tablet sluggish? - Galaxy Tab 10.1 General

i just bought the galaxy tab today, and from the get go, its being very sluggish. key presses are coming with a great delay. even on the home screen, its VERY sluggish going between screens. the delay betwwen keypress and when the letter shows up on the screen is sometimws a couple seconds. i also have the xoom, and it doesnt have any of these issues.
also, when i started the tablet for the first time and finished the setup, the blue HC clock was NOT on the center screen (out of the 5 screens, it was on screen 2).
at last, on any HC 3.1 tablet in general, is there a way to google video AND chat at the same time. whenever i am in a video and want to chat, the video is paused automatically.
ps: there are some grammar errors because im typing from the tab, and the lil green selector used to choose where u want to place cursor is not working right. its never going qhere i put it.

I don't have the tab, but I am sure I read that the sluggish text entry is due to the keyboard, try changing to a different keyboard and see if the issue is still there?

Only time I experience lag, is when typing quickly. It only happens once in a while though

Mine is crazy slow all the way around... Im hopeing touchwiz helps or its out the door. I have an ipad2 (eek!) and theres NO comparison in speed... Its rediculously sluggish in comparison....
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

I'm typing from my tab 10.1 now and the only place I have keyboard lag is on a website like this one that's heavy on JavaScript and/or Flash.
I'm hoping that touchwiz or 3.2 will help out. IMO the sluggishness is hardly noticeable.

The home screens have a little lag, but its not too bad (the browser is where the keyboard lag is).
I did experience bad lag with my home screen after install TweetCaster Pro. If you installed a bunch of apps, you might want to try force closing some of them and seeing if performance changes.

i had the same problem. Just out of curiosity was your tab an open box item? Anyways to fix mine I put the device in recovery by powering on while holding the volume down key and then wiped cache and erased all data. The tab is much better now however text entry remains sluggish but this appears to be a problem for all tabs.

So some of the initial user percieved lag when you first finish the initial setup of the tablet is background downloads and syncing of your apps that you have already downloaded on another device (like an Android phone).
If this is the case for you then you will notice an improvement in respone time once this completes. Obviously when it completes depends on your network latency, speed and how many apps and how large they are (among about 150 other factors)
The point is that I believe some of the initial lag folks are noticing can be attributed to previous google accounts syncing upon completion of the initial setup.
If the tab is your first google device and first account with google then it might be another issue that requires more troubleshooting.

no, this is not the intitial lag when the apps are being restored. it has now been a couple days and i am still experiencing the lag. i am about to boot into recovery and wipe the cache and everything, and then try a factory reset. hope that will help out with everything. will report back as soon as im done .
n this is not my first android device, i currently have an evo and a galaxy tab and an epic and a xoom

Please do. I'm shocked by how slow thus thing is. My old Mytouch felt faster than this dog. By the way typing the word dog took almost 2 seconds to appear. I feel like I'm using a net book from 2001.

th0r615 said:
I'm typing from my tab 10.1 now and the only place I have keyboard lag is on a website like this one that's heavy on JavaScript and/or Flash.
I'm hoping that touchwiz or 3.2 will help out. IMO the sluggishness is hardly noticeable.
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To be fair as a GT owner, comparing it to a ipad 2 is like comparing a tortoise to a hare. The ipad is much faster and responsive. What I suggest you do though is use Dolphin browser and load the flash elements on a webpage on demand. It will speed things up quite a bit until 3.2 drops in a few weeks...provided we get it in a few weeks. Overall, I'm still quite satisfied with my GT.

Return it, until they fix it.

I traded my iPad 2 for my Galaxy Tab Google I/O. I don't regret trading at all, I have installed Swype and I think that is the best keyboard which is out. I have a Samsung Galaxy S phone which is rooted and the whole nine yards, I feel we are able to do so much more on Android devices than what Steve Jobs allows his products to do.

alrite, jes booted into recovery. wiped cache 3 times, factory reset 3 times...
reboot, did initial setup, all apps r eestored (67)... still experiencing homescreen lag, GREAT keyboard lag... i dig the weight of this tablet, but this lag is not my thing. <--- this whole sentence showed up about 5 seconda after i typed it, had to wait for it to show up so i could check for errors. going to go exchange for another galaxy tab this week, if lag is not fine with that one, i will stick with my xoom for now.

Why do you have both a Xoom and Galaxy Tab? Redundant much?
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i initially had a xoom... i have a 90 day return policy on the xoom (costco), which is over in 15 days now... so i decided to try out the GT and c which 1 i like better, so i can keep the 1 i like better...
iamsupreme said:
Why do you have both a Xoom and Galaxy Tab? Redundant much?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
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I don't know if it is something else I did or what but it does seem that opera is super fast by comparison. In other words usable and even comparable to an ipad. Now I just need a thumb keyboard with good auto correct.


