[Q] Milestone 2: Physical Keyboard £ Writes $ - Droid 2 General

I have just got my UK Milestone 2, the language / locale is set to English (UK), however on the physical keyboard when I press the £ key a $ is written.
Can anyone help?

Me too. The euro symbol doesn't seem to work either.
I am liking the Milestone 2, but there are a few things that don't seem quite right.
One of the oddest is if I type 22 on the dialer (as if I was searching for somebody who's name begins BA), then the dialer shuts. [EDIT - I found out that this is due to a Facebook contact having a non-numeric phrase in their mobile phone number field]
The other problems seem related to contacts - I get errors if I try and get gMail to sync (related to the use of CompanionLink, perhaps?), and I find that eMail sometimes misses some messages if I use a POP3 collator program I wrote (which worked fine with Outlook and Windows Mobile as the client). [EDIT - Yep, looks like it was CompanionLink that was causing the gMail sync error. Changing to gSynchIt, and using gMail to sync contacts works like a dream]
I'll get in touch with Motorola tomorrow and ask them about the pound sign.

I got in touch with Motorola, and they are meant to be getting back to me. However, doing a bit more research myself, I can see that our keyboard is being mapped as if it's the "Groid 2 Global", and the € symbol is actually a tab, and the $ sign is where the £ sign is as you can see on the picture on this page: http://www.engadget.com/2010/11/19/motorola-droid-2-global-hands-on/
I suspect this is going to require a patch from Motorola, unless there's a keyboard re-mapping app?

I tried to look for some key mapping files, however appears I need to have SU access and I've not rooted my phone yet so can't check the contents of the files. Will have to wait until Motorola fix it.

badboy4life said:
I tried to look for some key mapping files, however appears I need to have SU access and I've not rooted my phone yet so can't check the contents of the files. Will have to wait until Motorola fix it.
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Yeah, I suspect you are right.
Will keep you posted if/when I hear back from Motorola.

The fix for this is fairly simple on a rooted phone. (Rooting is straightforward using z4root.)
Copy /system/usr/keychars/umts_milestone2-keypad.kcm.bin to your PC, and keep a backup somewhere safe.
Grab kcmutils.zip from this link (you'll need Python installed); run unkcm against the kcm.bin file to provide you with an editable version of the file.
Each key can be assigned either a printable character (enclosed in single quotes) or a Unicode key number in hex notation, for base (no modifiers), shift, alt, and shift-alt. Shift-alt combinations seem to have no effect for me. The unicode for £ is 0xA3, and € is 0x20AC. The hardware key for Euro is called TAB in the .kcm file.
Note, though, that the currency popup you currently get by holding the £ key only appears when the $ character is held down. I've mapped $ to Shift-Euro to retain the ability to access the $ sign and the other currencies on the popup.
Once you're done editing, run kcm against the kcm file to regenerate the kcm.bin file, transfer it to the phone, put it in system/usr/keychars (you'll have to remount /system rw) and reboot.
This worked just fine for me, but follow this process at your own risk!


Copy/Paste problem

Hey all.
I wonder if anyone can fix this. I've tried the various shortcut apps for copy and paste (Vijay, PQz, PHM) and every one has the same problem: If I copy from one message or app, then ok it and move to another, I can't paste anything. I can copy and paste from within the same email/message, but not different ones.
The standard tap and hold method works though.
Any ideas?
VJKeyPress just simulates pressing ctrl-c ctrl-x etc.
PHM tools uses a better technique that I'm trying to "copy" (pun not intended) but it's a weird API call.
However, if ctrl-c ctrl-x etc works, VJKeyPress should work in the same way.
Odeean recently posted some problems regarding the transferability of the clipboard. Check his posts.
The problem may be that the copy and paste source and target may be copying in different formats, eg RTF instead of text. However, this should be easy to prove/disprove.
I'm going to be re-addressing VJKeypress cliboard functions as soon as I get a bit more time to do some programming. Had no time this week
I've set ctrl c and ctrl v up, and they do the same thing.
It's only a tap and hold that actually allows me to copy and paste between apps. It's very odd...

