Is the Samsung Fascinate a good choice? - Fascinate General

I'm due for an upgrade on Nov. 18th, and wanted to know the goods and bads of this phone from my fellow XDA Community. Basically, I want to know:
1. Will the lagfix potentially fix any "lag" on the phone beforehand?
2. Is the GPS as bad as people say it is?
3. Is Screen Burn in a problem with the Super Amoled Screen?
4. Is the Camera and Camcorder any good?
I'm coming from a Droid Eris and want to get the best phone out there that can last me for a year.

Ok my personal opinion:
Camera is great!!!
Video Recording is great
Screen Is great!!!
GPS is quirky (might be fixed with 2.2 update)
Touchwiz is boring , slow etc
Great design!
But i got rid of mine, in hopes that the htc desire hd is being released this month on verizon! The new Sense UI is awesome opinion others love stock android ui!

Just saw your coming from a HTC Eris..........then honestly if you like the Sense UI, dont get this!

I came from an Eris too and I love this! (I got rid of the Sense UI on my Eris with a custom ROM) Personally I don't have any problem with lag even without a lagfix, my GPS works just fine, and call quality is great. It is a big improvement from the Eris, the battery life is definitely better, and I really have nothing bad to say about it. The only thing I miss is the LED notification but there are ways around that. The camera and camcorder work great - excellent picture quality, and no screen burn in that I have seen so far anyway.
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Wtf does HTC sense have to do with the Samsung phone. I never flame but that is dumb as hell to say. Touchwiz and sense are not even close. Besides. Put LP on there and forget it. People only slam it when its not their cup of tea. I have literally had every phone Verizon has release since the Droid 1 and I ****ing love my fascinate. The new HTC will likely be a ***** to root much like the others. And Verizon WILL NOT GET DESIRE HD. it will likely be the exact same phone but not called that. But in Sherwood's defense ill say that's one hella good looking phone. But I am gonna keep my fascinate til LTE and by the. That HTC will be shot BC it wont have LTE. if u want to be impressed read about how much better fascinate screen and CPU /GPU Are than any other phone. If u like to game the Samsung galaxy phones are the absolutely best made for that
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Untrue statement about Sense UI being better than Touchwiz. I have had the eris, incredible and now the facinate and touchwiz is just fine. Load ADW as your launcher and you will really dig this phone over the eris for sure.
IMO... GPS is not that big of an issue for me as there are some work arounds to get satellites to lock quicker and if I do get burn in on my screen I will have it replaced.With the 2.2 update just around the corner it should help make this a more solid phone. (Especially after the developers get a hold of it!) If your ok with the size of the incredible, there isn't a better phone made but it lacks a good car dock/mount and the best case ever made, "kickstand case". My incredible did have a little better cell signal also... Having said that, good luck. The facinate will be a huge upgrade from the eris. And as stated before, this is all (IMO) with experience with all three.
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Depending on your screen size preferences and the reviews you might want to take a look at the Samsung Continuum when it comes out - should be before your upgrade date. If you must have a notification when things happen then the ticker seems to be a great idea. We have yet to see how it affects battery life though.

1. Yes. Also depends on your level of annoyance to the lag.
2. No.
3. None evident at all, after a month and a half.
4. Yes. I have always loved the sammy panorama feature.
No regrets at all.
good day.

Coming from a moto droid this phone is great!
Camera and camcorder are great
gps is iffy at time but works prob get fixed
I like touchwiz and find it not laggy at all in fact its one of the only launchers that dont lag when used with lwp. I mean launcher pro does not lag alot but u can see it in the app drawer alittle touchwiz app drawer has zero lag.
I dont use lagfix (uninstalled) i see no need for it actually i think just running the stock deodexed rom makes for a super smooth experiance.

Problem is, I'm deciding between a Samsung Fascinate with AWESOME hardware (love that GPU) and a Droid X with 2. 2. It's hard!
Sent from Eris with Froyo

Go to a corporate store and play with both of them - I briefly considered the Droid X but when I tried it out in the store, it just seemed slow and somehow cumbersome and not just from the size - even stock the Fascinate was smoother to me.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

If you liked the ERIS......... stay with SENSE UI. Its hard to give it up. I regret it!!!
As far as Games , if you want a gaming phone WAIT TILL THERE ARE QUALITY GAMES. And not 1 year old IPHONE PORTS.
Wait a little longer trust me.
BTW I had the droid X the camera was complete garbage!!! And I prefer capacative buttons at the bottom and not tactile ones like the x.
But again stay with sense. You get alot of built in options stock instead of 3rd party addons to get same options. Like copy and paste, and scrollable widgets.

I'll just have to wait and see.

