[Q] Contact search problem - XPERIA X8 General

after the update to android 2.1 the following problem occured:
when i search for a contact through the google search widget, touching the resulted contact leads me to another (different) one
i.e. searching for a contact beggining with letter "A" leads me to a totally different contact
i've already tried the following:
1) clear contacts storage & google search storage through application manager
2) tried several key combinations
3) reset to factory defaults
anyone else have that problem?
p.s. contact search through native contacts app, works fine


Broken contacts database? Strange stuff on Cingular 8125

Hi all,
I have tried several add-ons to improve my Cingular 8125's contact management capabilities. Here are a few:
- mNotes to sync with Lotus Notes (didn't work, removed it)
- Inesoft Addressbook (wanted bigger contact pics)
- PhotoContacts (wanted bigger contact pics)
- finchSynch (for Thunderbird integration)
- couple other things, forgot...
I'm still not entirely satisfied, but it's better than before. THe one thing that is really messing me up right now is that I think I have a problem with my contacts database. When the PDA soft boots up, it gives me this error "Error: open database failed - contacts database". I click ok and go on. I'm still able to browse my contact list and contact people on it. But when I edit a contact and press ok, the phone locks up. It ends up automatically soft booting. This has happened with Inesoft as well as PhotoContacts.
So I'm wondering:
1) What is the underlying problem? My best guess is somehow a messed up contacts db
2) What can I do to fix it? Assuming it's a db problem, any way to rebuild?
3) Has anyone seen a problem like this?
Sorry to hear of your problem. Is you phone synced with outlook on your pc? - if so you should be able to restore from there. Your contacts\appts are kept in a file on the root directory of your device called pim.vol. Copy that to your storage card or desktop then rename the original - say to pim.vo and then try to restore from outlook.
Have fun

8125 Messaging App Inbox Doesn't Show Up

Hi, I've got a Cingular 8125 with the updated ROM from HTC.
I have a peculiar issue with my Messaging inbox: if I try to launch it by pressing the hardkey, most of the screen doesn't redraw. The titlebar changes to indicate the name of the current messaging account (Outlook, MMS, Text Messages, etc), and the softkey menus appear and are usable. The problem is that the list of messages and current folder aren't shown, only the last application I was using.
This problem began after the ROM update. One interesting thing that I noticed when reconfiguring my device after the update was that when I was inputting the settings for my gmail account, I tried to rename that account "Gmail", and got a message indicating that that account name was already in use. (Perhaps this is related to restoring an email backup from SPB Backup that contained my email information.)
Another odd aspect of this problem is that if I launch messaging from the touchscreen, the message list appears as normal.
A few other people seem to be experiencing this problem as well, but without any apparent solutions (other than the dreaded hard reset):
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
afaik, there is no resolution to this issue other than what you've already seen and done..

softkey.cab => calendar messed up

I recently downloaded the application on the ftp server to reassign the soft buttons in the todayscreen (was recommended).
However, it is impossible to assign the calendar application (it always results in an error stating that one or more required files cannot be found, despite the fact that I can launch calendar from the start menu). So I removed the software, but the problem persists, even after a soft reset.
How can I get the calendar back on the left softkey, without having to hardreset my device?
V J said:
I recently downloaded the application on the ftp server to reassign the soft buttons in the todayscreen (was recommended).
However, it is impossible to assign the calendar application (it always results in an error stating that one or more required files cannot be found, despite the fact that I can launch calendar from the start menu). So I removed the software, but the problem persists, even after a soft reset.
How can I get the calendar back on the left softkey, without having to hardreset my device?
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Hey V J, I think that is the old problem that is fixed with a simple reg tweak. It is looking for the wrong Calendar App, iirc. Try the google site search for Calendar error registry - or something like that.
Man, I love that Google search - found it in the first result - since I am feeling magnanimous, here you go:
Q: How do I fix the Calendar softkey error?
A: Regedit \HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112 from windows/lsk/htccalendar.exe to windows/calendar.exe
Thanks! That was indeed the issue.
(I must have been using inadequate keywords on google...)

