The Future Of Windows Mobile - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

A lot of people have been asking me this very difficult question: What is the future of Windows Mobile? Do you think it will die in a few years(about 2)? And other questions that are about the death of Windows Mobile. On this post I will say about my thoughts of the future of Windows Mobile.
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So I've made this article to say every thing I think about a very polemic topic: The death of Windows Mobile... For sure it won't die in 2 years, it will take a lot more...
The article is on my blog, feel free to share it every where you want, but remember to give the credits
Leave a comment about the topic and my article. Happy reading
PS: I've made this article at midnight, so it may contain some errors and crazy stuff

Windows Mobile without Sense for sure is pretty crappy
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Sorry to write this, but your statement is truly ridiculous, skip to very end of my post before you read rest, to understand why i said that.
As a matter of fact, death of wm started when HTC destroyed whole idea of PDA with its feeble, slow, but VERY popular devices(well..PDA's were made for work, HTC changed PDAs into just phones - popularity(money) rose, niche changed and this tendancy progresses now in absurdal way resulting with WP).
They just started to load their bloatware(manila,sense), in EXCHANGE for specs(and dpad/buttons), specifically. I know LOTS of people, that left WM platform just because of that, and even HD2 wasn't able to change that(FAR too late, too ridiculous, too buttonless, to expensive, etc, etc).
XDAdev forums took some part in whole process, imho(you NEED manila, you NEED sense - what a bull****).
HTC seem to be VERY happy after gigantic success of manila's, sense's resulting in destroying of many of old wm software developers(yes, by marketplace,my friend).
Finally, androidz and ridiculous iphone took rest.
95% of cooks i know and i respect would NEVER add manila, nor sense to their roms, as a matter of fact, actually most of them left wm platform already(well, rest bought...hd2, rich happy people mhmm.).
I will stay with my device(PDA with phone module, not HTC), as there is NO software i am using made for android, nor wp(sorry to say, old wm software is totally different league from actual promoted software, all about that).
So all i can say, have fun with your sense, twitter and facebook, but remember, there was something more few years ago, when future looked bright and good.
sorry for engrish, topic not suscribed(i have no nerves for that, you know, i am able to make skin for hs++ with functionality of whole sense, but it takes 143 kb, not 65MB, this is what made me posting my thoughts, i doubt you can understand me).

As I've said, that's my opinion and I respect your point of view

I liked your article very much. i tried lot of OS on my HD2 and the worst one was WP7. it is a ugly clone of iPhone OS. Windows mobile gives you full control of the device and you can customize it as much as you can...
I hope Microsoft will continue development on WM.

adempozhari said:
I liked your article very much. i tried lot of OS on my HD2 and the worst one was WP7. it is a ugly clone of iPhone OS. Windows mobile gives you full control of the device and you can customize it as much as you can...
I hope Microsoft will continue development on WM.
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yes.. hope microsoft still continuing it...

Nice article, and it was interesting to hear from someone who has tried out the majority of OS's out there. I got my first WinMo device back in 2005, though it still had WM2003 running on it. Since then, I have been hooked on WinMo. Like you, I also have an iPod Touch and the OS is smooth, but the customisation abilities are next to none (even if its jailbroken). Anyway, in general, I agree with most of what you say.
However, where I differ in opinion, is that I think WinMo is going to disappear sooner than you predict. WinMo hasn't had an update since 6.5 (was 6.5.x ever on a commercially available device?). And even HTC haven't offered an update on Sense since the HD2 came out. Thank goodness for XDA-Devs and Cookies Home Tab! I am sure that through this community, WinMo will live on for as long as there are working devices out there (I'm in no rush to swap my HD2 for anything else). But even now, you can see that Android and WP7 are becoming more and more popular within this community. And outside, in public, if you pull out a smartphone (regardless of model, or OS) someone will ask "Oh is that an iPhone?"
The beauty of the HD2 (I'm on my second HD2 as the first one was stolen) is that it will run many different OS's. So far, I have run several versions of Android, WP7 and Ubuntu. But I always come back to WinMo as it still offers the best for customisation and features. The iPhone for me is only a toy/fashion device that is over hyped and seriously over-advertised (which is why it sells so well- that and Apples nice design).I liked WP7, which I ran for nearly a week. Currently in it's first version it is a bit lacking but it is FAST! And when I do eventually get to the point of having to give up my HD2, I am hoping that Nokia will have a seriously good WP7 device on offer.
I am sure that XDA-Devs will continue to breath life into WinMo and drive it on to places Microsoft never thought to take it. But sad to say, I think WinMo has been abandoned by MS, forever. When did you last see a new device come out with WinMo on board? Even HTC seems to have totally hopped ship to Android and WP7. And it's getting harder to find new apps for WinMo (where as, iOS and Android have zillions of apps to offer - most of them are junk, but there are some gems among them).
Sorry to ramble on, but that was/is my opinion. Bleak, but with very fond memories of what is still in my mind, the best OS.

Copied from a post I made in here but worth an inclusion here.
When you visit the Expansys website here in the UK and filter available phones using Windows Mobile, it only lists six models, the same applies to Phone 7.
If you select available phones by Android, you get nearly fifty, although some of these are duplicated as different bundles, +SD card, cradle etc. The writing is clearly on the wall.
Interestingly, one of the Windows Mobile phones is an Airo Wireless. At over £500, it is a rather expensive item, but it is a waterproof, rubber armoured device that would probably survive being fired out of a cannon.
Post #38 by Tpimp420 in the thread link above, mentions Microsoft have rebranded WinMo as Microsoft Embedded Handheld, in the much larger Windows Embedded arena, and are targeting these types of devices for use in enterprise business applications/solutions.
Microsoft has wised up to the fact that there are countless thousands of these things already in use, in warehouses and factories as barcode readers and pick-list terminals, in airlines (as Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals), data capture devices as meter readers, or in the field as customer survey recording devices, etc... etc..... The list goes on and on. These devices may occupy a niche market, but it's still quite a big one, which needs and will continue to need supporting. In the field these devices get a lot of use/abuse, and when they need replacing, with what do you replace them? An I-Phone or Android device? They wouldn't last a week!
WinMo as we know it, might not evolve much further, but Windows CE, and Embedded versions of XP and Windows 7 live on, for new generations of tablet devices. Microsoft has announced that it wants a lot more Windows stuff to run on ARM devices.
Meanwhile, there are still millions of WinMo devices out there, and sites like this, that try to keep them running.


