[Q] Help with SMS Popup - General Noob Question - Legend General

Hey guys,
As previously stated, I'm a noob, so I'll be posting some dumb questions (after searching and reading stickies, obviously...) over the next few weeks/months as I get used to the Legend (aka the JesusPhone). One of the things that sucked most about having an iPhone was the fact that there's no real community around apple products, and having people at XDA help you out is one of the best parts about WinMo/Android ownership.
My question concerns an app called SMS Popup which somebody in this forum recommended. It's great - wakes the phone on SMS, gives lots of settings and options to customise the popup that appears, etc. I'm having one really annoying problem with it though.
I've got the app set to mark the message as Read when I hit Close on the popup that appears upon receiving a new SMS. This way, when it's a short message that I don't need to reply to, I don't need to both going into the messaging app to read/delete it.
Except it doesn't work.
Whenever I try to do this - whenever I close a message, or choose to reply to it - the messaging app on my home screen has the notification badge for 1 unread message.
Has anybody else encountered this problem/could anybody suggest a solution?
Not a big deal, but kinda annoying, as I have to manually go in and either read or delete each message to make it stop reminding me that I have a message I've already read.

Try reinstalling. If it still occurs, the problem might be in the settings or it is a bug.

Try Handcent SMS...

This is a known problem with phones that use HTC Sense UI, as HTC does not offer an API to tell the home screen icon to "refresh" itself. The message itself is still likely being marked "read" if you go into the actual messaging app.
There is an FAQ covering this on the SMS Popup google code site (search for "sms popup android faq" (sorry I can't post links as it says I'm too new).
jennan88 said:
Hey guys,
As previously stated, I'm a noob, so I'll be posting some dumb questions (after searching and reading stickies, obviously...) over the next few weeks/months as I get used to the Legend (aka the JesusPhone). One of the things that sucked most about having an iPhone was the fact that there's no real community around apple products, and having people at XDA help you out is one of the best parts about WinMo/Android ownership.
My question concerns an app called SMS Popup which somebody in this forum recommended. It's great - wakes the phone on SMS, gives lots of settings and options to customise the popup that appears, etc. I'm having one really annoying problem with it though.
I've got the app set to mark the message as Read when I hit Close on the popup that appears upon receiving a new SMS. This way, when it's a short message that I don't need to reply to, I don't need to both going into the messaging app to read/delete it.
Except it doesn't work.
Whenever I try to do this - whenever I close a message, or choose to reply to it - the messaging app on my home screen has the notification badge for 1 unread message.
Has anybody else encountered this problem/could anybody suggest a solution?
Not a big deal, but kinda annoying, as I have to manually go in and either read or delete each message to make it stop reminding me that I have a message I've already read.
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Thanks Adam, I'll just have to get used to it


