Gmail flakey? - EVO 4G General

I'm running Gmail 2.3, it came with the Evo I bought this week.
Anyone else seeing the problem of Gmail getting stuck on ONE email?
For instance, I can see a list of emails, but whichever email I try to select, it will always show only one particular email. And pressing the left right navigation arrows at the bottom of the email still shows the same email.

Gmail been flakey on all phones this week. Thought google fixed that.
8pen from my supersonic on the xda app.

I don't get this issue, but many times after clearing my inbox in the app it still looks like I have new emails when I don't. The number of new emails doesn't go back to zero till I login via or wait for a new email to come in.
Gmail has always been like this for me though.

Last year I learned how to include a push feature Google offers on the iPhone, and I set it up there, yes the push worked. Until then I got the Evo in June and used Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync instead of the gmail app.
If you want a true sync, then u can get it set up in MS Exchange by entering your username and password, then click on manual setup, from there, when u see the server box which says, you will need to change that to then click next, choose which u want synced then ur good to go.
P.S. screw the gmail app, I prefer the HTC mail app though, has user friendly UI and the ability to multi select files to be movedto another folder or deleted...I tried moving files on gmail and don't see that feature implemented on the gmail app, unless I missed it.

I deleted the data for GMail within Settings Applications and everything was okay again after the resync.

Man.... I have never had any issues you guys write on here, I must be extremely lucky *knocks on wood*
No issues here

dynamicpda said:
I deleted the data for GMail within Settings Applications and everything was okay again after the resync.
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I was having issues with the sync yesterday as well. Clearing the data like you said fixed it. Thank you!

This doesn't help I'm just stating my personal experience:
I have never had issues with Gmail app other than trying to save attachments as posted. Other than that it has always been solid. If Google has server issues it wont matter what app you use.


Email Delay

I'm having troubles with pop email accounts, I'm not being notified for new emails, they do not show up in my inbox until i manually open the email client - I have my client to auto check every 5 minutes, yet if I don't check for half a day and then login I have emails from all times of the day being loaded into my inbox.
my friend is having the issue, was wondering if anyone else was?
It's with hotmail, yahoo and ever business emails servers.
Thanks in advanced
nobody noticed that there email isn't polling when it should be?
If you are using an app-killer, make sure your email app isnt killed with it, since that would eliminate the option to auto-fetch emails.
Inebriatef said:
If you are using an app-killer, make sure your email app isnt killed with it, since that would eliminate the option to auto-fetch emails.
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Pls check these items.
Have you add to auto kill list? then remove it. along with email app.
data sync should be on.
try it.
Im sure yore battery life wont last 2 days. and why did you setup pop3? Go for Imap it saves resources and disk space.
Let your computer do POP3 work.
no appkiller of any kind installed
I just noticed now I havn't received emails to my phone in the last 3 days, I had to manualy open the app to fetch it, update is set to 30 min
I use moxier and it updates and polls fine,
email app doesn't.
x10a rooted on o24 software
every other functions works great
robbyf66 said:
no appkiller of any kind installed
I just noticed now I havn't received emails to my phone in the last 3 days, I had to manualy open the app to fetch it, update is set to 30 min
I use moxier and it updates and polls fine,
email app doesn't.
x10a rooted on o24 software
every other functions works great
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On the first day I got the phone, before doing anything (root) to it, I also noticed that it didn't poll. Had it set for 5 minutes, background data on and it did nothing. Never polled once all day.
So rather than waste my time with something (else) from SE that didn't work I just installed K-9 Mail and never looked backed since
i have all my accounts forwarded to my gmail which i believe is push on android phones (someone correct me if im wrong), although this probably doesnt save battery life, i prefer having my email pushed
zhoustanley said:
i have all my accounts forwarded to my gmail which i believe is push on android phones (someone correct me if im wrong), although this probably doesnt save battery life, i prefer having my email pushed
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agree...just let gmail take care of it
I prefer to reply or send emails from my actual email account, I did use k9 for a while and it was working and i do like all the additional advanced features it offers. All I need is basic send/receive from a basic client and the android email app is suppose to work like that.
thanks so far guys
rvictorg said:
agree...just let gmail take care of it
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The regular email client is a bit lacking. Your issue isn't common though. Must be just missing something in the setting somewhere...if not you could always do the total reset on the phone i guess if you really had too.
I recently just caved in and made the full switch to Gmail for all of my accounts. Much easier to manage. It IS full push email I believe, plus imap makes things so much easier it's not even comparible.
It's too bad the gmail app on the phone won't let you send from multiple addys, but the web interface is good for sending from a diff addy in a pinch.
robbyf66 said:
I'm having troubles with pop email accounts, I'm not being notified for new emails, they do not show up in my inbox until i manually open the email client - I have my client to auto check every 5 minutes, yet if I don't check for half a day and then login I have emails from all times of the day being loaded into my inbox.
my friend is having the issue, was wondering if anyone else was?
It's with hotmail, yahoo and ever business emails servers.
Thanks in advanced
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Just checked it today, App killer was set for auto kill after a hour. Disabled, now push email works.....