WinMo 7 predicitions

What do you think WinMo 7 is going to be like? Do you trust Microsoft to not screw it up? Do you think HTC will really give us a free update for our Leos?
I think it would be fantastic if they released a Beta version for the public to test like with Windows 7, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen, which makes me nervous.
Hopefully the Zune team has a say in the design, cause they seem to have their **** together.
I'm guessing it's going to be a combination between WM 6.5, Android, Iphone OS and Zune. Honestly I'm hoping for something revolutionary.
MS didn't mess up Windows 7 so there's no reason to think WM7 will be any different.
Think positive.
I think a beta test would be positive for them anyways, especially to beat down all the rumors and to give people a reason to wait/want those WinMo devices, guaranteeing the availability of WinMo phones by the time it releases to the world in final form.
If they don't act swift in these times there would be no manufacturer left to distribute to and it would pretty much be at the brink of death (= even more pressure)..
However, once they bring out a public beta, IPhone OS and Android might actually get inspired by it and anticipate before it is even released, making it less spectacular.
Yep, there are two sides on this.. I hope it'll be as revolutionary as they are implying.
laserviking said:
Do you trust Microsoft to not screw it up? Do you think HTC will really give us a free update for our Leos?
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No and definitely no.
I hope MS knocks it out of the park. But, I don't understand how they are going to leverage all of the legacy apps and their ugly interfaces and some new-age GUI.
If they decide to kill off all the old stuff and start fresh, then it technically isn't Windows Mobile anymore because none of the 1000's of WM apps will be compatible. Maybe there will be some sort of compatibility mode for the old stuff?
All of the "iPhone killers" died because of the following reasons:
1) No iTunes. Nowadays, services are more crucial to sucess than hardware specs. Direct-to-device music, movies and books is a killer feature.
2) User-experience less than iPhone's. The iPhones killer feature is it's fluidity and lightning fast response of it's GUI. You can't hate such speed.
3) Single form factor. Developers know how their apps will behave whereas WM apps have to cater to the various types of WM phones. Screen resolution, graphics acceleration, d-pad, optical mouse, fingerprint sensor, accelerometer, touchscreen, keyboard ? All of these options hinder software development for WM.
Microsoft is the only company that can battle Apple on all three fronts right away. For services they have Zune, Bing mobile, for gaming XBox, Windows Live/MyPhone, Exchange, Office, Windows Desktop. All of this needs to be thoroughly incorporated into its WM7 platform.
I just hope MS doesn't market WM7 as some cheap alternative to iPhone. WM7 needs to be a great OS GUI-wise but also offer services equivalent to iTunes on a super-powerful hardware platform with no less than cutting edge specs. It appears MS is on this path but I don't know how great the end product is going to be. My fingers are crossed.
OMG can we please close this? Totally useless speculation.
If you have no clue, just don't post. I know a lot but I won't tell you anything, just wait for MWC and stop the silly speculation.
EDIT: WhyBe, your post is actually very intelligent. That's why I'll give you a hint: Trust MS to do exactly what you expect
(though not all is perfect)
Oh and @Shasarak: I told you before, but I will tell you again: Ruling out any possibility without actually having a clue is stupid
You always pretend to know what you're talking about, but you actually know nothing at all. And, you know, drawing conclusions from nothing at all is just silly. Much more so than those speculators who at least admit that they've got no clue.
Freyberry you are one wound up dude. It's pretty normal to speculate on this kind of thing and hope that there will be change for the better. Given WinMo's awful track record and Windows recent push for usability everyone is speculating how it's gonna be.
"I know a lot but I won't tell you anything"... I'm getting flashbacks to the school playground here
mark0326 said:
MS didn't mess up Windows 7 so there's no reason to think WM7 will be any different.
Think positive.
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Basically this.
Also, Microsoft hasn't messed anything up since Windows Vista.
Microsoft is on a hot streak right now, and I don't see any reason that should end anytime soon. Ballmer even beat Jobs to the punch with tablets.
And not only did Ballmer beat Jobs [to the punch], he punched harder too.
The only thing Apple et cetera has going for them at the moment is populism. People like Apple and they don't like Microsoft, probably because Apple tries to make tech appeal to the lowest common denominator, whereas Microsoft makes tech appeal to the enthusiast, while giving the lowest common denominator sufficient attention that they'll be at least able to passably use whatever product is in-question.
WhyBe said:
I hope MS knocks it out of the park. But, I don't understand how they are going to leverage all of the legacy apps and their ugly interfaces and some new-age GUI.
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Look at Windows and Internet Explorer.
Microsoft is positively the master of backwards compatibility.
WhyBe said:
If they decide to kill off all the old stuff and start fresh, then it technically isn't Windows Mobile anymore because none of the 1000's of WM apps will be compatible. Maybe there will be some sort of compatibility mode for the old stuff?
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So is Windows 7 not Windows because 16-bit Windows 3.1 apps won't run on it?
Not saying at all that Microsoft will kill of backwards compatibility. The Windows Mobile family is just too new for us to see backwards compatibility die off -- at least if Microsoft sticks with their current paradigm.
Windows was backwards-compatible with Windows 3.1 for over 17 years.
WhyBe said:
[/B]1) No iTunes. Nowadays, services are more crucial to sucess than hardware specs. Direct-to-device music, movies and books is a killer feature.
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If you're insinuating that Microsoft should do anything like iTunes, then I suggest that you just get out right now. iTunes is an example of everything a device experience shouldn't be. The ActiveSync paradigm is brilliant -- an application to sync your device if you want, with your device retaining the ability to act on its own.
iTunes isn't about user experience, it's about locking you in, and that's the biggest strength Microsoft products in general have -- you can do whatever you want.
WhyBe said:
2) User-experience less than iPhone's. The iPhones killer feature is it's fluidity and lightning fast response of it's GUI. You can't hate such speed.
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Look at Windows 7. They're knocking the ball out of the park on GUI design these days, just look at the massive steps forward from 6.1 to 6.5, and now to 6.5.3.
And, they're taking their time on Windows Mobile 7. I'd rather wait and get something great than something that's rushed out of the gates.
WhyBe said:
3) Single form factor. Developers know how their apps will behave whereas WM apps have to cater to the various types of WM phones. Screen resolution, graphics acceleration, d-pad, optical mouse, fingerprint sensor, accelerometer, touchscreen, keyboard ? All of these options hinder software development for WM.[/I]
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Again, I suggest you just get out right now. Go buy your Apple products and enjoy your "single form factor". Microsoft doesn't play this game. You buy Windows, you don't buy a Microsoft computer, you buy Exchange, you don't buy a Microsoft mail server.
Their biggest strength is the fact that they don't have a single form factor. They do what they're good at -- software design -- and let the hardware designers do what they're good at.
WhyBe said:
Microsoft is the only company that can battle Apple on all three fronts right away. For services they have Zune, Bing mobile, for gaming XBox, Windows Live/MyPhone, Exchange, Office, Windows Desktop. All of this needs to be thoroughly incorporated into its WM7 platform.
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Again, if you want Apple-like lock-in, go play with an iPhone. I doubt Microsoft is going to go this route, and if they do, they'll lose me as a customer. The strength of Windows and Microsoft products is the fact that you're not locked in. You're given an operating system and you're free to do whatever you want with it.
If you want someone to tell you how to do what you want to do with your device, rather than merely giving you the choice, go bend over for Steve Jobs.
Get out.
WhyBe said:
services equivalent to iTunes
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You mean lock-in?
If you're insinuating that Microsoft should do anything like iTunes, then I suggest that you just get out right now. iTunes is an example of everything a device experience shouldn't be. The ActiveSync paradigm is brilliant -- an application to sync your device if you want, with your device retaining the ability to act on its own.
^^^^^zune marketplace says hello
I certain hope there's no 'itunes' or 'single form factor', unless it's going to be their Zune phone, which I won't be buying.
I'm probably not who the new phone OSes are designed for. I just want to be able to copy files directly to it, use it for what I need, don't want to share data with them, don't really use social networks.
Spike15 said:
Basically this.
Also, Microsoft hasn't messed anything up since Windows Vista.
Microsoft is on a hot streak right now, and I don't see any reason that should end anytime soon. Ballmer even beat Jobs to the punch with tablets.
And not only did Ballmer beat Jobs [to the punch], he punched harder too.
The only thing Apple et cetera has going for them at the moment is populism. People like Apple and they don't like Microsoft, probably because Apple tries to make tech appeal to the lowest common denominator, whereas Microsoft makes tech appeal to the enthusiast, while giving the lowest common denominator sufficient attention that they'll be at least able to passably use whatever product is in-question.
Look at Windows and Internet Explorer.
Microsoft is positively the master of backwards compatibility.
So is Windows 7 not Windows because 16-bit Windows 3.1 apps won't run on it?
