[Q]Performance Issues - Galaxy Tab General

I have a Verizon Tab and am experiencing very slow performance on my device. I'm experiencing very slow transitions between homescreens and application screens list-pages, touch screen unresponsiveness, media scanner takes like 15 minutes on SD card(its not SD card as I took it out).When I first got it, it was as everyone else described it as being with a few hiccups sometimes, but nothing like I am experiencing now.
I did a soft reset and even a hard reset. Installed OCLF and uninstalled it as it made no difference in my situation. Wondering if I could flash an original firmware or a different firmware to see if that fixes the problem. Has anyone else had this problem?
Kinda weird,I got tired of trying to fix my tab and charged it up and turned it off and put it back in the box and didn't plan on messing with it until there was some custom roms(had to enjoy my thanksgiving) as I couldn't sell it like it is. So, today I decided to turn it on and it's back to its normal speed but battery was at 0% for some reason(odd as I charged it to about 87%) .
I think something went wrong with my nand/install or something as whenever I'd boot up it ask me what language I prefer(eng or espanol...no hablo espanol) and I'd select english then it would just go to the home screen(but it's suppose to ask you for your gmail account and so fourth) from there and sluggishness would ensue. I also have verizon service/3g now for some reason(I don't have a plan for them).
There's one thing though, a few buttons(home, search, menu) don't work as they didn't work before but the back button does. I am not too worried about that as I know it's not hardware related because they work in recovery but... and the notification bar is unresponsive. lol

I didn't like the response time of the home screen when I got my Sprint SGT so I replaced it with LauncherPro from the market. It is so much smoother now by my perception.
Not sure about your overall slowness but you might want to give that a try.
Also, I have heard that the Verizon version of the SGT is bloatware city. I can't confirm since I have a Sprint model but just relaying what I have read.

Yeah, I tried launcher pro before and still get the same type of lag.

I'd try rooting and removing the bloatware, or freezing them if you have titanium pro. Freezing will leave them installed so you won't miss any ota updates.
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA App

You know, I love this thing and overall its on par with speed on my incredible but the quadrant score is ****. My device got about 1000 when my phone gets 1400. dunno what Samsung did to this thing lol.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab

Is there anyway to format my internal SD card?

shoman24v said:
You know, I love this thing and overall its on par with speed on my incredible but the quadrant score is ****. My device got about 1000 when my phone gets 1400. dunno what Samsung did to this thing lol.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab
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That's because Quadrant is a rubbish benchmark. You can OCLF and see a massive jump in Quadrant, but it won't actually make the Tab any faster in the real world IMO.

This was exactly why I took my Verizon tab back and got a Sprint one instead.
I would try a factory reset, then de-bloat though, who knows what wonders it may have.
I would not really recommend the OCLF, that's just my personal opinion though, others may suggest otherwise.
I do stand behind Launcher Pro. I love it

Been thinking about the Galaxy tab the last week or so. So yesterday went over to Carphone Warehouse to have a play with one. I was particularly interested to find out about the flash in browser performance which I have heard isn't so flash.
I have a HD2 with MDeejay Desire HD Android ROM running on it and flash on it is very smooth.
I have to say the Galaxy Tab seemed a bit more sluggish and just seemed that bit more cumbersome to navigate around.
Anyone else have a Desire HD and Galaxy tab and tell us their thoughts.

The android system is all about user imput. Its rough and it supports a whole load of chipsets but it needs a little cunning to get going. And, for now, it simply cannot be as fast as ios or windows 7.
Its all about cool cheap stuff. And sticking it to apple!
But for me this is a sign of conceptual maturity... it is a risk happy system that believes its on the way to glory.
I like that

Kinda weird,I got tired of trying to fix my tab and charged it up and turned it off and put it back in the box and didn't plan on messing with it until there was some custom roms(had to enjoy my thanksgiving) as I couldn't sell it like it is. So, today I decided to turn it on and it's back to its normal speed but battery was at 0% for some reason(odd as I charged it to about 87%) .
I think something went wrong with my nand/install or something as whenever I'd boot up it ask me what language I prefer(eng or espanol...no hablo espanol) and I'd select english then it would just go to the home screen(but it's suppose to ask you for your gmail account and so fourth) from there and sluggishness would ensue. I also have verizon service/3g now for some reason(I don't have a plan for them).
There's one though, a few buttons(home, search, menu) don't work as before but the back button does. I am not too worried about that as I know it's not hardware related because they work in recovery but...

konawayne said:
Is there anyway to format my internal SD card?
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would like to know this as well

you should be able to do this through windows - connect usb, mount, then use the windows formatting tool with fat32

foxmeister said:
That's because Quadrant is a rubbish benchmark. You can OCLF and see a massive jump in Quadrant, but it won't actually make the Tab any faster in the real world IMO.
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Except, you know, when it's lagging.


Why does this thing run so bad?!

