Exchange support is a mess - Galaxy S I9000 General

Anyone else experienced Exchange support is just a mess in Froyo?
- can't edit a lot of previous appointments i made myself in my Outlook calendar at work. Can't figure out the precise conditions under which this occurs, when i create new testappointments this does not occur of course.
- recurring appointments have turned into meetings, showing myself as the only attendee.
- my wife's Hero running Froyo reduces all day event start dates one day at a time every time the all day event is opened for editing (making the all day events last 2,3,4,5,6 days and so on)
- my wife's Hero turns all day events into meetings as soon as they are opened, but only if they are opened via the standard calendar app, not through the Agenda Widget (Rolf Harrisons)
And i see a lot of other Exchange bugs mentioned on all aother Froyo phones (i.e. Nexus). is full of Exchange related rants.
I can't remember Eclair suffering from this, to me Froyo is a big f#*k up on Exchange support.
Both phones have been Factory Resetted after installing Froyo.
I'll start looking into Touchdown because both our phones have major issues with Exchange accounts.

I haven't encountered the calendar issues yet but have seen the email app turned into a nonfunctioning fc when trying to access exchange on Froyo. I tried Touchdown but it was almost as laggy. I've found Roadsync to be better. Sadly neither of them syncs with the Android calendar app.


odd sync issues

We just received new Sprint Moguls at work to replace our aging BlackBerries. I am having a couple of really bizarre issues with my phone when it comes to getting my email.
First, it sometimes seems like it won't actually sync when it goes to standby after a few minutes, I have to wake it and manually sync it to get it going.
Second, and the first issue may actually tie in to this, I have my phone set to to sync with Exchange OTA. I noticed this morning that I had not received ANY emails since Friday evening, which is abnormal (even if I did a manual send/receive, nothing came through). I got out my laptop and opened outlook to check my email. Immediately after that, all the email came flooding into my phone as well. As long as I kept Outlook open, the email would come to my phone pretty much immediately too. I just shut down outlook now so we will see if it syncs but I don't think it ever has when Outlook was closed.
I'm running the Sprint 6.1 updated version of WM FWIW.
Which exact sync method are you using? ActiveSync Direct Push (As items arrive)? or another sync program?
Have any other devices used ActiveSync sucessfuly prior to your tests with the Sprint 6.1 Mogul? If not, it could be an issue with your Exchange ActiveSync/firewall setup.
dfrank said:
Which exact sync method are you using? ActiveSync Direct Push (As items arrive)? or another sync program?
Have any other devices used ActiveSync sucessfuly prior to your tests with the Sprint 6.1 Mogul? If not, it could be an issue with your Exchange ActiveSync/firewall setup.
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Yes, active sync direct push. It has worked for other people I know. I am going to try setting it up again and enter the settings directly on the phone to see if that makes a diff.
I have confirmed that email does NOT show up on my phone until AFTER I open it in Outlook. I sent myself a test email, nothing showed up. I opened up Outlook and connected to our Exchange server, I had five new emails, some both before and after my test message, and then told my phone to sync again and all five messages showed up.
Another issue I have noticed, my calendar is not syncing either. I have several items that I have in my Outlook Calendar that are not showing up on my device. This is very disappointing so far. Things are NOT going according to plan. It's worse because I have been espousing the WM phones over our BBs for months and now all these glitches. :-(
I was finally able to resolve the issue. Problem apparently was with the exchange server. After someone mentioned that server 01 (out of 3) was crappy, I got them to change me to a new exchange server and presto, problem solved.