Not saying at all that Microsoft will kill of backwards compatibility. The Windows Mobile family is just too new for us to see backwards compatibility die off -- at least if Microsoft sticks with their current paradigm.
Windows was backwards-compatible with Windows 3.1 for over 17 years.
If you're insinuating that Microsoft should do anything like iTunes, then I suggest that you just get out right now. iTunes is an example of everything a device experience shouldn't be. The ActiveSync paradigm is brilliant -- an application to sync your device if you want, with your device retaining the ability to act on its own.
iTunes isn't about user experience, it's about locking you in, and that's the biggest strength Microsoft products in general have -- you can do whatever you want.
Look at Windows 7. They're knocking the ball out of the park on GUI design these days, just look at the massive steps forward from 6.1 to 6.5, and now to 6.5.3.
And, they're taking their time on Windows Mobile 7. I'd rather wait and get something great than something that's rushed out of the gates.
Again, I suggest you just get out right now. Go buy your Apple products and enjoy your "single form factor". Microsoft doesn't play this game. You buy Windows, you don't buy a Microsoft computer, you buy Exchange, you don't buy a Microsoft mail server.
Their biggest strength is the fact that they don't have a single form factor. They do what they're good at -- software design -- and let the hardware designers do what they're good at.
Again, if you want Apple-like lock-in, go play with an iPhone. I doubt Microsoft is going to go this route, and if they do, they'll lose me as a customer. The strength of Windows and Microsoft products is the fact that you're not locked in. You're given an operating system and you're free to do whatever you want with it.
If you want someone to tell you how to do what you want to do with your device, rather than merely giving you the choice, go bend over for Steve Jobs.
Get out.
You mean lock-in?
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Well Said. The only problem is that people really beleive what apple says.
If one said RIM & blackbery i would sort of listened. but iPhone! it doesn't do multitasking it's not an OS, it's a frimware
I do believe that WM7 is gonna be something that we didn't even think about. i don't know, maybe bringing another dimention to the scrolling? Vertical + Horizontal + Depth? that would be cool.
btw, why do we think that WM7 will be blue?
anaadoul said:
btw, why do we think that WM7 will be blue?
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lol! Blue always comes to my mind when I try to imagine WM7. Maybe because windows xp, vista and 7 are by default blue?
I wonder if WM7 will actually be black! like the zune hd interface. will be really cool!
laserviking said:
Freyberry you are one wound up dude. It's pretty normal to speculate on this kind of thing and hope that there will be change for the better. Given WinMo's awful track record and Windows recent push for usability everyone is speculating how it's gonna be.
"I know a lot but I won't tell you anything"... I'm getting flashbacks to the school playground here
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Yeah school playground... lol, grow up, little child. Maybe I'm not allowed to tell you something? Ever thought about this simple fact?
I already told you too much. Just re-read my post, you'll see it contains a LOT of info.
And NO, I do NOT work for Microsoft, nor HTC.
About all the speculation: It's OK if you speculate what it will/won't be, but what is very annoying is when
a) people complain about things that are pure speculation
b) people pretend they know something by using words like "definitely", despite that they actually know nothing
@anaadoul @mightymn It will be blue/grey
(but only by default, cause it's very customizable)
Btw. those are worth watching:
In the absense of better information I'm happy to accept that you know 'stuff' and logically, if you do know 'stuff', you probably oughtn't to talk about it.
So in that spirit, if you were to randomly throw a dart at a calendar in the interests of picking a date - entirely at random - when the wider community might start seeing pre-release or beta versions appearing, what would be your hunch for where that random dart might land?
Nice topic, it is fun to hear what everybody expects from WM7
I am very confused about WM7... one day I am all happy and can't wait for WM7.. the next day I am not so sure about it anymore... MicroSoft can really go either way IMO.
At the best:
- Brilliant new OS: Nice looking UI, smooth, stable, NEW features the other OS's don't have, good services like Zune, Xbox Live, etc. But most important...
If all goes wrong...:
- Minor update of 6.5.3, some small UI changes, Zune, Xbox Live.
In the end if I just look at my HTC HD2, and think very clearly: what is missing? I think of the following:
- HTC Sense is nice, but it just does not come together with WM. I would like it to become 'one'. HTC Sense can also get a little bit slow sometimes. I would prefer a HTC Sense in the styl of HTC Hero, with the widgets.
- I want perfect stability of the OS: no more crashes, no more lagging.
- I want more App Support. I want a decent official AppStore. I don't need 140.000 apps, but I want it to be a succes. So not like the current 'AppStore' which is dead.
That's it. Zune and Xbox Live support are not even so important to me. These 3 points I mentioned are a MUST for WM7. Now that I look at it, the iPhone has all of these 3 points. I guess in the end I can not escape the fact that the iPhone OS is brilliant. That plus the awesome hardware offered by the HTC HD2 will make it a beast.
And regarding if HTC will give us the update for free: I hope so, I thing the chances are 50/50. But even if they want some money for it, I will pay it. Up to 15 euro, not more.
Come on Microsoft, show us you can, like you did with Windows 7, Xbox 360 and Zune!
Nicely put, but unfortunately, I can not give you any satisfying answer.
I have no access to pre-release/beta versions, therefore I can only hope that something will leak soon. I don't think there will be a public/official beta.
After MWC, they will give more people access to the software, which will increase the probability of a leak.
Let's hope we won't have to wait until HTC releases an official upgrade, cause you know how long that usually takes.
WM7 definitely looks good (and yes, I may use the word "definitely", cause I know it). But Microsoft is doing a "great" job at scattering confusing/contradictory pieces of information, thus I'm just as anxious as you to see all the pieces come together.
freyberry said:
Nicely put, but unfortunately, I can not give you any satisfying answer.
I have no access to pre-release/beta versions, therefore I can only hope that something will leak soon. I don't think there will be a public/official beta.
After MWC, they will give more people access to the software, which will increase the probability of a leak.
Let's hope we won't have to wait until HTC releases an official upgrade, cause you know how long that usually takes.
WM7 definitely looks good (and yes, I may use the word "definitely", cause I know it). But Microsoft is doing a "great" job at scattering confusing/contradictory pieces of information, thus I'm just as anxious as you to see all the pieces come together.
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Understood and thanks. If I were to try to paraphrase, your - let's call it a hunch - elements of the OS are coming together but it's not quite at alpha/beta stage...but could be relatively soon.
So maybe waiting is the best tactic...
Waiting is certainly the best tactic. However, I fear some of the most important questions will not be answered at MWC, at least not officially.
(I don't mean the UI, I mean core functionality/services/compatibility etc., cause that's what I don't know about and have lots of questions - that's the pieces I want to see come together)
Ah well, let's turn this into a wild speculation thread, shall we? Just let me get the popcorn first....
...OK, here we go:
ppcgeeks said:
-At the Mobile World Congress event on February 15th, 2010, Windows Phone 7 will be unveilved, although at this time plans are only to unveil the user interface of the new platform . Specific indepth functionality of the device will most likely not be shown.
-The User Interface is based upon codename “METRO”. It will be very similar to the Zune HD User Interface with a complete revamp of the “Start” screen. The UI is “Very Clean”, “Soulful” and “Alive” [<-- That I can confirm.]
-Unfortunately there will be no Flash support at the get go as there was not enough time to implement these features.
-Windows Phone 7 will only support application installation through service based delivery. (i.e Marketplace). Application installation via storage card will not be possible.
- No Multi-Task support. Applications will “Pause” when in the background, however will support notifications via push notifications.
-Marketplace will now support “try before you buy” as well as an API
-No NETCF backwards compatibility. This means the original rumor of no backward compatibility for applications holds to be true. That being said, there are high hopes of porting the NetCF to the newer platform easily.
-Microsoft is confident that devices will be ready by September 2010
-Full Zune Integration
-Windows Mobile Device Center will no longer be used. Zune software to take over syncing via PC.
-OEM Interfaces will not be allowed to run on the device. Say goodbye to Sense UI / SPB Mobile Shell / Point UI / Infinity, etc, etc
-Full XBOX Gaming Integration (Gamer tag, achievements, friends, avatars, merchandising, etc)
-Full support for social networking
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Flame on! Hahahaha...
freyberry said:
Waiting is certainly the best tactic. However, I fear some of the most important questions will not be answered at MWC, at least not officially.
(I don't mean the UI, I mean core functionality/services/compatibility etc., cause that's what I don't know about and have lots of questions - that's the pieces I want to see come together)
Ah well, let's turn this into a wild speculation thread, shall we? Just let me get the popcorn first....
...OK, here we go:
Flame on! Hahahaha...
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i don't like that!
let's hope it's not true! i have always loved WM because it's so open.
no .net cf?! no way, this will mean loosing the whole developers community! i disagree with you i'm afraid
how can you tell all this? i'm close to MS here in my region and they didn't say anything and not willing to, notice that they support WindowsPhoneMiddleEast Community which i lead (look at my signature).