[Q] Gmail syncing issues

Lately i've noticed my gmail won't sync. It says i have a new email but wont show it, and it wont load the rest of my read emails. It says no connection even though ive got 3g. And when i tried to add a new gmail account it wouldn't let me. I've been having lots of speed problems and now this so verizon is sending me a replacement. But i wanted to know if its just my phone or anyone else.
I had the same issue with new emails not showing couple of times a few weeks ago. Not sure what it was, but I went around it by searching for "is:unread". That brought it up.
Do you have a second email account fowarded to your gmail account, example I have a yahoo account and messages show up in main gmail inbox and in a specific "label" as gmail calls them for that account.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
00negative said:
Do you have a second email account fowarded to your gmail account, example I have a yahoo account and messages show up in main gmail inbox and in a specific "label" as gmail calls them for that account.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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No I don't. I think I just have a defective phone. All the verizon reps at my store say I do, and so does tech support. They said my data wasn't being used to it's full or something. I've got a new one coming but I don't know how long it will take. The email thing's kinda bothering me. I'll try the is:unread thing. Thanks guys.
I had the same problem. Also wouldn't connect to my pc. I used another droid to make a copy of my sd card. Formatted the card. Reloaded all my stuff and put it back in my DX. Sync works fine and connects to pc everytime.
i am having the same issue and have followed what you have suggested doing with no change

[Q] Email help

Hello -
I am a newbie here. I today got my Samsung Galaxy S. I have rooted it and applied the lag fix. It is super fast and very cool.
** Problem **
Now I am coming from the Blackberry Bold background. I am having trouble configuring the email setup on Galaxy.
I have 1 Exchange Account, 2 IMAP accounts and 1 Gmail account.
Gmail account was setup automatically the second I went to the Android Market place.
I tried setting up one IMAP account using the default Email application with mixed results. It downloaded the messages, so settings were correct. However, it is extremely slow. Further, I could not find any settings to sync say upto last 3 days only. It simply kept showing me "Load More messages"...
I am also wary that I do not have the choice to store messages on the internal 8GB SD card which shipped with the phone.
I haven't tried anything with Exchange yet.
Push email is a MUST for me. I do not want to return the phone as everything else seems to be super cool. But I do need to get emails, contacts and calendar working in harmony.
I would be extremely grateful if someone could help or point me in the right direction.
Many thanks.
The email app is really bad. you have to use the gmail app, which I also don't really care for. You cannot copy text from messages, viewing attachments is a pain (compared to iphone). K9 email is better than the stock app, but still to many bugs, so i went back to gmail.
Learn to live with gmail app or return the phone. Jorte calendar works good thought, but I really miss the nice iphone email app. Maybe some update will make the email app less buggy, but it is a very far step behind iphone email.
For a smartphone, it is essential that email/contacts/calendar work in harmony. I think the email is a major let down especially when compared with Blackberry.
I have exported all my contacts and calendar to Gmail. Will see how that pans out.
Will try out K9 email.
I use K-9 Mail. It's a free app available on the market. Much better support and options than the default email client. Give it a try.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App

