[Q] The textmessage system - Wildfire General

First of all, let me apologise if this matter has already been discussed, but I couldn't find any thread about this.
Now on to the matter.
I've been using the HTC Wildfire for some time now, and I've noticed how my message system is becoming slower and slower. It can sometimes take over 1 minute before I'm able to read my new messages, and I'm often having a hazzle when I'm typing a message because of dramatic latency problems with the touch input.
Is there perhaps some kind of solution to this? Or maybe a better program for handling textmessages?
(When I'm using the text-chat in my Facebook-app I don't have this problem. When using it, I can have a nice and smooth conversation.)

Try deleting some message threads. If that doesn't work try handcent, chomp sms or go sms

Thanks a lot for the tip! Handcent worked perfectly! Gonna try the others later.
Though now i get 2 messages each time i get a text. One message in the regular program, and another one in Handcent. How do i disable the first message program?

Just disable notifications in the stock messaging app


New Threaded Messaging Problem

In my HTC threaded messaging, the display is not in order such that all SMS sent by me is displayed at the top while messages of my recipient's are displayed below, regardless of the order they are sent, that isn't threaded messaging isn't it. Have any of you faced this problem? And how can i go about solving it? I just purchased my LEO today and it's running on 1.66 by default.
Another problem which have already been mentioned by other threads i faced is the shaking screen problem when trying to select text in htc messages or cropping of images, this is especially annoying as it prevents me from copying and selecting text accurately.
I'd appreciate all the help i can get since i am relatively new to the community. Thanks guys!
Search timestamp fix...has worked for me so far.
Hey! Thanks so much for you response. Will install the cab and see how it goes!
Thanks thanks!!
Failing that, assuming all your messages are from a backed up PIM?
1)Backup messages.
2)Disable threaded SMS
3)Delete all messages
4)Close / kill the messaging app
5)Restore messages
6)Enable threaded SMS and wait (maybe a long time depending on how many messages) while it re-threads them for you.
nope, my messages were all 'new' messages meaning they were sent and received on while using the phone after unboxing. i didn't store any backup messages on it. But it's working alright so far, but the screen is pretty annoying as i'm making plenty of typo errors, either i type "too fast" (which is slow in my opinion) and then it somehow register other key presses or not even registering any. I've already installed the cab V3.3 for reduced sensitivity and it doesn't seem to be working?
messaging problem still need help
hey guys, the whole display and layout of my threaded messaging is still screwed. it makes things really inconvenient and i have to do alot of scrolling when i have a considerably large amount of history of texts. i need help and the timestamp cab didn't work. is there a registry fix for this? the reason why my messages are sometimes positioned below my recipient i suspect is the difference in time. i believe it is due to either mine is faster or slower and that determines the position of the messages. isn't it supposed to be all according to my phone's time? i am puzzled and dismayed that a core function of the phone is screwed up.
pls help me with this guys. thanks so much.

muliple issues with HD2, seem to be getting worse... please help.