Windows7 looks and sounds overhyped

i know im not the only one that thinks this....i love new features and upgrades just as much as anyone but it seems the goal of windows 7 is to take away the customization experience of windows and bring consumers closer with microsoft then closer 2 their device. No flash, No skins, limited apps, and lets be honest who wants a device that looks exactly the same as another person device, u could take a million hd2 and none will look exactly like mines
jbanga86 said:
i know im not the only one that thinks this....i love new features and upgrades just as much as anyone but it seems the goal of windows 7 is to take away the customization experience of windows and bring consumers closer with microsoft then closer 2 their device. No flash, No skins, limited apps, and lets be honest who wants a device that looks exactly the same as another person device, u could take a million hd2 and none will look exactly like mines
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I say save these comments till after it comes out and you actually use it.
And it's Windows Phone 7 Series, not Windows 7.
anything short of 5 pages and this thread will be a failure!
dwizzy130 said:
I say save these comments till after it comes out and you actually use it.
And it's Windows Phone 7 Series, not Windows 7.
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I'd agree if it was for ALL comments on the awesomeness OR failure of WP7s.
lol all im saying is if we wanted a zune we would buy a zune!
seriously ever since the thing came out they been talking about
making it a phone and now this is new news?
psht! they have a few ideas on point though like the whole
finger friendly thing, but to me its like buying a new house
with thin walls or move into a comfy old brick home
yeah the lighting fixtures is up to date but what about the foundation
I love the new interface. I love the accent that is being layed on the text. From what i've seen it's like browsing through a magazine. Well thought, because in the end, mostly it's text with what you're dealing with on this type of devices.
No really, i'm very thrilled about the new design. And with the new silverlight based development framework I think that we can expect more useful applications that are focussed on what they are supposed to do and less on the user interface.
The UI is awesome. Other than that, it's just an iPhone copy with the same bad policies, like censorship and no multitasking, no file system access etc.
seed_al said:
The UI is awesome. Other than that, it's just an iPhone copy with the same bad policies, like censorship and no multitasking, no file system access etc.
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WP7S, No cutomizability, locked eco system, no multi tasking.
Dont u think it defeats the purpose of WinMO.
I hope it will be a big failure. The reason i got WinMO instead of anything else is because of the power of freedom it has. WP7S killed that.
and yes, its just as hyped up as iphone before it was release. NOthing more. Its not revolutionary, its just pretty with no brain.
The start or home screen may look pretty, but its functionless. U have to scroll a lot to see info. I think the novelty will wear off faster then the iphone.
Good post, Frostlance, very good post... it's sad how they destroyed everything good about Windows Mobile. I'm not at all interested in a stupid locked down system.
seed_al said:
Good post, Frostlance, very good post... it's sad how they destroyed everything good about Windows Mobile. I'm not at all interested in a stupid locked down system.
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And not only that, they way they made WP7S Backwards incompatible also means MS just killed WinMO6.5 and previous versions.
Developers are abandoning WinMO 6.5 1 by 1, started with adobe , then Skype, and many more to come.
We were waiting for Flash 10.1 anxiously, seeing the beta version test on OUR HD2, but in the end, they discontinued their support for WinMO.
As Steve Ballmer Said " OS are nothing without Developers, Developers Developers , (he goes on saying developers many2 times)
And that is the fate of WinMO 6.5. With no Developer support, Our BELOVED OS, is becoming NOthing.
To tell you the truth,ive been a loyal WinMO user since 2000. I relied heavily on its apps (esp medical applications,helps me a lot with my work as a doctor and manage my patients data). Now ive heard from a friend in skyscape,a major medical apps developer for WinMO, that they will also discontinue support for WinMO. Now this really saddens me really.
For a phone(expensive phone in fact) which i bought just 2 months ago, will no longer provide me new apps, new updates to my medical apps, no flash (A BIG WASTE , With our huge gorgeous screen,we cant even load flash content!).
I envy those using android, updating their OS constantly, and getting apps like google earth,goggle and etc which we were once promised to be given,now all left is a dream.
MS has killed our beloved WinMO. It is a sad news for all of us. WP7S is more like a curse then a blessing.
I'd rather buy an iPhone than any WP7S device.
Both are locked down crap systems without multitasking from my POV.
Espentf said:
I'd rather buy an iPhone than any WP7S device.
Both are locked down crap systems without multitasking from my POV.
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But WP7S has better hardware and a better UI. So, IF you buy a locked down crap system, you really should get a WP7S phone.
But of course, you shouldn't buy a locked down crap system.
seed_al said:
But WP7S has better hardware
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Do we know enough about the iPhone 4 to be sure that its hardware will be inferior to WP7S phones? We'll be about half way between that and its replacement when WP7 starts to get going.
Shasarak said:
Do we know enough about the iPhone 4 to be sure that its hardware will be inferior to WP7S phones? We'll be about half way between that and its replacement when WP7 starts to get going.
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We know nothing about iPhone 4, but Apple's iPhone hardware has ALWAYS been at least half a year behind HTC's. I don't expect that to change.
iPhone 4 would need a WVGA display, a 1GHz processor, 448MB RAM, a five megapixel camera with dual LED flash, much much better materials... in order to be "only" half a year behind again. In other words: No way. They're not going to catch up anytime soon.
seed_al said:
We know nothing about iPhone 4, but Apple's iPhone hardware has ALWAYS been at least half a year behind HTC's. I don't expect that to change.
iPhone 4 would need a WVGA display, a 1GHz processor, 448MB RAM, a five megapixel camera with dual LED flash, much much better materials... in order to be "only" half a year behind again. In other words: No way. They're not going to catch up anytime soon.
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The strange thing is that if the WP7 is really a closed down system without multitasking it would not need such advanced hardware for it. The need of so much memory and processor power is precisely because of the multitasking when a user can run several applications simultaneously. Otherwise you can have a good user experience with much less memory and processor power like in case of the iPhone.
This thread will be better if it has a poll on it.
I think it is hyped too. I really prefer the HTC interface and customization freedom of the HD2 against the new design of windows mobile 7. I have my device so customized that I can access every feature with a few clicks (AE button plus and multiple button press) I dont see that coming soon in WM7, you need to scroll a lot with your finger to actually go anywhere. And what botters me more is that it looks like "multimedia oriented" and not "bussisness" oriented.
If they close the platform like Apple they will loose al the support of the comunity. I really think WebOs look more interesting as a new modern platform (but they still lack variety of applications)
If there is no oficial WM7 update to the HD2, I really dont care. (we know the chef here will be realising it and even with a newer rom)
What not being said may be the most revealing.
Other than a few picture and limited stories from just a few people (MS insiders) what do we really know about WM7?
With all the stories about what WM7 cannot do, you start to wonder if there is something that we are not being told about the new OS.
For instance:
* MS Voice Command has not had any real updates for a number of years. Is there a (much improved) new version in WM7?
* Wireless/Blue tooth set up? (better setup etc?)
* Haptic interface,
* camera and other elements used in a more interactive way for interface?
* New/updated/Improved version of transcriber?
Or is MS really just going to bring out a dumb version of Windows Mobile, for the dummys, and to more directly compete with iPhone, and continue the development of the OS version (6.5) they already have for the business users, and the more adventurous?
We still remember XP/Vista don't we, lets hope MS learn't something!
No option for both? I think bits are great and bits are over hyped.
1) Maybe it´s going to be the same story as with Win Vista: faulty, crappy, resource-hungry, no benefits. Good for the basic user that only surfs with IE, listens to music, watches videos, e-mails and uploads videos on YouTube
2) NO software is uncrackable ! Wonder what the experts here on XDA will do with WM7 ! When I received my HD2 in November it wasn´t much more than my Touch HD, a little bit faster though. Now with all the geniousses here in this forum it is a rocket of a PDA that spared me the investment into a Sony Vaio P
3) I eagerly wait for the HD3 at the end of the year, wait this time some months ´till I buy it. First I will see what the leading programmers here will do with it, then buy it and flash it with a cooked ROM from this forum. And maybe this cooked ROM will be rebased on WM6.5.x or a hacked WM7, able of multitasking.
4) When I will buy HD3 (or whatever it will be called) I buy the hardware (1,5 GHz Qualcomm, ROM/RAM etc.) and I want it to be FAST. Like with Win Vista the hardware will be eaten up by WM7-software giving no speed advantage. Like with my Sony Vaio TT92 which is equipped with WinXP and which is much faster than most of the desktop-PCs for MY use of the Vaio (no gaming, prof. medical work) I will rely on the experts here to cook a ROM that´s faster than lightning for the APPS, ´cause I don´t care if the basic software is WM6.5.x or WM7, TF3D, HTCSense or what, I want my preferred apps to run fast and smooth w/o hangup.
Conclusion: trust the people here, THEY will make the best outa the new HARDWARE, not HTC, not Microsoft ..........
gm_fisher said:
Or is MS really just going to bring out a dumb version of Windows Mobile, for the dummys, and to more directly compete with iPhone, and continue the development of the OS version (6.5) they already have for the business users, and the more adventurous?
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I'm afraid that's exactly what they are doing. Everyone - including MS - is green with envy for the zillion$$$ Apple are making with teenagers and "wanna-look-cool" adults who spend their time on social networks or mms-ing pictures. Little brains, fat wallets. No surprise manufacturers and carriers LOVE them and would do ANYTHING to please them.
MS had a decision to make: continue to fight on two fields (business and dummies) and continue losing to RIM on the former and to Apple on the latter? Or instead concentrate on one, playing the cards (like hardware) where the competition has always been behind?
WPS7 is just that.
Do I like it? Hell, no.
Would I have done the same thing had I been in Steve Ballmer's shoes? Probably yes.
Will their strategy succeed? Probably no. Unless Steve Jobs screws up big-time...
gm_fisher said:
We still remember XP/Vista don't we, lets hope MS learn't something!
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Looking at Win7, I think they learnt that crappy-buggy OS's should never ever make their way into the market. However keeping looking at Win7 on other PC's makes me wish I will still have the option for XP when my laptop replacement is due in June.
I don't think MS will be stupid enough to allow WPS7 to be crappy-buggy like Vista, but most likely WPS7 will be as alienating to business users as Win7 is, leaving them in fact with two choices:
a) BlackBerry (for most)
b) Android (for power users)
Actually there is a third one for the (very few) adventurous: cooked WinMo ROMs.