i9000 Facebook contact Sync Error

Hi all,
I am having a big headache with my phone now, please help if you have any idea to solve this, or if you have any idea to track the root cause! Thanks!
This morning when I woke up, I found that most of the profile pictures of my friends lost in the contact list. After a while investigation, I found that only 16 out of 4xx persons in my facebook left in my contact list.
To fix the issue, I tried a re-sync and this can't help. Except the contacts in gmail, only 16 persons in facebook appears in my contact list. I then tried to delete the facebook account in the contact, reboot my device, and add the facebook account again, but same issue happened again. If I choose not to automatically add all friends in my contact, the wizard will pop up exactly 16 friends to let me choose who should i import, but other 4xx friends disappeared.
I have double checked that I did not click "show friends with contact number only". And the strange things is, if i go to "activites" in the contact app, the update of friends that did not show up appeared in activites, and I can provide comment as well.
I am sure there is something wrong in the import process that skipped many of my friends from import. Anyone did try this and have a fix? Or how can I investigate the "log" or something else to pinpoint out the problem? I am afraid that even I hard reset my phone the same issue will exist!
HKcow said:
Hi all,
I am having a big headache with my phone now, please help if you have any idea to solve this, or if you have any idea to track the root cause! Thanks!
This morning when I woke up, I found that most of the profile pictures of my friends lost in the contact list. After a while investigation, I found that only 16 out of 4xx persons in my facebook left in my contact list.
To fix the issue, I tried a re-sync and this can't help. Except the contacts in gmail, only 16 persons in facebook appears in my contact list. I then tried to delete the facebook account in the contact, reboot my device, and add the facebook account again, but same issue happened again. If I choose not to automatically add all friends in my contact, the wizard will pop up exactly 16 friends to let me choose who should i import, but other 4xx friends disappeared.
I have double checked that I did not click "show friends with contact number only". And the strange things is, if i go to "activites" in the contact app, the update of friends that did not show up appeared in activites, and I can provide comment as well.
I am sure there is something wrong in the import process that skipped many of my friends from import. Anyone did try this and have a fix? Or how can I investigate the "log" or something else to pinpoint out the problem? I am afraid that even I hard reset my phone the same issue will exist!
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Some "update":
I have tried to clear all cache / data in the application setting for "contacts" and "contacts location" and this can't help the situation...
HKcow said:
Some "update":
I have tried to clear all cache / data in the application setting for "contacts" and "contacts location" and this can't help the situation...
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Please give a hand.. anyone meet this issue?
Same thing with me.. The funny thing is, I can no longer add some of my facebook friends, they are no longer listed on the "Get Friends" menu. The phone thinks that they've already been added.
This happens when facebook sync have errors...
I still can't find a way to get back my missing Facebook friends...
DaRkMyk said:
Same thing with me.. The funny thing is, I can no longer add some of my facebook friends, they are no longer listed on the "Get Friends" menu. The phone thinks that they've already been added.
This happens when facebook sync have errors...
I still can't find a way to get back my missing Facebook friends...
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I have searched all over the web and seems only you and me have reported this error.
Can we confirm that this issue is caused by "i9000 database has the corrupted friend" rather than "i9000 not able to interpret the facebook list"? To eliminate the issue, I have tried to clear the SNS / Contact / Contact Location cache / data but they still can't help. If this is the case, resetting the phone (but this is my last step) should help.
Could someone specialized in the i9000 data structure to suggest a way to fully clean up the contact database? Maybe this can cater the case if the db is corrupted by sync error!
I have a new friend in facebook today and as expected, the new friend not appear in the list after data-sync, no matter I want to add it later or add it during sync...
Furthermore, com.sec.android.app.sns/snsDB.db contains only the 16 friends in the database, which I suspect the server did not return the remaining contacts?
HKcow said:
I have a new friend in facebook today and as expected, the new friend not appear in the list after data-sync, no matter I want to add it later or add it during sync...
