GPL - Epic 4G General

Just to their this out here... Anyone who publishes ROMs and other mods here... How's the compliance going? Seems that it's strictly enforced on the other forums, but not here. Did I miss anything?
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

You did miss something: a ROM called Baked Snack and a dev named Herver.

I think you are referring to the DK28 Froyo ROMs, they have not been published under the GPL yet by Samsung and therefore there is no source available to publish. Once Samsung releases their source and ROMs are based on that I will assume they will comply...

gzub said:
I think you are referring to the DK28 Froyo ROMs, they have not been published under the GPL yet by Samsung and therefore there is no source available to publish. Once Samsung releases their source and ROMs are based on that I will assume they will comply...
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That is what I was thinking.

Nah, actually I wasn't thinking about dk28. I completely forgot about hero_over

herzzreh said:
Nah, actually I wasn't thinking about dk28. I completely forgot about hero_over
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Can we file this thread under who cares? Seriously, is this thread even necessary?

ScientificOne said:
Can we file this thread under who cares? Seriously, is this thread even necessary?
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Actually it is. Pretty important. To steal from 12aon's post:
Recently in several Android fora on XDA-Developers, it has come to the attention of the moderator team that there have been issues regarding developers’ compliance with the GPL. This post aims to clarify the position of XDA on the use of GPL sources, particularly in the development of Android kernels.
Without the GPL, the Android operating system would likely never have come about. Through the work of Linus Torvalds, the Linux kernel was made open source for all to use, share and modify. As Android runs on the Linux kernel, and features numerous modifications to these sources, it would not exist in its present state without the Open Source community.
As a result, it is in the interests of everyone who owns an Android phone, who wishes to see further development on the platform, to ensure that they play their part in upholding both the letter and spirit of the GPL.
The GNU General Public Licence (also known as the GPL) is available to read in full at
To make it easy for everyone to spot a release that complies with the GPL mark the title of your release thread with [GPL]. If you find a ROM which does not comply with the GPL, or the developer does not issue sources, you can report the post as usual, using the report post button next to the post number. Alternatively you may PM your forum specific moderator.
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herzzreh said:
Actually it is. Pretty important. To steal from 12aon's post:
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Then how about instead of throwing out a vague (possibly rhetorical) question you cite some actual problem/violation witht he GPL and work to fix it? Unless of course there weren't really any problems that you saw and you just wanted to start a thread to be an antagonistic jacka**.

richse said:
Then how about instead of throwing out a vague (possibly rhetorical) question you cite some actual problem/violation witht he GPL and work to fix it? Unless of course there weren't really any problems that you saw and you just wanted to start a thread to be an antagonistic jacka**.
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+1. OP, you are the second person to post about this. Of course you don't point out how we are in violation, but here is your answer:
You're welcome.

richse said:
Then how about instead of throwing out a vague (possibly rhetorical) question you cite some actual problem/violation witht he GPL and work to fix it? Unless of course there weren't really any problems that you saw and you just wanted to start a thread to be an antagonistic jacka**.
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Couldn't agree more. To the OP, if you think someone is in non-compliance, how about using a PM to a mod and have them follow up? This thread is retarded and should be closed.

They trollin...they hatinn...lookin tryin to catch the devs ridinn
sent from my Epic 4G

I was under the impression that Android was NOT GPL. So of course they do NOT have to follow it. Android is under ASL, but the kernel is GPL. Different licenses different rules.

pretty sure the deal is that when someone asks for the GPL then they must release their source, but if no one asks than everythings good baby babbbbby! from what i remember herver saying on his personal forum.

herzzreh said:
Just to their this out here... Anyone who publishes ROMs and other mods here... How's the compliance going? Seems that it's strictly enforced on the other forums, but not here. Did I miss anything?
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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did you ever stop to think... maybe this is why you don't have any friends??
we all know how jealous you are of all the awesomeness going on here and how our phones would run laps around yours if phones had legs . you must be really bored , im sure you can find something better to do under that bridge of yours, troll.

please do not feed the trolls. OP since you are strict and follow everything to the letter...why is this even in Development when it has nothing to do with actually developing anything....just more of a General Question....which infact should be posted in the...ionno...General section?

