New app done, need help - Android Software Development

I think I've got my application done, but it's hard to test.
It's a new SMS text blocker. Runs as a Service and checks incoming SMS phone number to Contacts. If not in Contacts, it goes to internal "spam" table as an unblocked number. If it's not in Contacts and already "spammed", the new message goes to "spam" as a blocked number.
If the new message/phone number is "unblocked", you can add it to Contacts or mark it as spam and the message/phone put in table as "blocked".
Everything seems to be working OK as far as adding to Contacts, deleting message from inbox if moved to spam (why save it twice?) and marking message as "read" (removes notification icon).
I'm wondering what to do with testing. It's hard for me to test it with emulator or sending messages from Verizon website. And a couple of friends are getting pissed at me for asking them to text me all the time! LOL
Putting it on the Market with a 15 minute refund really does not give purchaser a chance to test it (and I don't want to get users upset with me).
I think the best thing to do is put it on the Market as Beta and free. Then just add a check to code that limits the blocked numbers. Then get feedback from users on any problems or errors.
Comments please


SMS Spam??

I have a serious problem here......recently i started to receive adult messages from a spam service...and now i get like 1 every 3 days and it p*sses me off; is there any way i can get a program which will delete the messages....
the messages come from different numbers and some say unidentifed sender??? what prgoram will block these stupid messages....
i dont want somink which only allows people from my contact to send messages; as this will block all the people who have my number but i dont have theres
Thanks in advance
Try this?
Anyway it goes by phone number (should be for any other SMS filter). So, it may be difficult to get your spam 100% filtered, especially those un-identified sender (in the case where you do not want to white list all your friends in the contact).
call your cell company they can see all income txt msgs and block it on there end. plus credit you back if you get charged per txt msg.
thanks for the advice guys...
I called o2 on 2220; from this i selcted option 4 and 5...which blocks adult this hopefuly should sorted it...
bump...still getting these messages
i fink once i get a job im just going to move over to contract and sell my sim on it is a platinum number :?:

