something along those lines) In order to flash the WP7 rom, like i did to begin with.
Any help? Going into rgb mode (HSDPL) works, but i cant flash it using this method.
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Sounds like you need to start fresh. If so, and I'm understanding your situation, put your HD2 into bootloader mode (power off > hold volume-down button and tap power button wait for red, green whitescreen) and do Task 29. Then reflash magldr in the same bootloader screen after your HD2 reboots. Make sure to follow the same steps for getting into the BL screen. Then you should be able to reflash WP7 with magldr.
I'm not sure, but I don't believe WP7 can be updated in Zune. I believe the only current way of getting an updated WP7 ROM is to start fresh like described above.
stevemilw said:
I have just installed HSPL 2.08 and MAGLDR 1.13 with wp7.
I installed everything correctly, but i tried to install updates using zune, and now WP7 crashes randomly and sometimes has a hard time starting up.
I would like to re-fllash wp7, but i cant get into the MAGLDR menu to select the USB FLASH MODE option (or something along those lines) In order to flash the WP7 rom, like i did to begin with.
Any help? Going into rgb mode (HSDPL) works, but i cant flash it using this method.
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you can't update wp7 on the hd2! didn't you see the error msg that no updates were performed? the hd2 roms are not official wp7 roms.
Thanks! I have re-flashed it now, i think the issue was the SD card being incompatible, not the updating of wp7 using zune.
While i am here, does anyone know how i can fix the following issues?
1. I cannot log into or connnect to any services which include facebook and outlook. Well, actually i know it can connect to outlook since the status in the top left said something allong the lines of 'weve found them' but then a message appear saying ' Ooops, We're having a problem connecting you, and all i can do is cancel'
Same goes with facebook. Currently, since my MicroSD card isnt compatible, i have no means of storage, so i cant store any contacts etc, maybe this is the issue? Im sure it wasnt working even with the card in however.
2. The camera seems very bad and doesnt fit the screen. Ive seen that this is an issue, but havent been able to find any threads resolviing the issue. If anyones found one, please could you post a link?
3. The market place, ive found a thread that claims to fix the issue, however i was a bit skeptical since theres been so many people saying you cant
Has it really been finally hacked! It would seem so!
Come to think of it, that seems like all! The major issue at the moment is the inability to store anything which i will be sorting out soon.
I have purchased of amazon a 16GB Sandisk sd card, which claims to be class 2.
Please tell me its the right one!!
But so far, comparing WP7 to Energy, its not stacking up! Obviously the energy rom has had alot more development, but i like the way in which you can always know the weather, talk on facebook easily, install loads of apps on omarket.
I think WP7 has the possibility to be great when i have sorted all the issues out, visually, i dont think its as stunning in terms of graphics, but it is alot more simplistic and easy to use, definatley the keyboard is easier!
Anyone happy with this as their primary OS?
Also, is there any way of booting into MAGLDR without it automatically starting WP7? Would just making it easier in terms of updating WP7 when i need too.
I currently have the latest version of mango..... i think that seems to be the most developed and worked on.
stevemilw said:
Also, is there any way of booting into MAGLDR without it automatically starting WP7? Would just making it easier in terms of updating WP7 when i need too.
I currently have the latest version of mango..... i think that seems to be the most developed and worked on.
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Choose "Services" > boot options and then choose "always menu"...or something like that name.
stevemilw said:
Anyone happy with this as their primary OS?
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I am. I'm so pleased with mine that I won't delete it. It works wonderfully for me.
Where is services then boot options??? Are we talking about inside WP7, or on zune!? All i have is settings on wp7
stevemilw said:
Where is services then boot options??? Are we talking about inside WP7, or on zune!? All i have is settings on wp7
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In the magldr menu. Power on your HD2 from a power off state and hold the red button till the magldr options screen appears. Then at close to the bottom is the "services" option.
Make sure to hold the red button while powering up your HD2.
Thanks alot!!!
stevemilw said:
Thanks alot!!!
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Welcome. Please press the "Thanks" button, which is only shown in website skin "XDA 2010".
done, ive flashed blacside rom, seems to be working very well and i can connect to facebook, and outlook. Just on the phone to microsoft in their never ending validation que to get my code!
