[Q] tmobile g1, phone has white screen, buttons don't light up - G1 General

The phone was working fine but my son said the touch screen was working off and on. Now it doesn't come on at all. I am trying to find out if the phone needs a new lcd screen or maybe it's just a cable causing the phone not to work. We tried the reset, took out battery/sim card and still nothing happens on the phone. The screen is still a grayish white. It seems to be charging. When we put the battery back in it vibrates like it wants to turn on. Any help with this problem would be appreciated.

Still bad
Hi, hope you fixed the phone, sounds like a bad flex, you can get a new one from eBay (about 16Dlls).
Changing the flex isn't that difficult but you must be VERY CAREFUL or you can damage some phone internals, there is a service manual but i think you cant watch some disassembly videos on youtube, they're better.


2 phones / 2 issues / trying to make one phone work.

If anyone can offer any advise/assistance, it would be greatly appreciated!!
I have 2 AT&T branded 8525 phones. Both have issues and I assumed I could make one good working phone from them.
Phone 1 had a touchscreen issue. It is not responsive what-so-ever. I tried the credit card trick, cleaning out the edges, hard reset, soft reset, etc... nothing seems to make it respond at all. Reflashed the ROM, but of course I am stuck at the "Touch Screen to Begin" screen.
Phone 2 works just fine, but when plugging in the mini usb charger the screen starts to fade to white (with many vertical lines appearing...but eventually the screen goes to white). If you wiggle the charger, it will clear up, but then go back to the fading white screen. If you leave it long enough on the white screen, it will lock up.
So I thought I could take the known good LCD from phone 2 and put it in phone 1. Yesterday I took both phones apart to do this. I placed the good LCD in the phone that had the possibly bad LCD. Put it all back together and found the touchscreen still does not work . So perhaps the LCD was fine and it was something else. I then decided to just take the motherboard from phone 2 and put it in phone 1 along with the LCD I just replaced (effictively moving the lcd and motherboard over to a new case). Same issue... touchscreen does not work. I assume moving the parts around eliminates a loose connection of some sort. I did make sure the ribbon cables were properly aligned and secured well. I am guessing something is wrong on the motherboard.
Does anyone have an idea of what could be wrong to prevent the touchscreen from working?
Oh...moving both the motherboard and lcd with the whitescreen issue(phone 2) over to the other phone (phone 1) casing didn't change anything at all either...so I assume that is not a connection issue with the cables. I also looked closely at the mini USB connector on the motherboard to see if there was bad solder or something that was making it act up. I am guessing bad hardware in both phones, but was hoping I could somehow make one of these phones work and junk the other. Sounds like I may have to junk both as the cost of parts is probably is silly.
Thanks for any help!!

Help with diagnosing LCD problem

Do I blame the onboard video or the LCD itself for this problem? I've taken the phone apart and re-seated the motherboard connections, which was no help. If I connect using EveryWAN the phone appears to be working fine, in fact I flashed the T-Mobile ROM and than the Button ROM thinking it was a IPL/SPL issue. Even if I try to start in boot loader mode the screen still looks the same.
Just trying to decide If I need to replace the motherboard or the LCD.
Bump back to the top!
Screen seems intact without any damage visible, no cracks or out?
Had this problem once with my old Universal, was the colour transfer wires that were loose, but pretty sure the Uni is totally different to our wizards.
Prehaps open her up and see if theres anything thats loose prehaps.
I had it opened and re-seated both the connecting cables, but no luck.
Ive had this problem with my wizard .. i couldnt find a solution. tho i didnt really try very hard. Basicaly just picked up another one on ebay for like £30 seemed cheaper than spending the time and effort fixing it. I think mine got progressivly worse. It used to do it occasionaly and now just it as soon as its switched on
i have a same sort of problem...
left of the screen fills with lines and the whole screen fades to white.
turning on and of the screen via power button takes it back to normal but then it happens again.
noticed it only happen in portrait so i have to set it to landscape all the time
for some rom and spl's it happens just a few times a day and others i cant use it in portrait.
If i find a solution it might be working for you to
Fading white screen of death
Could be the battery. Have you tried a new battery?
The LCD itself was bad.

