Help with diagnosing LCD problem - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Do I blame the onboard video or the LCD itself for this problem? I've taken the phone apart and re-seated the motherboard connections, which was no help. If I connect using EveryWAN the phone appears to be working fine, in fact I flashed the T-Mobile ROM and than the Button ROM thinking it was a IPL/SPL issue. Even if I try to start in boot loader mode the screen still looks the same.
Just trying to decide If I need to replace the motherboard or the LCD.

Bump back to the top!

Screen seems intact without any damage visible, no cracks or out?
Had this problem once with my old Universal, was the colour transfer wires that were loose, but pretty sure the Uni is totally different to our wizards.
Prehaps open her up and see if theres anything thats loose prehaps.

I had it opened and re-seated both the connecting cables, but no luck.

Ive had this problem with my wizard .. i couldnt find a solution. tho i didnt really try very hard. Basicaly just picked up another one on ebay for like £30 seemed cheaper than spending the time and effort fixing it. I think mine got progressivly worse. It used to do it occasionaly and now just it as soon as its switched on

i have a same sort of problem...
left of the screen fills with lines and the whole screen fades to white.
turning on and of the screen via power button takes it back to normal but then it happens again.
noticed it only happen in portrait so i have to set it to landscape all the time
for some rom and spl's it happens just a few times a day and others i cant use it in portrait.
If i find a solution it might be working for you to

Fading white screen of death
Could be the battery. Have you tried a new battery?

The LCD itself was bad.