Software Pls: SMS Filter

bad situation: Sweetheart erroneously receives an SMS from you that was meant for Honey.
solution: Read and re-read your messages before sending them, and verify that you arre sending to the right person before pressing SEND, but we are only HUMAN, and we make mistakes.
software to the rescue: A SMS editor program that FILTERS your messages and decides wether your message is really meant for the person you are sending the message to.
how?: you assign keywords to contacts and it is saved in a database that the program accesses, for example, you blacklist the words "honey" and "baby" from messages you send to SWEETHEART, so the database will look like this:
Sweetheart-(Blacklist: honey, baby)
Honey-(Blacklist: sweetheart,baby)
Baby-(Blacklist: sweetheart,honey)
so when you type the message "Goodnight Honey" then SEND to SWEETHEART, the program evaluates that this message should not be sent to SWEETHEART and WARNS YOU and DOES NOT PROCEED to SEND the message, but if the message is "Goodnight Sweetheart" and to be sent to SWEETHEART, the program evaluate it as valid, then proceeds to SEND the MESSAGE to TMAIL.EXE (the REAL SMS program for final sending)
objective of this program: WORLD PEACE, actually just peaceful and harmonious living, hahaha. because wrong sending of message is eliminated.
other uses of this program?: you can blacklist the word "FAT" from being sent to your very fat friend, because he feels insulted by the word, or you can blacklist "PORK or PIG" to other people who might feel offended by this word.
Men and Women alike would like this program, although some would not admit it, they would really find a program like this very useful. hehehe.
So now the question: Can some programmer do this pls?
I can do programming for PC, but i havent done Pocket PC programming, i think all this program is an INTERFACE with the user by providing TEXT EDITOR, the evaulates the TEXT, then PASS the information to TMAIL.EXE.
reserved for help programmer if there are any takers...
Should be possible... I'll be happy to take a look when i have some time..
But ... i'm pretty curious what "inspired" this idea
nice app! and Mr_Gee, maybe simliar inspiration was used in your SMS Password app
NguyenHuu said:
nice app! and Mr_Gee, maybe simliar inspiration was used in your SMS Password app
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haha lol
The strange thing is my girl also looked through my messages the day before
I wrote that application... so it was also a bit of personal gain
This is what i whipped up, please note the sending is not working yet...
give it a go and let me know what you think...
to begin click on menu>app. options>import contacts
rescan when the table is filled hit OK
Next manage blacklist
select the name from the dropdown list, add the blacklisted words
for testing i used pizza, banaan (its dutch)
thats also why there is already some text entered in the message are
(i forgot to remove it when i compiled the app )
Once the blacklist is updated hit save and close
in option screen click save
go to menu>add recipient and select the one you've just updated the blacklist for, next write a text, with or without those words and see what happens.
From the testing i did the logic seems to work...
please note, the blacklisted words need to be written without spaces and seperated by a comma
e.g. hello,mikey,banana
also Pizza is not the same as pizza...
let me know what you think..
On a sidenote, the application also needs a name
i was thinking along the lines of
- Stupid Me (what you usually think after sending the wrong person an sms)
- doh! (tribute to Homer )
- LifeSaver
- LoveSaver
- SMSLifeLine
but if you have a better idea please let me know
-= Attachment removed =-
please see next post
will test it, LIFESAVER could be a good name, but it what it does is save my ARSE really, hehehehe.
what i usually think after sending to the wrong person? "OMIGOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" then comes the cold sweat, then the customary call from the recepient then 2 days of explaining, hehehe.
what inspired this idea? clearly... is to help my friend who has a lot of girlfriends...hehehe. he tried calling them all HONEY...didnt work
suggestion, converting all text in blacklist and in message to ALL CAPITAL LETTERS before evalutaion could eliminate the difference between Pianp and piano, also, replacing "," or "." or symbol characters with "<space>," "<space>." or "<space>symbol" could help blacklisted word next to symbols. thanks man.
paulpax said:
what inspired this idea? clearly... is to help my friend who has a lot of girlfriends...hehehe. he tried calling them all HONEY...didnt work
suggestion, converting all text in blacklist and in message to ALL CAPITAL LETTERS before evalutaion could eliminate the difference between Pianp and piano, also, replacing "," or "." or symbol characters with "<space>," "<space>." or "<space>symbol" could help blacklisted word next to symbols. thanks man.
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Thought about it, but i think it would be easier just to write the 2 versions,
currently the application checks for the word, if it doesn't find it it checks both <word>, and <word>.
another problem is that I have the program check <space><word><space>
(thats why there cannot be any spaces in the blacklist)
the reason is that if the blacklisted word is Piano and the spaces aren't there it would flag Pianoman as a blacklisted word
youre right, is a beta program available that already sends? hehehe.
paulpax said:
youre right, is a beta program available that already sends? hehehe.
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not yet, hopefully tomorrow
will be waiting thanks, by the way, what proggy are you using to make this software?
New version, should be working (e.g. sending stuff)
thanks, will be testing this as soon as i find a way to get this on my SD card or phone, im at my work pc and all my tools are left at home. eg. sync cable, bluetooth, card reader, wlan card.
Did you find the time to check it?
yup tested it,
first test, import contacts then manage blacklist - done
insert recipient - done
typed text without a blacklist word - done
send - wont send, send button just reacts but it doesnt do anything.
typed text with a blacklisted word - done
send -no reaction, no sending or warning, button just reacts but doesnt do anything.
thats the result of my test mr. gee. thanks.
edit edit edit,
now this is funny, i thought nothing was done when i press send, but BOTH messages with blacklisted word and not were sent to the FIRST person on the contacts list. hehehe. talk about preventing sending to the wrong person, no harm done, but funny.
the first person in my contacts list replied to me with both text that i sent that was supposed to be for an intended recipient. the texts were intended for a person 'L' but was received by the person 'A'.
great idea
sounds very interesting ... but is there a programm for filtering/screening incoming messages aswell?
e.g. you recieve a message from a special person and you don´t want that s.o. hears it but all the other recieved message should ring as usual ...
for incoming filtering, i think there is a program for that already.
check link:
but for outgoing filtering, this is the current idea so far.
thanks for testing Paul,
I'll take a look at the application, not sure whare the issue is..
This is really good idea.... Keep up the good work
I remember that I was out for work and than I sent SMS like: I was cool, thanks.... to my girlfriend (doh!)... And real trouble started

anyone having texting issues?

