Copy/Paste problem - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hey all.
I wonder if anyone can fix this. I've tried the various shortcut apps for copy and paste (Vijay, PQz, PHM) and every one has the same problem: If I copy from one message or app, then ok it and move to another, I can't paste anything. I can copy and paste from within the same email/message, but not different ones.
The standard tap and hold method works though.
Any ideas?

VJKeyPress just simulates pressing ctrl-c ctrl-x etc.
PHM tools uses a better technique that I'm trying to "copy" (pun not intended) but it's a weird API call.
However, if ctrl-c ctrl-x etc works, VJKeyPress should work in the same way.
Odeean recently posted some problems regarding the transferability of the clipboard. Check his posts.
The problem may be that the copy and paste source and target may be copying in different formats, eg RTF instead of text. However, this should be easy to prove/disprove.
I'm going to be re-addressing VJKeypress cliboard functions as soon as I get a bit more time to do some programming. Had no time this week

I've set ctrl c and ctrl v up, and they do the same thing.
It's only a tap and hold that actually allows me to copy and paste between apps. It's very odd...


Automatically doing stuff on startup?

Am quite new to this, but it would appear there are quite many people familar with WM2003 (and it's various incarnations) here; so I figured it'd be the best place to ask this question:
a) How do I create a file (.cab or any other means) that I can run in my pocketPC that would load (or change) certain registry values in my Pocket PC?
b) Is there a location i can place a file within my pocket PC that will be loaded/run on every soft reset?
c) Is there a location i can place a file within my pocket PC that will be loaded/run on every wake up? (eg: everytime the power button is pressed and the screen comes on)
Things I'd like to do with the above; create 3 versions of a) above:
Drop a.1 into the extended rom so that on a hard reset; certain values are preloaded into the unit (eg: Owner name/ information/ various comon settings I always use/ etc)
a.2 + b would basically change my input method from 'keyboard' to 'block recognizer' after every soft reset (I just find it very annoying it switches back to 'keyboard' by default after my weekly scheduled sprite backup, or whenever I have to soft reset the unit.
a.3 + c would nuke the 'last owner' key in IIWPO so it'd send me a SMS everytime the unit is turned on; rather than only when the owner name changes. (if c) is not possible, I could drop it in b) so it'd resend an SMS on every soft reset instead).
Finally, I'd also like to know if anyone could recommend something or other I could read to learn how to write stuff for my PocketPC, and what tools you normally use. (I'd like to modify IIWPO; so that'd it'd resend an SMS every time any information is changed on the owner page (not just name); and/or to resend a new sms every 48 hours - or at least write some small code that would 'interact' with it, since the source doesn't appear to be available (?); eg: delete 'last owner' information every 48 hours...
for a.2b:
There are registry hacks to change the default SIP. Try Tweaks2K for an easy interface.
If you want to, try searching on the board for my program SIPwwitch to change the SIP from a shortcut, eg SIPswitch "Block Recogniser" (you'll have to look up the details on my other post on the development forum). Put this shortcut in your startup folder and it'll change the sip on every boot.
Runing on startup
Hi drean!
Here's how you make your program run automatically:
1. After hard reset: you must create a special folder on your devices flash drive (or whatever part of its memory that doesn't get wiped by hard reset. Not sure how memory is managed on XDA's on iPaqs there is a 'File Store'). The folder name must correspond to the number of your processor. (again for ipaq's PXA270 its 2577). In this folder place a file named autorun.exe This file will automatically lunch after every hard reset. (you can also do this with an SD or CF card see this thread
2. For your program to run after every soft reset place it or a shortcut to it in WINDOWS\StartUp (the program must not be on a storage card! You can also add a registry key with your programs path to HKLM\init.
3. To catch wake up events (power button) your application must be running and respond to power notifications. Here's the full explanations on how they work:
As for how to program for pocket pc, here's a nice thread that will give you plenty of options:
Hope this helps!
Good luck!

Folder structures - can't see files from word or excel

Does anyone have a hack that would allow me to view and save data files at a lower folder than the first level?
I.e. my folder structure is \Personal\Financial\ but excel and word can only see files stored under \Personal\ and not the next folder down. I need to be able to access this second level from within the application.
Would be a great help to me.
If you haven't installed Mad Programmer's dialog changer, you're not using your pda properly.
Thanks vijay555 but this is not in relation to installing apps.
There is a particular problem in WM2003 whereby if I store for example my pocket excel files in the folder:
I cannot access this folder from Pocket Excel but only from File Explorer. Pocket excel will only show the files existing in the folder "Financial" here. It means that when I create a new excel (or any other document) from within the application, I have to save it to the "financial" directory first, then manually move it to the next folder down.