hey guys,
ive always had a few bugs with this HD2 (some seem pretty common, and tolerable/fixable)... but lately ive been having so pretty frustrating problems, causing me to soft reset 10+ times a day.
ill try list these issues and describe them accurately, and if anyone has any suggestion on ways to resolve them... i would greatly appreciate the help.
- often freezes when trying to send SMS messages. i use Zenyee's sms patch, to allow my to use the WINMO client. what usually happens is, i can select to create a new SMS, type the SMS all without hassle... but as soon as i hit the send button (bottom left softkey)... i get the windows loading animation (4 coloured dots circling in center of screen), and thats where is freezes, i have given the phone hours to 'load' and complete the SMS send operation... but it jsut sits there.. loading.
- i have another common issue relating to SMS. it seems the HD2 cannot recognise when i have read an SMS. i receive a new SMS, i open, read, and sometimes delete the new SMS... but sense still displays the 'unread' icon on the slide-bar. S2U2 also is still seeing an unread SMS... but there is no unread SMS. this happens 95% of the time when i receive and SMS. i have to reset to get rid of this notification OR if i reply to this new SMS... once i have dismissed the "message sent' notification, the phone recognises the fact i have no unread SMS.
- quite often i cannot wake my phone up from being asleep, this also seems to happen only when i receive a new SMS. i get the flashing LED (at ear speaker) letting me know i have an unread SMS/call/etc, but upon hitting the hardware buttons to wake phone up... i get no response.
- there are also a few occasions where i dont receive any SMS at all, over the last few days... ive had quite a few people call me and ask if i received the SMS they have sent me. i have also tested this myself, sent myseld about half a dozen test SMS with out receiving any of them. i am still receiving some messages, but there are also quite a few that i am not getting. this issue could be caused by my network provider, thought id mention it anyway.
it seems that most of these issues are SMS related. i did have quite a few texts in my inbox and sent items box (around 1500), but i have deleted many of them and am now down to around 300, and im still having problems.
so... if anyone has any suggestions to resolve these issues... i welcome the advice. before i resort to hard reset.
cheers guys.
[email protected] said:
hey guys,
ive always had a few bugs with this HD2 (some seem pretty common, and tolerable/fixable)... but lately ive been having so pretty frustrating problems, causing me to soft reset 10+ times a day.
ill try list these issues and describe them accurately, and if anyone has any suggestion on ways to resolve them... i would greatly appreciate the help.
- often freezes when trying to send SMS messages. i use Zenyee's sms patch, to allow my to use the WINMO client. what usually happens is, i can select to create a new SMS, type the SMS all without hassle... but as soon as i hit the send button (bottom left softkey)... i get the windows loading animation (4 coloured dots circling in center of screen), and thats where is freezes, i have given the phone hours to 'load' and complete the SMS send operation... but it jsut sits there.. loading.
- i have another common issue relating to SMS. it seems the HD2 cannot recognise when i have read an SMS. i receive a new SMS, i open, read, and sometimes delete the new SMS... but sense still displays the 'unread' icon on the slide-bar. S2U2 also is still seeing an unread SMS... but there is no unread SMS. this happens 95% of the time when i receive and SMS. i have to reset to get rid of this notification OR if i reply to this new SMS... once i have dismissed the "message sent' notification, the phone recognises the fact i have no unread SMS.
- quite often i cannot wake my phone up from being asleep, this also seems to happen only when i receive a new SMS. i get the flashing LED (at ear speaker) letting me know i have an unread SMS/call/etc, but upon hitting the hardware buttons to wake phone up... i get no response.
- there are also a few occasions where i dont receive any SMS at all, over the last few days... ive had quite a few people call me and ask if i received the SMS they have sent me. i have also tested this myself, sent myseld about half a dozen test SMS with out receiving any of them. i am still receiving some messages, but there are also quite a few that i am not getting. this issue could be caused by my network provider, thought id mention it anyway.
it seems that most of these issues are SMS related. i did have quite a few texts in my inbox and sent items box (around 1500), but i have deleted many of them and am now down to around 300, and im still having problems.
so... if anyone has any suggestions to resolve these issues... i welcome the advice. before i resort to hard reset.
cheers guys.
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sorry i do not experience this problem at all and i believe this is uncommon. there is a new sms function update hotfix posted by HTC couple of days back. this updates the messenging client to 2016. try it.
did you try uninstalling your sms cab that you are using and trying that for a few days to see if you still get the freezes? If you are stock you should try the previous posters suggestion and update your ROM and try it without the sms cab and see how it goes.
thanks for the tips guys, ill have a look at the hotfixes. with the telstra ROM i have, i can use the HTC SMS client without the major lag issues - but i still prefer the WINMO client for the folder support and other functions that are absent in the HTC client.
ill check out your suggestions, and let you know how it goes.
cheers again for taking the time to read and reply.
after looking at the htc site, i have noticed that the new SMS hotfix only applies to ROM versions less than 1.66.
that suggests my current ROM may already have these fixes applied.
cheers for the help though.
[email protected] said:
after looking at the htc site, i have noticed that the new SMS hotfix only applies to ROM versions less than 1.66.
that suggests my current ROM may already have these fixes applied.
cheers for the help though.
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i'm running 1.66 ROM and is still able to install. I still think there is no harm downloading and try installing the hotfix. if it says unable to install, so be it. =)
fair call, im downloading it now. will certainly let you know how it goes.
thanks mate.
I installed HTC's SMS hotfix, and it seems they have increased the folder support in their SMS client. previously... from what i can remember, they had only a few SMS folders visible in their client, i think it was 'inbox', 'sent' and 'drafts'. now they have increased this and added 'outbox' and 'deleted items'.
anyway, this newer version of the HTC SMS client is much more usable than previous incarnations of this client.
and having removed zenyees SMS patch... i have had no repeat offences of any of the above listed issues. it has only been 12 hours-ish... but it is looking good so far.
the only problem i have now with the HTC SMS client is the integration with S2U2 (SMS slide to view defaults to conversation mode in the HTC client - i would prefer traditional mode). and also there is a text selection issue in the new message screen. i use the swype SIP and i frequently need to fix up my incorrect word inputs, in the WINMO client, this was easy (double tap the word, the select the correct word from the word suggestion list), however... in the HTC SMS client... double tapping does not select text, sometimes if i tap 4 times i can select the word and promt swype's word suggestion list to appear... but not always).
but these issues with HTC's SMS client are far more tolerable than the problems i was experiencing with the WINMO client.
thanks for all your help guys.
i will keep you posted on further developments.
Glad that the hotfix helps in one way or another. On the other hand, now we all knows this hotfix doesn't actually limit to ROM 1.66 and below.
it does seem to increase to functionality of the HTC SMS client. but between 1 ROM upgrade and almost never using the HTC client... i cannot be 100% sure that these new 'features' are infact new. i know the 1.6X telstra ROM had a pretty weak HTC SMS client, and they did improve it alot for the 1.7X ROM - lessened the lag, and a few other fixes. after i upgraded to the 1.7X ROM, i still used the SMS patch to have the WINMO client as my default... so i never payed to much attention to that version of the HTC SMS client.
as i posted above, i have now noticed the improved folder support in the HTC SMS client... but i cant be 100% sure that this is a result of the 1.7X ROM upgrade... of the SMS hotfix. though i do think it was the hotfix, and the hotfix certainly did install without issue.
so if anyone else is using the latest telstra stock ROM.... what is the HTC SMS client like? enhanced folder support? less lag?
cheers again.

