hd mini capable of phone 7? - HD Mini General

I know this has been discussed before, but I came across this (rather old) article online: ***.winmo.nl/hvga-ook-goed-voor-windows-phone-7-series/ (* = w, I'm not aloud to post outside links yet )
I know a lot of you don't speak dutch, so I'll try to capture the essence of the article for you.
Basically what's been said is that although restrictions for phone 7 were very limited at first, it appears phone 7 will also be released for HVGA resolution and they would also aim for lower end cpu's (down till 600MHz).
They suggest Windows might have been planning to upgrade the hd2 and hd mini to phone 7 all along.
Can anyone give an insight on this?
Has there been more rumors or press leaks about the compatibility of phone 7 with these models?
I sure would like to give phone 7 a try on my hd mini

For me, personally, i'd say "No, thanks."
WP7 is a restricted kind of phone, much like the iPhone. In fact, it's almost an exact copy. Not of iPhone 4, but of first 2 generations of iPhone. The only difference, it's got a homescreen. So it's like iPhone 1 or 2 plus a homescreen. While iPhone has slowly moved on to try to partially match modern phones, WP7 went back to the very basic crippled iPhone system.
It even went as far as to cripple the Office Mobile.
I'd stick to WinMo 6.5.3. And most likely jump to Android when 6.5.3 is eventually left to rot and die.

yes, Android is in my favor as well, but I don't see it coming anytime soon to the hd mini and I don't know enough to do it myself so I'll be stuck with winmo at least for the coming year
It's good to see windows is trying though, although they have a long way to go and the competition is too strong imho...

Microsoft thought iPhone style and restrictions is the way to go. But that's because when iPhone started out with this new concept, there's no competition yet. Naturally, it was a run away winner in those times. But now, you see that Android has overtaken iOS. Flexibility and open system is the way to go. Something WinMo partially had, only not implemented properly. Microsoft is throwing that way and following a wrong direction.
Soon, when Android finally pummelled and pulverized iOS to dust, MS will regret going that direction.

I say YES to Andriod, but NO to Wmp7.


Windows7 looks and sounds overhyped

i know im not the only one that thinks this....i love new features and upgrades just as much as anyone but it seems the goal of windows 7 is to take away the customization experience of windows and bring consumers closer with microsoft then closer 2 their device. No flash, No skins, limited apps, and lets be honest who wants a device that looks exactly the same as another person device, u could take a million hd2 and none will look exactly like mines
jbanga86 said:
i know im not the only one that thinks this....i love new features and upgrades just as much as anyone but it seems the goal of windows 7 is to take away the customization experience of windows and bring consumers closer with microsoft then closer 2 their device. No flash, No skins, limited apps, and lets be honest who wants a device that looks exactly the same as another person device, u could take a million hd2 and none will look exactly like mines
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I say save these comments till after it comes out and you actually use it.
And it's Windows Phone 7 Series, not Windows 7.
anything short of 5 pages and this thread will be a failure!
dwizzy130 said:
I say save these comments till after it comes out and you actually use it.
And it's Windows Phone 7 Series, not Windows 7.
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I'd agree if it was for ALL comments on the awesomeness OR failure of WP7s.
lol all im saying is if we wanted a zune we would buy a zune!
seriously ever since the thing came out they been talking about
making it a phone and now this is new news?
psht! they have a few ideas on point though like the whole
finger friendly thing, but to me its like buying a new house
with thin walls or move into a comfy old brick home
yeah the lighting fixtures is up to date but what about the foundation
I love the new interface. I love the accent that is being layed on the text. From what i've seen it's like browsing through a magazine. Well thought, because in the end, mostly it's text with what you're dealing with on this type of devices.
No really, i'm very thrilled about the new design. And with the new silverlight based development framework I think that we can expect more useful applications that are focussed on what they are supposed to do and less on the user interface.
The UI is awesome. Other than that, it's just an iPhone copy with the same bad policies, like censorship and no multitasking, no file system access etc.
seed_al said:
The UI is awesome. Other than that, it's just an iPhone copy with the same bad policies, like censorship and no multitasking, no file system access etc.
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WP7S, No cutomizability, locked eco system, no multi tasking.
Dont u think it defeats the purpose of WinMO.
I hope it will be a big failure. The reason i got WinMO instead of anything else is because of the power of freedom it has. WP7S killed that.
and yes, its just as hyped up as iphone before it was release. NOthing more. Its not revolutionary, its just pretty with no brain.
The start or home screen may look pretty, but its functionless. U have to scroll a lot to see info. I think the novelty will wear off faster then the iphone.
Good post, Frostlance, very good post... it's sad how they destroyed everything good about Windows Mobile. I'm not at all interested in a stupid locked down system.
seed_al said:
Good post, Frostlance, very good post... it's sad how they destroyed everything good about Windows Mobile. I'm not at all interested in a stupid locked down system.
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And not only that, they way they made WP7S Backwards incompatible also means MS just killed WinMO6.5 and previous versions.
Developers are abandoning WinMO 6.5 1 by 1, started with adobe , then Skype, and many more to come.
We were waiting for Flash 10.1 anxiously, seeing the beta version test on OUR HD2, but in the end, they discontinued their support for WinMO.
As Steve Ballmer Said " OS are nothing without Developers, Developers Developers , (he goes on saying developers many2 times)
And that is the fate of WinMO 6.5. With no Developer support, Our BELOVED OS, is becoming NOthing.
To tell you the truth,ive been a loyal WinMO user since 2000. I relied heavily on its apps (esp medical applications,helps me a lot with my work as a doctor and manage my patients data). Now ive heard from a friend in skyscape,a major medical apps developer for WinMO, that they will also discontinue support for WinMO. Now this really saddens me really.
For a phone(expensive phone in fact) which i bought just 2 months ago, will no longer provide me new apps, new updates to my medical apps, no flash (A BIG WASTE , With our huge gorgeous screen,we cant even load flash content!).
I envy those using android, updating their OS constantly, and getting apps like google earth,goggle and etc which we were once promised to be given,now all left is a dream.
MS has killed our beloved WinMO. It is a sad news for all of us. WP7S is more like a curse then a blessing.
I'd rather buy an iPhone than any WP7S device.
Both are locked down crap systems without multitasking from my POV.