SMS Delivery Notification

Ok, maybe this aint completely a pure Xperia Issue, more a WM6.1 Issue. But maybe the solution might be? .. if there is any
I'm a guy that like to get Delivery Notification on my text messages,
not to be confused with Sent noticed, which I find kinda useless, you receive a error msg if the SMS isnt sent anyhow.
But back to the Issue, SMS Delivery Notification.
As it is, you send your SMS and then get a NEW SMS telling you that your SMS was delivered.
(And it dont even bother matching the number to your addressbook, wtf?)
How I want it to work, and had several cellphones that did, is to just flag your sent SMS as delivered.
Does someone share my frustration? or am I just a whining sob?
And does anyone have a solution to this highly annoying(according to me) problem?
Some kinda SMS client for Windows Mobile, or for the Xperia?
The Sent Notification isn't an issue
I don't like it, but I know how to turn it off.
What I would like... is to have the Delivery Notification /Report,
not as a separate "sms" that dont match against your address book.
But as a "green flag" or something that indicate that your SMS has been delieverd.
Had this feature on my earlier devices, then the SMS-icon was a envelope(as it is now)
and to see that it was sent you saw a "stamp-icon" and when it was delivered it was a
green check flag i the corner of the envelope. Hope you understand me now
I feel your pain.... then I installed advance config and disable the delivery notification... since then, that I am a happy man
i saw this:
havent tried it yet...maybe you could and tell me how you get on with it ;p
odobo said:
I feel your pain.... then I installed advance config and disable the delivery notification... since then, that I am a happy man
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I think your talking about the Sent Notification, and I despise it ... disabled this too ... but the Delivery Notification I really like, so I can verify that my SMS reach its destination.
billybobjones said:
i saw this:
havent tried it yet...maybe you could and tell me how you get on with it ;p
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I have looked at this prog too, not used it thou ... It might be a good idea, but still dont understand why they didnt just flag you excisting SMS instead of creating a separate "reporting SMS", especially useless when it dont match the number with you addressbook, or it just me that have stopped memorize ppl:s numbers?
billybobjones said:
i saw this:
havent tried it yet...maybe you could and tell me how you get on with it ;p
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I use it and recommend it...
Wrekk said:
Ok, maybe this aint completely a pure Xperia Issue, more a WM6.1 Issue. But maybe the solution might be? .. if there is any
I'm a guy that like to get Delivery Notification on my text messages,
not to be confused with Sent noticed, which I find kinda useless, you receive a error msg if the SMS isnt sent anyhow.
But back to the Issue, SMS Delivery Notification.
As it is, you send your SMS and then get a NEW SMS telling you that your SMS was delivered.
(And it dont even bother matching the number to your addressbook, wtf?)
How I want it to work, and had several cellphones that did, is to just flag your sent SMS as delivered.
Does someone share my frustration? or am I just a whining sob?
And does anyone have a solution to this highly annoying(according to me) problem?
Some kinda SMS client for Windows Mobile, or for the Xperia?
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Okey I don't know if this is your answer but I've got a swe xperia as well.
I can write my way in swe and translate to eng but
in messages view, press meny -- verktyg -- alternativ -- SMS/MMS (i listan) -- Begär leveransmeddelanden
(menu -- tools -- alternatives -- SMS/MMS (from the list) -- Demand report on delivery)
This is deliveryreport and it works for me...
I shut off "Message Sent" xith Xperia Tweak from cliffords.
daweeb said:
Okey I don't know if this is your answer but I've got a swe xperia as well.
I can write my way in swe and translate to eng but
in messages view, press meny -- verktyg -- alternativ -- SMS/MMS (i listan) -- Begär leveransmeddelanden
(menu -- tools -- alternatives -- SMS/MMS (from the list) -- Demand report on delivery)
This is deliveryreport and it works for me...
I shut off "Message Sent" xith Xperia Tweak from cliffords.
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Thanx mate, but I think you misunderstand me, or I dont explain myself well enough
The Sent Notification isn't an issue
I don't like it, but I know how to turn it off.
What I would like... is to have the Delivery Notification /Report,
not as a separate "sms" that dont match against your address book.
But as a "green flag" or something that indicate that your SMS has been delieverd.
Had this feature on my earlier devices, then the SMS-icon was a envelope(as it is now)
and to see that it was sent you saw a "stamp-icon" and when it was delivered it was a
green check flag i the corner of the envelope. Hope you understand me now
What network are you on? I know some carriers don't support the delivery notification feature, but on O2 in the UK if you add *0# to the beginning of your message it will send you an SMS back when it's been delivered.. works for me (and *0# are all conveniently placed next to each other on the X1 keyboard, how nice!)