Same applies to Pocket Word, Listpro etc files (any files in fact).
pauldcullen: although the link I gave is talking about installing cabs and stuff, Mad Programmer's dialog changer hooks into the OS and changes all of the rubbish OS dialogs (that only allow you to see My documents etc) and replaces them with the more advanced kind that let you navigate anywhere.
The link I gave is a useful one on installing the app itself, because Mad Programmer's website is generally Japanese. But hopefully, try installing the app and you should be able to navigate anywhere for saving files.
Ensure you use the right version for your OS.
thanks a lot I'll give it a shot - any stability problems with it?
I've never had any and used it for > 1year on both Wm2003 and Wm5.
vijay I've installed it and it seems to work for SAVING new files into a sub-directory which in itself is great!
However, as soon as I OPEN pocket excel etc, I cannot see these files in the subfolders, only those in the parent folder - any ideas?
Thanks for your help!
Hmm, I just noticed that...
It seens mad programmer only hooked the saving, not opening dialogs.
Not the best option I know, but I never open files using word, I use gsfinder to locate them and open directly by double clicking.
Other then that, I don't think Word was "designed" to show the subfolders as you've got them configured. PITA I know.

Itask Configuration and Answers for Mogul/XV6800/Titan Owners

I thought I'd start a thread for anyone else out there like me who thinks that rhov23's Itask application is fantastic but has yet to figure out all of his/her device's configuration. If we all collaberate, we can probably limit the repetetive questions rhov23 gets so that he can continue to focus on advancing Itask even further.
Anyway, I'll keep this updated with the latest answers and fixes. Post your own configuration questions and hopefully someone else has already found the answer and can help you out. It is also worth noting that it is usually necessary to restart iTask after making changes or modifications. Below is my modified input.txt file and descriptions of the changes I've made thus far. There is still a ton of work left to do:
***Make no mistake, all credit and donations go to rhov23, here ->>> <> for this super piece of technology. ***
Input.txt (pt 1)
\\ iTask Modification File
\\Background picture
\\Clock on main screen. modern=24 hour clock, old= 12 hour-ampm
&timeformat=old&END (I'M USING THE OLD= 12 HOUR-AMPM FORMAT)
\\Analog Clock background
\\Change your weathercode from Yahoo Weather. Change degrees=c to f if you want fahrenheit
\\Main menu
\\ This is the text under the Main menu icons, do not use more than 8-9 charachters
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
&mainexec1=\Program%20Files\PocketCM\PocketCM.exe&END (changed to pocketcm)
&mainexec6=\windows\Favorites\Google Search - Maps.url&END (able to use a favorite from internet explorer for this button. very cool)
&mainexec12=\windows\tmail.exe&END (changed to messaging)
&mainexec13=\windows\Start%20Menu\Opera.lnk&END (changed to operamini)
&mainexec14=\windows\wmplayer.exe&END (changed to windows media player)
&devicelock=\Program%20Files\S2U2\s2u2.exe&END (changed device lock to S2U2)
\\Mainbutton images
\\Loading time for different programs.(How long the loadingimage will stay on-screen. Numbervalue is in milliseconds
\\Games menu
\\ This is the text under the Games menu icons, do not use more than 8-9 charachters
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
\\Gamesbutton images
\\Loading time for different programs.(How long the loadingimage will stay on-screen. Numbervalue is in milliseconds
Input.txt (pt 2)
\\ This is the text under the Apps menu icons, do not use more than 8-9 charachters
&appstext1=MemM&END (MemMaid)
&appstext3=Sling&END (Mobile Slingbox Player)
&appstext6=Word&END (Word .exe)
&appstext14=Radio&END (using streamcenter radio streams as mobile favorite for this button)
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
&appsexec1=\Program%20Files\MemMaid\MemMaid.exe&END (changed to MemMaid)
&appsexec3=\Program%20Files\Sling%20Media\SlingPlayer%20Mobile\SlingPlayer.exe&END (changed to Mobile Slingbox Player)
&appsexec6=\Windows\pword.exe&END (Word .exe)
&appsexec14=\Windows\Favorites\Radio.url&END (using streamcenter radio streams from internet explorer favorites)
\\Appsbutton images
\\Loading time for different programs.(How long the loadingimage will stay on-screen. Numbervalue is in milliseconds
Input.txt (pt 3)
\\Settings menu
\\ This is the text under the Settings menu icons
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
&settingsexec2=\itask\Backlight.lnk&END (IF ANYONE HAS THIS ONE FIGURED OUT, PLEASE SHARE)
&settingsexec7=\itask\Remove Programs.lnk&END
\\Settingsbutton images
\\Loading time for different programs.(How long the loadingimage will stay on-screen. Numbervalue is in milliseconds
\\This is the text under the Internal apps menu icons
\\iProgsbutton images
\\This is the update button on weather
\\This is the background of news
\\This is the background of settings
\\This is the name of the Games apps menu that slides from right
\\This is the name of the internal apps menu that slides from right
\\This is the name of the Apps apps menu that slides from right
\\Parameter for retrieving unread sms and unanswered calls, operator
do i just copy and paste
Tried to change, need current ver.