Please post questions in General section.


KingXKlick's new kernel. Thanks, but NO THANKS

I cannot believe this dude will publicly bash and feud with members of XDA, then attempt to sell his kernel for $5.50..A MONTH! That's almost as much as I pay for Sirius satellite radio.
The idea is revolting. Absolutely devs should make money off their work, but the fact that people are supporting this guy is extremely disheartening. I implore everyone to not support his nonsense and wait for the public release, or find it another way.
I'm not saying he's not a good dev, his kernel is widely used and stable, but his actions and his juvenile behavior added with his holier-than-thou persona makes him persona-non-grata to me, and hopefully to you too.
I was willing to look past the fact he's been kicked off XDA and even the fact that he fueds with other devs and I was willing to try his kernel, as a persons coding skill should not be affected by his child-like behavior, but the fact that he charges a monthly friggin fee goes against everything this open source movement stands for and his actions actually hinder the further development of our Samsung Galaxies.
Don't. Just don't. He doesn't deserve your support.
agreed! lol
i thought i was the only one that thought this hahaha
...flashing now.
wait you didn't develop anything...learn to post in the correct forum.
geekus33 said:
...flashing now.
wait you didn't develop anything...learn to post in the correct forum.
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i'm commenting on the development of a known developer, in the development forum. That a problem?
loogielv said:
i'm commenting on the development of a known developer, in the development forum. That a problem?
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I believe geekus33 was trying to say this is more of a general forum topic; as it's not a comment/post from either a Dev or a comment on a bug with a ROM/MOD/Kernel.
Besides, this is more of a childish rant than anything else. Not useful in any way shape or form. If you don't like the way someone does business don't support them by voting with your wallet.
edit: +1 to the ignore list
Not supporting this thread, not denying what it's stating, just wondering how it can even be charged monthly. Is there built in software that makes it stop working if you haven't paid up, or what?
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loogielv said:
i'm commenting on the development of a known developer, in the development forum. That a problem?
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Technically, geekus33 is right. Whenever you want to post something like this, just post it under General. Development sections are for Roms, Kernels, and Development projects, and not to talk about them.
sorry if this should be posted elsewhere, although i fail to see why.
in any event, all of you *****ing about me *****ing, are just doing the same thing you said i shouldn't do.
Moved to general as not development.
Please see for guidance on when to post in development.
egzthunder1 said:
Technically, geekus33 is right. Whenever you want to post something like this, just post it under General. Development sections are for Roms, Kernels, and Development projects, and not to talk about them.
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ahh, i see. i read the rules, but just misunderstood the different forums. my bad.
loogielv said:
i'm commenting on the development of a known developer, in the development forum. That a problem?
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yeah, it belongs in general, Development section is for developers to share work, and communicate with other developers.
not saying your opinion is any less valid just doesn't belong here...
loogielv said:
ahh, i see. i read the rules, but just misunderstood the different forums. my bad.
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Its cool...I tend to be overly sarcastic.
geekus33 said:
yeah, it belongs in general, Development section is for developers to share work, and communicate with other developers.
not saying your opinion is any less valid just doesn't belong here...
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yah i re-read the rules. my bad. now my rant seems less meaningful
geekus33 said:
Its cool...I tend to be overly sarcastic.
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me too! we should hand out. go bowling or something.
Its a paypal monthly recurring charge, you can unsubscribe anytime, it won't affect your hardware, just you may not get the new password when its updated to get into the donation section.
wait, are you serious?
Where is this thread that talks about a monthly fee? I've always heard nothing but BAD things, but this is absolutely laughable.
If you go to his site you will see over on the right a place to subscribe for either Platinum or Gold level membership. The membership entitles you for exclusive access to the kernels and also he says you will make you a custom ROM or something. $5.50/month
kangxi said:
If you go to his site you will see over on the right a place to subscribe for either Platinum or Gold level membership. The membership entitles you for exclusive access to the kernels and also he says you will make you a custom ROM or something. $5.50/month
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yup. and the $5.50 a month entitles you to the updates of your kernel. otherwise, you're out of luck.
what a douche.
If he's distributing a modified linux kernel, he has to provide the source to go with it under the terms of the GPL. So, anybody who "subscribes" will have the rights to the source code and can republish that. If he's *not* distributing his source code along with the binaries, that's a GPL violation, and I bet the FSF would be interested.
I'm all for people asking for donations and all, but unless he's providing the code to subscribers this is a problem. If he *is* providing the code to subscribers, they can turn around and repost it for everybody else to use.
mind = blown
Thank God we have people like Team Whiskey, Eugene and JAC (not a complete list, just examples).
he's not.
10 letters