Problem with Active Sync,not fully completed yet

My first post, so firstly hi to everybody who reads this and as often is the case Plz Help, Hope it's right to start a thread on this as I have little experince with this sort of device, at present I have not suceeded in doing a complete first sync
My wife got an HD2 from O2 and it's causing me to loose my marbles.
Background is
No G3 internet but is connected to the web by Wi-Fi at home.
No emails but use Outlook for contacts, calender, tasks and notes. We also expected it to be able to sync Word Docs but apparently it doesn't, though we have not had an opportunity to get that far yet.
Laptop uses XP pro SP3, Outlook 2007 (Office 2007 Pro) and Active Sync 4.5. using USB cable.
The HD2 has.
Os version 5.2.21864, Rom version, Rom date 11/06/09
Over the past few weeks I have managed to migrate every thing from Palm Desktop to Outlook, the biggest problem was the calendar database which given the length of time we have had Palms has grown to 15000 items, eventually had to use pocket copy which worked straight away.
Checked Outlook pst with ScanPST and resolved 4 problems and was confident that would be an end to the problems, then told my wife to get an HD2 as even though it was overfeatured for our business use, it should do what we wanted.
So it was up to me to set it up and this was where the Problems started.
Set up WiFi fine, then tried to go to sync screen through Htc software and kept being asked for an email address, not a good start.
Went to windows 6.5 and opened active sync which did say it needed a connection, so installed Active Sync 4.5 on PC.
Surprised to find a lack of options in options of Active Sync as our caledar goes back to 1995 so the options of 2 weeks, 1,3,6 months or all, really does leave a big gap. what were you doing today last year or two years ago ?
I was always going to sync the calendar first but did not expect it to default to 2 weeks back on first sync, it did work and I could now get in to active sync and set options on device so set calendar to all and did a sync. It got to 2005 (about 11000 enteries) and then Active sync put up error
-- device run out of memory Turn off and close applications error 8007000e --.
Since then I have
1. Hard Reset more times than I care to mention
2. Used system Restore.
3. Reinstalled Active sync, and removed all signs in registry at each removal.
The furthest I got was by syncing last 2 weeks and future appointments after syncing up to Nov 2007 but then I tried to last 6 months and it deleted the 12000 enteries on device and ran out of memory.
I do not belive I have run out of memory as having got Calendar synced as far as possible I can then put ticks in Contacts, Notes and Tasks and they then sync without problem.
It does not appear to be corrupt enteries as it does not stop at the same place after resetting up.
If it is running out of memory why would it show 87mb free and this database is going to have to carry on growing and if I have to do a hard reset I will have to go though this again.
I thought I would try to get some help here before returning the device. sometimes if I remove a tick from say contacts it deletes them from device and sometimes not.
As a business device my wife relies on it and at present it really not living upto the hype, We need reliabilty and my confidence is a little shaken, is it possible that the phone is faulty ? Is a database that I can load on a Palm Tungsten really too large for the HD2,
I have searched for updates that might resolve this and notice that others have had similar problems with contacts but no sign of a clear cut fix, nothing mentioned in update info seems to relate to this problem.
I hope I missed something as overall I like the HD2, I would flash the latest Rom but being O2 I imagine I would have problems returning it if it did not fix problem and I am at a loss as to what to do next so advice and help would be really appreciated.
You just don't sync past events more than 2 weeks. The pocket calendar is not meant for an archive. To view old appointments, you need to go back to outlook, exchange or gmail.
Even on palm, you should archive/purge your pim data regularly to avoid it growing indefinitely. On WM, the practise is forced upon you. Only the recent entries appear on WM, and the full set stays on host.
Thanks for the reply Alex, that is not good news, if it went to two years that would have been enough, but 6 months is not enough let alone only 2 weeks.
If I could I would back up outlook.pst and then delete all appointments before say 2008, then Active sync with setting "all", this been the initial sync. I would then set it to last month (in Active sync options/calender/settings) for all future syncs. Then return backed up pst to outlook and go from there.
But when I change from all to 6 months it deletes all but the last six months I have never used Outlook, being used to Palmdesktop so it is a steep learning curve, we have just found duplicate contacts from the sim card in Outlook. So more sorting out.
Is there a more customisable syncing software available, active sync seems so basic it 's making me miss Palm Hotsync though that had issues as well.

[Q] Vibrant erases Google Calendar entries. Help?

