Slow Gallery. - Droid 2 General

Why are the galleries so slow on all android phones? Is there anything that I can do to fix it or is this just a problem I am experiencing?

HerroMoto said:
Why are the galleries so slow on all android phones? Is there anything that I can do to fix it or is this just a problem I am experiencing?
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What class sd card do you have?

I have no idea :s, how can I tell. All I know is that I got the stock 16gb one that my Original Droid came with.

HerroMoto said:
I have no idea :s, how can I tell. All I know is that I got the stock 16gb one that my Original Droid came with.
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Look at it, does it have a number or a circled number on the card next to the 16gb? If it came with it, it's probably class 2, that's most likely why gallery images load slowly

theimpaler747 said:
Look at it, does it have a number or a circled number on the card next to the 16gb? If it came with it, it's probably class 2, that's most likely why gallery images load slowly
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Yeah it actually is a class 2. So it's an SD card issue? For me it's always random. Like sometimes it'll go super slow and then at other times it'll be pretty decent.

HerroMoto said:
Yeah it actually is a class 2. So it's an SD card issue? For me it's always random. Like sometimes it'll go super slow and then at other times it'll be pretty decent.
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Most likely the class 2 is just too slow to load the pictures fast; so the gallery itself is fast, but it takes a long time to load the images hence the slowdowns

theimpaler747 said:
Most likely the class 2 is just too slow to load the pictures fast; so the gallery itself is fast, but it takes a long time to load the images hence the slowdowns
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Well honestly, most of the time it's rather fast, but my problem is, is if i get an MMS and I click on it to view it, it'll take FOREVER to load.

HerroMoto said:
Well honestly, most of the time it's rather fast, but my problem is, is if i get an MMS and I click on it to view it, it'll take FOREVER to load.
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Hmm.... MMS isn't on the sd card, so perhaps it's a limitation with the SMS app via the gallery? Or the MMS takes a long time to download

Download quickpic to replace the stock gallery.


Video of my G1 running Hero

SMOOTHLY. I figured instead of posting the video link to individual threads, I would just create a new one. The video quality SUCKS, as it was recorded from my other G1, but you get the idea. I hope to have a better quality one up later or tomorrow. I am running 2.7.4, with a 64 mg swap partition.
Breakthecycle2 said:
SMOOTHLY. I figured instead of posting the video link to individual threads, I would just create a new one. The video quality SUCKS, as it was recorded from my other G1, but you get the idea. I hope to have a better quality one up later or tomorrow. I am running 2.7.4, with a 64 megs swap partition.
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Very nice! Seems almost identical to my install of 2.7.4 with a 32 mb swap partition but I just switched over to the latest JACMyTouchSki to test that out. I'll probably jump back over to 2.7.4 to check out the larger swap settings and see if I can see a speed increase.
Did you use a 500 megs ext2/3 partition and left the rest FAT32 or did you use something different?
DirectMatrix said:
Very nice! Seems almost identical to my install of 2.7.4 with a 32 mb swap partition but I just switched over to the latest JACMyTouchSki to test that out. I'll probably jump back over to 2.7.4 to check out the larger swap settings and see if I can see a speed increase.
Did you use a 500 megs ext2/3 partition and left the rest FAT32 or did you use something different?
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Fat32 partition was left in tact. I also am running an ext3 of 500mgs.
Does it run that fast after it's been left on for a few hours? I mean, I leave mine on all day, and JacHero 2.2.3 (swapper app, no ext) got really slow by the end of the day.
AdrianK said:
Does it run that fast after it's been left on for a few hours? I mean, I leave mine on all day, and JacHero 2.2.3 (swapper app, no ext) got really slow by the end of the day.
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My awake time is now 34 hours and xx minutes.
Breakthecycle2 said:
My awake time is now 34 hours and xx minutes.
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When that video was shot? Wow....
The only thing that bugs me is TouchFlo taking a minute to reload after using the browser and listening to music, but hey I guess we should be thankful we have any kind of port
AdrianK said:
When that video was shot? Wow....
The only thing that bugs me is TouchFlo taking a minute to reload after using the browser and listening to music, but hey I guess we should be thankful we have any kind of port
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I shot it two days ago. I never shut my phone off for whatever reason. The browser is my only issue as it takes while to load.
Breakthecycle2 said:
I shot it two days ago. I never shut my phone off for whatever reason. The browser is my only issue as it takes while to load.
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Oh well, I could just push the android browser apk, I don't really like the hero one anyway The lack of a status bar is incredibly annoying...
AdrianK said:
Oh well, I could just push the android browser apk, I don't really like the hero one anyway The lack of a status bar is incredibly annoying...
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Hmmm...but do you still have flash?
Breakthecycle2 said:
Hmmm...but do you still have flash?
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I wouldn't have thought so, but it was useless anyway imo. All it was good for was loading ads, which made navigation slower. Also when clicking a link to a YouTube video it would try to watch it in flash (which failed) rather than the video player. I think I can sacrifice the sexy visual bookmarks for a huge performance boost.
Which my gay stock card would partition.
BigWorldJust said:
Which my gay stock card would partition.
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Mine doesn't either Just ordered an 8GB Class 6 Tanscend for Hero, can't wait. Btw, would you mind making that sentence a little more PC? :<

