magic getting 2.2.1 - Hero, G2 Touch General

i am outraged, i just saw on phandroid that the htc magic was getting 2.2.1 (without live wallpapers, wifi hotspot or flash player) so why is our hero not getting it? its more or less the same specification, just with sense, and we have already seen 2.1 with sense, so why are hTc not giving us hero owners an official froyo update?

Our Hero won't get it because HTC don't want to spend money developing the update, it wouldn't make sense financially to them. It is more or less the same specification with the exception of the Camera and RAM.

k0zmic said:
Our Hero won't get it because HTC don't want to spend money developing the update, it wouldn't make sense financially to them. It is more or less the same specification with the exception of the Camera and RAM.
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but surely they would have chosen our heros instead of the magic seeings as its better?

Also htc would have to develop a 2.2 sense that would work on the hero, which they see as way too much work. Face it, as far as HTC is concerned, the hero is dead and has. been for some times
Sent from my HTC Hero using Tapatalk

nellisere said:
but surely they would have chosen our heros instead of the magic seeings as its better?
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Nope, in their eyes the Hero has already been updated (to 2.1 from 1.5) whereas the Magic was on 1.6 I believe, so they were obliged to update it.

what are the chances of porting the magic 2.2.1 to the hero ?
the magic's hardware seems close to the hero.
same screen, same cpu same memory.
afaik it's the predecessor of the hero.
shouldn't that be a great thing for hero rom development ?

Why would you want to port it? There are tons of 2.2.1 roms available for the hero. Remember the magic isn't a sense 2.2, its a generic android 2.2, which as I say is availavailable in abundance on xda and similar sites
Sent from my HTC Hero using Tapatalk

SlurmMcKenzie said:
what are the chances of porting the magic 2.2.1 to the hero ?
the magic's hardware seems close to the hero.
same screen, same cpu same memory.
afaik it's the predecessor of the hero.
shouldn't that be a great thing for hero rom development ?
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Yep the hardware is extremely similar. It might be useful for Hero development, I think the developer's could use the drivers to optimize perhaps, but that's about it really.


