what rom to use....... - Droid 2 General

so now that we have some options i'm having a tough time deciding what to stick with. i really don't have the time to back up and test each flavor so i thought i'd throw it out there..
it seems like the 3 main roms [fission, gummyjar and tanzinite] are all pushing for the most asop like experience possible. that being said, i'm finding it hard to choose one to stick with being that at this point it seems like none of them are bringing any real new features to the table aside from streamlining the asop experience.
i've been using fission since it was released for d2, and may be tempted to stick with it due to the consistency of updates.
can anyone explain why it may be worth switching to gummyjar or tanzinite?

There is also apex, used it and would recommend it.
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I personally like fission for the quick support and is updated often, but not too often. Its fast, stable, and there is a bunch of awesome themes for it.
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I'm currently running Ultimate Droid RC2 and love it. The only downfall is no GPS; I'm in a rural area that I know well so I don't need it right now but when i get moved back to a larger area I will want it back on. If the GPS isn't added by then I'll be going back to GummyJAR, which was snappy and never really gave me any grief.
As an aside, the AOSP thing is a big deal because it's ridiculously customizable and much easier on system resources. Spend some time messing with themes and different apps and you'll be able to create just about any experience on the droid that you want.

Fission is a pretty solid rom. I used it for a long time and with the new updates I am going to be checking it out again.
Currently I'm running GummyJar 2.5 on my D2. I would say the main advantage I have had with GJ is that it is fast, really fast. So much so that I actually find the other roms to be a bit sluggish compared to it. It's not a colossal speed difference if you are coming from another rom but it is noticeable. I also liked how there is a lot less blur in it than the other roms I tried. Fission slowly has more and more blur creeping back into it which is what is kinda pushing me away from it. Also as far as I know GJ is the only one with lockscreen sliders and some of the cyanogen mod apps built into it. It's also felt more stable to me.
My last reason is that after using fission for a few days mine always began to slow down a bit or throw a few errors here and there. It kinda feels to me like windows xp did, as you use it more it gets more problems. I haven't had any issues or slowdowns on GJ and have been using it about 2 weeks.
All that said, they are all good roms. I don't think tanzanite is stable enough for daily use so unless you are pretty savvy and don't mind having some stuff not work I'd wait on it for the time being. GJ, Fission and Apex are all stable and run much better than stock. If you like fission for the updater and are happy with it there is not really any huge reason to go jump on another rom.

Would like to point out that this is probably not the correct area for this.
All in all, it's a matter of choice, whichever one is more your cup of tea, there's no clear cut best one out there, just one that may fit you better and whatnot. Just try them all once and pick one, don't think there will ever be close to a consensus about this


[Q] Boss's Droid X

My boss is not liking his Droid X since the last update. Lockups, reboots, etc, etc. I'm looking for a solution to keep him on the droid path, and away from crapple. What would be the best ROM for a non-technical user? Something I can set and forget for him, or update every so often as needed. One of his biggest complaints outside of the others is how the phone segment of the system works. It's just not to his liking. Any suggestions you all have would be great.
Thanks much!
Apex 1.4.1 or the latest blur
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DarkSlide was the first ROM I used (back when I didn't know much about ROMs) and was very happy with it. It is very stable and heavily themed straight out of the box.
Apex1.4.1 has been the most stable in my opinion
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Yeah but guy's, he said he's looking for something for a non technical user. Those AOSP non blur ROMS are not for the everyday user IMO. They are for people like us who customize, non stop. They don't even come with the blur camera... I'd imagine if he wants his phone simple he wants the good blur camera on it... If you're looking for something totally stable, easy to use, that almost looks stock, but operates more smoothly, I'd go with an older ROM like birdman's FlyX... That was my 1st rom I ever flashed. Its very easy. Looks almost stock, but runs twice as fast. Nothing fancy, and nothing really missing... Or perhaps a Drewgaren ROM, like ZapX 2.4... Thats the version with the blur. Just my opinion. I know how "bosses" are. Not very technical, which is the reason your boss is probably wanting an iPhone... LOL.
ApeX 1.4.1... Fast as ****, stable as it gets and as much Blur as he wants.
Plus he'll probally give you a raise. Lol.
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Apex. Its fast, I have great battery life and it looks good.
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Like a boss
Now that I got that over with...yeah, either Apex or Liberty. I believe you can install a good deal of Blur apps (including the camera) on either of those ROM's.

New to droid X and Wanna root....HELP!

I have had probably 8-12 Android handsets. I recently switched to an iPhone from my EVO and I hated my iPhone. I wanted to go with something pretty similar to my EVO so I checked out the screen, specs, user reviews, etc. The Droid X sounded great, but since having it, it locks up, freezes, and Lags like a G1. This NOTHING like my EVO and is disappointing to say the least.
I'm really hoping that a custom ROM can speed up the interface and possibly help with the battery life. Any recommendations? I don't want to theme, or skin...no interest in changing the bootlogo, etc... I just want a nice and FAST phone.
I use a lot of apps...I DON'T let any apps refresh automatically though. I also use Launcher Pro. Thanks in advance.