Opera Error While Clicking On Links in Pocket Outlook

So I installed Opera.
Then when I get an email with a link on it and I click on it I get the following error:
The file 'OperaLaunch' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file.
A quick look at the Opera folder shows no file under that name. So out of curiosity I went and did a search on the web. Found only two sites talking about this but they are both in Russian. Great.
So obviously the line in the registry that points towards opening links is pointing to this program. I did a quick search and found a number of registry entries that would normally point to PIE but are not pointing to Opera.
Now I was wondering who here knows the registry entry to open items in Pocket Outlook so it uses PIE. Or even better how to make it work so it opens Opera as the default browser when clicking on items in Pocket Outlook.
Now, don't say to do a hard reset as I won't do it on principle alone, since I am sure someone knows and I am not going to reinstall everything I go just because one line in the registry!
Anyone? Or even so, anyone who had this same issue?
agovinoveritas said:
So I installed Opera.
Then when I get an email with a link on it and I click on it I get the following error:
The file 'OperaLaunch' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file.
A quick look at the Opera folder shows no file under that name. So out of curiosity I went and did a search on the web. Found only two sites talking about this but they are both in Russian. Great.
So obviously the line in the registry that points towards opening links is pointing to this program. I did a quick search and found a number of registry entries that would normally point to PIE but are not pointing to Opera.
Now I was wondering who here knows the registry entry to open items in Pocket Outlook so it uses PIE. Or even better how to make it work so it opens Opera as the default browser when clicking on items in Pocket Outlook.
Now, don't say to do a hard reset as I won't do it on principle alone, since I am sure someone knows and I am not going to reinstall everything I go just because one line in the registry!
Anyone? Or even so, anyone who had this same issue?
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I have had this same problem and the only remedy was to uninstall, I posted this before and no one had any ideas as far as I could tell.
there is similar problem with netfront. U need to set pie as ur default browser, then link will be opened w/o probs in PIE.
btw: opera launch is or should be located in windows folder. try 2 search for file within ur pda
Thanks. But what you have told me I already posted on my original post.
I did a search already with the wildcard word "opera," and nothing called Opera Launcher came up. Then I checked the obvious Opera folder and nothing was there either. Hence why I know the issue could be fixed within the registry. That is what I was asking.
You can't set IE as your default browser because as I am sure you already know, there is no option within PIE to set it back to the default browser.
If I did a search on google I am found the registry entries to change back to PIE but there are a number of registry entries. So it could be fixed without a hard reset. But I wanted to see if anyone had figured out a way to use Opera as the Tab browsing is so much more useful and it is just better.
I have not found a fix for Opera, but as an alternative to having to do a hard-reset and reinstall everything again which is of course a hassle... I found the registry entries to switch back IE as the default.
Beats doing a hard-reset.
Anybody figured out the Opera problem?
Okay, after an in depth search I found the entry regarding OperaLauncher.
There is a stupid key at,
Now I do not know the format to tell it to perhaps use Opera.exe.
Anyone can help?
Shot, I didnt see this thread until I posted another one that is similar.
But yes, I am interested with finding this too..
Okay, I can see that NO ONE even tried to fix the issue. So I decided to do it myself. I mean, it is not the ultimate fix since I would like for Opera to open as default.
Logic dictates that Opera screwed up somewhere, so what I did was setup PIE to be the default browser by deleting and replacement two specific registry entries.
After that, PIE will still be the main browser when opening links in Outlook, and for everything else I can still use Opera. Since having to copy paste links from Outlook to IE or Opera was annoying enough to delete the browser altogether.
Which key is that?
Check the entry posted on my first post. Delete the Opera entries.
Take a look, type exactly as posted on value 0 and 1 an PIE will start and avoid that silly OperaLauncher problem.
Value 0
Pocket IE
Value 1
Value 2
Don't change
Value 3
Don't change.
agovinoveritas said:
Check the entry posted on my first post. Delete the Opera entries.
Take a look, type exactly as posted on value 0 and 1 an PIE will start and avoid that silly OperaLauncher problem.
Value 0
Pocket IE
Value 1
Value 2
Don't change
Value 3
Don't change.
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Thanks, I was able to this no problems at all and it fixed the issue - at least by defaulting back to PIE without the error.
Hope I read this correctly and following is useful.....
To enable Opera to open links from emails in Pocket Outlook I did the following:
1. Copied 'opera.exe' (not the large dll) from \storage card\progam files\opera to \windows.
2. Found the entry 'operalaunch.exe' in the registry and changed it to 'opera.exe'.
Thats it - Opera launches when clicking hyperlinks in Pocket Outlook.
You only need to make one change:
In HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\: DEFBROWSER is a key called "1". Change the string value from "OperaLaunch.exe" to "\Program Files\Opera\OperaLaunch.exe" (or whereever Opera is actually installed). You need to include the quotes around the string. Save and restart your device. Should work (did for me).
Registry Keys
I had the same problems after uninstalling Opera.
Error message: OperaLaunch cannot open , blabla
I had to change the following registrykeys:
String Value (Default) = iexplorer.exe %1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\ EFBROWSER
String Value 0 = Pocket IE
String Value 1 = :MSPIE
Good Luck
I managed it just.
I copied all the files from the Opera folder to the windows filder, then changed this,
In HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\: DEFBROWSER is a key called "1". Change the string value from "OperaLaunch.exe" to "\Program Files\Opera\OperaLaunch.exe" (or whereever Opera is actually installed). You need to include the quotes around the string. Save and restart your device. Should work (did for me).
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To just opera.exe
And it worked ... It wouldnt work before, when trying to point it to the storage card, it kept saying "Storage cannot be loaded" or something ... I just realised i had forgot the " from the beginning and end of the string
Operalaunch .exe
hi my friend ,I am having the exact same problem you've had.The only problem being is that I am a novice and know nothing about computers,in other words I am not computer literate so am finding it difficult to understand.Is it possible to help me through it in easy steps if you have the time.Regards Anthony