[Q] Help with SMS Popup - General Noob Question

Hey guys,
As previously stated, I'm a noob, so I'll be posting some dumb questions (after searching and reading stickies, obviously...) over the next few weeks/months as I get used to the Legend (aka the JesusPhone). One of the things that sucked most about having an iPhone was the fact that there's no real community around apple products, and having people at XDA help you out is one of the best parts about WinMo/Android ownership.
My question concerns an app called SMS Popup which somebody in this forum recommended. It's great - wakes the phone on SMS, gives lots of settings and options to customise the popup that appears, etc. I'm having one really annoying problem with it though.
I've got the app set to mark the message as Read when I hit Close on the popup that appears upon receiving a new SMS. This way, when it's a short message that I don't need to reply to, I don't need to both going into the messaging app to read/delete it.
Except it doesn't work.
Whenever I try to do this - whenever I close a message, or choose to reply to it - the messaging app on my home screen has the notification badge for 1 unread message.
Has anybody else encountered this problem/could anybody suggest a solution?
Not a big deal, but kinda annoying, as I have to manually go in and either read or delete each message to make it stop reminding me that I have a message I've already read.
Try reinstalling. If it still occurs, the problem might be in the settings or it is a bug.
Try Handcent SMS...
This is a known problem with phones that use HTC Sense UI, as HTC does not offer an API to tell the home screen icon to "refresh" itself. The message itself is still likely being marked "read" if you go into the actual messaging app.
There is an FAQ covering this on the SMS Popup google code site (search for "sms popup android faq" (sorry I can't post links as it says I'm too new).
jennan88 said:
Hey guys,
As previously stated, I'm a noob, so I'll be posting some dumb questions (after searching and reading stickies, obviously...) over the next few weeks/months as I get used to the Legend (aka the JesusPhone). One of the things that sucked most about having an iPhone was the fact that there's no real community around apple products, and having people at XDA help you out is one of the best parts about WinMo/Android ownership.
My question concerns an app called SMS Popup which somebody in this forum recommended. It's great - wakes the phone on SMS, gives lots of settings and options to customise the popup that appears, etc. I'm having one really annoying problem with it though.
I've got the app set to mark the message as Read when I hit Close on the popup that appears upon receiving a new SMS. This way, when it's a short message that I don't need to reply to, I don't need to both going into the messaging app to read/delete it.
Except it doesn't work.
Whenever I try to do this - whenever I close a message, or choose to reply to it - the messaging app on my home screen has the notification badge for 1 unread message.
Has anybody else encountered this problem/could anybody suggest a solution?
Not a big deal, but kinda annoying, as I have to manually go in and either read or delete each message to make it stop reminding me that I have a message I've already read.
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Thanks Adam, I'll just have to get used to it

[Q] 3.14 ROM and SMS lag..dear god say its fixed.

