app2sd on samsung vibrant ?? - Vibrant General

hello friends
happy christmas 2 all of u
hope u people are fine
i am comming from htc hero g2 there we have a app2sd where in all the application are saved to sd card... i am using samsung vibrant from last 5 months and now since i have installed lots of games and apps . i have a query that is there any limitation for installing the apps (apart from internal memory)
is there any way or tip to increase the size of data folder

Nah dude okay the reason those 1st gen phones have it is because they only had like 150 mb of storage where as the vibrant has over a gigabyte of storage. In froyo it does it but I miss the rooted style
I had a g1 with 350 apps at one time and it ran smooth
But the vibrant gets slower since it os using internal and not external
Too bad there are no roms that support apps2sd rooted but you can always download an app
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App


[Q] 4GB Really?

The Mytouch 4g vs a lot of others phones has a whole 4GB of rom.
After I rooted it and installed Royal Ginger 2.1 on it, I saw I only have a little over 1GB for all my apps. Meaning that the OS takes up 3.6GB(formatted) - 1.2GB(Around) = 2.4GB ....
Is there anyway to get more user space? Some phones only come with 512MB of Rom so how are they able to load so much into 512 when we have 4GB and most of it not usable.
Honestly, I think 1GB is fine, just does not add up for me
I think when you see manufacturers talk rom size it's the amount available to the user. So 512MB after os allocation.
so when mytouch 4g says 4GB it means? 4GB to user?
the 4 gigs are supposed to be for the system and any read only data, or apps that don't like being on the SD Card. Even with a hundred apps, it should still be enough. What you'd really want is a larger SD card, and you'll be living in harmony.
No 4GB total of which 1.1 available.
Desire for 512MB of which 100 or less available to user.
Rest is storage + cache.
Desire canbe changed VIA hboot. If same can be done to glacier, im sûre u'll find the remaining space.
Sent from my HTC Panache using XDA Premium App
nicbrownn80 said:
so when mytouch 4g says 4GB it means? 4GB to user?
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Had that backwards, sorry