Crazy Tytn screen and button problem, please help

Hi all, this is my first post on this forum but I've been reading for a while to educate myself.
I've got a Herm200 that I've been trying to troubleshoot but to no avail. I'm fairly certain that it has a hardware problem but I haven't been able to isolate anything.
Here's whats happening:
Occasionally the screen will come out of stand-by all white. This will also happen randomly if i touch the screen to perform a command. While the screen is operating, sometimes the buttons on the face will stop working, however the buttons across both sides will continue working just fine.
When the screen turns all white a soft, hard, or stand-by cycle will not always bring it back to life. The fact that the hard reset wont always fix the problem makes me think it's a hardware issue since the phone will boot-up with the the all-white screen.
This is incredibly frustrating especially since HTC wont accept any warranty claims in the USA on the Tytn.
At first I thought this might be a problem with the ribon connection between the screen and the base but i haven't been able to confirm or discount anything at this point. I have yet to find a way to consistently reproduce or rectify the problem so it's very hard to troubleshoot.
I pretty much have to take a second phone with me everywhere right now just incase i need to make a call. Please help! Has anyone ever encountered such a problem?
Thank you in advance!
SneezyRobot said:
Occasionally the screen will come out of stand-by all white. This will also happen randomly if i touch the screen to perform a command. While the screen is operating, sometimes the buttons on the face will stop working, however the buttons across both sides will continue working just fine.
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Hi. This sounds very similar to a problem that I experienced with a HERMES100. I bought the phone off someone on Ebay recently - someone had obviously scrambled the radio on it. I re-flashed it, and it sprang to life. However, after a couple of days, I experienced a problem where occasionally the LCD would stop refreshing, all the pixels faded away leaving only a white screen. Under these circumstances, some of the buttons on the phone stopped working. Turning phone on/off sometimes cured the problem, or it would require the occasional hard reset. This would happen once or twice a day and I suspect thats why someone tried to re-flash the phone.
In the end, out of curiosity I took the entire phone apart, put it all back together again and now there are no more problems!! Totally fixed!
My suspicion is that it was one of the ribbon cable push connectors on the mainboard - possibly not seated properly, or a bit of dirt contaminating the connection. Obviously when I took the phone apart I must have re-seated it.
If you are planning to take your phone apart, please exercise considerable care because some of the parts are very small and easily damaged. I would recommend buying a proper kit to take it apart. I bought mine for about £5 off ebay. Particularly useful are the plastic spoon "wedges" used to gently prise open the case after removing the screens. Don't use a screwdriver - you will scratch the case.
Good luck.
wow... that sounds like exactly what's going on here, I actually even tried to disassemble it lastnight but didnt have the right driver set. thank you for the advice!
I'll look for one of those sets but what would you search for if i needed to find it?
Thanks again, I just got a set off of Ebay. Hopefully it'll be here next week
With any luck it'll be a connection issue.
I have had the exact same problem. Because I got the Tytn through work I made our IT department handle the issue and I am currently waiting for a replacement and to find out what happened.
Yep, it looks like the problems the OP is having are very similar to the problems we've been having over in this thread:
I'm beginning to think it's a hardware problem as well but not entirely sure.
People in the above thread mentioned that using the scroll wheel a while then moving back to use the D pad fixed the problem (very briefly in my case.) Once I use the center D pad button again it locks the hardware buttons under the screen until I make my device sleep and resume.
Somtimes rather than making all the front hardware buttons unresponsive the issue is that once I use the Down Dpad button I can't use the up button. Pressing up will make it go down, as will pressing down (at least that's working ).
Regarding the white screen - this sometimes also occurs. I can force it to white screen by putting a little pressure on the silver panel surrounding the top, right and bottom of the screen (I have an imate jasjam). Randomly when there's no pressure on the rim and I wake it out of standby, it has a white screen that can only be fixed by turning the screen off and on again.
Finally, the LED indicator seems screwy. Sometimes it never flashes. Other times it flashes sporadically (uneven intervals - we're talking maybe a minute between one flash then seconds before another). When I charge it sometimes the LED doesn't come on but nevertheless it charges. Sometimes if the LED is on it never turns green to indicate a full charge. Yet other times it comes on orange, turns green, then never switches off!
Is it possible that
a) The hardware button problems.
b) The white screen problem.
c) The LED problem.
are all related to some kind of connection going loose? Why would the hardware button problem be temporarily fixable with use of the scroll wheel if this were the case?
The other thread has fallen silent. I'm hoping that some of the gurus in here can offer some input here, even if they don't know the answer but can formulate an opinion. I know very little about these devices.
Thanks in advance guys!
PS - don't really know if I should start another thread, I've posted here as it seems like very much the same issue.
Anybody any idea? advice?
I had a similar problem with my HERM100. I didn't mess around with it too much, I just had Cingular replace it out of warranty exchange (thank god those original ROMs are on the wiki ). I did notice however that after doing a master reset, the screen would function again although I haven't messed around with it too much. I got so frustrated with removing the battery for 5 minutes and STILL powering on with a white screen that I just threw it in my back seat until the new one arrived.
I don't have these screen issues. I only have hardware button problems. It's so damn frustrating! I already own a replacement.
I just received a call from my girlfriend. I wasn't able to answer the phone with the buttons, only with a screentap. I also wasn't able to close the call with the hardware button. Since the side buttons work, I went to settings -> phone, closed it, and there we go. The hardware buttons worked again.
Why the heck is this? I truly hope for some wizz out there with some advice, since HTC would only tell me to send it back after replacing it with a new TyTN with same issues.
Anyone anyone?
barncourt said:
Hi. This sounds very similar to a problem that I experienced with a HERMES100. I bought the phone off someone on Ebay recently - someone had obviously scrambled the radio on it. I re-flashed it, and it sprang to life. However, after a couple of days, I experienced a problem where occasionally the LCD would stop refreshing, all the pixels faded away leaving only a white screen. Under these circumstances, some of the buttons on the phone stopped working. Turning phone on/off sometimes cured the problem, or it would require the occasional hard reset. This would happen once or twice a day and I suspect thats why someone tried to re-flash the phone.