I need some help. I've had my phone for almost 2 weeks. Beginning a couple of days ago, my phone is erasing google calendar entries.
What's particularly strange is that when I enter google calendar entries into the phone, the entries sync with my google account. The entries remain visible on the google account, but are not visible on the phone.
If I enter the calendar entry on google directly, it will appear and remain on my phone. So the problem is strictly with google calendar entries entered on the phone. They sync and then disappear.
I'm having this problem as well, but only for one of my secondary google calendars. Very frustrating. I'm thinking that using stock calendar might fix this...
FYI I just took a look at mine... calendar entries created on the web but edited on the phone do not seem to be affected. Can you confirm?
I too am having a similar problem (I use Google Calendar on the desktop, and my Vibrant calendar is synced to Gcal as well). I haven't had time to test out all the permutations, but the basic issue is: when I "Edit" a repeating event on the phone, and then hit "Save," the event disappears instantly (from both the phone's calendar and desktop Gcal). It doesn't matter whether I actually made any changes while editing -- it's just the Edit and Save that does it.
Once or twice, the event has magically reappeared a little while later -- but generally it does not.
I have also had the opposite thing happen: I've edited a repeating event and ended up with a DUPLICATE event (also repeating) on the calendar -- same event, same details, just one day earlier than the "real" event (which is still there).
Don't know if this detail is significant (again, I haven't tested rigorously), but it has been YEARLY repeating events (birthdays) which have been duplicated, and MONTHLY repeating events which have been deleted.
The only "solution" I've arrived at is to only edit events (or at least repeating ones) from the desktop, and not the phone (...and hope this bug is fixed in an update?).
(By the way, all my events have been created on desktop Gcal directly; so I can't speak to how creating events on the phone may play into this.)
One thing that's actually worked for me is to rename the calendar my phone kicks out. I've found that when I do that, things magically reappear. Currently, I'm on #4.
magerton said:
One thing that's actually worked for me is to rename the calendar my phone kicks out.
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Interesting, thanks -- can you elaborate? (I went to Calendar settings, but can't figure out how to change names -- there's just "My Calendar," which I don't use, and the Google calendar.)
Yup -- I actually changed the name in the desktop/web client, not on the phone. It took a bit for the updated calendar to push to the phone, but once it did, everything was peachy again.
magerton said:
Yup -- I actually changed the name in the desktop/web client, not on the phone
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tried this and no fixy...
Does anyone else have the same problem I'm having? You "Edit" a repeating Gcal event on the phone, and it just disappears (from both phone and desktop) when you hit Save? (Even if you made no changes?)
I'm sure everyone's probably aware of this, but you never know (it took me a week to figure it out)...
The Samsung Calendar defaults to "My Calendar" and not your Google Calendar like every other Android phone, so that any new event created is created in "My Calendar" unless you select to create the event in your Google calendar every single time you make a new event. This can not be changed and is the case EVEN IF THE CALENDAR IS SET TO NOT DISPLAY "MY CALENDAR." (which is, possibly, the worst case of software design I can think of in recent memory).
There is an easy fix for this: use pretty much any other of the many free or inexpensive calendar apps. The Samsung Calendar blows. And this is coming froma guy that generally likes most of the other Touchwiz stuff.
I assume other calendar apps will sync easy with Gcal (it's just ActiveSync, right)? Any in particular you recommend? Thanx
I've been using Gemini Calendar for a few weeks. Takes some getting used to and it kinda ugly, but it's got plenty of customizations.