[Q]Performance Issues

I have a Verizon Tab and am experiencing very slow performance on my device. I'm experiencing very slow transitions between homescreens and application screens list-pages, touch screen unresponsiveness, media scanner takes like 15 minutes on SD card(its not SD card as I took it out).When I first got it, it was as everyone else described it as being with a few hiccups sometimes, but nothing like I am experiencing now.
I did a soft reset and even a hard reset. Installed OCLF and uninstalled it as it made no difference in my situation. Wondering if I could flash an original firmware or a different firmware to see if that fixes the problem. Has anyone else had this problem?
Kinda weird,I got tired of trying to fix my tab and charged it up and turned it off and put it back in the box and didn't plan on messing with it until there was some custom roms(had to enjoy my thanksgiving) as I couldn't sell it like it is. So, today I decided to turn it on and it's back to its normal speed but battery was at 0% for some reason(odd as I charged it to about 87%) .
I think something went wrong with my nand/install or something as whenever I'd boot up it ask me what language I prefer(eng or hablo espanol) and I'd select english then it would just go to the home screen(but it's suppose to ask you for your gmail account and so fourth) from there and sluggishness would ensue. I also have verizon service/3g now for some reason(I don't have a plan for them).
There's one thing though, a few buttons(home, search, menu) don't work as they didn't work before but the back button does. I am not too worried about that as I know it's not hardware related because they work in recovery but... and the notification bar is unresponsive. lol
I didn't like the response time of the home screen when I got my Sprint SGT so I replaced it with LauncherPro from the market. It is so much smoother now by my perception.
Not sure about your overall slowness but you might want to give that a try.
Also, I have heard that the Verizon version of the SGT is bloatware city. I can't confirm since I have a Sprint model but just relaying what I have read.
Yeah, I tried launcher pro before and still get the same type of lag.
I'd try rooting and removing the bloatware, or freezing them if you have titanium pro. Freezing will leave them installed so you won't miss any ota updates.
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA App
You know, I love this thing and overall its on par with speed on my incredible but the quadrant score is ****. My device got about 1000 when my phone gets 1400. dunno what Samsung did to this thing lol.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab
Is there anyway to format my internal SD card?
shoman24v said:
You know, I love this thing and overall its on par with speed on my incredible but the quadrant score is ****. My device got about 1000 when my phone gets 1400. dunno what Samsung did to this thing lol.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab
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That's because Quadrant is a rubbish benchmark. You can OCLF and see a massive jump in Quadrant, but it won't actually make the Tab any faster in the real world IMO.
This was exactly why I took my Verizon tab back and got a Sprint one instead.
I would try a factory reset, then de-bloat though, who knows what wonders it may have.
I would not really recommend the OCLF, that's just my personal opinion though, others may suggest otherwise.
I do stand behind Launcher Pro. I love it
Been thinking about the Galaxy tab the last week or so. So yesterday went over to Carphone Warehouse to have a play with one. I was particularly interested to find out about the flash in browser performance which I have heard isn't so flash.
I have a HD2 with MDeejay Desire HD Android ROM running on it and flash on it is very smooth.
I have to say the Galaxy Tab seemed a bit more sluggish and just seemed that bit more cumbersome to navigate around.
Anyone else have a Desire HD and Galaxy tab and tell us their thoughts.
The android system is all about user imput. Its rough and it supports a whole load of chipsets but it needs a little cunning to get going. And, for now, it simply cannot be as fast as ios or windows 7.
Its all about cool cheap stuff. And sticking it to apple!
But for me this is a sign of conceptual maturity... it is a risk happy system that believes its on the way to glory.
I like that
Kinda weird,I got tired of trying to fix my tab and charged it up and turned it off and put it back in the box and didn't plan on messing with it until there was some custom roms(had to enjoy my thanksgiving) as I couldn't sell it like it is. So, today I decided to turn it on and it's back to its normal speed but battery was at 0% for some reason(odd as I charged it to about 87%) .
I think something went wrong with my nand/install or something as whenever I'd boot up it ask me what language I prefer(eng or hablo espanol) and I'd select english then it would just go to the home screen(but it's suppose to ask you for your gmail account and so fourth) from there and sluggishness would ensue. I also have verizon service/3g now for some reason(I don't have a plan for them).
There's one though, a few buttons(home, search, menu) don't work as before but the back button does. I am not too worried about that as I know it's not hardware related because they work in recovery but...
konawayne said:
Is there anyway to format my internal SD card?
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would like to know this as well
you should be able to do this through windows - connect usb, mount, then use the windows formatting tool with fat32
foxmeister said:
That's because Quadrant is a rubbish benchmark. You can OCLF and see a massive jump in Quadrant, but it won't actually make the Tab any faster in the real world IMO.
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Except, you know, when it's lagging.