Why R all the HDMI threads getting closed??

Can anyone give me a detailed answer as to why the HDMI threads are getting closed? I would like to stay informed of the progress and share my experiences with the dev... isn't that why we all come to XDA?
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My guess is because they often turn into arguments of "so-and-so stole code from so-and-so."
theundeadelvis said:
My guess is because they often turn into arguments of "so-and-so stole code from so-and-so."
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This and people report them. I've reported two myself because if I want to watch drama, I'd turn on Jerry Springer or Maury. I come here to learn, see what's new with Android developements, get updates on CM7, MIUI, and the like, and maybe even contribute here and there.
If the HMDI threads can keep out the "Down with Teamwin" and "Orrebmas is two-faced" crap, and maintain meaningful dialog, then the threads will live a nice long life...we'll see what happens to this one.
The XDA drama queen is in the house! Now where were we?
lol j/k
As long as no one pokes me with a stick again, I'm done with it.
These guys are right, it just turns into a feud between teamwin supporters and the ooremmbas(however you spell it) supporters. That guy and team win have achieved awesome things lets just accept the greatness and enjoy our evos. Who cares, ooreammbas gave us hdmi, teamwin gave us 4g the 2 single most important things on our evo. I support them all man.
Sent from my Evo in your sisters closet using Tapatalk
I don't understand all the drama either. People just need to shut up and enjoy the awesome work that these devs do. Orrebmas has a thread over on Android Central that seems to be staying civil and on topic.
kd0axs said:
I don't understand all the drama either. People just need to shut up and enjoy the awesome work that these devs do. Orrebmas has a thread over on Android Central that seems to be staying civil and on topic.
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what about the teamwin does anybody know where to get some info on it? about the progress with HDMI?
I would love to follow bough
There was one thread last night saying people who donated would get a "pro version" of the beta. After seeing that I'm not surprised they got shut down.
jpatterson350 said:
Can anyone give me a detailed answer as to why the HDMI threads are getting closed? I would like to stay informed of the progress and share my experiences with the dev... isn't that why we all come to XDA?
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[GPL- Violation] Full HDMI Mirroring(Released)--(NEW UPDATED APP) claims GPL violations. My question to the admins is this. Is the beta apk posted in violation of GPL or the modified kernels or both? If it was the kernel then all that had to be done was have the posted kernels removed. If it was the apk. then there are a hell of a lot of threads that need to be closed on this site.
My personal opinion with regards to this is, the rules are black and white so follow them and enforce them AT ALL TIMES. If there is any confusion/requests (in this case there's a whole lot) as to what the violation is, cite examples of the offending file or post. If no example is given then is looks like typical political BS. As far as "who stole code from whom", post code or GTFO.
To all devs. If you claim to be working on something post links to, or examples of progress or don't post. When you don't show examples it makes the thread/post look like vaporware or BS.
To members. Posting nothing more than "cool" or some of useless drivel makes no sense in a dev thread. If you like then there's a "thanks" button, use it and move on. Dev threads are for test results, bug reports and feature requests. If you want to chat about something in the dev thread there's a "General" forum just a click away. If a general discussion thread is started then request that the OP post a link to it in the first post.
Cjunior said:
what about the teamwin does anybody know where to get some info on it? about the progress with HDMI?
I would love to follow bough
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follow shinzul on twitter for updates, he just posted another video yesterday!!/Shinzul
xHausx said:
There was one thread last night saying people who donated would get a "pro version" of the beta. After seeing that I'm not surprised they got shut down.
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I believe you misunderstood that post. What he meant was that people who already donated would not have to pay for the final release of the app; not the beta. The beta that is out now is the same whether you have donated or not and is available to anyone.
@Lokifish: It is the SBC HDMI kernel that is in violation of GPL. There is a stock HTC kernel where the only change are the HDMI drivers that were added to it which is not in violation of anything. The app is not in violation of anything, either. A member of this site posted the kernel here after orrebmas had removed the link to it voluntarily to not be in violation of any GPL rules.
