The love of this phone - Vibrant General

I love this damn phone. I dont know about yall, but I could give a **** about stock 2.2 our any of the other newer phones out.. This puppy is a beast running team whiskey, master, and eugenes roms...
These do so much, phone, browser with full flash, gps (yes mine works great), alarm, games, camera, video camera, movie player, mp3 player etc. phones do so damn much, its fun as **** trying out all these fun mods that these great developers make for our bad ass phone....
What else yall use these bad ass toys for? I love mine and had it on day 1 release

I've had mine for 2 weeks and I'm still trying to figure out everything. (I still need to get the balls to root it so I can enjoy those sweet roms)

smashpunks said:
I love this damn phone. I dont know about yall, but I could give a **** about stock 2.2 our any of the other newer phones out.. This puppy is a beast running team whiskey, master, and eugenes roms...
These do so much, phone, browser with full flash, gps (yes mine works great), alarm, games, camera, video camera, movie player, mp3 player etc. phones do so damn much, its fun as **** trying out all these fun mods that these great developers make for our bad ass phone....
What else yall use these bad ass toys for? I love mine and had it on day 1 release
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+1 beside the stock part (if it runs on android im interested)
sgsV Nero-DoW1.4 OC

Love mine as well!!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

You can love it all you want, but unless you heavily MOD this phone up (Root + Lagfix and more often than not a Custom ROM), the out of box experience is similar to these.
All of these lag/free/blackscreen issues still exist on JI6 for the Vibrant. I may put a video on YouTube with a demonstration soon, cause it's a myth, apparently.

This is kind of ironic...
I was just going to post how my stock JI6 vibrant is running pretty well; I opened and closed a bunch of stuff in a short period of time, but then tried to open the gallery and bam, my phone froze. No response from the keys, then I went to lock the phone, but it never turned back on.
Just did a battery pull

I've had mine freeze up and require a battery pull just swiping to another home screen.

im running stock ji6, no problems ever, with gps, gallery, lags.
Both of the youtube vids are with the i9000.

Maybe the vibrant just works great in Oregon! =)

I think if it's going to "just work" anywhere it should be either Mountain View, CA or Cupertino, CA.

ZombiiBite said:
I've had mine for 2 weeks and I'm still trying to figure out everything. (I still need to get the balls to root it so I can enjoy those sweet roms)
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you won't regret it..learn all the ins and outs of rooting and you will constantly be flashing roms, which never gets old

N8ter said:
You can love it all you want, but unless you heavily MOD this phone up (Root + Lagfix and more often than not a Custom ROM), the out of box experience is similar to these.
All of these lag/free/blackscreen issues still exist on JI6 for the Vibrant. I may put a video on YouTube with a demonstration soon, cause it's a myth, apparently.
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When mine behaves like that I unload some apps. Even though it has 16 gigs, it seems you really can't just add apps until it's full.
I also suspect there is some kind of multitasking pre-emption problem too. For example, when you install an app, the phone virtually freezes when it's actually writing the app to disk. Maybe it's just a disk format or sd driver problem.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

ZachLL88 said:
im running stock ji6, no problems ever, with gps, gallery, lags.
Both of the youtube vids are with the i9000.
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The same issues on every other Gs.
Why do lag fixes exist, if not?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

cyberbillp said:
When mine behaves like that I unload some apps. Even though it has 16 gigs, it seems you really can't just add apps until it's full.
I also suspect there is some kind of multitasking pre-emption problem too. For example, when you install an app, the phone virtually freezes when it's actually writing the app to disk. Maybe it's just a disk format or sd driver problem.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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No. these phones have terrible I/O performance. Notice in thr video when she runs twicca it freezes while loading data (most likely from cache). It's due to the RFS filesystem Samsung uses.
The fact that those are i9k's doesn't change anything. All the stock Galaxy S phones have this issue, save for the Nexus.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

cyberbillp said:
When mine behaves like that I unload some apps. Even though it has 16 gigs, it seems you really can't just add apps until it's full.
I also suspect there is some kind of multitasking pre-emption problem too. For example, when you install an app, the phone virtually freezes when it's actually writing the app to disk. Maybe it's just a disk format or sd driver problem.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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This is a problem on JI6. Nothing short of a different firmware version will fix the pause when installing apps. Not a "lag fix" either.
I have no problems with my Vibrant. Trolls will Troll because that's what they do, but the 0.001% of owners here don't give a good idea of what regular owners really think. The ones that consistently complain about how horrible the phone is and continues to use it, even after claiming to have sold it or will be, should just be ignored. There is an ulterior motive here.
I have stock JL5, and it runs great. JI6 has a problem with the Gallery, well known and I posted a solution for it already. But JL5 is running so good there really isn't much reason to be running JI6 over it.