Calendar DST issues on Superclean 2.8

Thanks to a lot of great information in these forums, I was able to get the Superclean 2.8 ROM [3.7.2011] installed.
But I am having one problem -- the calendar is not aware that DST begins this weekend. All of my calendar events this week are displayed correctly. All of the events next week are one hour off. I have calendars coming from multiple sources -- Google, my company exchange server -- but all of them have the same problem.
On the other hand, I'm not able to find anyone else reporting this issue, so I'd guess it isn't specific to the ROM itself.
But what could it be?
That's interesting... sorry i don't have an explanation for you.
But maybe it'll update once the clock updates via the satellite?
Cuz i know on my older phones (this is my 1st smartphone), the time didn't update for over 12 hrs if i didn't make or receive a call
Everyone has this issue!
klflote said:
Thanks to a lot of great information in these forums, I was able to get the Superclean 2.8 ROM [3.7.2011] installed.
But I am having one problem -- the calendar is not aware that DST begins this weekend. All of my calendar events this week are displayed correctly. All of the events next week are one hour off. I have calendars coming from multiple sources -- Google, my company exchange server -- but all of them have the same problem.
On the other hand, I'm not able to find anyone else reporting this issue, so I'd guess it isn't specific to the ROM itself.
But what could it be?
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There hasn't been a fix to this yet but it is inherent in your Google Calendar. Your Gmail calendar will have the correct times but when it syncs, the phone calendar must still be on the old DST or something. Hopefully it will correct itself this weekend. Shocked that no one has tried to fix it. Hard to find it in message boards but many others are having this issue.
Yeah, this is an issue independent of the SC releases. The calendaring app seems to be extremely dependent on correct time zone information and there seems to be a problem with using the Automatic network-provided values for date, time and time zone. When I turn off the Automatic network date & time and then select my time zone manually, my calendar events display correctly both for Standard Time and for DST. Additionally, any appointments I create for a period within DST appear correctly. This was not the case when using Automatic. If Automatic is selected the appointment time for an appointment scheduled in DST is advanced an hour when viewed in the web-based Google calendar.
This issue created huge issues for my wife who uses the Google mobile calendar heavily.
I have the same problem with a different twist. Most of my appointments were an hour off but some of them weren't. Now that DST has hit, most of my appts show the correct time but some of them are an hour off. It's hard to trust my calendar now.
simonintx said:
I have the same problem with a different twist. Most of my appointments were an hour off but some of them weren't. Now that DST has hit, most of my appts show the correct time but some of them are an hour off. It's hard to trust my calendar now.
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I tested this issue in many ways. If you created an appointment in your calendar and have your Android calendar set as default, it won't change (I think). I created appointments on my computer in Outlook and when it synced to my Smartphone, it was an hour later. I just create all my appointments on my Android device and everything is consistant. Now after DST has occurred, unbelievably, everything is fine. I wonder now if we'll have this problem again when DST is over.