[Q] Keyboard Lagginess on display units

I just got home from Best Buy where I played with their Xoom for about 20 minutes. Anytime I tried to use the keyboard (in the browser or just doing the google search on the home page), the keyboard only registered like 1/5 keystrokes I made. The line "just testing out this new xoom" would come out as "j tesgo t ewom" or something like that. I watched as I was typing and it looked like the keys were lighting up. Is this just a bad display unit or does the keyboard really suck this bad?
Let me put it this way, I am typing this on my xoom almost as fast as I can type on a computer. It does get laggy in the browser on more complex sites, but it shouldn't lead to that much mispelling. The keyboard is at least as good as the ipad in terms of speed.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Best Buy has some crappy units on display for some reason. ANGRY BIRDS lagged when I used the one at Best Buy.
Still rocking DJ05 with Voodoo5 Blazed Eclair 1.2ghz with GingerLiberty
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DungeonDefendersUsername: TheSonicEmerald
i find the keyboard quite laggy. I am typing this post in the quick reply box and am running about 1-2 keystrokes behind. And this is with stock or Thumb keyboard.
ZBoater said:
i find the keyboard quite laggy. I am typing this post in the quick reply box and am running about 1-2 keystrokes behind. And this is with stock or Thumb keyboard.
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The xda forum makes the browser lag like crazy, probably because of all the elements that are on the page at once. Use the xda app instead.
Not sure, but as far as my personal experience goes, every single floor unit of any device I've tried is always slower than the real thing. With the amount of abuse that the devices get, and in the case of Android the people messing with things that they don't know the reason for make everything laggy.
I remember using the Galaxy Tab at a T-mobile kiosk and having it run pretty smooth, then trying one in a Sprint store than absolutely lagged out and crashed several times. It really depends what people have been doing to them.
Let me also +1 the Xoom soft-keyboard- between the responsiveness and accuracy of the touchscreen, the size of the keys, and the medium autocorrect setting, what used to be a chore typing on soft keyboards has now made sending E-mails FAR easier (which my client certainly appreciates, as now I respond to E-mails coming thru in late at night or early AM much faster ).
I found that when I went to bestbuy the display unit was terrible because everyone installed apps and put a ton of widgets on the desktop. When I actually got my own xoom it was perfect and never had any issue browsing or using the keyboard. So I guess the point I am trying to make is that its more what people put on it then the unit itself and when you have tons of people messing with it a lot of things get screwed up.
androd said:
I found that when I went to bestbuy the display unit was terrible because everyone installed apps and put a ton of widgets on the desktop. When I actually got my own xoom it was perfect and never had any issue browsing or using the keyboard. So I guess the point I am trying to make is that its more what people put on it then the unit itself and when you have tons of people messing with it a lot of things get screwed up.
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The unit at the best buy I was at didn't have a google account tied to the device. You couldn't use the market, gmail or any google application. So nobody put extra apps or widgets on there. Maybe they messed with the settings? All I know is the keyboard was horrible. It would enter a couple letters, miss a couple letters. Half way through typing something it would auto-close the keyboard. Something must have been messed up, I guess. Otherwise I assume everybody would be complaining, which they aren't. I just wish I could have tested the device with the keyboard working correctly so I knew what to actual expect since I'm still on the fence between this and the ipad 2.
Sorry but its not the store unit's fault. This is something ive noticed and subsequently been annoyed with using my Xoom. Usually its while im using the keyboard in the browser window. It just cant keep up and misses keystrokes. It wouldnt be so bad if the keystrokes were just behind, but it lags enough where it doesnt even register some keystrokes. but like i said this is mainly in the browser. Plus for the person who mention Angry birds, i noticed this myself. Which is something thats alway bothered me about Non-Apple(dont shoot me im not a fanboy) hardware/software. If there was one thing i never experienced on my iphone/ipad it was subsequent slowdown while using apps and such. Everything was as quick the first time as it was the last time. Slowdown to me is a major nusiance becuase it seems to happen in intervals as apposed to consistantly. i hate that. Sometimes AB is smooth as silk other times its choppy, but i never know why or when.
I have noticed the lag too. Not on all sites but some especially XDA.I have seen many others complain about the same thing in other posts. Obviously an issue that needs to be corrected by Google in an update.
I have yet to see any lag playing Angry Birds.
schnoz said:
The unit at the best buy I was at didn't have a google account tied to the device. You couldn't use the market, gmail or any google application. So nobody put extra apps or widgets on there. Maybe they messed with the settings? All I know is the keyboard was horrible. It would enter a couple letters, miss a couple letters. Half way through typing something it would auto-close the keyboard. Something must have been messed up, I guess. Otherwise I assume everybody would be complaining, which they aren't. I just wish I could have tested the device with the keyboard working correctly so I knew what to actual expect since I'm still on the fence between this and the ipad 2.
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Interesting since the unit I messed with had a ton of stuff. The only time I have noticed some keyboard lag occasionally was in the web browser when on some intensive websites but other than that seems to be fine. As a note you could try out a different keyboard on it if they actually have a Google account such as swift key and see if that helps. Also id see if you can go to another store such as Verizon and test it out there since normally it works well without lag for me.
That is very strange, I played with my new xoom and it was quick on all apps except for SBM but it makes sense since its not optimized yet but as far as browser and keyboard I haven't experienced any lag yet. Side note Google body was very underwhelming.... more for children then Med students or anything past high school.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
I get no lag but I use voice to text a lot and that works great
I thought that I was the only one that noticed a little lag on the keyboard..... nothing I can't handle or that stopped me from buying the Xoom
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
My problems with the keyboard are how it freezes up during a keystroke and the only way to stop it is to turn the Xoom all the way off. It can be a bit laggy, but it seems to depend more on the app being used vs the keyboard its self.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Ballzdeeep said:
My problems with the keyboard are how it freezes up during a keystroke and the only way to stop it is to turn the Xoom all the way off. It can be a bit laggy, but it seems to depend more on the app being used vs the keyboard its self.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
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Ya it probably depends on if the app is optimized yet for honeycomb so the keyboard lag issue should be fixed when everything becomes more compatible.

So, how stable/responsive is Honeycomb on the Tab?