The Future of Sense

Hi all,
What follows could be considered to be the ramblings of a lunatic however it is intended to provoke discussion and maybe some thought about where we (Sense users/fans) go from here. Personally I know I don't want to see Sense die off (I'm not planning on moving to Android or WinPho 7 any time soon, as you'll read) and my phone (HD2) is only a YEAR old!
The Future of Sense?
Many of us bought our HTC WinMo phones on the strength of Sense (henceforth referred to as Manila to differentiate it from its Android, and Windows Phone 7 "Hub", incarnations), which brought a compelling and attractive interface to ugly old WinMo. Judging by the amount of devices Manila has been (or has been requested to be) ported to it is still a compelling and attractive interface. However users and fans of Manila are now facing a dilemma; Manila is, in all probability reaching, if it hasn't already, the end of its (officially) developed life. Short of any previously unknown major bugs surfacing its not hard to imagine HTC now focusing all their efforts on Android and Windows Phone 7.
So where does this leave us, many of us who still have perfectly functioning phones, which often still have up-to-date hardware? We could, thanks to the guys (with very large brains) here on XDA developers, choose between Windows Phone 7 or Android to give our phones a new lease of life. However, personally (and I know I'm not the only one) I don't want to. Windows phone 7 doesn't appeal because of its lack of customisation (and copying of iOS on so many levels), and Android because of, well, Google! WinMo gives us the freedom to tinker, without the need of "jail breaking", which many of us love WinMo for. Manila is the icing on the cake... and everyone knows the icing is the best bit of the cake!
So where do we go from here?
Organise. Mobilise.
First off I don't want to take anything away from the (quite brilliant) people here on XDA Developers that have already managed (or facilitated others) to do some pretty amazing things with Manila, having extended it far beyond HTCs original scope. However despite all the hard work and effort that has gone into reverse engineering Manila there is still much that is unknown about it and parts we cannot change. If we wish to see Manila grow and develop (further than we already have), to keep our phones current, we need HTCs co-operation, we need the actual Manila source.
But why should HTC help us when they would probably rather us buy new phones? Well, HTC is a business and all good business' like a good deal. So, they've got something we want but what do we have to offer them in return? I believe that Manila has applications outside of Android and Windows Phone 7 (which HTC already have covered, so we can forget about them) so there is still one avenue left to us that we could attempt to try and tempt HTC with...
Swallow the Tablet!
At the moment the tablet market is dominated by iOS and Android but inevitably Microsoft will manage to muscle Windows into the tablet market. It managed it with phones (then, as we all know, lost its way) and more recently it managed to (almost completely) squeeze Linux out of the netbook market. At CES 2011 scores of Windows based tablets were unveiled from manufacturers such as Asus, Lenovo, Viliv and even Samsung! Microsofts desire to muscle its way into yet another market (tablets) with a full fat version of Windows is compounded by the fact that the next version of Windows (8) will support SoC architectures from Intel and ARM. Make no mistake; Whatever your views on the suitability of Windows for tablets, Windows tablets are coming and they will sell. However, lets not get too hung up on tablets, there are still millions upon millions (upon millions!) of PCs out there and sales of PCs are still strong.
But what does this have to do with Manila? Well, I believe Manila would make the perfect lightweight 3D widget engine for Windows and this is where our opportunity lies. HTC currently has a massive presence in smartphones and are now entering the tablet market (currently Android to begin with, but given their ties with Microsoft, in the past with Windows Mobile and now Windows Phone 7, it won't be long before they produce a full fat Windows tablet). However they do not (yet) have a presence, of any kind, on desktops and it is with this that we could tempt them. So, HTC get the opportunity to have a presence PC desktops worldwide and we get to extend the life of our phones that utilise Manila!
Don't forget the presence of "Sense" on the desktop would be a great marketing tool... people see the advertisements for Sense on the TV (as HTC are currently doing in the UK), they give it a try on their computer, like it, and may be inclined to buy a phone with Sense in the future. There are also the opportunities that "Sense" (Manila) on the desktop could tie in with Sense on phones.
To be continued...
Reserved for extra details
I would like to see HTC releasing a new Sense for Windows Mobile, just for the ROM cookers
That would be a nice look - Sense on my desktop as well as my phone - and CHT as well?? Perhaps synchronised so that changing the look of one chnges the other - interesting possibilities
nathanpc said:
I would like to see HTC releasing a new Sense for Windows Mobile, just for the ROM cookers
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Hi Nathan, thanks for your reply.
However I feel you are missing the point somewhat. HTC wouldn't need to release a new version of Sense, in return for the community driven development of a desktop version of Sense, the continued development of Sense, for Windows Mobile, would also be in our hands.
Ross202 said:
That would be a nice look - Sense on my desktop as well as my phone - and CHT as well?? Perhaps synchronised so that changing the look of one chnges the other - interesting possibilities
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Hi Ross, thanks for your reply.
That there is a very interesting idea and exactly why I started this thread.
Strictly speaking, with the development of Manila in our hands, we wouldn't need something like CHT because many of the ideas behind CHT would be a part of Manila as standard.
I'm also going to propose a working group (the details of which will appear above shortly) - The Manila Community Working Group - which, I hope, will be made up of some of XDA's greatest independent Sense "developers" (and maybe even HTC? ) so we can thrash out what we would like to see in Sense, how it would work, and how we could achieve many of the feature requests (like your own) that we are going to receive. While the Working Group would be closed a thread would be naturally started to keep everyone abreast of where we currently are.
The more organised we appear the greater the chance of HTC taking us seriously and considering our proposals (and the greater the chance we have of also ensuring the continued development of Manila for our phones).
Could you put out a poll to determine the response. I am into this development, though I am not a developer myself. I've been through many different types of smart and not so smart phones. Manila/Sense is the way to go. In fact in my ROM cooking, any app/settings that could be access through Sense is remove from the Start Menu.
Let's get going
illi said:
Could you put out a poll to determine the response. I am into this development, though I am not a developer myself. I've been through many different types of smart and not so smart phones. Manila/Sense is the way to go. In fact in my ROM cooking, any app/settings that could be access through Sense is remove from the Start Menu.
Let's get going
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Hi illi, thanks for your reply.
Now thats the kind of enthusiasm I was hoping to see! I think Manila is the perfect way of hiding Windows (on a tablet, or PC) in the same way it does with Windows Mobile on phones.
I imagine a PC based Manila to have three modes of operation:
Widget Mode - Individual widgets can be placed on the desktop
Full Screen - Similar to how Manila works on our phones now with lots of added bells and whistles
Window Mode - Similar to the fullscreen version but in a more compact (borderless) window placeable anywhere on the desktop
In fullscreen or window mode widgets would be placeable on the "Home" tab and/or have their very own tab. The layouts/graphics required for each mode would be described in a single mode9 file.
Well, thats my thoughts, but I encourage anyone with any ideas to share!
*cough* bump *cough*
C'mon guys (and girls?), there must be more than 3 people who'd like to see Manila move beyond their phones and extend the functionality of their (WinMo) phones too?? Only if we can prove to HTC that there is a desire for this that we can consider approaching HTC and be taken seriously. Support for WinMo devices, as we know them, will gradually ebb away and its up to us to unite and take control of our devices? Do you really want your phones to be left behind?
Like I said, I don't want to take anything away from the (very clever) people on here who have already done so much to advance Manila, but its time to pool our resources and work towards the same goal... together.
Now is the time to stand and be counted!
thank you buddy, nice work
DJShadesUK said:
*cough* bump *cough*
C'mon guys (and girls?), there must be more than 3 people who'd like to see Manila move beyond their phones and extend the functionality of their (WinMo) phones too?? Only if we can prove to HTC that there is a desire for this that we can consider approaching HTC and be taken seriously. Support for WinMo devices, as we know them, will gradually ebb away and its up to us to unite and take control of our devices? Do you really want your phones to be left behind?
Like I said, I don't want to take anything away from the (very clever) people on here who have already done so much to advance Manila, but its time to pool our resources and work towards the same goal... together.
Now is the time to stand and be counted!
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Nice thread. I really think HTC made a revolution with Sense. I bet if microsoft cintinued WM7, HTC would have no doubt released Sense 3.0. It would be brialliant iff we could get a update. Yes i understand your point of getting yhese manilla source files, but what goood will it be? I don't see many developers for WM nowadays on XDA. Most of them have moved on to android, ios, wp7. i think if htc were going to update semse, the first thing they shoul improve is the effiency and usage. Because atm it uses far to many resources.
Nice thread, Look forward to the update
olyloh6696 said:
Nice thread. I really think HTC made a revolution with Sense. I bet if microsoft cintinued WM7, HTC would have no doubt released Sense 3.0. It would be brialliant iff we could get a update. Yes i understand your point of getting yhese manilla source files, but what goood will it be? I don't see many developers for WM nowadays on XDA. Most of them have moved on to android, ios, wp7. i think if htc were going to update semse, the first thing they shoul improve is the effiency and usage. Because atm it uses far to many resources.
Nice thread, Look forward to the update
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Thanks for your input.
Yes, it would be nice if we were to get an official update but the chances of that happening don't look good, thats why we need to try and take matters into our own hands. You are completely right about developers leaving WM for other platforms but that is why we need to organise ourselves and present a case to HTC for the independent development of Manila for the Windows and Windows Mobile. The point is if we can get our hand on the Manila source then we can make the Windows Mobile version compatible* with the desktop version then any developments for the desktop version will automatically be available to those of us with Windows Mobile devices. This way we can leverage desktop developers to extend the life of our WM phones for us, developers leaving WM would be so much of an issue.
*Thanks to the similarities between full fat Windows and Windows Mobile its possible to make any supporting (helper) .dll's required by widgets/tabs for the desktop version of Manila compatible with the mobile version.
There must be more people who would like to have their say about this, before this section of XDA becomes a virtual ghost town?
Oops, double post!
Hi DJShadesUK,
Excellent start to a thread, some excellent ideas and thoughts.
I thought I'd keep the discussion on here for now, as it's more likely (hopefully) to continue.
These are just general thoughts, I hope will form into a balanced response by the time I've finished..
1st off, has HTC ever open-sourced anything before?
My impression of the mobile phone industry is that things are closed down due its competitiveness. The exception here of course is Google...but that is because their business model in this industry is totally different.
My thought is although the Sense legacy appears to be closing to an end from HTCs point of view, chances are they won't want to part with it, just in case.
What is in it for them?
As much as I would love to get my hands on the HTC tools used to create and modify things like the mode9 files, it all represents an investment made by HTC which however unlikely could be used by them in the future.
I've been impressed with HTCs handling of Sense being modded though, they could have stirred up a whole heap of trouble for people and locked things down, (I've even heard that a youtube video of CHT on an Energy ROM was going around HTC). Needless to say, they have supported us by not shutting it down and I hope they have gained in return from observing what we do.
There is a whole rats-nest of issues if HTC did decide, ok lets give them out tools and see what happens. Clearly the HTC branding would gain tremendously, I can see Sense being put on TVs, Set Top Boxes and all sorts. It would also show that not only can HTC make brilliant hardware, but they can do the same with the software.
We can only guess what HTCs roadmap involves, but clearly tablets will be there somewhere. It wouldn't surprise me though if they try something which is entirely Sense based (sitting on a basic os), perhaps a media player or tv gadget. Whatever it is, they clearly pride themselves on coming up with clever ideas (if the adverts are to be believed) and that means they will be careful about sharing too much.
Obviously HTC already knew that Sense was not much use for the future (at least in its current form) or they would have completed the Facebook tab they started and they would have been the ones writing the RSS tab. I see that as the point when someone pulled the plug on pushing sense further and let it wind-down (I still feel sorry for the person who did all the facebook stuff - hopefully the tab makes up for it by not wasting their effort).
Why sense?
What is it about sense which makes us want to mod it? Is it just because it is there and it works as it should. Is it the design and concept of it, that makes it easy to use and we want to build more on to it? Is it because .net simply sucks at graphics (as well as other things...)?
Personally I find it a pig to work with, it probably isn't with the right tools though. Similar things are possible with other methods, so why not use them, the tabs which are already there can be replicated. Does the possibility of Silverlight on WM open up other options?
However, CHT shows perfectly why sense is worth using, but is that down to how sense works or just how Cookie designed CHT?
I'm interested to know peoples thoughts on this question, what is it about sense in particular that we want?
Windows based Sense...possible?
This is an interesting proposal...I can see this in one of two ways.
1. Native:
Attempt to use lua scripts and mode9 files as they are intended, compiled and in binary format. Obviously the smoothest and most efficient method. Lua is an open standard, so information is available on it's use and methods (although not sure about the compiled form). Mode9 files I guess can be used directly, but such things are beyond my knowledge. Clearly there are issues with tie in to the system (i.e. registry access, hardware etc will need to be different), but that could be compiled into the files.
2. Interpreted:
By leaving the lua scripts and mode9 files decompiled, the files can easily be parsed and interpreted by another program. This would also allow an abstraction layer to be added which interprets calls to the registry, hardware etc and makes the suitable calls. Ok, slower to do on the pc, but the CPU power should be able to manage with it.
The mode9 side probably won't be too bad, since it's format is quite basic and everything is static. Lua script interpreting will be much harder, but that could be something which can be developed over time (by supporting the basics at first and adding more over time). Tie into to dlls could pose the biggest problem, but they would never have worked on other environments anyway.
If we had some kind of interpreter this would also form the basis of a designer too, allowing easy design of components and pages [at first a display, then perhaps a way to edit directly].
Note: This concept is not new but has been discussed as part of the manila visual kitchen.
Both are huge jobs, but there is the skill and knowledge to do at least the 2nd right here on Xda.
What is the origins of the mode9 files, could there already be something which reads them?
Are there other groups which have gone further?
Other than Cookie, there are very few which have totally re-built things from scratch [I must add my apologies if I've missed something]. For example one is Moonar's GPS tab, which is from Russian site which appears to do sense stuff too.
Are they using the same tools as us, do they have better ones, can we work together to produce new ones? I've noticed that a lot of the sense stuff show up on Chinese sites too, are we missing things here too?
Also I must add, the CMD line kitchen is a piece of art, each component is excellent and huge thanks to the whole group for the work done on it!
Something else of note:
HTC Home for windows...