Ive got to sayy, its soo much faaster than the last wp7 rom and actually works! i think i will keep thiss one forever!
stevemilw said:
done, ive flashed blacside rom, seems to be working very well and i can connect to facebook, and outlook. Just on the phone to microsoft in their never ending validation que to get my code!
Ive got to sayy, its soo much faaster than the last wp7 rom and actually works! i think i will keep thiss one forever!
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That's how I feel about this elfinlazz ROM. Though it has a few bugs, they don't effect its speed or stability. And the bugs are not serious nor effect the overall usability.
I plan on keeping this one until a ripe Mango is released with marketplace and Live already configured.
Well after being on the phone for 20 minuites, phone running out of battery then being on the phone for another 20 miniutes ive finally got my phonee activated with windows live services!!!
The funny this is, the man at the main switchboard who put me through the second time, said that they've had 'a high call volume regarding this issue'!!!! Just made me chuckle because its obviously everyone hacking it for their htc hd2's ! You dont need to phone up for activation if you own a genuine product!
By the way, they take your name, tel number and email and thats it, then thhey read out the code to you and send it to your email!
stevemilw said:
Well after being on the phone for 20 minuites, phone running out of battery then being on the phone for another 20 miniutes ive finally got my phonee activated with windows live services!!!
The funny this is, the man at the main switchboard who put me through the second time, said that they've had 'a high call volume regarding this issue'!!!! Just made me chuckle because its obviously everyone hacking it for their htc hd2's ! You dont need to phone up for activation if you own a genuine product!
By the way, they take your name, tel number and email and thats it, then thhey read out the code to you and send it to your email!
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The first time I tried for a code...I did it through chat...they asked me what brand and model phone I had. I didn't lie and told them an HD2. After a minute or two they came back and said they can't give me a code for the HD2 because it isn't an official WP7 phone....or something along those lines. I said okay, thank you and closed the chat. I was going to let it go. Then after about a day I decided to call again and see what would happen; if I would get a different person. I did get a different person, and they only asked me for my name and phone number...don't recall if they asked for an email. Once I gave them my name and number, they welcomed me back...LOL. I was about to hang up but nothing came of it and after a few minutes, they came back with a code.
And from what I understand, the code is permanent for that phone. I suppose that means it will work on any WP7 ROM on that specific phone, which is good because I plan to upgrade to a ripe Mango when available.
Yea its pretty stupid how they will just hand out the codes, whats the point in even having activation AT ALL??
Im guessing the code will be locked into your windows live ID, so you can only sign in with that acccount. Would make sence, because then you can only use it on one person.
stevemilw said:
Yea its pretty stupid how they will just hand out the codes, whats the point in even having activation AT ALL??
Im guessing the code will be locked into your windows live ID, so you can only sign in with that acccount. Would make sence, because then you can only use it on one person.
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Not really. I tried to use my Live ID I have with my Samsung Focus and it worked okay and all, but I couldn't install any apps because it saw them already installed on another device. I then made a new Live ID and reset my HD2 and and signed in with that new Live ID. It went well and I could install apps from then on. But it means that the apps I've bought with my original Live ID will have to be bought again.
Maybe there is a bug in Live, I don't know, because Zune says you can have up to 5 devices on one account. But when I bought my HD7, I replaced it 3 times till I got one not faulty. When I tried to install an app on my HD2 with the original Live ID, it popped up a message saying I already have 5 devices activated and I need to delete them before I can use another. I then tried to delete the false ones but it will only allow you to delete one phone a month. I could only delete one, but it still wouldn't let me install apps.
See...the thing I think is the issue is that Windows Live doesn't communicate very well with other services or features. Example: In Gmail, if I make a change to a contact, immediately that change shows up on the Android phone. In Live, if I make a change to a contact, that change rarely ever appears on the phone. I think this is what the issue is between Live and Zune. They just aren't communicating well.

Install WP7 from Mac

So here is my question. Is it even possible to put WP7 on the HD2 with a Mac computer?
I dont have bootcamp because i dont have the disk space, or the windows disk. Nor do i really want to put windows on my computer.