jak3n3al said:
do i just copy and paste
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is an example of how some of the configuration should look. What exactly are you trying to set up?
well first of all im just now starting to understand this and i feel like a super genius
but my problem is most of the programs dont open it just shows a screenshot what do i do
rde34 said:
\\ This is the text under the Apps menu icons, do not use more than 8-9 charachters
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
&appsexec1=\Program%20Files\MemMaid\MemMaid.exe&END (changed to MemMaid)
&appsexec3=\Program%20Files\Sling%20Media\SlingPlayer%20Mobile\SlingPlayer.exe&END (changed to Mobile Slingbox Player)
&appsexec6=\Windows\pword.exe&END (Word .exe)
&appsexec14=\Windows\Favorites\Radio.url&END (using streamcenter radio streams from internet explorer favorites)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
does anyone know what the english version of these paths are?
woodicw said:
does anyone know what the english version of these paths are?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
For example, &appsexec4=\windows\wmplayer.exe&END refers to my windows media player. If you either look through the folders of your device from your computer or look through your file explorer on your device you can find the path to just about every program and link it correctly to the proper button. So, you insert the proper path aft this part, &appsexec4=
helppp dude i love this program i just need some help
jak3n3al said:
helppp dude i love this program i just need some help
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You need to copy the input.txt file from the iTask folder on your phone and paste that copy somewhere on your computer to begin modifying.
Don't know why??
Don't know why, but this would not work for me:
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
&settingsexec7=\itask\Remove Programs.lnk&END
But this does:
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
The first set starting with \itask work for me. The only one that doesn't is the link to backlight setting. The ones that work for you from the \windows\start%20menu don't work at all. Thanks for your input though.
rde34 said:
The first set starting with \itask work for me. The only one that doesn't is the link to backlight setting. The ones that work for you from the \windows\start%20menu don't work at all. Thanks for your input though.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Are you able to update the weather and news without being connected via active sync?
okay who here has itask completely working i have questions for them
rde first of all do you have an instant messanger name so you could help me figure this out quicker?
if not here are my issues i downloaded itask the other day and only a few programs worked the rest were screen shots how do i change it so it goes directly to the program?
i tried changing some things in input and saved but no changes occured
Some Help
This is a great application, which once you get used to is straight forward, if a little time consuming to set up. Half the fun for me is working out things that I don't really understand. I have the original input text file open alongside the one that I'm configuring. You just have to find the section in the input text relating to the icon your trying to link, and after the = add the path for the application you want that icon to open. The path can be found in Explorer (or better still Resco Explorer) on your device. Most applications are found in Windows, Start Menu, Programs. This is what you type into the input text file in itask, remembering a space has to be replaced by %20 and that the text has to be exactly the same as on your device.
So, if you want to assign a program (say File Explorer) on your device to the first icon on the Apps page of itask (ie when you launch itask, click the 3rd icon along which says Apps, the first button is in the top left of the new screen and has a smiley face on it) alter the text in the input.txt file of itask after &appstext1="\Windows\Start%20Menu\Programs\File%20Explorer.Ink&END" Don't use the " " I've included them to show what you should type. When you close input.txt and restart itask, the smiley face button in Apps will open File Explorer. And so on until you've linked an icon to each program you want to open.
If I start a program always comes shortly after another top ;-( (
How can I change that?
Orbit 2 (HTC) WM 6
max-es said:
If I start a program always comes shortly after another top ;-( (
How can I change that?
Orbit 2 (HTC) WM 6
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The "another top" program you see is nothing but a screenshot, you can replace it by changing *loadpic*.jpg to any other picture you want, or if you want your application to open immediately, change your *loadtime configuration in input.txt to 0.

[App] GSlide 0.7

Build your own sliding app today!
Check out the latest version, AND read the new API Docs. Its a piece of cake making your own slide app. All you need to know is basic MortScript!
Go to
* New cool screenshots and examples on the site!
I am moving the discussions to my GSlide Google group. For queries turn to
I feel i need to to start fresh somewhere I will keep this updated anyway of course.
Last updated with:
- Many usability improvements. About time you might say, after all the backend stuff
- "Easy access" buttons on the top bar. Implemented using the Faces API of course
- Much improved RSS handeling
- Super easy adding of RSS channels
- Super easy adding/editing of GSlide Settings
- A lot of tweaks here and there
- Super cool update, as always
- Real RSS reader
- Configurable alpha effects for many objects
- Lots of other good under-the-hoddie stuff
- New really cool message overlay feature which is totally configurable. Right sweep the top bar for an example. Why not use it for a preview of images?