Album Issues

Any one else having issues with the photo album,
I'v taken out the crappy supplied transcend micro sd and put in a sandisk one in instead.
The album takes for ever to load up the pictures, then when you click on one album, it freezes forever and then 5 minutes later tells you
"Sorry, Activity Albums (in application Albums) is not repsonding, force close or wait"
xdaman85 said:
Any one else having issues with the photo album,
I'v taken out the crappy supplied transcend micro sd and put in a sandisk one in instead.
The album takes for ever to load up the pictures, then when you click on one album, it freezes forever and then 5 minutes later tells you
"Sorry, Activity Albums (in application Albums) is not repsonding, force close or wait"
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What is your version or 'for ever'? if its 3-4 seconds then you need to give up the caffeine. Life isn't perfect and surprisingly no mobile phone is as well. stop MOANING for gods sake, can you actually see the images? yes? yes? oh it takes a few seconds? oh and in that time your supposed friends who only know you through Facebook and not in real life have deserted you... oh poor you, pooooooooooor you, we all feel for you. .......... lick a lemon, it may stimulate you....
And if it really if taking 5 mins then return the phone/...........
now was there any need for that?
be nice please....
thank you
barryallott said:
What is your version or 'for ever'? if its 3-4 seconds then you need to give up the caffeine. Life isn't perfect and surprisingly no mobile phone is as well. stop MOANING for gods sake, can you actually see the images? yes? yes? oh it takes a few seconds? oh and in that time your supposed friends who only know you through Facebook and not in real life have deserted you... oh poor you, pooooooooooor you, we all feel for you. .......... lick a lemon, it may stimulate you....
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Firstly, I don't like facebook nor am I even signed up to it, I make my friends in real life,
remember this is a website to help people out, I don't understand why you had to make the comments you'v made, if you think I'v done something wrong by making this thread, either ignore it or report it to a mod.
Anyway back to the point,
yes, it does indeed literally hang for nearly 5 minutes, loads one or two pics but the remaining 99% stay blank, stays like that, screen wont respond and so on.
And if it took even 10 seconds to load, I wouldn't mind, as I also use Windows Mobile which can be laggy, but 5 Minutes.
An yeh barryallott, please to do not respond to this unless you really have something constructive to say, I dont need you to tell me how much a waste of time this thread is.
Mine hangs occasionally on the albums, and can take up to 10-15 secs to load each album. I reckon it's just a fact of life at the moment- I can remember the first real implementation of HTC Album on the Touch Dual, and the program has come a long way since then on Win Mob. This is the first Android implementation and for the most part it works well for me.
If you are seriously getting 5 minute lag (or anything over 30 secs), I'd suggest getting a taskmanager from the market (I use "Task Manager") and check how many apps you have open, and what resources they are using. It took me a little while to realise that Android leaves stuff running in the background in a Win Mob fashion, which is ace as multitasking is a must for me, but it doesn't half take up resources if you aren't careful!
the other app I'd consider to be essential is '3g watchdog' which you can set with your data limit, and it keeps a tally of all your use in mb and as a percentage- Orange aren't getting a penny out of me for going over the 500mb limit! I wish it wasn't a trade off in the UK between awesome data bundles and no reception with T-mobile, or just about bearable data bundles and amazing reception with Orange...
monkeybutler365 said:
Mine hangs occasionally on the albums, and can take up to 10-15 secs to load each album. I reckon it's just a fact of life at the moment- I can remember the first real implementation of HTC Album on the Touch Dual, and the program has come a long way since then on Win Mob. This is the first Android implementation and for the most part it works well for me.