Just wondering if its just my tab or just the tab in general, this thing is always freezing n just runs like its a frigin g1, slow! I have the sprint version, anyone else have the same probs?
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA App
sory to tell dude it's your tab, i gave up my ihone4 & ipad for my tab. it's one of the best devise i ever had, maybe omething is wrong with your tab take it back get an other one.
Got a Tab last night, and even after flashing to the latest ROM it is rather unreliable in terms of performance and lag. I've already experienced several complete lock ups which is more than my Desire has had in 6 months.
So I will be returning mine for a refund tomorrow. Think I'll wait for the v2 with 2.3 or Honeycomb.
Got mine loaded to the gills, and it zips along just fine, not a single lockup.
So there's no way to fix this? I can't take it back cause it wasn't brought new, I did a reset n started all over with it tho but I have these probs... I'm guess the stupid sprint activation thing has somethin to do with it but I can't get rid of it untill I root my device... there's gotta be a reason this thing is messed up?!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I sat in a sprint store playing with their tab for about an hour. I was blown away with the speed of it. If you are not finding the Tab peppy I would look into bringing it back.
I would also say that the sprint tab i was using was a much better experience than the ATT one I bought. I kept saying to myself something is not right here. Then I flashed it and all is good.
Mine was suffering from bad browser lag until I flashed it. I don't have a Sprint Tab though. Mine is T-Mobile. I'm running Roto-JMC. It's very smooth now!!!!
i just watced a lagg fixed galaxy s phone on youtube run super super fast.
he said it was about 2700 quadrant score ( iknow its not a good method) i dont even get half of that and my tab is so much slower.
I am keeping it though i really cant see this not getting to the galaxy s smoothness level sometime within the next months, whats your thoughts? will it get as smooth, i mean why would it not? i cant even use flash in any of the browsers except youtube mobile, and i the old desire running hd flash!
it should be able to be soo much smoother with future firmware updates or hacks?
btw. Kindle app on this is like the best e reader ever! if u dont mind only 10 hour batterylife.
I have the Sprint version full stock, and I have no freezing or lagging.
Just a long shot here, but on my Evo I was having some lock-ups out of the blue, and when I finally connected it to my PC via USB, it told me that the SD card had errors. Ran scandisk, fixed the errors, and then everything was back to normal.
i have verizon version and its blazing FAST! however it did reboot a couple of times on me but i am sure its an app i have downloaded not the tab
simon2901 said:
i just watced a lagg fixed galaxy s phone on youtube run super super fast.
he said it was about 2700 quadrant score ( iknow its not a good method) i dont even get half of that and my tab is so much slower.
I am keeping it though i really cant see this not getting to the galaxy s smoothness level sometime within the next months, whats your thoughts? will it get as smooth, i mean why would it not? i cant even use flash in any of the browsers except youtube mobile, and i the old desire running hd flash!
it should be able to be soo much smoother with future firmware updates or hacks?
btw. Kindle app on this is like the best e reader ever! if u dont mind only 10 hour batterylife.
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My Tab runs fantastic. I also have a lag fixed SGS. A lag fix switches from Samsung's proprietary file system to an ext4 file system and therefore will not help general performance, it will namely help loading apps for the first time and saving. After that, you will not be able to see an improvement. This is also why lag fix methods increase the quadrant score.
If you are seeing ANY speed issues with the Tab, you should return it. If you bought it used, you should have got some kind of guarantee... they probably sold it because it was running slowly.
You guys really have to look at the software youre running on your tabs. Mine is running flawlessly and has been almost from day one.
Start by removing bloatware and unnecessary services. Flash to the latest supported firmware using Kies. Use firefox and Dolphin mini as your browsers. Turn on airplane mode + wifi to save battery. Look into a replacement launcher like adw ex or launcherpro. Get no lock to remove the lockscreen. Etc.
Android is all about user imput - if you dont customise it you will never feel its benefits over an ipad!
It's a good idea to try different task managers like the one in ASTRO i.e. and try to catch the faulty one. I found some issues in using the yahoo mail client.
Mean the faulty process that uses much processor time, in above post.
Hmm it is not like i havent done all of the above it is still not as smooth as a galaxy s phone. I really think there is some firmware difference since all danish tabs i have tryed run like this. Tryed 4 my own encluding. In Denmark people are selling tabs allover the place since many regular customers are disappointed. Got mine half price so i am still quiet content but it does lagg and with newest official firmware jj3 via kies. Flash in any browser except youtube mobile is not usable
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
simon2901 said:
Hmm it is not like i havent done all of the above it is still not as smooth as a galaxy s phone. I really think there is some firmware difference since all danish tabs i have tryed run like this. Tryed 4 my own encluding. In Denmark people are selling tabs allover the place since many regular customers are disappointed. Got mine half price so i am still quiet content but it does lagg and with newest official firmware jj3 via kies. Flash in any browser except youtube mobile is not usable
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
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My Tab is faster than my Galaxy S, has been from day one. My Galaxy S isn't slow, it's running a very fast Froyo rom. My Galaxy S phone is the fastest phone I've ever seen, but it's still not as fast as my Tab.
I haven't rooted my Tab or uninstalled any bloatware or disabled any services. If the Tab were laggy, I would have done all of those things. I haven't because I don't like to mess with what works.
My guess would be that your carrier has something installed that is slowing it down. I can't imagine what, I have tons installed and nothing has ever slowed it down.
That said, Don't use the stock browser, it can be laggy, especially on Flash heavy sites. Try the Miren browser and set Flash to "on demand".
Weird how some people have problems and some dont, I have the Epic also and it flys! But this damn tab is horrible and I too experience the browser lag, restarts, freezing, u name it! I saw that someone did mention they had alot of problems till they rooted and flashed it so if you could be so kindly to share info on what exactly you did it would be appreciated, especially cause others that have flashed didnt have the same outcome... If it dont work for me then its goin on ebay cus as of now this thing is just a paperweight...
T mobile flashed with a phone running fine .only some glithes from the wifi .only because my router is a bit far from me but otherwith running fine
i have instaled many app and many widget and its ok so far its only hungree for battery power
fine gadget and phone is defenetly a big plus
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
My Tab flies with no freezing... Rooted with z4 and use oclf. If i get lag in the Dolphin browser I try this trick I discovered on xda: Hold the power button to get the power off menu, then press the back button to exit that menu. Thats it. Browser will increase in speed and fluidity!
Sent from my SGH-T849 using XDA App on t-mobile.
ykman1 said:
Weird how some people have problems and some dont, I have the Epic also and it flys! But this damn tab is horrible and I too experience the browser lag, restarts, freezing, u name it! I saw that someone did mention they had alot of problems till they rooted and flashed it so if you could be so kindly to share info on what exactly you did it would be appreciated, especially cause others that have flashed didnt have the same outcome... If it dont work for me then its goin on ebay cus as of now this thing is just a paperweight...
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Answer to your first question:
Lag is only happening to your tab or your specific region (tab).
Right here
Read through it quickly, bottom contains all the right info for you to flash your tab and get off of that HORRID stock firmware.