- A really cool new Face feature which makes it possible to capture clicks where ever they occur on the screen!
- Much improved code!
- Improved the text viewer so that it expands with text size.
- Ships with a fully functional XML parser in MortScript!
I really need to update the API! I have made many main script functions much easier to access. With all the new features you can really make any kind of app. Not just sliding lists! Because of the Faces feature you can load any image and just create a simple script which tells at which click-coordinates scripts shall run. Check out the onMessageClick.mscr file.
- GSlideAPI.Remote ready! To get things started i made a Wazzup feature where you can download news from the GSlide site.
- Made a nice text viewer sample for the Wazzup context.
- Made a LOT of bug fixes.
- Added a lot of new features for the API. Almost all Context properties are now possible to change at runtime through the super simple script API.
- With all new features your can really create just about any app using GSlide!
The Wazzup feature might need a change of settings. Try to open the context, if it says it cannot connect:
- go to the Settings context
- then to Remote
- then double click on Internet Connection and fill in the name of your internet connection. The default value is "Internet" which usually works.
- Click X/Y positions. You now get the users current X/Y position from the GSlideAPI. This means that you can calculate where the user clicked. If you dont get the point now dont worry, i will soon write about this in the API Ref. But its MAJOR feature!
- You can now have a real fullscreen with no bottom menu if you set <hideBottomPanel> to true in the Context.xml file
- Optional static top bar with dynamic message text and dynamic background (settopbartext, settopbarimage)
Events supported for the top bar are onClick, onDoubleClick, onSweepRight, onSweepLeft.
- More event handlers are now available through the api such as onApplicationStart and onApplicationExit.
- More very cool things coming soon.
- All new Oxygen skin with much more complete icon set (drawback is total size in kb)
- Communication with GSlide is now xmlrpc standard.
- More possibilities to make adhoc changes to events handlers (onApplicationStart, onApplicationExit, onTapAndHold, onBackTapAndHold, onClick, onDoubleClick, etc).
- Tap and hold support
- Renaming the menues is now possible.
- Right sweep now takes you to the actions (cut and paste etc) as default (really easy to change in the context.xml file. Look for the onSweepRight tag.).
- New "GSlide Settings" Context which makes it easy to set system paths according to your whishes. Switch to the new Settings context and click on the "Contexts" folder. When you click on the different settings here you can input new paths. Dont mess around with paths that look like this: GSlideAPI[paths]... unless you know what your doing.
- Working zip features again.
- A bit reworked skins.
- Uses the latest MortScript beta.
- GSlide can now read JSON! This means that you can load data from basically any data source, straight from the net.
This could be anything from RSS to stock information or mail accounts.
Contact me through my xda-developers GSlide page for more info until I finish the docs.
- You can now set shortcuts in GSlide to access files or folders in a snap. Super cool feature! Make new shortcuts by selecting any file or folder. Go to the Actions View by choosing "Show Actions". Here simply click on "Create Shortcut". You are now asked if you want to save it in the default location which is the GSlide specific folder used with the Right Sweep. Otherwise you can make a regular shortcut anywhere you wish by selecting a folder.
<-- Sweep = Back
Sweep = Shortcuts -->
Custom file/app icon support
You have to make your own icons though. I put a bunch of ok samples in the Default contexts new Icons folder. to make your own, simply name them with the associated extension (txt.gif or whatever). exe files and lnk files can also have associated icons such as PocketArtist.gif or Opera.gif (it does not need to be gif, any common bitmap format should work...)
New "lock list" function which secures execution of actions.
- New Actions with the same sliding interface as the rest of the app.
- New filter action. Now you can actually open the windows folder, IF you apply the filter first.
- Many fixes and patches.
- A lot better structure of folders and files.
- No need to specify the location of scripts in the context.xml files. (though its still possible).
* When an action is executed, GSlide will automatically redirect to the previous view. It just takes a moment *
- Easier install/config. Checks many more paths automatically.
- Awaited bug fixes
- Much improved Context handling (no restart needed).
- Better sweep functionality.
- Right sweep now opens folders as default.
- Much improved Scripting API.
- New Contexts for changing Volume and Backlight.
- 250 less KB
- Horizontal sweep support
- More detailed list behaiviour config, per context.
- Support for external, custom, event handlers for:
-- onSweepRight (default, "Open with ZNote")
-- onSweepLeft (default, "Back")
-- onDoubleClick (default, "Open with shell")
All the actions for list behaiviour is set in the context.xml file (GSlide/context/Default/context.xml is standard). The default paths to the MortScript.exe and the different scripts are /Program/GSlide/actions/....
This will probably have to be changed to your local WM5 file system path naming (/Program Files/GSlide/actions/ for UK/US).
