SMS contact issue... - Wildfire General

Firstly, I'd like to apologise if this has been touched up on before, I did a search but couldn't find much.
Secondly, I've been reading the forums for a while and thought I'd register as to seek help for my little problem...
To put it simply, I have all my contacts stored in my Gmail account. After installing Wildpuzzle, I decided to clean up my contact list to make my phone a bit more organised.
The problem, is that when I receive a text message (SMS) from anyone, it does not show up as their name in my Messages app. It simply shows the full number (inc. international dialing code) with no picture and no name.
For example, let's say I save 'Bob' in my Contacts list as: "07123456789". When I receive a text it does not show 'Bob's name, only "+447123456789".
Now, if I was to edit 'Bob's contact card so it was stored as "+447123456789" then it does show his name.
Has anyone else come across this before? I don't really want to have to go through all the phone numbers in my Contacts and put +44 in front and remove the 0.
Thanks in advance.

Its a known bug, has been posted in the wildpuzzle-thread many times. But if you have all your numbers on gmail-account its pretty easy to put "+44" before the numbers on each contacts, it took me about 10 minutes, only having like 90 contacts, but anyway, not that hard to fix with a little time =)

Yeah, I had a feeling that this was the case due to the lack-of-response from people.
Anyway, got bored at work so I changed them all now. Bit of a pain in the arse, but you have to make these sacrifices for such great software


SMS blues

Hi guys,
sorry to get back on this question, but it is really bugging me off:
When I try to send an sms to SOME contacts, my 9100 sends me to the generic SMS form - without pre-filling the "To" field with the correct number.
Of course the contacts in question does have a mobile/sms number filled in. Also, I can't figure which contacts are affected.
And: the problem seems to happen only with the original Contacts form. SMSsing from Agenda Fusion works just right.
Editing over two characters in the "note" section of the contact seems to fix the problem FOR THAT SPECIFIC name only, but of course I'd like to find a more sensible solution.
Any suggestions?

[Problem] Incoming call or Message ID

Since now I have been very happy with WM and especially HTC. But now I discovered, my contact not showing correct on incoming Messages or calls.
What I mean in detail is, that my Numbers are saved to the Phone only by using a Number like: +49179123456.
My Problem is, that now my incoming Messages from saved contacts do not show the Name, because in this case the message is obviously sent by 0170123456. The only way, for now, is to save contacts twice. I already searched the forum and found similar Threads, but none of them could help.
It`s not a huge problem but a little annoying and i would be very thankful if somebody could point me in the right direction.
Greetings from a great Fan of XDA!!
My Problem is, that now my incoming Messages from saved contacts do not show the Name, because in this case the message is obviously sent by 0170123456. The only way, for now, is to save contacts twice. I already searched the forum and found similar Threads, but none of them could help.
Same problem !!!

Problem showing correct ID in Messages or Call

Since now I have been very happy with WM and especially HTC. But now I discovered, my contact not showing correct on incoming Messages or calls.
What I mean in detail is, that my Numbers are saved to the Phone only by using a Number like: +49179123456.
My Problem is, that now my incoming Messages from saved contacts do not show the Name, because in this case the message is obviously sent by 0170123456. The only way, for now, is to save contacts twice. I already searched the forum and found similar Threads, but none of them could help.
It`s not a huge problem but a little annoying and i would be very thankful if somebody could point me in the right direction.
Greetings from a great Fan of XDA!!