Iphone to note, 1st time android user

Just upgraded to the note from iphone 4 (ios 5).
Although the obvious flexibility with android is instantly obvious, I guess there are some workarounds for the other things that the iphone (apps) do beter.
Here are some questions I have, if any experienced android users wouldnt mind answering thanks: -
1) The stock calendar isnt very good, what is the best alternative?
2) Relating to above, any way to sync with outlook calender?
3) Anyway to sync contacts with outlook?
4) How do you set the email to delete from the server (IMAP)?
This linking with gmail and google calendar seems as bad as having to have Itunes installed
Bengaz said:
Just upgraded to the note from iphone 4 (ios 5).
Although the obvious flexibility with android is instantly obvious, I guess there are some workarounds for the other things that the iphone (apps) do beter.
Here are some questions I have, if any experienced android users wouldnt mind answering thanks: -
1) The stock calendar isnt very good, what is the best alternative?
2) Relating to above, any way to sync with outlook calender?
3) Anyway to sync contacts with outlook?
4) How do you set the email to delete from the server (IMAP)?
This linking with gmail and google calendar seems as bad as having to have Itunes installed
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Good on you for taking the Android challenge.
I rather like the S-Planner.
Syncing contacts with outlook is possible a number of ways.
If you export a contacts.cvs from Outlook and import it into gmail/contacts, these will then sync with the phone.
There are number of expensive apps for syncing Outlook.
I ditched Outlook when I went to Windows 7 and now use Windows Live on the pc.
BTW, I never use gmail for email, but only to access my Youtube account, and now to sync with google calendar.
It is possible to sync with MS windows Live calendars and contacts too.
You can get a hotmail app for this.
I find syncing to google really easy, much better than MS activesync.
I frequently got duplicates and / or wiped my phone with activesync.
And nothing could be worse than itunes.
Never owned it but have often tried to help others with issues.
It's a trojan piece of #@!*.
Delete emails from the server is in settings for the account.
are you using the stock android calendar or the s planner calendar--they are different and s planner is at least as good imho as iphone calendar from my research
i am making the exact same transition--this week, my note arrives on Tuesday
3Labs said:
are you using the stock android calendar or the s planner calendar--they are different and s planner is at least as good imho as iphone calendar from my research
i am making the exact same transition--this week, my note arrives on Tuesday
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Ahhhh exciting times, I'll never forget my first Android phone, after years persevering with good old Windows Mobile. Your in for a treat
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I've been using Android for just over a year and when I looked for satisfactory sync options for Outlook 2003 - contacts, calendar, notes and tasks - the thing that seemed to fit the bill best at the time was gSyncit -
It's paid software with a one time cost rather than an annual charge. In terms of syncing reliably I find it to be very good. Everything goes where it should, both backwards and forwards, and I don't get duplicates or missing entries. I bought a copy for my girlfriend as well when she bought an Android phone a couple of months after me.
There is a problem which has prevailed on and off pretty much since day one, for both of us, and still hits occasionally. That is an inexplicable failure on startup, leading Outlook to want to disable to addon. Usually it can be fixed by closing and restarting Outlook, although sometimes it need three of four attempts before it will play ball. Nowadays the occurrence is fairly low, maybe happening once a fortnight or less, and that's with the software used seven days a week and for most of each day.
Once you have your stuff in the Google cloud, whether you choose to access it there or not, Android takes care of syncing from the cloud to the phone and back again.
There are other possible options including Kies for Samsung owners, or free software such as MyPhone Explorer -
What I like about gSyncit is that once set up it sync automatically in the background and is entirely hands off in operation. The other solutions I've seen appear to require a deliberate action to connect hardware together and initiate a sync operation. Regarding the stability issues I've experienced, I've downloaded several upgrades over the year or so I've had it, but those were all for V2. A while ago a V3 was launched, with a small premium for the upgrade. I haven't bothered to upgrade as I find V2 does all that I need, but maybe it fixes that little stability issue my girlfriend and I have experienced.
3Labs said:
are you using the stock android calendar or the s planner calendar--they are different and s planner is at least as good imho as iphone calendar from my research
i am making the exact same transition--this week, my note arrives on Tuesday
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S planner...
your probably right about the standard iphone calendar but I was used to using "week calendar", the best calendar app ive ever used, Ive been in touch with the Dev and it may come out for android...
Another excellent app I used on the iphone was "notebooks".
This is soon to be out on android and desktop (with dropbox sync). Cant wait for that one, for now I use colour note.
One thing ive found in the last 2 days, the apps for the iphone seem far better.
Ok, ive solved my first problem (calendar) and hopefully make the switch to android easier for some other people...
On the iphone, upgrade to ios5.
Sign up for icloud and get a .me email address.
sync your iphone with icloud.
download the desktop icloud app (syncs to outlook)
(ive been using this for a while now and its 100% reliable so far, you can also ditch itunes for good then)
install "caldav-sync beta" on android phone.
using icloud server details, set up a new sync connection.