Espentf said:
I'd rather buy an iPhone than any WP7S device.
Both are locked down crap systems without multitasking from my POV.
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But WP7S has better hardware and a better UI. So, IF you buy a locked down crap system, you really should get a WP7S phone.
But of course, you shouldn't buy a locked down crap system.
seed_al said:
But WP7S has better hardware
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Do we know enough about the iPhone 4 to be sure that its hardware will be inferior to WP7S phones? We'll be about half way between that and its replacement when WP7 starts to get going.
Shasarak said:
Do we know enough about the iPhone 4 to be sure that its hardware will be inferior to WP7S phones? We'll be about half way between that and its replacement when WP7 starts to get going.
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We know nothing about iPhone 4, but Apple's iPhone hardware has ALWAYS been at least half a year behind HTC's. I don't expect that to change.
iPhone 4 would need a WVGA display, a 1GHz processor, 448MB RAM, a five megapixel camera with dual LED flash, much much better materials... in order to be "only" half a year behind again. In other words: No way. They're not going to catch up anytime soon.
seed_al said:
We know nothing about iPhone 4, but Apple's iPhone hardware has ALWAYS been at least half a year behind HTC's. I don't expect that to change.
iPhone 4 would need a WVGA display, a 1GHz processor, 448MB RAM, a five megapixel camera with dual LED flash, much much better materials... in order to be "only" half a year behind again. In other words: No way. They're not going to catch up anytime soon.
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The strange thing is that if the WP7 is really a closed down system without multitasking it would not need such advanced hardware for it. The need of so much memory and processor power is precisely because of the multitasking when a user can run several applications simultaneously. Otherwise you can have a good user experience with much less memory and processor power like in case of the iPhone.
This thread will be better if it has a poll on it.
I think it is hyped too. I really prefer the HTC interface and customization freedom of the HD2 against the new design of windows mobile 7. I have my device so customized that I can access every feature with a few clicks (AE button plus and multiple button press) I dont see that coming soon in WM7, you need to scroll a lot with your finger to actually go anywhere. And what botters me more is that it looks like "multimedia oriented" and not "bussisness" oriented.
If they close the platform like Apple they will loose al the support of the comunity. I really think WebOs look more interesting as a new modern platform (but they still lack variety of applications)
If there is no oficial WM7 update to the HD2, I really dont care. (we know the chef here will be realising it and even with a newer rom)
What not being said may be the most revealing.
Other than a few picture and limited stories from just a few people (MS insiders) what do we really know about WM7?
With all the stories about what WM7 cannot do, you start to wonder if there is something that we are not being told about the new OS.
For instance:
* MS Voice Command has not had any real updates for a number of years. Is there a (much improved) new version in WM7?
* Wireless/Blue tooth set up? (better setup etc?)
* Haptic interface,
* camera and other elements used in a more interactive way for interface?
* New/updated/Improved version of transcriber?
Or is MS really just going to bring out a dumb version of Windows Mobile, for the dummys, and to more directly compete with iPhone, and continue the development of the OS version (6.5) they already have for the business users, and the more adventurous?
We still remember XP/Vista don't we, lets hope MS learn't something!
No option for both? I think bits are great and bits are over hyped.
1) Maybe it´s going to be the same story as with Win Vista: faulty, crappy, resource-hungry, no benefits. Good for the basic user that only surfs with IE, listens to music, watches videos, e-mails and uploads videos on YouTube
2) NO software is uncrackable ! Wonder what the experts here on XDA will do with WM7 ! When I received my HD2 in November it wasn´t much more than my Touch HD, a little bit faster though. Now with all the geniousses here in this forum it is a rocket of a PDA that spared me the investment into a Sony Vaio P
3) I eagerly wait for the HD3 at the end of the year, wait this time some months ´till I buy it. First I will see what the leading programmers here will do with it, then buy it and flash it with a cooked ROM from this forum. And maybe this cooked ROM will be rebased on WM6.5.x or a hacked WM7, able of multitasking.
4) When I will buy HD3 (or whatever it will be called) I buy the hardware (1,5 GHz Qualcomm, ROM/RAM etc.) and I want it to be FAST. Like with Win Vista the hardware will be eaten up by WM7-software giving no speed advantage. Like with my Sony Vaio TT92 which is equipped with WinXP and which is much faster than most of the desktop-PCs for MY use of the Vaio (no gaming, prof. medical work) I will rely on the experts here to cook a ROM that´s faster than lightning for the APPS, ´cause I don´t care if the basic software is WM6.5.x or WM7, TF3D, HTCSense or what, I want my preferred apps to run fast and smooth w/o hangup.
Conclusion: trust the people here, THEY will make the best outa the new HARDWARE, not HTC, not Microsoft ..........
gm_fisher said:
Or is MS really just going to bring out a dumb version of Windows Mobile, for the dummys, and to more directly compete with iPhone, and continue the development of the OS version (6.5) they already have for the business users, and the more adventurous?
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I'm afraid that's exactly what they are doing. Everyone - including MS - is green with envy for the zillion$$$ Apple are making with teenagers and "wanna-look-cool" adults who spend their time on social networks or mms-ing pictures. Little brains, fat wallets. No surprise manufacturers and carriers LOVE them and would do ANYTHING to please them.
MS had a decision to make: continue to fight on two fields (business and dummies) and continue losing to RIM on the former and to Apple on the latter? Or instead concentrate on one, playing the cards (like hardware) where the competition has always been behind?
WPS7 is just that.
Do I like it? Hell, no.
Would I have done the same thing had I been in Steve Ballmer's shoes? Probably yes.
Will their strategy succeed? Probably no. Unless Steve Jobs screws up big-time...
gm_fisher said:
We still remember XP/Vista don't we, lets hope MS learn't something!
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Looking at Win7, I think they learnt that crappy-buggy OS's should never ever make their way into the market. However keeping looking at Win7 on other PC's makes me wish I will still have the option for XP when my laptop replacement is due in June.
I don't think MS will be stupid enough to allow WPS7 to be crappy-buggy like Vista, but most likely WPS7 will be as alienating to business users as Win7 is, leaving them in fact with two choices:
a) BlackBerry (for most)
b) Android (for power users)
Actually there is a third one for the (very few) adventurous: cooked WinMo ROMs.