DomSim said:
follow shinzul on twitter for updates, he just posted another video yesterday!!/Shinzul
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thanks man i just started following
rugedraw said:
@Lokifish: It is the SBC HDMI kernel that is in violation of GPL. There is a stock HTC kernel where the only change are the HDMI drivers that were added to it which is not in violation of anything. The app is not in violation of anything, either. A member of this site posted the kernel here after orrebmas had removed the link to it voluntarily to not be in violation of any GPL rules.
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That's my thought as well, but instead of closing the thread and deleting everything all it would have taken is the removal of one file to be in compliance. It's akin to formatting a HDD because you find one wallpaper offensive, very childish IMHO.
Off topic but related. TW's development is very tight lipped and from the two vids I've seen I've already found flaws, this doesn't benefit development.
Lokifish said:
That's my thought as well, but instead of closing the thread and deleting everything all it would have taken is the removal of one file to be in compliance. It's akin to formatting a HDD because you find one wallpaper offensive, very childish IMHO.
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I think that due to the drama that has been circling around anything related to Evo HDMI lately, there is little to no tolerance from the mods for anything that doesn't 100% follow the rules. I myself am partly to blame, because I have been beyond outspoken with my opinions. However, I'm ready to let it go and hopefully the other protagonists to this soap opera are, too.
Maybe someone can start a new thread and it can be kept clean. I'm not going to do it seeing as I am probably not the most popular person on the XDA Evo forum right now, but I think someone should.
Lokifish said:
That's my thought as well, but instead of closing the thread and deleting everything all it would have taken is the removal of one file to be in compliance. It's akin to formatting a HDD because you find one wallpaper offensive, very childish IMHO.
Off topic but related. TW's development is very tight lipped and from the two vids I've seen I've already found flaws, this doesn't benefit development.
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Is this one next?
You have been EVOfied.
rugedraw said:
@Lokifish: It is the SBC HDMI kernel that is in violation of GPL. There is a stock HTC kernel where the only change are the HDMI drivers that were added to it which is not in violation of anything. The app is not in violation of anything, either. A member of this site posted the kernel here after orrebmas had removed the link to it voluntarily to not be in violation of any GPL rules.
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Him not releasing the kernel source changes makes it a GPL violation regardless.
Gotta pay to play, be a true citizen and report the denizens of the internet for GPL violations!
ooremmbas's project is not open sourced ... and he fully intends to release it as a payed product. He's made no mystery about that. Even if it's not in literal violation of a certain rule ... it's certainly against the spirit of XDA, so I couldn't care less if it gets shutdown.
Justin.G11 said:
ooremmbas's project is not open sourced ... and he fully intends to release it as a payed product. He's made no mystery about that. Even if it's not in literal violation of a certain rule ... it's certainly against the spirit of XDA, so I couldn't care less if it gets shutdown.
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The gpl is more than just a rule made up by xda, it is a legal agreement you agree to in order to use the linux kernel.
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Necrosan said:
Him not releasing the kernel source changes makes it a GPL violation regardless.
Gotta pay to play, be a true citizen and report the denizens of the internet for GPL violations!
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If that's the case then there are a lot of threads on XDA that need to be deleted. Actually lets follow precedence and just lock and delete the whole site. This whole thing goes deeper than just his work, it's the "pick and choose" application of forum rules and GPL.
Justin.G11 said:
ooremmbas's project is not open sourced ... and he fully intends to release it as a payed product. He's made no mystery about that. Even if it's not in literal violation of a certain rule ... it's certainly against the spirit of XDA, so I couldn't care less if it gets shutdown.
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What are your options then? Are you going to support a closed development project just because you'll get the app for free? From what little I've seen of the alternative it's already flawed but find me the thread where it's discussed so I can voice this. You can't.