To skip the custom actions for double clicks and sweeps and make GSlide operate as usual, just remove the lines:
- I improved the list control with two new settings in the context.xml
The first tag sets the max speed when sweeping.
The second tells the list when it should start to scroll away. The higher the value the faster you have to sweep to get it scrolling.
- New and improved actions
- Since a guy had an strange incident with files getting deleted without any clear reason (i have no idea if GSlide was to blame but still...), i have added a bunch of security features:
-- Execution of GSlideAPI scripts will exit at once if GSlide.exe is not running.
-- Folders can not be deleted from the root of Windows. This means for example: \Windows\, \Programs\, \Storage Card\ etc
PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS RELEASE, just to keep on the safe side.
-Included ZNotepad and a cool new light skin.
-Also added a Refresh directory action.
-Removed some bugs
Have fun sliding
GSlide have, at the moment, only QVGA skins... VGA is onthe way. you can of course easily make a new skin yourself if you can't wait
You might have to update the GSlideAPI.mscr file in the /actions/ folder with new system paths...
Hallo Lars. The application still crashes on /windows, photos and so on ! so ..what should i say.... nice but not usefull.
please help me out by telling me the number of files in your Photos folder.
And when you say crash, is itan unhandled exception or a GSlide popup?
My best suggestion for large folders at the moment is to keep the row size/icon size small (approx 30x30). this consumes far less RAM.
Thanks for trying it out
I'll let you know if I come up with some other solution.
i get an unexpected error (think it was from wm6) and the application closes. in photos i have just five 3 mpix pictures. same when i try to open the windows folder.
i uninstalled it and can't tell you more.
thanks man... this is wonderful.
Gslide seems to be moving forward really well.
it'll certainly switch my resco explorer soon
Hmm... Let me see what i can do...
The windows folder is a "No-can-do" folder until i make a new less memory intense scrolling list.
Can you help me by downloading and trying more of the functionality and give me feedback.
On my device it works like a charm
Also tried it on a Qtek 2020i WM2003SE with CF2 and it worked fine.
Dont forget to try out the scripting API!
Fixed a new Action menu with more thumb-friendly function
Uploaded 16:00 GMT+1, only the GSlide.exe file has changed.
the zip file seems empty ...
corrupted upload?
the programs looks promising
t0k0m0k0 said:
the zip file seems empty ...
corrupted upload?
the programs looks promising
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
empty here too...
No files in the zip folder. Would really like to try out this program.
Sorry! Uploaded from my HTC
Let me try again
The zip should work
Let me know if you have any problems.
Please remember to update the paths in the /GSlide/actions/GSlideAPI.mscr file if you get unexpected behaiviour. The file is richly commented (to be written by me anyway ) and is easy to edit.
Dont forget to read the small, but growing, "GSlide Developers Guide" in the /actions/ folder
This is simply fantastic!! Thank you for developing another file browser
1. Can you make the files seen pick up the associated icon? (obvious)
2. Please make the up directory button only require one tap, I like having to double tap to execute files but not to go up a directory.
3. I notice sometimes the list stops scrolling right to the end, may want to look into this.
4.Application needs a name, it only displays “\” as program name in running apps.
5. Have had an error once (I have NETCFv3.5 in the ROM):
An error message is available for this exception but cannot be displayed because these messages are optional and are not currently installed on this device. Please install ‘’ for Windows Mobile 5.0 and above or ‘’ for other platforms. Restart the application to see the message.
at System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item(Int32 index)
at Scroller.KList.MouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
at Scroller.ScrollingPane.ScrollingPane_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control._InternalWnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at Microsoft.AGL.Forms.EVL.EnterMainLoop(IntPtr hwnMain)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form fm)
at Scroller.Program.Main(String[] args)
Please keep up development
Thanks for trying out my little app!
Let me help you out a bit,
1. Can you make the files seen pick up the associated icon? (obvious)
- I have tried this, but i think i will place assoc. icons in the skin folders for now. I didnt get the windows icons to work properly.
2. Please make the up directory button only require one tap, I like having to double tap to execute files but not to go up a directory.
- Okidoki, I will make it optional
3. I notice sometimes the list stops scrolling right to the end, may want to look into this.
- This is actually my "Select-Zone" feature It is helps you to select items by keeping the list still. The width of this region is set in the context.xml file of each context.
4.Application needs a name, it only displays “\” as program name in running apps.
- Ahh... Fix it i will
5. Have had an error once (I have NETCFv3.5 in the ROM):
- I think i have fixed that problem now. Download the new exe
mysparkle said:
3. I notice sometimes the list stops scrolling right to the end, may want to look into this.
- This is actually my "Select-Zone" feature It is helps you to select items by keeping the list still. The width of this region is set in the context.xml file of each context.
4.Application needs a name, it only displays “\” as program name in running apps.