Why all the hate for Winmo powered HD2

so i spent a long time trying to decide whether to go with an android phone or hd2
i searched high and wide all over the internet. the only android phone for gsm with a comparable screen is the samsung i9000 which looks like it would come out at about 700 bucks. either that or you take the nexus one/desire which is also in that same ballpark. after all that i went ahead and got the hd2, and i am glad i did. any hardware comparable phone to the hd2 (which there currently isnt because with 1gb rom and 576 mb of ram, beats any other phone)(US version)
After a close look at everything and playing with a friends droid incredible while comparing it to my hd2, the only big advantages i could see to get an android phone would either be the open market place, google maps, speech to text.
Resolution 1:
ok so you decide, hey let me dictate this msg. HERE IS AN IDEA, WHY NOT CALL THEM. (you might even get a chance to dictate it to someone listening).
the only place i can find real use for speech to text is while driving, and in that case, you technically shouldnt be using your phone PERIOD at that time.
Resolution 2:
people keep griping (pronounce gryping) about googlemaps, but as great as googlemaps is, what happens when you lose your bars or do not have a data plan? *gulp* you are screwed. do yourself a favor and get a non-internet reliant gps software (like actual gps devices use), and i also feel that bing does a good job of matching googlemaps.
Resolution 3:
THE MARKET PLACE. I do wish we had a market place, a nice central location where you can find everything you need. But i can tell you this, there are only so many apps you need until you get to the point where you are just trying to justify spending $X on a phone. A friend of mine while justifying how great his mytouch (android) phone is shows me all these apps he has. one app is a barcode scanner, and one app is google goggles. with goggles, the use of the barcode scanner is lost on me. (i think HD2 can also do that though). why go through all the trouble of opening your camera, looking for the barcode sending the item over the internet and all that when you could either just search for the barcode numbers (which funny enough is usually under the barcode) or searching for the items.
granted there are some nice apps like the statefarm pocket agent app out there, and most reputable companies(like banks etc) prefer to release apps for the iphone/android (my bank allows nexus one and iphone users take pics of check and automatically deposits the money into your account) but lets face it, most apps that people will need on a daily basis are also on winmo. An app that is used once or twice a month, while nice to have doesnt seem like that much of a big deal. Its kinda like getting a standby physician. Plus after a quick skim through the top apps on the marketplace, you find that 9/10 of all these apps are games (go figure), and even though they might be nice for your when you have to wait in a line or something, wouldnt a much larger screen be nicer to watch part of your fave tv show instead?
the hd2 has quite a few flaws, but the they are being fixed. Even though app development for windows 6.5 might go down when winmo7 comes out. I still like the HD2. I do not even think i would be switching to winmo7 since if i wanted an iphone, i would go get an iphone, i am not on facebook, twitter or any other social networking site.
only real reason i switched from my att tilt (the first one) was because the screen was so small and it had started to fall apart.
winmo by default sucks ass, but has limitless potential, where else would you find sms spammers, or american idol spammers (lol)
I'm not knocking android either, it has its perks and it would be nice to see what android is like on the hd2, but it makes little sense getting a winmo phone when you already knew you wanted an android phone, and then cluttering the boards asking for android. my winmo phone does everything i need it to do, so i am happy with it, i see my stocks, have my navigation from igo, have my alarm clock, IM, and calendar. ITS JUST LIKE BUYING A LAMBORGHINI AND COMPLAINING IT IS NOT A FERRARI.
only real sore point i can see no way around is flash coming to android. would have been nice to have flash but i guess i just have to take what i get.
Guys wasnt the main reason we fell in love with winmo because of the limitless possibilities?
Could not agree more, and don't forget the selection of UI's available and
the ability to configure your phone as you like it to be. Less than a month ago,
after researching Android and with the option to upgrade to the HTC Incredible
on Verizon vs the T-Mobile HD2, choose the HD2 with no regrets.
I agree too
I am really tired of all the people going i ditch my android phone or iphone for this and blah blah blah it windows mobile people what dont you get you can actual do something with this phone i love windows mobile after the years i know i know how could of like windows mobile with this will sense UI did the work to make the HD2 the best phone i had so far. I had a iphone it was okay I spent so much time fixing it to how i like it and boy it was not that easy at times lol but after a while I got the hang and did it but the apps please I stop using it for a while i would play with it for like a week and then i go boring android another story i never had one but i played with it and i was like wtf is with this crap please i don't want a phone that is set to make it easy to use because i was use to setting things to too and i know if i had an android the first thing i would do is flash it just to get to flash it lol but let get to the point if you want a android then get a android stop complaining about the windows mobile. If you want a iphone then go for it but sop you complaining about windows mobile too lol. I love my HD2 because there is a lot of nice roms and many possibility. And I forgot to mention the huge screen lol
The hard thing is trying to make sense of why a winmo phone is not more like iPhone or Android.
Do I buy Microsoft's arguement that they write the OS, but do not control the hardware that a Mobile Operator and a device manufacturer (OEM) put it on, or do I believe that someone is chasing their own tail?
I have the Nexus One, the Cliq and the MyTouch 3g. All are nice phones that I was perfectly happy with. I also owned an earlier version of the iPhone...and yes...my opinions then...and now...it was awesome...even with any faults. Yet, when presented with the HD2, my Nexus One now sits dusty and on my table.
'Good Hardware' is the key here. WinMo on the PURE...sucks. it lasted 48 hrs in my house. The Hardware package around the HD2 makes WinMo work...better. XDA makes WinMo better. So what if they take parts from here...and there....and produce great stuff....shouldn't that be ok.
I think some body in Redmond is watching. Windows Phone 7 has the potential to be GREAT...and I want one. A winmo OS with Zune...and Zune marketplace...on a 1300+ ghz hardware device....makes my toes curl. I saw a couple of models on PDADB.net the other day. I think that Microsoft, controlling more of the hardware...is the right idea. people do NOT realize how much Microsoft Windows Mobile suffers from Mobile Operator spec and boreware ...until they get to XDA and REMOVE that stuff. Right now I have the EnergyRom on my HD2....If I show it to ANYONE....they are surprised but interested. This is the same for any other ROM I may run. EXCEPT...the stock TMO rom...WP7 is supposed to remove that option....
BUT.....but....a winmo based Marketplace...hmmmm....it would be nice. Don't ya think the Apple ads...."We got an app for that"....are cool? With my androids, I could find anything I wanted,....at that moment...for my Nexus One....at the airport....is the flight on time????? Marketplace...tap tap touch...no...flight is delayed by 20 minutes. Try doing that on Windows Marketplace....you can't. Where's the nearest seafood restaurant....on Android...tap tap touch...get directions.....try doing that on Windows Marketplace...you can't. Or, my favorite....touch button..speak...Starbucks near here...get directions. It's not how many apps you can have....its about getting the apps you may want...when you want them....
But Android (or apple) marketplace did not keep me from the HD2. 5 minutes after holding the phone...I knew I made the right choice...XDA proved that anything can be done with the phone. Now, my buddy with the iPhone....says ....Wow...I can't do that with my iPhone. I just tell him...maybe there's a app for that...
After all....Windows 7...was my idea....maybe they'll listen to me about Windows Phone 7 too....
+1 on all of you.
Explain that to most people is really hard. WinMo is Vast, limitless but at the same time also complicated. I can live with that, the OS is so Fun to tweak and tinker. My earlier desicion was HD2 or Milestone thanks god i choose HD2 otherwise i only had free apps to have fun with and then get bores while with HD2 you have tons of Custom ROM just for start.
I think WM7 is too limited and controlled in comparison to WM 6.x and try to be more like "the other -read Android/IPhone" Not sure if i will upgrade but only time will tell.
I dont want to talk about Iphone, it is just boring.
I dont regret buying the Hd2. Windows mobile is nice for customization.