If you are seriously getting 5 minute lag (or anything over 30 secs), I'd suggest getting a taskmanager from the market (I use "Task Manager") and check how many apps you have open, and what resources they are using. It took me a little while to realise that Android leaves stuff running in the background in a Win Mob fashion, which is ace as multitasking is a must for me, but it doesn't half take up resources if you aren't careful!
the other app I'd consider to be essential is '3g watchdog' which you can set with your data limit, and it keeps a tally of all your use in mb and as a percentage- Orange aren't getting a penny out of me for going over the 500mb limit! I wish it wasn't a trade off in the UK between awesome data bundles and no reception with T-mobile, or just about bearable data bundles and amazing reception with Orange...
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I'm using taskiller and seems to be helping out, thank you for helping out.
Oh yeh, 3G watchdog is cool, thanx for that
barryallott said:
What is your version or 'for ever'? if its 3-4 seconds then you need to give up the caffeine. Life isn't perfect and surprisingly no mobile phone is as well. stop MOANING for gods sake, can you actually see the images? yes? yes? oh it takes a few seconds? oh and in that time your supposed friends who only know you through Facebook and not in real life have deserted you... oh poor you, pooooooooooor you, we all feel for you. .......... lick a lemon, it may stimulate you....
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That was such a dramatic over exaggeration. There was no need at all for any of that. I've seen people react better to being hit in the face than how you reacted to that guy asking a simple question...
ExO_PoLiTiX said:
That was such a dramatic over exaggeration. There was no need at all for any of that. I've seen people react better to being hit in the face than how you reacted to that guy asking a simple question...
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point taken..
On the G1 and Magic, on first use of an app that stores stuff on SD, it seems to take a while, and this seems to be mainly down to it creating a thumbs database on the device. Once created, the subsequent access times are MUCH faster. I don't know that this is true for the HTC album, but part of the issue might be this, especially if it never gets time to completely load the pics so every time its trying to finish making a Thumbs database for you.
From the sound of things I think its a combo of issues - the quality of SD card probably having an effect, the creation of a Thumbs database on first access, and possible glitches with the HTC Albunm software that need ironing out. Good news is they all sound very solvable - So give it some time to load.... and think about getting a class4 or class6 SD card.
Much love
Daisy xxx (too sweet? > just kidding...)
Dayzee said:
On the G1 and Magic, on first use of an app that stores stuff on SD, it seems to take a while, and this seems to be mainly down to it creating a thumbs database on the device. Once created, the subsequent access times are MUCH faster. I don't know that this is true for the HTC album, but part of the issue might be this, especially if it never gets time to completely load the pics so every time its trying to finish making a Thumbs database for you.
From the sound of things I think its a combo of issues - the quality of SD card probably having an effect, the creation of a Thumbs database on first access, and possible glitches with the HTC Albunm software that need ironing out. Good news is they all sound very solvable - So give it some time to load.... and think about getting a class4 or class6 SD card.
Much love
Daisy xxx (too sweet? > just kidding...)
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Yep your right, theres a folder called .thumbnails in the DCIM folder.
I'v got an Sandisk 8GB class 4 Micro SDHC, so that isn't the issue.
I agree with you that it's most likely to do with the album software.
I exchanged my phone today at the orange shop, and the guy told me that the delay for the release of the Hero was because they had to send the handsets back due to the reading/loading issues. And he happily exchanged it.
Problem still persists, but I'm sure just as you said, that future software revisions may iron things out.