N8ter said:
You can love it all you want, but unless you heavily MOD this phone up (Root + Lagfix and more often than not a Custom ROM), the out of box experience is similar to these.
All of these lag/free/blackscreen issues still exist on JI6 for the Vibrant. I may put a video on YouTube with a demonstration soon, cause it's a myth, apparently.
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Geez, my phone sure has never behaved like that (thankfully!); and I'm "out of the box." I can see how it would drive you nuts, lead you to "lag-fixes," etc.! Just want to point out that the problem sure ain't universal, for whatever reason. (I don't have a ton of apps installed; I wonder if that makes a difference.)
Occasionally, there will be a slight pause when opening an app or something, but it doesn't ruin my day...

pavvy said:
Geez, my phone sure has never behaved like that (thankfully!); and I'm "out of the box." I can see how it would drive you nuts, lead you to "lag-fixes," etc.! Just want to point out that the problem sure ain't universal, for whatever reason. (I don't have a ton of apps installed; I wonder if that makes a difference.)
Occasionally, there will be a slight pause when opening an app or something, but it doesn't ruin my day...
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Like I said in another thread... My YouTube video will be up soon

I keep getting nervous about rooting, because I see people who write stuff in these and phandroid's forums about peoples phones starting to act weird right after they do it. I'm also worried about how to do updates to newer versions of android, and how make sure I have my contacts backed up because my buddy did his EVO and told me he lost all hiscontacts and wasn't able to sync them with google. PLEASE POINT ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION SOMEONE!

ZombiiBite said:
I keep getting nervous about rooting, because I see people who write stuff in these and phandroid's forums about peoples phones starting to act weird right after they do it. I'm also worried about how to do updates to newer versions of android, and how make sure I have my contacts backed up because my buddy did his EVO and told me he lost all hiscontacts and wasn't able to sync them with google. PLEASE POINT ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION SOMEONE!
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First time owning a smartphone and first time owning an Android phone, I rooted the phone on day one, nothing bad happened. All I gained are benefits, adblock, costume roms (froyo 2.2), root explorer, voodoo, etc

Yeah, I've had it for two weeks and love it! I can only imagine how much better it'll be when I do root it. Should I just follow the tutorial on here? And then what roms does everyone suggest?


Lag? What lag?