TheSonicEmerald said:
1. Will the lagfix potentially fix any "lag" on the phone beforehand?
2. Is the GPS as bad as people say it is?
3. Is Screen Burn in a problem with the Super Amoled Screen?
4. Is the Camera and Camcorder any good?
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1. I don't notice any lag for normal use. It only really lags on me when installing things from the Market, but I'm guessing this is a general issue with Android
2. GPS lock can take 10-20 sec, but isn't that bad. I've found that always leaving GPS on as opposed to turning it off/on as needed helps keep the lag from being as bad.
3. Haven't noticed any burn in on my phone
4. I haven't taken many pictures yet, but the one's I have taken have been good for a phone camera
I'd say go to a store and play with both devices. After using the capacitive buttons on the Fascinate for a couple weeks now, the physical buttons of the Droid X seemed annoying when I played around with one a few days ago. Also, if you're waiting until the 18th, FroYo should be out not long after that, and that is when I'd expect a lot of development to start up for ROMs and kernels, so the software should hopefully catch up to the great hardware in a couple months.

Droid X VS Fascinate
I just picked up the Fascinate a few days ago after returning the X. I had the X for three weeks. I agree with the poster that noted how BAD the X camera is. So far with the sammy I have not had any issues lag,GPS or otherwise. I had a Tmo Vibrant and loved it. My only complaint about the fascinate is the lack of 2.2. Other than that I think its the perfect size and weight. I currently carry and iPhone 4 and the Fascinate. I dont think I have taken the iPhone out of my laptop bag since I got the Samsung.

you should wait and see if the nexus two comes to vzw

Chuban7 said:
you should wait and see if the nexus two comes to vzw
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No, you shouldn't. Right now the Nexus Two is a mythical device that does not exist. Even if Google does decide to make one, it won't be out anytime soon, and there's a good chance it wouldn't be on Verizon first, if at all.
I came from an Eris myself, and had no problem dumping Sense UI. In fact, the last month I had it, I was running the KaosFroyo ROM, which is based on stock Froyo. Once I installed LauncherPro Plus, Dialer One, and a few other goodies, I realized that it was even better than when it ran Sense UI. If I were you, I would grab the Fascinate over the Droid X, because te hardware is superior, and Froyo will be out for it soon enough. Bing is a non-issue, since it can easily be removed by rooting, if you don't like it.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App


hows everyones slide running

just wondering now that the slide has had a couple days of usage how is it running for every? is it still fast? any fc's? any other wierd problems popping up? im just asking cause im thinking of getting one but want to know if there are any problems with it.
I personally wouldnt trade it in for any phone out on the market right now. I would take this devce unrooted over any current android device on the market. Once it gets will be unbelievable.
Being that I require an actual keyboard, its not a hard decision, but its far exceed my expectations. There are quirks that bug the pull down notification. Having the recent used applications in there was a pretty stupid idea when its x5 easer to hold Home down.
You know theres some asshole of a sr. software engineer that pushed for that to be included + sizes to be the way they are, and someone under him going "i told you so" user interface issue like that dont just go over looked, it couldnt be more blatant.
But if thats all I have to complain about, Im in pretty good shape. This phone is nearly perfect (for me)
I got the chance to play with an Incredible today. I let him mess with my Slide. His had a bigger screen and a nicer display, but my Slide was MUCH faster than his phone, even with all of the bloatware.
I just noticed the Incredible was real choppy when going from window to window and in the app drawer. I was expecting much more.
hey all
i read a lot of these forums here on xda but dont really post too often.
ive owned the G1, MT3G, Cliq, Cliq XT, HTC Hero, and have had enough experience with the Samsung Behold II to say I wouldn't let someone give me that phone... having said that.
i have had the mytouch slide for about a month now (ha, only now ((since launch)) can i speak of it)
i dont use any task killing manager app whatsoever.. literally.. ever..
this phone is butter.. the 512 ram and the QCOM 7227 really help this thing glide... it has also been confirmed by HTC that it will receive the 2.2 Update. for that.. i cannot wait.
I'm loving this phone, and I'm the type that can always find fault with phones. Its as snappy as ever.