Hey everyone. I'm planning on getting the Tab, and I was wondering if Honeycomb is decently stable and responsible on the Tab, as I understand from some of the posts here that Honeycomb is still a bit beta-y.
-Does it play YouTube videos fine?
-Do apps force close often?
-Is there a lot of lag on the device?
Thanks in advance for any answers.
I've had mine for approx 24 hours (and have barely put it down).
No force closes, no lag to speak of, and every app I've installed has worked. Maybe the benefit of low expectations, or being used to a Vibrant, but Honeycomb is awesome.
The only thing I've run into: I have a very strong wifi connection, and at least 3 or 4 times in Gmail and the market, it says "no connection-retry?"
Every time I retry it connects.
Anyway, that's my perspective after a whole day, for what it's worth.
Youtube is excellent.
-Does it play YouTube videos fine?
I've seen a few catches here and there. Nothing to completely turn me away.
-Do apps force close often?
I've only had issues with one app and reinstalled it no probs after that.
-Is there a lot of lag on the device?
I've noticed a small amount of lag. Especially with the stock launcher. I'm not surprised because most of the stock devices that I've played around with have had the same small lag.
I've also noticed that a lot more apps stay running on the tablets. That can't help with the lag.
I'm personally can't wait for the voodoo lagfix to hit kernels.
It's a great device. Honeycomb is a bit buggy. If you run some apps that aren't optimized for it, it force closes at times.
If you can handle that, it's a great device.
Cool, everything sounds good. Can't wait to get my Tab now!
Got 10.1 retail 16gb with 3.1, unlocked from Frys yesterday. Auto installed all of my applications, total of 100+ from Market & Amazon through HTC Thunderbolt 4G LTE hot spot within minutes. I have Samsung 7" tab since last thanksgiving. Works everything, loves it. A keeper for me.
I just got my GT 10.1 yesterday and thus far I am very happy. Runs smooth and seems stable in my (limited) experience.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1 using XDA Premium App
X10D3 said:
I'm personally can't wait for the voodoo lagfix to hit kernels.
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Supercurio has already said the Tab doesn't need a lag fix, so there may not be voodoo for it (although he already has the sound enhancements going)
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I've used test devices asking with rc touchWiz units - lags are present, but vanilla honeycomb is bloody smooth, it felt as the most fluid honeycomb tab (I've used all major ones out there)
I think this "lag" should be fixed with the 3.2 update which is due on xoom in next few weeks - it has "improved hardware acceleration"
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I've had a a few issues with apps force closing on me, and a couple of instances of slight lag in the interface as well, but overall I really like this device. Form factor is nice, screen is great and battery life is phenomenal.
I think the few issues with the 10.1 will be fixed in time - either by Samsung/Google or third party developers - so I'm not terribly worried. In the case that they aren't, these issues are slight and do not occur regularly so I can easily live with them - even if I shouldn't have to.
X10D3 said:
-Does it play YouTube videos fine?
I've seen a few catches here and there. Nothing to completely turn me away.
-Do apps force close often?
I've only had issues with one app and reinstalled it no probs after that.
-Is there a lot of lag on the device?
I've noticed a small amount of lag. Especially with the stock launcher. I'm not surprised because most of the stock devices that I've played around with have had the same small lag.
I've also noticed that a lot more apps stay running on the tablets. That can't help with the lag.
I'm personally can't wait for the voodoo lagfix to hit kernels.
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The original Voodoo lagfix for Galaxy S phones was used to convert the filesystem on the device to EXT3/4 from lackluster RFS, from what I am reading and experiencing Samsung is using EXT3 filesystem on the Tab, so the lagfix is pointless.
Kernel tweaks and fine tuning of the Honyecomb when the source becomes available should address the lag issues if ever.
Supercurio won't need to do the lagfix needed for the Galaxy S devices, but he may still have a few filesystem tweaks and whatnot to contribute that will give a small (possibly negligible) boost to performance on the Tab. He did that for the Nexus S, even though the Nexus S used EXT4.
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mrsbelpit said:
The only thing I've run into: I have a very strong wifi connection, and at least 3 or 4 times in Gmail and the market, it says "no connection-retry?"
Every time I retry it connects.
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Very same thing happens to me. My Xoom or Transformer never did this, and my Nook Color and Galaxy S Vibrant also never had issues with my wifi connection.
So I thought it might have been a hardware problem, also because I hadn't seen anyone mention it on this board. I returned my Galaxy Tab 10.1 and got a replacement. The replacement is doing it too. So I am now guessing it might be software.
Glad to see at least I'm not the only one having this problem. Haha.
Honeycomb runs real smooth on my Galaxy Tab. Though I have noticed a few hiccups, these include:
1) Sometimes it doesn't recognize that I have headphones plugged in, I have to reboot the tablet then it works fine. Not exactly a huge issue for me as I don't use headphones that often and it hasn't done it a lot.
