[Q] VOIP develop in Android - Android Software Development

I have a project at the uni about VOIP development in Android. But I really don't know where to begin =((
What I have to work with is SRTP (secure real time protocol). The idea is that I have 2 users, each has a software running on Android (like Skype) and a VOIP server (actually I built Asterisk server already). THe software acts like a chat program, it means that User A send a message to User B. The message from A will be sent to Server and deliveried to User B with SRTP (mean that some encryption stuff will be done by the software)
My problem is that how to sent it with SRTP in Android? I have some experience in Android programming, in VOIP, in Asterisk server ... but I don't know how, or where to begin to make it work =(
Is there someone here can help me with an example, or a suggestion with open source for VOIP which can use on Android?
Thanks a lot for your help

Someone can have any suggestion please? =((


MSN Messenger Proxy Development (Help Required)

I'm new to this forum and the world of XDA's, I was given one for Christmas and now I am looking at developing software to extend it, after finding out that MSN Messenger does not work with Pay-As-You-Go on O2 (and other providers) because of the limitation of other ports, I've decided to build a proxy for messenger so that it can connect over the HTTP protocol.
I have a lot of previous experience with Messenger at the protocol level, I have developed many pieces of software which connect to the servers as normal clients would, most importantly I have a good understanding of how the Proxy system works.
I have not developed in many system-level languages before, however. I am mainly a PHP coder and am learning VB .NET at college, however I plan on doing this project in either VB .NET or C++.
What I require help with is how to actually pick-up/hijack the commands sent to the server, before they are sent to the server. Is there any way of doing this without MSN supporting a proxy, I've seen it done on many pieces of software, but does anyone here have the knowledge to help me do that? Once I have the messenger interface the Proxy system will be a breeze to complete.
Would anyone be able to help me out with the above, in terms of a section of code, or a suggestion for a website to look at?
Many Thanks
P.S. Sorry my explanation is a bit vague but that is the best way to explain it, I could draw a picture of what I mean if anyone requires
I believe what you are trying to do is of great importance for many users..
I can't help in the proraming field.. since my info in this field are really limited..
However.. I would sugget another soulotion ..
why don't try creating an application that works as socks server for the msn messenger...
there many similar programs for the PC.. like www.hopster.com
if you can port it into PPC platform, it will be awesome
Happy holidays :wink:

Linux Direct Push Server to Microsoft WM5 Client Possible?

Is Microsofts Direct Push technology in AKU2 proprietary? I'd love to be able to setup just push on emails from a BSD server running Postfix. Anyone know if there is some kind of Unix server that can communicate with the built in client?
I know there is an Open Source server for Unix and a client for PPC but I'd love to be able to use what's built in instead of having to installing another util.
Did you find anything on this? I want to do the same, and may write one if one doesnt exist.
I have looked at Sync4j/Funambol, and it has a client that you install, as the OP said. Have you been able to get it to push directly to WM5 without any client addons?
Too be honest, i only found the site....
I haven't tried, because I'm using an Exchange 2k3 server... I only use OpenBSD for firewalls
We are working on a fork of funambol at www.synapsim.com this is one of our intentions and we will be releasing the source code, obviously, once we have achieved it.
Any help welcome
maybe I can help out would like to join a oss project
what kind of help are you looking for?
greets stefan

Wm6 and sms hanging

First of all sorry for my bad english =)
I am new to WM programing..after i had expirience of ARM asembly programing..
So..i am trying to develop a WM6 smart interface for IDS controling.
Over GPRS evrything works perfectly, but i'd like to implement a control over sms
On a IDS server side evrything ready for that..SMPP transciver is working, SMPP gateway also.
On a client side we have a nice visual interface witch could generate needed pgp signed message
which could be than parsed by server..but the problem is that i dont know how
WM handles sms sending and reciving..are there any routines or API's?
Ofcource i coulde reverse engineer some of it's components, but it'l take a time
Thanks a lot in advance!

Advice on the choice of querying a remote DB

Hello everyone,
I come to you for some advice about an application I'm developing for Android 1.6 and higher.
Specifically, this application must be able to query a remote MySQL database and display the retrieved data. It need also be able to UPDATE data on this databse and that is where things get complicated ...
For selection queries, I wrote a small PHP script on the remote server that retrieves the desired data in the database and encodes them in JSON. From my Android application, I have no problem to retrieve, process and display them.
Now I wonder about the solution (if there is one ...) to run UPDATE from my application on the remote database. For now, I see only two solutions:
- Develop a webService on the server with an update method. Several problems with that: it seems webServices on Android are not easy (not native, have to go through external libs). Moreover, as it's UPDATE query, I want to make sure nobody else can use this webService.
- Alternatively, write a PHP script that makes the UPDATE and call it via HTTP. Same problem as webService: I want to secure this call to be sure that only I can use this script. These scripts can be integrated into an application already present on my server and which is secured by login / password. So, if it is possible to manage PHP sessions from Android, it's won! but Ican't find anything about it ...
What do you think? Ideas?

[Q] need help ,developing group messaging over WLAN

I am supposed to develop a group messaging app (IM client) using WLAN ,its a term project.This app is supposed to list all the available users that are connected over the wlan and provide the user with the options ,to create a group ,send group messages or send messages individually over the wlan.I have had experience of developing android apps in the past but none of them have ever been network based.
I need to know :
1.what Internet protocols will be used .(sip? ,voip?) for DNS etc ,yeah i have below meager networking knowledge.
2.what areas do i need to research any links to resources will be quite helpfull .
3.any open source app that offers the same functionality
4.do i need to set up a server aswell ?
I would be really thankfull for your advice on this .
Take a look at XMPP which is an extendable and open source messaging protocol.
DNS is just used to convert names to numbers, so you'd give your server a name and create a DNS A record, then the clients would use that name to locate the server. XMPP works over TCP/IP which is useful as it's implemented in every operating system I'm aware of. There are also XMPP clients (which is a protocol that works on top of TCP/IP) for all platforms out there as well.
Check wikipedia for XMPP to give you background information, then look at something like openfire as a server implementation, it's pretty simple to setup and has a web based configuration.
Configure Microsoft Communicator