I just get tired of the layer skinning. My biggest problem with windows mobile is how different the text messaging looks when you get away from the sense ui
I had a g1 and the screen is just to small for me. Love android but hate small screens
well most people want to get these phones and they want it to do everything there is in the world to do. well i say that ITS JUST A PHONE!!!!!!!! sure i have a htc hd2 don't get me wrong its amazing on what it does and what it can do but remember this that its a phone. people want phones to do everything like gps, bank stuff, music, youtube, facebook, and other stuff. I don't really care on what the phone can or can't do, its a phone and its screen is amazing for seeing vids and besides i want a phone for my entertainment, text, calls, and well since it has internet of course use it. Either way The htc hd2 is a multitasker if you ask me and it is one of the most impressive phones out there and thats why i LOVE it.
try me.. its the next best device regardless if its wm 6.5
very solid points addressed! I use Garmin mobile XT, with 2011 maps 3D moving maps that were released in late April. the maps and program take 2 gigs on my 16 gb sd card. It rarely uses data other than to locate gas prices and weather. POI and everything else is stored to the phone. It has the speech step by step direction. I find it to be annoying, and set it to silence. The radio is really powerful, the satellite are found in seconds... unlike my Tp2 that takes around 10 minutes locate.
cookie Ht has a huge advantage on Sense... why even give windows credit other than better, stable drivers and 6.5 start menu vs 6.0 list..... Sense 2.5 covers to whole interface of the hd2 and paints a beautiful device. i have greatly enhanced my skins on sence, keyboard and dialer.
people complain cuz its not intuitive first time out of the box like the iphone that has beautiful eyecandy UI and they feel good knowing a child could use it. nor do they want to spend a cent more for programs to do actually what they want. its a shame. i really dont think the camera should matter, since their not meant for profession use. just a quick snap shot of a memory, all these camera phones in the dark are terrible. im happy for once, these are equipped with a 3.5 jack for music. i could ask for more. but we know that some people cant to be pleased nor willing to make it better by talking to the community to give us what would be it better.... their lose... our treasure... worth more than in the weight of gold. hehe
ok i''ve owned the g1 and them mytouch 3g. ive rooted these phones n played with them to their extreme . now i own the hd2. trust me the Android operating system is very very good also windows os, but there is two things that will make the windows os outstanding over any os ...1 i think that wm have the most apps than any other os in Apple n what they should do is have a complete make over of the wm market n have every app there is n categorize them according to what os version you have....2 finishing touch to this is creating a new os system which its UI is modern n very attractive because to be honest it feels like im running windows 5 on laptop built in 2010...im not fund of Wphone 7 becauseuUI to me isnt that customizable but one thing i do love about it is the gaming. if this is implemented onnn the hd2 you will have close to perfect mobile os ever
I still have a lot to learn about operating my hd2 – but coming from a Palm (680 and Centro) I really am happy with this phone. I wanted to stop carrying around my media player (Archos 604), my thumb-drive, a small fm radio and wanted to have a gps, real internet access , and a phone that I could listen to books on through my Bluetooth while in boring meetings. I feel I have it all in the hd2.
I picked up one of the many iphone books the other day and went through it to see what I would use on the ipone and couldn’t find any, that I would want to do, that I don’t have on the HD2. I’m not knocking the ipone, everyone I know who has one loves it – I’m just not that into texting, games, fart apps, facebbok, twitter ,or any other social media.
It is aggravating though, to walk into Best Buy and see 50 docking stations, 100 cases/covers, etc. and nothing for the HD2.
if you really wanna see how android is gonna fare on the hd2, just check out your local sprint store and check out the htc sprint evo 4g.
that being said, i own both an hd2 and two android handsets that are rooted.
what i like most about win 6.5 is the ability to customize it as much as i can a rooted android phone i.e. overclock the cpu (i just found an app for it), custom theme, save apps to sd card, play flash videos etc etc.
however, i do feel that it is a bit outdated and is more complicated to use. takes a bit of a learning curve v. android os, which is more simple to use. i see tons of potential for windows mobile 6.5 but it's a damn shame that microsoft is moving on to a more closed platform with windows mobile 7.
long term, i will probably head back to android in that regard due to updates and that it just keeps getting better and better (upcoming froyo update and then the gingerbread update which will allow for the saving of apps to sd card, etc)
engineer14 said:
so i spent a long time trying to decide whether to go with an android phone or hd2
i searched high and wide all over the internet. the only android phone for gsm with a comparable screen is the samsung i9000 which looks like it would come out at about 700 bucks. either that or you take the nexus one/desire which is also in that same ballpark. after all that i went ahead and got the hd2, and i am glad i did. any hardware comparable phone to the hd2 (which there currently isnt because with 1gb rom and 576 mb of ram, beats any other phone)(US version)
After a close look at everything and playing with a friends droid incredible while comparing it to my hd2, the only big advantages i could see to get an android phone would either be the open market place, google maps, speech to text.
Resolution 1:
ok so you decide, hey let me dictate this msg. HERE IS AN IDEA, WHY NOT CALL THEM. (you might even get a chance to dictate it to someone listening).
the only place i can find real use for speech to text is while driving, and in that case, you technically shouldnt be using your phone PERIOD at that time.
Resolution 2:
people keep griping (pronounce gryping) about googlemaps, but as great as googlemaps is, what happens when you lose your bars or do not have a data plan? *gulp* you are screwed. do yourself a favor and get a non-internet reliant gps software (like actual gps devices use), and i also feel that bing does a good job of matching googlemaps.
Resolution 3:
THE MARKET PLACE. I do wish we had a market place, a nice central location where you can find everything you need. But i can tell you this, there are only so many apps you need until you get to the point where you are just trying to justify spending $X on a phone. A friend of mine while justifying how great his mytouch (android) phone is shows me all these apps he has. one app is a barcode scanner, and one app is google goggles. with goggles, the use of the barcode scanner is lost on me. (i think HD2 can also do that though). why go through all the trouble of opening your camera, looking for the barcode sending the item over the internet and all that when you could either just search for the barcode numbers (which funny enough is usually under the barcode) or searching for the items.
granted there are some nice apps like the statefarm pocket agent app out there, and most reputable companies(like banks etc) prefer to release apps for the iphone/android (my bank allows nexus one and iphone users take pics of check and automatically deposits the money into your account) but lets face it, most apps that people will need on a daily basis are also on winmo. An app that is used once or twice a month, while nice to have doesnt seem like that much of a big deal. Its kinda like getting a standby physician. Plus after a quick skim through the top apps on the marketplace, you find that 9/10 of all these apps are games (go figure), and even though they might be nice for your when you have to wait in a line or something, wouldnt a much larger screen be nicer to watch part of your fave tv show instead?
the hd2 has quite a few flaws, but the they are being fixed. Even though app development for windows 6.5 might go down when winmo7 comes out. I still like the HD2. I do not even think i would be switching to winmo7 since if i wanted an iphone, i would go get an iphone, i am not on facebook, twitter or any other social networking site.
only real reason i switched from my att tilt (the first one) was because the screen was so small and it had started to fall apart.
winmo by default sucks ass, but has limitless potential, where else would you find sms spammers, or american idol spammers (lol)
I'm not knocking android either, it has its perks and it would be nice to see what android is like on the hd2, but it makes little sense getting a winmo phone when you already knew you wanted an android phone, and then cluttering the boards asking for android. my winmo phone does everything i need it to do, so i am happy with it, i see my stocks, have my navigation from igo, have my alarm clock, IM, and calendar. ITS JUST LIKE BUYING A LAMBORGHINI AND COMPLAINING IT IS NOT A FERRARI.