Leo cant playback a 2 mintue clip -_-

I did some recording, of nothing in particular, just around the house and after I finished I went to play it, and after about 5 minutes I assume it must of frozen or something as it was still on that loading screen...
Another faiure by htc -_- , has anyone had the same problems and/or found solutions?
My HD2 has no problems as you're describing, so your post title is completely misleading.
However, have you tweaked the recording settings? Are you storing the footage on your Micro SD? What speed is it?
We need more info to try to help you
xavierdemon said:
My HD2 has no problems as you're describing, so your post title is completely misleading.
However, have you tweaked the recording settings? Are you storing the footage on your Micro SD? What speed is it?
We need more info to try to help you
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Yeah I am saving it to memory card, but Im not sure what speed it is, theres a 2 with a circle round it, does that help?
thanks for the response
That's means it's a class 2 card, which is slow, trying changing where it stores to say like the internal memory and see if the problem persists. If it doesn't, then buy yourself a class 4 or 6 micro SD card.
xavierdemon said:
That's means it's a class 2 card, which is slow, trying changing where it stores to say like the internal memory and see if the problem persists. If it doesn't, then buy yourself a class 4 or 6 micro SD card.
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ahh ok, well that sucks
Hopefully amazon will do a full return, do they sell them as class 2/4/6 or is it just random?
[★] said:
I did some recording, of nothing in particular, just around the house and after I finished I went to play it, and after about 5 minutes I assume it must of frozen or something as it was still on that loading screen...
Another faiure by htc -_- , has anyone had the same problems and/or found solutions?
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I just made a video of 4:45 and it played back instantly. Took about a second on the loading screen.
Do us a favour - stop finding faults and then posting them and instantly claiming a fail on the part of HTC. You need to investigate issues a little more before start complaining. How about starting with the attitude that there may be something wrong, rather than the attitude that there is something wrong.
I am using a 16GB Class 2 SanDisk card, and saving vid directly to the card, so unless your card is faulty, I can't see it being that.
As johncmolyneux stated it's probably just your sd card is screwed, you could try just reformatting and see if that helps. If you decide to buy a new SD card, they will clearly state their speed, whether it be class 2, 4 or 6. Obviously the faster you go the more you'll pay.
I just made a video of 4:45 and it played back instantly. Took about a second on the loading screen.
Do us a favour - stop finding faults and then posting them and instantly claiming a fail on the part of HTC. You need to investigate issues a little more before start complaining. How about starting with the attitude that there may be something wrong, rather than the attitude that there is something wrong.
I am using a 16GB Class 2 SanDisk card, and saving vid directly to the card, so unless your card is faulty, I can't see it being that.
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Sorry I did kinda jump down their throats :3
As johncmolyneux stated it's probably just your sd card is screwed, you could try just reformatting and see if that helps. If you decide to buy a new SD card, they will clearly state their speed, whether it be class 2, 4 or 6. Obviously the faster you go the more you'll pay.
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Yeah maybe I'll try formatting, if not I guess I'll have to return it
I have tried formatting it, yet t still cant seem to play even 13 seconds worth of video. I switched the save locations to the device, still nothing.
I do however have a hunch, there is 1 video that I recorded that I can play on there, and its one I took the night I got the phone, before switching my settings and installing extra modes from damien123_666, so maybe the settings are too high quality and the phone is strugging with them? Maybe when I update the rom it will be more able to cope with higher quality videos
[★] said:
I have tried formatting it, yet t still cant seem to play even 13 seconds worth of video. I switched the save locations to the device, still nothing.
I do however have a hunch, there is 1 video that I recorded that I can play on there, and its one I took the night I got the phone, before switching my settings and installing extra modes from damien123_666, so maybe the settings are too high quality and the phone is strugging with them? Maybe when I update the rom it will be more able to cope with higher quality videos
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If you can bear it without too much hassle, do a hard reset and see if the problem persists. It sounds like you could be on the right track, but I'm sure there's a lot of people who have done the camera tweaks. Maybe ask in the thread in question to see if anyone has noticed this problem.
johncmolyneux said:
If you can bear it without too much hassle, do a hard reset and see if the problem persists. It sounds like you could be on the right track, but I'm sure there's a lot of people who have done the camera tweaks. Maybe ask in the thread in question to see if anyone has noticed this problem.
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Well Im gonna flash a custom rom today, so Ill see if that makes a difference
Update: Installed XannyTechs Pandora rom today, camera now running great again, can play back and all is swell
Apart from the now faint pink mark is still there