[Q] CM6 and Exchange

I'd like to know about other people's experiences with CM6 and Exchange. With the stock email app, I have noticed at times that at times it would start using a lot of cpu, and stop receiving emails. I did have "all email" sync, but these issues would happen randomly after all of my mailbox was downloaded; could this have anything to do with it? I would have to reboot my phone for email to start working again. After reading about people's experience in the CM6 thread I thought it might be appropriate to have an altogether separate thread. I did notice some users having similar issues, and that TouchDown is a good alternative.
So about 2 weeks ago, I started trying it. Problem is, when I go to add a contact (discovered this by long pressing a number to create a contact), it will let me create a "TouchDown contact", but only with names. I contacted touchdown support and they said that no other applications can have access to TouchDown data for "security". I did put in a feature request for an optional contacts integration, because my Aria is a work phone, and every contact I add I *need* synced. I did think about adding contacts to Google account, and then installing Google/Outlook sync on my work pc, but this seems too convoluted.
Has CM6 exchange improved in any of the nightly builds? If I choose to go back to the stock email app, is there any way that if I run into these issues again I can provide debugging information? The only thing I really liked about TouchDown was the search email feature, but this is in no way a feature request for the stock email app. xD
Why not ask in the cm6 thread instead of starting a new one?
I've been using stock exchange mail client since the beginning of CM6 on aria, haven't ran into any major issues with it. The only problem I have with it is that sometimes the deleted email on aria still show up on desktop outlook.
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
Just wanted to add that stock client does stop getting emails ( very rarely for me), instead of rebooting, I just forse close the app and restart it again.
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
For adding/syncing contacts (using touchdown for email) I added the exchange account (under stock email settings) and set it to never check mail, but still sync contacts and calendar. I am going to see if this combination with touchdown works, as the email app is required to run if syncing exchange contacts is to work at all. I hope don't run into the process hanging without email actually syncing. I'm still waiting this trial out to see if touchdown is worth it; they did add a new feature that shows the number of new emails in the notification icon (I don't recall if this is in the stock email app).

[Q] Galaxy S4 Stock Email App. So many flaws?