Super Mobile OS, V2.0 Official

I am very much sorry for my last review, Actually I typed only about Windows Mobile 6.5 on it as I did research on only HTC HD2 with winmo 6.5 but my stupid friends researched on winmo 7 and Android and they typed all bull****. My exams were going on so I didn't logged in, and today, I found 90% people saying my previous review was rubbish and 10% saying good.
Please Find original Review Below:-
Tested Phones:-
Windows Mobile 6.5- HTC HD2
Windows Mobile 7- HTC HD7
Android- HTC Desire HD
All mobile phones are used are of HTC
Many People come up with this question that which OS is better? Android or WinMO? 7 or 6.5? So Now i've answers for all your questions.
Please see the reviews of the following OS(s) below:-
A very Good and Exciting OS. It is the most Popular OS today. Many big companies like HTC, Samsung, Sony Ericson, LG etc. are coming with this OS today. Some small companies like IDEOS, Micromax etc. are also coming with Android OS.
Android was made popular by Google and supports the most number of apps at current time. Google Voice makes it better to search things and to enable voice command features. Android, Today is famous for both- Its business Usage, and its social usage.
Today HTC has made HTC SENSE UI to enable Android users with HTC Sense. But the Sense UI user interface is still not good enough against winmo user interface. The only problem of Android is less user interfaces. But we don't have to worry because XDA Developers have made possible for us to get the HTC Sense Winmo 6.5 user interface.
When HTC Desire HD was tested, We found that it was hanging a little. This problem is also in HTC HD2 with winmo 6.5, but in HD2 its very less, and if we use a storage Card with more storage, it gets resolved.
Themegastar1 Rating- 9.5/10.
Windows Mobile 6.5
It is a very good OS, It was developed by Microsoft after making winmo 6.1 which was featured in HTC Touch Pro.
It is a good OS for all ages like Android is good for all ages. It has a high technology. But the only thing that is wrong is, all phones with Winmo 6.5 in it are costly as Microsoft is selling this technology to companies at a high price.
The main Dis-advantage of this phone is that it has less apps available. If you don't have a High Memory Storage Card(At least 2 GB memory Card Required), your phone may hang while opening the Windows files or any other file, that can be resolved by locking the phone for a few seconds, and then click on arrow and click on My Device/Storage Card. Its Windows Marketplace also doesn't have a lot of apps and we have to download Omarket from Freeware Pocket Pc to get more apps.
Themegastar1 Rating- 9.5/10
Windows Mobile 7
It is a good OS, which was made by Microsoft, but the main disadvantage in it is that it doesn't have any good User Interface and cannot be Personalized a lot like Winmo 6.5 and Android. It also doesn't have Bluetooth(HTC Mozart), because of which it lacks in technology. It also doesn't have an SD Card Slot which makes it a stupid Choice.
This version of Windows Mobile has Zune and XBOX Live in It which makes this OS a good option for gaming. It also uses Hang-Free Technology and has good speed than that of Android and Winmo 6.5.
If people are thinking to buy mobiles with this OS, they should wait for a while as Microsoft is launching their phones with all of the above features that are missing in this phone. The only thing that it will not have is a good User Interface and less customizable options.
Themegastar1 Rating- 9.5/10.
So, you chose which is better for you. I think these will help you to decide which is better OS.
I have not included Apple iOS(Iphone Os), Palm OS and other OS(s) in it because they come in less phones(Ie. iOS comes only in iPhone).
OMG !!
He's back !!!
Do you want honest feedback or do you want people to just say nice things?
Because honestly, it sounds like you had a child write those summaries.
apallohadas said:
Do you want honest feedback or do you want people to just say nice things?
Because honestly, it sounds like you had a child write those summaries.
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I am a teen only. I am 14 Yrs old.... SO what you want to say. Previous post was written by my stupid friends, to downgrade my reputation.
themegastar1 said:
I am a teen only. I am 14 Yrs old.... SO what you want to say. Previous post was written by my stupid friends, to downgrade my reputation.
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Ok, if you want honest feedback, you could take what you have written already and update it to more current matters.
Your review of the android section doesn't really 'flow' smoothly. No one is really 'coming' with the OS, they're making devices that 'Use' different versions. You should really say that and maybe even talk about the differences in the versions.
Don't bother talking about IDEOS or Micromax.
Your review of WinMo 6.5 is strangely phrased and your review of Win7 just inaccurate.
I would say scrap all 3 reviews and start fresh. And not say 'Super OS' as the title.
Not trying to be mean, but I'm sure you can write better than this.
I will not say much as other post have already given you some good advice. What I do want to say and try to educate you on is, please do not get confused. Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7 are not the the same OS. Windows Mobile 6.5 is the last in the line of Windows Mobile releases. Windows Phone 7 is Microsofts completely new OS that they released to try to better compete with Andriod as Windows Mobile is more a busness man's oriented and tech head oriented OS. There is 100% no reverse compatibility with anything Windows Mobile be it apps or whatever from Windows Mobile to Windows Phone 7 as they are both written with different code and have different structure. So you see the only thing they have in common is the are both Microsoft products but that is it. So when you talk about them do not call Wndows Phone 7 Windows Mobile 7 as it is not.
my thoughts as the chaps above have given you fantastic advice:
- scrap all 3 reviews and start fresh. i assume that you have played around extensively with all 3 extensively (wm6.5, wp7 and android)? my suggestion is for you to google the reviews for each and compare your own experiences
- the reviews you gave for all 3 are jumping all over the place in terms of topics covered.
- each was given a 9.5 rating out of a possible 10 yet the reviews show negativity in certain features?
- the reviews don't go deep enough and are barely scratching the surface
no offense mate but if your friends did say the reviews were bs they could be reflecting what others think as well.
with that, don't go about and revise your reviews asap. take your time. read more on the experiences of other people and compare what you have seen when playing around with the devices. once you get a better picture, go for it.
simple advice....dont write a review man...we guys are smart know wats right...and theres pocketnoww...gizmodo...engadget....phonescoop....gsmarena...etc..!!
You guys are brutal... the OP is only 14
kiki_tt said:
You guys are brutal... the OP is only 14
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I don't think anyone was brutal or said anything just to spite him.
He should take the criticism and use it to write better reviews (or not write them).
apallohadas said:
(or not write them)
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themegastar1 said:
Please see the reviews of the following OS(s) below:-
A very Good and Exciting OS. It is the most Popular OS today. Many big companies like HTC, Samsung, Sony Ericson, LG etc. are coming with this OS today. Some small companies like IDEOS, Micromax etc. are also coming with Android OS.
Android was made popular by Google and supports the most number of apps at current time. Google Voice makes it better to search things and to enable voice command features. Android, Today is famous for both- Its business Usage, and its social usage.
Today HTC has made HTC SENSE UI to enable Android users with HTC Sense. But the Sense UI user interface is still not good enough against winmo user interface. The only problem of Android is less user interfaces. But we don't have to worry because XDA Developers have made possible for us to get the HTC Sense Winmo 6.5 user interface.
When HTC Desire HD was tested, We found that it was hanging a little. This problem is also in HTC HD2 with winmo 6.5, but in HD2 its very less, and if we use a storage Card with more storage, it gets resolved.
Themegastar1 Rating- 9.5/10.
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I dont find any "review" in this review article.Just some general info obtained from net like "very good","exciting", "popular" etc etc...
And i dont want to comment on this: "But the Sense UI user interface is still not good enough against winmo user interface. The only problem of Android is less user interfaces."
themegastar1 said:
I am a teen only. I am 14 Yrs old.... SO what you want to say. Previous post was written by my stupid friends, to downgrade my reputation.
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14 years old....interesting that in this thread (very first post):
he says "I am an IT Professional and a software developer(Windows)"...
Hello Friends,
I have a question for all of the mobile developers. You might think I'm Joking. But its Serious. Is there any way to run android apps(2.1-2.3) in HTC HD2(Leo) which is running Windows Mobile? Many People Say 'NO'. But emulation of any OS is possible. We all thought that we can run PS2 games only on Sony Playstation 2 but we were proved wrong by PCSX2 by launching first PS2 Emulator. So I want to know is there any emulator by which I can run android apps on my HTC HD2? Its difficult but I think XDA Developers can make this type of emulators. It will also help thousands of people. I am an IT Professional and a software developer(Windows) but i don't know about developing apps for mobile. Otherwise would have made/wrote android apps in WM language/scripts. Some News also came that there are certain Converters which can convert Android Apps into J2ME or WM apps. I need a solution to this problem.
Themegastar1 CEO
i'd take backlashsid's advice in post # 12 above....
Robson said:
14 years old....interesting that in this thread (very first post):
he says "I am an IT Professional and a software developer(Windows)"...
Hello Friends,
I have a question for all of the mobile developers. You might think I'm Joking. But its Serious. Is there any way to run android apps(2.1-2.3) in HTC HD2(Leo) which is running Windows Mobile? Many People Say 'NO'. But emulation of any OS is possible. We all thought that we can run PS2 games only on Sony Playstation 2 but we were proved wrong by PCSX2 by launching first PS2 Emulator. So I want to know is there any emulator by which I can run android apps on my HTC HD2? Its difficult but I think XDA Developers can make this type of emulators. It will also help thousands of people. I am an IT Professional and a software developer(Windows) but i don't know about developing apps for mobile. Otherwise would have made/wrote android apps in WM language/scripts. Some News also came that there are certain Converters which can convert Android Apps into J2ME or WM apps. I need a solution to this problem.
Themegastar1 CEO
i'd take backlashsid's advice in post # 12 above....
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Can A teen not be IT Professionalist, or a Software Developer. I have created a browser, toolbar and other things so far. I know C++, What do you think, Kids can't do anything?
As I said in that forum/thread, I will create android emulator. And I am creating it now. Currently I study in G.S.Convent, and my exams have ended on 9th March 2011, and my new session begins on 1st April 2011, So What. I have just got to 9th Class. You should take out this from your mind that kids can't do anything. Search for Arun Wadhwa or Themegastar1 or Arun Themegastar1 and you will get all information about me. Please don't hurt any child's feeling. If you don't like the review, don't see my other reviews or don't comment, why are you not doing anything(writing review) and complaining.
My wife just said, "Ah, bless him".
[QUOTE If you don't like the review, don't see my other reviews or don't comment, why are you not doing anything(writing review) and complaining.[/QUOTE]
- i did comment in page 1 of this thread and gave my own point thoughts
- i don't do reviews because i'm more than happy with my current hd2 android set up. i'd rather read the more helpful reviews of other members to get their tips and advise. not threads which are, as others have said, bs
- i don't go around starting threads stating which is the best os and i have answers to all the questions
- didn't say kids can't do anything. you made that assumption. for a "software developer" your reviews barely contained any technical details related to the field
- you're comparing credentials now? i'm the vp of quality in a firm engaged in developing programs, interfaces, software, scripts, xmls, etc, etc and more etc. i work for the government and they pay me what they pay me because they know i have the skills that enables me to successfully do my thing.
- i could probably develop a rom or an emulator or whatever related to android or wm or wp. the reason i don't is because there are gurus in this forum who do a better job than me. there are dudes in this forum who give better reviews and i listen to them.
this is a total waste of time. outta here dude. have fun.
themegastar1 said:
please don't hurt any child's feeling.
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Here's my review
Windows Phone 7:
It is a new OS. Microsoft come up with this OS. This OS has blue tiles in the main screen, but you can change other colors too. It is a new OS so not many apps for the OS. Microsoft made this OS after 6.5. Some people call it Windows Mobile 7 which is wrong. WP7 is short for Windows Phone 7.
The OS still needs development which will take time for Microsoft. Big companies like LG is having WP7 on there phones. Small companies do not know what WP7 is. WP7 has many apps but all are not good. Only some apps are good.
backlashsid's rating: 9.1/10
Android is made by Google. Its also an exciting OS.Because Google is big people think Android is big. Android has many apps and is very popular among school kids because they use Google voice and messenger to chat in class while the professor is teaching. Big companies do not like Android because people are chatting while the CEO meeting is going on. Android has many apps which are good. One app is Google Search which allows you to search on Google everything you want including better Android review than mine. Android has bad user interface but HTC made a new User Interfaece called HTC Sense. Sense because people have common sense so HTC thought everyone will like Sense. But companies like Motorola have their own version of screen. Android sometimes hangs a little.
backlashsid's rating: 9.375/10
Windows Mobile 6.5
Very good OS.
Windows Mobile 6.5 is Microsofts OS which came many years ago. This is a very popular OS because many people use it. Even the God of cellphones the HD2 uses it.Windows Mobile 6.5 has bad user interface and bad apps. Marketplace doenst have nice apps and this makes the OS really bad. However with WM6.5 you can use apps like SPB Mobile shell to change the look and make it better. You can also use Coreplayer to watch movies. Windows Mobile 6.5 phones have bad hardware and less storage and RAM. People nowadays like more RAM and memory so WM6.5 is no good.
backlashsid's rating: 9.61/10
I have not chose Ios because IOS is not an OS. It is IOS..
backlashsid said:
Windows Phone 7:
It is a new OS. Microsoft come up with this OS. This OS has blue tiles in the main screen, but you can change other colors too. It is a new OS so not many apps for the OS. Microsoft made this OS after 6.5. Some people call it Windows Mobile 7 which is wrong. WP7 is short for Windows Phone 7.
The OS still needs development which will take time for Microsoft. Big companies like LG is having WP7 on there phones. Small companies do not know what WP7 is. WP7 has many apps but all are not good. Only some apps are good.
backlashsid's rating: 9.1/10
Android is made by Google. Its also an exciting OS.Because Google is big people think Android is big. Android has many apps and is very popular among school kids because they use Google voice and messenger to chat in class while the professor is teaching. Big companies do not like Android because people are chatting while the CEO meeting is going on. Android has many apps which are good. One app is Google Search which allows you to search on Google everything you want including better Android review than mine. Android has bad user interface but HTC made a new User Interfaece called HTC Sense. Sense because people have common sense so HTC thought everyone will like Sense. But companies like Motorola have their own version of screen. Android sometimes hangs a little.
backlashsid's rating: 9.375/10
Windows Mobile 6.5
Very good OS.
Windows Mobile 6.5 is Microsofts OS which came many years ago. This is a very popular OS because many people use it. Even the God of cellphones the HD2 uses it.Windows Mobile 6.5 has bad user interface and bad apps. Marketplace doenst have nice apps and this makes the OS really bad. However with WM6.5 you can use apps like SPB Mobile shell to change the look and make it better. You can also use Coreplayer to watch movies. Windows Mobile 6.5 phones have bad hardware and less storage and RAM. People nowadays like more RAM and memory so WM6.5 is no good.
backlashsid's rating: 9.61/10
I have not chose Ios because IOS is not an OS. It is IOS..
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My review of the Lumia 1520.