HTC Tattoo vs Wildfire

I've just been reading a review of the HTC Wildfire which is HTCs new budget android device... they seem to think its a lot better than the Tattoo. The specs though are very similar except it has a bit more RAM and a decent camera.
Anyway, I thought it was an interesting comparison and shows what the Tattoo can still do especially as the chipsets are the same. I hope with a Froyo release for the Tattoo it can show its potential!
dom_b said:
I've just been reading a review of the HTC Wildfire which is HTCs new budget android device... they seem to think its a lot better than the Tattoo. The specs though are very similar except it has a bit more RAM and a decent camera.
Anyway, I thought it was an interesting comparison and shows what the Tattoo can still do especially as the chipsets are the same. I hope with a Froyo release for the Tattoo it can show its potential!
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wildfire has a capacitive touchscreen --> multitouch
alberto88a said:
wildfire has a capacitive touchscreen --> multitouch
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Apart from being able to pinch zoom who cares? And with a 3.2 inch screen anyway I don't think its the going to be beating an iPhone for web browsing just because it has multi touch lol. My point is that the Tattoo can be brought up to the same level with a complete 2.1/2.2 update.
Maybe that "bit more RAM" is necessary to have 2.1 and sense working fine.
But i'm not sure
dom_b said:
Apart from being able to pinch zoom who cares? And with a 3.2 inch screen anyway I don't think its the going to be beating an iPhone for web browsing just because it has multi touch lol. My point is that the Tattoo can be brought up to the same level with a complete 2.1/2.2 update.
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yes but in my opinion it won't arrive!
instead htc assured froyo for device from genuary 2010 excluding tattoo that exited on november/december 2009 -.-
i'm not talking about hardware that is almost the same but the support won't be the same for these devices...
do not forget wildfire start with a 2.1 upgradeable to 2.2
and the cost is almost the same for both devices...
Not from HTC it won't... but the development team here are almost there anyway so hopefully a fully working ROM will be here soon without the need for HTC!
And I think you're missing my point. Im just saying that the new device is basically the same as the Tattoo. Im not saying sombody should go out now and buy a Tattoo, that would be stupid lol.
HTC Wildfire is what the Tattoo should have been.
I'm not convinced in upgrading to the Wildfire just to replace my dying Tattoo.
People, I'm quite sure that HTC won't update Wildfire to 2.2. They will just leave it behind like they left behind the Tattoo! They clearly said that they will update most of the phones released in 2010...I don't know, but I sense that the wildfire users will be as disappointed as we were when they said that 2.1 isn't going to come for our tattoos...
TheSSJ said:
People, I'm quite sure that HTC won't update Wildfire to 2.2. They will just leave it behind like they left behind the Tattoo! They clearly said that they will update most of the phones released in 2010...I don't know, but I sense that the wildfire users will be as disappointed as we were when they said that 2.1 isn't going to come for our tattoos...
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Ditto. HTC just likes to put phones out there that they can't support, you buy it, you have to put up with it if it breaks. Makes me angry.
not development related moved
Coburn64 said:
HTC Wildfire is what the Tattoo should have been.
I'm not convinced in upgrading to the Wildfire just to replace my dying Tattoo.
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I couldn't say that any better. 100% agree. I think there are basicly two type of needs/users.
One is what I call the "leisure" user (that could be myself on week ends) who wants a ample web browsing, full multimedia, multiple messaging (SMS's and chat), gaming, and so on. For these users, iPhone 3g/3gs/4, Nexus One, or alike any of both is the choice.
Another one is my so called "working" user (myself monday to friday), when your needs are mostly email (mostly exchange and push), quick browsing, mapping or navigation, shopping lists, to do lists, calendars, reminders, transportation routing or schedule querying, not too ambicious web browsing, some music/sudokuing is well appreciated. For this use, Tattoo-like->Wildfire is simply perfect: does it all, with no excess luggage (weight/size).
I don't know if I should say pitty or shame on HTC for releasing a device that in a very few months will be improved to the obsolecense point. We all know that in consumer technology you will never catch up with the very best, but HTC guys, we should be happy at least for one year. Is it to ask for too much? Did they invent the "decent camera" last week so it is just now that you could include it in your phones, or couldn't you do that on the Tattoo? And cant't you upgrade to 2.1 or 2.2? You HTC want to tell us that you can't do what some cooks on XDA have already done? I am certain that these guys are very well prepared, qualified and smart, no doubt on it, but what they do is some kind of hobby on their spare time, and they are charging not a cent!
Well, my hope like many others, is on these magnificent guys cooking new ROMs for all of us (hopefully we will have a 2.1 or 2.2 fully functional), and as some other dudes already have expressed, Tattoo might well be my last HTC device.
I think tattoo is lack of screen resolution and size of the screen other than it's good if you just work around with roms and install market patched hopefully soon we will have 2.2 or 2.1 fully working custom Roms with market patched and it will be really cool
But htc should do something about tattoo they can't just leave tattoo in blank
don't think on buying a wildfire. haven't you got enough with Tattoo? save some more money and buy a nexus one or an iphone, they are truly speedy and better quality
Coburn64 said:
Ditto. HTC just likes to put phones out there that they can't support, you buy it, you have to put up with it if it breaks. Makes me angry.
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HTC Officially released Android froyo (2.2) update for wildfire in europe. Just check below link,
Soon to india.. wait.

why Desire got the froyo update first?