(Please don't tell me to read the sticky. I have. I need some real life experienced reviews....maybe people who have had an EVO or who understand what I want. Thanks)
system6 said:
I have had probably 8-12 Android handsets. I recently switched to an iPhone from my EVO and I hated my iPhone. I wanted to go with something pretty similar to my EVO so I checked out the screen, specs, user reviews, etc. The Droid X sounded great, but since having it, it locks up, freezes, and Lags like a G1. This NOTHING like my EVO and is disappointing to say the least.
I'm really hoping that a custom ROM can speed up the interface and possibly help with the battery life. Any recommendations? I don't want to theme, or skin...no interest in changing the bootlogo, etc... I just want a nice and FAST phone.
I use a lot of apps...I DON'T let any apps refresh automatically though. I also use Launcher Pro. Thanks in advance.
(Please don't tell me to read the sticky. I have. I need some real life experienced reviews....maybe people who have had an EVO or who understand what I want. Thanks)
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LMFAO, i wrote the sticky, which has instructions on how to root and while I havent had the time to update everything I did cover some ROMs which include what you have asked for, so not quite sure what else you could be looking for.... But if you really want an explanation:
Root the phone using z4root and then try out a ROM like Rubix Focused 2.0.1. Drod2169 built the ROM and I am currently using it. The interface is very quick and responsive. He has added in multiple governor settings for overclock which include a conservative governor to allow for better battery life. You can use apps like Droid Overclock (jrummy16) and setCPU to change these governor settings as well. Rubix does very well when overclocked if that is something you are interested in.
If you are looking for a ROM that still has some Blur components in it, then try out Apex 1.4.1 or Rubix 2.0 Blurry. Both are very responsive and have some of the blur that certain people out there are looking for. Last but not least, it seems a great majority of people like Liberty 1.5. I used the ROM for quite some time, and it is very responsive, but a lot of people seem to have issues with lag or reboots. I never had this issue, so I can't quite speak to that issue...
ROM's are really more of a matter of personal choice. Try out a few and see what you like.
As far as a comparison to the EVO... my roommate has one, and 2 of my other best friends have one. I have done MULTIPLE benchmarking tools on their phones to compare against my X (on multiple ROMs). None of their tests have beat mine... In my opinion, the only differences between the EVO and the X is this:
1) Evo has unlocked Bootloader to allow custom kernels so you can run ROMS like CynanogenMod (but given time, CVPCS is compiling CM for the X)
2) Evo has front facing camera for those who can't wait to talk to people via a webcam.
3) Evo has a slightly quicker GPU (graphics processing unit) than the X, but winds up limited to 30FPS for the most part. Some of the benchmarks I have seen on the X jump it up to 62FPS on tests I have run.
4) Evo runs sense from HTC. If you want a "Sense" feel... some have made themes that look just like Sense....but you said you don't want a theme.
That's about it...
SysAdmin-X said:
LMFAO, i wrote the sticky, which has instructions on how to root and while I havent had the time to update everything I did cover some ROMs which include what you have asked for, so not quite sure what else you could be looking for.... But if you really want an explanation:
Root the phone using z4root and then try out a ROM like Rubix Focused 2.0.1. Drod2169 built the ROM and I am currently using it. The interface is very quick and responsive. He has added in multiple governor settings for overclock which include a conservative governor to allow for better battery life. You can use apps like Droid Overclock (jrummy16) and setCPU to change these governor settings as well. Rubix does very well when overclocked if that is something you are interested in.
If you are looking for a ROM that still has some Blur components in it, then try out Apex 1.4.1 or Rubix 2.0 Blurry. Both are very responsive and have some of the blur that certain people out there are looking for. Last but not least, it seems a great majority of people like Liberty 1.5. I used the ROM for quite some time, and it is very responsive, but a lot of people seem to have issues with lag or reboots. I never had this issue, so I can't quite speak to that issue...
ROM's are really more of a matter of personal choice. Try out a few and see what you like.
As far as a comparison to the EVO... my roommate has one, and 2 of my other best friends have one. I have done MULTIPLE benchmarking tools on their phones to compare against my X (on multiple ROMs). None of their tests have beat mine... In my opinion, the only differences between the EVO and the X is this:
1) Evo has unlocked Bootloader to allow custom kernels so you can run ROMS like CynanogenMod (but given time, CVPCS is compiling CM for the X)
2) Evo has front facing camera for those who can't wait to talk to people via a webcam.
3) Evo has a slightly quicker GPU (graphics processing unit) than the X, but winds up limited to 30FPS for the most part. Some of the benchmarks I have seen on the X jump it up to 62FPS on tests I have run.
4) Evo runs sense from HTC. If you want a "Sense" feel... some have made themes that look just like Sense....but you said you don't want a theme.
That's about it...
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The sticky is EPIC...honestly, it's just data and info. I guess I am looking more for opinions. Thank you for the insight.
I had an EVO and that thing had not once, ever, locked up or froze. 2nd day on my Droid X after a hard reset and it is SO laggy.
Unlock screen even lags to get to home. IDK.... I def don't want the "blurware", but the benchmarks on this phone are impressive. It's response and use have not been, in my opinion.
My wife has the Samsung Vibrant and the specs are amazing for that phone too, but NEVER have I seen a phone lock up and freeze so much. She gave her old G1 to my mom and it's like they run at about the same speed.