I have been running android for a few months, and I am interested in trying WP7.
How do I go about doing this?
Must I have a windows computer?
use virtual box to install windows XP, the only thing im not 100% sure on is if a forwarded USB port will allow flashing, ive had 32-bit IrDA devices work on a 32-bit guest of a 64 bit host so theres a good chance it will, guess there is only one way to find out, it will either connect or it wont, shouldnt be any issues, unless it doesnt work
Let us know how you get on
oh if your low on disk space just get a 8GB flash drive and dump the virtual machine files on that, it will slow things down somewhat so it might be worth considering having two flash drives, one for the virtual machine one for the WP7 install files, unless of course your able to share a folder from your Mac to your VM
Do you all think it's worth getting rid of android and go to WP7
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
That depends on a couple of things
First and formost, do you have an SD card that will work with WP7, without that the answer is no, even a mostly working card can give you random resets
beyond that you need to conside a couple of other things
Do you want a OS that you can mod the crap out of, install 1000s of apps which may or may not work or do you want an OS that just works, works very quick (with compatible SD card) and less apps but is solid as a rock.
finally do you play multitouch games, if you do dont bother, the HD2 doesnt handle them well, WP7 does, its just our hardware.
its your choice, but all i would say is, IF you have a compatible SD card give it a try for at least a few weeks, really get involved with it, emails, FB, live, exchage, zune etc, if you dont like it after a few weeks then fair doos, most of the folk who slag it dont give it a chance, it is not android, it in not WM, its not iOS, its WP7 an thats what its living up to, nothing else.
read through this thread to give you a hand in seeing if your SD cards will work
there isnt a compatible list but if you run a test on an existing card theres a good chance we can tell before you install it if it will be worth it
When I first got the phone a few months ago i had WP7 on it, so I know the SD card works.
I changed it out for Android, but that was before NoDo or Mango, so i dont even know what improvements are there.
I loved alot of features about it, but it just seemed to be lacking some. I dont know what changes came with Mango or NoDo for it to be worth it.
Battery drain was my biggest issue. With WP7 it seemed like 5 hours and the battery was done.
Since its my primary phone, its alot of work to switch to WP7, and back to android loosing everything in the process. Its a pain to type in all the contacts over and over again.
Just wanted to add one more thing.
99.99% of what I use my phone for is organizational.
With that I mean I use my phone for calendar planning big time.
I currently have my HD2 with android syncing my google calendar to my ical at home and work.
Heres the draw. I wont have my google calendar for much longer, which will leave me with no way to really sync anything from my Mac to my phone.
if there is a solution that WP7 can give me, thats a plus!
Setup a live account, or transfer everything to an exchange account, you shouldnt have to type any contacts, most things can now be transfered quite easily
The calander is pretty good, i use it for my work and personal email, the blue entries are work, orange personal, the To-Do list is really handy.
Nodo brought bugger all, everyone was jumping up an down about the lack of copy and paste so Nodo brought it in, and in all honesty ive maybe used it 3-4 times. Mango will bring a big change, my advice to you is to leave it for a while until a RTM version of mango gets put on our HD2, at the mo its Beta, and Betas always have a bunch of code in it that will slow things down. Hold fire, setup a live account wait for Mango RTM and go for it.
Note that you dont need to change your email address, just use the live account / exchange (pop3) account to bridge your contacts and calanders, it will mean having to sync your live account with your current one, in an ideal world you would use an exchange account or live, that way it just "works" google is actually pretty good too, that can be imported in to it without much hassle as well.
oh the battery should last about a day depending on the state of your battery, i use it a lot and i can just get a day, no more. theres a few tricks you can use to help extend the life.
When is a mango release set? I have a live account. But live can't sync with my ical on my Mac. So it's looking like this may not work for me.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
bnd10706 said:
When is a mango release set? I have a live account. But live can't sync with my ical on my Mac. So it's looking like this may not work for me.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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you need a way of exporting it, im not all that clued up on macs but surely they have some way of exporting stuff in to something like a CSV
They do but I want it to sync automatically. Right now my ical syncs every 15 mins. I'm away on business this week and my wife added something to the calendar an it update my phone and office calendar
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