Beginning to hate my tab

I have a Verizon SGT and am starting to hate it. It constantly freezes up for a few seconds when loading a page in the browser and then when it finishes loading and I double tap to zoom, it zooms in and everything is fuzzy for a few seconds (freezes again also) before everything is sharp. None of my friends have a tab so I'm not sure if this is normal for our tabs.
My tab is rooted (z4) and I've tried sgstools and OCLF to try to fix it, but nothing has helped so far. I've also done a factory reset but it doesn't really work because apps are all still there. If this is normal behavior, will flashing a new ROM help? What ROM would you recommend for a Verizon tab? My firmware is stock dj11. I've flashed many ROMs on my Moto Droid, so I'm not opposed to a new ROM if that's all it will take.
use miren browser, it's on market
come back after you try it and give some feedbacks
It's not just the browser, but the browser freeze is the most common freeze for my tab. I've tried other browsers and read about Miren but haven't tried it yet. I'll give it a shot but it won't solve the general OS freezes.
96cobra said:
I have a Verizon SGT and am starting to hate it. It constantly freezes up for a few seconds when loading a page in the browser and then when it finishes loading and I double tap to zoom, it zooms in and everything is fuzzy for a few seconds (freezes again also) before everything is sharp. None of my friends have a tab so I'm not sure if this is normal for our tabs.
My tab is rooted (z4) and I've tried sgstools and OCLF to try to fix it, but nothing has helped so far. I've also done a factory reset but it doesn't really work because apps are all still there. If this is normal behavior, will flashing a new ROM help? What ROM would you recommend for a Verizon tab? My firmware is stock dj11. I've flashed many ROMs on my Moto Droid, so I'm not opposed to a new ROM if that's all it will take.
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I would have to say that's not normal. If I had to wait "a few seconds" for the thing to get it's act together every time I did something the least bit intensive, such as loading a web page with ANY browser, I would have exchanged it for one that worked correctly. You may want to consider that. My Tab isn't as smooth as my iPad but it's pretty close. Yours should be too. Custom roms and the like should be a distant option because, just like with phones, not one of them is ever 100% reliable.
Is it possible that these kind of things (lags and freezes) are caused by too little free memory? My Tab seems to run better and faster when I delete a few device based apps. Of course I screw things up again by adding new apps, lol.
I had the same problems AFTER I tried OCLF; Try undoing OCLF and anything related to it.
Install a good rom and OCd kernel. Mine runs better than any other Android device I've owned.
spacemoose1 said:
Install a good rom and OCd kernel. Mine runs better than any other Android device I've owned.
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That doesn't help. You shouldn't need to overclock to have a decent experience. My Verizon Tab worked just fine right out of the box without any of the pausing the OP has mentioned. Overclocking is a bandaid over a problem that isn't going to go away if you ignore it. Exchange the device for one that works correctly and then overclock it to make it better. Besides, if the CPU can't handle an overclocked speed then the OP is really screwed.
This sounds like a similar scenario to me. I had a stock euro tab and was starting to hate it as well until I flashed it with a new rom. Now it's awesome and what you'd expect it to be in the first place. I dunno why the telcos bloat their stock roms up with so much ****. Rooting is not going to do much for your situation.
Get rid of the stock rom and you'll never look back. If you are after a bloatless, but stock like experience, then use Rotohammer JMIv2 and make sure you convert the file system to EXT4.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
krispyjim said:
This sounds like a similar scenario to me. I had a stock euro tab and was starting to hate it as well until I flashed it with a new rom. Now it's awesome and what you'd expect it to be in the first place. I dunno why the telcos bloat their stock roms up with so much ****. Rooting is not going to do much for your situation.
Get rid of the stock rom and you'll never look back. If you are after a bloatless, but stock like experience, then use Rotohammer JMIv2 and make sure you convert the file system to EXT4.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
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+ 1 Also check your memory usage.
I got ATT tab and a Dell Streak. Both of them are doing that. Inresponsive for a few seconds, but if I poke the screen repeatedly, the app or browser will close by itself or the thing just reboot on it own. Maybe it's Android glitch? Start to hate Android now.
CyberGhos said:
I got ATT tab and a Dell Streak. Both of them are doing that. Inresponsive for a few seconds, but if I poke the screen repeatedly, the app or browser will close by itself or the thing just reboot on it own. Maybe it's Android glitch? Start to hate Android now.
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You'd better go by an iPad. That'll fix your issues.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
Since recovery and download mode is pretty reliable on this device, i took the courage to mod the tab and of course It wasn't a short process to achieve it, i tried every rom and kernel.
So my suggestion, try the overcome. It's so snappy you could not go wrong by switching to that ROM and kernel. I always have the GPS, Bluetooth, HSDPA turned on and on top of that i usually browsing and hearing music or playing some games while i'm in the car. Before i switched to overcome, multi tasking is sluggish, it would lags if messages, emails or tweets kicked in and the music would jitter. And now all is smooth as butter.
Although i have the oc version, i usually limit it on 1 Ghz underclocked depends on how long i would be outside. Battery life is still good, around 4-5 hours to reach 50% with GPS, HSPDA and Bluetooth always turned on and some browsing, plus some gaming, GPSing and calling.
All thanks to the developers, who know what they themselves and people want! Cheers!
Screw the ipad. No flash is like the year before the year 2000 man!
Be careful with the specifics of the advice you are getting here. You have a CDMA tab and these GSM tabbers kernel and ROM suggestions will bork your tab if you do what they did verbatim. The basic advice is good, if you are comfortable with flashing a kernel and working through the issues it entails then you will be rewarded for your effort with a smoothly operating device. Right now your best (only?) option will be the KhasMek kernel available in the Galaxy Tab Android Development section of the forum.
The kernel did enough for me, so I have not tried the ROM yet myself as I have not felt the need.
Hit up boush / khasmek he made my tablet lovely
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using XDA Premium