Need an app that does NOTHING!

This might sound strange, but I'd need a program for WM5 Smartphones that can be called by a symbolic link (*.lnk) that I'd assign to a HW key and that does not do anything, just immediately returns without even switching the display. Does anyone have a crazy thing like that?
Thanxx, Mixx
PS: I am not totally crazy. I just have an HTC Excalibur (but the O2 XDA Cosmo version) that has a HW key for the Internet Explorer. I need to hijack that key, because I need to have a way to enter accented characters and I refuse to pick them from a huge table with the cursor. I managed to use AEKeymap, but if I use the current IE-key to switch to accented, it will first call the IE and only when I return (by e.g. ESCAPE) does it put down the right symbol. I figure, if I remap that key to this "does-nothing-app" (and I know how to use SHORT_IE.lnk), I'll be OK.
Currently I hijack the Messaging key for this purpose. That has the same problem, but if I am in an Email or SMS, it is no harm that it jumps to Messages (ends up where it started from, since I am in that app already). Thus I can have accented character in Emails, but not in any other application.
Nobody could help so far, but I am just too stubborn. This must be a solvable problem.
Some wrote just what you want:
Wonderful, wonderful, thanks a million.
Works exactly as I described above.
Thanxx, Mixx

(Win32/PPC) Note taking app (Linux/Web soon)