2) If you have the keyboard dock, they are like oil and water. The tablet automatically goes into Clock mode and won't come out. You have to toy around with setting a different default keyboard, keep docking and undocking the tablet and even test with docking it with the screen off vs with the screen on to get it to recognize that keyboard as a keyboard and stop putting the device in Clock mode with no keyboard functionality. I haven't quite figured out a single method that works every time, but once you get it working that keyboard makes things so much easier to work with when typing a lot!
3) There is some lag with the interface, but nothing too bad. The worse lag is with typing. With or without the keyboard, the typing lag is horrendous and it's the only lag on this system that actually bugs me.
4) There is the occasional wake-up jam. This isn't tablet specific, but Android specific... when your device just won't wake up and you have to hold the power key for 15 seconds then release and hold again for a few seconds and the device will reboot. This has happened to me twice after charging overnight. In the morning the screen won't come on and I have to hold the power button, release then hold again and the device will power up. Fully charged.
I am hoping these are fixed with the official Samsung release with the TouchWiz overlay. I am thoroughly happy with the galaxy tab 10.1 and do not regret my purchase in any way, shape, or form. Bugs are to be expected, but for a device as expensive as this one it doesn't hurt to hope the manufacturer would address them with the next
BlackOtaku said:
-Does it play YouTube videos fine?
-Do apps force close often?
-Is there a lot of lag on the device?
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The YouTube app has been almost flawless for me. I think it did force crash once or twice.
Regarding force closures. There has been big improvements since the days I had a Xoom and Android 3.0. YouTube crashed once, maybe twice. The Browser app crashed once. I don't think Market has crashed yet, but it's still a little quirky.
Most of the force closures seem to be from third party apps that haven't been updated in a while. But I have apps I use daily that never force close. Pulse is rock stable, Opera Mini is rock stable. Just started using News 360 and it seems stable so far. Dropbox very stable.
The Honeycomb launcher is a bit laggy. I'm living with it. I tried alternative launchers like ADW Launcher and Launcher Pro, but I find those two look pretty ugly and the icons get all messed up when I rotate the tablet. I love how the Honeycomb launcher reserves blank space on the wide side of the tablet so icon spacing stays even. I guess I'm a little weird about that.
So far I think my biggest issue is streaming. I really have more trouble with streaming apps on the Galaxy Tab 10.1 than I have with other tablets. Pandora will freeze up when it's in the background too long. TuneIn Pro seems to buffer a lot more on my Galaxy Tab 10.1. Has my wondering if the wifi is that good or if there is some software issue. And I've had some intermittent "no network connection" errors as I mentioned in a previous post.
Ravynmagi said:
Very same thing happens to me. My Xoom or Transformer never did this, and my Nook Color and Galaxy S Vibrant also never had issues with my wifi connection.
So I thought it might have been a hardware problem, also because I hadn't seen anyone mention it on this board. I returned my Galaxy Tab 10.1 and got a replacement. The replacement is doing it too. So I am now guessing it might be software.
Glad to see at least I'm not the only one having this problem. Haha.
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That ironic. My Atrix does this, and it annoys me to no end (the Atrix has HORRIBLE WiFi connectivity) and in comparison my galaxy tab is fantastic. I connect to WiFi quickly, I get a strong data flow with fast uploads and downloads and no issues with disconnecting from the network.
Ravynmagi said:
Very same thing happens to me. My Xoom or Transformer never did this, and my Nook Color and Galaxy S Vibrant also never had issues with my wifi connection.
So I thought it might have been a hardware problem, also because I hadn't seen anyone mention it on this board. I returned my Galaxy Tab 10.1 and got a replacement. The replacement is doing it too. So I am now guessing it might be software.
Glad to see at least I'm not the only one having this problem. Haha.
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The really weird thing is that it only seems to happen in the native google apps. The first day I had it, it happened 3 or 4 times, then yesterday not once. I'm just wondering if Comcast was buggy that day. It's been known to happen.
I've had it for nearly two weeks (I am fortunate enough to live in New York so I ran to Best Buy in Union Square before the "official release"). I had a Xoom for awhile, and 3.1 is certainly an improvement.
I am not a power user as far as media goes, I am more email/web browsing/business apps, so I haven't had any major issues with Youtube, it's seemed pretty smooth for me.
The stock browser freezes up when a drop down menu is selected, and there's a long list of choices. Freezes, and closes all windows. Pain in the butt. I don't love any of the browsers on the Market (they all seem to be buggy as well and/or only open in mobile mode), and this is just a problem I'll have to deal with.
I've found that the battery life is good, but not great. Perhaps I have things running in the background that I shouldn't. But I'm not seeing more than about 5-6 hours, and as I mentioned I'm just using email and web browsing for the most part.
Overall, I recommend.
No issues for me outside of the odd program force closing. Google Music did that to me a few times until I updated it.
Stock browser is a little buggy at times. It didn't sync all my bookmarks well. I'm still looking for a good browser. Dolphin HD is alright.
Youtube runs perfectly fine.
Only a few apps force close on the Tab and sometimes the browser force closes, but rarely.
And there's only a slight lag on the home screen. It's barely noticeable but it's less smooth as compared to the iPad. Hopefully, 3.2 will improve the experience.