only real sore point i can see no way around is flash coming to android. would have been nice to have flash but i guess i just have to take what i get.
Guys wasnt the main reason we fell in love with winmo because of the limitless possibilities?
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Each to its own. Now we have HD2, iPod Touch, iPhone 3GS, and iPad. We also got an Android phone in the family. Instead of pitching them against one another, we make them complement and work together. For example, we have the only mobile data plan we need on my iPhone - beside all the goodies it can offer, we use it as a wifi router for all our mobile devices.
The main reasons I bought HD2 were its beautiful/huge screen, and the xda-developers forum. I don't intend to upgrade to WM7 even if it was available.
The same kind of people that complain about WinMo and think their iphone is so much better are the kind of closed minded people that cant think for themselves, try something new, and actually embrace and learn it.
The iphone/ipad are created for one thing mass consumer media consumption, and apple getting a cut of every itunes/app store purchase, with the iphone having a phone built in. It's definitely a very smart business for apple, but not one that I want to be part of, since im quite capable of figuring out how to get apps, and media on my WinMo device without the need of itunes or an app store
Im sure like many others here happy with their WinMo Phones, you have probably been using WinMo phones for a long time already, and some like myself have been using WinMo before it was ever on phones and just a PDA. I still have my 1st WinMo PDA, a toshiba e750, amazing for how old it is, the processor in it is almost as fast as most of last years WinMo phones. I used to BT tether the PDA to my cell phone to be able to do email and web browsing, then finally got a T-Mobile MDA shortly after it came out to merge the 2 devices into one, though at a performance hit, because of the lower processor speed.
These phones are quite literally like having a desktop PC in your pocket, with android also being similar experience from what i've read, though i've not actually owned an android device to play with
I've been fascinated by "palmtop" portable computing for quite awhile, with my 1st such device being an HP 200LX palmtop running DOS 5. I still have that palmtop sitting on my desk and it works still too! I always wanted to get one of the palmtop format windows mobile devices (windows ce), but couldn't justify the expense at the time having just graduated from HS and in college. I also remember the laptop format WinMo devices.
I also find it fascinating to find windows mobile/ce in devices that people would have never expected it in, nor complain about because they cant see the underlying OS. an example is the car stereo I have, a Roadmaster VR3 VRVD640G. There are hacks for it that somewhat let you get into the underlying OS.
I recently recieved my Hd2 and I love it. It is my first WinMo powered device. I owned a G1 (Dream) and while I really liked it and Android, I think that WinMo 6.5 is a much more customizeable and powerful OS. The level of complexity is alot higher, however. That is what I think turns people off of WinMo. I am enjoying the undertaking of learning this new (to me) OS.
Edit: I do think that in time, as it matures and with devices such as the N1 and the Desire, Android will be a quite powerful OS.
you know im so happy to see that their are others out there that see past winmo on the HD2 and are taking more consideration for the hardware specs...ive had the gsm htc hero,the nexus one,desire,Nokia n900 etc. and honestly, i was completely let down by all of those devices,but,thats just been my experience with them. even though the winmo isnt as snappy as android or the iphone..its still is kick ass phone...not downplay winmos but they are working on the kernals for linux and WM7 and considering most devices,we have one the better devices to date and iam very content with wm6.5 and 6.5.5
Well symbian and windows mobile had been the most hated OS in the US and maybe windows mobile been hated all over the world. I think its a nice OS but I think windows slept on the development, I think it became so critical how much they slept on the OS that alot of people here knows the in and out of the OS with out been hired or took any training about the OS which to me that amazing and probably never seen in any other OS in the world. not to mention HTC took sense and did their part as well but you never see windows team developing anything. I almost didnt buy the HD2 for the simple fact microsoft decided to develop KIN and windows 7 series instead of giving us a better support.
HEY I DISAGREE......... but i must say thank you for the info u gave me more info then any carrier could give the hd2 is a bigger & faster device but the differences u pulled the hd2 also hav hd2 has googlemaps it also has text to speech wat people people fail to see and realize is that the andoid market allows u to demo the product winmo doesnt which is suck and thats why u hav guys like me that searches the web for the product for free its out here it just cost but most of the apps that the andoid market hav winmo also has its just a matter of searching for it. my job on here is test multiple software to see if it can run and work together without issuse and or bugs and to run on the hd2 without error its crazy i go to a site find software and its free then find it at another site that charges for it .... now i dont think i can list the sites because of forum rules and regs but there out there waitin on u but u hav googlemaps with buzz also microsoft myphone and microsoft voice command
ryan562 said:
if you really wanna see how android is gonna fare on the hd2, just check out your local sprint store and check out the htc sprint evo 4g.
that being said, i own both an hd2 and two android handsets that are rooted.
what i like most about win 6.5 is the ability to customize it as much as i can a rooted android phone i.e. overclock the cpu (i just found an app for it), custom theme, save apps to sd card, play flash videos etc etc.
however, i do feel that it is a bit outdated and is more complicated to use. takes a bit of a learning curve v. android os, which is more simple to use. i see tons of potential for windows mobile 6.5 but it's a damn shame that microsoft is moving on to a more closed platform with windows mobile 7.
long term, i will probably head back to android in that regard due to updates and that it just keeps getting better and better (upcoming froyo update and then the gingerbread update which will allow for the saving of apps to sd card, etc)
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wait it out and u will be able to run both the drod and winmo on the hd2 without problems
ryan562 said:
however, i do feel that it is a bit outdated and is more complicated to use. takes a bit of a learning curve v. android os, which is more simple to use. i see tons of potential for windows mobile 6.5 but it's a damn shame that microsoft is moving on to a more closed platform with windows mobile 7.
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I personally wonder if WinMo is as dead, atleast from a MS prospective as people are saying. Yes WinMo is used in many consumer phones which is what I see WinPhone7 replacing, but WinMo is used in MANY other places still.
Like my example of my car stereo in the post lastnight.
Symbol uses it in the "LRT" devices that many stores use for stock tracking. You see target employees carrying them all the time. hell APPLE stores used them with WinMo until they managed to hack a card reader onto their iphone.
The Symbol price check scanners you find at many retail stores are WinMo based. I've seen them crashed at walmart with the floating WinMo keyboard on top of their price check app.
I've seen symbol Pin entry/signature capture/card swipe terminals at stores like JC penny and the now defunct circuit city that i highly suspected to be running windows mobile due to the sound tones played while using the touch screen, they were the default for WinMo.
I highly suspect that Symbol is a huge WinMo customer of MS.
I've also recently been to the Seminole hard rock casino here in Tampa and noticed on some slot machines that the little screens just shows small ads had WinMo intenet explorer windows that had apparently got stuck while loading the next ad and you saw the default IE could not load page screen. I have no idea if the entire slot machine is WinMo based or just certain functions like that screen.
Yes i understand from a consumer prospective its pretty much dead because there will be no more releases for phones and app development is likely to die off as time goes on.
Also in alot of these cases it is more technically Windows CE, which windows mobile is a subset of, but its quite literally all the same code base, just a matter of what modules the OEM loads in their distribution
God knows how many other places it's running, you never know till you see one crashed or notice a few telltale signs. Some ATMs used to be Win98 based. Yes I quite literally saw an old style Win98 BSOD on one of my credit unions's ATM's years back. it was a Diebold machine. Would not surprise me if alot of them are WinMo or embedded XP now.