I'm real tech savy, a huge phone nerd, etc....I just really didn't like my iPhone. I use Apple products for everything else as I am an audio engineer by profession, but the iPhone was SO limited. I had to hack the crap out of it to get basic things that are available on freebie candybar phones.
One thing I have noticed is that it seems to build my photo cache REALLY slow. Now... I have 14 GBs of photo/video on their, but everytime I open a gallery it takes forever to load. It is getting better about this, slowly but surely....do you think my unit is defective, I am expecting too much, or the more I play with it and let it buld a good cache, etc, it will run better?
Thanks for responding, and THANK YOU for the sticky... If I decide to root that thing will be a lifesaver!
system6 said:
The sticky is EPIC...honestly, it's just data and info. I guess I am looking more for opinions. Thank you for the insight.
I had an EVO and that thing had not once, ever, locked up or froze. 2nd day on my Droid X after a hard reset and it is SO laggy.
Unlock screen even lags to get to home. IDK.... I def don't want the "blurware", but the benchmarks on this phone are impressive. It's response and use have not been, in my opinion.
My wife has the Samsung Vibrant and the specs are amazing for that phone too, but NEVER have I seen a phone lock up and freeze so much. She gave her old G1 to my mom and it's like they run at about the same speed.
I'm real tech savy, a huge phone nerd, etc....I just really didn't like my iPhone. I use Apple products for everything else as I am an audio engineer by profession, but the iPhone was SO limited. I had to hack the crap out of it to get basic things that are available on freebie candybar phones.
One thing I have noticed is that it seems to build my photo cache REALLY slow. Now... I have 14 GBs of photo/video on their, but everytime I open a gallery it takes forever to load. It is getting better about this, slowly but surely....do you think my unit is defective, I am expecting too much, or the more I play with it and let it buld a good cache, etc, it will run better?
Thanks for responding, and THANK YOU for the sticky... If I decide to root that thing will be a lifesaver!
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I think the type of sdcard you have also makes a difference. If you have a new class 6 card instead of what the phone comes with (I think it is like class 2 or 3) then the read/write speed should be a lot better. I have been using the latest Rubix ROM for about 2 weeks now, and I don't experience any lag or reboots/freezing. I really like this ROM, and actually talk to Drod2169 (the developer) a decent amount. I would take a look at Rubix or Fission 2.5.7 as these are both blur-free ROM's.
I am also a huge tech nerd/geek. I have tweaked the crap out of my X. I have probably tried every ROM/theme there is for this thing, and right now I'm sitting solid on Rubix. I also used Darkslide 4.2 Blurless for a while. It is a ROM built by BBCrackman and some others over at mydroidworld. I would suggest trying Darkslide out. It is pre-themed by the makers of the ROM but I think it has been the most reliable and snappy ROM I have used besides Rubix 2.0.
If you have questions, shoot them at me in here, or hit me up on gchat.
[email protected] More than happy to help out where I can.
SysAdmin-X said:
I think the type of sdcard you have also makes a difference. If you have a new class 6 card instead of what the phone comes with (I think it is like class 2 or 3) then the read/write speed should be a lot better. I have been using the latest Rubix ROM for about 2 weeks now, and I don't experience any lag or reboots/freezing. I really like this ROM, and actually talk to Drod2169 (the developer) a decent amount. I would take a look at Rubix or Fission 2.5.7 as these are both blur-free ROM's.
I am also a huge tech nerd/geek. I have tweaked the crap out of my X. I have probably tried every ROM/theme there is for this thing, and right now I'm sitting solid on Rubix. I also used Darkslide 4.2 Blurless for a while. It is a ROM built by BBCrackman and some others over at mydroidworld. I would suggest trying Darkslide out. It is pre-themed by the makers of the ROM but I think it has been the most reliable and snappy ROM I have used besides Rubix 2.0.
If you have questions, shoot them at me in here, or hit me up on gchat.
[email protected] More than happy to help out where I can.
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Thanks a million for the cool info and not just a "NOOB RTFM!" response!
I will check out both!

[NOOB "guidance" from FREQUENT FLASHERS]¤*Best ROM* ¤

Firstly, I want to say that I am doing this just to get everyone's own personal view on which EVO ROM is the best. Before I get all kinds of hateful posts just hear me out. I want to know what you think from your own personal point of view and why you think it's the best. For those who switch ROMs daily, post and tell some pros and cons of each maybe. Tell me why you like it, what you like about it, which of your needs it meets, which it doesn't. And so on!!! I think this could be a good thread for the noobs to learn different things about different kinds of ROMs and what the different ones have to offer. Thank you XDA community!!!!!
Edit: "Frequent flaher" I like that term and I'm sure it applies to a lot of people posting in this thread.
Destroyer is awesome. Very fast and awesome theming. VaelPak is also really good b/c it's so unique and customizable. IMHO, if you're new to flashing, you need to try, CM or variant of, Miui, VaelPak, and a Z ROM (MikZ or Warm Z).
