[Q] Using capacitive buttons while touching the screen - Android Software Development

Hi there!
I'm having issues while coding for my Evo. While touching the screen, the Evo interprets me touching the buttons as another press on the screen instead of a onKeyDown, onBackPressed, etc. (It actually sets the MotionEvent pointer count to 2, and I can get the co-ords that I'm touching that are off the main screen, for example, 830*190 when touching the back button.)
Short of coding in the locations of the buttons (which would be different for every phone with capacitive buttons, if they all have the same issue), is there any way to get around this? Does anyone else have this issue with a different capacitive buttoned device?

The nexus has the same problem. It seems that the buttons are a extension of the actual screen. Multitouch doesn't support more than 2 touches on HTC phones. And even that is problematic because the phone registers actualy one big touch and determines the fluctuations in its size. So if you want to pinch to zoom for example the phone will compare the size of the touch between your fingers. Basically you've got a hardware limitation and there's nothing you can do about it.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App


Question about touch screen

there is something I have been really wondering about lately, and that is wether the HD's touch screen is multi touch capable by hardware, e.g. the hardware is able to identify several touches at the same time.
Now, if you do the following test, start Notes, and press two fingers at the same time on the screen (writing a note with touch). You will notice that the line is drawn in the middle between your fingers. I then started to think that if the screen isn't mulitouch capable by hardware, the point/line would either choose one finger and stick to that, or jump between those two fingers, not draw a point perfectly in between of those two. As it looks now, it seems that the point that is sent with the mouse click event, is a calculated point based on your fingers(1). A calculation that might have been done in the touch driver.
Now there might also exist another reasonable explanation to this, and that is when you press several fingers you press down a larger area of the screen at the same time(2). The point is then calculated to the center of this area. However, this does not realy fit in with the technical design of a resistive touch screen.
I have tried to explain in figures, look at the attachements.
Now, if scenario 1 should be the case, then there might be a chance to reverse engieneer the touch driver and create a multi touch capable phone right?
If anyone have more understanding on this field, please correct me. Maybe I can get some sleep after all.
Sorry for any typos, it's early in the morning..
Get no sleep...
skov82 said:
there is something I have been really wondering about lately, and that is wether the HD's touch screen is multi touch capable by hardware, e.g. the hardware is able to identify several touches at the same time.
Now, if you do the following test, start Notes, and press two fingers at the same time on the screen (writing a note with touch). You will notice that the line is drawn in the middle between your fingers. I then started to think that if the screen isn't mulitouch capable by hardware, the point/line would either choose one finger and stick to that, or jump between those two fingers, not draw a point perfectly in between of those two. As it looks now, it seems that the point that is sent with the mouse click event, is a calculated point based on your fingers(1). A calculation that might have been done in the touch driver.
Now there might also exist another reasonable explanation to this, and that is when you press several fingers you press down a larger area of the screen at the same time(2). The point is then calculated to the center of this area. However, this does not realy fit in with the technical design of a resistive touch screen.
I have tried to explain in figures, look at the attachements.
Now, if scenario 1 should be the case, then there might be a chance to reverse engieneer the touch driver and create a multi touch capable phone right?
If anyone have more understanding on this field, please correct me. Maybe I can get some sleep after all.
Sorry for any typos, it's early in the morning..
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I have a QVGA Titan and have noticed the same thing.
Also, say on TF3D hold down your finger on the home tab and then put another finger on the tab on the other side of the screen while still holding the home tab and it will go to the tab between them. Also if you slowly release one of the fingers it will cycle through the tabs....

Poor touch recognition on screen corners

Am I the only one that seems to be having a major issue with this? It comes up more with the added on screen keyboard in 1.5, it seems.
The corners of the G1 screen do not respond to touch at all, and I find myself always having trouble hitting the keys on the corners of the virtual keyboard. Applications that require you to touch any corner of the screen with precision (ie tic-tac-toe) are annoying as well because it's difficult to get it to work.
Is there any fix in sight or is it a hardware limitation?
definitely a hardware limitation.
hardware limitation means: normal hardware limitation or limited due failure????
I only experience this problem with the right edge of my phone. The top, left, and bottom don't have any problems.
Touch also seems to be less sensitive when the phone is rested flat.
My phone has the sensitivity problem on the edges too (mostly on the right and top sides).
For example, it's almost impossible to drag an icon to the left screen, because it doesn't seem to reach the threshold area.
The protective screen (boxwave anti-glare) made the problem even worse, but since it's much more comfortable than the glass, I won't be taking it off.
The easiest way to test all this is to use the whiteboard application.
So, I ask the developers: Please don't place the buttons on the edges of the screen!
The worst apps in this regard I've seen so far were the Video player (don't remember its exact name, its seek slider was unusable), and the sudoku with the number chooser in the bottom. OpenHome's app slider has the same problem.