The Future Of Windows Mobile

A lot of people have been asking me this very difficult question: What is the future of Windows Mobile? Do you think it will die in a few years(about 2)? And other questions that are about the death of Windows Mobile. On this post I will say about my thoughts of the future of Windows Mobile.
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So I've made this article to say every thing I think about a very polemic topic: The death of Windows Mobile... For sure it won't die in 2 years, it will take a lot more...
The article is on my blog, feel free to share it every where you want, but remember to give the credits
Leave a comment about the topic and my article. Happy reading
PS: I've made this article at midnight, so it may contain some errors and crazy stuff
Windows Mobile without Sense for sure is pretty crappy
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Sorry to write this, but your statement is truly ridiculous, skip to very end of my post before you read rest, to understand why i said that.
As a matter of fact, death of wm started when HTC destroyed whole idea of PDA with its feeble, slow, but VERY popular devices(well..PDA's were made for work, HTC changed PDAs into just phones - popularity(money) rose, niche changed and this tendancy progresses now in absurdal way resulting with WP).
They just started to load their bloatware(manila,sense), in EXCHANGE for specs(and dpad/buttons), specifically. I know LOTS of people, that left WM platform just because of that, and even HD2 wasn't able to change that(FAR too late, too ridiculous, too buttonless, to expensive, etc, etc).
XDAdev forums took some part in whole process, imho(you NEED manila, you NEED sense - what a bull****).
HTC seem to be VERY happy after gigantic success of manila's, sense's resulting in destroying of many of old wm software developers(yes, by marketplace,my friend).
Finally, androidz and ridiculous iphone took rest.
95% of cooks i know and i respect would NEVER add manila, nor sense to their roms, as a matter of fact, actually most of them left wm platform already(well, rest bought...hd2, rich happy people mhmm.).
I will stay with my device(PDA with phone module, not HTC), as there is NO software i am using made for android, nor wp(sorry to say, old wm software is totally different league from actual promoted software, all about that).
So all i can say, have fun with your sense, twitter and facebook, but remember, there was something more few years ago, when future looked bright and good.
sorry for engrish, topic not suscribed(i have no nerves for that, you know, i am able to make skin for hs++ with functionality of whole sense, but it takes 143 kb, not 65MB, this is what made me posting my thoughts, i doubt you can understand me).
As I've said, that's my opinion and I respect your point of view
I liked your article very much. i tried lot of OS on my HD2 and the worst one was WP7. it is a ugly clone of iPhone OS. Windows mobile gives you full control of the device and you can customize it as much as you can...
I hope Microsoft will continue development on WM.
adempozhari said:
I liked your article very much. i tried lot of OS on my HD2 and the worst one was WP7. it is a ugly clone of iPhone OS. Windows mobile gives you full control of the device and you can customize it as much as you can...
I hope Microsoft will continue development on WM.
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yes.. hope microsoft still continuing it...
Nice article, and it was interesting to hear from someone who has tried out the majority of OS's out there. I got my first WinMo device back in 2005, though it still had WM2003 running on it. Since then, I have been hooked on WinMo. Like you, I also have an iPod Touch and the OS is smooth, but the customisation abilities are next to none (even if its jailbroken). Anyway, in general, I agree with most of what you say.
However, where I differ in opinion, is that I think WinMo is going to disappear sooner than you predict. WinMo hasn't had an update since 6.5 (was 6.5.x ever on a commercially available device?). And even HTC haven't offered an update on Sense since the HD2 came out. Thank goodness for XDA-Devs and Cookies Home Tab! I am sure that through this community, WinMo will live on for as long as there are working devices out there (I'm in no rush to swap my HD2 for anything else). But even now, you can see that Android and WP7 are becoming more and more popular within this community. And outside, in public, if you pull out a smartphone (regardless of model, or OS) someone will ask "Oh is that an iPhone?"
The beauty of the HD2 (I'm on my second HD2 as the first one was stolen) is that it will run many different OS's. So far, I have run several versions of Android, WP7 and Ubuntu. But I always come back to WinMo as it still offers the best for customisation and features. The iPhone for me is only a toy/fashion device that is over hyped and seriously over-advertised (which is why it sells so well- that and Apples nice design).I liked WP7, which I ran for nearly a week. Currently in it's first version it is a bit lacking but it is FAST! And when I do eventually get to the point of having to give up my HD2, I am hoping that Nokia will have a seriously good WP7 device on offer.
I am sure that XDA-Devs will continue to breath life into WinMo and drive it on to places Microsoft never thought to take it. But sad to say, I think WinMo has been abandoned by MS, forever. When did you last see a new device come out with WinMo on board? Even HTC seems to have totally hopped ship to Android and WP7. And it's getting harder to find new apps for WinMo (where as, iOS and Android have zillions of apps to offer - most of them are junk, but there are some gems among them).
Sorry to ramble on, but that was/is my opinion. Bleak, but with very fond memories of what is still in my mind, the best OS.
Copied from a post I made in here but worth an inclusion here.
When you visit the Expansys website here in the UK and filter available phones using Windows Mobile, it only lists six models, the same applies to Phone 7.
If you select available phones by Android, you get nearly fifty, although some of these are duplicated as different bundles, +SD card, cradle etc. The writing is clearly on the wall.
Interestingly, one of the Windows Mobile phones is an Airo Wireless. At over £500, it is a rather expensive item, but it is a waterproof, rubber armoured device that would probably survive being fired out of a cannon.
Post #38 by Tpimp420 in the thread link above, mentions Microsoft have rebranded WinMo as Microsoft Embedded Handheld, in the much larger Windows Embedded arena, and are targeting these types of devices for use in enterprise business applications/solutions.
Microsoft has wised up to the fact that there are countless thousands of these things already in use, in warehouses and factories as barcode readers and pick-list terminals, in airlines (as Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals), data capture devices as meter readers, or in the field as customer survey recording devices, etc... etc..... The list goes on and on. These devices may occupy a niche market, but it's still quite a big one, which needs and will continue to need supporting. In the field these devices get a lot of use/abuse, and when they need replacing, with what do you replace them? An I-Phone or Android device? They wouldn't last a week!
WinMo as we know it, might not evolve much further, but Windows CE, and Embedded versions of XP and Windows 7 live on, for new generations of tablet devices. Microsoft has announced that it wants a lot more Windows stuff to run on ARM devices.
Meanwhile, there are still millions of WinMo devices out there, and sites like this, that try to keep them running.

[Q] Visual Studios running on a Nokia 920?