For sense ROMs, Unleashed is really good. Very fast/smooth and awesome theme options. Best sense ROM IMHO. MikFroyo is also very fast. I can get good battery life out of almost any ROM, but EViO 2 stands out in that area.
ive flashed alot of sense and about all of the gingerbread roms. the gingerbreads are fast, but too high maintenance for me. sure some will say that its stable for them but 8 out of 10 in the cm threads are trying to work out bugs.
theres also a lot of fast and fully functional sense roms highly themed. depends on what the end user whants out of their rom, functionality, look, batt, etc..
i like a bare bones stock sleek looking optimized preferably lightly themed rom. thats why im currently running Miks 4.6b2 ODEXED themed by Chogardjr. i removed all of the useless stuff, its faast, rock solid stable, great battery life and everything works. IMHO!
I have used almost every setup there is, and most are pretty good, except they all have an issue or 2 that makes me feel incomplete when it comes to my phone.
Sense Roms: King's Ultra Froyo and Ultra Froyo 2, Koni's Elite 1 and Elite 2. ALL of those are pretty equal. Very fast, smooth, beautiful looking, but no matter what kernel I tried, battery life was garbage. One thing about my phone is I tried almost every NetArchy Kernel there is, I bet, and never got a good battery on a Sense ROM.
Miui: I can see why people like it, but I just don't like having all my apps on the desktop and switching to LPP takes away part of the allure of havng Miui. The theme changer wouldn't install any of the themes I downloaded. Plus, I had issues with screen flicker, but I understand I did the update wrong, so that may be where that came from. Also, I spent over an hour alphabetizing my apps... damn OCD!
CM7: By FAR the best battery life, with the kernel I use, SavagedZen 009, but the GPS navigation thing is an issue. I take my phone off the charger at 6AM, and by 11PM, after moderate to heavy use, I'm never below 50%. Still, I want those Sense Widgets. LPP has them, but in People, for instance, you don't get the user pics from Facebook, and all the entries are just the stock Android image. One other thing on CM7, that is intolerable, is that it takes a coon's age to copy anything to my SDCard. I did a back up, and reformat the other night and it took an hour and a half to copy my music back (just under a gig), for example
Right now, I'm running Destroyer, and the battery isn't as good as with nightly 14, but it's pretty good. BEtter than with any of the others I've tried. And whatever issues people have with this, I'm not having them. Everything is working good. Very fast, too.
For me, the best, most complete ROM there is, is VaelPak 3.2. It has everything you want. Almost like all the different Mods were combined to make one insane ROM. More custumization options than CM/Sense and MiUi put together, puls packs of goodies that come with the ROM installed on the SDCard. I can't remember why I took it off now, but I think it was the battery life, again, was horrible. Dropped 15% in less than 2 hours with the stock kernel. Although, I didn't keep it on long enough to really test other kernels with it, and there are a few that people using it say give them fanatastic battery life.
I love my CM7 nightlies. Nuff said!!!!!! <3
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noahguz said:
Firstly, I want to say that I am doing this just to get everyone's own personal view on which EVO ROM is the best. Before I get all kinds of hateful posts just hear me out. I want to know what you think from your own personal point of view and why you think it's the best. For those who switch ROMs daily, post and tell some pros and cons of each maybe. Tell me why you like it, what you like about it, which of your needs it meets, which it doesn't. And so on!!! I think this could be a good thread for the noobs to learn different things about different kinds of ROMs and what the different ones have to offer. Thank you XDA community!!!!!
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still waiting for the best...
i like warm z.. but it dont have hdmi and 4G. ffc can be worked around.
what dont you give your thoughts???
Well I just started flashing ROMs about 9 months ago and started a basically sense roms. I didn't really like them bc of limited customization and they were a little slow and battery was horrible. From there I stuck with an AOSP rom for about the past 6 months until a few weeks ago and read up a little on MIUI and tried that out for a whole 6 hours and hated it. I couldn't stand all my apps on the screen and no drawer. Really got on my nerves. Then tried out that Unleashed and was happy with that for about a week til I really started doing some reading up on CM and decided to try it out, loved it and everything about it. So now I'm a supporter of them, but am super stoked to try out this new SZ ROM. Think that might be the new rom of choice for me.
Edit: That good Dan?
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^^^ that will work...
Not sure why anyone hasn't said this yet but Myn's Warm TwoPointTwo RLS 5 is the best in my opinion. Might not have been updated in a while, but in my experience is the fastest Sense rom with lots of eye candy while still looking sleek/professional without going overboard, the best battery life (16 hours heavy use 30 with light use/good signal), and everything works. I know that AOSP roms have wimax now but gps has been hit and miss with every one of them (for gingerbread at least, I don't care for any 2.2 AOSP roms). Navigation definitely did not work.
I loved Evervolv and Savage but again, not everything works the way it should. Myn's is just the best daily driver. Battery life is phenomenal, I haven't been able to get more than 16-20 hours out of an aosp rom.
IMO (never h):
All the Sense ROMs are the same. They are just the same stock ROM with some heavy theming and maybe a custom tweak here and there ... but IMO if you're going to flash sense you're better off just checking the themes section and getting the look you want... because that's what they are.
Also keep in mind that Sense is likely a dead end as it is. I have doubts 2.3 will ever land on EVO .from HTC/Sprint... meaning it will never come to fruition in any Sense ROM. So it's a dead-end thing to support anyway.