So i'm having a problem with texting on the g1.
1) receive a text from someone not on your contact list.
2) add user to contact list
3) reply to text message
4) text message thread name shows as someone else
5) text goes to first person on contact list
6) delete text thread
7) compose new text, (select that new person)
8) text goes to new person
9) text thread shows as the same person from as person in #4
10) person from #8 replies and you receive it just fine.
11) reply to that text, but it goes to first person on your contact list. You don't even have to reply, when you open the text thread, the top left name shows a different name.
I have 2 contacts on my list that is linked all funky.
I have tried deleting the contact from gmail and adding them again, but I still get the issue with them.
oh if you leave the retarded thread sms there (that is displaying the wrong name) and compose a new text to the original person #8. it sends an email to #8 (that #8 cannot reply to) but shows up in your text inbox with "(no subject)" as the message preview
i know you probably sound crazy but i've had that exact same problem but good job on the description
i'm glad i'm not the only one. LOL
factory reset fixes the issue with that user's contact, but now I have to reinstall everything.
I had a similar issue where I had an email via mms sent to my phone monthly. Like, [email protected]
Once that came in - any sms I received (when I hadn't started the thread) would say it was from that email. When I tried to reply it would go to the first person in my contact list (Aaron for example) rather than the [email protected] or the original sending party.
Only way to fix it (and this is TMo's advice too since it's now a known issue) is to not get the email anymore and do a factory reset. (Haven't had the problem since then, but will be nice when it is fixed.)
Yeah, I've had this problem as well. Bloody annoying.

SMS contact issue...

Firstly, I'd like to apologise if this has been touched up on before, I did a search but couldn't find much.
Secondly, I've been reading the forums for a while and thought I'd register as to seek help for my little problem...
To put it simply, I have all my contacts stored in my Gmail account. After installing Wildpuzzle, I decided to clean up my contact list to make my phone a bit more organised.
The problem, is that when I receive a text message (SMS) from anyone, it does not show up as their name in my Messages app. It simply shows the full number (inc. international dialing code) with no picture and no name.
For example, let's say I save 'Bob' in my Contacts list as: "07123456789". When I receive a text it does not show 'Bob's name, only "+447123456789".
Now, if I was to edit 'Bob's contact card so it was stored as "+447123456789" then it does show his name.
Has anyone else come across this before? I don't really want to have to go through all the phone numbers in my Contacts and put +44 in front and remove the 0.
Thanks in advance.
Its a known bug, has been posted in the wildpuzzle-thread many times. But if you have all your numbers on gmail-account its pretty easy to put "+44" before the numbers on each contacts, it took me about 10 minutes, only having like 90 contacts, but anyway, not that hard to fix with a little time =)
Yeah, I had a feeling that this was the case due to the lack-of-response from people.
Anyway, got bored at work so I changed them all now. Bit of a pain in the arse, but you have to make these sacrifices for such great software

New App idea...