In the end, out of curiosity I took the entire phone apart, put it all back together again and now there are no more problems!! Totally fixed!
My suspicion is that it was one of the ribbon cable push connectors on the mainboard - possibly not seated properly, or a bit of dirt contaminating the connection. Obviously when I took the phone apart I must have re-seated it.
If you are planning to take your phone apart, please exercise considerable care because some of the parts are very small and easily damaged. I would recommend buying a proper kit to take it apart. I bought mine for about £5 off ebay. Particularly useful are the plastic spoon "wedges" used to gently prise open the case after removing the screens. Don't use a screwdriver - you will scratch the case.
Good luck.
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This is my first post as I've so far managed to cure all my issues from just reading the forum. However, I am now having a similar problem with the white screen.
I have a cingular 8525. It fell and the following day the call and end buttons remained lit and wouldn't turn off and they also wouldn't work.
I soft reset, nothing, I then removed the battery and when I turned it back on, there was a white screen and the buttons below still don't work.
I have read the other posts on this issue, but I need help on exactly what kit to buy to reconnect the screen cable and instructions on how to do it as I've never taken apart a phone before, although I have dabbled with other electronic devices.
Your help would be much appreciated, as I am in Jamaica and there are no technicians here who I trust to help.
Thanks in advance.
Below are links to 2 kits I'm thinking of getting. Is either one better than the other?
This is my first post as I've so far managed to cure all my issues from just reading the forum. However, I am now having a similar problem with the white screen.
I have a cingular 8525. It fell and the following day the call and end buttons remained lit and wouldn't turn off and they also wouldn't work.
I soft reset, nothing, I then removed the battery and when I turned it back on, there was a white screen and the buttons below still don't work.
I have read the other posts on this issue, but I need help on exactly what kit to buy to reconnect the screen cable and instructions on how to do it as I've never taken apart a phone before, although I have dabbled with other electronic devices.
Your help would be much appreciated, as I am in Jamaica and there are no technicians here who I trust to help.
Thanks in advance.
Below are links to 2 kits I'm thinking of getting. Is either one better than the other?
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Both kits look ok. PDA one tells you a little more but the basics appear to be in both.
I'm curious though you soft reset and took the battery out, but have you done a HARD reset? I would always try this first before dismantling.
In my case, they also are always lit up when the screen is also active.
And no matter what ROM version, they occasionally stop responding. Side buttons keep working.
mikechannon said:
Both kits look ok. PDA one tells you a little more but the basics appear to be in both.
I'm curious though you soft reset and took the battery out, but have you done a HARD reset? I would always try this first before dismantling.
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Thanks for the response.
I couldn't do a hard reset because the buttons weren't working.
I have made some progress with the phone now. Found a tech guy who looked at it for me. The white screen is gone, but the buttons still stop working from time to time.
All the connections seem ok.
Is there anything else that could cause the buttons to malfunction?
Thanks for the response.
I couldn't do a hard reset because the buttons weren't working.
I have made some progress with the phone now. Found a tech guy who looked at it for me. The white screen is gone, but the buttons still stop working from time to time.
All the connections seem ok.
Is there anything else that could cause the buttons to malfunction?
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Nothing obvious.
Have you got applications installed that you have loaded - could be one thats playing up.
Have you now been able to do a hard reset?
If taking device apart and reassembling improved things it does suggest hardware though and might be worth double checking all those multi-connector blocks for good connections - i.e. take them out and in a few times to ensure any oxidation on contacts is removed.
mikechannon said:
Nothing obvious.
Have you got applications installed that you have loaded - could be one thats playing up.
Have you now been able to do a hard reset?
If taking device apart and reassembling improved things it does suggest hardware though and might be worth double checking all those multi-connector blocks for good connections - i.e. take them out and in a few times to ensure any oxidation on contacts is removed.
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Thanks Mike.
I will give that a shot.
I haven't installed any new applications recently, so I don't think it is a software issue.
Thanks again.
Thanks Mike.
I will give that a shot.
I haven't installed any new applications recently, so I don't think it is a software issue.
Thanks again.
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If it wouldn't be a software issue, why is it, in my case, instantly resolved when going to settings -> phone with the side buttons?
i had this problem i took it to a guy who fixed the problem he said it was a very small tear in the flex cable which causes this white screen every now ant then and the buton problem , sorry to say its the cable problem and u need a very capable person to fix it or replace it with a new one . its very common problem baised on the guy who fixed it .
dmxl said:
I don't have these screen issues. I only have hardware button problems. It's so damn frustrating! I already own a replacement.
I just received a call from my girlfriend. I wasn't able to answer the phone with the buttons, only with a screentap. I also wasn't able to close the call with the hardware button. Since the side buttons work, I went to settings -> phone, closed it, and there we go. The hardware buttons worked again.
Why the heck is this? I truly hope for some wizz out there with some advice, since HTC would only tell me to send it back after replacing it with a new TyTN with same issues.
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Exactly what is happening to me, no white screen issues, just screen taps and answering calls, I also have another problem where the PDA will not allow me to open anything, be it the start menu or contacts, it will open and quickly close again. I have had mine swapped through Telstra in Sydney, it worked fine for a while and then the same crap again. These problems started before I even touched the OS, so it must be a build problem. Maybe we should write a joint letter to HTC letting them know that there is a serious problem with their machine.
I have had the same problem, got my Tytn through work so we sent it back to the company that supplied it to us. Got it back yesterday and they had replaced the "switchboard". Not sure what it is but there was the problem. Had white screen and buttons not working.