AOSP is a different story. These are truly custom, already ahead of Sense if you're a version buff (2.3.3) and tend to run faster, smoother, and with A LOT less bloat. That said they aren't all flowers and rainbows either. Because they are actually scratch written they tend to not be feature complete (though team WIN is quickly changing that) so make sure you know what feature is missing and if that's a big deal to you.
That said, CM is the AOSP leader. It has the dev support, and most AOSP ROMs you'll notice are based on CM because they are nice enough to release under GPL rather than the default Apache agreement most others use. I like it for what it is, and it's the "best" if you like vanilla Android and want to follow what Google is doing with thier OS.
The other "best" IMO MIUI. It's behind CM in terms of the latest Android base (though GB is finally in the works), and it's closed source so it is missing things available in other AOSP ROMS ... but what it does bring to the table is amazing. It's better in battery, faster, the built in apps are worth paying for if they ever make it to market ... its an amazing ROM.
I secretly have wet dreams of MIUI and CM having an Android love child and bringing me my dream ROM ... until then I flip back and forth between the two.
I'm running a special rom called "dirk diggler rom" and if you want to use it deposit 500 bucks in my PayPal . P.S its better than any rom YOU will ever run on your evo lol.
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^^^^^ uhmmm, nah. Can't be too much different than anything else on here. Pretty funny though. Ha
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The answer depends on your needs. For instance, I don't like the look of Sense but I also need 4G, GPS, Bluetooth and Camera working everyday. That limits me to a Sense based rom until CM7 stabilizes those things. For now, I'm getting by pretty well with Nonsense. It's not been updated recently and has minor flaws but the important things work for me everyday.
No one ROM does everything well. It's all about trade-offs. When you know your own needs, the filtering the choices should be a lot easier.
dynamicpda said:
The answer depends on your needs. For instance, I don't like the look of Sense but I also need 4G, GPS, Bluetooth and Camera working everyday. That limits me to a Sense based rom until CM7 stabilizes those things. For now, I'm getting by pretty well with Nonsense. It's not been updated recently and has minor flaws but the important things work for me everyday.
No one ROM does everything well. It's all about trade-offs. When you know your own needs, the filtering the choices should be a lot easier.
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Check my signature.
All those things work on my setup.
jstalford said:
Destroyer is awesome. Very fast and awesome theming. VaelPak is also really good b/c it's so unique and customizable. IMHO, if you're new to flashing, you need to try, CM or variant of, Miui, VaelPak, and a Z ROM (MikZ or Warm Z).
For sense ROMs, Unleashed is really good. Very fast/smooth and awesome theme options. Best sense ROM IMHO. MikFroyo is also very fast. I can get good battery life out of almost any ROM, but EViO 2 stands out in that area.
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+1 on destroyer buddy! and its very stable!
In my experience with cm7 at least, scrolling in the browser and touch response has lagged for me compared to sense. Savage and evervolv seemed to be better but nothing comes close to the responsiveness using myns warm
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I am currently using CM7 but looking for a sense 2.0 rom - any help?
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been using mik4.5 w/4.1.9 sbc all works get 16 hours a day with everything on updates every hour,fps 54. love it
Tried miui and cant live w/o sense.
Heres my thing, all the sense based roms are pretty much the same just different icons(themes), but if I have to flash abunch of stuff just to make a rom work right, I'm out
Sense rom = Myn's Warm 2.2 RLS5
stable, fast, and it works...
AOSP rom = Ultimate Droid
Also stable, fast and completely working Gingerbread for the EVO and several other phones...
What is the best one running or able to wifi tether...I was using fresh and decided for a new look...since I been away I decided on CM7 but I discovered wifi is not working???....Anyone???
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CM7 relevance on the Atrix

A little history: 4 years ago i bought and owned (still own) a G1 - HTC Dream - and ever since custom Android roms were available I have been very happy to try out the latest and greatest. I think jesusfreke being the first but cant remember now its such a long time ago. Then along came cyanogen with hhis rom, brilliant. There were so many new options and the speed increase was great. and because of this rom I kept my G1 for over 3 years as my main phone. When the time came that cyanogen stopped supporting the G1 I decided it was time for an upgrade and decided I would get the Atrix based on its powerful specs and all of the other amazing features it has.
So 8 months on I now have an Atrix on which I have tried nearly all available roms and am currently running the latest version of Aura. (not an endorsement for Aura, simply a statement). Included in my trials was CM7, which i was so excited about when i first heard that development was happening. However since installing CM7 and trying it out for around a month I have to say that amongst all of the other roms for the Atrix it is not the holy grail that it has been on other phones. In fact in its current incarnation its relevance it questionable on the Atrix particularly when reading that the devs are struggling to find solutions to getting some of the features working.
I know that there are many people that bought the Atrix because it was powerful. But, it does have other features that, although not unique are certainly what helps to give the Atrix an edge over the competition. Webtop for example is a feature that used only ocassionally is a valuable asset to the device and simply discard it at for a tweak that boosts performance by mere micro seconds is a poor trade. it would be the same as buying a convertible ferrari and removing the button that puts the roof down - it saved some weight and the car can now accelerate to 60mph marginally faster but you cant put the roof down anymore. So you might as well have bought a hard top ferrari which already went faster. The same theory as buying the Atrix, if you want that extra bit of speed, might as well buy the SGSII.