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This phone is great. The only fc i have had is with the built in twitter client, but after i logged out i have not had any problems. Fantastic g1 replacement.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide
Mine has been running great, no fc's, still super snappy and I am figuring out how to get everything to play nice together (htc mail with gmail app, my custom ringtones, etc) I am still quite happy and impressed, although I would dump this in a second if the supersonic came to tmo.
Btw, holding home still brings up your recent apps (but I'm sure you already knew that!
Mine is butter as well. No slowdowns while running multiple apps.
I do wish the HW keyboard was a little more functional; autocorrect without having to turn off swype and maybe a directional pad. Its not bad though, just have to get used to it.
Sent from my Bloody Mary Slide using Tapatalk
I bought mine on Tuesday have widgets on every screen.speed an responsiveness is top notch and this has the fastest web browser I've used on a mobile device to main complaint and the only thing that really bothers me is watching my internal memory dither to nothing as install apps and themes.I'm currently at 50mb and that's with only a few apps and some themes installed.froyo can't come soon enough,if I get apps2sd I'll be fine with this phone.however if we don't get an apps2sd solution soon I'm afraid I'll be getting rid of is definitely a deal breaker to me.
Absolutely wonderful. My G1 screen was starting to die, and not having another HW keyboard choice is what forced my hand. Thought I would be getting a mid-range stand by till Q4 of this year, but I have been pleasantly surprized. It's small/thin, yet extremely potent for what it is. And though I'll probably be one of the few, the Espresso Sense UI is nice. I would simply like custom control over the theme. /agreed @ once we get root, this thing is gonna soar.
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Phone is quick as hell. Way better than my G1 in its prime (rooted and unrooted).
One thing that isn't working is hotmail. All other email works (exchange, yahoo, work) but hotmail doesn't work with stock or K9 email. Is Microsuck hating on Android?
Four words (faster than my HD2) are you sure this phone doesn't have a snap-dragon processor or is wm6.5 and sense is just that much slower than android
vdub804 said:
Four words (faster than my HD2) are you sure this phone doesn't have a snap-dragon processor or is wm6.5 and sense is just that much slower than android
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Definitely blame stock WM6.5. I tried the HD2, and while I know I could have vastly improved performance by installing custom roms, tweaks, etc, I just didn't feel like putting that much effort into a WinMo 6 phone when we know that later this year Windows Phone 7 is coming. There will never be a major update for the HD2, which is sad considering the hardware is magical. I loved everything about that phone except everything that ran on it. I'm very happy with my Slide, and to be honest, it's a lot easier to hold than the massive HD2.
I've had mine for 24 hours now, and I can say Advanced Task Killer is a must.
When I first opened it, I had 36mb free. I scrolled through the list, and noticed that not only was every app I had ever run present, so were some I've still never run, actually, almost every app on the phone!
I started killing them one by one, and when I killed Twitter, my free mem jumped almost 60mb! After I killed everything else, it's like a new phone. I LOVE it.
I'm a die-hard WinMo guy, I actually was in the store *just* to buy a Touch Pro 2 or HD2, and wanted only to give the MT3GS a try because I could return it and buy the WinMo phone later.... Nope... I love it....
I've had mine since launch day and haven't used any of the task killers.....usually around 50 M free (damned GPS memory hog programs) and have no problems with lag.....quite unlike my G1, thank goodness!
I came from a nexus one and can I love this phone the speed is roughly the same and I love the keyboard also coming from the n1 all I can say is that the reception on the n1 is terrible this rocks
Mines is running so smooth and the on screen keyboard is great! I don't like how they changed the usb port instead of keeping the same one as the mytouch that I had so many chargers for. Not a deal breaker though.
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Loved this phone. I switch from a g1. Which feels so big aftedr having this bad boy in my pocket. Adv task killer is a must and the g1 seemed to get a little better service. But the swipe text is awesome. I never hardly even use the slide out keyboard.
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well so far 2 days use and honestly both myself and my brother agree. We love this phone I would not trade it in for anything out right now at all. The speed has been constant the phone is just solid in general and I really love mine so far.
I love how the phone works so far but the 3g reception has been horrific compared to my g1