tablet sluggish?

i just bought the galaxy tab today, and from the get go, its being very sluggish. key presses are coming with a great delay. even on the home screen, its VERY sluggish going between screens. the delay betwwen keypress and when the letter shows up on the screen is sometimws a couple seconds. i also have the xoom, and it doesnt have any of these issues.
also, when i started the tablet for the first time and finished the setup, the blue HC clock was NOT on the center screen (out of the 5 screens, it was on screen 2).
at last, on any HC 3.1 tablet in general, is there a way to google video AND chat at the same time. whenever i am in a video and want to chat, the video is paused automatically.
ps: there are some grammar errors because im typing from the tab, and the lil green selector used to choose where u want to place cursor is not working right. its never going qhere i put it.
I don't have the tab, but I am sure I read that the sluggish text entry is due to the keyboard, try changing to a different keyboard and see if the issue is still there?
Only time I experience lag, is when typing quickly. It only happens once in a while though
Mine is crazy slow all the way around... Im hopeing touchwiz helps or its out the door. I have an ipad2 (eek!) and theres NO comparison in speed... Its rediculously sluggish in comparison....
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I'm typing from my tab 10.1 now and the only place I have keyboard lag is on a website like this one that's heavy on JavaScript and/or Flash.
I'm hoping that touchwiz or 3.2 will help out. IMO the sluggishness is hardly noticeable.
The home screens have a little lag, but its not too bad (the browser is where the keyboard lag is).
I did experience bad lag with my home screen after install TweetCaster Pro. If you installed a bunch of apps, you might want to try force closing some of them and seeing if performance changes.
i had the same problem. Just out of curiosity was your tab an open box item? Anyways to fix mine I put the device in recovery by powering on while holding the volume down key and then wiped cache and erased all data. The tab is much better now however text entry remains sluggish but this appears to be a problem for all tabs.
So some of the initial user percieved lag when you first finish the initial setup of the tablet is background downloads and syncing of your apps that you have already downloaded on another device (like an Android phone).
If this is the case for you then you will notice an improvement in respone time once this completes. Obviously when it completes depends on your network latency, speed and how many apps and how large they are (among about 150 other factors)
The point is that I believe some of the initial lag folks are noticing can be attributed to previous google accounts syncing upon completion of the initial setup.
If the tab is your first google device and first account with google then it might be another issue that requires more troubleshooting.
no, this is not the intitial lag when the apps are being restored. it has now been a couple days and i am still experiencing the lag. i am about to boot into recovery and wipe the cache and everything, and then try a factory reset. hope that will help out with everything. will report back as soon as im done .
n this is not my first android device, i currently have an evo and a galaxy tab and an epic and a xoom
Please do. I'm shocked by how slow thus thing is. My old Mytouch felt faster than this dog. By the way typing the word dog took almost 2 seconds to appear. I feel like I'm using a net book from 2001.
th0r615 said:
I'm typing from my tab 10.1 now and the only place I have keyboard lag is on a website like this one that's heavy on JavaScript and/or Flash.
I'm hoping that touchwiz or 3.2 will help out. IMO the sluggishness is hardly noticeable.
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To be fair as a GT owner, comparing it to a ipad 2 is like comparing a tortoise to a hare. The ipad is much faster and responsive. What I suggest you do though is use Dolphin browser and load the flash elements on a webpage on demand. It will speed things up quite a bit until 3.2 drops in a few weeks...provided we get it in a few weeks. Overall, I'm still quite satisfied with my GT.
Return it, until they fix it.
I traded my iPad 2 for my Galaxy Tab Google I/O. I don't regret trading at all, I have installed Swype and I think that is the best keyboard which is out. I have a Samsung Galaxy S phone which is rooted and the whole nine yards, I feel we are able to do so much more on Android devices than what Steve Jobs allows his products to do.
alrite, jes booted into recovery. wiped cache 3 times, factory reset 3 times...
reboot, did initial setup, all apps r eestored (67)... still experiencing homescreen lag, GREAT keyboard lag... i dig the weight of this tablet, but this lag is not my thing. <--- this whole sentence showed up about 5 seconda after i typed it, had to wait for it to show up so i could check for errors. going to go exchange for another galaxy tab this week, if lag is not fine with that one, i will stick with my xoom for now.
Why do you have both a Xoom and Galaxy Tab? Redundant much?
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i initially had a xoom... i have a 90 day return policy on the xoom (costco), which is over in 15 days now... so i decided to try out the GT and c which 1 i like better, so i can keep the 1 i like better...
iamsupreme said:
Why do you have both a Xoom and Galaxy Tab? Redundant much?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
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I don't know if it is something else I did or what but it does seem that opera is super fast by comparison. In other words usable and even comparable to an ipad. Now I just need a thumb keyboard with good auto correct.