Furthermore, com.sec.android.app.sns/snsDB.db contains only the 16 friends in the database, which I suspect the server did not return the remaining contacts?
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I have just tried a hard reset and the problem still cannot be solved... I think I need to call samsung support... This seems to be something wrong in the samsung sync server...
Same here, many contacts that sync from facebook are missing.
I don't use fb, so I don't think I can help, but I just wonder if something dumb in the software is going on. So, if you have 16 friends or however many syncing, these friends don't happen to show up elsewhere in your phone or in the cloud. Right? Maybe it has something to do with trying to match up with names you have in your phone book that have a phone number?
Again, just throwing an idea out there, but similar to how you can import all your google contacts or just the ones with a number.
Your friend counts seem awfully low, so if I'm wrong, try to think if there is anything common link between these friends that do get synced. Perhaps they have something in common that can help the sync...
alovell83 said:
I don't use fb, so I don't think I can help, but I just wonder if something dumb in the software is going on. So, if you have 16 friends or however many syncing, these friends don't happen to show up elsewhere in your phone or in the cloud. Right? Maybe it has something to do with trying to match up with names you have in your phone book that have a phone number?
Again, just throwing an idea out there, but similar to how you can import all your google contacts or just the ones with a number.
Your friend counts seem awfully low, so if I'm wrong, try to think if there is anything common link between these friends that do get synced. Perhaps they have something in common that can help the sync...
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Thank you very much for your suggestion... to answer your suggestion:
- I did nto click "show contacts with phone number only"
- I tried to dump the database from SNS, inside the database only the 16 friends exist, other 4xx friends no appeared in the database
- I have phoned samsung and they just request me to send them the phone. Their reply is quite inprofessional as they said if other facebook account is ok, that should be your account issue and saume generally can't help with facebook issue. But I am sure the phone is syncing with a samsung proxy instead of syncing to facebook directly.
I tried many things but nothing can fix this issue.
Ditto, I've tried many different things. Hard reset a few times as well and nothing. Reseated battery and put in a new sim. Perhaps maybe the order of things done is what works. I even tried to sync it before I created my google account. Anybody who has gotten this to work and remember what some of the first steps they did when they got their phone, input would be helpful to try and repeat your process.
if anyone can fix it please let me know how.
What firmware are you'll on? I had this problem with JG1. Flashed to JG5 and the problem's gone. But now my twitter contacts don't update. just two of them appear on my phone
I'm guessing there's a problem with the sync in our phones. I'm just learning to live with it
I have got a solution for this.
The problem is originated from the export error of facebook contact. Here is how I treat the problem:
1. Export your facebook contact using the facebook apps "Export Friends To CSV" (Google it and find the link, I cannot post the link)
2. After you have got the CSV, open it using Excel and check whether there are rows containing more than one contact. Apparently, there is error in the first friend contact info of these rows.
3. Remove those friends from your facebook contact (or ask your friends to fix their info).
4. Resync your Android contact with facebook.
This works for me. Hope this help.
jordenyt said:
I have got a solution for this.
The problem is originated from the export error of facebook contact. Here is how I treat the problem:
1. Export your facebook contact using the facebook apps "Export Friends To CSV" (Google it and find the link, I cannot post the link)
2. After you have got the CSV, open it using Excel and check whether there are rows containing more than one contact. Apparently, there is error in the first friend contact info of these rows.
3. Remove those friends from your facebook contact (or ask your friends to fix their info).
4. Resync your Android contact with facebook.
This works for me. Hope this help.
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I can't find the row that contains more than one contact
edit: oh now i found, the problem is from the last contact that shown in my phone sort by UID from facebook.


I also got a contacts problem (Stock Samsung) on LPS being unable to edit/create/delete contact in any way without any solution and I came across this workaround.
Try to get this program: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.dmfs.android.contacteditorpp
And when you create/edit contact, choose that Contact Editor Pro program and you can conveniently edit/create contacts.