[Q] Integrating Cornerstone in to a custom ROM? (how hard would it be?)

Just read that the CM team is integrating this in to CM9, it looks amazing!!
How hard would it be for someone more knowledgeable than me to integrate it in to a ROM for our Tablets? It's open source so I don't know if it's as simple as just compiling and installing, or if you would have to compile a ROM from the google AOSP after adding it?
bumpity bump
I wish I had of thought of that. Why not, Google should think about integrating this as well.
Awesome idea.. would put Ios off the grid of usable tablet
very interesting .
I so would love something like this on our tablet .Thanks for the Link .I am not a developer in any way. But I did send them a email asking for more information.Maybe we can get a Developer to spark some interest when we get ics.. As of for now stuck waiting for a major update.. nothing will be seriously developed for our tablet..
This could put android Way over the top...
Thanks for the link and very Useful thread..
has anyone seen this running on a true device not just emulation?
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It's working on the Samsung 10.1...
While this looks cool as hell, I m wondering if tegra 2 could pull this off
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BrianDigital said:
While this looks cool as hell, I m wondering if tegra 2 could pull this off
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
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Shouldn't be an issue with Ics which the maker of CS built it around and a galaxy tab i believe which is tegra 2
Sent from my INFUSE powered by ZEUS
On topic or GTFO.....
Aaron Camp said:
In your haste you accidentally removed this valid link to active development on cornerstone.
Hopefully others can avoid name calling etc so that this thread doesn't get moded again.
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And in your haste, you linked to a forum we're not allowed to link to on the XDA forums, due to GPL violations. Well done.
I should not post this here..
But i had to. i went to cornerstone website and read there requirements to use there software.. THEY STRICTLY SAY ANYONE WHO IS GPL CAN USE IT.
I asked them to visit this xda banned site.
enough said..
Can someone give me a brief run down of this situation?
Just for the record, if this site requires registration for downloads then it should not be linked to. If not it's fine as long as no non gpl compliant works are linked to.
Also, roms are not subject to the gpl only kernels are.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.......
erica_renee said:
I should not post this here..
But i had to. i went to cornerstone website and read there requirements to use there software.. THEY STRICTLY SAY ANYONE WHO IS GPL CAN USE IT.
I asked them to visit this xda banned site.
enough said..
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Get a life! Enough said!
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conantroutman said:
Can someone give me a brief run down of this situation?
Just for the record, if this site requires registration for downloads then it should not be linked to. If not it's fine as long as no non gpl compliant works are linked to.
Also, roms are not subject to the gpl only kernels are.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.......
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I don't know why that was linked?
Sent from my INFUSE powered by ZEUS
what is the issue with the site?
And what is the issue with this thor guys ics build?
I'd research it myself but I'm at work right now and mobile only...
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.......
Are you guys totally blind that you've managed to miss the DOZENS of times this has been explained in these forums!?!?
Basically, Thor refuses to release is kernel source code as required under the GPL license. Because of this, his ROMs, which have his kernel integrated, are not allowed on XDA, nor are links to his site.
He's done this because some people took his code, made cosmetic changes, then released it as their own without giving him credit. Instead of dealing with it maturely and getting those people dealt with by the mods, he decided to throw his toys out of his pram in a toddlers tantrum and withdrew his sources. Legally, he has no right to do this because, no matter what changes he has made, it is NOT his source code and never was.
Note, the above applies to his kernel only, but as he ships his kernel inside his ROMs, his ROM's are included in the ban along with his kernels.