Is it me or has this so called lag been blown completely out of proportion with the SGS? I used to have a HTC Hero, I tell you, it's like going from riding a snail to a rocket fuselage. That phone was so slow, a phone may I add which only a year ago was seen as the 'iPhone killer'.
Please are there any previous HTC Hero users who now own a SGS? You have to speak out!
I mean sure, I've used a HTC Desire, it's very fast. But the only difference I have noticed is that on the SGS sometimes Apps take around 3secs longer to open than they should. That's it!! I mean, why are you all complaining so much! It's just as fast as the Desire except that point.
I have now had the SGS for 2 weeks, I haven't noticed any considerable slowdown. It works great! Why are you all complaining like babies? Have you installed Crysis 2 on your SGS or something, obviously your phone would never work again if you did that. Before anybody asks, I have made no changes to my SGS. I have an unlocked SGS, still on Touchwiz, no flash, no root. I don't even use task killer for God's sake. Please would someone explain to me what the big deal is?
What you have to realise is that it's not an always persistent problem. The phone in general is extremely fast, however with earlier firmwares the phone does not free up memory effectively. 3 seconds is nothing, but I recall sometimes waiting 10-15 seconds for the Dialer to launch. And when the memory is really really clogged up, it's a complete pain even pressing the home screen button (waiting 10 seconds to go to home isn't pretty either). For a phone with so much power, do you really think this is normal?
The difference must just be that I'm not a heavy app user. I still have the stock firmware the phone came with. Never had a 10 second delay with anything. Never noticed any sort of build up of lag. It works great! Do you guys install like 50 apps on your phones or something? Clearly that must be your problem.
I have never had any problems either (other than with flaky GPS).
Someone told me how to replicate the lag issue, and it boiled down to having 8-odd apps running in the background at once. I would expect the same on my multi-core 4GB RAM iMac, let alone a phone with 256MB RAM.
Not saying others are only having problems with the above situation, but it does seem like there are specific factors that cause it, which is why a lot of people have had no problems.
The phone has 512mb ram.
Just that currently, HiMem is not available (will be in froyo as a default, and if we're lucky, in the JF6 firmware as well)
Pika007 said:
The phone has 512mb ram.
Just that currently, HiMem is not available (will be in froyo as a default, and if we're lucky, in the JF6 firmware as well)
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I know, but until we can actually use it, we are limited to 256MB (or was it 232MB?)
SGS has 512MB RAM
Robin.B said:
What you have to realise is that it's not an always persistent problem. The phone in general is extremely fast, however with earlier firmwares the phone does not free up memory effectively. 3 seconds is nothing, but I recall sometimes waiting 10-15 seconds for the Dialer to launch. And when the memory is really really clogged up, it's a complete pain even pressing the home screen button (waiting 10 seconds to go to home isn't pretty either). For a phone with so much power, do you really think this is normal?
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And although I am not a really heavy app user, I am a heavy user, and it wasn't hard to make the phone lag quite heavily at times, so I'd say no, it has not been blown out of proportion.
Robin.B; said:
What you have to realise is that it's not an always persistent problem. The phone in general is extremely fast, however with earlier firmwares the phone does not free up memory effectively. 3 seconds is nothing, but I recall sometimes waiting 10-15 seconds for the Dialer to launch. And when the memory is really really clogged up, it's a complete pain even pressing the home screen button (waiting 10 seconds to go to home isn't pretty either). For a phone with so much power, do you really think this is normal?
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More serious in some applications like mails, RSS reader. It's so slow that I don't even use my SGS for my mails, or to read news anymore.
Tachikoma_kun said:
I have never had any problems either (other than with flaky GPS).
Someone told me how to replicate the lag issue, and it boiled down to having 8-odd apps running in the background at once. I would expect the same on my multi-core 4GB RAM iMac, let alone a phone with 256MB RAM.
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Please understand that Android does not work like the Mac OSX on an iMac, and that, if you open 8 odd apps in a row, you should _not_ have them all running in the background at once.
Android's memory management should close applications and free memory as needed. Processes will start if needed, be set to inactive as long as possible and killed if necessary. This works fine with other Android devices and obviously not with the Galaxy S.
You can read about the life cycle of Android Components at
Using a task killer to free up memory might make your Galaxy S faster than not using one, but this is still a lot less efficient than it should be. In a working Android system you should use the most out of your available memory and the system should stay fast as you open and switch between applications. You should never have to think about which applications are running or not running.
Again, this works just fine with other devices. If it does not work with the Galaxy S then this is a serious flaw in the system. The flaw might be related to the slow I/O on the internal SD, or maybe there is a firmware bug besides the I/O. But it is currently not working correctly.
If you have access to 256mb memory of RAM, and you use a task killer to always keep 100MB free, then you use your device like it only had 156MB.
I also do not believe that the average customer without a technical background is able to use a task killer without shooting himself in the foot. Without knowledge about what each application and service does, and how android manages background processes, how should a normal user know what he can kill and which services he should keep running?
lag problem blown out of proportion. May be froyo update will satisfy the hunger of these power hungary geeks.
lag problem blown out of proportion. May be froyo update will satisfy the hunger of these power hungary geeks.
eaglesteve said:
More serious in some applications like mails, RSS reader. It's so slow that I don't even use my SGS for my mails, or to read news anymore.
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I just don't get it. I've never had this problem. Emails and news update perfectly with no lag.
Enarca said:
I just don't get it. I've never had this problem. Emails and news update perfectly with no lag.
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Perhaps whether a person thinks it's slow or not depends on what that person was used to?
That is exactly what i was telling people.
I come from the HTC Athena, and OMG... that thing is like crawling on sand, even with its super duper 625 Mhz CPU which by then was supposed to be the state of the art.
yet everything i did was sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, using the SGS was like smooth flowing water, everything is perfect in this phone out of the box.
Enarca said:
Is it me or has this so called lag been blown completely out of proportion with the SGS? I used to have a HTC Hero, I tell you, it's like going from riding a snail to a rocket fuselage. That phone was so slow, a phone may I add which only a year ago was seen as the 'iPhone killer'.
Please are there any previous HTC Hero users who now own a SGS? You have to speak out!
I mean sure, I've used a HTC Desire, it's very fast. But the only difference I have noticed is that on the SGS sometimes Apps take around 3secs longer to open than they should. That's it!! I mean, why are you all complaining so much! It's just as fast as the Desire except that point.
I have now had the SGS for 2 weeks, I haven't noticed any considerable slowdown. It works great! Why are you all complaining like babies? Have you installed Crysis 2 on your SGS or something, obviously your phone would never work again if you did that. Before anybody asks, I have made no changes to my SGS. I have an unlocked SGS, still on Touchwiz, no flash, no root. I don't even use task killer for God's sake. Please would someone explain to me what the big deal is?
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Im not a SGS owner but i keep noticing the reference to the desire. I did own a snapdragon device until about a week ago. (Droid Incredible). Switched to droid x. The only real reason i believe there is lag on the samsung is the touchwiz. The cpu&gpu in the SGS IS FAR SUPERIOR to that of the desire. Htc just has the most polished custom ui. If u get launcher pro id be willing to bet that lag is gonzola in a hurry. Maybe give this a try? Just trying to help my fellow androiders out. Goodluck fellas
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
ksizzle9 said:
Im not a SGS owner but i keep noticing the reference to the desire. I did own a snapdragon device until about a week ago. (Droid Incredible). Switched to droid x. The only real reason i believe there is lag on the samsung is the touchwiz. The cpu&gpu in the SGS IS FAR SUPERIOR to that of the desire. Htc just has the most polished custom ui. If u get launcher pro id be willing to bet that lag is gonzola in a hurry. Maybe give this a try? Just trying to help my fellow androiders out. Goodluck fellas
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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what made you choose a Droid X vs. a SGS i9000?
the 2 phones are almost identical, except for the camera.
the lag is very real.
try opening Dolphin HD and then closing it again .....about 8+ seconds to do either, and that's with nothing else open.
instantaneous on the nexus with 2.2.
some apps are much slower than others, some there is no difference, but even the default samsung apps such as phonebook have a good lag when switching between tabs.
eaglesteve said:
Perhaps whether a person thinks it's slow or not depends on what that person was used to?
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I agree. I'm guessing you haven't used/owned a HTC Hero? If so, you haven't experienced the PAIN!! lol.
On my side I don't have any heavy app, I don't do games, or HD stuff what I expect from my phone is to be able to show me my mail ... and that's where I have plenty of lag ( not all the time but everyday for sure).
Lag to open the mail, lag to delete the mail, lag to come back on the homescreen.
Up to 15 sec to come back from the settings menu.
My benchmark is the iphone 3GS but also the HTC P3600 and the HTC diamond which are not that fast
I have never been waiting so long in front of my phone.
Excuse me if I am working with my phone and I don't want to wait 10 sec all the time.
And stop insulting people who complains please
Oh and the comment about installing 50 apps .... please learn how android is supposed to work. I should be able to install 1000 app without any problem. Who care about the number of app installed ???
By the way, when I have a lot of lag I go in systempanel to see what it my amount of memory and it's around 30-50 Mb so it should not be a problem.