Hehe... I use TELE2 ... and I DO get a Delivery notification /report.
I just dont want it as a separate SMS! or as it say a msg from "System Administator" telling me my SMS has been delivered.
if you read the post I have posted above, I try to explain this a few times.
I do appreciate all you guys trying to help thou!
Same here - Again, the problem is NOT that the delivery notification itself annoys us, we know how to turn it off or on. The annoying part is just the way of presenting the notification. All other phones I had so far (as a matter of fact only Nokias) had a special way of treating the incoming delivery notification, they did not display the notification like a normal text message, but rather marked the corresponding sent text message as "delivered". If I turn on the delivery reports on the X1, I get a new text message for every one I sent. That is stupid
What we are looking for is a way of making Windows Mobile 6.1 read the incoming delivery reports and mark the corresponding sent text messages. Or at least they should not cause the X1 to notify us as the same way a normal text message does (i.e. same sound, same message dialog, etc...). I want to know that a message has been delivered without first having to believe "I got a text message" and then seeing that it's only a delivery report...
Yep, I'm looking for a solution to this issue too. Having recently bought an HTC Touch HD, this is one thing that I think my old Sony Ericsson K610i handled much better.
Would be great to find some tweak that makes the phone treat delivery reports as a status change of the sent text message (sms), rather than as a separate message altogether.
So what you're trying to say is:
Now: - You get a seperate sms saying the message has been delivered.
What you want: - The message in the "sent" folder changes icon when delivered.
Is there a solution for this that anyone knows of?
DankertV said:
Yep, I'm looking for a solution to this issue too. Having recently bought an HTC Touch HD, this is one thing that I think my old Sony Ericsson K610i handled much better.
Would be great to find some tweak that makes the phone treat delivery reports as a status change of the sent text message (sms), rather than as a separate message altogether.
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Finally someone that finds it as annoying as me!
Now tell me you are a kick-ass-win-mobile-developer!
I'm just a low-life-sql-dba-bad-ass
so I cant do **** about this... well except google
Another thing with the delivery report. I once got one when my ringtones were turned off, but the sound came anyway. So my theory is that its recognized as a system message, not a SMS. System voulme was still activated. Anyone noticed that too?
Wrekk said:
Finally someone that finds it as annoying as me!
Now tell me you are a kick-ass-win-mobile-developer!
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Nope, sorry, I'm not much of a win-mobile-developer... However, I did find a small app that actually fulfills my wishes somewhat. It's not perfect, but it's better than the default delivery reports...
Have a look at this site and have a go at SMS Delivery Recipt Fix. The author is active here on the forum, so you can find lots of info on this app in several threads (after all, that's how I found it). I just tried it on my phone (HTC Touch HD running Win Mobile 6.1) and it works brilliantly. The status message is still delivered as a separate sms, but now it pops up in a bubble, and the option to delete it is right there with it. In my opinion, that's a lot better than having to go into the inbox, find the report, and delete it from there. I think I'll stick with this solution.
That bubble with the "delete" option is how it works for me..but this just came with win 6.1, nothing special installed for that feature. Still it would be good to see wich contact is reported about.
But as i read that "fix" is meant to also show the contacts name, i will try that.
nurps said:
That bubble with the "delete" option is how it works for me..but this just came with win 6.1, nothing special installed for that feature. Still it would be good to see wich contact is reported about.
But as i read that "fix" is meant to also show the contacts name, i will try that.
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Yes, I do feel a bit stupid here, but I realised later that the bubble popup notification is a built-in function of WinMo 6.1... I just hadn't properly understood how to enable it, that only became clear to me once I had installed the sms fix. But, the fix still does a nice thing, i.e. link the displayed number to a name, which looks a lot better.
Yes but from the screenshot is moves the delete link from onscreen to menu / delete..that would be annoying again. Is that right?
nurps said:
Yes but from the screenshot is moves the delete link from onscreen to menu / delete..that would be annoying again. Is that right?
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Not at all. Look at the screenshots again. The one with a menu is the "new message" notification... There you have more options like "call sender", "delete message", and so on. The first screenshot shows how the delivery report is displayed, and this comes with two on-screen options: dismiss and delete. No menus to navigate here.