i dont know is that normal but my iconia a500 is very lagy whit only 2 pages opet like facebook or cnn...i have the latest 3.2 offical
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
You are not he only one, mine also has lag, every Android tablet is ****ty. I also have 3.2 rooted with ad block and in Pulse Reader, it lags like hell, pages load without full content and the socalled "flash" is inexistent most of the time. Scrolling is crap, tired of stuttering. Everybody that say that their tablet is "smooth", either lie, or have no perception of smoothness. They should try an apple bitten logo tablet, I won't say the name, because haters will flame me.
Or they have overclocked like hell, but i don't like overclocking, it eats battery like a termite. And standby is crap also, only 2-3 days max, compared to 30 like "others".
thanx i am hope that acer will fix that it is a big issue ,makes me nutz sometimes..
deio said:
You are not he only one, mine also has lag, every Android tablet is ****ty. I also have 3.2 rooted with ad block and in Pulse Reader, it lags like hell, pages load without full content and the socalled "flash" is inexistent most of the time. Scrolling is crap, tired of stuttering. Everybody that say that their tablet is "smooth", either lie, or have no perception of smoothness. They should try an apple bitten logo tablet, I won't say the name, because haters will flame me.
Or they have overclocked like hell, but i don't like overclocking, it eats battery like a termite. And standby is crap also, only 2-3 days max, compared to 30 like "others".
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Dear deio,
I have a perfect perception of smoothness and I'm not going to lie to you - I have A500 with Lightspeed 1.0.4 with stock kernel. Runs SMOOTH AS BUTTER! My brother owns an iPAD 2 and trust me I've played a lot with this useless (for me) thing if that's the idea of "ultimate smoothness". OK, this thread is not about iPADs vs Android tablets (no matter your conclusion that every Android tablet is ****ty), its about the lag OP experienced with OTA 3.2 . huurux , either go ahead for a custom ROM or return your device for replacement.
Having the same problem since i downloaded ota 3.2. When i say lag, i meant like it takes me a couple of minutes to open up an app (not a specific app, almost any app causes the lag) and even that, when i try to execute anything with the app it takes a few more minutes. Android Market also tells me i have updates for my apps, click on update, and the download status bar will marquee endlessly and would not let me download anything. Was thinking i had a bad update.
My question is (and help me out cause i am a noob): Is there a way i can reflash the stock ota 3.2? I have tried the "check for update" but it will just tell me that my android is up-to-date. Please help, have tried looking in the forum but couldnt find a similar solution.
Another noobish question: If i factory reset i assume it will wipe all data. Is there an easy way i can reinstall all the apps i previously had before the factory reset? If so, will i be able to retain all the progress i made in the app? (eg: game progress, rss list, etc)Tks in advance =)
loodeytunes said:
Another noobish question: If i factory reset i assume it will wipe all data. Is there an easy way i can reinstall all the apps i previously had before the factory reset? If so, will i be able to retain all the progress i made in the app? (eg: game progress, rss list, etc)Tks in advance =)
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Get Titanium backup from Market - its the most usefull app for me that's why I got the paid version. It will backup all your apps with data. The free version would also do the job for you but the batch process of restoring apps later will require pressing OK on each app that is currently being restored.
Thanks for the fast reply. It seems that i am not able to download any apps from the moment because of the problem. Although internet seems to be working.
Try to download Titanium Backup from their web site. As for the lag, I'm on stock 3.2 and I don't have any lag, the tablet runs even faster than with 3.2, so something is causing the lag on your tablet, I suspect a bad application, it happened to me with my iPad and iTouch, that went slow as molasses, and it was bad application. Uninstalled and everything got fine.
So for those so quickly to blame any android tablet, pleas check first that really you didn't install any crap application, specially cracked or pirated ones, that is slowing the system.
deio said:
Scrolling is crap, tired of stuttering. Everybody that say that their tablet is "smooth", either lie, or have no perception of smoothness. And standby is crap also, only 2-3 days max, compared to 30 like "others".
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LOL Epic fail
drkalo said:
Dear deio,
I have a perfect perception of smoothness and I'm not going to lie to you - I have A500 with Lightspeed 1.0.4 with stock kernel. Runs SMOOTH AS BUTTER! My brother owns an iPAD 2 and trust me I've played a lot with this useless (for me) thing if that's the idea of "ultimate smoothness". OK, this thread is not about iPADs vs Android tablets (no matter your conclusion that every Android tablet is ****ty), its about the lag OP experienced with OTA 3.2 . huurux , either go ahead for a custom ROM or return your device for replacement.
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I also have this "LightSpeed" ROM, is laggy as hell, this is not a hardware problem, tried with a different Iconia, I also had a TF101, it was a bit better, but lack of USB on the slate made me chose the Iconia.
Sorry but this is about all Android tablets, and I must apologize to you, but I don't believe you. There is no smoothness in ANY Android device.
Ok, recommend a ROM that has the lowest lag, I'll try it.
I really don't get any slowdowns. I am however using tabooney with Richard trip kernel set tobuserspace in setcpu. Its been really good for me
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
I'm running EZTerry's "stock" rooted 3.2 OTA ROM without any lag, choppiness, or basically any issues at all. My battery life is what it's always been since buying it in May.
Unfortunately for the OP, if you accepted the OTA you can no longer root so apps like Titanium Backup or flashing a different ROM are no longer an option. You'll have to wait for someone to get root for OTA 3.2.
If you don't mind losing some of your apps, you can try a factory reset, load one app at a time from the market, and see if you can determine if an app is causing your problems.
Deio, continuing to call the A500 community liars and idiots in thread after thread is likely not going to result in much help coming your way. At this point my only advice to you is to eBay your A500 and go buy an iPad. Clearly, the A500 is simply not the device for you and you're never going to be happy with it.
deio, buy a f***ing iPad and leave us alone!