So, there it is. Thats why i run a different rom at the moment, because all of the features are available and quite honestly with a bit of tweaking i can no longer either see of feel any difference in speed to CM7 and my battery lasts a perfectly acceptable amount of time for a smartphone (Depending on my usage). For those of you who might start mentioning blur as being the reason to move to CM7 that is another area where devs of other custom roms have done a fine job of removing anything really noticable and anything else that I found annoying I simply used TB and personal preference to sort out. (Although i havent yet figured out the accounts manager and anyway of getting rid of that awful blur interface. Maybe one day)
In conclusion, no ROM is perfect and as much as I admire the devs work I simply don't think that CM7 is relevant on the Atrix.
i think it greatly depends on what your needs/desires are for your phone. i bought my atrix with zero intentions of using the fingerprint scanner or webtop. in the months before CM7 came out, i never even tried them out on stock or custom ROMs.
i really enjoy the extra features that CM7 adds to my atrix (however small they may be). the only downside ive experienced is inconsistent battery behavior, but i cant narrow it down so im not even sure its a cyanogen thing.
any ROM is relevant if there are people who want to use it. it may not be relevant for you, or anyone who is set on webtop/FPS. but to each his own. thats the beauty of open-source right??
It's to each their own, I guess. If someone wants CM7 on their phone, they're going to go for it. Some people are benchmark fiends, others just like the feel of it.
Completely agreed with fischwrap. Many people bought the Atrix because it was the fastest phone at release date, or the best price/performance ratio one. That people might or might not care about the fingerprint scanner (a lot of people in fact don't like the power button placement and use volume to wake, some others don't even use a lockscreen, let alone a fingerprint scanner) or about webtop (believe it or not people without HDTVs or LCDs exist )
And I know the 'don't care or need' side has at least 5300 people on it
turl1 said:
Completely agreed with fischwrap. Many people bought the Atrix because it was the fastest phone at release date, or the best price/performance ratio one. That people might or might not care about the fingerprint scanner (a lot of people in fact don't like the power button placement and use volume to wake, some others don't even use a lockscreen, let alone a fingerprint scanner) or about webtop (believe it or not people without HDTVs or LCDs exist )
And I know the 'don't care or need' side has at least 5300 people on it
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Same here. I also purchased it with eager anticipation that devs would also get it for the same reasons and port CM7. You guys kick major ass. Took a bit more blood, sweat and tears because of the bootloader but our Atrix's are rockin' now!f
i think the Atrix can truly shine regardless of what ROM you use. it's an extremely powerful phone and that will show in any comparison. The kernel plays a very large part in determining performance as well though. Even if you are on standard clock speeds with one of faux's kernels you'll have amazing benchmarks and real world results, and even more so if you choose to overclock. CM7 is a great ROM for every phone, and i don't believe it's relevance to the atrix should be in question, but merely its relevance to you. i've been an android guy for quite a while dating back to the G1 days as well (Do you remember the ROM bible? we need one of those for the Atrix! ) and i shed a silent tear when those forums got moved to the legacy and low activity sections. but this is much like when Sense ROMs started appearing for the G1. Bluetooth and Camera commonly didn't work on them, and some people said they wouldn't use Sense until those were fixed. FP Scanner and Webtop are tenfold less essential than either of those, yet some won't use CM7 until those are fixed. it really just comes down to what you look for in a phone and what you use the most.
I don't use webtop (although no fingerprint took me a long long time to get over), as such CM7 offers some features such as notification power management, being able to adjust lowest screen brightness, having control over when the phone vibrates, etc. THe extensive control CM7 allows you that other Motoblur based roms does not alone is really worth it for me. I can see your point but it's rather ridiculous to suggest CM7 is not relevant. It is still by far the best rom on Atrix at the moment if you're able to live w/o webtop/fingerprint scanner.
lilhyper said:
I don't use webtop (although no fingerprint took me a long long time to get over), as such CM7 offers some features such as notification power management, being able to adjust lowest screen brightness, having control over when the phone vibrates, etc. THe extensive control CM7 allows you that other Motoblur based roms does not alone is really worth it for me. I can see your point but it's rather ridiculous to suggest CM7 is not relevant. It is still by far the best rom on Atrix at the moment if you're able to live w/o webtop/fingerprint scanner.
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Best rom for the Atrix is one that allows those 2 features. Phone is incomplete without it. Design wise
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
n1ckr0th said:
i think the Atrix can truly shine regardless of what ROM you use. it's an extremely powerful phone and that will show in any comparison. The kernel plays a very large part in determining performance as well though. Even if you are on standard clock speeds with one of faux's kernels you'll have amazing benchmarks and real world results, and even more so if you choose to overclock. CM7 is a great ROM for every phone, and i don't believe it's relevance to the atrix should be in question, but merely its relevance to you. i've been an android guy for quite a while dating back to the G1 days as well (Do you remember the ROM bible? we need one of those for the Atrix! ) and i shed a silent tear when those forums got moved to the legacy and low activity sections. but this is much like when Sense ROMs started appearing for the G1. Bluetooth and Camera commonly didn't work on them, and some people said they wouldn't use Sense until those were fixed. FP Scanner and Webtop are tenfold less essential than either of those, yet some won't use CM7 until those are fixed. it really just comes down to what you look for in a phone and what you use the most.
