Advice on the choice of querying a remote DB - Android Software Development

Hello everyone,
I come to you for some advice about an application I'm developing for Android 1.6 and higher.
Specifically, this application must be able to query a remote MySQL database and display the retrieved data. It need also be able to UPDATE data on this databse and that is where things get complicated ...
For selection queries, I wrote a small PHP script on the remote server that retrieves the desired data in the database and encodes them in JSON. From my Android application, I have no problem to retrieve, process and display them.
Now I wonder about the solution (if there is one ...) to run UPDATE from my application on the remote database. For now, I see only two solutions:
- Develop a webService on the server with an update method. Several problems with that: it seems webServices on Android are not easy (not native, have to go through external libs). Moreover, as it's UPDATE query, I want to make sure nobody else can use this webService.
- Alternatively, write a PHP script that makes the UPDATE and call it via HTTP. Same problem as webService: I want to secure this call to be sure that only I can use this script. These scripts can be integrated into an application already present on my server and which is secured by login / password. So, if it is possible to manage PHP sessions from Android, it's won! but Ican't find anything about it ...
What do you think? Ideas?


Android SQL Client

Hi All,
Does anyone know of a SQL client for Android? Just something for running basic queries when I need to check on a system and can't be arsed waiting for a computer to boot up. The databases I use are MS SQL Server.
I've searched about and can't find anything. I've also had a look at the dev docs for Android and it looks like it should be straight forward using the java.sql class but unfortunately Java isn't in my skill set at the moment and the day job & life in general doesn't leave me with much time to learn it.
If there isn't a program does anyone have any plans to write one ;-)
Anyone ???
It'd be pretty darn insecure to open up your databases to use a remote client like that, why not just use something like phpmyadmin for it? It runs fine in the android browser and theres tons of alternatives that probably have iphone themes that would work great. Alternatively you could get debian set up and grab one of the hundreds of apps to do it in the repository
I need this as well. I'm constantly on SQL Enterprise Manager on my PC and when mobile, I have to teamviewer to my desktop and run queries there, which is such a torture.
I've bought RemoteDB, which I can't seem to get to work properly, I can't switch databases and the connection registry is very confusing.
Also interested
I'm also interested in this topic.
As far as opening your db's up to the internet, that's a bogus argument. Anyone remotely managing enterprise databases will be using a vpn tunnel, and not the open web.
Having an Android app to connect to Microsoft SQL and Oracle would be extremely helpful. I've been trying to figure out how to mod Oracle's SQLDeveloper to do just that but without any success so far.
aSQL - Remote Control, new launch
Remote Control Client for Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2008R2/2012.
aSQL - Remote Control Lite is a powerful Microsoft SQL Server client providing Access to your server in your Pocket. Access all of your databases, Jobs and Processes as well from your mobile device.Simple and Fast application providing advanced features.
aSQL - Remote Control Lite Provide features like:
- Providing connectivity to different servers on your Network.
- Ability to store Server Information for future use.
- Job START/STOP only a click away.
- Kill any running Processes From your mobile device.
- View Databases details - View File size.
Google Play Store link -
SQL Client
Hi Guys
I looked for something like this for a while as well, and couldn't find anything that did what I wanted, so I made one myself
Key features I wanted are the following
Be able to connect directly to a db server. I used the jdts jdbc driver for Java to get this right
Be able to connect to any SQL Server db. I'll add support for Postgres and MySQL if this gains any popularity
List of all databases on the server (excluding system dbs) and allow you to quickly switch between them
List tables in the currently selected db, and generate Select statements for them
List stored procedures in the currently selected db, and pull the code for them so you can change it
Use a tabbed interface for the different sql queries, to allow you to run many queries at once
This is all done and works really well. Large queries take longer to run than they would on a pc, but they run nonetheless.
Let me know what you think, and feel free to suggest features. If enough people like it and use it, I'll bite the bullet and buy the developer so I can publish it on the Play store
I hope you enjoy it
ps. The installer is signed with the standard testing key, so you will need to go into your settings and allow applications from unknown sources
pps. I ask for internet access to get access to the network sockets, but dont actually connect to the internet.
danegoodwin -
I've downloaded it and played with it a bit - looks good. One feature I'd suggest off the top is storing the connection info. It's a pain having to enter the server address and username each time.
If you are still looking for a SQL client I had written one as well.
It should cover most of the popular databases and works well with tablets and phones.
SQLTool Pro
I'm also open to suggestions and questions if anyone decides to give it a try.
nraboy said:
If you are still looking for a SQL client I had written one as well.
It should cover most of the popular databases and works well with tablets and phones.
SQLTool Pro
I'm also open to suggestions and questions if anyone decides to give it a try.
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so, this one does BOTH MySQL and MS SQL, and, your other one *just* MySQL ?
thanks, anyone
abbots said:
so, this one does BOTH MySQL and MS SQL, and, your other one *just* MySQL ?
thanks, anyone
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Correct. The pro version will handle MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, and Oracle up to version 10.1.
The MySQL version is strictly MySQL.
nraboy said:
Correct. The pro version will handle MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, and Oracle up to version 10.1.
The MySQL version is strictly MySQL.
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thanks for reply (and for nice app!)
nice, looks good... even better, seems to work well....connected to remote MySQL OK
suggestion: please auto-suggest correct ports for relevant SQLs
so, editing can only be done via queries ? (time to learn SQL syntax..?)
next, I'll try connecting to MS SQL, whilst I know a tiny bit about MySQL, I know nothing about MS, might be asking for help...
need some help, if you can:
having issues with MS SQL, MS SQL is on a cloud server, for all I know, port could be blocked..
I've setup definition with port 1433, get 'failed to connect'
how to t/s outside of the app ?
should "telnet host 1433 " work ?
I'm getting
# telnet mssql2008.xx.yy 1433
telnet: connect to address Connection timed out
what else can I try ?
thanks for any pointers!
abbots said:
thanks for reply (and for nice app!)
nice, looks good... even better, seems to work well....connected to remote MySQL OK
suggestion: please auto-suggest correct ports for relevant SQLs
so, editing can only be done via queries ? (time to learn SQL syntax..?)
next, I'll try connecting to MS SQL, whilst I know a tiny bit about MySQL, I know nothing about MS, might be asking for help...
need some help, if you can:
having issues with MS SQL, MS SQL is on a cloud server, for all I know, port could be blocked..
I've setup definition with port 1433, get 'failed to connect'
how to t/s outside of the app ?
should "telnet host 1433 " work ?
I'm getting
# telnet mssql2008.xx.yy 1433
telnet: connect to address Connection timed out
what else can I try ?
thanks for any pointers!
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Hinting a default port is a good idea. I will see about adding in an upcoming release.
Yes right now anything beyond a simple select or delete must be done with a custom query. My goal is to make it more like the desktop editors, but since I am the only developer it might take a while. But I am not saying it won't happen.
If telnet is failing to connect then there is a firewall rule blocking your IP. Three things could fix this.
1. Add your IP to the database allow list (talk to the DBA)
2. If you can connect to the network the DB is on via VPN then you should. The db might be restricted to local IP
3. Use the SSH features of SQLTool to connect to a server on the databases allow list
You were smart to try the telnet. I would have done the same thing.
Feel free to contact me here or through the tools site. I'm happy to help
nraboy said:
You were smart to try the telnet. I would have done the same thing.
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ahem, not that smart.....
forgot to specify sql type...... ooops
suggestion: don't allow save unless all req. stuff filled in...
OK, I seem to be in.
can I dump/backup with this app ?
decent app, well done, wish you success in further development, if I can help in any way, happy to try
now I need to figure out how to dump this MS SQL into my Linux machine
abbots said:
ahem, not that smart.....
forgot to specify sql type...... ooops
suggestion: don't allow save unless all req. stuff filled in...
OK, I seem to be in.
can I dump/backup with this app ?
decent app, well done, wish you success in further development, if I can help in any way, happy to try
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Nice catch on the SQL Type. I will work to correct that.
For dump / backup are you referring to data or structure or both? Right now I have exporting DDL on my things to do list, but if you're referring to something else I'd like to hear it.
Thanks for the compliments on my app. I definitely want to hear more suggestions if you have them. Also please don't forget to rate well when you get a chance