I've noticed a significant lag when the power plug is on (especially the touchscreen), as soon as I unplug the power cordless everything run smooth... weird
android 3.1
My roommate has the Transformer and I have the Iconia, we both lag like hell every two to three hours for about 5-10mins.
gnygny said:
I've noticed a significant lag when the power plug is on (especially the touchscreen), as soon as I unplug the power cordless everything run smooth... weird
android 3.1
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I also have the power/charge lag problem. I'm on stock rooted 3.1 using Richard Tripp's kernel to OC 1.4. Lagging during charging/ac power has been a problem for my A500 since new, with no root. Something about this engineering that makes it a problem for some units.
Going to load Taboonay and see if it makes a difference.
Lag when in charge
jyams said:
I also have the power/charge lag problem. I'm on stock rooted 3.1 using Richard Tripp's kernel to OC 1.4. Lagging during charging/ac power has been a problem for my A500 since new, with no root. Something about this engineering that makes it a problem for some units.
Going to load Taboonay and see if it makes a difference.
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My config A500 3.1 rooted, I didn't have this issue be4 3.1 update.
Try thors newest v11. I only get lag on this website for some reason, it takes a quick second for the whole page to show. Its hit and miss. Every now and then it will go away. I watch alot of 720p videos. Both streaming from my home server or downloaded to one of my sdcards. All my daily uses, email, surfing, videos, etc. have almost no lag.
Ok here we go...
The best I can guess from reading about all of your lag problems is that there is a program or programs that are running in your background processes and eating up cpu/memory. Go to settings-applications-running applications and see what is on right now; subsequently see what is running directly after a reboot. If a bunch of random apps are running, it is very likely they are causing the lag. Especially if they are syncing or accessing the web. My suggestion would be to either uninstall these apps or go into their individual settings and turn off anything that would have it constantly working (not just running, it is ok for some apps to run in the background, as Android is programmed to control memory usage while allowing apps to run when not it use, but specifically 'working' in the background will eat up resources). Also, how often do you have your syncs scheduled? Any info that you do not need to have constantly synced (ie backup email addresses, facebook, weather intervals, etc.) should be either turned off or set to sync only a few times a day. For example, I have 11 running apps right now (been running without a reboot for a few days), consisting mainly of core Android processes, my keyboard, email, cpu scaler, and just 2 apps that I have downloaded that run in the background (mind you I have about 50 apps installed).
All this talk about the iPad and how smooth it is...that's because it utilizes hardware accelerated graphics, something that Android will now have with the release of Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0. True, the level of smoothness on an iPad typically surpasses that of an Android device, but that is soon to change. Then what will the iPad really have? A boring home screen that consists of nothing more than only our app drawer and a ton of games. Android brings WAY more to the table, no question about it.
Going on...
I am running a custom rom (Taboonay 2.1b) with an overclocked/undervolted processor (1.4ghz -150mv) and my Iconia gets kick ass battery life. I need to really try to kill this thing, no joke. I play hi-def/3d games, watch flash content on the web, Netflix, internet browsing, email, create word docs, use external usb peripherals, and more. To get the best battery life you just have to be smart about it.
Turn off auto backlight. I don't think it works very well on the Iconia anyway, I have my brightness set at about 20% and it's perfectly visible (if you're used to having it brighter give it some time, you'll adjust) and when I am in bright light I simply change it as needed.
Check sync schedule. Weather really only needs to be updated like every 3 hours at most. Do you really need to know the temperature AS it changes? Don't think so.
Do you have multiple email addresses? Unless they are work related, you can probably just set them to sync manually and check it a couple times a day without it turning on itself.
Facebook/Twitter syncing is the devil. Unless you are a 15 year old girl that needs to know what her bff is doing at all times, slow down the sync on these apps!
Is your WiFi set to turn off with your screen? This is a BIG ONE! Settings-Wireless/Networks-WiFi Settings-WiFi Disconnect Policy-When Screen Turns Off. You'll notice a change immediately.
For some more info on what's killing your battery, and therefore more than likely sucking up resources and causing lag, go to Settings-Applications-Battery Use. The blue lines should line up accordingly: Your device should only be Awake and have the WiFi on when the Screen is on, except for a few dashes here and there for normal syncing. Large blue squares of Awake when the screen isn't on means something is running in the background that probably shouldn't be. WiFi on all the time kills battery. Get it? Also, the list of apps that take up battery should only be ones that YOU KNOW you are using on a constant basis. If something is on there that you don't normally use a lot, it means it's running in the background and sucking up a lot of resources (other than screen, tablet idle, and Android OS, these should be there).
Moral of the story...
I gave my 3 year old kids my iPhone. It's a kids toy, same with the iPad. Period. An Android device is one of the most powerful, customizable and capable devices available. There is a lot more that can be done with it than with most other more simple devices. With great power comes great responsibility. Take control of your device, what you do with it and what it does. Lag? What lag.
Phew. I'm a little drunk at the moment, so hope I didn't go too crazy here. What was this post about by the way? Ha! Hit the thanks button if this made any sense to anyone out there
Honestly, I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm running stock unrooted 3.2(mostly because I've been too lazy to revert back to a rooted ROM)and have very little to no lag. Realizing that its all personal perception and that I gave my Ipod to my kid so I don't really have anything to compare it to, I'm way more than happy with the performance of my tablet. The only time I have to wait is when I open up the Acer content folders, sometimes it takes a second or two for them to open. I can definitely live with that, if the trade off is a fully usable tablet that I can customize to my own needs. Battery life is well above expectations as well for me. Usually two days of semi-heavy use before I start to get that panicky feeling that comes when my battery meter drops below 30%.