Something better for my S5?

I have to say, I am almost done with vendor/carrier Android phones. I have had the S2, LG G2x, S3, HTC One X+, and now the Verizon S5, which was my choice of over the iPhone 5s for my corporate phone.
I have not done anything to my S5 yet, haven't installed a boat load of apps, nor does my company run any fancy, MDM work/play management software, and still this phone already feels bloated after a couple months of use. The lockscreen sometime takes many seconds to show up, only then to immediately disappear before I can even enter my lock pattern or swipe my fingerprint. And boy, does the fingerprint reader really blow compared to the iPhone. Try unlocking the phone while on the go with the fingerprint read... nearly impossible. The camera, wow sometimes takes over 20s to load. I thought going from a 1GB RAM phone to 2GB phone would make a difference. Needless to say the Samsung and Verizon bloatware finds way of eating resources up fast.
I'm stuck with this phone, and once again, it looks like I'll need to root and load a custom ROM to get this POS to run like a respectable smartphone. I'm capable and have done this to all my Android devices before (except my Nexus 7), but quite frankly I am tired of this and all the time I have spent, unlocking, downloading, backing up and loading and unloading ROMs. I only wish, there was a Google Play edition for Verizon or, I should just buy my own Nexus 6 when it comes out.
In meantime, what is the best recommendation of the clean/stripped/no frills ROM that will make my phone run and look most like a Nexus device?
Sorry for the rant, I'm not planning to go over to the fruity side either. So you guys are stuck with me.
smoothmoose said:
I have to say, I am almost done with vendor/carrier Android phones. I have had the S2, LG G2x, S3, HTC One X+, and now the Verizon S5, which was my choice of over the iPhone 5s for my corporate phone.
I have not done anything to my S5 yet, haven't installed a boat load of apps, nor does my company run any fancy, MDM work/play management software, and still this phone already feels bloated after a couple months of use. The lockscreen sometime takes many seconds to show up, only then to immediately disappear before I can even enter my lock pattern or swipe my fingerprint. And boy, does the fingerprint reader really blow compared to the iPhone. Try unlocking the phone while on the go with the fingerprint read... nearly impossible. The camera, wow sometimes takes over 20s to load. I thought going from a 1GB RAM phone to 2GB phone would make a difference. Needless to say the Samsung and Verizon bloatware finds way of eating resources up fast.
I'm stuck with this phone, and once again, it looks like I'll need to root and load a custom ROM to get this POS to run like a respectable smartphone. I'm capable and have done this to all my Android devices before (except my Nexus 7), but quite frankly I am tired of this and all the time I have spent, unlocking, downloading, backing up and loading and unloading ROMs. I only wish, there was a Google Play edition for Verizon or, I should just buy my own Nexus 6 when it comes out.
In meantime, what is the best recommendation of the clean/stripped/no frills ROM that will make my phone run and look most like a Nexus device?
Sorry for the rant, I'm not planning to go over to the fruity side either. So you guys are stuck with me.
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First thing I did out of the box was root, install Titanium Backup Pro and freeze everything that was not system dependent. I run supersu and Xposed framework with Wanam and some other modules. The phone has zero lag and the battery life is insanely great ... I've never had an android phone (my 4th) with such incredible battery life. I am so far beyond impressed with this phone it's un-real.
Good point. And my point is, ultimately I am needing to at minimum as you suggest root and freeze with Titanium backup, which at least a bit less of time waste than installing a new ROM. That said, I mind as well while I'm at, since I really don't find anything redeeming about Touchwiz. The bigger point, I can't imagine a non-technical user wanting to do this over-and-over again for each Android phone they get.
I agree battery life is very good, even stock. I'm running in power saving mode. That is the only redeeming quality I have found so far...
smoothmoose said:
Good point. And my point is, ultimately I am needing to at minimum as you suggest root and freeze with Titanium backup, which at least a bit less of time waste than installing a new ROM. That said, I mind as well while I'm at, since I really don't find anything redeeming about Touchwiz. The bigger point, I can't imagine a non-technical user wanting to do this over-and-over again for each Android phone they get.
I agree battery life is very good, even stock. I'm running in power saving mode. That is the only redeeming quality I have found so far...
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Obviously running in power saving mode is going to slow down system performance .
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huedawg said:
Obviously running in power saving mode is going to slow down system performance .
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app