It's a damn shame because he's a pretty good developer, but XDA have to protect themselves from possibly GPL violations, so out goes his code.
---------- Post added at 05:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------
erica_renee said:
I should not post this here..
But i had to. i went to cornerstone website and read there requirements to use there software.. THEY STRICTLY SAY ANYONE WHO IS GPL CAN USE IT.
I asked them to visit this xda banned site.
enough said..
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*sigh* Erica... Really.. That doesn't help things at all...
FloatingFatMan said:
Are you guys totally blind that you've managed to miss the DOZENS of times this has been explained in these forums!?!?
Basically, Thor refuses to release is kernel source code as required under the GPL license. Because of this, his ROMs, which have his kernel integrated, are not allowed on XDA, nor are links to his site.
He's done this because some people took his code, made cosmetic changes, then released it as their own without giving him credit. Instead of dealing with it maturely and getting those people dealt with by the mods, he decided to throw his toys out of his pram in a toddlers tantrum and withdrew his sources. Legally, he has no right to do this because, no matter what changes he has made, it is NOT his source code and never was.
Note, the above applies to his kernel only, but as he ships his kernel inside his ROMs, his ROM's are included in the ban along with his kernels.
It's a damn shame because he's a pretty good developer, but XDA have to protect themselves from possibly GPL violations, so out goes his code.
---------- Post added at 05:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------
*sigh* Erica... Really.. That doesn't help things at all...
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I'm assuming this is directed at me.....
Blind? No.....
I, just don't monitor every forum every waking hour of the day. For that I can only apologise.
As for the kernel, yeah your right, it has no place here under those circumstances.
It does not stop anyone linking to that site though, providing the other criteria are met.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.......
conantroutman said:
I'm assuming this is directed at me.....
Blind? No.....
I, just don't monitor every forum every waking hour of the day. For that I can only apologise.
As for the kernel, yeah your right, it has no place here under those circumstances.
It does not stop anyone linking to that site though, providing the other criteria are met.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.......
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Which they're not, as like most forums, you have to register to see download links.
conantroutman said:
I'm assuming this is directed at me.....
Blind? No.....
I, just don't monitor every forum every waking hour of the day. For that I can only apologise.
As for the kernel, yeah your right, it has no place here under those circumstances.
It does not stop anyone linking to that site though, providing the other criteria are met.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face...
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Assuming they linked to the Thor's dev thread there for ICS, it falls under the criteria of registering for downloads.
By the way, can we PLEASE make it clear to other users the importance of GPL compliance on XDA? I'm getting sick of others and myself getting called jealous haters for explaining basic forum rules. I'm just as bothered we're out a good dev as others but it isn't anyone's fault but Thor. And I'm not the only one who sees this. I've talked to other users and they're just as shocked by what goes on in here.
Edit: And Aaron if you have ever been into the development subforum maybe you'd have seen the sticky of the rule I have been citing about GPL compliance. You know, the ONLY rule I ever bring up on this subject. Is this the one I'm "making up"?
FloatingFatMan said:
Which they're not, as like most forums, you have to register to see download links.
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That's that then. No more links to that forum.
And no more childish name calling, no matter how thinly veiled it is....
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.......
.. LOL! I just realised I asked a senior mod if he was blind! Bloody XDA mobile app!
Actually, I'm kinda glad to see you in here... We've been pretty modless for ages and tbh, it's gotten ridiculous. I know we have mods that drop in sometimes, but really, we need someone checking things daily. I'd offer myself but I'm not exactly innocent of losing patience with some people...