White screen - is my Wizard dead.

my first for ages.
I recently purchased a wizard which looks to be virtually brand new.
now the other day I updated it the the o2 uk latest rom as it was running a really old rom.
and it has been running perfectly, i have not looked into running any other rom or performance upgrades etc.
now I was using the device in landscape and after closing the unit my screen went bright white and my pride and joy is now not usable.
I can still acept calls, the touch screen still works but the screen is pure white.
Ive contact a few places and they all say the screen has died and needs replacing
Does this sound right.
its a £80 fix if this is right. im so gutted.
any advice is great before i pack it up and send it off.
anyone please....
Can you put it into bootloader mode? If not i would say you have a loose connection on the screen to the mainboard i had the same problem with my old phone the screen disconnected for the main board so no display! If you cant get it replaced take it apart and carefully check the connections if still doesnt work i would try another screen or buy one.
even when i reset it, it stays whits so cant see anyhting on screen,
ive had someone take it apart and re-seat the cables and still just a white screen
so im off to purchase another one in hope this is all thats gone
as your phone is booting up press and hold the camera button, is the screen still white?
cant tell now. ive sent if off for repair.
Im gutted.
bleep said:
cant tell now. ive sent if off for repair.
Im gutted.
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I had a similar issue, the keyboard sliding in and out must have worn out the switch that detects when it is open/closed. I had had my wizard a year and the screen started flickering, i dealt with it for a while, then the scree was stuck blank white unless if i pressed on the area of the phone that had the contact.
I had to send it back and got a refurb.
sounds like thats what happened to you too. Hopefully when you get it back it will be good as new
ive sent mine for a screen replacement tho not a repair.
now im worrying that its gonna come back in the same state.
got my wizard back after having the screen replaced.
2 days later when ever i touch the bottom of the screen with pen, finger or even breath on it.
the screen goes off and the phone locks up and dies.
I have to take battery out and restart it and it then works great till i touch the bottom again.
Sound like a dodgy screen or something else.
Seems like a flexi strip(The one conecying the display to the mother board) sometimes if the strip develops a tear or is not properly connected this issue usually happens.
the shop doing the repair have said there is the following issues
1- padding issue on the screen (either too much or not enough)
2- Problems with the main board. (something on there is failling, hardware wise)
How the hell could this be happening on a device that was working perfectly
apart from the screen had died.
have they done more damage attempting the repair... I think so .!
I had the white screen 6 months ago. Luckily still under warranty period so got it repaired. It was the flexo-cable. since the fix no problem so far despites using the phone (also in landscape mode) daily.
when i got it back after the screen was replaced my xda worked great but as stated as soon as some preasure was applied to the bottom of the screen it would just die there and then.
I would have to take the battery out and then it would power on as normal
but again if i put presure on the bottom of the screen.. bang DEAD !
so sent it back to them and they told me what I stated above !
now waiting 2wks to hear what they are gonna do about it
not a happy bunny
still nothing back from the company thats doing the repair.
i dont know why they do this.
Im now thinking of getting my Xda back, selling it either on here or ebay and purchasing a new one.
Should i quit now or wait out for the miracle that they fix it completly.
Anyone in the uk reconmend a good repair company please im pulling my hair out.
theres your answer