ICS Impressions, please share

Ok so for those that have been able to upgrade to ICS (P6800 owners) what are your toughts?
Now this is what i am looking for:
A) What you like
B) Don't like
C) What would you like to have seen included but wasn't (if anything)
And since having the update what are you looking forward to doing that you couldn't or wouldn't with HC.
Please don't post any issues you have after updating, that is not what this post is intended for.
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda premium
Well i don't think that i don't like anything but i haven't really found something that is faulty. It is definitely faster as i immediately noticed that it took less ram, than honey comb, to run. Feels pretty fast with go launcher HD to me and i love it completely. Although i thought that there would be camera improvements as tab 2 7.0 has the same 3 mega pixel camera but does 1080p recording. So i thought that it might be done with tab 7.7 as well with an ics upgrade.
hammer of thor said:
Well i don't think that i don't like anything but i haven't really found something that is faulty. It is definitely faster as i immediately noticed that it took less ram, than honey comb, to run. Feels pretty fast with go launcher HD to me and i love it completely. Although i thought that there would be camera improvements as tab 2 7.0 has the same 3 mega pixel camera but does 1080p recording. So i thought that it might be done with tab 7.7 as well with an ics upgrade.
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Yea 1080p would have been a nice addition, but 720p is still good.
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda premium
Well I love it to and made it up with Samsung:
- first with ICS that tablet really rocks it already did but now it's almost perfect
- smoother faster it seems especially the OOM killer seems more smart, and less memory used it seems
- no more problem with Itap rdp right click with bt mouse
- something I never mentioned. : I developed or try to develop a clone of pronto remote and debug using adb wireless
With HC I could not connect via adb on the computer using ethernet to adb wireless wifi due to packet loss... So had to disable ethernet and enable wifi. With ics no longer this issue...
- I used to have frequent sleep of death for the moment none
- I listen radio everyday through tunein somehow at around 1pm HC always rebooted by itself. Never bothered to figure out why... Now this no longer happen...
- no wifi issue ( some ICS user reported problems). I never had neither with HC except sleep of death or reboot that might be related to wifi?. I use Friztbox 7340 AP.
- my 100+ aps. Seems to all works (of course did not test deeply since yesterday) except gmd gesture control to hide the control bar
-once in a while but quite frequently using HC my EXCHANGE account would vanish...had to re-create every time... waiting to see on this one...Could be my remote application leaking....
So all in all very very happy with this tab and Samsung... Patience was what I missed
- I did wipe and did not have any problem if we refer to brick bug... But you never know...
What I like less
- dialog box theme gray without frame around
- it seems Samy addressed bur-in doing the bar black now....
I preferred it before and I don't have noticeable burn-in ( since march and extensive uses) except using color filter and brightness turned all down then I see slight yellow discoloration... Nothing to complain for me as the TAB HW screen etc are just so great IMO and outweight for me this small detail.
Seriously the TAB rocks for me...
Can you imagine 7.7 with quad core and dream about a 1080p SAMOLED display in a 7'7 TAB for me the perfect size!
I guess I continue buying Samsung.... Despite some of my previous comments... Waiting for the ICS on 8.9 now for my girl friend
Thanks and cheers
A now happy again Samsun tab 7.7 user
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda premium
My first impression
i installed the firmware through odin. it was not available on kies. so if i have to claim warranty ( god forbid ) then i guess i have to flash my country's HC firmware back
what i liked is that it is noticibly faster than HC. Apps load faster. lag is less. starting button lag is less. there have been no FC's and almost all of my games are compatible.
what i dislike or rather disappointed is that it does not look or feel much different than HC. no added functionality except Face unlock. what i would have liked is some features of S3.
i am running this for almost 24 hrs now. battery usage is same as HC.
I like that this device is actually usable now. I think I'm going to use it as my main tablet now. I didn't use it with HC because it was just so slow compared to my gt8.9 (running ICS rom).
My first impression: TouchWiz seems much smoother, Go Launcher HD feels the same. Under heavy usage of widgets TouchWiz is still great but Go Launcher HD not. I do love some Go Launcher features so I played around a lot and also tested the new 1.11 beta. But is still less responsive.
It's like a faulty motherboard replaced by a newer and faster one.
Seriously, like a new device, snappy, responsive, seems less battery hungry.
There is one 'custom rom" available, where EDaN has deodexed and removed some bloatware. I took that rom and took out everything social,photo and video editor, and some other minor crap.
Having 60 apps installed and tested it's like Christmas.
- dislike
had to discover I must install busybox to get Titanium working
had to install supersu myself, no biggy
no software based CWM, havent found compatible one, but one thats reboots to recovery anyway.
No powermenu at powerbutton
ugly blueish tint around quickmenu (with shortcuts for bt.wifi etc)
This all will be fixed when chefs get source or get impatient and offer CWM zips
Chainfire3d night mode seems to be not working...
Sent from my GT-P6800 using Xparent Green Tapatalk 2
my only gripe so far is that if you increase the font size to Large, some apps (mostly system apps) seem to have the font go to 'super large' e.g. google play, settings menu, whilst some apps its perfect.
Conversely, going down to medium, most apps are back to Honeycomb tiny font problem, whilst the system apps are fine
Seems like Sammy tweaked the touchwiz stock UI to display fine on medium size, without thinking that 'hey most apps the user will be using needs it set to large hmmmm'. Hoping AOSP ROMs will get around this issue
The tab is more responsive overall. Feels like a new device. But still not loving touchwiz--wish this is a pure Google device. Installing Nova Launcher partially fixes that. Only app not working out well so far is Battery Monitor Widget Pro--the mA usage keeps showing "0". Just about everything else survived the upgrade with no issues.
Add: mA information in Battery monitor widget works is set to "estimation" rather than automatic. So that problem is solved...
I never used tw always adw launcher ex on this device, everything is smoother with ics now we just need some custom roms and kernels so it can catch up to my galaxy note and asus prime
Anyone notice the clipboard function is gone?
In HC, when ublong tap to paste, there are 2 options to choose, PASTE & CLIPBIARD.
in ICS, there's only PASTE.
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
I love this new upgrade. The lag is mostly gone, and it's actually more functional. And Chrome looks awesome on the screen.
matsuru said:
Anyone notice the clipboard function is gone?
In HC, when ublong tap to paste, there are 2 options to choose, PASTE & CLIPBIARD.
in ICS, there's only PASTE.
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
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It only seems to work with the Samsung keyboard. I thought that was also the case in 3.2?
I'm truly loving this tab with ICS. One huge problem is with my WiFi. I experienced once again as it just disconnected and never connected again until I shut it down completely and turned it back on. Logged onto another AP. I hate this problem as I thought I had fixed it. It seems like the WiFi module is overheated and shutdown or something....*SIGH*
when browsing, going back to the previous tabs is still being reloaded. That is my only gripe so far.
Other than that, everything is smoothhhhhh...
I agree. Smooth interface. :-D
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda app-developers app
I am using multiling keyboard and the function is there.
Anyway, because of this, I found an app that does more -> Clipper+
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
It's good stuff!
First: Hotmail seems to be staying put. Had big bothers with this as account would dissapear from tab. Seems to be fixed now, but need more time.
Second: SD Card behaving. Sweet.
Third: No waiting around for unlock screen to pop up when power button pressed. WTF was that anyway?
Fourth: Swype behaving itself. Kept on getting beeps before, and i would have to change to Samkey and back to swype. One crash so far in google translate.
Fifth: Browser no longer reloading all the time to homepage. seems more stable.
Sixth: Youtube actually responds when choosing a vid. If you hit back before and chose another, it was no longer responsive.
Seventh: AR much more responsive. 1sec response time. instead of 3-4. Overall response time much boosted. Has crossed the line from WTF? to hey... Sweet!
0'ed: Sammy did our super bloody expensive tab first. THANK YOU!
PS: flashed XL4 (United Arab Emirates) with Austrian version.(ODIN 1.85) Not a problem. Did Full Reset before flashing though. All went smooth. Im a very happy camper! Hope i could help.