[REF] Samsung opensource Kernel GB update1

Post deleted.
This forum no longer wants people to do development work
Instead it's all about posturing..
this must be gold for Franco & Angelom
reinbeau said:
This does not belong in Development. Posting something in Development that isn't your own work is against the rules, doing so willfully is even worse.
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just my thoughts
thehackersz said:
just my thoughts
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please feel free to work your way through pretty much every thread in here and do the same post please..
this is Source code.. what you *DEVELOP* with,
or at least people that do develop rather than just stick a theme on other peoples work do ...
fards said:
please feel free to work your way through pretty much every thread in here and do the same post please..
this is Source code.. what you *DEVELOP* with,
or at least people that do develop rather than just stick a theme on other peoples work do ...
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Correct, what you develop with, NOT something you developed. IE the first major rule of posting in the dev section. If you didn't develop it, don't post it.
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don't get me wrong, i'm with you on this. They always moved important thread just like that without thinking. - 129MB = Downloading!
crawlgsx said:
Correct, what you develop with, NOT something you developed. IE the first major rule of posting in the dev section. If you didn't develop it, don't post it.
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Also, Samsung released the SGS2 kernel source for ICS, maybe this can be usefull for someone here?
Don't we have moderators to handle this stuff or do you wanna be's pull people over on the road when they make a traffic violation?
Sure you do!
fards said:
Post deleted.
This forum no longer wants people to do development work
Instead it's all about posturing..
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Let me know if you want this re-opening.
Thread Closed​
If anybody has any issues please report it to a moderator, do not fight between yourselves. We are here to resolve any problems​

[ROM]New TegraOwners CM9 based ROM v158

MOD EDIT: Check the Forum Rules
Encouraging members to participate in forum activities on other phone related sites is prohibited.
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There is a reason Thors rom has not been posted on XDA. I'm sure that a MOD will be here soon and you will find out why tegraowners rom has not been posted here.
pimpmaneaton said:
There is a reason Thors rom has not been posted on XDA. I'm sure that a MOD will be here soon and you will find out why tegraowners rom has not been posted here.
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I believe it's the same person that posted before? And thread was deleted?
---------- Post added at 10:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 PM ----------
2020legig said:
- maybe I forgot something?
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You forgot to read the XDA rules about posting links to Non-GPL/Warez.
last time I checked roms, android , linux in general is not warez so get back on your high horse and leave the thread... go be jealous somewhere else...
2020legig said:
last time I checked roms, android , linux in general is not warez so get back on your high horse and leave the thread... go be jealous somewhere else...
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No, but kernels are. Without having to quote GPL, which I am sure you can read yourself, any changes made to the kernel, must have the source code available to the public.
Thor, does not release his kernel source, therefor, his kernel is non-GPL compliant. As such, he is not allowed to post his roms containing his kernel on XDA. And, as it is a link directly to his non-compliant rom, links are thus not allowed.
For somebody who has only 12 posts, clearly you haven't been around very long, or you can't read very well.
And no, I am not jealous. His rom doesn't work well on a 501 as we all know, so nothing to be jealous about. And... I don't own a horse
Considering you're low post count, you simply have not seen the other threads around here regarding Thor's ROMs, so I will respectfully just say that this thread is going to be deleted whether we're on a high horse or not. And I know this likely will spill out into another argument over the knowledge and interpretation of GPL rules, but your generalization of how they work is way off.
I looked over all roms here no one has any sources so.... why comment?
plus none of the roms come even close to this one...
2020legig said:
I looked over all roms here no one has any sources so.... why comment?
plus none of the roms come even close to this one...
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Someone just posted this last week and it was deleted as this one will
As said before there's a reason tegraowners have their own site cuz its not allowed here.
Sent from my Iconia A500 using Tapatalk 2
2020legig said:
I looked over all roms here no one has any sources so.... why comment?
plus none of the roms come even close to this one...
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We're not attacking you for defending Thor's ROMs, many would agree that they are good ones, but the debate over if what he is doing violates XDA rules has been beaten to death here. Those that do not offer the source are because they are based off of another ROM, and if you go to that ROMs main thread, there sources are generally there.
FLEXREAPER by Civato take this for example says "Tweaked kernel" so not stock and no sources... no one is trolling there... guess favoritism runs wild here...
Closing thread