Hello everyone. I'm writing this review of the 1520 that I got Monday. I've be a android user for the last 3 years, my last android phone I had before switching to the Lumia 1520 was Galaxy Note 2.
Lets talk about my pass history of the Galaxy Note 2. I had the Note 2 for over a year. I me say that I loved it. That phone was everything i wanted in a phone. There was no limits with that phone. However, there that phone did have it own set of problems. Lets talk about the positives, The first big plus was android market. To this day right now, the android market is best, for it flexibility in apps. No other market is better in my opinion. Second, being able to custom note 2 was one the biggest reasons I loved my phone. With infinite amount of options, there was no limit on customizations. Lastly, the big screen. The most unique feature that separated itself from the rest of the other phones. Having a big screen help watching movies, reading docs and etc. As for the cons the two that sticks out for me were OS consist crashes almost daily after 3 months of use. Secondly, not effective in operating day to day use.
As for the Lumia 1520, let me say compared to my note 2 the quality of the device feel sweet. The phone runs fast, I mean really fast compared to my note 2 when i first used it. Granted Note 2 is older tech so I can't fairly use that as a plus.
Getting do the nitty-gritty, the effectiveness of 1520 windows 8 mobile os is much better than before. Microsoft did a nice job making this os user friendly. I find it easy to access the apps I want to use with Es. One of the cons of this OS is that its not really customize it, since it not really hackable yet. Also, windows app store is really lacking. I think for two reason, one windows mobile is new and third parties are not ready to commit to it yet. Lastly, programming apps for wp8 must be a pain in the a$$.
As for stuff like the camera, audio, etc, it all pretty much standard. Nokia camera this is cool, This phone does have SD slot, I don't like the internal storage is small, for such a nice phone.
Overall the phone is apair with note 3 and others. Microsoft has step up their game, but i do have to knock them on not supporting a more open OS so people can create better functionality with their products. That being said, I still think this phone is top notch and will get people buzzing.
A few points I want to address:
1) You claim "Windows Mobile is new". That is wrong for a number of reasons. The simplest one is because Windows Mobile is actually one of the oldest Smartphone operating systems, having been around since well before iOS, Android, Maemo/MeeGo/Jolla/whatever, or (most pertinently) Windows Phone.
Lumia phones do not run Windows Mobile. They run Windows Phone (in the case of the 1520, Windows Phone 8). These are not the same thing. People on XDA have been hacking WinMo for many, many years (again, since before most "modern" smartphone operating systems existed). Oh, and there's no such thing as "Windows 8 Mobile" (or "Windows 8 Phone" for that matter); there's the "Windows" line (which includes Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.) and the Windows Phone line (which includes WP7 and WP8) plus a handful of others that don't fall cleanly into either of those camps. Do not confuse these things, please!
2) Developing apps for WP is ridiculously easy. By almost any standard, Microsoft has better dev tools than any of the other mainline smartphone OSes. The "requirement" of Win8 for the WP8 SDK is annoying, but WP8 can still run WP7 apps, and the WP7 SDK runs fine on Win7. Besides, it's not hard to install (most of) the WP8 SDK on Win7. Anyhow, the problem is not a matter of difficulty writing apps. It's a matter of whether there's any return on investment. Android has a huge, ridiculous number of users, and while piracy of Android apps is more common than it should be, there's still a huge market. iOS has less market share than Android but is still firmly in second place, and iOS has a lot less piracy and people are a lot more willing to pay for apps, generally speaking, than on Android. WP is way down in third place - barely above fourth, and far below iOS in second - and while it has very little piracy, it barely matters when there are so few users. Complaining abou the lack of software for WP8 is like complaining about the lack of software for Mac OS X; when you're around (or below) 10% of the market, you're a bit player who may be net *loss* to develop for when developers can focus on more profitable platforms instead.
Nice review Vallista, I got my red 1520 last friday and love it, I've had the Dell Streak 5 for 2 1/2years and love that phone to.I was wondering if I wanted to have windows since I really like android, but thought I would try something different since I also recently got the note 8, so I've got a great android device, which I can also make phone and video calls with.I like the effort windows has made and think they will continue making their store better, I'm still trying out different apps,and customizing it like I like it, overall I love the phone and the style of it, my brother just got a red one in the mail yesterday! I made a skype call to my mom's iphone 4 and it works great!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I467 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
GoodDayToDie said:
A few points I want to address:
1) You claim "Windows Mobile is new". That is wrong for a number of reasons. The simplest one is because Windows Mobile is actually one of the oldest Smartphone operating systems, having been around since well before iOS, Android, Maemo/MeeGo/Jolla/whatever, or (most pertinently) Windows Phone.
Lumia phones do not run Windows Mobile. They run Windows Phone (in the case of the 1520, Windows Phone 8). These are not the same thing. People on XDA have been hacking WinMo for many, many years (again, since before most "modern" smartphone operating systems existed). Oh, and there's no such thing as "Windows 8 Mobile" (or "Windows 8 Phone" for that matter); there's the "Windows" line (which includes Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.) and the Windows Phone line (which includes WP7 and WP8) plus a handful of others that don't fall cleanly into either of those camps. Do not confuse these things, please!
2) Developing apps for WP is ridiculously easy. By almost any standard, Microsoft has better dev tools than any of the other mainline smartphone OSes. The "requirement" of Win8 for the WP8 SDK is annoying, but WP8 can still run WP7 apps, and the WP7 SDK runs fine on Win7. Besides, it's not hard to install (most of) the WP8 SDK on Win7. Anyhow, the problem is not a matter of difficulty writing apps. It's a matter of whether there's any return on investment. Android has a huge, ridiculous number of users, and while piracy of Android apps is more common than it should be, there's still a huge market. iOS has less market share than Android but is still firmly in second place, and iOS has a lot less piracy and people are a lot more willing to pay for apps, generally speaking, than on Android. WP is way down in third place - barely above fourth, and far below iOS in second - and while it has very little piracy, it barely matters when there are so few users. Complaining abou the lack of software for WP8 is like complaining about the lack of software for Mac OS X; when you're around (or below) 10% of the market, you're a bit player who may be net *loss* to develop for when developers can focus on more profitable platforms instead.
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let me address this, WP8 or whatever proper name you want to call it is still Windows 8 mobile. I don't want to get into a fight over the proper names. Should I be calling android by it proper name? KitKat? Icecream? Jellybean? and etc? As far I and most common users are concern its windows. Why? Mainly because people are starting to be aware of windows now as a real os option for phones. You couldn't say that 5 years ago.
Secondly, You really think its that easy? Then why aren't all of these apps that are so easy to get in iOS and android not on windows? For and example, I have three banks I use. Out of the three, one has mobile app for windows. These are all major banks. You can say all you want "it because of this or that" at the end of the day windows is lagging behind. Microsoft needs to do a better job of promoting their os. That all I was trying to say. In fact, in my class this morning, my professor ask us "How many people had apple or android" as a phone device. Over 80% had apple and 20% android. It didn't cross his mind to ask if people were using some outside of those two. My point here is now that Microsoft owns nokia, The market will view them as new competitor in the phone market. They might have had this os for long time, but as of now, common users will view them as new. Me walking around with my phone today, people asked me who makes that. Once I told them, they were surprised.
GoodDayToDie said:
A few points I want to address:
1) You claim "Windows Mobile is new". That is wrong for a number of reasons. The simplest one is because Windows Mobile is actually one of the oldest Smartphone operating systems, having been around since well before iOS, Android, Maemo/MeeGo/Jolla/whatever, or (most pertinently) Windows Phone.
Lumia phones do not run Windows Mobile. They run Windows Phone (in the case of the 1520, Windows Phone 8). These are not the same thing. People on XDA have been hacking WinMo for many, many years (again, since before most "modern" smartphone operating systems existed). Oh, and there's no such thing as "Windows 8 Mobile" (or "Windows 8 Phone" for that matter); there's the "Windows" line (which includes Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.) and the Windows Phone line (which includes WP7 and WP8) plus a handful of others that don't fall cleanly into either of those camps. Do not confuse these things, please!
2) Developing apps for WP is ridiculously easy. By almost any standard, Microsoft has better dev tools than any of the other mainline smartphone OSes. The "requirement" of Win8 for the WP8 SDK is annoying, but WP8 can still run WP7 apps, and the WP7 SDK runs fine on Win7. Besides, it's not hard to install (most of) the WP8 SDK on Win7. Anyhow, the problem is not a matter of difficulty writing apps. It's a matter of whether there's any return on investment. Android has a huge, ridiculous number of users, and while piracy of Android apps is more common than it should be, there's still a huge market. iOS has less market share than Android but is still firmly in second place, and iOS has a lot less piracy and people are a lot more willing to pay for apps, generally speaking, than on Android. WP is way down in third place - barely above fourth, and far below iOS in second - and while it has very little piracy, it barely matters when there are so few users. Complaining abou the lack of software for WP8 is like complaining about the lack of software for Mac OS X; when you're around (or below) 10% of the market, you're a bit player who may be net *loss* to develop for when developers can focus on more profitable platforms instead.
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Trail70rider said:
Nice review Vallista, I got my red 1520 last friday and love it, I've had the Dell Streak 5 for 2 1/2years and love that phone to.I was wondering if I wanted to have windows since I really like android, but thought I would try something different since I also recently got the note 8, so I've got a great android device, which I can also make phone and video calls with.I like the effort windows has made and think they will continue making their store better, I'm still trying out different apps,and customizing it like I like it, overall I love the phone and the style of it, my brother just got a red one in the mail yesterday! I made a skype call to my mom's iphone 4 and it works great!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I467 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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This phone is soo sick.
Vallista said:
let me address this, WP8 or whatever proper name you want to call it is still Windows 8 mobile. I don't want to get into a fight over the proper names.
Why aren't all of these apps that are so easy to get in iOS and android not on windows? In fact, in my class this morning, my professor ask us "How many people had apple or android" as a phone device. Over 80% had apple and 20% android. It didn't cross his mind to ask if people were using some outside of those two. My point here is now that Microsoft owns nokia, The market will view them as new competitor in the phone market.
They might have had this os for long time, but as of now, common users will view them as new. Me walking around with my phone today, people asked me who makes that. Once I told them, they were surprised.
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It does matter. Its like calling android something else before it was android. Like GoogleOS, instead of Android. Windows Phone is completely different from Windows Mobile. Windows Phone 7 and 8 is like comparing XP to 7 or 8. Windows XP and Windows Mobile 4-6.5 is extremely easy to modify compared to Windows Phone 7 or its desktop counterpart. Windows Phone 7 was their 'aha! Scrap everything and start over!' moment. WP8 is essentially their solution to fix what was wrong with WP7 and make it easier to manufacture e.g. GDR2 (support more ram) and GDR3 (supports full 1080p).
Windows Phone apps do take longer to publish when coming over from another platform. Most of the gamers who use WP know, because a game will essentially launch on all devices and then launch on Windows Phone MONTHS later sometime a whole year afterwards. SEGA is one those companies that are terrible about this. But this is understandable because of how "effectively" just about all apps run on WP7 or 8. They don't murder your ram or kill your battery. All background stuff is scheduled to run instead of being an evil TSR just taking more up as it runs longer and longer.
If you re writing a WP app from scratch and not porting it, you can "design" one in a matter of time. Heck, all of my apps I didn't even code. I generated them and semi-published them in a matter of an hours of work.
Sure its just a bunch of URLs, but it gets the job done. I intend on tweaking it again soon anyways.
I don't ever get asked about windows phones, except when a friend mine borrowed it for taking a picture in a dark environment e.g fancy winery dinner. Most of the place was candle lit and everything looked great for a smartphone, good for a camera.
Anyways Motorola is to Google as Nokia is to Microsoft. They were just following suit...
Sent from my Lumia 928 using Tapatalk
"Windows 8 mobile" is a remarkably (pardon my bluntness) stupid term for this OS. "Windows Phone 8" is very nearly as stupid (and that one is Microsoft's fault), but it does at least have two advantages: it distinguishes the Windows line from the Windows Phone line, and it's official. Besides, if you actually wanted to call something "Windows 8 mobile", it would make at least a *little* bit of sense to apply that term to Windows RT, which is a "mobile" (tablet, specifically) OS that actually looks like, and runs a lot of the same software as, Windows 8.