HTC Incredible vs Samsung Vibrant: HTC Incredible is faster?

I have the Vibrant. My friend has the Incredible. I compared the two.
While on paper the Vibrant tops the Incredible in terms of hardware (aside from camera related areas), the Incredible seems to be a bit more snappy. Now I am not saying the Vibrant is "slow", but rather there is noticeable ~.5-1 sec delay when opening messaging, for example, where as the Incredible has none, at all. (I have applied Ryan's lagfix and hit 2.2k on Quadrant... wish Quadrant results would reflect actual performance.)
Seeing as how Vibrant has the better hardware, my guess is it must be Sense UI vs TouchWiz thing. I love TouchWiz (don't flame me) but if it is the one causing my otherwise great phone to slow down... I will nuke the thing.
What do you guys think?
I thought I saw that the incredible was starting to see froyo. Has he updated? That would make a huge difference. If you are seeing lash on the Samsung specific apps. I would say it is likely touchwiz vs. sense thing.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
We need a later firmware revision. The one we have isn't very good. Later versions reduce or eliminate the type of lag you're talking about.
Besides that, I don't know what you're trying to prove here
My guess would be it's Touchwiz that causes this but there could also be other factors involved. I have a friend with an incredible and he replaced his messaging with handcent because the lag he was getting from opening the messaging app itself as well as the threads.
Sent from my awesome Vibrant using XDA App
DarkAgent said:
I have the Vibrant. My friend has the Incredible. I compared the two.
While on paper the Vibrant tops the Incredible in terms of hardware (aside from camera related areas), the Incredible seems to be a bit more snappy. Now I am not saying the Vibrant is "slow", but rather there is noticeable ~.5-1 sec delay when opening messaging, for example, where as the Incredible has none, at all. (I have applied Ryan's lagfix and hit 2.2k on Quadrant... wish Quadrant results would reflect actual performance.)
Seeing as how Vibrant has the better hardware, my guess is it must be Sense UI vs TouchWiz thing. I love TouchWiz (don't flame me) but if it is the one causing my otherwise great phone to slow down... I will nuke the thing.
What do you guys think?
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Have you applied the "fix" yet? I don't see any delays or lag when I open apps.
if you apply the "lag fix" i'm almost certain you won't be able to notice any slow downs in terms of opening applications.
from the limited knowledge I have of the whole "samsung vibrant lag" it's caused by the way the vibrant processes I/O read/write? it's very inefficient as compared to other phones. the fix is a work around and it literally makes it amazingly "snappy" and fast.
I'm choosing to hold off on the fix for now, people reporting issues and having to ODIN flash back to stock is turning me off.
*edit - totally missed the part that said you applied the lag fix. reading comprehension ftl
the OP said:
While on paper the Vibrant tops the Incredible in terms of hardware (aside from camera related areas), the Incredible seems to be a bit more snappy. Now I am not saying the Vibrant is "slow", but rather there is noticeable ~.5-1 sec delay when opening messaging, for example, where as the Incredible has none, at all. (I have applied Ryan's lagfix and hit 2.2k on Quadrant... wish Quadrant results would reflect actual performance.)
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He has applied the lag fix.
Tpavey said:
I thought I saw that the incredible was starting to see froyo. Has he updated? That would make a huge difference. If you are seeing lash on the Samsung specific apps. I would say it is likely touchwiz vs. sense thing.
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Naw, hes on 2.1
heygrl said:
We need a later firmware revision. The one we have isn't very good. Later versions reduce or eliminate the type of lag you're talking about.
Besides that, I don't know what you're trying to prove here
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Not trying to prove anything. I am half venting my superphone is not-so-super and half asking for advice on this issue (indirectly).
bdveteran18 said:
My guess would be it's Touchwiz that causes this but there could also be other factors involved. I have a friend with an incredible and he replaced his messaging with handcent because the lag he was getting from opening the messaging app itself as well as the threads.
Sent from my awesome Vibrant using XDA App
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The problem is it isn't just on messaging; its pretty much everywhere (except browsing... browsing is blazing fast.)
I have a friend with an incredible its a few months old but I found the opposite to be true. Using her phone made me appreciate the speed of the vibrant, I almost felt like I was back using a G1. my phone is about as stock as you can get aside from running launcher pro instead of the regular home app.
2.2 will only make this thing faster. I use touchwiz to show off my phone. It is a lil choppy but never slow. I think our only competitor when we get 2.2 will be the x but for some reason im not worried.
My Vibrant never lags. No fix applied.
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant
RIP my beloved rooted G1
Classie83 said:
My Vibrant never lags. No fix applied.
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant
RIP my beloved rooted G1
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Me neither. Had it since release. No lag and about 120 apps installed...
Just need 2.2 and I'm golden....
Gps even works good here... lol
After spending more time with TouchWiz's launcher, I can safely say it is the root of a lot lag. Sucks because I really like it.
heygrl said:
After spending more time with TouchWiz's launcher, I can safely say it is the root of a lot lag. Sucks because I really like it.
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I wonder how it would run on a snapdragon .. lol
Probably horrible ..
smashpunks said:
Me neither. Had it since release. No lag and about 120 apps installed...
Just need 2.2 and I'm golden....
Gps even works good here... lol
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Yupe .. same here.