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Power savings mode throttles down the CPU around 30% and dims the screen. This is no way should cause the lockscreen to take over 5s to pop up or the camera 20s to load. I am not playing any 3D games or anything like this. I'm pretty sure it's just bloated software eating away at the 2GB of RAM.
My HTC One X+ never slowed to a crawl like this on power saving mode. The issue with that phone was the battery life and hence...power savings mode.
smoothmoose said:
Power savings mode throttles down the CPU around 30% and dims the screen. This is no way should cause the lockscreen to take over 5s to pop up or the camera 20s to load. I am not playing any 3D games or anything like this. I'm pretty sure it's just bloated software eating away at the 2GB of RAM.
My HTC One X+ never slowed to a crawl like this on power saving mode. The issue with that phone was the battery life and hence...power savings mode.
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Then you have a bad phone . ?
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app
Not experiencing any of the problems you have man. INSANE battery life, extremely snappy performance, I personally have grown to like touchwiz alot. Why dont you at the very least just do a fresh flash with stock firmware and it'll fix alot of your issues or go install one of the roms like SLIMHYDE and youll never have those issues again unless the above poster was right and you just have a bad phone, which is easy to get replaced.
huedawg said:
Then you have a bad phone . ?
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app
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damagi123 said:
Not experiencing any of the problems you have man. INSANE battery life, extremely snappy performance, I personally have grown to like touchwiz alot. Why dont you at the very least just do a fresh flash with stock firmware and it'll fix alot of your issues or go install one of the roms like SLIMHYDE and youll never have those issues again unless the above poster was right and you just have a bad phone, which is easy to get replaced.
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Probably only a slight possibility my phone is defective. Usually things speed back up if I reboot the phone. But things slow to crawl usually after about 2 days of use.
I can definitely try to do a clean reset, freeze apps, install new ROM, etc. My point is, I really shouldn't need to do this for a top of line smartphone. Again, the only Android device that hasn't presented these issues and I am happy to run stock is my Nexus 7. I guess I should save some pennies for the Nexus 6 phone...great way to suck more $$ out of me.
smoothmoose said:
Probably only a slight possibility my phone is defective. Usually things speed back up if I reboot the phone. But things slow to crawl usually after about 2 days of use.
I can definitely try to do a clean reset, freeze apps, install new ROM, etc. My point is, I really shouldn't need to do this for a top of line smartphone.
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I guess my point is , is that very few people are having to do that . That leans more towards a bad device than anything else . Perhaps you have something that is running using system resources ?
smoothmoose said:
I have to say, I am almost done with vendor/carrier Android phones. I have had the S2, LG G2x, S3, HTC One X+, and now the Verizon S5, which was my choice of over the iPhone 5s for my corporate phone.
I have not done anything to my S5 yet, haven't installed a boat load of apps, nor does my company run any fancy, MDM work/play management software, and still this phone already feels bloated after a couple months of use. The lockscreen sometime takes many seconds to show up, only then to immediately disappear before I can even enter my lock pattern or swipe my fingerprint. And boy, does the fingerprint reader really blow compared to the iPhone. Try unlocking the phone while on the go with the fingerprint read... nearly impossible. The camera, wow sometimes takes over 20s to load. I thought going from a 1GB RAM phone to 2GB phone would make a difference. Needless to say the Samsung and Verizon bloatware finds way of eating resources up fast.
I'm stuck with this phone, and once again, it looks like I'll need to root and load a custom ROM to get this POS to run like a respectable smartphone. I'm capable and have done this to all my Android devices before (except my Nexus 7), but quite frankly I am tired of this and all the time I have spent, unlocking, downloading, backing up and loading and unloading ROMs. I only wish, there was a Google Play edition for Verizon or, I should just buy my own Nexus 6 when it comes out.
In meantime, what is the best recommendation of the clean/stripped/no frills ROM that will make my phone run and look most like a Nexus device?
Sorry for the rant, I'm not planning to go over to the fruity side either. So you guys are stuck with me.
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Dude, I feel your pain. This will be my last Samsung device because of their dogsh*t software and locked hardware. The phone slows down over time, there is no doubt. The only great thing about the S5 is the hardware, putting CM would have made it by FAR the best phone out.
Regardless, I have rooted and debloated. I have enabled Wifi tethering, enabled voice recording, etc. For the most part I am pretty satisfied right now.
I am waiting for the next version of the LG phone, G4 maybe? Or a clean Google phone on Verizon.