Suggesting that Windows Phone "is still Windows" is ridiculous, patently absurd on the face of it. They don't have the same UI (even ignoring the desktop, "Metro" apps in Win8 look and are interacted with differently from those on the phone, and the Start screens look and are arranged and interacted with differently). They don't run the same software (even where processor architecture isn't an issue, such as with pure .NET apps), although at some point in the future they may be merged to do so. They don't use the same user model (Windows Phone is a single-user system with only an "unlock the screen" protection; Windows - 8 or any other version of the NT desktop line - is a multi-user operating system where users must log into their accounts to use the system). They don't communicate with other computers the same way (Windows supports "Windows networking", including Homegroups, over SMB; Windows Phone has no SMB support but can act as an MTP client device over USB). They don't use the same security model (there's no support for user-accessible "full-trust" apps on Windows Phone; everything must run in an app sandbox). They don't run on the same hardware... do I really need to go on?
There are really only two meaningful similarities between Windows and Windows Phone (no, Microsoft's bone-headed branding does not meet the bar of "meaningful"). First, they both use the Win32 and WinRT APIs (well, sort of; the phone tries to block access to most of Win32 and is missing some of WinRT that the desktop has, the desktop is missing some of the stuff that the phone has too, though). Second, they both use the NT kernel. That's it. The way they sandbox apps is kind of the same, but only kind of (they don't even use the same capability lists, which incidentally is going to make that hypothetical merging of the app ecosystems kind of tricky). The UI has about in much in common between Windows Phone and Windows as Windows (7 or 8, at least) have in common with OS X.
Android's proper name is "Android" (OK, you can append a version number, or version name, if you want). It runs on the Linux kernel, just like MeeGo, WebOS, Ubuntu, and RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). Turns out that using the kernel as a determiner of "these operating systems are the same" is a really bad idea. Besides, if you were going to do *that*, then you'd have to argue that Windows Phone is one of the oldest smartphone operating systems, since WP7 runs on the CE kernel whose earlier versions powered handheld "smart" devices clear back to 1996.
As for the apps thing... how many WP apps have you written? Do you actually have the least idea how hard or easy it is? I've been writing WP apps for three years now, and I've also written Android apps and reviewed iOS apps. Neither one has as good of tools, and both require more work on the part of the developer to make the app *work*.
Vallista said:
You can say all you want "it because of this or that" at the end of the day windows is lagging behind.
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I *told* you the reason! It wasn't a "it's because this or that" in the least. Apparently, though, you are wither too wrapped up in your own prejudices to face facts, or you're illiterate... In any case, MS is spending a ton of money trying to promote WP. I happen to think their marketing sucks, but c'est la vie.
GoodDayToDie said:
"Windows 8 mobile" is a remarkably (pardon my bluntness) stupid term for this OS. "Windows Phone 8" is very nearly as stupid (and that one is Microsoft's fault), but it does at least have two advantages: it distinguishes the Windows line from the Windows Phone line, and it's official. Besides, if you actually wanted to call something "Windows 8 mobile", it would make at least a *little* bit of sense to apply that term to Windows RT, which is a "mobile" (tablet, specifically) OS that actually looks like, and runs a lot of the same software as, Windows 8.
Suggesting that Windows Phone "is still Windows" is ridiculous, patently absurd on the face of it. They don't have the same UI (even ignoring the desktop, "Metro" apps in Win8 look and are interacted with differently from those on the phone, and the Start screens look and are arranged and interacted with differently). They don't run the same software (even where processor architecture isn't an issue, such as with pure .NET apps), although at some point in the future they may be merged to do so. They don't use the same user model (Windows Phone is a single-user system with only an "unlock the screen" protection; Windows - 8 or any other version of the NT desktop line - is a multi-user operating system where users must log into their accounts to use the system). They don't communicate with other computers the same way (Windows supports "Windows networking", including Homegroups, over SMB; Windows Phone has no SMB support but can act as an MTP client device over USB). They don't use the same security model (there's no support for user-accessible "full-trust" apps on Windows Phone; everything must run in an app sandbox). They don't run on the same hardware... do I really need to go on?
There are really only two meaningful similarities between Windows and Windows Phone (no, Microsoft's bone-headed branding does not meet the bar of "meaningful"). First, they both use the Win32 and WinRT APIs (well, sort of; the phone tries to block access to most of Win32 and is missing some of WinRT that the desktop has, the desktop is missing some of the stuff that the phone has too, though). Second, they both use the NT kernel. That's it. The way they sandbox apps is kind of the same, but only kind of (they don't even use the same capability lists, which incidentally is going to make that hypothetical merging of the app ecosystems kind of tricky). The UI has about in much in common between Windows Phone and Windows as Windows (7 or 8, at least) have in common with OS X.
Android's proper name is "Android" (OK, you can append a version number, or version name, if you want). It runs on the Linux kernel, just like MeeGo, WebOS, Ubuntu, and RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). Turns out that using the kernel as a determiner of "these operating systems are the same" is a really bad idea. Besides, if you were going to do *that*, then you'd have to argue that Windows Phone is one of the oldest smartphone operating systems, since WP7 runs on the CE kernel whose earlier versions powered handheld "smart" devices clear back to 1996.
As for the apps thing... how many WP apps have you written? Do you actually have the least idea how hard or easy it is? I've been writing WP apps for three years now, and I've also written Android apps and reviewed iOS apps. Neither one has as good of tools, and both require more work on the part of the developer to make the app *work*.
I *told* you the reason! It wasn't a "it's because this or that" in the least. Apparently, though, you are wither too wrapped up in your own prejudices to face facts, or you're illiterate... In any case, MS is spending a ton of money trying to promote WP. I happen to think their marketing sucks, but c'est la vie.
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wow what an ego. Look its a Windows Phone period. If your gonna be butt hurt over the name, have a it hoss. Secondly, for a guy who he thinks know everything about Microsoft you really know nothing. You have no idea how or why Microsoft operates the way they do. So when make you own OS or phone device then you can talk. This was suppose be a basic review on windows phone I liked. But some want to focus on names.
A) I actually worked at MS, years ago. In fairness, though, I would never have expected the company to make some of the more braindead policy decisions it's made recently. I still know people who work there, though (living in this area, in the tech sector, you pretty much can't help it), and it doesn't seem like much has changed.
B) It doesn't take a lot of brains to understand how the software industry (including smartphone operating systems and apps) works, even if you *haven't* worked in it your entire adult life. But I suppose you do have to actually attempt to understand the problem, instead of throwing up your hands and complaining about it.
C) I actually have designed and written my own (tiny) OS for an embedded device, not that that makes me unusually qualified to talk about smartphone OSes.
D) I was trying to be helpful and informative, but apparently that point - like so many others - passed you by. Cool, you liked the Lumia 1520. Too bad you apparently didn't even know what OS it runs (hint: not Windows). I wouldn't have bothered writing anything past the first post, which was just to set the record straight (for both yourself and the people who might read your review and become confused) on a couple points, but I guess you couldn't have that...
Well, it made sense when it actually had a resemblance to Windows way back, but that's before they called the whole thing Windows Compact edition. Sure it was the base of a lot of various small devices that didn't have the power of their laptops then and was way more portable, like some cell phones. You could almost compare them with Palm, and at the same time RIM, but that's before they ever had the Blackberry if I recall correctly.
They could have dropped the windows name on their phones, but I'm not too sure it would have lost its product familiarity, and could have been obscured like the Kin and Kin II.
WP7 was obscure on anything besides at&t, and they didn't support CDMA day one either. This kinda messed up the US market, while the rest of the world couldn't have cared more, except Korea? and china (they use a derivative of CDMA.)
To think of the wp7 market share was so small, it was almost unheard of. It still buggs me that Cincinnati Bell still calls it Windows Mobile...
To get back on track, they could use a lesson with customization. It would be cool to swap fonts or change the text on the lock screen so it doesn't take up a quarter of the screen. Its bad for ricing and doesn't sit well with some people. But I don't ever actually see it happening. After all they haven't budged on changing some core features yet....
Sent from my RM-860 using Tapatalk
I like how you say the 1520 is on par with the note 3 even though you've never actually used it for an extended period (if at all) - instead you're comparing a prev gen phone (with probably fixable software issues) with a current gen one...
Just saying...
Apps, WP8 OS and its restrictiveness (some call it security) aside, the core problem with the 1520 and other Phablet phones on WP8 at the moment is simply this: WP8 is not optimised for phablets.
liqn7 said:
I like how you say the 1520 is on par with the note 3 even though you've never actually used it for an extended period (if at all) - instead you're comparing a prev gen phone (with probably fixable software issues) with a current gen one...
Just saying...
Apps, WP8 OS and its restrictiveness (some call it security) aside, the core problem with the 1520 and other Phablet phones on WP8 at the moment is simply this: WP8 is not optimised for phablets.
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I never said it was on par with note 3. I'm saying this phone does everything I did on my note 2. The note 3 has tech the 1520 doesn't have.
Good review, Nice to hear something positive for a change, I have a White Lumia 1520, Got it Monday and love it, Compared to my previous Lumia 920 and other Windows Phones I have owned it simply is the best, That is just my opinion, Some ppl will find it too large to handle comfortably, I have large hands so not a problem, It is perfect for my usage,
Have to agree that the OS does need some further optimisations for Phablets as some things and Apps display just too large
Thank for you for the review Vallista.
As for your little back and forth...I could call anything well anything, it doesn't mean people would understand me. Using proper terminology seems to be akin to using the correct syntax and terminologies when going into your local swag bar and asking for 2 fingers of Laphroaig, neat. One can not simply order a Scotch and expect the same result.
From A Note 1 to the 1520
I was given a Surface at work pilot in our environment, and was very impressed with it. My Note 1 was long overdue to be replaced (but flapjax ROM's ran so great its kept up fine), and so I opted to give Windows Phone 8 a go. I had previously used WinMo 5 and 6, followed by a very brief run with the iPhone, and stuck with Android for about 3 years.
I miss the ability to customize, a lot. Admittedly I didn't do a lot of research going into WP8, but not being able to change DPI etc is disappointing. I feel like I'm back in the iPhone sandbox. I do really like the hardware of this device, and there are some aspects of WP8 that I really appreciate. Having Office on my phone has been a lifesaver for school. I like trying new things so it's still fun finding a lot of the nuances, but I really wish I could start flashing something better than the stock ROM.
The Lumia 1520 is an awesome device, and WP8 runs very smoothly on it out of the box. I would consider WP8 better than iOS, but Android will still win until Microsoft allows the users of their device to fine tune more settings of their device. I won't hold my breath for that, but I'll contribute as much as I can here on XDA to help a dev make it happen.
Got Lumia
I have similar story - moved from Note 2 to White Lumia 1520. I wrote some programs for android before and I like android and never had any problem with Note 2 but.. sometimes it is useful for people to get out of comfort :laugh:
I wrote programs for WM too but SDK for WP8 is completely different and more complex in my opinion. Maybe this is just first impression.
The device itself is really cool, I like it. WP8 is too strict and have few applications. Similar was when I had Dell Streak 5 with Android 1.6 as my first android device - at that time people laugh at me like I see in this thread. Hope that Microsoft will catch up, improve WP8 fast.
Check out our stunning photos made with Lumia 1520 and Nokia Camera
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Too bad the marketing department at Microsoft and Nokia didn't capture my wife's opinion of the 1520 because it would be a good commercial. My wife hates technology and has no interest in learning new devices...If fact she didn't want to even upgrade her iphone. Then the other day we walk into the Microsoft Store and she sees the 1520 and immediately said she wanted it. I thought that was particularly interesting since she laughed at the size of my Note 3. She left Sprint and the IPhone to move to the Nokia. She even had to pay more per month. She loves it. Not much more I can say except I love it too. I am not ready to give up my Note 3 and Galaxy Gear but think the 1520 is really well done.
Sent from my SM-N900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
djtonka said:
Check out our stunning photos made with Lumia 1520 and Nokia Camera
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What settings did you use to get that photo?
Sent from my Xperia™ Tablet Z
Vallista said:
This was suppose be a basic review on windows phone I liked. But some want to focus on names.
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Thanks for the review . Like you I used to own a Note 2 and liked it.. at first, but I found it was a little big for me. I must be honest though, I mustve owned about 10 Android phones and I was never happy, even with the stunning hardware of the HTC One.. i traded and sold them back and forwards and it was only when I bought my first Ativ S, I was instantly converted. Now I own a 925 and love it, wanting a 1020 when its price comes down.
The question I asked myself was .. What makes WP8 great over Android?. which the simple answer is "It just works flawlessly".