Incredible user

So can I get some info on the X because I currently own an Incredible but have about a week now to switch. How do the two phones compare? Exactly how much can I do to the X? Currently my Incredible is rooted and using custom ROM and theme.
Thanks for the help in advance.
(Oh and is it true you can get rid of the UI on the X? I have a friend claiming he did)
CHPunk said:
So can I get some info on the X because I currently own an Incredible but have about a week now to switch. How do the two phones compare? Exactly how much can I do to the X? Currently my Incredible is rooted and using custom ROM and theme.
Thanks for the help in advance.
(Oh and is it true you can get rid of the UI on the X? I have a friend claiming he did)
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you can get rid of about 95% of the blur, some has to stay but its being worked on, custom roms are just starting to roll out. However the kernel is locked so no major tampering with the cpu yet.
I had the inc for about a week or two, X is a big upgrade. I wouldnt switch back.
The Droid X wins in every category you can think of but UI(senses). Custom roms/themes are being worked on, and since we rooted and have deodex'd we are fastly moving foward....
So you guys think I should switch? And would you say it's easier or harder to root than the Inc?
Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure I have the best phone possible for the next 18 months lol.
Droid X is easy to root on 2.1 just use Universal Androot Beta 1.6.2(Link is clickable) for easy installation of apk for phone for a 1-click root solution. but if you want root on 2.2 require a bit more work but its still easy.
Well looks like you convinced me to get the Droid X!
CHPunk said:
Well looks like you convinced me to get the Droid X!
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if you have any problems, visit Droid X Wiki
dr154 said:
if you have any problems, visit Droid X Wiki
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That's how you get the wiki out there!! LOL
But I came from the INC and I can basically do EVERYTHING that I coulddo with the INC on the X... except kernal modding.. obviously.
MrDanger said:
That's how you get the wiki out there!! LOL
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You know it MrDanger...
only issue you may have, well 2. When taking pics you will think they are horrible when looking at them on the phone, but when you look at them on a comp they are better than the inc. Just something i noticed when switching. And if you frequently use the speaker, (music or voice) the volume is stupid low...
Just thought i would give you a heads up on the only things i have noticed.
Thanks for the help guys, only problem is after going to verizon today I kind of want the Fascinate
I suppose the screen is a big plus, but I hear it feels cheap when compared to the build quality of the X.... not that I beat my phone up on purpose...
I have both (got my X today). Sense and it's quirks are vastly superior to Blur, but I won't keep a phone stock if I can find a real vanilla build. I do miss things like having a dialer that doesn't suck and some of the skins for sense. I could use Sense builds, but I can tell there is no way I'll want to use any of the Blur crap (except DNLA, which looks neat).
The device itself the X wins hands down. The look and feel of the actual device is just.. better. It's faster overall (I get quad scores about as fast as my SkyRaider build without OC) and the screen looks great and it doesn't ever lag for me. The downside is that it's huge and I don't use a case. One slap in the junk with this thing from my pocket when I was trotting down some steps had me thinking twice.
But the INC has lots of customizations and badass devs (SkyRaider/Cyanogen/Virt/Redemption and now Ruby), and I'm kind of just checking out how active it is over here to see how much support it will get. I know the Ruby guys just got an X so that would satisfy me pretty well and they seem to have 2 or 3 devs that seem dedicated.
In a few weeks/months I think the X will have some good things coming. Once they do, I will like the phone more than the INC.
Just remember the Fascinate does not have a LED notifier but there are some hacks around. There is no HDMI out either. I have to admit the screen colors are amazing as well as the form factor, but it almost feels cheap. I love the screen size on the DX, its fast, ruins cool and the developers are flocking to the device since Koush made the Bootstrap recovery. Some of the developers already are, Pete(BB), Koush, ChevyNo1, Birdman, P3, cvpcs(Sapphire), the guys behind Rubix, JRummy was talking recently about getting one and I am sure I missed a few. I would also like to see the UnRevoked team get their hands on a DX to work their bootloader magic.
New Roms on their way are FlyX 1.0 and Obsidian(cvpcs) said he only needs a week from delivery of his X for release which means it could be by next weekend.
Sent from my DROIDX
I'm in the same boat as the OP. I have the incredible for a few weeks now, a few days left in my 30 day window (like 4 haha). I like the device, but the battery life irks me (which is kind've silly since I'm not a heavy user and have had no issues making it through a day with the stock battery. still, I'd like a device that I can use without watching the percentage drop in a few minutes). My two brothers got the X, I went with the incredible as (mostly) I was impatient and liked the hackability it has. Having actually used the device, the ability to load custom roms is nice and all, but using a stock rom isn't really much of a difference for my use. Of concern to me is primarily dumping the Verizon trash but as long as the phone's rootable it's doable. I use Skyraider vanilla but I don't have any real reason that I couldn't use a stock rom.
I've spent many hours trying to come to a conclusion and I've not gotten anything conclusive from online posts and such, everyone seems to get caught up in the 'omg its sooooo big', followed quickly by their gripes with the 'blur-but-not-blur' implementation. I use LauncherPro anyways so much of Blur's issues are not a concern. My only reasonable complaint is the hardware buttons on the X's face vs the touch ones on the incredible, but this is minor imo.
I hate having to babysit my phone to get the best of the battery and the bump charging stuff rubs me the wrong way. I'm coming from an iphone 3g and the widget capabilities are so great, but to save battery on my incredible I have only one auto updating widget, despite desiring more. Separate concern is how Verizon would handle the return since I'm near to my 30 days and the X wouldn't ship for a handful of days, and returning the incredible before that time would render me without a phone. I'm probably going to call them tomorrow and see what they'll do. Perhaps I can get the phone and see how it fares in my normal usage patterns.
If anyone has any input I would much appreciate it as I need something to push me over the edge. Granted, this is the X forum so I doubt anyone will give the incredible much love.

How Do You Guys Like The Epic?