Hey everyone,
I developed this app as a part of my final year project. Initially I had big plans for it (I still feel that PPC lacks strong apps in this area.. OneNote doesn't cut it for me), but got busy with work/studies and forgot all about it.
I have also created a web version for it (sync your data with a web url), but thats too alpha at the moment. If anyone wants to beta test it, please let me know.
I'm uploading the last versions I made of this app to gather some bug reports, problems, crashes, new features etc which people might be interested in.
Keep in mind, I want this app to be so good that people can finally leave their paper notebooks home
I know some things aren't working well or at all, for e.g. synchronization.
Play around with the buttons (the tooltips etc should tell you what they're for)
arrange data in notebooks and pages. (basically you create a notebook and then insert a page into it..)
There are two modes.. view/edit.. edit mode gives you basic text input where you can format text using the following wiki syntax (effect of formatting is only visible in view mode):
*text* - bold
\text\ - italic
_text_ - underline
+ (add more pluses upto 6) gives you heading (e.g. ++My heading)
~color:green~ any text after this will be green. you can use this for most named colors
[link to another page] link between pages (linking will automatically happen if you use CamelCase/wiki syntax.. you can enforce linking by putting [Notebook/Page name] <-- in square brackets as such. Links can be renamed as well [[renamed link][Notebook/ActualPage]]
[image:image name]
You can insert images using the button/menu options. these images are imported into the notebooks directory.
Search notes
tag notes
bookmark notes (you can even bookmark searches, the stored search will be re-run every time, so for e.g. if you bookmark a search with dates later than last week, then it'll give you new results every time)
Maintain clipboard history and auto insert copied stuff into current page. (keyboard is polled every second)
Most important feature:- You can just copy over your notebooks/bookmarks directory (or sync it using any sync tool), and the same notebooks/pages/bookmarks will be available on both PPC and Win32.
- Just unzip the win32 and PPC directories to your desktop and PDA.. click on the exe to run program. Should work on wm2003/wm5/wm6
Known bugs/issues:
- clipboard isn't working on PPC
- PPC version is slower, doesn't have softkey support yet
- PPC Icons look wierd
- .... add more?
I make no claims that this will work properly, or even execute on your desktop/PPC. I dont owe you anything. Please try this at your own risk.
no one tried it yet?
Nice Idea
This is great idea, i tested the note book, it is good.
But quite difficult to use on mobile, can u change the interface to make it easy to understand and write.
You're right, the PPC version is not that easy to use. Hopefully I'll get some time on this weeked to fix that up, as well as allowing common actions to be performed using hard/soft keys.
ammarr said:
You're right, the PPC version is not that easy to use. Hopefully I'll get some time on this weeked to fix that up, as well as allowing common actions to be performed using hard/soft keys.
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Yes that would be cool, waiting for your new version.