Internal Storage

Hey i was wonder can you like take apart the fascinate and change the internal storage? is it a second sd card inside of it? and if so how would you go about making the files work on another ? clockwork?
It would probably be embedded on to the board itself.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
dialect129 said:
Hey i was wonder can you like take apart the fascinate and change the internal storage? is it a second sd card inside of it? and if so how would you go about making the files work on another ? clockwork?
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I would say firmly that, no, you cannot replace/increase the internal memory on the Fascinate.
well i mean has anybody taken apart the phone yet? lol i was hoping that website that takes apart everything would of so i didnt have to be the first lol
dialect129 said:
well i mean has anybody taken apart the phone yet? lol i was hoping that website that takes apart everything would of so i didnt have to be the first lol
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Whether it has, or hasn't been taken apart by anyone, it's not a common practice to have removable/replaceable memory with these types of devices.
I consider myself a poweruser and have no real need for more internal memory.
You should be ok. You can always App2SD if you're running out of storage space.
well i have the lagfixme.bat until they make something the way does the lag fix make media scan slower or something it takes forever to scan sometimes but anyways. i thought we couldnt app 2 sd until froyo?
dialect129 said:
well i have the lagfixme.bat until they make something the way does the lag fix make media scan slower or something it takes forever to scan sometimes but anyways. i thought we couldnt app 2 sd until froyo?
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No, the media scan is just slow and takes forever in and of itself.
We can't really "app 2 sd" until Froyo.
I'd consider myself a power user as well and I'm only using 214MB of 1.55GB internally. Everything else (music, movies, etc.) I keep on my SD Card, so it isn't too bad.
yea im kind of a messy power user i got files everwhere...but yeah your right...thanks for the input
Once I got all my core appspot that I know ill use on a regular basis I only used about 300 MB of internal memory. Beyond that I use another 100 or so for junk (hypnotoad and the like) I can't imagine anyone needing more than 2 gig during the lifetime of this phone.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