I have a relative who works for Sprint and they are going to get the Nexus S 4G in a week or two when it comes out. I am going to take their Epic off of their hands, upgrading from my Hero.
I was just curious how you all liked it? How does it perform, battery, etc...?
And is it as customizable with ROMs as the Hero is? I've had quite a bit of fun with the Hero, I just think its about time for an upgrade.
Let me know, thanks!
I dont know anything about the Hero. But i'm really happy with my Epic. I have it overclocked at 1.45Ghz. The devs that work on this phone have great support for there work(and more often then not, will help even if its not their's) The Custom roms here are stable. I'm running "SyndicateROM Frozen 1.1.0" with the "VisionKernel v1.2" and can't be happier.
I'm fine with mines. But I've always had a Samsung phone so I'd like to try a new phone for once. I get about 12-14 hrs of use with moderate usage, which is more than enough for me. I always have a battery pack with me just in case but I've never had to use it. I've tried many roms. And I think it is pretty customizable like the hero, but not 100% sure.
I love my Epic; I've had it since September and it has taken a ton of abuse with no issues at all. Roms are all pretty good, but I am currently running on a stripped/rooted EC05 and happy as can be with it.
The performance is outstanding on it; I played the benchmark game going back and forth between roms for the best performance but the bottom line is even stock it is plenty fast... sure it can be made faster, but the phone is just plain fast to begin with.
Battery life is not bad for what it is. I can make it through a day without issue unless I am playing games for hours etc. With normal web and phone usage I will be between 60 and 75% at the end of the work day. If I just blast it all day it will be 30-50% at the end of a work day. If I take it real easy it can go about two days.
I was considering going to the Nexus when it comes out, but I'm not sure I can handle losing the hw keyboard... it was the final deciding factor between the Epic and the Evo for me; and while I use swype 90% of the time (I expected to use the HW KB all the time), that 10% where I really just have to use the HW KB really is necessary for me (doing web based tech support/training sometimes getting client contacts when there isn't a computer accessible). For the keyboard alone it is worth it's weight in gold to me, and if some of my clients knew I was getting them through a crisis on a telephone, they would probably say the same thing
So uh yeah... you'll be happy with it.
i hate it
im getting a nexus as soon as its available on sprint
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great input guys, i appreciate it!
can't wait to get my hands on this baby and play around.
nexus s will blow the epic away.. but as far as an upgrade from a hero.. you'll like it.
The nexus s is the same damn phone just with nfc and gingerbread which we wll be getting soon. I had to get a seido extended..I don't care what people say or what rom they use I couldn't get more then 6ish hours having the phone on with setcpu and not even using 4g or really playing music. I also went through multiple epics so it isn't like I had some bunk battery
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sceptor said:
....I had to get a seido extended..I don't care what people say or what rom they use I couldn't get more then 6ish hours having the phone on with setcpu and not even using 4g or really playing music....
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^^^ Only downside of the Epic in my opinion. It can takes beatings. Mine has been dropped a couple of times. The gorilla glass is awesome. Not even a minute scratch and I've had the phone over a year. Developers are great. Does everything I want and need, and more!
tuttjs said:
^^^ Only downside of the Epic in my opinion. It can takes beatings. Mine has been dropped a couple of times. The gorilla glass is awesome. Not even a minute scratch and I've had the phone over a year. Developers are great. Does everything I want and need, and more!
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Umm, it isn't possible that you've had the phone for more than a year lol. Unless, you were in the future for a few months, then came back to launch date.
Sent from my always stock, EC05 Epic 4G
I came frpm the htc hero. I love this phone! The development isn't quite as large but the phone's hardware is amazing. The hero had lag in many places and the epic pretty much has none. The epic's GPU is basically the strongest on the market (atleast for sprint, until the evo 3d comes out), so any gaming will work great on the Epic.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
I agree with many of the previous post. The Epic doesn't have as many roms as the hero no true cm rom yet, but it will blow your mind! Very fast stock. My battery on stock, using the hell out it with screen as bright as it gets is usually 8 hours maybe a lill more. On custom roms 10 plus heavy use. Phone is a champ and handles anything thrown at it. You will have the equivalent of the nexus s because they are the same phone I know people holding the s now. The screen alone is amazing and upscales the worst video you can play. All in all you are very lucky to get this upgrade and despite some heads clashing this community will reach out and help you each step of the way myself included. Need anything pm me no hesitation!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
The Epic has excellent hardware. The stock software, on the other hand, ranges from a joke to a nightmare. Plan on putting a custom ROM on it to get the most out of the unit; I run SyndicateROM and the phone performs far better than it did on any of the previous stock ROMs.
I'm very happy with the phone itself, however.
I like it a lot ever since cleaning it up. That's the key to the whole thing I think.
The only issue that I have with my Epic is the Build quality. I feel that Samsung cheapened up the device to the point that it scratches it self from opening and it can be loose. That stuff aside it is an amazing handset and well worth the money.
nash076a said:
The Epic has excellent hardware. The stock software, on the other hand, ranges from a joke to a nightmare. Plan on putting a custom ROM on it to get the most out of the unit; I run SyndicateROM and the phone performs far better than it did on any of the previous stock ROMs.
I'm very happy with the phone itself, however.
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You don't need a custom ROM, IMHO. You just need to remove junk from stock.
dchawk81 said:
You don't need a custom ROM, IMHO. You just need to remove junk from stock.
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+1 to this. I might not be rooted, but if I did, I know this is all i'd do, right along getting the accurate batery mod.
Sent from my always stock, EC05 Epic 4G
You're going to love the phone. The keyboard is the nicest you'll ever get on a phone, its really fast and the screen is going to blow you away. I'm using a custom rom Syndicate Frozen and I have had no problems at all compared to stock.
Samsung Epic 4g
I agree with most of the posts in here so far. I love my epic and it is really easy to customize. Personally, I had to make the switch to custom roms not only because of performance increase, but mostly for the battery performance increase. I would get 6 - 8 hours tops on stock off one battery, now I average about 18 hours. It feels weird not carrying my extra battery with me everywhere now!
The devs here are amazing and support their roms very well. Hats off to you guys!
My only problems with the epic are:
1. semi-sketchy opening mechanism. I've had 2 epics and both of them had/have a loose feeling screen after being used a while (to be expected I guess)
2. Lack of fm radio - there are apps to "fix" this though, and I guess I wouldn't really use it that much anyway
3. Lack of tv - out. This is being worked on, but I can't stand the fact this was disabled.
enjoy your new epic!
I haven't come across a ROM yet that improves battery life when the device is being used.
They may help the phone idle and sleep more efficiently but cleaning up the stock ROM does the same thing.
My two biggest improvements came when I froze System Update and removed SNS.