Can this be done?
Could you install Windows 8 instead of Windows Phone 8 on a Nokia 920?
No can do on a Nokia 920? Will there be a smartphone that will have the hardware required by Windows 8 to make this possible?
I do understand that using some actual windows applications on a phone will be tedious and sometimes difficult. Its more a "Can and could if I wanted to" kind of thing for me.
Having Visual Studios, Win SCP and a lot of other software linked to the always on 4g internet...
in my pocket....
always available...
in that ooohhh so sexy red
I can't wait for that phone...
I have been able to do most of what I need to on my Samsung Vibrant. ES File Explorer has an AWESOME ftp option (and LAN!!)
But the screen is WAY to small to have code visible and a keyboard. Remote desktop has its obvious drawbacks, but I've used it.
Any thoughts questions of comments?
Thanks for reading my babble =P
ahhh, here comes the confusion from Microsoft's naming scheme....
NJDubois said:
Can this be done?
Could you install Windows 8 instead of Windows Phone 8 on a Nokia 920?
No can do on a Nokia 920? Will there be a smartphone that will have the hardware required by Windows 8 to make this possible?
I do understand that using some actual windows applications on a phone will be tedious and sometimes difficult. Its more a "Can and could if I wanted to" kind of thing for me.
Having Visual Studios, Win SCP and a lot of other software linked to the always on 4g internet...
I have been able to do most of what I need to on my Samsung Vibrant. ES File Explorer has an AWESOME ftp option (and LAN!!)
But the screen is WAY to small to have code visible and a keyboard. Remote desktop has its obvious drawbacks, but I've used it.
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No. There's no desktop on win phone 8. The ARM version won't support VS, even on tablets, though you won't be able to install it. Windows 8 RT(ARM) will only be available preinstalled on tablets.
If you've been satisfied with Android, and use features like a file explorer, keep in mind that many will NOT be available on win pho 8. If your existing phone is too small, consider the Galaxy S 3, Note, or other larger phones that are available on the market.
That's a shame! I had hopes that this would some how be possible.
Not even a modded version?
I have been following phone news like mad for 2 years. Pretty much since I got my vibrant. The S3 is AMAZING, but its android. There are things that I don't like about android, mainly fragmentation and its on going war with Apple.
I have had enough bad experiences with Android, for example :
1/3 into my 2 year contract with tmo and my Vibrant's USB port got water damage and I couldn't ODIN back to stock to install newer versions of Android. Also couldn't get the device fixed. Luckily I was able to do a factory reset every month or so as android just got useless. Frozen up at the unlock screen happens ALL the time, and usually happens with in a minute of reboot and isn't fixed until I do a reset. This didn't happen all the time, but always when I needed the device the most. For example, you have to reboot the device to get the GPS working after turning the option on, and of course BAM, phone keeps locking up. There has been times where I couldn't get to the dial a phone number screen, couldn't get visual voicemail to work and had a very important voice mail to check. took me 30 minutes to hear a 1 minute message! Than the time I was up till 8 am trying to get the phone to work because it was my only alarm clock and I couldn't get to the screen where I changed the time the alarm went off. All these issues are a result of having to root and mod my phone to get a newer maybe more secure version of android. I don't see a windows device having these problems.
Also, I am not a huge fan of Apple, but Apple has set itself up to deliver more complete experience's because of the control they have over there ecosystem. Apple TV's printers networks scanners and all that other stuff will just work with their phone. Well, I've been a user of windows for 15 years. Its what I know. I've been a windows developer for those 15 years. I don't see Google being able to provide that full functionality, I am not a fan of apple at all, and I think that Microsoft can get closer than Google. As it is, there isn't many devices you can plug into a windows system that windows wont be able to just start using. You know, this isn't windows 98 and older video games I'm trying to run.... lol
It really will be a shame if there is no way to get the desktop environment on my smartphone. Even more a shame when I could probably get a device compatible with Ubuntu's mobile stuff, and all the goodies that come with that. Wine, and now even Steam!
I don't know if this news sways my opinion of Windows Phone 8. I still crave the 920. My plan is to go out on Black Friday and get a top of the line device with full insurance for as cheap as possible. My next 2 years are not going to be a repeat of my first 2 years with a smartphone. November is still a few months off, and there is plenty of timed for other devices. Maybe even a decent smartphone with a Qwerty keyboard!!
I realize this post has kinda dragged on... sorry! And thanks for the replies!
[EDIT] The note is a great idea, but absolutely not an option. Douchtooths are the bane of my existence. And if I can't FTP into a server on a windows phone, why is Microsoft even bothering?
I have to say that it's unfortunate that you haven't had good experiences with android. I would think that the many devs on this site would have cooked up something that would fit your needs better, but if you broke your USB, then I guess you're kind of stuck with what you got. It's definitely true that android is very rough, especially with stock roms.
Win pho is there because it's targeting a different segment now. Win pho used to be something that was there to provide a feature rich experience. After WP7, "metro" looks
and interface idiot proofing has taken higher priority over actual functionality. As it is now WP8 has the least functionality when compared to Android and iOS, though it is supposed to be the easiest to use.
I would personally wait until a while after the lumias come out, and make sure that they do what you want before buying them. There are stories of people who bought WP7 phones thinking that they would have the features of WP 6.5. Those are stories of some very, very dissatisfied customers.
No WINE on ARM ever. Remember, Wine Is Not an Emulator.

ATIV and W8,Bye bye Note 10.1?