- Ahh... Fix it i will
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Looking better
3. What I meant is if the app is run from a shortcut it shows the WM top bar and covers up the up folder icon. It opens in full screen and doesn't appear to do this if you run it from a file explorer (kinda defeats the purpose), any ideas?
4. Still showing "\"
6. Are you able to make the action list scrollable with gestures so I don't have to push the tiny up or down arrows to move through the list?
Still heaps of potential!!
Okay, i have NO Idea what just happened but I know i'm pretty pissed off.
I extracted the zip to try gslide out and i decided i'll stick to my previous program. when i tried to delete the folder, it deleted everything but two files. then i was trying to get dynamo 3.2.01 (previous version ran fine) and i went to check a registry key so dynamo would run and before i could go back to my total commander, mortscript came up with a message saying "Deleted!" thinking it deleted remaining files from the gslide folder, i dismissed it. but apparently something somehow deleted just about every file on my storage card! 5 gigs of music, morphgear roms, pictures, BACKUP files, EVERYTHING!!!!
I have no idea what caused this but I wanted to warn everyone that this happened to me and tto be careful. maybe be safe and if you need to delete the gsfolder, take your memory card out and do it from your PC
UPDATE: I believe it has to do something with mortscript. I am using the rom in my sig and it has mortscript cooked in and has a folder of mortscript commands and now it is empty! I'll make sure that chef knows
Nice applications
Trying it now
Hope will work
richabi said:
Okay, i have NO Idea what just happened but I know i'm pretty pissed off.
I extracted the zip to try gslide out and i decided i'll stick to my previous program. when i tried to delete the folder, it deleted everything but two files. then i was trying to get dynamo 3.2.01 (previous version ran fine) and i went to check a registry key so dynamo would run and before i could go back to my total commander, mortscript came up with a message saying "Deleted!" thinking it deleted remaining files from the gslide folder, i dismissed it. but apparently something somehow deleted just about every file on my storage card! 5 gigs of music, morphgear roms, pictures, BACKUP files, EVERYTHING!!!!
I have no idea what caused this but I wanted to warn everyone that this happened to me and tto be careful. maybe be safe and if you need to delete the gsfolder, take your memory card out and do it from your PC
UPDATE: I believe it has to do something with mortscript. I am using the rom in my sig and it has mortscript cooked in and has a folder of mortscript commands and now it is empty! I'll make sure that chef knows
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Scary! I am sorry to hear of your major mishap
I am just wondering what happened?!
GSlide is contained in its root folder without any connections to the outside world except through MortScript. And the MortScript.exe is located in the GSlide folder as well...
I just can not see how deleting the GSlide folder could trigger anything... And GSlide has no MortScript saying just "Deleted!" so the dialog was not from GSlide.
* How, with which app, did you delete the GSlide folder?
* Which two files where left in the GSlide folder after your first delete attempt?
Did you delete the GSlide folder from within the GSlide app? This could maybe screw up things, and could explain the two locked files as you are basically deleting GSlide in it's own running process... kind of asking it to implode.
This is just a theory of course and does not account for the loss of the other data.
Didn't get the rom/sig thing
Please get back to me asap with help.

[App] VJBrisk v0.4 - new and improved

I've finally gotten around to updating VJBrisk.
See here for info about the old version.
I don't know if anyone uses VJBrisk anymore, but basically it's a small .exe file that can be used to replace another .exe.
eg, If you want to change your Stocks.exe application and make it launch VJEschaton.exe, but Stocks.exe is somehow hardcoded into a skin or application, then rename VJBrisk.exe to Stocks.exe, and drop the new Stocks.exe into the correct folder. VJBrisk will then allow you to launch whatever app you want to, instead of Stocks.exe.
Ok - what's new:
1. People used to have problems with the old VJBrisk.exe if they wanted to replace multiple target applications, as you could only have one VJBrisk per folder.
This is no longer the case.
You can rename VJBrisk.exe to anything you want, and keep multiple copies in a folder.
Eg, say you rename VJBrisk.exe to TomTom.exe.
When you launch TomTom.exe, it will search for TomTomEXE.exe or TomTomLNK.lnk in the target folder, and execute that app.
So VJBrisk will now recognise that you have renamed VJBrisk, and search for [NEW NAME]EXE.exe (for an executable file) or [NEW NAME]LNK.lnk (for a shortcut).
In this way, you can have as many VJBrisks in a folder as you want, each with a custom name and target.
2. VJBrisk will now pass the command line passed to IT, on to the target application. Eg, If Stocks.exe is launched with command line
"Stocks.exe NBC", then VJBrisk will try to launch
"VJBriskEXE.exe NBC".
To show debug info when checking command lines etc, please rename the VJBrisk.exe file VJDebug.exe. It will then show information about what program and command line parameters it is about to launch.
That's it for now I think. Let me know if it works for you.