Moving over from hd2

I can't wait for the roms to come out. Its simply amazing that my hd2 running android was actually faster than the samsung galaxy s2 but that is also disappointing given that I am supposes to be upgrading.
Having said that, at stock level the s2 its actually very good. Launcher pro is definitely faster than touchwiz. I have tried to stick with touchwiz but there doesn't seem to be any saving on battery life, hence no point when there are better home programs.
There are some debates about the gps but I get it working in seconds all the time even at home. The builds quality is really poor to the extent that I wanted too send it back the next day. It may be light but it doesn't exude style, more like cheapness. Battery is great without needing any compromise from me.
These comments are all compared too the hd2
hm, I also just migrated from HD2, but speed wise, none of the HD2 android builds I have tried comes even close to SGS II, so which build were you using?
Wtf u talking bout. Lol, android on hd2 was better than a lot of pure android phones. But against sgs2 ur crazy. What exactly is slow about touchwiz? Its not as integrated as sense but not slow on my device.
yeancheant said:
I can't wait for the roms to come out. Its simply amazing that my hd2 running android was actually faster than the samsung galaxy s2 but that is also disappointing given that I am supposes to be upgrading.
Having said that, at stock level the s2 its actually very good. Launcher pro is definitely faster than touchwiz. I have tried to stick with touchwiz but there doesn't seem to be any saving on battery life, hence no point when there are better home programs.
There are some debates about the gps but I get it working in seconds all the time even at home. The builds quality is really poor to the extent that I wanted too send it back the next day. It may be light but it doesn't exude style, more like cheapness. Battery is great without needing any compromise from me.
These comments are all compared too the hd2
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Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I also had the HTC HD2 before buying the SGS2. I used to be a flashing maniac. Everytime something new was released I had to try if it was better than what I had already tried. But enough of that.
Once I got my SGS2 I knew why I felt like getting a new, real android phone in the first place. The SGS2 has beat my old HD2 in every aspect.
I only miss the weight of the HD2. After holding it for so long the SGS2 feels like you have nothing at all in your hands.
Sent from my GT-I9100
Touchwiz is ok but the experience is not as smooth as the iphone. Nor is it as good as my experience with darkstone ram build
Yay another fake "i come from xxx phone and the sgs2 sux!"
The sgs2 is extremely fast and responsive on stock rom, so good luck trolling on that lol.
Jonzza said:
I also had the HTC HD2 before buying the SGS2. I used to be a flashing maniac. Everytime something new was released I had to try if it was better than what I had already tried. But enough of that.
Once I got my SGS2 I knew why I felt like getting a new, real android phone in the first place. The SGS2 has beat my old HD2 in every aspect.
I only miss the weight of the HD2. After holding it for so long the SGS2 feels like you have nothing at all in your hands.
Sent from my GT-I9100
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+1, my thoughts exactly.
The HD2 was a fantastic phone, tons of ROMS and dev, but slow compared to the SG2
I don't mind the discussion but why the provocative choice of words.
+1 samething happens with every device released. Its either coming from xxx device or threatening current users with upcoming devices.
Hd2 is the flashers dream, and I have no problems with that device besides the fragile screen. But please remember that the hd2 is hacked/modded/tweaked to death. And I was there when it was just winmo 6.5. It was an extremely long process and has been in development for years now. Its a damn good android device but nowhere near the sgs2.
Its 10 times better than any iphone to above post.
bilboa1 said:
Yay another fake "i come from xxx phone and the sgs2 sux!"
The sgs2 is extremely fast and responsive on stock rom, so good luck trolling on that lol.
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Hmm, you must have a faulty GS2, as I had a GS2 for a bit, and it was so much faster than the HD2!
However, I'm back to HD2 now as the price GS2s were going for on ebay left me with no choice
If you're not making it up, can you please post your HD2 setup so I can make mine faster than a GS2 as well? I'd pay you if it worked!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I probably should stop now as it is clear my experience is just mine. I use the darkstone ram build but with almost no other widget on. It was my weekend os as I needed windows mobile for work.
I certainly feel the iphone os had a more finished feel to the stock touchwiz. For example scrolling to the next screen with the ap news widget and the email widget below is not 100% smooth. A lot of you our there really love this phone and I don't mean to dispute.
In fact I wish I can delete this thread as it is now a meaningless reflection of my own and I accept that my opinions are not shared at all.
yeancheant said:
I probably should stop now as it is clear my experience is just mine. I use the darkstone ram build but with almost no other widget on. It was my weekend os as I needed windows mobile for work.
I certainly feel the iphone os had a more finished feel to the stock touchwiz. For example scrolling to the next screen with the ap news widget and the email widget below is not 100% smooth. A lot of you our there really love this phone and I don't mean to dispute.