[Q] Internal HD speed

Does anyone know the speed on it, since a lot of my high read apps have huge issues with my transformer. I wanted to also know if there was anyway to point or force them to run off my class 10 card I got in it.
Its not a hard drive, its NAND flash memory and it should be as quick or quicker than your SD card
ryan stewart said:
Its not a hard drive, its NAND flash memory and it should be as quick or quicker than your SD card
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Weird, for some reason my tablet seems to be getting slower and it's driving me nuts. Now I am not sure if it's the custom rom or not, maybe I should just say nuts to it and get rid of root and reload the stock rom.
Is there a way to test the read wright speed so I can double check?
RiffyDivine said:
Weird, for some reason my tablet seems to be getting slower and it's driving me nuts. Now I am not sure if it's the custom rom or not, maybe I should just say nuts to it and get rid of root and reload the stock rom.
Is there a way to test the read wright speed so I can double check?
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Do you have a task killer running? If you do, then that's most likely the culprit.
hauj0bb said:
Do you have a task killer running? If you do, then that's most likely the culprit.
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Nope, the biggest issues are when just pictures or chandroid is running. They move fine but slow to a crippled crawl in a bit, as for a task killer I don't have any unless it comes stock off the custom rom.
Honestly it is annoying as hell when it gets to a craw and then force close over and over.
RiffyDivine said:
Nope, the biggest issues are when just pictures or chandroid is running. They move fine but slow to a crippled crawl in a bit, as for a task killer I don't have any unless it comes stock off the custom rom.
Honestly it is annoying as hell when it gets to a craw and then force close over and over.
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Sounds like it's just a bad app?
hauj0bb said:
Sounds like it's just a bad app?
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No, they both work fine on my nook and my hd2 and my other tablet. It's just the newest one I got (ie the transformer) that I started to notice the issue. I worked with the dev from chandroid and we tried everything and he said as he looked over the crash report that there was nothing wrong with the app.
On the stock build of OS, he said it was an issue being caused by splashtop stuff. Is there anyway to rip every program out by the core needed to run and let me add them one at a time to test?
RiffyDivine said:
No, they both work fine on my nook and my hd2 and my other tablet. It's just the newest one I got (ie the transformer) that I started to notice the issue. I worked with the dev from chandroid and we tried everything and he said as he looked over the crash report that there was nothing wrong with the app.
On the stock build of OS, he said it was an issue being caused by splashtop stuff. Is there anyway to rip every program out by the core needed to run and let me add them one at a time to test?
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If you're rooted, you should just be able to uninstall stuff with Titanium Backup.. but make sure you backup the app first.
hauj0bb said:
If you're rooted, you should just be able to uninstall stuff with Titanium Backup.. but make sure you backup the app first.
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Aye, I got root. I was hoping to find out if there was a rom that was just barebones. So more or less do a full backup and then pull them all out and test it one at a time? I can just do a backup in clockwork mod.
I am just reaching a head with being annoying and asking for help.
RiffyDivine said:
Aye, I got root. I was hoping to find out if there was a rom that was just barebones. So more or less do a full backup and then pull them all out and test it one at a time? I can just do a backup in clockwork mod.
I am just reaching a head with being annoying and asking for help.
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Yeah, I'm not aware of a super barebones rom. Full backup and uninstall one by one is what I would do.
hauj0bb said:
Yeah, I'm not aware of a super barebones rom. Full backup and uninstall one by one is what I would do.
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What is the best way to remove anything/everything? Cause if I got it backed up and if I blow the OS I can just do a recovery.
The easiest way would be to freeze the app with titanium backup, you could also just manually rename it or delete it.
RiffyDivine said:
No, they both work fine on my nook and my hd2 and my other tablet. It's just the newest one I got (ie the transformer) that I started to notice the issue. I worked with the dev from chandroid and we tried everything and he said as he looked over the crash report that there was nothing wrong with the app.
On the stock build of OS, he said it was an issue being caused by splashtop stuff. Is there anyway to rip every program out by the core needed to run and let me add them one at a time to test?
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Is the nook running honeycomb?
ryan stewart said:
Is the nook running honeycomb?
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I believe so.
RiffyDivine said:
I believe so.
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Should be obvious. Does it look and act identical to the transformer?
Once thing I have found is that apps can run well on older versions of android but have issues with honeycomb. Like cut the rope, it crashes and is slower to load on the tablet but blazes on my evo. Asked the dev and he said its not yet developed for honeycomb.
My TFs internal memory is plenty fast.
Just root it without someones Rom. Stock would be your goal to see if a Rom affects it.
Watchdog from the market would help. It would show you what apps are running and how much they are using the Cpu
When I use Dolphin HD or Pad I can see when it's hanging up...not loading the page dies lol freaking apps.
ryan stewart said:
Should be obvious. Does it look and act identical to the transformer?
Once thing I have found is that apps can run well on older versions of android but have issues with honeycomb. Like cut the rope, it crashes and is slower to load on the tablet but blazes on my evo. Asked the dev and he said its not yet developed for honeycomb.
My TFs internal memory is plenty fast.
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It wasn't obvious cause I wasn't at home. Yes it is running 3.0 it's a stable honeycomb build but I never use the nook much if at all.
DilloDroid said:
Just root it without someones Rom. Stock would be your goal to see if a Rom affects it.
Watchdog from the market would help. It would show you what apps are running and how much they are using the Cpu
When I use Dolphin HD or Pad I can see when it's hanging up...not loading the page dies lol freaking apps.
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I will try that, honestly I just want a way to see what's going on with it. I am not sure if it's using all the memory or what with all the images it loads. Since my problems always come from mass images loading.
Possibly just eating up your RAM then - the SSD shouldn't be (that) active if it's image loading and not saving.
Kireas said:
Possibly just eating up your RAM then - the SSD shouldn't be (that) active if it's image loading and not saving.
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Well like with just pictures, it's a big display of thumbnails for viewing your images. I know it can cashe the data to make it faster but that just seems to make it slower, as for chandroid the longer I use it the slower it gets. So maybe it's not purging old data?