Download from my website, or here:
Version 0.42 - please replace the exe in the above cab, or just use this exe:
Please remember, you will have to rename shortcuts you used to use with the OLD VJBrisk.exe to VJBriskLNK.lnk, instead of VJTarget.lnk.
Apologies, but that's the cost of the new flexibility of supporting unlimited VJBrisk redirects in the same folder.
Version v0.4 has been re-written from scratch.
It now supports a very peculiar "feature" in the OS, where if you "launch" a shortcut (.lnk) file from a shortcut, the redirected shortcut will not launch with its command line parameters. I've sidestepped around this feature so it works as it should.
It's a niche "feature", but some might be effected by this. See VJSipSwitch for details (eg launching VJSipSwitch from a shortcut with command line parameters, and launching THAT shortcut with VJBrisk now works).
As an added bonus, VJBrisk will pass parameters to a shortcut, and also merge parameters from a shortcut to a shortcut before launching the target shortcut.
Trust me, this makes sense when you're on Meth.
A. Make a shortcut to VJSipSwitch with the command line parameters "key", and call it VJBriskLNK.lnk (Shortcut A)
B. Make a shortcut to VJBrisk.exe with command line parameters "board" (Shortcut B)
Launching Shortcut B will launch VJBrisk, which will merge the parameters "key" and "board" to launch VJSipSwitch with the parameters "keyboard".
PS Once again, I repeat what I say on my website. You really don't need this app. But if you do, it might come in handy!
Version History:
v0.3: updated command line redirection and dynamic renaming
v0.4: entirely re-written; parsing of .lnk command line parameters
v0.41: fixed bug in handling of .exe in root folder
v0.42: support VJDebug debug info
It does not work for me.
I've been trying for hours to get Calendar.exe in /Windows
to redirect to PocketInformant
I used to use these instructions. Can you please modify them to fit the new version.
To launch another PIM from TouchFlo 2d from the home tab:
1. Download VJBrisk app (one of Vijay555 tools).
2. Rename VJBrisk to Calendar.exe and the shortcut to your PIM app to (ex. agendaone.lnk) to VJTarget.lnk.
3. Place these two files into \Windows folder.
The difference (and advantage) between the old version and the new one is that the new one will (by default) search for
VJBriskEXE.exe or
VJBriskLNK.lnk (for the shortcut to pocket informant).
So rename the shortcut to VJBriskLNK.lnk, not VJTarget.lnk.
Let me know if that doesn't work.
No that doesn't work. I get the following error:
VJBrisk can be used to redirect hardcoded .exe and .Ink links.
Couldn't find 'calendarLNK.Ink' or 'calendarEXE.exe'
in the launch directory: '\Windows'
Command Line:
Can you help further? or direct me to a copy of v0.1 which did work.
@urbanlibrarian: can you explain exactly what you're doing?
VJBrisk is clearly working - you've renamed VJBrisk to Calendar.exe, and are launching it. The error tells you exactly what you need to do next.
VJBrisk/Calender.exe is now searching for a file called
'calendarLNK.lnk' or 'calendarEXE.exe'.
So Find PocketInformant on your system, and find the relevant .exe file you want to launch. Make a shortcut to it (eg, if it's called PocketInformant.exe, make a shortcut to it called PocketInformant.lnk).
Next rename PocketInformant.lnk to CalendarLNK.lnk, and drop that in your \windows\ folder.
Let me know if it works ok.
Sorry, may i ask what is the function of this apps?
@bbshk - I tried to explain the first post, and it helps if you read the old VJBrisk thread.
Basically, say you've got the TouchFlo interface, and it's hard coded to launch the standard MS Calendar when you click "calendar". [I'm giving an example, because I don't use the interface, but theoretically follow my example].
Now, say you use Pocket Informant as your calendar - pressing Calendar in TouchFlo is just a pain in the ass, as it doesn't launch Pocket Informant, it launches the MS Calender.
So, you find Calendar.exe in your \windows\ folder, and replace it with VJBrisk.exe (renamed to Calendar.exe).
When you click Calender in TouchFlo, TouchFlo tried to launch the MS Calendar. But instead, it launches VJBrisk.
Now, that's helpful, but VJBrisk alone does nothing.
The next step is to tell VJBrisk to actually launch PocketInformant, achieving your primary goal.
TouchFlo -> Press "Calendar" -> Launches Calendar.exe (actually VJBrisk) -> VJBrisk launches Pocket Informant.
So, although it has a very niche use, in some circumstances, it's the easiest way to make some software do what you want it to do.
Search for VJBrisk and get an idea of where it's used in various roms etc.
And remember what I say on my website re VJBrisk:
This is very specific in use. You don't need it, I'm sure.
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Very helpful tool for me, Thank you, Vijay555.