If the 500T (yes I see that's a 700T) works well enough, It may be goodbye Note 10.1. I just don't know if it has Wi - Fi Direct very useful feature.
Looks and does the same as the note except thats a pc
Sent from my GT-N8013
Looks nice but i hate windows. Android and open source appeals more to me
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
They're different animals. You can enjoy both.
nymviper1126 said:
It may be goodbye Note 10.1.
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We've all heard the "good" from reviewers that have had little hands on time. You go first and tell us what the "bad" is. To me, there's no rush. There will be plenty of W8 tablets to go around and no harm in waiting for SP2 to address what the early adopters discover. V1 of anything, no matter how thorough the planning and design, is always Mr. Toad's wild ride.
This is from a pre-release review of the HP TouchPad. May it rest in peace.
Finally, webOS on the big screen -- or bigger anyway. The TouchPad is HP's first device running webOS 3.0, a more tablet-friendly version of the little mobile operating system that we've come to love over the years. If you're familiar with earlier versions on perhaps a Pre or a Veer you'll be quite comfortable here because, on the outset, not a lot has changed, particularly when it comes to our favorite part of the OS: multitasking.
Either tap the physical Home button or just swipe up from the bottom of the screen and you'll get into the patented webOS card view, which has been often imitated but never quite duplicated. Each app gets its own card and, should that program spawn a new window (a new browser instance, say, or a new email) that additional card joins a stack. You can then shuffle through the cards in any given pile, drag them around, or just flick them off the top of the screen to send them to the big garbage collector in the sky.
As ever, navigating apps like this is genuinely fun; there's something very satisfying about literally throwing away a window that you no longer want cluttering up your screen or your RAM. And it's all helped by everything in the OS being generally snappy and responsive -- even if the applications themselves are occasionally rather less so. Cycling through running programs and swiping around is quick, but the experience is less gesture-heavy than previous phone versions.​
toenail_flicker said:
They're different animals. You can enjoy both.
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I was thinking keeping the Note 10.1 for school/fun, and the ATIV for Work / presenting. (man is it hard to write a slash) but will feel silly having both(Ipad currently"bathroom" material)
Other dilema is getting the N2 when I have the OG Note. First world problems.
nymviper1126 said:
I was thinking keeping the Note 10.1 for school/fun, and the ATIV for Work / presenting. (man is it hard to write a slash) but will feel silly having both(Ipad currently"bathroom" material)
Other dilema is getting the N2 when I have the OG Note. First world problems.
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Have to admit that's a quality problem.
Same functionality as GN 10.1 but double the cost, higher energy usage and heat output, more bloat and questionable stability.
I don't miss turning on my Windows desktop and laptop.
mi7chy said:
Same functionality as GN 10.1 but double the cost, higher energy usage and heat output, more bloat and questionable stability.
I don't miss turning on my Windows desktop and laptop.
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I go out of my way not to use either of them.
I think Microsoft's new products and os RT and 8 on the surface will step change the market like the original net books did in their time and the original iPad too, I love my note 10.1 and have hardly put it down since I got it, but I am hitting the limitations of android more and more as I use it for productivity, instance photo gallery apps can't display nested folders, they can't display a folders worth of pictures on a map, no native word or excel products.....it's still a remarkably good attempt to be an all round tool rather than just a consumption device.
I also think Apple will be forced to introduce proper stylus support as Samsung have,and soon Windows 8 and RT will show consumers do want to use a stylus in conjunction with a multi touch screen despite what Steve jobs decreed......the upcoming iPod mini is testament to Apple having to catch up on the market rather than lead it, I'll not want an Apple tablet for the moment due to its straight jacket os & eco system but I'll certainly consider a Windows 8/ RT for my next one
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
ok all the W8 tabs released are RT version which means none of the native apps will work on them, Every software needs time to get stable and since this is the first version expect lots of issues. Yes the built quality of tabs are impressive but thats not what matters in a gadget we are not in a beauty contest its the usability the biggest dis advantge W8 will have is apps as they will take time. Then we do not know the future roadmap windows never upgrades for free and has a very long update cycle and we already know none of the W7 devices can be upgraded to W8 and that could be the case in future to.
Again its a close enviourment and hence you will have very future options a perfect case example is I have an 2x and we all know LG is still to update it to 4 but because there are so many developers out there we have un official roms which will do it that will also be the case with Samsung note but wont with windows 8
To be frank if I have to look at anything other then Android then why not go in for IPad why would i gamble of W8 when know none of the windows versions have been perfect
BarryH_GEG said:
We've all heard the "good" from reviewers that have had little hands on time. You go first and tell us what the "bad" is. To me, there's no rush. There will be plenty of W8 tablets to go around an
d no harm in waiting for SP2 to address what the early adopters discover. V1 of anything, no matter how thorough the planning and design, is always Mr. Toad's wild ride.
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We need James Franco in these videos; they look too corporate :laugh:
The promo videos always look nice; I'm anxiously waiting to get some hands-on time with the Series 5 slate before passing any judgement. As mentioned, no rush at this point.
PS: I liked the part where he was projecting a power point presentation without any wires. I don't think I've seen that "feature" mentioned anywhere
Reviewers can be paid to give a good review wait from reviews from actual users who will give an un biased review
samir_a said:
ok all the W8 tabs released are RT version. I DONT THINK THIS IS CORRECT. (Proversion is everywhere. And plenty of review vids of pro in action.) ,
Every software needs time to get stable. TRUE .
Yes the built quality of tabs are impressive but thats not what matters in a gadget we are not in a beauty contest its the usability the biggest dis advantge W8 will have is apps as they will take time TRUE AGAIN.
Then we do not know the future roadmap windows never upgrades for free and has a very long update cycle BUT STILL SUPPORTS SYSTEMS10 YEARs OLD
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To be clear just making some observations and don't want my caps to be taken wrong as i wasnt sure if my text would get lost in your quote.
I who use my tab.s. for work 80 percent of each day will take the chance on a win 8 as I believe they will not let this fail without a good fight.
I have not Put my note down since getting it and will never get another tab without a dig Pen. That said I will probably get the ativ to try it out.but still keep my note :silly:
Ok Please check this link
It clearly says none of the tablet are release till day the first one will be released is Surface and the version to be released is RT and pro version will only release next year
Please read this about windows RT
also if you see the pricing of the tabs except for surface they are almost double compared to any other tab even the pro version of surface tab is supposed to cost around a 1000$ but that is speculation as no pricing is out.
I would not say that windows 7 will support a system 10 years old that is not factually and technicall correct 10 years back the standard ram and pc configuration available would not be able to run windows 7 and that is more so case with windows 8 and even the drivers for earlier version will not work with windows 8 as I am using it for couple of months and I know that for sure and it is a fact that Windows 7 for mobiles which is built for ARM processor based devices cannot be upgraded to windows 8 and so was the case with windows 6 based devices. so when it comes to mobile devices microsoft is no different and the same is more disturbing with windows devices is because generally the limitation to upgrade the software is because the hardware is not powerful enough but in windows 7 mobile case nokias flagship lumia models even today are shipping with it.
So even someone who purchases a top of the line phone from nokia today cannot upgrade its OS which comes out this month isnt this a serious flaw in it itself and worst then what apple does.
If you look at it what does windows offer except for a live tile interface the RT will come with office and some more apps but other then that there is nothing exciting about it believe me you will get bored with the tile app pretty soon most of the PC users do not like it and hence its logical most of the tablet users will also not like it.
Even one of its biggest partners Intel has said windows 8 is not ready
mi7chy said:
Same functionality as GN 10.1 but double the cost, higher energy usage and heat output, more bloat and questionable stability.
I don't miss turning on my Windows desktop and laptop.
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This maybe the most misinformed thing on this forum yet!
Right now Windows 8 is a lot more stable than any version of android. Is not double the cost (749 with the keyboard for Smart PC, 650 without keyboard for Note 10.1). The atom version isn't going to have any more heat output but will have about the same battery life, the i5 will be a ton faster.
Also: OneNote.
---------- Post added at 02:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 PM ----------
samir_a said:
ok all the W8 tabs released are RT version which means none of the native apps will work on them, Every software needs time to get stable and since this is the first version expect lots of issues. Yes the built quality of tabs are impressive but thats not what matters in a gadget we are not in a beauty contest its the usability the biggest dis advantge W8 will have is apps as they will take time. Then we do not know the future roadmap windows never upgrades for free and has a very long update cycle and we already know none of the W7 devices can be upgraded to W8 and that could be the case in future to.
Again its a close enviourment and hence you will have very future options a perfect case example is I have an 2x and we all know LG is still to update it to 4 but because there are so many developers out there we have un official roms which will do it that will also be the case with Samsung note but wont with windows 8
To be frank if I have to look at anything other then Android then why not go in for IPad why would i gamble of W8 when know none of the windows versions have been perfect
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>< If you don't know something, why pretend you do. None of the w8 tabs are released yet (Oct 26th is d-day) and most of them are full version. Only a few are RT.
Well I am sure of the information I have given but may be you are not aware so my humble suggestion to you would be please go search the net and research before commenting you will know.
I bet by using the word full version you showed that you are the one who does not know what you are talking about there are two version of Windows
Please this review for dummies on different windows 8 versions may be it will help you understand windows 8 better
Now read this review and if you think even they do not know what they are talking about then search for many other review
Also please review the statement made by Microsoft when they launched surface they have two versions RT based tablets which have been announced and a Pro version which will be launched which I was referring to
I never doubt anyones intellect but if do not agree with someone just put my point without disrespecting him but if some wants does that to me I am not the one who will hold back on him We should remember this is forum where we exchange views on technology so there is nothing to get personal about.
All I can say is after putting these facts to you I am a fool and you are the smart oen
samir_a said:
Well I am sure of the information I have given but may be you are not aware so my humble suggestion to you would be please go search the net and research before commenting you will know.
I bet by using the word full version you showed that you are the one who does not know what you are talking about there are two version of Windows
Please this review for dummies on different windows 8 versions may be it will help you understand windows 8 better
Now read this review and if you think even they do not know what they are talking about then search for many other review
Also please review the statement made by Microsoft when they launched surface they have two versions RT based tablets which have been announced and a Pro version which will be launched which I was referring to
I never doubt anyones intellect but if do not agree with someone just put my point without disrespecting him but if some wants does that to me I am not the one who will hold back on him We should remember this is forum where we exchange views on technology so there is nothing to get personal about.
All I can say is after putting these facts to you I am a fool and you are the smart oen
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I think you are very confused about the upcoming Windows 8 tablets.
There will be tablets from the same manufacturers (e.g., Asus, Samsung, Acer, etc) running both Windows 8 RT and full Windows 8. For instance, the Series 5 and Series 8 Samsung tablets are going to be available at the launch of Windows 8 on October 26, and some of them will be little later (e.g., Acer's 510 that runs full Windows as well). In addition to the Clover-trail-based version, they'll also have tablets running the RT version.
If you are exclusively referring to MS Surface running RT (doubt it since you said "all the W8 tabs released are RT version"), then Surface Pro will be released early next year running full Windows 8.
Please rephrase your original comment/concern, so that we can understand what you'd like to discuss regarding this topic.
Thanks you pointed out flaws but by not getting personal
Read these reviews
These more of laptop tablet hybrids rather then tablets and the costing is also high. they are intel based devices more like normal ultrabooks