I'm NOT whining: Lag on jp6 Froyo is real (proof)

Check my Youtube video:
I did a FR before flashing with Kies, and after flashing. Also did a clean install of all apps and settings and a cache wipe.
maybe 50 pics, 50 mp3s and 100 apps and 4 widgets running.
This video was taken just 15 minutes after a reboot.
Do people consider this whining?
EDIT: Spend 6 minutes looking through the video. The lags gets worse and worse.
That is the worst lag I have ever seen, I understand if you are upset, for me the lag is 1-2 second pauses now and then.
Was it as bad on 2.1?
Looks bad. Anyways try getting rid of the batt app that lets you know of the batt percentage on the notifications tray. I got rid of mine and the phone is much quicker.
Good luck i feel for you buddy.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Something is hogging the cpu.. Or a process is creating a problem. What happens after you clean the memory in the taskmanager? This isn't normal.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Whats the icon in the top right hand corner? And this SHOULD have been posted to the other lag threads.
andrewluecke said:
Whats the icon in the top right hand corner? And this SHOULD have been posted to the other lag threads.
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The icon is just the alarm clock.
Ending all apps does not solve much. The lag returns almost immediately.
Was this lag meant to be so, i mean is it intended to blame the phone? I'm sure this is not normal, and have never seen lag like this. Mostly its 1sec (i know many complain about this) but blink twice and it will load
borchgrevink said:
The icon is just the alarm clock.
Ending all apps does not solve much. The lag returns almost immediately.
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What apps do you have installed?
And yes, creating your own thread is whining.. This thread should be marked as a duplicate..
andrewluecke said:
What apps do you have installed?
And yes, creating your own thread is whining.. This thread should be marked as a duplicate..
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Sorry, but I have to disagree. I think this is relevant enough to put in a separate thread.
My apps: (minus Angry birds)
The lag was almost like this also with jf3 and jm1.
Not many apps running simultaneously, so I don't see the problem...
Not to disparage what you're experiencing there mate but I flashed JP6 yesterday and I can honestly say so far it's been smooth sailing even without any lag-fixes, as opposed to when I was on 2.1 just prior and things were about the same as what you've got here. Did you do a TitaniumBackup restore or anything?
Unimaginative said:
Not to disparage what you're experiencing there mate but I flashed JP6 yesterday and I can honestly say so far it's been smooth sailing even without any lag-fixes, as opposed to when I was on 2.1 just prior and things were about the same as what you've got here. Did you do a TitaniumBackup restore or anything?
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Clean install of everything.
adzam3 said:
Looks bad. Anyways try getting rid of the batt app that lets you know of the batt percentage on the notifications tray. I got rid of mine and the phone is much quicker.
Good luck i feel for you buddy.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Did that and no difference...
borchgrevink said:
Clean install of everything.
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Hmmmm, the only thing I can think of (and this'll probably sound silly) but you might want to try without a SIM in it. I remember people with Milestones having damaged/faulty SIMs which would cause their phones to slow right down.
Also, sorry but I have to admit I got a good giggle from the fingers tapping at ~4:30 :3
borchgrevink said:
Sorry, but I have to disagree. I think this is relevant enough to put in a separate thread.
My apps: (minus Angry birds)
The lag was almost like this also with jf3 and jm1.
Not many apps running simultaneously, so I don't see the problem...
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It depends WHAT you are running. In your movie you say stuff like "wow, 5 apps running", but widgetlocker for instance I know slows the phone down a bit.
The number of apps means very little (I can make a computer lag by encoding a video and messing around in photoshop too). It's what you are running that matters. Maybe you should try to work out which applications are causing issues (there is a good reason why I got rid of widgetlocker though).
Anyway, this thread should be closed as a dupe. It doesn't warrant it's own thread, as you aren't a celebrity, and other people have already posted video's onto the existing threads.Your case is no more important than the others.
borchgrevink said:
Clean install of everything.
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That's part of the problem, it probably depends on what you are running, so whatever was slowing down your phone significantly before, has probably been reinstalled..
andrewluecke said:
That's part of the problem, it probably depends on what you are running, so whatever was slowing down your phone significantly before, has probably been reinstalled..
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Wasn't running anything after fresh boot. The video is from first screen taps on this freshly booted phone.
EDIT: Removing Widget Locker does not help... Tried that.
here it's unbelievable stable(jpk+oclf+4wks+120apps), guess it was a wise choice not going jp6/m.
But why are there 5 apps active? I have several active widgets but they don't show up as a regular process(es) here.. I'm sure that my phone would lagg too while running 2 games, 2 web browsers and navigational software on the background. =/
I doubt it was acting like this from flash off right?
Do you consider that the hardware may have been damaged!? You have your warranty, get another one .
borchgrevink said:
Wasn't running anything after fresh boot. The video is from first screen taps on this freshly booted phone.
EDIT: Removing Widget Locker does not help... Tried that.
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Well.. That's my point.. Your apps must be doing something that is sucking up your CPU... because I'm running Messaging, Launcherpro, Jabberoid (not listed in active apps), sipdroid (not listed in active apps), and a live wallpaper. I suspect that your apps are possibly running a few things not listed in task manager.. Also, are you running custom widgets (I'm not using any, which might be adding to the jumpiness). I also only have 50 apps.
I have noticed your app list contains MANY custom widgets..
So, I suggest working out what specifically is causing your issues. But I can honestly say I don't get lag like that on my phone..
andrewluecke said:
Well.. That's my point.. Your apps must be doing something that is sucking up your CPU... because I'm running Messaging, Launcherpro, Jabberoid (not listed in active apps), sipdroid (not listed in active apps), and a live wallpaper. I suspect that your apps are possibly running a few things not listed in task manager.. Also, are you running custom widgets (I'm not using any, which might be adding to the jumpiness). I also only have 50 apps.
I have noticed your app list contains MANY custom widgets..
So, I suggest working out what specifically is causing your issues. But I can honestly say I don't get lag like that on my phone..
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Well, the apps "running" in task manager are only the six most recent apps. I am only using 4-5 widgets on this video. I have also tried without any widgets. Same problem.
Will get a new replacement phone (have made a deal with Samsung, just waiting for a new one).