What a STRANGE problem with my buttons and LEDs! Ideas?

Hi guys!
Long time no post!
I hope you can help point me in the right direction.
Two things started happening with my 8525 TyTN, rendering it unusable. I do have a backup one, so it's no panic. But I would LOVE to try to repair this.
Here's what happens!
1 - The two LEDs in front don't work! No green; no blue; no amber. (HOWEVER, When I first replaced the battery after a hard reset, I did see is glow red for a second!)
2 - None of the buttons on the front work! None. Start/End, the D-pad, mail, internet explorer. All dead!
Interestingly enough... the LCD screen is perfect, as is the touch screen.
The unit also works perfectly fine.
I did a Hard Reset.
I am using WM6.0.
I am wondering... PERHAPS there is some kind of ZIF cable that goes from the body to the top panel? MAYBE that came loose?
If you have seen inside your TyTN, is there one cable/ribbon for lights/buttons?
If so, that would explain it!
If there are two cables/ribbons.... one for lights, one for buttons, then the odds of them BOTH falling out are near impossible!
I would LOVE to hear any ideas or thoughts!!!
Thanks as always!!!!!
Hello and welcome to a new phone!
I have a similar problem, mine sometimes gets a white screen and the D-pad buttons rarely work for long.
It is quite possibly a loose ribbon cable.
There is actually a thread here about this issue - just do a search for 'white screen' or similar and you'll find it. It was posted to within the week so shouldn't be far from the top if you browse for it, but I can't remember which Herme's category it was in.
There's even a full guide with pics to pulling your 8525 apart!
Cheers! Oggy. ó¿ó
try a new rom,.
I have the same problem. I thought it was bcs my TyTN fell down once. It started with Iexplorer always popping up when I wanted to do something. I thought the IE button at the top was stuck or something and when I pressed hard on the message button everything was okay. All buttons worked. But after a few days they stopped working and pushing the message button wont work also. And both the red and green call button leds are always shining. It sometimes happens that the dpad works for a second and than nothing.
I used the original wm5 and flashed to 6.1 now, no change tho.
it's not the rom, tried several roms now
for me it's just the call answer button, but this is annoying enough
there are some topics in the hermes section which describe the problems you encounter or even worse problems (the lcd flickering or just giving you a bright shining white) and they all say it is a loose cable connector right under your dpad
some of them opened their tytn (guarante already gone) and put some sort of paper or rubber or sth else on the connector.
other say tighten or loosen the screews worked for them, but none of the solutions seem to be final, it always works for some time.
if you have still guarantee i would try sending back or try somewhere else a repair, that is what i will do with tytn
i hope i do not have to pay for the repair
good luck
Loose screw
I was able to fix this problem after ATT told me that I was out of warrenty and it was going to cost 499.00 for a new phone.
I it turn out it is a loose screw on the inside and to get to it you have to undue 11 screw to get to it. I might be able to fix it for you. I dought you would be able to get into this phone and not hurt any of the other functions.
could you advise how you managed to fix it?
button failure and white screen
I have the same problems, if I turn off and on for 3/4 times everything back to normal. But is really annoying because I miss calls.
To me seems a software issue.... I can solve it by turning off the screen does not make sense hardware problems
have a look to this post:
I have still to test the suggestion of schaps advance config version
Sorry it not a software issue and you can flash a 100 roms and it still won't work. You simply have a bad flex cable and possibly a defective dpad circuit board. You have to crack open the phone to replace it and it has to be carefully done. There are tons of DIY's about opening the phone and replacing the cable. There are even YouTube Videos about it.