Feedback pls... cos am not happy

Well peeps...
I am quite unhappy with the Xperia Play...
let me explain..
The xperia x10i was my first Android smart phone & it brought me a lot of joy simply bcos it was an amazing phone, especially after jumping from the Symbian pary.
the first few months were really great, but then the SE antics began..
Really ruined the party for me with super slo-mo update releases and stuff.
Being a fan of the PlayStation series, i really wanted to get my hands on the Xperia Play hoping that the problems with SE are sorted what with bootloaders unlocked & on time updates etc etc.
BUT, the phone itself fails to deliver...
at least am not satisfied with its performance.
i picked up the play & the incredible on the same day... handed the play to the wife so she too can jump on the android bandwagon...
the phone is super sluggish, keeps hanging, apps freeze ending with the phone having no solution but a restart.
i have reinstalled the firmware at least 3 times using repair option AND fresh installs.. also had one update from sony...
the problems just don't go
i was really hopeful of a better phone matching the specs on paper with regular updates...
thoroughly disappointed with the Play & SE...
just wanted to check if am the only user with these concerns & frustrations or am part of a larger 'never SE again' group
You may have a cheap SD card. Mine runs great. I picked up a 16gb card and move all the games and apps to the card through Apps2SD app.
If you have a different brand of SD card to try then try that.
lol.. so the problem could be that Sony gives off crappy memory cards with their devices?
Am currently using the standard box 8gb MMC...
To add, there isn't much of on the card or phone anyways.
Stock apps such as messaging and dialer freeze up...
I have the U.S. version that runs stock Gingerbread and the phone probably have a bad phone...I'd bring it back or send it back and get a replacement (or as has been suggested), try a new SD card.
My guess is a lot of the instability is due to the sony launcher. You could try something like launcher pro or adw launcher and see how that goes. My Xplay runs smooth, with no crashes or hangs. I don't know if it's because I installed a generic firmware (ie no carrier bloat), or because of the alternate launcher I use.
I had problems with my first play but it wasn't the same problem. After running intensive games the wireless, bluetooth, dual pad and power buttons stops workjng. I have to remove the battery to have it all working again. Rogers replaced my phone yesterday and I am 100percent satisfy with it. It is using the stock memory card. You should try rooting the phone and freezing all the bloatware that is causing all the unnecessary slow downs.
Sent from my R800a using XDA App
hmm.. the launcher seems to be a valid point.
Swapping the IS memory card with the play's and check if there is a difference on either phone should be good to see..
Haven't had that problem either
Mine is pretty smooth, except for a few rare spots in some games.
Way better than my old OC'd 1.1Ghz Droid running Gingerbread.
Mine was working fine, but started to have problems as i installed a lot of apps. Many of them don't let you move them to the SD.
Now I'm having a problem with the texting/messaging app locking up every time i send one. If i clear off some apps it runs okay. But then I'm forced to get rid of apps I use on a daily basis. This lack of phone storage seems to be the cause of many of the Xperia play's problems.
I might give that app2sd a try, but doesn't that require a rooted phone? I also saw a post here somewhere about moving apps to the sd without root. Might give that a try...
Why the heck did they only put 512MB on the phone? Memory is relatively cheap right now. I don't get it...
Sent from my R800x using XDA App
mrchewbacca said:
Mine was working fine, but started to have problems as i installed a lot of apps. Many of them don't let you move them to the SD.
Now I'm having a problem with the texting/messaging app locking up every time i send one. If i clear off some apps it runs okay. But then I'm forced to get rid of apps I use on a daily basis. This lack of phone storage seems to be the cause of many of the Xperia play's problems.
I might give that app2sd a try, but doesn't that require a rooted phone? I also saw a post here somewhere about moving apps to the sd without root. Might give that a try...
Why the heck did they only put 512MB on the phone? Memory is relatively cheap right now. I don't get it...
Sent from my R800x using XDA App
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I downloaded Apps2SD and it works great for Apps that allow you to move them to the SD card. I think root is required to move apps that aren't suppose to allow you to move them
Apps2SD also alerts/prompts you when an app is movable. So say you install a new app it will tell you right away.
The only thing im disappointed about with the phone, apart from the internal storage as
already mentioned, is the lack of development on xda.
I didnt think this would be an issue lol but I previously owned a hd2 and found this great
Site when I first bought that. So I have only used the hd2 forum until now and was used to
alot more development. So maybe I was a little naive.
Im not moaning as I know the devs are great ppl who cook us some great free gear just gutted
and hoping the play hasnt been forgotten about already as I think this phone could be really
spectacular with a decent custom rom
letmedanz said:
the phone is super sluggish, keeps hanging, apps freeze ending with the phone having no solution but a restart.
i have reinstalled the firmware at least 3 times using repair option AND fresh installs.. also had one update from sony...
the problems just don't go
i was really hopeful of a better phone matching the specs on paper with regular updates...
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Just picked up my xplay today and your experience is exactly opposite mine. It's just as spiffy and snappy as the Incredible it's replacing.
Since the xperia arc, neo and play are quite similar it is a waste of dev power to develop for those three at the same time. That would cost precious devving time so to speak. Development is now mainly done on the xperia arc, the flagship of SE's current xperia line and if it's working on the arc it'll be ported to the play and the neo. One could see this with rooting or stuff like flashtool.
In the arc section they're busy working on recovrey modes and costum roms are nearly fully functional I believe (not sure) that should be easely ported to the play. If you want to keep track of the developers development you could try to follow this board:
letmedanz said:
lol.. so the problem could be that Sony gives off crappy memory cards with their devices?
Am currently using the standard box 8gb MMC...
To add, there isn't much of on the card or phone anyways.
Stock apps such as messaging and dialer freeze up...
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My SD card came from my Service provider and not Sony.
I agree some of the previous comments, a lot of the lag seems to appear after the internal memory has been used up. Disappointing but there are things you can do as have been previously mentioned.
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
Very interesting. Most people seem to be having not too many worries with the phone.
But i have now had the phone for over 3 months i guess, so the issues may show.
hope not for you guys..!
and hope mine gets better