SMS/EMAIL unread question

I don't think I'm the only one here experiencing this, so thought I would put it out there, to see who else feels this way..
If you receive 3 sms message from a friend, while you have the sms window open, you still have to click on each individual message to mark it as read. Is there a way around this, rather than having to tap each individual message (which can get rather tedious when you have 6 or 7 messages from various recipients) you could just click on each recipient and have all the previous message from that person, be automatically marked as read?
Perhaps a hotfix type of thing..?
Yea I also get this... but can happen even if I get 1 message and I read it... still shows as its been unread... can be very annoying!
true true... I wonder if there is a fix for this?
And annoying is in threaded mode it hard to click the individual messages as read, also hard to go back and delete the half of the thread from yesterday and day before
we need more people to feel the same way, then find someone with the skills to make us happy, then we can torture them to fix it till we smile!!
old post but has there been a hotfix for this yet?
Moved to general discussion as not related to Themes, Applications and Software
There's this:
Works for me

SMS take forever to load

Hey guys I have the HD2 but when I have about 40 messages in the inbox from one person and i am opening the text they have sent, even though im touching the phone to write a reply the phone takes ages before it actually lets me write the reply.
Has anyone else had this problem and is there anyway I can speed it up? I find it hard to believe a £500 phone takes this long to load messages!!
Many thanks
Just a quickie. This is a known issue for HD2. Note that there are (at least) two different "SMS issue", so when you search the forum, be sure to look for the right one (SMS lag or lagging).
Look here first
As far as I know, there is not a fix yet. I don't know if the latest hotfix from HTC fixes it (the "hidden" radio update, that is). There not a fix, but there is a trick... Just when you launch the SMS tag, directly tap on the "send SMS" button => A pop window will ask you if you want to send an empty message => you obviouly answer "NO" => And bam! All the SMS are loaded and you are ready to write a new SMS or view the old ones...
Definitely a software related bug. Please report it to HTC, as all of us should...
Many thanks for it mate. Looked therough the thread and yea its the same!
Its a silly bug to be honest as sms is one of the most important aspects of a mobile.
How this got past htc's supposed quality control I have no idea.
Thanks for the tip though! And yes i will be emailing htc with the issue!

A couple of SMS grievances (maybe already answered but I couldn't find)

I've noticed a couple of SMS grievances that I was hoping there was a way to address. I'm running the stock rom 1.66.405.2 (WWE) and the HTC messages service.
The first one is that, when typing an SMS to someone I already have a conversation with, as it populates the list the screen will "jump" up a bit and highlight the latest message in the conversation. I can carry on typing, but now the keyboard is covering the text entry view so I have to stop and scroll down. Is there any way of stopping this known?
The other is that when I receive a message, if I am still on the messages tab on the home screen, the notification area icon will remain onscreen even after I have 'read' the message (the green counter on the tab disappears, but I didn't enter the messages service) or deleted it (as I would instantly with delivery receipts) until I move to another tab and come back to messages - or actually go into the service itself. It's annoying because if I lock the screen, the lock slider behaves as if I have a new message and is insistent on telling me.
If I'm not being clear enough, let me know and I'll try and clarify.
the first one is very known and has never been solved so far. there has been a mini Fix... where you add the messages tab to the quicklinks and then it won't happen. Not a fix for manila which i love and wish it wasn't enabled there.
the second one ... i have never solved myself. just got used to it.
Oh well getting a desire soon so will leave this Windows crap behind
may i know what u mean by adding the msg tab to quicklink?
I have tried adding HTC msging tab to the quicklink on the today's main page, but it didnt seem to help the jumping bit.
Really desperately need to solve the sms jumping problem thanks

[Q] The textmessage system

First of all, let me apologise if this matter has already been discussed, but I couldn't find any thread about this.
Now on to the matter.
I've been using the HTC Wildfire for some time now, and I've noticed how my message system is becoming slower and slower. It can sometimes take over 1 minute before I'm able to read my new messages, and I'm often having a hazzle when I'm typing a message because of dramatic latency problems with the touch input.
Is there perhaps some kind of solution to this? Or maybe a better program for handling textmessages?
(When I'm using the text-chat in my Facebook-app I don't have this problem. When using it, I can have a nice and smooth conversation.)
Try deleting some message threads. If that doesn't work try handcent, chomp sms or go sms
Thanks a lot for the tip! Handcent worked perfectly! Gonna try the others later.
Though now i get 2 messages each time i get a text. One message in the regular program, and another one in Handcent. How do i disable the first message program?
Just disable notifications in the stock messaging app