Does anyone know why the Desire got the froyo update first when the Legend actually came out earlier than them?
Because Desire is HTC's flagship, top of the line, finest product would be my guess.
And I don't how heavy 2.2 is to run but Desire comes with the 1GHz Snapdragon CPU and will run a less fine-tuned OS better than the Legend (this is also a wild guess)..
Edit: another reason is the N1, with almoast the same specs as the desire meaning its easyer for htc engineers to modify it for desire.
will the legend ever get the update ?
I sent a question to HTC yesterday, asking when we can expect the update on the legend... This was their answer:
"Android 2.2 (Froyo) update is sent out to customers in waves. This is done so we don’t overload our system. And because of this it may take longer for some of our customers to get it. You can try searching for it by typing the following: Settings -> about phone -> updating systems software -> Search now"
Not sure if she misunderstood me, I specified that I've got a Legend, but I would guess the response could be interpreted as if she thought I've got a Desire. I dunno. I just want the update.
mathias.lithen said:
Because Desire is HTC's flagship, top of the line, finest product would be my guess.
And I don't how heavy 2.2 is to run but Desire comes with the 1GHz Snapdragon CPU and will run a less fine-tuned OS better than the Legend (this is also a wild guess)..
Edit: another reason is the N1, with almoast the same specs as the desire meaning its easyer for htc engineers to modify it for desire.
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even the EVO got the froyo update ... so i dont think thats the reason ... its probably cause the Desire has a larger user community then the Legend ..
I'm pretty sure we'll get it but we will have to wait until all other phones made in 2010 get it.
Because the Legend has the smallest community.
That's just simply what HTC needs to do, satisfy as much people as fast as possible.
So after all EVO users got there updates it's probably going to be the wildfire who's next and then probably us.
The legend hasn't specifically been named, but they have said that all android devices made in 2010 will get the update in Q3. So the legend will get it, just be patient.
Are you serious that even the Wildfire will get the update earlier than us? This must be the biggest joke ever.
So HTC's strategy is to get the more popular phones updated first and place the less popular ones below?
ryaneu said:
Are you serious that even the Wildfire will get the update earlier than us? This must be the biggest joke ever.
So HTC's strategy is to get the more popular phones updated first and place the less popular ones below?
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Who told u wildfire got it?
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
JonasDroid said:
I'm pretty sure we'll get it but we will have to wait until all other phones made in 2010 get it.
Because the Legend has the smallest community.
That's just simply what HTC needs to do, satisfy as much people as fast as possible.
So after all EVO users got there updates it's probably going to be the wildfire who's next and then probably us.
The legend hasn't specifically been named, but they have said that all android devices made in 2010 will get the update in Q3. So the legend will get it, just be patient.
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I dont think the Wildfire will get it before the Legend. The Wildfire is a mass-market low-end device unlike the Legend.
I think the delay is due to addition of new features like Live Wallpapers, as Froyo gives a supposed 450% performance boost that coupled with the same graphics chip as the Nexus One and the Desire should give the Legend a lot of processing power.
I agree. The Wildfire will probably get it before the Legend.
But the Legend will get it before Q4 afaik. Since HTC said all their 2010 devices would.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
think on the bright side .. HTC trying to integrate live wallpaper into froyo 2.2 for legend user that why it take so long..
who said wildfire community is bigger than the legend .. i don't think so ...
Are you sure that Legend is getting live wallpapers? Where did you hear that?
kazzaz said:
who said wildfire community is bigger than the legend .. i don't think so ...
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I just suppose it is, it is much more price friendly therefore much more in the price tag that most people are looking for.
jonas :
yea right , but still the extra money offers better specifcations and many also will think put the extra money for extra quality ..
but anyway wildfire first or the legend it dosen't matter but the most important thing that they should not forget the legend ..
Its probably easier for HTC to update the Wildfire because of its lower hardware specs.
ryaneu said:
Its probably easier for HTC to update the Wildfire because of its lower hardware specs.
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Yea, probably not.
But no one can know which gets it first.
And if the Wildfire gets FroYo first. It's probably because it's newer. But as said before. All 2010 HTC devices will have FroYo before Q4.
Hopefully.. Never know with HTC.
if the wildfire gets the update i will have no doubt that the legend will get it because of the similir specifcations and hardware ...

[Q] Froyo + Sense restrictions on the Aria?