I don't see a thread about this..please someone tell me we can have more than 25 texts in a 'conversation' and not sit for 30 seconds or more waiting for that little scroll bar to shrink so we can actually type in a text message.
Most of my friends have 500+ texts now and I have to revert to manually keying in their name and craeting a 'fresh' message every time I respond to them.
of course after I flash that history will be gone..but I really want to believe they've fixed this R I D I C U L O U S bug once and for all.
nyvram1 said:
I don't see a thread about this..please someone tell me we can have more than 25 texts in a 'conversation' and not sit for 30 seconds or more waiting for that little scroll bar to shrink so we can actually type in a text message.
Most of my friends have 500+ texts now and I have to revert to manually keying in their name and craeting a 'fresh' message every time I respond to them.
of course after I flash that history will be gone..but I really want to believe they've fixed this R I D I C U L O U S bug once and for all.
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Well even if it doesnt, try using something like PIMBackup to backup all your messages, then clear them out. thats what i've resorted to doing on a weekly basis. I am hoping at some point this problem is fixed and then i can merge all those weekly backups and restore them into the messaging app. but until then i still have an archive of them
I've asked this question in a few of the other threads about the 3.14 ROM & it seems to still be there.
I doubt it'll change unless HTC rewrites the program to only show the last 10 of each persons texts instead of all of them
I've been running the leaked 3.14 and have noticed no sms lag. The whole ROM runs so much smoother. Battery life is better as well, but then that could be my battery being broken in too.
Overall it's worth it to switch over. I've been very happy with it.
xnifex said:
other mms app..
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sorry to hijack my own thread, but is there a screenshot of this sms app? i've been looking to replace the htc sense sms app (reason i started this thread) into something that looks more like the iphone 'bubble thought' thread IM conversation.
but for some reason..i'm having a super hard time finding screenshots of the app in your SIG...there's lots of screnshots of the config screen..but not the UI for the mms and sms conversation itself.
is it worth the hassle to swap sms/mms clients? i like sense..but i don't like having to jump through hurdles (like manually keying in the person's name each time) to sms people.
It's the older WM SMS app that was before Manila 2.5. If you've ever had a Touch Pro 2, Kaiser/Tilt, MDA/Wizard it's the SMS app that's on that. Its actually the program that your email is in too.
To switch is easy: install the Disable HTC Messaging cab on my post & also the Arcsoft one for MMS. You'll have to configure the Arcsoft client for your MMS server settings. If you have the TMOUS HD2 then just install both of the other cabs on there for MMS profile & settings & you'll be good to go. To test, just send yourself an MMS
It seems to me that the messaging app's lag problem MIGHT be fixed. when i was on 2.13 with around 400msgs in the database it was lagging a lot, I backed everything up with PIMbackup before i updated the firmware. Upon restoring the backup with all the messages, there is almost no lag now. Maybe a real quick stutter when a message comes in vs the nearly 5-10 seconds that my phone would completely freeze up and be unusable before
This could also quite possibly be because the message database is nice and clean now. We'll see what happens with time.

Threaded SMS + Swype + Over 200 Total Messages = WTF

1) Why is there a relationship between number stored text messages and delay time between when phone first lights up until I am unable to unlock the phone and read my message? It seems sometimes when I have even 200+ messages stored, my phone will light up indicating a text is being received, but will "freeze" until it has (what seems to be) re-loaded every text stored. Only then, allowing me to access my new text message. So fukcing frustrating...it has to be Sense related.
- No, turning off Sense does not fix the problem either. I'm stock ROM (2nd to latest ROM upgraded)
2) Why does Swype, in threaded mode, insist on having every message load prior to being able to use it? Again, if a contact has 200+ messages in their thread, the phone is useless until all messages have loaded...
I enjoy using the threaded view, because I'm often referring back to previous text messages in my conversations. I can avert the Swype loading by using traditional mode. As of right now, it's either Swype + traditional or no Swype + threaded. I shouldn't feel I should have to choose, am I right?
I realize I can just delete my messages every 200+ that occur, but I reach that in a couple of days. Deleting takes too long too and going through SMS Backup is a too much of a pain if it's not for 1000+ texts.
I know this is cache/memory related. I wish there was a way to transfer the texts from phone storage to SD storage. I'm running a Class 6 too, so I don't think I can attribute slow processing speeds to the card either.
Thanks in advance. I realize this is MOST likely a repeated question. But I feel I haven't been able to arrive to a just answer from searching.
yep, its an ooold problem with no specific fix other than don't save more than 100 or so txts.
tried the latest rom?
I find that using a custom ROM has pretty much fixed the problem of HTC messageing freezing like that for me. I constantly have 1000+ texts in 3-4 threads, and have minimal wait times for messageing to open and let me reply.
Try using the latest TMO USA stock ROM. This ROM seems to have completely eliminated any problems with the HTC messaging app.
I have twitter send tweets from certain users as txt messages to my phone. The thread for twitter has reached over 1000 messages on a couple of occasions with this new ROM without causing significant lag like the previous stock ROM used to
swype is crap I notice that was the problem why my sms app would slow app...I use the regular keyboard and I have over 300 messages with one contact and its still not slowing up, and on top of that I notice I type faster with the regular keyboard....first time I used the keyboard since i got the phone back in june
I recommend a rom without HTC messaging. HTC messaging is still slow wether its stock rom or custom. Why they decided to uber up WinMo SMS I will never know.