What is "lag", and how does it present itself?

Ok, so stock Vibrant "lag". What does this mean, precisely? I'm a rooted but otherwise stock JI6, and I don't see any lag anywhere on the phone.
If I were to be experiencing this lag, what would it look like?
keenerb said:
Ok, so stock Vibrant "lag". What does this mean, precisely? I'm a rooted but otherwise stock JI6, and I don't see any lag anywhere on the phone.
If I were to be experiencing this lag, what would it look like?
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Get Xscope V5 (V6 is buggy) browser for free and use it for a day or two. Notice how slow it loads webpages sometimes. Or try Miui Browser (not in market) GUI lags a little too
The LAG that most people are talking about is when you switch windows or open a new app. Sometimes when doing this, the phone will seem to freeze for a moment before going to the new app or page.
With Voodoo lagfix, I have not seen this happen once, where with stock it happened all the time.
If you have rooted your phone and gone down the mod rabbit hole, lagfix is well worth it.
I installed a LagFix recently like I did months ago and saw no huge change in performance (barely any change really) This "lag" problem is about as overblown as it could be. Firefox runs as smoothly as it can (it's not that smooth, beta and needs 40MB of ram on my phone. JFD firmware was did have some lag issues though that we're a problem. Some serious lag was solved by a factory reset or by reloading the OS. The lagfix isn't worth the reduced app space or lesser reliability. If you have no problems with how your phone is running, don't bother with any hacks like that.
Some people randomly got major lag when updating from JFD to JI6. A data wipe solves it.. and they couldn't be happier.
The 'lag' that you see people complaining about does not happen on all phones, all the time.
And I need to remind you to be careful about installing any lagfix. Read up on what it does and how it may affect your phone BEFORE installing it.
Raistline said:
The LAG that most people are talking about is when you switch windows or open a new app. Sometimes when doing this, the phone will seem to freeze for a moment before going to the new app or page.
With Voodoo lagfix, I have not seen this happen once, where with stock it happened all the time.
If you have rooted your phone and gone down the mod rabbit hole, lagfix is well worth it.
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Agreed, you might think the phone is fast now but when you install the lag fix you'll definately notice a difference.
It amazed me when I had to go back to stock (after soft bricking my phone) and I had to install rom manager from the market while everything was stock and it was crazy how slow it was.
heygrl said:
I installed a LagFix recently like I did months ago and saw no huge change in performance (barely any change really) This "lag" problem is about as overblown as it could be. Firefox runs as smoothly as it can (it's not that smooth, beta and needs 40MB of ram on my phone. JFD firmware was did have some lag issues though that we're a problem. Some serious lag was solved by a factory reset or by reloading the OS. The lagfix isn't worth the reduced app space or lesser reliability. If you have no problems with how your phone is running, don't bother with any hacks like that.
Some people randomly got major lag when updating from JFD to JI6. A data wipe solves it.. and they couldn't be happier.
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Gonma take our two vibrants to tmo and use my camcorder to rexord us using different phones after fresh reboots soon to shut up idiots like u.
The lag issue is far from overblown.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
N8ter said:
Gonma take our two vibrants to tmo and use my camcorder to rexord us using different phones after fresh reboots soon to shut up idiots like u.
The lag issue is far from overblown.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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N8ter is a troll, just read their posts. Where did I say "fresh reboot"? Nowhere!
N8ter said:
Gonma take our two vibrants to tmo and use my camcorder to rexord us using different phones after fresh reboots soon to shut up idiots like u.
The lag issue is far from overblown.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Am interested in seeing said video.
Here is a video I took a while back. I'd be interested in seeing the lag. I know someone with a DROID X, behavior is exactly the same when opening apps. It was the same when I installed the lag fix.
I'm on stock JI6, non-rooted.
I think what I'm experiencing is considered lag.
It doesn't happen all the time but it is annoying when it does.
Sometimes it'll take 10 seconds for an app to launch.
It's especially bad if I have more than a couple of apps going at the same time.
Some of this can be worked around, keeping as few apps going as possible. I don't use a task killer, I just back out of apps instead of switching home and keeping the app in memory.
There are certain apps where it seems to be worse in.
The Facebook app is horrible to the point where I don't use it but I'm not sure if that's the app or the phone. I can't scroll a page without the phone locking up for 3-4 seconds. Clicking on anything takes about 3-5 seconds for it to register.
I'm pretty disappointed in Samsung in general with their software. The hardware is great, the software just sucks.
One of these days I'll get around to installing another ROM.
knurdle said:
I'm on stock JI6, non-rooted.
I think what I'm experiencing is considered lag.
It doesn't happen all the time but it is annoying when it does.
Sometimes it'll take 10 seconds for an app to launch.
It's especially bad if I have more than a couple of apps going at the same time.
Some of this can be worked around, keeping as few apps going as possible. I don't use a task killer, I just back out of apps instead of switching home and keeping the app in memory.
There are certain apps where it seems to be worse in.
The Facebook app is horrible to the point where I don't use it but I'm not sure if that's the app or the phone. I can't scroll a page without the phone locking up for 3-4 seconds. Clicking on anything takes about 3-5 seconds for it to register.
I'm pretty disappointed in Samsung in general with their software. The hardware is great, the software just sucks.
One of these days I'll get around to installing another ROM.
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You obviously have something else going on here.. Facebook runs with no problems on my phone. If you flash another rom everything will be wiped, just the same as what I said above. The FB app taking 10 seconds to load and locking up the phone is NOT normal behavior.
heygrl said:
You obviously have something else going on here.. Facebook runs with no problems on my phone. If you flash another rom everything will be wiped, just the same as what I said above. The FB app taking 10 seconds to load and locking up the phone is NOT normal behavior.
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I think you're right. It doesn't make sense that facebook would be so bad.
Everything else is pretty much okay.
I think I'm going to try one of the other ROMs. Just need to find some time.
Also, I'm dreading having to go through the whole process of reinstalling and reconfiguring everything. I might have to try titanium backup so that I don't have to do that.