Phone shows phone number instead of names

When I receive a call or a text message from someone it displays their phone number instead of their name that is in my phonebook.
How do I fix this as I have tried google and the user manual and can't seem to find it.
Thanks in advance.
I've been talking to HTC tech support about this issue and they got me to try a few things. They now say that I will have to send it back to them for repair as they reckon it is faulty. Hopefully they won't send it back to me reflashed to the UK Orange ROM....
The other day I synched my tattoo with my Outlook contacts and calendar. It screwed it right up. Deleted over 500 contacts and moved loads of events in my calendar.
I have to wait for the IT dept to restore my outlook from the backup tape from the exchange server.
Since I told HTC about this they have stopped replying. Maybe next week they will take it in for repair......
Has anyone else had this problem. If I have the phone with SIM only contacts then the name shows. If I sync my Outlook contacts then none of my outlook or SIM contacts display the name. The ROM that I am using is 1.67.405.6
The phone is just back from repair and no fault found and they reinstalled the Orange ROM on it. I have put it back to 1.67.405.6 ROM
I love this phone apart from this problem (which I must get fixed or it's back to using the Kaiser).
My camera doesn't auto focus either to scan barcodes
Am I the only person in the world that owns a Tattoo that this happens to ????
No, to be honest my tattoo camera doesn't auto focus either when scanning barcodes...when using the normal camera it does really well...
Since I don't really need this feature it didn't quite bother me...
All my incoming phone calls and text messages just show the callers id number but it doesn't translate them into the phonebook names. Very annoying.
I doubt that this is a fault on the tattoo. Should be some settings somewhere. Remember on windows mobile 6.x you had to set the minimum number of digits in the phone number if your country used less than the default settings for it to show phonebook names? Might be something like that. Try to dig in this direction.
Think I have looked at every setting on this phone and still can't seem to get it working. Maybe it's a fault in the ROM or summat
Does the phone display SIM contacts AND phone contacts? if yes i would set it to phone only and copy all contacts to from sim to phone - maybe it can't handle doubled entries...Oo
I got it listing phone contacts only, changed my frequent ones to +44 numbers, still no difference, still showing phone numbers for all calls and texts.
Is my phone the only one that does this ??
If it doesn't get sorted soon i'll have to get rid of it as this is a bloody nuisance....
Yes, I'm afraid that your phone is the only one, just as my phone was the only one to delete sms messages automatically...I called HTC support and they told me I had to hard reset the phone (although I did this 2 times before). Nevertheless I tried the third time and now the problem's gone curiously...
You can backup all your data on your SD card before you hard reset it (if you're willing to do this again), so no data loss on this side
It's just a thought...
I think hard reset is triggered when pressing Menu and Back buttons while the phone is turned off and then shortly pressing the power button.
Sorry for not being of more help
Right, I decided to bite the bullet again and did a hard reset, scrubbed everything.
1. SIM contacts only, phoned the mobile and the name and number came up the way it should i.e. normal
2. Synched my outlook contacts with the phone
3. Called the mobile from numbers in my Outlook, just the number shows, no name
4. Called the mobile from numbers that worked in step 1, these now show as just number only, no name
5. From this I presume that there is something wrong/corrupt in the Outlook data that the phone doesn't like and screws the names part up. I presume I will need to go through all my Outlook contacts to see if anything jumps out as being the problem.
Any ideas ??
Each text or call I received if I clicked on the callers number and listed the contact details it gave me part of one of my contacts with text in the number section (but the same info for every number). I then went through all my Outlook contacts 1 by 1 and found the one that had the same info. Deleted this contact on my Outlook and my phone and boom, hey presto, instantly all my number/names work perfectly now.
HTC sync had corrupted my Outlook earlier and I lost over 500 contacts, garbled others and moved stuff in my calendar.
Thank fook it's all working perfectly now.
I love this phone.

New app done, need help

I think I've got my application done, but it's hard to test.
It's a new SMS text blocker. Runs as a Service and checks incoming SMS phone number to Contacts. If not in Contacts, it goes to internal "spam" table as an unblocked number. If it's not in Contacts and already "spammed", the new message goes to "spam" as a blocked number.
If the new message/phone number is "unblocked", you can add it to Contacts or mark it as spam and the message/phone put in table as "blocked".
Everything seems to be working OK as far as adding to Contacts, deleting message from inbox if moved to spam (why save it twice?) and marking message as "read" (removes notification icon).
I'm wondering what to do with testing. It's hard for me to test it with emulator or sending messages from Verizon website. And a couple of friends are getting pissed at me for asking them to text me all the time! LOL
Putting it on the Market with a 15 minute refund really does not give purchaser a chance to test it (and I don't want to get users upset with me).
I think the best thing to do is put it on the Market as Beta and free. Then just add a check to code that limits the blocked numbers. Then get feedback from users on any problems or errors.
Comments please