In fact I wish I can delete this thread as it is now a meaningless reflection of my own and I accept that my opinions are not shared at all.
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Wow, I'm surprised that people are still using my build on the HD2
In some aspects the SuperRAM build will be faster since /system is completely in RAM. This is great for quick loading etc, but in terms of raw performance, the SGS2 has it beat
Still though, the HD2 is a great phone but I've moved on to the SGS2 now. I'll likely start working on this superphone some time soon
wow, i can't believe darkstone is commenting here haha - it was the last person i'd expect to see!
btw - i loved your ROMs, i was a major flashaholic with my HD2 ever since the beginning. Thanks for contributing to the huge breakthrough that was Android on the HD2! I still remember the first desire build
anyways, back to the thread topic
I'm currently using the HD2 and still waiting on Handtec to get stock for the 2nd preorder batch
The ONE MAJOR problem i had with the HD2 was that it did not have a "true" multitouch touch controller. Whenever two points were touched in parallel it would register it as one point of touch.
So my major issue was with TYPING on the HD2. I could never type fast because i had letters jumping here and there.
I temporarily switched to an Atrix and loved the multitouch keyboard. But after using it for about a month and reading about the S2 - i know what's better.
I had a bunch of issues with the Atrix as well so I cant wait to try out the S2. The qHD screen was nice , but the pentile matrix was too noticable for me. Plus it got WAAY too hot.
Here's hoping Handtec gets stock soon
AND I AM SO HAPPY DARKSTONE IS ON BOARD WITH THE S2!! I can't wait for custom roms
DarkStone1337 said:
Wow, I'm surprised that people are still using my build on the HD2
In some aspects the SuperRAM build will be faster since /system is completely in RAM. This is great for quick loading etc, but in terms of raw performance, the SGS2 has it beat
Still though, the HD2 is a great phone but I've moved on to the SGS2 now. I'll likely start working on this superphone some time soon
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Hey, I was quite happily using one of your ancient FroyoStone v3.1 (manually patched up and tweaked with my own stuff of course) until I jumped on the SGS2 just two days ago
yeancheant said:
For example scrolling to the next screen with the ap news widget and the email widget below is not 100% smooth
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Mate, if you reckon the default TouchWiz interface is crap just ditch it and download one of the million launcher apps on the Market these days. I didn't bother with TouchWiz at all - I just migrated my entire LauncherPro setup from my HD2 to the SGS2. The only things that bug me on the SGS2 atm was the stupid battery drain (which I think I've just fixed this morning) and the lockscreen, which I'll be rid of as soon as someone ports over a stock Gingerbeard build.
I came over from Pongster's build because I was so fed up with custom notifications not working.
Only things I miss from the HD2 are the call end button, notification LED and easy access to the MicroSD card. Oh, and TomTom (in Windows of course).
The speed boost is really noticeable in comparison, especially on the Market when you're updating or installing several apps at once.
I'm baffled as to why Samsung made the card reader so hard to access with a battery removal.
Jonzza said:
I only miss the weight of the HD2. After holding it for so long the SGS2 feels like you have nothing at all in your hands.
Sent from my GT-I9100
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Well, yesterday I took my old HD2 in my hands after 3 weeks of using the Galaxy S II.
My reaction was: "How could I carry such an overweight brick for so long?"
I'll have a hard time leaving my old HD2 behind. It may be a heavy brick but it's a good looking and tough brick. And with AmericanAndroid's Gingerbread build and the MIUI Gingerbread builds it's also been really fast and efficient with battery.
*sniff* , oh well at the end of the day it still isn't a "real" android phone so it will be nice to see what that feels like. And I've always got a solid backup if the Sammy goes on the blink. Hopefully Darkstone will have some nice treats for us in the future as well. His Froyostone Sense build was my first HD2 Android experience.
Having moved over from the HD2 myself the only disadvantage I notice is a reduction in WiFi signal strength. The S2 is a lot faster though overall, there is simply no comparison in that respect and I have used virtually every HD2 Android build available at one time or other, both SD and nand.
I miss my MIUI roms though, I'm looking forward to the S2 getting them.
DarkStone1337 said:
I've moved on to the SGS2 now.
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Over the Evo 3D? :-o
The Evo 3D has the SGS2 beat in every way save for the hacky "internal storage." The screen especially is better on the Evo 3D (qHD S-LCD). Plus it, like, has 3D.
Hurry before it's too late and you're forced to buy the SGSII! XD
curiousGeorge said:
Over the Evo 3D? :-o
The Evo 3D has the SGS2 beat in every way save for the hacky "internal storage." The screen especially is better on the Evo 3D (qHD S-LCD). Plus it, like, has 3D.
Hurry before it's too late and you're forced to buy the SGSII! XD
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Back under your bridge....
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