Does this happen to anyone else?

Friend or someone wants to see your phone... You open your "cool" apps to show them..
Phone freezes, locks up, doesn't operate right..
I swear, I can do whatever I want while alone, at my phone works perfect..
Yesterday I show my friends Slingplayer and Homerun3D, sure enough both programs give me problems..
LOL Was in a bad area for slingplayer to work (it works smoothly all the time) and was lagging.. Of course he was like "its a cool concept but who would would ever deal with the skipping"
LOL I swear it never does this, I tell him..
Then I go to show him the Homerun3D game and of course it locks up on me, lol
It always happens like that,...
Sounds like Murphy is a good friend of yours!
That happens to me sometimes but only when I'm doing something totally unimportant.
Your phone knows that your friends are unworthy to bask in its warm embrace and enlightenment.
It goes into clam mode, shuts up tight and looks like a paperweight until you put it away
That or a bad flash mixed with user error
my windows mobile devices did that all the time, i think i got used to it and only thought about how often it happened when it would screw up in front of a friend.
on evo, i dont have any problems.
not trying to be a smart ass but i bet your using a custom rom.
potna said:
my windows mobile devices did that all the time, i think i got used to it and only thought about how often it happened when it would screw up in front of a friend.
on evo, i dont have any problems.
not trying to be a smart ass but i bet your using a custom rom.
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Yea but I use Fresh's custom Rom..
Besides.. Who here actually doesn't use a custom rom?
More than I honestly thought. There is a ton of info on the evo that I find useful, even though I'm rooted stock.
I find my evo to be the most reliable handset I've had since maybe before smartphones were around. I still can't believe I haven't flashed and reinstalled my OS 10 times by now and I have had this since august. Granted I did do some playing around with Roms when I first got it. But every since I decided to give sense an honest shot, I haven't been back to custom.
This is the first android phone for me and the first time I didn't feel the need to tinker around with every little thing.
I loved wm 6.5 but it was still wm, and it was full of reliability issues. I still miss my old touch pro 2 and its kwyboard, but my evo is way more reliable.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Picture a layer cake filled with froyo between the layers. A leaky app makes a hole in the layer, froyo leaks up and mixes with the next layers froyo, causing it to spill and the bottom to collapse. The maitre'd named NAND tries to restore it so it looks like the picture on the menu.
One day the froyo got real warm and the menus were changed simultaneously. NAND could not restore it and even the picture had changed.
You see the chef had thought it would be faster and take less work to refill the layers, rather than to assemble and build them when they were ordered.
Mural of the story (modern stories all have walls for murals to be posted on) a pair of dimes - standing on edge.
Sent with Super-Sonic Vision using XDA app.
task killers take bytes out of the cake when your not looking making it fall faster
Yes it happens all the time! Especially at work where the signal is crappy in the building!
if all fails, i just flip the phone over and say "checkit, it has a kickstand!"
Skeptron said:
Yes it happens all the time! Especially at work where the signal is crappy in the building!
if all fails, i just flip the phone over and say "checkit, it has a kickstand!"
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lmao...kickstand ftw!!!
potna said:
More than I honestly thought. There is a ton of info on the evo that I find useful, even though I'm rooted stock.
I find my evo to be the most reliable handset I've had since maybe before smartphones were around. I still can't believe I haven't flashed and reinstalled my OS 10 times by now and I have had this since august. Granted I did do some playing around with Roms when I first got it. But every since I decided to give sense an honest shot, I haven't been back to custom.
This is the first android phone for me and the first time I didn't feel the need to tinker around with every little thing.
I loved wm 6.5 but it was still wm, and it was full of reliability issues. I still miss my old touch pro 2 and its kwyboard, but my evo is way more reliable.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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I actually love sense and do not see why people wouldn't want it..
I also got an extended battery which I only use when I know I will not be near a power source for a while.. I have the Otterbox case and just LOVE IT!! so I try to keep with the stock battery..
That being said I use Fresh's rom, because its pretty much stock with some extra goodies.. And full Sense..
I really don't have problems with my phone.. Its just typical with Murphys law,, lol
Oh,i did think of something crappy.
When I first got my evo,i was telling my friends about how awesome it is and how sweet the camera and video recording is, now my video doesn't seem all that great. In fact in 720p it looks so crappy and choppy that I don't feel like its worth having or using.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Just get a higher class SD card and replay that oh crappy video quality scenario all over again.
Sent from my Evo
lol...i can honestly say that I've never experienced that, thank GOD. Have you figured out the root cause?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I don't get it, r u saying that something higher than what I have will fix the issue? I currently have a 16GB class 2.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
You can get a 32gb card and still have same issues. You need a class 4 or above. If I could remember I'd post direct statement from htc employee. A lot go with a class 6, but anything more than class 4 and its all the same fluff. Class 2 just doesn't write fast enough for Evo's video.
Sent from my Evo
I think I saw that conversation about the max speed the evo could take advantage of, but I thought I read some where anything beyond class 2 carries no benefit in how well our evos record video in 720p.
Mine is choppy outside in sunlight and simetimes the video out right freezes for a split second. As far recording inside its so low quality that I don't even try to record.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App