PointUI - New Version 1.01b - Now with customization

Here's the new version of PointUI.
New Features
- Weather update frequency now includes "Manual".
- Customisation (yes, we are Aussies so spell it with an 's'): Media Player - ok, a little techy at this stage, but you can now specify the path of your media player in the registry:
- In the key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Pointui\Home\{your version} (i.e. version = 1.01b) create a new String value called App.Path.Media
- You can include in your path {Windows}, {Programs}, {ProgramFiles} which will get replaced with your device specific folders but if you do use them then don't start the path with a backslash
- The path can be to a shortcut or exe, and include spaces, but don't use any quotes
- An example value is: {Windows}\wmplayer.exe
- You don't need to restart Home for this change to kick in
- Customisation: Email account
- You can specify a store name in a String value called App.Email.StoreName
- This will then launch to the specified inbox instead of Outlook mail
- The store name is CASE SENSITIVE
- It doesn't appear to break if you enter a dodgy store name - just doesn't do anything Smile
- Unread message count indicator will be count of TOTAL emails across all accounts
- You NEED TO RESTART Home for this one to kick in
- Customisation: Tasks and Calendar
- You can specify an alternative app for Tasks and Calendar using the registry keys App.Path.Tasks and App.Path.Calendar
- If the alternative app requires command line args then you can supply them with the corresponding keys App.Path.Tasks.Args and App.Path.Calendar.Args
- You don't need to restart Home for this change to kick in
- Customisation: Phone
- To use an alternative dialer (or if your device has the problem of when you click the Phone icon it freezes for 8 seconds, then you can specify an alternative dialer (or any app really) using the registry key App.Path.Phone
- You don't need to restart Home for this change to kick in
- Customisation: Lock Screen
- To use an alternative lock screen application you can set the registry key App.Path.LockScreen. This should provide a workaround for Smartphone users who cannot get out of our lock screen.
- You don't need to restart Home for this change to kick in
- Clicking calendar icon from Home screen will go to the day view instead of week.
- When browsing applications, sometimes you would see a file called "icon" that didn't launch anything - it's actually on your device and is a real file but is hidden, so hidden files are now excluded from the list.
- Updated fonts to include extended characters.
Bug Fixes
- Support for special folder locations other than the default English ones.
- Phone numbers now include all characters in addition to standard digits.
- When the Phone icon is clicked and there are no phone calls in the history it now works correctly instead of showing a grey bar at the top.
- Japan added to weather locations.
Known Issues
- Not enough time in the day.
- Red Bull wearing off.
- Devices without Phones
- Recurring Appointments
- Uninstall - we'll need to get the uninstall sorted out soon. All Pointui apps have a command line switch -uninstall that will prompt it to remove itself, registry settings etc, so you can use Update Manager to uninstall Home (through it's interface), and then get rid of Update Manager with command line. That will still leave the left soft key reverting to Phone, but pretty much everything else should be gone.
Head over to www.pointui.com for more info.
installing now.. thanks
This version still doesn't show hebrew letters, Please give a chance to change the software fonts....
to Tahoma, since SEOGE (Or the fon't u'r using) doesn't have the hebrew letters.
Will finally get a chance to test now - was trying to wait for initial bugs to get fixed... Heard lots of great reviews on this app!
Thanks for the changes.
I will try this evening (german time)
This version introduces new problems. I'm enjoying SPB Backup like never before
Anyone had success removing this after install I have tried uninstalling via phone/ computer and it removes it from the list but does not remove the program. I would love not to have to hard reset.
you dont...
after normally uninstall on your phone/pda you can
delete the registry-keys under
HKLM\Software\PoitUI and the Home-directory
located under "Prgram Files" or "Programme" or
whatever language you have...
After reboot, all is like befor....normally
On my deinstall it worked so
CABs Please
I don't use Windows and will be better if somebody post th eCABs files.
haiopei said:
you dont...
after normally uninstall on your phone/pda you can
delete the registry-keys under
HKLM\Software\PoitUI and the Home-directory
located under "Prgram Files" or "Programme" or
whatever language you have...
After reboot, all is like befor....normally
On my deinstall it worked so
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Jesus it puts the lotion on its skin. Where being held captive by a piece of software gotta love that. Talk about nazi'ism feels like AOL for mobile devices go ahead install if you dare will require a format if u want to get rid of us though.
Easy to remove if you do it the right way. You would have found this if you would have looked on the forums for the program.
To Remove .Home
Drop back to the default Windows Mobile Today Screen
Start > Programs > .Update Manager
Pointui Products > Home > 1.0 Free > Uninstall
Perform a Soft Reboot after the uninstall and Home will be removed.
To finish the uninstall, use Remove Programs to uninstall the update manager, you can delete the installation folder if you so desire and the icon form the start menu.
To bad this procedure does not work on the 6800 there is no uninstall option in the update manager.
Custom Program?
Can someone make a program that you don't have to go in the registry and make it easier to change on the fly.
blazingwolf said:
Easy to remove if you do it the right way. You would have found this if you would have looked on the forums for the program.
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Yeah, but going to the devs own forums and reading their instructions actually requires more than the single braincell a lot of people seem blessed with these days...
FloatingFatMan said:
Yeah, but going to the devs own forums and reading their instructions actually requires more than the single braincell a lot of people seem blessed with these days...
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I love when jackasses speak about things they dont know.
NexVision said:
I love when jackasses speak about things they dont know.
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And I love it when people with the IQ of a zit ask questions that are actually answered several times by several people on official forums.
NexVision said:
To bad this procedure does not work on the 6800 there is no uninstall option in the update manager.
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It is there on my 6800.
Yup a IQ of a zit because the uninstall instructions do not work for me or hundreds of others and we want this off of our device so we ask for help. Real good insult there dont quit your dayjob (if u even have one) anyways I am done with you thanks for being a complete and utter waste of space.
Thank you blazingwolf for your attempt although it did not work.
This method did though.. Still had to alter the softkey though but no biggie.
haiopei said:
you dont...
after normally uninstall on your phone/pda you can
delete the registry-keys under
HKLM\Software\PoitUI and the Home-directory
located under "Prgram Files" or "Programme" or
whatever language you have...
After reboot, all is like befor....normally
On my deinstall it worked so
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Did you go to the right location? It took me a minute to relize that I clicked on the wrong item one time.
blazingwolf said:
It is there on my 6800.
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HMMMMMMM maybe it was the version I downloaded then I even tried downloading a new version today reinstalling and uninstalling no dice still for the uninstall method posted (other then manual delete). Oh well.