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Legacy devices, yeah that's where my beloved tilt(Kaiser) got moved to. I love Android but I do miss the kaiser days I remember running android from the sd card on the kaiser lol. At first touch screen was not working, no camera, no bluetooth, no wifi, and by the time I left the kaiser they had that stuff working.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
andrew.cambridge said:
Best rom for the Atrix is one that allows those 2 features. Phone is incomplete without it. Design wise
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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I disagree. A rom may have those 2 features but run like a G1 while another can be missing those 2 features and run smooth as butter. It is dependent on taste but I'd pick the latter.
The thing that sets the Atrix apart was the FP and the webtop. I don't use either, and I use cm7.
But without those 2 features enabled, it just another phone. Fast phone tthough. But not the best rom, IMO.
Homebase is the best rom for THIS phone. Smooth as butter and full functionality of the phone. I love CyanogenMod, its fast as hell, very stable. But it does the same stuff my little Aria does.
I'm tired, don't know if this makes sense to anyone else.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
rjmcloughlin said:
A little history: 4 years ago i bought and owned (still own) a G1 - HTC Dream - and ever since custom Android roms were available I have been very happy to try out the latest and greatest. I think jesusfreke being the first but cant remember now its such a long time ago. Then along came cyanogen with hhis rom, brilliant. There were so many new options and the speed increase was great. and because of this rom I kept my G1 for over 3 years as my main phone. When the time came that cyanogen stopped supporting the G1 I decided it was time for an upgrade and decided I would get the Atrix based on its powerful specs and all of the other amazing features it has.
So 8 months on I now have an Atrix on which I have tried nearly all available roms and am currently running the latest version of Aura. (not an endorsement for Aura, simply a statement). Included in my trials was CM7, which i was so excited about when i first heard that development was happening. However since installing CM7 and trying it out for around a month I have to say that amongst all of the other roms for the Atrix it is not the holy grail that it has been on other phones. In fact in its current incarnation its relevance it questionable on the Atrix particularly when reading that the devs are struggling to find solutions to getting some of the features working.
I know that there are many people that bought the Atrix because it was powerful. But, it does have other features that, although not unique are certainly what helps to give the Atrix an edge over the competition. Webtop for example is a feature that used only ocassionally is a valuable asset to the device and simply discard it at for a tweak that boosts performance by mere micro seconds is a poor trade. it would be the same as buying a convertible ferrari and removing the button that puts the roof down - it saved some weight and the car can now accelerate to 60mph marginally faster but you cant put the roof down anymore. So you might as well have bought a hard top ferrari which already went faster. The same theory as buying the Atrix, if you want that extra bit of speed, might as well buy the SGSII.
So, there it is. Thats why i run a different rom at the moment, because all of the features are available and quite honestly with a bit of tweaking i can no longer either see of feel any difference in speed to CM7 and my battery lasts a perfectly acceptable amount of time for a smartphone (Depending on my usage). For those of you who might start mentioning blur as being the reason to move to CM7 that is another area where devs of other custom roms have done a fine job of removing anything really noticable and anything else that I found annoying I simply used TB and personal preference to sort out. (Although i havent yet figured out the accounts manager and anyway of getting rid of that awful blur interface. Maybe one day)
In conclusion, no ROM is perfect and as much as I admire the devs work I simply don't think that CM7 is relevant on the Atrix.
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Bang On ..i have to agree..
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andrew.cambridge said:
Best rom for the Atrix is one that allows those 2 features. Phone is incomplete without it. Design wise
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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I agree that CM7 is not the perfect rom and sacrifices are required. However, using Blurr-based roms you're also sacrificing the functionality of CM7. And judging from the number of people flashing CM7, at significant part of the community prefers the CM7 functionality over fingerprint and webtop.
I feel this both suggests there is a big part for CM7 and it should be in the conversation of one of the best roms. Hopefully one day Blur-based roms will integrate CM7's customizability (unlikely) or CM7 will get a working fpscanner and webtop.
I think CM is more than relevant for the Atrix!
I have bought the Atrix with the lapdock and I have tested Motoblur as well as Aura and have used the lapdock. Before I have used a htc Hero with CM for nearly 2 years.
I really like the possibility of the lapdock in connection with a kind of webtop or similar functionality. But due to my long experience with CM on my Hero, I have tried CM-7.1 despite the fact that I do not have webtop or at least hdmi-mirroring in a sufficient screen-resolution, because I have missed the score of customization of CM.
And I am absolutely satisfied with CM. At least for my personal usage, it IS the best available ROM. It is faster and smother than the other, have many more convenient settings like configurable screens, buttons and LED-notification. Everything in an efficient way. And CM has an exceptional battery-life, I got roughly 30% more battery time.
OK, I am a little bit missing webtop, but I am hoping hdmi-mirroring will be working soon ;-) I have used the FP on Aura, but I really do not miss it, because I was used to unlock with menu-button with my hero, so I stick to that, because it is faster than FP.