the icloud server details can be found here
now you can make a gradual transition from iphone, desktop (outlook) and your android phone while keeping the 3 in sync.
You get 5gb free space on icloud, more than enough for contacts and calendar and the android app is around £1...
To add to this, you can do the same with contacts using "carddav-sync beta".
However im only getting 25 of my 300 contacts synced for some reason. I need to fix that, anyone have any ideas why?
3Labs said:
are you using the stock android calendar or the s planner calendar--they are different and s planner is at least as good imho as iphone calendar from my research
i am making the exact same transition--this week, my note arrives on Tuesday
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Interesting you say the S-Planner is as good as iphone's calendar.
I really like it.
I would like to customize the colours, but you can't have everything.
Maybe a mod will appear in the Themes section for this.
I hope you have a good experience of the SGNote.
You might find it different, but I hope you enjoy the freedom and power.
Week calendar
Bengaz said:
S planner...
your probably right about the standard iphone calendar but I was used to using "week calendar", the best calendar app ive ever used, Ive been in touch with the Dev and it may come out for android...
Another excellent app I used on the iphone was "notebooks".
This is soon to be out on android and desktop (with dropbox sync). Cant wait for that one, for now I use colour note.
One thing ive found in the last 2 days, the apps for the iphone seem far better.
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Please go easy first time post. I am also looking to go to a note from the iPhone4. One of the only reasons to keep with iPhone is week cal app. I too asked them about an android vesion a few months ago. Week calendar is the best calendar app. I've tried all the others including Jorte etc
Made the Same step from iphone to note and I think the calender are at least equal to iphone (used saisuke, calengoo,...) but due to the fact that I sync everything over Google, it's easier with an android device.
If you need outlook I recommend, as mentioned, gsync, too. Is about 10 bucks per licence and syncs from contacts to tasks everything but slowed down my office 2010...
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
Guys Guys Guys...
There is an easier way of doing this. For free... I follow this approach & it works like a charm.
1. Download Google Calender Sync from this link:
2. Install the program on your laptop/PC. Set it up to sync outlook calendar with your Google Calendar at whatever frequency you want. I have it set to 30 mins. This way, your Google calendar will sync with your Outlook Calendar.
3. On your android phone, setup your calendar to sync with google calendar. This way, all your 3 calendars, Outlook, Google & Phone, will be in sync all the time.
I have never needed to sync my outlook contacts with my phone, so I have never tried that. If I do come across some info on that, I will let you know...
triandy said:
Please go easy first time post. I am also looking to go to a note from the iPhone4. One of the only reasons to keep with iPhone is week cal app. I too asked them about an android vesion a few months ago. Week calendar is the best calendar app. I've tried all the others including Jorte etc
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Hi, did you tried out business calendar? it's really brilliant i think. I just looked at screenshot of week calendar app. Looks like the business calendar week view, wich is great i think.
i use it together with a tiny but powerful app, quick addroid, wich lets you add everything in batches.
triandy said:
Please go easy first time post. I am also looking to go to a note from the iPhone4. One of the only reasons to keep with iPhone is week cal app. I too asked them about an android vesion a few months ago. Week calendar is the best calendar app. I've tried all the others including Jorte etc
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My main use for my phone is my calendar and notetaking. The S planner maybe as good as the STANDARD iphone calendar but that is pants as well. There is nothing on the android market comes remotely near week calendar I'm afraid.
Same goes for notes as we'll I'm afraid. Nearest you can get to notebooks for iphone is note everything pro. Still way off in function and sync though
As for sync. Use icloud and the desktop app to link to outlook if you need to email directly from office like me.
Nasobem said:
Hi, did you tried out business calendar? it's really brilliant i think. I just looked at screenshot of week calendar app. Looks like the business calendar week view, wich is great i think.
i use it together with a tiny but powerful app, quick addroid, wich lets you add everything in batches.
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Tried it but its nowhere near
Raghav1980 said:
Guys Guys Guys...
There is an easier way of doing this. For free... I follow this approach & it works like a charm.
1. Download Google Calender Sync from this link:
2. Install the program on your laptop/PC. Set it up to sync outlook calendar with your Google Calendar at whatever frequency you want. I have it set to 30 mins. This way, your Google calendar will sync with your Outlook Calendar.
3. On your android phone, setup your calendar to sync with google calendar. This way, all your 3 calendars, Outlook, Google & Phone, will be in sync all the time.
I have never needed to sync my outlook contacts with my phone, so I have never tried that. If I do come across some info on that, I will let you know...
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The problem with this approach is that google calendar sync has issues with not syncing certain formats of appointments from outlook to google cal. I googled it and its a wide spread issue with no easy workaround that I was able to find. I got tired of not having all my calendar items sync and just snagged the gsyncit app.
The whole point is to NOT use Google. My way works perfect and supports all the contact formats, reminders etc.