Terrible performance after Galaxy S8 SM-G950U One UI/Pie update

Hi all,
My phone performance is terrible, everything runs slow and lagging since I took the update. Phone performance was very good before. Anyone else experience this and have any ideas to bring performance back to par?
Thanks for any help.
Factory reset or full wipe after updating to a new firmware. Also, do not restore Google apps, just start from a scratch.
I also have serious lag, it feels like a budget phone. I've had this phone since it launched, and installed every update without precaution. This is the first time experiencing these issues.
Frame rate is terrible, especially while scrolling. Delays in pressing buttons or launching apps have grown from milliseconds to sometimes two or three seconds. No other problems(aside from poor design choices). It feels like aggressive power throttling, not memory issues.
As soon as I saw that so much manual power management has been replaced by a "learning" system, I'm skeptical that the usual fixes will do anything for my problems, especially considering there is no other malfunction. Anyone else?
bigalbklyn said:
Hi all,
My phone performance is terrible, everything runs slow and lagging since I took the update. Phone performance was very good before. Anyone else experience this and have any ideas to bring performance back to par?
Thanks for any help.
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Samsung Galaxy s8 SM-G950W. Yes. Ever since the update, my Samsung is losing files., running slow and unable to use previously used apps. Substranum, fonts etc.
It's Samsung way of saying - "Buy galaxy S10"
I didn't fell any difference at all in performance.
Hansoliv said:
It's Samsung way of saying - "Buy galaxy S10"
I didn't fell any difference at all in performance.
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Well, that's what I was waiting to hear. If ppl aren't universally having the issue, then a factory reset may cure the problem. I'll give it a try soon.
Yes i just got bad performance after installing pie (custom rom, so i always factory reset or it wont work) but yeah after 14 days my phone start to slowing down like old smartphone and the apps is not starting correctly (e.g i must start magisk manually or the root wont work (the app cant detect if phone is rooted even when magisk hide is off)).
I try the LightROM and ALEXIS and both have this problem (performance way worse on lightrom). I know this isnt their fault but the samsung fault (maybe because its early relase? Or...).
Note : performance is normal in the first day, but after 14-30 days the phone start to acting weirdly (the apps behave weirdly) dunno why.
Btw i use SM-G950FD
After restarting about 5 times, then manually clearing cache partition, I was able to get smooth performance. Unfortunately, I still have to restart at least once a day to prevent lagging animation. This is with light usage: streaming, facebook, email.
I turned on "reduce animations" in advanced features, and set the animation scales to 1.5 with dev options. This seems to help prolong smooth operation, but I still have to restart daily. Next step is factory reset, I have a lot to backup...
fresh install thru odin and start all over again is really good solution. at the beginning i also experiencing lag
Mine has an issue of having the fingerprint not working after it was changed. I have to do one of the following:
1. Restart and boot via safe mode then if it works, reboot again
2. Restore Settings from synced backup
3. Reset Settings
So much of a hassle.... I am thinking of rooting this soon.
Hansoliv said:
It's Samsung way of saying - "Buy galaxy S10"
I didn't fell any difference at all in performance.
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My company bought Samsung J4plus on good deal from Three, has super sensitive reception, my own S8 only get EDGE or worse, J4 has 4G all over!!
anyone know if s9/S10 that good??
bigalbklyn said:
Hi all,
My phone performance is terrible, everything runs slow and lagging since I took the update. Phone performance was very good before. Anyone else experience this and have any ideas to bring performance back to par?
Thanks for any help.
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Had the same problem so flashed official firmware (for my carrier, downloaded from sammobile) with Odin. This part can be done without of rooting your phone.
Do this first (back up your data before as clear flash will delete everything), and test after if it works well. If not, root it (https://forum.xda-developers.com/sa...w-to/guide-root-install-twrp-samsung-t3747535) and install adaway from xda labs.
If you root the phone or install TWRP, e-fuse will break and you cannot go back after that. Warranty will be void and the Samsung fit app won't work anymore.
Fortunately, there are workarounds on a rooted phone (https://tinyurl.com/yy37gnwv) so that is not a big deal, at least for me.
Not sure when you root it if wave pay services will work so do some research first.
an-_-dro said:
fresh install thru odin and start all over again is really good solution. at the beginning i also experiencing lag
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Has your lag subsided after time? Mine appears after a night's sleep. It never fails: Restart in the morning, smooth scrolling all day. Next morning, laggy, stuttering scrolling until I restart again. I've uninstalled all unused apps and left power mode on high performance. No change. As soon as I wake up, animation lags like a budget phone. Everything else is reliable, just not the animation.
Of course, I don't actually know what's going on, but I'm willing to bet that this new power management system that we can't control is to blame. If I have to go through all the odin, etc steps, I may just roll back to oreo. Pie is prettier, but I want my smooth operation back.