If I could acquire a cheap Lapdock I would, I really want to use this phone to it's full potential.
imhuy said:
I disagree. A rom may have those 2 features but run like a G1 while another can be missing those 2 features and run smooth as butter. It is dependent on taste but I'd pick the latter.
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I don't think the CM7 mod can really be considered stable.
I have a good amount of trouble with lag, slow internet, fc's, and obviously the features that don't work.
Hopefully in time they can improve it more.
I've tried many roms on mine and finally decided to settle on stock 2.3.4 U.A.E retail. It is very nicely done.
CM7 is plenty relevant to the Atrix. If it weren't, then there wouldn't be 5,485 people using it (according to CM's official device statistics page*). A lot of people bought this phone for its raw power, and could care less about webtop or the fingerprint scanner. The team doing the port said they want to add that at some point, and the fingerprint scanner at least on some level is working on unreleased builds.
This isnt to mention that once an official (by CM) release is out, CM could provide an excellent base for ROM developers who dont like blur. Blur is fast on the Atrix, but still isnt as fast as vanilla android. Once ICS comes out, we'll definetly get it before blur roms do as well.
At the moment, blur roms have an edge in that they fully support the hardware and have more chances of being bug free. But it wont be long before that all changes.
If you want guaranteed stability, webtop or the fingerprint scanner, use a blur rom. Otherwise, use CM7. If you dont care and just want a phone, use stock. Just because some people prefer one type doesn't invalidate the significance of the other.
* http://stats.cyanogenmod.com/
Look for Olympus
Jotokun said:
CM7 is plenty relevant to the Atrix. If it weren't, then there wouldn't be 5,485 people using it (according to CM's official device statistics page*).
* http://stats.cyanogenmod.com/
Look for Olympus
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How are they able to track this? That's cool.
treehumper said:
How are they able to track this? That's cool.
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When you boot CM for the first time, you're given the option of sending them statistics data. That can be turned off at any time by going Settings > CM Settings > System > Anonymous statistics
Since its opt-in, there are probably more users than that.

[Q] Best Stable ROM - Giving DX to Mom

Hi Everybody (Hi Dr. Nick!),
Giving my DX to my mother, need to know what the best stable ROM that is the most bug-free; stock will be considered.
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I've moved on from my Droid X to an HTC Rezound. I recently had to use my good old DX (Running the last Liberty released) and realized what a great phone it is. Really, a top of the line phone... so much so that I actually considered giving my wife the Rezound and going back to the X... it was really only 4G that kept me on the Rezound (and the DX's terrible WiFi radio).
I'm most likely going to be giving my mom this phone since she has some crappy LG phone that lags when playing Angry Birds (the only reason my mom got a smart phone). I want to give her a phone that is going to be fast, stable, and hassle free.
I'm torn between giving her a stock device in case she needs support, or giving her a modified rooted device, so she can have the bonuses of a great phone. I no longer live in her area (I'm from Miami, FL where she still lives, currently living in Kansas City) and I can't support her in case something breaks; she'll need to call VZW or go to a store.
Here are my ideas:
My initial thought is CM 7.1 RC. Seems like it will be stable with minimal lag, and most bugs worked out.
I might leave her on Liberty since Ive been using it and it works pretty well for the most part.
How good is the CM9 beta? It looks to be working, there just has to be a bunch of extra work to get it stable that isn't baked into the initial install yet? I would love to get her on ICS, but she needs a camera so I can't give her Encounter ICS (which from what I understand is really well done, but abandoned). I don't mind doing the leg work for ICS, but I need to know most things work, or can be workable.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Try out MIUI DefX, it's fairly full featured, definitely fast, and very stable.
Otherwise I would recommend going completely stock.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
The newest Miui DefX posted by wizard0f0s is very stable. Can have working HDMI with additional app. Camera works great if it is left on 8MP. Have to change it to that yourself though because its default is 6MP. It has the Motorola Blur power manager stuff so it gets really good battery life. Also has FM Radio built in. Just make sure you check around for guides on how to set up to automatic brightness correctly and you should have the perfect daily driver for your mom.
Hmmm, I hadn't considered MIUI; is it ICS based? Only reason I ask is because I'd like to get Apex Launcher for her. She actually think iOS looks cluttered, and I think the default MIUI Launcher is pretty crappy with the absence of an app drawer.
Also, is there a way to get the iOS theme out? I tried MIUI for a short time, but even after popping Launcher Pro on it, I couldn't stand the MIUI menus because they looked way too iOS-ish for me.
EtherBoo said:
Hmmm, I hadn't considered MIUI; is it ICS based? Only reason I ask is because I'd like to get Apex Launcher for her. She actually think iOS looks cluttered, and I think the default MIUI Launcher is pretty crappy with the absence of an app drawer.
Also, is there a way to get the iOS theme out? I tried MIUI for a short time, but even after popping Launcher Pro on it, I couldn't stand the MIUI menus because they looked way too iOS-ish for me.
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MIUI DefX is not ICS, although MIUI v4 is; however, MIUI v4 is not as stable or fully featured as MIUI DefX by any means.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
i have an identical objective. something super stable and faster than stock. my older sister is wrestling the stock rom constantly crashing and being bloated as hell on her droid 2, and as far as i know the DX and the D2 have almost identical architecture