Galaxy S wont get Android 4, any hope for S+ ?
As i see there wont be a update for galaxys and there is no hope for s+ too...
Oh i never buy samsungs damn phone.
Dont buy it then...go for nokia...i satisfide with my samsung...
|XXKPS Performance Edition RC2
|Instanet Free Access (no one believe its free)
no hope because S+ has only 512 ram. Samsung claims it is not enough for Touchwizz and ICS
samsung is just lying because Arc s also has similar ram and processor and runs a custoum ui also and is getting ics upgrade. Samsung is just using an excuse to ditch its low end and mid end users. and this probably will be my last Samsung phone. next time its sony because they have customer loyalty which Samsung has forgotten about after its brief period of success
The reason of samsung to ditch the Sgs 1, sgs+ (and even the just 2 months old technical identical galaxy w) is that the size of the rom memory of these devices (the /system folder) is too small for an Ics rom with touchwiz interface. Bullsh*t...
The /system folder is a dedicated partition to the rom. Therefore an 8 Gb device has less sdcard space than it's adverted with. The internal sdcard space is there, but it's not freely accessible. Devices such as the htc desire hd, sgs 1, and many others, have simple hacks to repartition their internal sdcard, granting extra room for larger roms.
When I installed a clean 2.3.6 XXKPS rom on my sgs+, there was about 60 mb of free space left. After I got rid of all bloatware with titanium backup (root uninstaller, or manually emptying the /system/app folder of bloatware do the same). Afterwards there was 160 mb of /system space free.
What samsung says with: "there is not enough space for an ics rom on a sgs 1 to guarantee a proper ics experience", is that they want to get a couple of 10's (sponsored) dollars extra per sold device. And a nice advantage of this tactic is they can cut support for devices "who don't have proper memory" since they don't want to pay to develop a new firmware version.
Actually, I even think a sgs II got a /system partition of about the same size as a sgs (1, +, sl, W). And Samsung is probably able to stretch it by repartition it via kies with the update.
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They should just release the source for an AOSP version, that way they won't have to support it.
But that is just too easy isn't it samsung?

Question about Storage and Rom upgrades

I have the 8gb model Nexus 4, and it comes with 5.67 gb available to the user. My concern is what that other space is being used for, which I assume is the OS, and why then does the phone need 2.3 GB for the OS when we flash whole ROMS that are a couple hundred MB's. And will new rom upgrades in the future not work on my 8gb because of storage issues I assume everytime Google puts out a new version of Android its gonna require more space on the phone, and my question is how long till my 8gb phone cant support those upgrades anymore?
Righteous Joe said:
I have the 8gb model Nexus 4, and it comes with 5.67 gb available to the user. My concern is what that other space is being used for, which I assume is the OS, and why then does the phone need 2.3 GB for the OS when we flash whole ROMS that are a couple hundred MB's. And will new rom upgrades in the future not work on my 8gb because of storage issues I assume everytime Google puts out a new version of Android its gonna require more space on the phone, and my question is how long till my 8gb phone cant support those upgrades anymore?
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Google promises support for Nexus devices, small or large storage. They will stop updates when they stop updates for the 16 gig version
To answer your ROM question, you'll notice that ROMs are .zip files which means all the files are compressed into a couple hundred megabytes but are really more
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium

quick decision guys

worth getting the tab 2 7.0
Any known issues etc?
need to put a bid in ebay few hours left
the thread that this is discussed is prob so way back -- i havent located it yet
What do you want it for ?
Are you going to root/use a custom ROM ?
For general use the tabs ok, nothing special. Some nice ROMS available for it. All depends on what you want to use it for and how far you are willing to customize it !
Your not in London are you ? I'm looking to sell my tab :laugh: (P3113 WiFi only , white ,8GB)
Sean_Seany said:
What do you want it for ?
Are you going to root/use a custom ROM ?
For general use the tabs ok, nothing special. Some nice ROMS available for it. All depends on what you want to use it for and how far you are willing to customize it !
Your not in London are you ? I'm looking to sell my tab :laugh: (P3113 WiFi only , white ,8GB)
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as a replacement for my desire ( which i used as a second phone) primary use will be just to browse the net...maybe occasional calls but unlikely..
rooting wise - very noob at that so prob will leave it as standard
Its a little good tab , Plays most media out of the box. Think you'll get Ice Cream Sandwich on it ...Most recent ROM is JellyBean. The official updates are very slow from Samsung. You wont get all the top games for it on Google play but have a massive selection to choose from. I cant think of any bugs as such , although it gets a little laggy at times using a stock ROM, hence Root/Custom ROMs but its up to you.
You will get tons of Samsung's bloatware added to the ROM and it uses up space ... you have an external SD Card slot but you cant install apps on it.Its for media only.So space could become an issue over time. Another good reason to Root.You can flash an deodexed stock ROM back on to it with all the crap removed.
You will get plenty of support on the SGT7 forum, most users are friendly and very helpful. Just noticed the calls ... you want a P3100 , cant comment on the phone side of it as I'm WiFi only.
Its a nice tablet but if my 3113 wasnt a gift, id rather have gone with a 16gb Nexus not only for the Google support but the storage size as well. That measly 5gb available for storage goes quick. The sd card slot is almost a waste unless you download alot of crap or want to store roms on it.
Sent from my crack smoking SGH-i777
Slavestate said:
Its a nice tablet but if my 3113 wasnt a gift, id rather have gone with a 16gb Nexus not only for the Google support but the storage size as well. That measly 5gb available for storage goes quick. The sd card slot is almost a waste unless you download alot of crap or want to store roms on it.
Sent from my crack smoking SGH-i777
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storage for me isnt really an issue as im not really into playing games etc......
just wanting to know if as a whole package its worth paying for..
If you are getting it cheap , its worth it. Personally Id get a Nexus 7 but I've got the "Droid bug" , hence me upgrading to a Nexus 7 (32 GB WiFi) ( Same price as a new Samsung equivalent tablet)But out of the box the SGT2 7 works as its meant to.
Samsung has made a nice job of the ROM you get. Nice apps like the media player are good. Nice well made widgets as well, Chrome works well on the tab and the default browser is ok, The default e mail links to your accounts. WiFi works good.Obviously Google Apps are installed already.
All in all its not a bad tab , just better ones are out for a similar price now. I'm sure a lot of us regret buying this Tab and not getting/waiting for the Nexus 7...but that's the way it works and how technology is now days.
End of the day its your choice. :laugh:
Ok, i own a 3g one so...
I use it as my main phone, the SMS(Messaging) app works very well, the dialer looks nice and responds quickly.
Sent from my GT-P3100 using xda app-developers app
i have the 3g tab 2 7.0, and I'm loving it!!
i seldom use it as a phone since i have had a GS3 already
after upgrading it to jelly bean i find it really smooth and responsive!!
the storage is enough for me because i moved most of my game data to the external sd card
the only thing i think isn't so gd is the resolution of the LCD
compare with the 720p amoled of the GS3 i think 1024x600 is quite fuzzy...
however i really recommend you to try it yourself, as the nexus 7 is also a very good choice of performance
Sent from my GT-P3100 using xda premium
jasonchauhk said:
i have the 3g tab 2 7.0, and I'm loving it!!
i seldom use it as a phone since i have had a GS3 already
after upgrading it to jelly bean i find it really smooth and responsive!!
the storage is enough for me because i moved most of my game data to the external sd card
the only thing i think isn't so gd is the resolution of the LCD
compare with the 720p amoled of the GS3 i think 1024x600 is quite fuzzy...
however i really recommend you to try it yourself, as the nexus 7 is also a very good choice of performance
Sent from my GT-P3100 using xda premium
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Hows the battery life like?
At the least a day on moderate use... left it in the basement over 3 days and it had 70% battery too... very good battery
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