comnut said:
My company bought Samsung J4plus on good deal from Three, has super sensitive reception, my own S8 only get EDGE or worse, J4 has 4G all over!!
anyone know if s9/S10 that good??
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S10e gets similar reception to my A8(2018). When I got the A8 I had a S8 before that, and i don't remember there being any difference in signal. I live in poor signal area, so if a phone had bad signal, I'd probably remember because I owuldn't have any signal at all.
This is really quite unacceptable. I took the OTA update and the lagging began. I've never had an issue with an OTA update. I've never done a factory reset after an OTA update either. Flashing custom ROM is different but this is from Samsung...
Does anyone have a solution that doesn't involve daily reboots or a factory reset? I just find that really inconvenient.
J450N79 said:
This is really quite unacceptable. I took the OTA update and the lagging began. I've never had an issue with an OTA update. I've never done a factory reset after an OTA update either. Flashing custom ROM is different but this is from Samsung...
Does anyone have a solution that doesn't involve daily reboots or a factory reset? I just find that really inconvenient.
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Yes, I agree. It's hard to know at whom who to point the finger. Google, Samsung, or both. Regardless, it's very disappointing, and hurts my impression of both companies.
I'm currently allowing the phone to run for 7 days to see if the root method listed above by robyos may be feasible for my tmo s8.
If manually restarting is the only hurdle for you, it can now be set to restart automatically (I guess they anticipated this?) Settings > device care > three dots > auto restart.
It feels like a duct-tape band-aid, but it's there. After my 7 day test, I'll probably give this auto-restart a try. However, I'm concerned about the terribly annoying tmo jingle at each restart.
DrivenKeys said:
Yes, I agree. It's hard to know at whom who to point the finger. Google, Samsung, or both. Regardless, it's very disappointing, and hurts my impression of both companies.
I'm currently allowing the phone to run for 7 days to see if the root method listed above by robyos may be feasible for my tmo s8.
If manually restarting is the only hurdle for you, it can now be set to restart automatically (I guess they anticipated this?) Settings > device care > three dots > auto restart.
It feels like a duct-tape band-aid, but it's there. After my 7 day test, I'll probably give this auto-restart a try. However, I'm concerned about the terribly annoying tmo jingle at each restart.
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I'm thinking the problem may be googles not Samsung's...I had a OnePlus 5 for almost 2 years. At some point after the pie update it would stutter while scrolling or during animations intermittently. Even a factory reset didn't fix it. The phone was still fast but it was aesthetically annoying seeing the stuttering.
I drown the phone in the ocean on vacation this month and had to replace it so I got a used s8. I haven't had the same issue with scrolling but I've only had it for a couple weeks so far on a fresh wipe. It had some "normal" Samsung lag that the OnePlus didn't have while opening apps and it doesn't keep nearly as much in memory (4gb vs 8 GB RAM). But I'm still thinking the problem may be with pie itself since people were complaining about stuttering on both Samsung and OnePlus phones.
Hopefully my s8 is not affected and it's only certain ones experience it.
Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk
totally not satisfied with the Pie update, I wish I did not upgrade my fast S8.....
Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-A510F met Tapatalk
350Rocket said:
I'm thinking the problem may be googles not Samsung's...I had a OnePlus 5 for almost 2 years. At some point after the pie update it would stutter while scrolling or during animations intermittently. Even a factory reset didn't fix it. The phone was still fast but it was aesthetically annoying seeing the stuttering.
I drown the phone in the ocean on vacation this month and had to replace it so I got a used s8. I haven't had the same issue with scrolling but I've only had it for a couple weeks so far on a fresh wipe. It had some "normal" Samsung lag that the OnePlus didn't have while opening apps and it doesn't keep nearly as much in memory (4gb vs 8 GB RAM). But I'm still thinking the problem may be with pie itself since people were complaining about stuttering on both Samsung and OnePlus phones.
Hopefully my s8 is not affected and it's only certain ones experience it.
Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk
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Wow! It's sad to hear an 8gb phone would still have the same issue. I wonder if this has to do with power management. Perhaps it's squeezing a tiny percentage of battery life out of saving some frames. It drives me crazy and gives me a headache. I wish they'd provide a simple switch for whatever this is.
This os feels like they ventured into breaking what works in an endless quest to fix what wasn't broken. Perhaps some team of programmers is celebrating minute improvements, but it's coming at the expense of the consumer, who never signed up to be the guinea pig. Each update seems to remove or break basic reliability and functionality that we paid for. I feel like I paid a premium price to become a software tester.
So reboots don't seem to fix the lag I'm experiencing when opening and closing certain apps. This phone was plenty fast before for me. Other issues are present now too. Auto adaptive display brightness doesn't work as well. I also really think it's sheet that you can't disable GPS and have the battery saving mode anymore! WTF Samsung.