I just bought an Atrix, and I thought I would post a little review because in all my research before I bought the phone, I did not find one which said what I needed to hear. Hopefully this is useful and objective.
I have owned a OG Droid, Samsung Fascinate, Nexus S, Galaxy S, and this Atrix so I feel like I have good grounds for comparison.
Out of the box...
The Good: The phone's hardware is top notch. The specs are awesome.
The Bad: The Motorola Atrix in completly stock form (the one I bought anyways) is very buggy and laggy. When I first unboxed it and was doing my initial set up and installing a few apps, a number of different programs forced close. The whole experience was slow and frustrating. I would rate Moto Blur as simply horrible and disgusting.
The fact that Motorola was able to take a tegra 2 powered phone with 1GB of DDR2 ram and make it run choppy is beyond me.
With that being said... If you don't know how to or do not plan on rooting, or modifying the software on your phone, I would highly recommended you avoid the Atrix.
If you are a fan of tinkering and modifying, then the Atrix is a great choice.
I have only noticed lag for the first 15-30 seconds after power on. None after that...
Motoblur means nothing to me, and doesn't really seem to slow down my phone. I had lunch with a bunch of other android users, and they were all impressed by the atrix' snappiness...
One thing I remembered when I had the atrix was unlocking the phone and using it was extremely laggy and slow for the first few seconds. I confirmed this with 2 other store demos. If you swipe your finger or do the pattern unlock, try bringing down the notification bar immediately. It'll be slow and choppy but if you wait a couple seconds and then try again, it'll be fine. Always annoyed me at how LONG it took to unlock the phone and get it going compared to every other android phone I've owned.
I have had no issues with performance at all on my device. It's lightning quick. The most impressive for me wasn't the CPU speed, but the file access speed. That thing installs, uninstalls, and loads applications retarded fast. They made a good choice of hardware right there.
SpeeDemon said:
I have had no issues with performance at all on my device. It's lightning quick. The most impressive for me wasn't the CPU speed, but the file access speed. That thing installs, uninstalls, and loads applications retarded fast. They made a good choice of hardware right there.
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DDR2 ram win.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
The only lag I've noticed is for a few seconds after the initial boot up, which is understandable. To say it is very laggy and buggy is crazy. Perhaps the unit you had was defective.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Sounds like you may have a buggy device... Ive had three of them so far (one was replaced due to what I perceived to be a faulty battery and my wife also uses one). And I've not seen any of the lag you're talking about...
If it was a big enough occurance don't you think you would've read about it on these forums? This place is packed with android super users... no ones having problems like that ...
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
plvaulter06 said:
If you are a fan of tinkering and modifying, then the Atrix is a great choice.
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the atrix is a horrible choice if you like to tinker and modify your phone...
dinan said:
One thing I remembered when I had the atrix was unlocking the phone and using it was extremely laggy and slow for the first few seconds. I confirmed this with 2 other store demos. If you swipe your finger or do the pattern unlock, try bringing down the notification bar immediately. It'll be slow and choppy but if you wait a couple seconds and then try again, it'll be fine. Always annoyed me at how LONG it took to unlock the phone and get it going compared to every other android phone I've owned.
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.... the fingerprint scanner makes it real quick to unlock the phone.... and it's not easy enough to be accidentally pocket-unlocked like some other unlocking systems i've seen.... such as i think HTC's, where you just slide the one thing down. Hell, with the one pair of shorts i have, i was actually able to see the screen on my iPhone 4 when i had it, and unlock it THROUGH THE SHORTS if i wanted to.
And i think it'd be expected for things to be going a tad slow as soon as it's woken up. Look at computers. Whether it's booting... sleeping... hibernating.... if you expect to be able to do something without any form of lag the second either of those are recovered from, you'd be sorely mistaken.
neotekz said:
the atrix is a horrible choice if you like to tinker and modify your phone...
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Sounds like a great comment from a non-Atrix user? Maybe I'm wrong though?
The Atrix is fine for people who like to tinker. The only thing we can't do is overclock our processors and change ROMs every 3 seconds. Other than that I have free tethering, no ads, root, no bloatware, free webtop thanks to a hack and a pseudo-ROM/theme loaded. Yeah too bad I can't tinker with it. *eyes rolling*
Mustang302LX said:
Sounds like a great comment from a non-Atrix user? Maybe I'm wrong though?
The Atrix is fine for people who like to tinker. The only thing we can't do is overclock our processors and change ROMs every 3 seconds. Other than that I have free tethering, no ads, root, no bloatware, free webtop thanks to a hack and a pseudo-ROM/theme loaded. Yeah too bad I can't tinker with it. *eyes rolling*
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NICE!!!!!! glad someone finally said something... I mean sure u can't load cyanogen but with the way things are going with these "pseudo" roms if cyanogen put some effort into making one of those for the atrix would that not be a sufficient fix??? Because lets face it doubt the BL will be unlocked soo instead of putting all that effort I to unlocking it how about taking g advantage of the capabilities that we do have.... ???? Just sayen