More than one web site describing the new HTC Gratia state that while it is running Froyo, it will not have the "new Sense UI". Is that because of limitations from the hardware?
I am still on my 30 day grace period with AT&T and got the Aria for two reasons - I hate the iPhone because this is what everyone seems to have and the Galaxy S is too big for my taste. Unfortunately I am stuck on AT&T but if the Aria is already showing limitations and is likely to run out of steam soon I may need to bite the bullet and get an iPhone 4... shudder.
Care to post a link to your source.
sent ftom my cm6 Intruder running CM6
GroovyGeek said:
More than one web site describing the new HTC Gratia state that while it is running Froyo, it will not have the "new Sense UI". Is that because of limitations from the hardware?
I am still on my 30 day grace period with AT&T and got the Aria for two reasons - I hate the iPhone because this is what everyone seems to have and the Galaxy S is too big for my taste. Unfortunately I am stuck on AT&T but if the Aria is already showing limitations and is likely to run out of steam soon I may need to bite the bullet and get an iPhone 4... shudder.
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First of all, no one knows for sure if the Gratia will come with the new Sense UI. People are ****ing freaking out over it like it's the end of the world.
Second of all, the phone is not "running out of steam".
"But, it's only 600mhz!" - Clock speeds do not matter much anymore...
"But, but but!" - shutup...
And anyway, if HTC decides to not officially support some new things there are people out there that can port/hack the phone to death to make it work flawlessly. Not a reliable way to look at the scenario but I don't care.
After a quick research, is it even possible to run "old" Sense on android 2.2? On any phone? I didn't think any of the new HTC phones coming out with Android 2.2 had the "old" Sense UI - all have the "new" Sense UI.
I think by New Sense, they are talking about the version that's on the Desire HD and Desire Z ( and all that). Old Sense probably just means normal Sense, like what is currently on the EVO and other 2.2 phones.
kaschenberg said:
Second of all, the phone is not "running out of steam".
"But, it's only 600mhz!" - Clock speeds do not matter much anymore...
"But, but but!" - shutup...
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That right there was hella funny.
sent ftom my cm6 Intruder running CM6
Yeah, that's hella hilarity!!!
If this phone is running out of steam than the "big boy" android phones better be able to cook me dinner and tuck me in at night!
The only real restriction on this phone is the processor type not the speed ie will not work with flash due to flash not being coded for the processor in this phone, not a speed issue.