Got my new Galaxy S4. What is up with the email app? are you able to have it push email? i dont want it to poll every 5 minutes, i need my emails instantly...
I turned on sync in the email app, which apparently this is not push, anyways, throughout the day when i open the email app i get a popup saying email sync disabled. Why?
Can anyone confirm that the search function works?? I have my email set up as an imap account, whenever i want to search something in my email i get 0 results, and if i hit the search on server, it does not bring up anything either. This happens with all my email accounts on my phone, and my wife's accounts on her GS4. Any idea why??
I have a rooted S4, not using a custom rom. I have tried K9 email but it is just plain ugly. I actually like how the stock email app looks but nothing works!
I searched all over the internet and i dont see anything on most of these issues so im assuming im doing something wrong if nobody else is talking about this. Please, any help would be awesome. My wife wants her iphone back because of this.
I use the stock email app with no issues. I have it set to recieve from my work exchange account, my outlook and gmail accounts. All are push, and all of mine are searchable with no issues.
You may try erasing the account, and then resetting it. I know my outlook account is also an exchange server, but the gmail I think is IMAP. All mine have the check box "sync email" checked, and I set all to push notifications. Be sure you are setting up the account in the email app itself, that may help.
aawshads said:
I use the stock email app with no issues. I have it set to recieve from my work exchange account, my outlook and gmail accounts. All are push, and all of mine are searchable with no issues.
You may try erasing the account, and then resetting it. I know my outlook account is also an exchange server, but the gmail I think is IMAP. All mine have the check box "sync email" checked, and I set all to push notifications. Be sure you are setting up the account in the email app itself, that may help.
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Where do you see the email push setting? only see sync, and whenever i turn on sync, i get a popup a few hours later when i open the app that sync has been disabled. Even when i enable sync, it gives me the option for sync schedule for at most every 15 minutes.
As far as the search, i use godaddy imap and yahoo. I cant search anything out of what is showing when i open the app. It shows me default of i think 25 emails when i open the app and if i scroll to the bottom it starts to load more. When i do a search, it only searches through what is loaded and when i do continue searching on server i get nothing more. The only results is what is in the 25 loaded messages, or 50 messages if i scroll down at let it load more...
crammer04 said:
I searched all over the internet and i dont see anything on most of these issues so im assuming im doing something wrong if nobody else is talking about this. Please, any help would be awesome. My wife wants her iphone back because of this.
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The email app on the iphone is far better than the stock email app on the SGS4. I think the stock email app on the SGS4 is utter crap, at least with IMAP. Maybe it works better with exchange. I use Kaiten, which is an upgraded/updated version of K9. Another one that I looked at briefly was AquaMail.
GeorgeP said:
The email app on the iphone is far better than the stock email app on the SGS4. I think the stock email app on the SGS4 is utter crap, at least with IMAP. Maybe it works better with exchange. I use Kaiten, which is an upgraded/updated version of K9. Another one that I looked at briefly was AquaMail.
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The thing is i actually really like the email app on the GS4. I think the layout is nice and the email app is one of the few times i actually feel that the air view feature is really useful. The problem is, is that it is not reliable. I need my emails instantly and the email app is not getting it for me. I just figured out the search problem i was having. If i just change in the settings messages to load from 25 to "total" all of my messages will be there and search is fine. I still wish there is a way to have my emails come instantly rather than every 15 minutes. Aside from the push issue, what else do you dislike about the stock app that the other apps have? The only thing i noticed on the iphone is the push option...
GeorgeP said:
The email app on the iphone is far better than the stock email app on the SGS4. I think the stock email app on the SGS4 is utter crap, at least with IMAP. Maybe it works better with exchange. I use Kaiten, which is an upgraded/updated version of K9. Another one that I looked at briefly was AquaMail.
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on the app go to settings, tap on the account, then on Sync Schedule, set it to Push.
aawshads said:
on the app go to settings, tap on the account, then on Sync Schedule, set it to Push.
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You must be talking about an exchange account. You don't have that option with IMAP.
I dont see the push option, here is what i see
aawshads said:
on the app go to settings, tap on the account, then on Sync Schedule, set it to Push.
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I dont see the option for push, this is what i get-
View attachment 1998784
View attachment 1998785
crammer04 said:
Aside from the push issue, what else do you dislike about the stock app that the other apps have? The only thing i noticed on the iphone is the push option...
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Four major issues are (and there are other minor issues):
- Lack of IMAP IDLE (push)
- When you reply to someones message, the text in their message is reformatted in your reply (font changes and line spacing changes). Looks unprofessional for work email.
- html hyperlinks are sometimes not properly parsed and are unclickable. I get a news service hyperlinks to articles. None of the hyperlinks work on the stock email client. I have to forward the message to gmail or something to click on the hyperlinks.
- emails sent from stock email client do not sync properly and have a different format on my outlook client.
Kaiten has none of these problems. These are not problems with the iphone app either.
GeorgeP said:
You must be talking about an exchange account. You don't have that option with IMAP.
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plus, to update on the syncing being disabled. I set the sync to on, reboot my phone, opened the mail app and i get the pop up that says sync disabled. I open the settings and the sync option is no longer checked.
Just tried Kaiten...It was downloading so many copies of my emails. It showed each email at least 4 times...uninstalled...
They are correct, the one I looked at was my email address, and my work address. The gmail address shows the same thing as yours.
I guess the news hasn't gotten around fully. Gmail accounts to do not support push with anything other than the native stock android gmail app anymore (since, when exactly, I don't remember. March or April of this year?). In that particular case, it's not the fault of the Samsung email app. No other app besides the official "gmail" app will receive emails by push from a gmail account, and that includes any email applications on any other system from iphone to any other operating system. Blame gmail.
The only thing I miss by using the stock email app is that I can't get it to come up in the combined inbox by default...I have to select it each time which is a bummer.
itiskonrad said:
I guess the news hasn't gotten around fully. Gmail accounts to do not support push with anything other than the native stock android gmail app anymore (since, when exactly, I don't remember. March or April of this year?). In that particular case, it's not the fault of the Samsung email app. No other app besides the official "gmail" app will receive emails by push from a gmail account, and that includes any email applications on any other system from iphone to any other operating system. Blame gmail.
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If this is true its embarrassing.
Is there any workaround?
this is strange cause i have a s4 and only get the 15 minute option, but on my note 3....i get the push option!!! that very strange
Use solmail....
Works with gmail and has neat interface
crammer04 said:
I dont see the option for push, this is what i get-
View attachment 1998784
View attachment 1998785
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you think you got it bad, i paid for unlock code on a rogers 1337m and had the push option.
when i inserted a telus sim and and unlocked it, it force reset the phone, force factory reset rather, and now i dont have push.
i also picked up some crappy apps from telus