[Q] x10i wont turn on

Hi, need some help my girlfriend through my x10 at me and cracked the touchscreen digitizer which i replaced with a genuine one.The thing is when i went to turn it on nothing happened so i charged it for about a day when eventually the red battery led started flashing sometimes but still the phone wont turn on.with more charging and disconnecting the battery etc i got the green led to come and when i turned the phone on i got a short vibration and green led but nothing else.so tried updating with seus and finally it seen my phone and told me my software was up to date so i tried to re-install but kept getting errors so still phone wont turn on and now green led does nothing.so cut a long story short i took apart the phone again and noticed the lcd had a line down the middle which seems like its cracked also.My question now is if the lcd is cracked would that be why the phone wont turn on i would of thought it would have came on but just had colours splurted all over the screen.Oh and just so you know battery is sitting at 3.7v so is well charged,im thginking the motherboard is gone,please advise me what to do next.
did she throw the phone at you coz you wrote her a letter without paragraphs?
lol,can you help me
lol not really
but it does sound like the motherboard is screwed. not sure how the 2nd screen got cracked tho.
Why haven't you taken the phone in yet? is it not on contract?
O.k., I agonised myself throug you post....
PLEASE make your first post easier to read, as there are several non-native english speakers here. (Like me ).
Can you please write something about what happened to the phone?
- Did it work fine before you repaired the touch module?
- Why was the old module defective (Did the phone fall down or did anybody sit on it).
- Is there some waterdamage?
The more information, the better....

[Q] black screen after screen replacement for samsung focus

i just replaced the screen on my focus n i used it all day n made some calls then all of a sudden the screen went black on a call n it hasnt come back on since. i have tried taking out the battery, plugging it into the computer, i even updated it. and still yet a have a black screen. the touch funtions still work i can use the phone unlock it select things i just have no display. please help
Screen issue? You might need to take it apart again and check the connectors...
i tried that today n still no luck
As I said, screen problem? Although new, it might be gone. Which might also indicate another issue related to the screen (some circuit overloading?)

[Q] need an expert, i hope this isnt the motherboard

Ok, so my G2 died the other day. Well, it still works great, but the screen went to white fuzz... like what you used to see when the rabbit ears on your Tube TV didnt get any reception. Static fuzz, but thats all it showed when i powered it on.
The phone, that day before it broke, was on the boat and got really hot. Once it cooled down that night this happened.
In my grand fix it fashion, i opened the phone up wrong and ripped the LCD ribbon off the screen. Blah. So I just ordered a new OEM lcd panel/touch digitizer kit from ebay.
Popped that in the phone, and behold, it booted to the LG logo!! then the logo went out. That was that, just a black screen. But the phone still was working, i can hear it boot up and receiving texts.
I tried to boot it a few more times (disconnect the battery, reconnect, boot). The LG logo comes up, then goes out.
I found out if i let the phone sit for 30min or so, it will actually boot just long enough to hit the desktop and it seems fine. But it wont respond to touch at all, then seconds later it goes black again and thats that until I let it cool.
There is nothing else apparently wrong. It just wont respond to touch at all and the screen blanks out soon after boot. Its definitely some chip heating up too much and failing. I see on the main ribbon assembly, the one that connect the LCD to the mainboard, has some chips on it... it reminds me (A LOT!) of the TCON boards on LCD TV's. When those go bad, the TV still works fine but the display is all messed up. So I ordered that assembly and it will be here in a few days... but has anyone seen this before? does that ribbon assembly really ever fail? Again, the motherboard would be the only thing left, but that does still boot and work... I haven't tried connecting it to a TV but i wouldn't be surprised if that works... it just doesnt display anything on the phone's screen.
cable assembly didnt work :/
ordered a motherboard. this will be a practically new phone by the time its working again... if ever...
New motherboard installed. Finally boots and works properly. Well, it sort of has to, because there wasn't much left to replace! New screen/digitizer, ribbon assembly/charger port, and motherboard!
Just did the manual lollipop update!!!!! I got my phone back!!! screw you crappy 4" backup that i hated!