I use VJBrisk to lunch shortcuts by gesture in UltimateLunch. UL's gesture supportes only .exe program.
@ufriendxda - glad you like it. I didn't even think of using it like that, good stuff!
vijay555 said:
I don't know if anyone uses VJBrisk anymore
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I think alot of us rely heavily on the use of it! I know I do. Thanks for the update!
Thanx a million this app made me sor happy, thnx to it i could now finich my dev. of the new X1 powerbutton 12 icon Actionscreen with softreset and power off...
Thanks for this VJ. However, I have just made an error!
I tried to replace Tasks.exe to launch the SBSHCalendarTasks.exe but it launches Resco Contact Manager.
How do I get it back to launching the basic tasks program? Or what I need to do to launch SBSHCalendarTasks?
You should just be able to go into your \windows\ folder and delete tasks.exe (if that was the renamed VJBrisk.exe that you added).
When you "delete" files from the rom, they aren't deleted, they just get replaced with the original rom file. So if you delete the fake tasks.exe, the original tasks.exe should come back.
There's no reason it should be launching Resco unless you told it to do so. Try remove any copies of VJBrisk.exe that you added, find the program you want to launch (SPB Tasks), copy the .exe, rename to Tasks.exe and place in the \windows\ folder.
Let me know how it goes.
Thanks VJ, that all worked fine.
However, it appears that I was trying to call the wrong programme!
Let me explain: I wanted to get the 'Tasks' link on the 'Today' page to link to SBSHCalendarTasks. Stupidly I had assumed that the call for the 'Tasks' on the 'Today' page is linked to Tasks.exe!
Anyone know what I should be replacing when the 'Tasks' is clicked on the 'Today' screen?
VJBrisk and VJ sipswitch won't work in combination.
Hello VJ, have a new one. I want to switch SIP by profile (using PhoneAlarm), but I have to start a.EXE and cannot pass a parameter (by using a LNK or directly at the .EXE invocation.
So VJBrisk seems to be the perfect version to invoke it. I use it already to start other Calender or Tasks (invoked by Manila2D), but it fails to invoke VJ SIPSwitch.
VJBrisk -> SPISWITCH will not work.
Exact steps, which I have done (maybe I made an error)
Created a .lnk file and named it "SipSwitchNullkbLNK.LNK" which invokes "sipswitch nullkb" (nullkb is a SIP). Invoking it directly works well. Now made a copy of VJBrisk.exe and named it SipSwitchNullkb.exe and placed it into same folder. When I start it, I get a VJ SIP messagebox: "SIP not found".
You might have a look on it?
Thank you
keep on
Very useful, thanks a lot !
Version 0.4 released
New version:
Version v0.4 has been re-written from scratch.
It now supports a very peculiar "feature" in the OS, where if you "launch" a shortcut (.lnk) file from a shortcut, the redirected shortcut will not launch with its command line parameters. I've sidestepped around this feature so it works as it should.
It's a niche "feature", but some might be effected by this. See VJSipSwitch for details (eg launching VJSipSwitch from a shortcut with command line parameters, and launching THAT shortcut with VJBrisk now works).
As an added bonus, VJBrisk will pass parameters to a shortcut, and also merge parameters from a shortcut to a shortcut before launching the target shortcut.
Trust me, this makes sense when you're on Meth.
A. Make a shortcut to VJSipSwitch with the command line parameters "key", and call it VJBriskLNK.lnk (Shortcut A)
B. Make a shortcut to VJBrisk.exe with command line parameters "board" (Shortcut B)
Launching Shortcut B will launch VJBrisk, which will merge the parameters "key" and "board" to launch VJSipSwitch with the parameters "keyboard".
I'm having trouble getting this working... I'm trying to use it to redirect manilla2d to open the Google Maps exe on my strage card instead of device memory (as I have an Omnia i910 and device memory is precious!)
I put a copy of vjbrisk.exe in \Program Files\Google Maps, renamed it "GoogleMaps.exe" (which is what is hard coded in Manilla), created a shortcut to the actual GoogleMaps on the storage card, named it "GoogleMapsLNK.lnk", put it in the same directory, but every time I try to access the maps tabs I get an error from vjbrisk saying "Could't find 'GoogleMapsLNK.lnk' or 'GoogleMapsEXE.exe' in the directory '\Program Files\GoogleMaps'". BUT I KNOW THEY ARE THERE, and spelled correctly. What am I missing???
I included an attachment of a screenshot of the "\Program Files\Google Maps\" directory connected through ActiveSync to show you I am not crazy.
@false_apology - did this issue ever get fixed?
Could you email or attach the .exe and .lnk you made so I can have a look at them.
How did you create the .lnk?
Hi Vijay, I have been using the original VJBrisk for a while now - it is a really handy tool. Shall update to the new version - looks like a great step forward!