robwscott83 said:
NICE!!!!!! glad someone finally said something... I mean sure u can't load cyanogen but with the way things are going with these "pseudo" roms if cyanogen put some effort into making one of those for the atrix would that not be a sufficient fix??? Because lets face it doubt the BL will be unlocked soo instead of putting all that effort I to unlocking it how about taking g advantage of the capabilities that we do have.... ???? Just sayen
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Haha didn't really mean to come off as a jerk but I'm just sick of reading people's posts in the ATRIX forum hating on the phone. If it's not the phone for you so what go to the forum of the device you like!
I hope to also see some cool themes/pseudo-ROMs made available. At least we have Ken right now working his butt off on GingerBlur!
Mustang302LX said:
Haha didn't really mean to come off as a jerk but I'm just sick of reading people's posts in the ATRIX forum hating on the phone. If it's not the phone for you so what go to the forum of the device you like!
I hope to also see some cool themes/pseudo-ROMs made available. At least we have Ken right now working his butt off on GingerBlur!
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yes he difinitley is i was following that thread for a bit but i saw that with the latest release i believe it was beta7 (at the time) webtop for th laptop dock was disabled and i have the LTD so that is a feature that i definitely need... do you know if its a RC yet???
Mustang302LX said:
Sounds like a great comment from a non-Atrix user? Maybe I'm wrong though?
The Atrix is fine for people who like to tinker. The only thing we can't do is overclock our processors and change ROMs every 3 seconds. Other than that I have free tethering, no ads, root, no bloatware, free webtop thanks to a hack and a pseudo-ROM/theme loaded. Yeah too bad I can't tinker with it. *eyes rolling*
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i have an atrix, i guess we just have different opinions on tinkering...i do like the change roms often and be able to upgrade to the newest android version without having to wait for the manufacture. theres so much more you can do when you open up the kernel, most of the bugs that people are having would be solved if the devs can get at the kernel. Why do you think developers are leaving the Atrix? there's only so much you can do with a locked bootloader. i never said i hated the phone(i wouldnt of bought it if i did) i just dont think it's a good phone for modding but hopefully that will change...
SpeeDemon said:
I have had no issues with performance at all on my device. It's lightning quick. The most impressive for me wasn't the CPU speed, but the file access speed. That thing installs, uninstalls, and loads applications retarded fast. They made a good choice of hardware right there.
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same with mine.. the ATT version of the Atrix must be loaded with crapware making the phone slow down. My Bell version flies right out of the box, even when using Motoblur!
SpeeDemon said:
I have had no issues with performance at all on my device. It's lightning quick. The most impressive for me wasn't the CPU speed, but the file access speed. That thing installs, uninstalls, and loads applications retarded fast. They made a good choice of hardware right there.
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+1 I agree, Atrix = speed I've rarely felt lags if any at all
Sent from my bell Atrix using XDA App
robwscott83 said:
yes he difinitley is i was following that thread for a bit but i saw that with the latest release i believe it was beta7 (at the time) webtop for th laptop dock was disabled and i have the LTD so that is a feature that i definitely need... do you know if its a RC yet???
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It's still in Beta at 7.2 now. However I believe the webtop that was removed in the previous version was the hack to make it work with just an HDMI cable so you don't need the dock to make it work. I am on 7.2 and I have the webtop hack installed and it works perfect on my TV through just the HDMI cable.
I am really enjoying the ATRIX. I was starting to get a little burnt out on installing new ROMS every couple days or weeks. This is however my first Android phone...coming from the WinMo forums...This phone is like night and day compared to my old Tilt 2.
People have such harsh and strong opinions on everything on forums. These 'reviews' should be read as objectively as possible.
starvinmrvn said:
I am really enjoying the ATRIX. I was starting to get a little burnt out on installing new ROMS every couple days or weeks. This is however my first Android phone...coming from the WinMo forums...This phone is like night and day compared to my old Tilt 2.
People have such harsh and strong opinions on everything on forums. These 'reviews' should be read as objectively as possible.
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Welcome Brother I'm in the same boat =P tilt 2 to atrix is an amazingly wonderful jump ~!
I came from a captivate where roms are readily available. I enjoyed flashing and it was awesome to see how a device can mature. But the kernel development is where things truly shine. But even after all the flashing I just felt like things didn't quite work right. I thought it was the fact that 99% of the roms were based off the international galaxy s.
I love my atrix. Everything works. The battery life is awesome. The phone really flies. Motoblur sucks but its been taken care of. As long as we get more roms ill be happy. Unlocked bootloader would be nice but I don't see it happening
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