[Q] tmobile g1, phone has white screen, buttons don't light up

The phone was working fine but my son said the touch screen was working off and on. Now it doesn't come on at all. I am trying to find out if the phone needs a new lcd screen or maybe it's just a cable causing the phone not to work. We tried the reset, took out battery/sim card and still nothing happens on the phone. The screen is still a grayish white. It seems to be charging. When we put the battery back in it vibrates like it wants to turn on. Any help with this problem would be appreciated.
Still bad
Hi, hope you fixed the phone, sounds like a bad flex, you can get a new one from eBay (about 16Dlls).
Changing the flex isn't that difficult but you must be VERY CAREFUL or you can damage some phone internals, there is a service manual but i think you cant watch some disassembly videos on youtube, they're better.

HD2 Screen Backlight Problem?

Hey guys! I have searched the forums and haven't found a problem quite like this yet. Recently, I got some water on my phone, but was able to wipe it off, and it worked fine, and the water damage indicators on the phone are still white. During that day though, after rebooting the phone, the screen appeared to not turn on, so i thought it WAS water related damage, of course.
I put the phone in rice for a few days, and NOTHING, till one day i looked at the phones screen under intense light.
The phone vibrates after you power it on, but then that's all you get, but upon further inspection under a bright light you can see the MAGLDR boot screen come up, and load all the way to the GO GO GO part, then it freezes and stops.
The screen is still black, and there's no light at all, you have to hold it DIRECTLY under bright light to see it.
I am ..or was...running the android NexusHD2 gingerbread 2.2 NAND (2.3.2) rom with MAGLDR 1.12 installed.
I can get into the boot menu, and all the hard buttons work. I can even play tetris, when i can see it. >.>
The MAGLDR seems to work fine, the android doesnt work, or load anyway.. I an go into USB flasher, option 5 on the boot menu, and reload android, but it does not resolve the problem.
Any suggestions oh wise XDA members?
I am not an expert when it comes to the hardware side of tbe HD2, bjt I am learning. It kinda sounds like you may have got some water inside the unit either through the speaker opening t the top of the front of the phone or in around the small openimgs around the buttons at the bottom of the front of the phone. My bet is it was the buttons cuase this is close to the digitizer. And it sort of sounds like the digitizer is malfuncting.
Seeing as you have tried reflashing the ROM the only real sugestion I got is maybe get you a small hex head screwdriver and open up your HD2. Take the mainboard out and the digitizer out and very lightly use a hair dryer on the low setting to try and dry them out. make sure to bold the dryer a good distance from them cause you do not want to get them hot just dry them out.
Now you still have a waranty I would just do a warranty exchange or have them repair it. If you don't have a warranty and don't want to try this I do not blame you. It is just the only idea I have. You can always find a cell phone repair shop and have them do it.
Best of luck.
This happened to me too. My HD2 was completely submerged, but luckily for me I had the torx needed to immediately open it up. I didn't use a dryer, but I did towel it off. Then I just left it off and apart for 5 days before I actually put in the battery and turned it on. I did have to replace the screen because it cracked to hell, but my main concern was knowing that it would still function. Good Luck.
Okay, I contacted HTC today after reinstalling winmo 6.5 stock for the HD2, A guy named bob told me I could send it in and have it repaired covered by HTC. My guess is that because the water damage indicators are white, they shouldn't void me, right?
I am guessing it IS the digitizer because of the following reasons.
Winmo works fine, though the sim card will need to be replaced, which is no problem. the touch screen does not function and the screen is still black and wont light up, but winmo boots successfully, like I said, viewing under bright light.
I think I am going to try and send it to HTC, if they say its void, then I am going to try repairing the digitizer, as the tmo digitizers are readily available now. Before that though, I will try your suggestion T-Macgnolia.
I'll post my results soon!