screen not responding to stylus pen

I've got my HTC magic last week and order a stylus pen to use with it. The problem is that the phone only respond to finger tap, and I must be holding it. If it is, for example, on the car support and I tap it with my finger it does not respond to touch. Does anyone else have this problem?
Thank you!
The HTC Magic has a captive touch screen, these types of touchscreens only work to the touch of the finger and hence will not work with a stylus.
I also have this problem, not that with the stylus ( I know it can´t be used with stylus). When laying the phone on a tabele an using with only my fingers the respons is very bad. When holding the phone in my hand it´s perfect.
Anyone knows why???
Instead of tapping the screen try a light press, it does not respond to a tap or quick jab with the finger. Go Here and you can read how the Capacitive Touchscreen works.
Best thing that i've found to do, is make a circuit with the phone:
When its flat or in car holder if you make your thumb touch the bottom of the phone (near the roller ball) then use your finger to do the action required this seems to work!
Don't know why, but it does!
If anyone noticed, if you hold your Magic in one hand and use the other hand to point etc, the sensitivity sort of goes down.
Using the fingers (or rather thumb) of the same hand in which you hold your Magic would produce an insanely much better result!
atan.ismail said:
If anyone noticed, if you hold your Magic in one hand and use the other hand to point etc, the sensitivity sort of goes down.
Using the fingers (or rather thumb) of the same hand in which you hold your Magic would produce an insanely much better result!
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That's due to the orientation of your fingers. Again, it's due to the capacitive screen. Using your thumb on the same hand that's holding the phone, you have more surface area touching on the screen where as if you "point" with the finger (I'm presuming your index) with the empty hand, the surface area is less. You can do a simple test. Press the screen like you were pointing at it then do the same but this time, press it like you were giving your finger print but not as wide.

[Q] using mouse and touchscreen

My nexus 7 has a small crack making the top inch or so of the screen unresponsive. generally this isn't too much of a problem as i can just rotate the screen however some apps/games require touching both sides of the screen at the same time and obviously this is not possible.
I have tried to use a mouse to click on the unresponsive section while using my fingers on the rest of the screen but the device doesn't register both inputs at the same time so although the mouse allows me to reach the unresponsive section i am unable to do press anywhere else at the same time, this makes anything that requires multi-touch impossible.
Is there a way to do this or am i going to have to get a new tablet?

Soft keys (back,home,tasks) stopped functioning.

Started having this issue on my phone 48hrs ago after it being left on the shelf charging from 5% battery overnight. So I'm using a 3rd party app to simulate the buttons for time being as a workaround (there's loads of variants on the Play Store that don't require root) until I fix it.
I had to replace a cracked screen on it a few months back (which was easier to do then I thought thanks to the iFixIt teardown. All has seemed well apart from some light blooms on the screen that I've lived with and now the buttons failing, and the part I ordered didn't come with the adhesive to reattach the back.
So I've now bought another screen\digitizer from amazon in the hope it'll resolve the issue and should be delivered within the week.
I've seen a lot of forums around the web for people with similar issues.
Tests tend to involve variations of safemode or factory resetting without restoring original. But this doesn't resolve the majority of cases, except the occasional temporary fix.
Solutions include; factory resets, flashing different ROMs, dropping at a 20degree angle, persistently hitting the buttons and re-seating a ribbon cable.
My thoughts:
It seems to me that maybe the Soft Keys area uses resistive touch section rather than capacitive touch, which would explain why the soft key touch area works in some instances but not others. It would also through weight behind it being a hardware issue. The capacitive multi-touch screen works fine, but the resistive section for the soft keys doesn't. Anyone have further thoughts on this?
Same without me
Easy test
Rotate your phone into secondary landscape mode. This will place the navigation buttons on the other end of the screen. From here, you will be able to perform the necessary tests to determine the validity of your theory.
AndyCorps said:
My thoughts:
It seems to me that maybe the Soft Keys area uses resistive touch section rather than capacitive touch, which would explain why the soft key touch area works in some instances but not others. It would also through weight behind it being a hardware issue. The capacitive multi-touch screen works fine, but the resistive section for the soft keys doesn't. Anyone have further thoughts on this?
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Lol this doesn't make any sense, if it was a true you would be able to press soft keys with a pen or old stylus - this is how resistive screen works.
No part of this phone's screen is resistive. Sigh people that don't understand the basics of capacitive touch screens.
Thanks for the responses.
Yeah, resistive was a pretty far stretch of imagination, but I couldn't think what else it might be at the time.
Anyway. Replacement screen fitted and soft keys working again.:victory:
I can put off looking for a replacement phone for a little longer.