LG optimus S and Htc hero

ok what I thought was stupid is the LG optimus S has the 90% same specs of the hero how the hell can it get 2.2 and our hardware our htc hero is 1-2 years old(i think 1) not even been in for long enough and it cant get 2.2 when LG optimus can?! (offical 2.2 froyo not the roms) so stupid someone should just port the LG optimus S to the hero and then we can tell htc the 3rd finger
I agree as well
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
raymond4 said:
I agree as well
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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I swear this might be my FIRST and LAST HTC phone I have ever bought.. I'd rather go with Samsung so far their doing great with their android galaxy series
Is the mytouch 3g almost like the HTC hero
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
raymond4 said:
Is the mytouch 3g almost like the HTC hero
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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is it made my htc? no
I just thought they were similar
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
shyam101 said:
ok what I thought was stupid is the LG optimus S has the 90% same specs of the hero how the hell can it get 2.2 and our hardware our htc hero is 1-2 years old(i think 1) not even been in for long enough and it cant get 2.2 when LG optimus can?! (offical 2.2 froyo not the roms) so stupid someone should just port the LG optimus S to the hero and then we can tell htc the 3rd finger
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I think the primary issue is using Sense. Since the Hero is a Sense device, so on top of getting 2.2 perfectly functioning, they have to modify Sense to be compatible as well, and that is just something they don't want to invest in.
shyam101 said:
I swear this might be my FIRST and LAST HTC phone I have ever bought.. I'd rather go with Samsung so far their doing great with their android galaxy series
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Lol Samsung support their top-tier Galaxy line is not a good comparison against HTC and their low-mid range Hero. Samsung was responsible for one of the worst debacles in Android support history, promising 2.1 for Behold II users and then all of a sudden abandoning support after releasing 1.6. HTC is much more consistent, not to mention their build quality is the best in the industry.
shyam101 said:
is it made my htc? no
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Yes, the MyTouch 3G is made by HTC. MyTouch is just T-Mobile's branding, it is originally the HTC Sapphire or Magic. The MyTouch 3G and Hero are very similar devices, actually.. same CPU, similar amounts of RAM, etc.
c00ller said:
I think the primary issue is using Sense. Since the Hero is a Sense device, so on top of getting 2.2 perfectly functioning, they have to modify Sense to be compatible as well, and that is just something they don't want to invest in.
Lol Samsung support their top-tier Galaxy line is not a good comparison against HTC and their low-mid range Hero. Samsung was responsible for one of the worst debacles in Android support history, promising 2.1 for Behold II users and then all of a sudden abandoning support after releasing 1.6. HTC is much more consistent, not to mention their build quality is the best in the industry.
Yes, the MyTouch 3G is made by HTC. MyTouch is just T-Mobile's branding, it is originally the HTC Sapphire or Magic. The MyTouch 3G and Hero are very similar devices, actually.. same CPU, similar amounts of RAM, etc.
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But were talking about the htc hero on this fourm not the mytouch 3g =/
I know this topic started with the LG optimus S and the HTC hero. The only reason why I asked about the mytouch 3g was because my friend said they weren't similar and I just wanted to know. Sorry for adding the mytouch 3g into this topic.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
shyam101 said:
I swear this might be my FIRST and LAST HTC phone I have ever bought.. I'd rather go with Samsung so far their doing great with their android galaxy series
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The Galaxy-S series is their flagship more "high-end" series of phones, not to mention way newer, not really a fair thing to compare (they are doing great with not rolling out 2.2 updates for their new phones, that's for sure ).
Also, why are you not blaming Sprint at least a little bit about this? They are the carrier, afterall. Hero could receive 2.2 if they wanted it to, I'm sure.
shyam101 said:
I swear this might be my FIRST and LAST HTC phone I have ever bought.. I'd rather go with Samsung so far their doing great with their android galaxy series
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The Samsung Moment, on par with the Hero with a little better hardware, isn't getting 2.2 so your argument for Sammy being better is invalid, sir. Also, the Legend is getting updated, and when it does, the devs will be all over it like a hobo on a Ham sandwich. Then the Hero will have sense 2.2. If that's your thing. I'm quite happy with my AOSP rom, though.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Froyo-on-Hero action here!
raymond4 said:
I know this topic started with the LG optimus S and the HTC hero. The only reason why I asked about the mytouch 3g was because my friend said they weren't similar and I just wanted to know. Sorry for adding the mytouch 3g into this topic.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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Googling phone specs, the Hero and the Optimus S are very similar hardware-wise. Not sure about the MT3G, I didn't search for that one...
But as c00ller mentioned above, the Optimus S isn't running SenseUI, hence why it already has Android 2.2. Developing a fully-working 2.2 SenseUI release takes HTC longer to work out. And I'm sure HTC wouldn't let Sprint release plain regular stock Android 2.2 (without SenseUI) for a Sense-based device, which is why the Hero doesn't have it even though it's already available on other similar phones.
I like HTC too much to leave, and it's already official they're not releasing 2.2 for the hero
user7618 said:
The Samsung Moment, on par with the Hero with a little better hardware, isn't getting 2.2 so your argument for Sammy being better is invalid, sir. Also, the Legend is getting updated, and when it does, the devs will be all over it like a hobo on a Ham sandwich. Then the Hero will have sense 2.2. If that's your thing. I'm quite happy with my AOSP rom, though.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Froyo-on-Hero action here!
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Sorry meant alacy series
chromiumleaf said:
Googling phone specs, the Hero and the Optimus S are very similar hardware-wise.
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not quite so similar..the Optimus has a more up to date processor that runs at 600mhz and almost twice the ram.
user7618 said:
The Samsung Moment, on par with the Hero with a little better hardware..
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As a former moment owner, I agree the hardware is better, the processor is faster. but the radio lock-ups (total phone and data lock up only resolved by pulling the battery), poor gps, exceptionally bad batter life and other software/hardware integration failures were too much to handle. Stock or Custom Rom-- it didn't matter. 3D performance is abysmal on the Moment. You think angry birds is bad on the hero? Try 1 frame every 1-3 seconds on the Moment.
As bad as the problems with the phone were, when it worked it worked very nice. Working was interrupted by very significant bugs like the radio lock, which happened daily (heavy data user/exchange/streaming/etc).
I recently warranty swapped the moment over the hero and couldn't be happier
stayclean said:
Also, why are you not blaming Sprint at least a little bit about this? They are the carrier, afterall. Hero could receive 2.2 if they wanted it to, I'm sure.
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I have to agree with you, T-Mobile made the call in regards to their "No Phone Left Behind" policy. I assume that they must pay extra to get HTC to support "legacy" devices. Sprint on the other hand has decided to focus on their new phones. You'd think the support would last at least as long as the contract you sign with them. That would make most sense.
My wife upgraded from her MyTouch 3G (T-Mobile) to the Hero (Sprint), on which which I quickly rooted and installed CM6 Froyo. The Hero runs 2.2 beautifully, tethers with Barnacle (Hulu and Netflix on road trips!) but the fact is that it is noticeably slower in EVERYTHING compared to the LG Optimus S, especially games (comparisons done live in store).
They have similar CPUs on paper, but the Optimus S is definitely faster in practice. It's like comparing two laptops because they both have Intel CPUs. One is a Celeron, the other is a Core i5.
I'm getting mine on Black Friday at Best Buy for $1.00.
Optimus S has a dual core
The reason that the Optimus S performs better in practice is that it actually has a dual core processor 600 MHz application / 400 MHz modem processor. Look at LG's site. Click on the specifications tab.
Oh yeah, mine arrived at my house yesterday, and is waiting for me to activate it when I get home. I am still keeping my hero for development purposes though.
Being a former moment owner, I think I'll stick with the other manufacturers for quite some time. My hero runs every bit as smooth as my moment and with no data lockups. Had to do battery pull 1-2 times a day, without wifi running at all (which was claimed to be the issues). Now I get every text including all my picture mail not just one every once in a while. Crap radio. Had an LG years ago. It was the original Chocolate with Verizon. Went through four in a year. Circuit board fried and they couldn't figure out why. Little leery about LG now too. Point is, I like the way my HTC runs so think I'll stick with them a while. H