Just wondering if some type of text spam utility would be something people would like.
Runs in background, will only accept SMS messages if sender is in the users contacts list or maybe sends it to a "Spam" folder for later review.
Good? Bad? Even possible? LOL
I've heard a few people saying they're tired of getting junk texts.
I beleive there may be apps in the market that have similar features as the ones you describe, but its been a while since Ive viewed them.
Yes, you are right, I should check-out the market for similar apps.
I see "willard" in your that Willard, OH? I'm in Akron, OH
I could easily make one using some code from a current app of mine if you're still interested
Captainkrtek said:
I could easily make one using some code from a current app of mine if you're still interested
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LOL. I'm designing apps for sale. So, you can still send your code and I'll cut you for, say, 10%, ok? ROFL LMAO
Oh well, on to the next best idea
Would be best implemented by segregating the messages, not simply deleting them.
Some messages received from sources not in my contact list are very much not SPAM. Things like bill reminders from provider, download links from GameLoft, new contacts who I ask to just text me their name, etc.
Yes, I still might give this a shot. And maybe not a folder, but toss the messages into a database that could be searchable by date, time etc.
Trying to see this..hmmm...hit "Text Spammer" app. Screen shows "Search by date", "Search by Date/Time", "Show All". Then from there, "Add to Contacts", "Delete", "Main Menu". yeah, that works.
It's hard for me to see, because I'm not a big "texter", but I know some people live and die by their text messages.
Hell, I'm an unemployed programmer, what do I have to lose but some more brain cells and some time! LOL
If anything, I'll learn something new and that's always a good thing.
Going to flowchart this one a bit first to iron-out the design....oh joy
I don't know if this is even possible, but maybe the app could look for key words in the message and determine if they're likely spam or not. I get a lot of spam texts that all look the same and have the some of the same words in them.
Just an idea!
I shall take that into consideration. I'm not even sure I can intercept the message yet.
My schedule has been like Mr. Anderson's (Neo) the past couple of days and I'm just waking up at 10 pm after sleeping like 15 hours. LOL
Guess it's time to start researching and coding.
Well, I'm neck-deep into the process now. This stuff can get confusing for sure. Service starts and stops as I have coded it....just trying to figure out how/where to call other "stuff" from inside the Service.
Well, the Service is user Startable and Stopable.
I have captured an incoming SMS, that is, I'm running 2 emulators with my service on 5556 and the other on 5554 (Note: 5554 is a "regular" phone; my service is NOT on that phone, only the receivers'). 5554 sends text to 5556 and I get my Toast message about it with body and number.
Now the fun starts. As it is, the message goes through default SMS system and puts up the notify and the message is in the 5556 inbox. Now I have to compare phone number to contacts list; if number exists, ok, if not, store message in database and delete from inbox.
Does this sound ok? I'm not 100% warm and fuzzy they still get the notify (that can be bypassed, I think). Then again, let them get the notify, go to inbox, and if it's not there, the user knows to check the spam database.
Or I guess I could Toast a message about "Message sent to Spam Database", then delete it from the inbox.
Or toss-up a dialog box "Message from 339-9831-0076, Cheap Viagra" and have the dialog do a "Keep" or "Delete". That way there is probably no need for a database, but requires user intervention. And what if they're not at phone and have 50 incoming texts...50 dialog boxes??? I don't think so! ROFL
Or just write a whole new SMS messaging system! yeah, right...
I dunno, what do you guys think?
Making some serious progress, but getting tired and I know it's time to step away from the keyboard! LOL
Now I'm at a decision point...someone suggested looking at incoming messages by some keywords. Not sure what they meant.
Someone pointed-out that they get messages for bills due, game forums etc. that they want, but are not in the Contacts list. I'm not sure what to do here.
Say you get your Verizon text on "Bill Available", but I don't match on it and it goes to the database. Is the user going to like that? Probably not. What if I offer to ADD it to the Contacts? Think they'll go for that?
There isn't too much else I can do besides except set it like e-mail spam filters do: it goes to spam folder and you have the option to make it non-spam.
Hopefully I can get some comments on this Like I said, I need a nice long break and after I'm rested-up, I have to code the database stuff. I've done DB work in 2 other programs, so it's not going to be too bad. And I have to mess with the UI...oh joy
Do the "Bill Available" messages always come from the same number? If so, maybe you could add them as a contact, or put those numbers in some sort of whitelist so they don't get filtered.
I was the one mentioning filtering messages by keywords. I don't really know if this is feasible or wise. For a while, I was getting 1-2 messages a day almost identical just from different numbers asking me to sign up for this or that to win money or something. I didn't really think much of them, so I just replied STOP and deleted them. I believe the numbers were 5 or 6 digit numbers.
You might have to just do some market research and see what people are dealing with and what they want and make something fit the general consensus. I'm sure not everyone is going to be happy no matter what you do
I really don't know, for example, if my Verizon Bill Message # is the same as someone else. To complete the app v1.0 phase, I'm just going to send non-contact messages to the database and give option to add to Contacts.
I think I'm going to leave the default notification icon too. For people at their phone, they'll get the notification; by the time they get to it, I'll have marked it as "read" and the icon will go away. It's almost a programming "gift"...once they get used to it, they will know that a notification that comes and goes was a spam and to check database whenever.
(crap, I'll have to copy TO database and delete FROM contacts...damn)...(double damn, I'll have to store the "spam" phone number in user database and check incoming calls as spam from Contacts AND database <might need 2 databases>) see what happens when I get rest?
Once they get their Contacts up-to-date, it should run fine.
NEVERMIND, but I'm keeping this here for others. Always hated strings in C/C++ classes in college
Changed to if(phoneNbr.compareTo(result[0].....) worked fine. Damn string comparisons!!!
Ok, I'm either tired or going nuts. Running 2 emulators. One runs my Service, one is vanilla. Sent text from vanilla phone to phone running my Service. Preform lookup on the "Service" phone contacts to see if incoming matches. Obviously it does, because I get a row back from Contacts. But, this statement is NOT working:
if(phoneNbr.toString().trim() == result[0].replaceAll("\\D", "").toString().trim())
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Numbers Match!" ,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Here is my logcat of logging the SAME information I'm checking in the above "if". Uh, I'm stumped LOL
Log.v(TAG, phoneNbr.toString().trim());
Log.v(TAG, result[0].replaceAll("\\D", "").toString().trim());
12-31 10:05:01.896: VERBOSE/com.smartappsdev.TextSpamService(953): 15555215556
12-31 10:05:01.906: VERBOSE/com.smartappsdev.TextSpamService(953): 15555215556