HTC Gratia Froyo much faster than Legend Froyo

I just tried HTC Gratia in a store and have to say, that the offical Froyo on HTC Gratia more fluent and faster is than on HTC Legend. The Legend and Gratia have the same specs, so why?
Android 2.1 and 2.3 is also much faster than the Android 2.2 on our Legend...we may just ask HTC xD
Just flash Blayos Rom, problem solved
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
Froyo was not optimized for our Legends in my opinion. Feels like a slapstick effort made to silence everyone demanding the update. I think HTC will provide another system update(Froyo) ironing out all the bugs.
ananthm2k5 said:
Froyo was not optimized for our Legends in my opinion. Feels like a slapstick effort made to silence everyone demanding the update. I think HTC will provide another system update(Froyo) ironing out all the bugs.
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i don't think so
they got plenty of mobiles and keep counting...and i don't think so they will provide a lag fix for a 2010 march released legend [ don't take exceptional case]
I don't know but manufacturers generally provide support for a phone for 2 years. Routine maintenance. Nokia still provides updates to the aging 5800. I don't think HTC will drop support for a phone that's hardly a year old.
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
Gratia has android 2.3 and Legend has 2.1/2.2 so Gratia will be faster...
ananthm2k5 said:
I don't know but manufacturers generally provide support for a phone for 2 years. Routine maintenance. Nokia still provides updates to the aging 5800. I don't think HTC will drop support for a phone that's hardly a year old.
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the problem is that HTC seems to be releasing more fones than it can handle..rather than a few gud fones and decent support..
abhishek92 said:
the problem is that HTC seems to be releasing more fones than it can handle..rather than a few gud fones and decent support..
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But still the support HTC gives so far is still better than what other companies are giving their users, even when they are pumping out less phones than HTC.
^true..but thats nt my can do well without launching the gratia..all they have to do is continue support for something like the legend(same specs..likely to be ignored as time passes in favour of gratia)..