firewall filtering by application

I would like to control which application may access the Internet and which may not.
Thus, not in the IP/Protocol/Port level, but by application name instead.
I tried "Airscanner Mobile" and "ProtectStar Mobile Firewall", but it is not possible to create filtering rules based on application name. It is difficult to know which Protocol/Port/Service is used by any application.
I don't have a fixed monthly data line rate, and I want to let access to the Net for some application, and block it for other ones.
Who can guide me to an existing firewall application that implements this
Thanks in advance.
thx you

[SOLVED][Q] Android Login Application

Hello everyone !
I want to create an android app, that should take input username and password and then login to a website. Basically any website. Well, I am trying to create an app for a website with login page in .aspx form.
I googled regarding this but was unable to find some effective solution. Almost all websites I searched contained only login page design and a simple java code which equals username and password and then makes a toast text. I need some info regarding how to login into that particular page with active session.
Let login page be:
I am not a beginner and have developed few apps. This project is very important for me. So please help me regarding this.
Anykind of help is highly appreciated. Please do help.
Come On Guys , Show some effort
Making apps "for website" in my opinion could be easily sorted turning the app "server side"... read my comment at this post.
By following my advice you have several advantages:
Users don't need to update their app when new version comes out
Harder to crack (unless they hack your server...)
Compatibility with different platforms/os
No disk-space needed on user device
If you really really need java code for that (as it's a school project requiring java or something ...) have you considered using raw sockets (probably not the best idea, but you asked for "Any kind of help" so... ) ? You said you have experience (I don't with java so can't help with the code, but I used similar technique in python, php, etc, ...) so it shouldn't be hard to find a simple code snippet for handling raw packet sending... Use your PC and fire up Wireshark or any other sniffer and debug the communication between client-server. Look at the header informations and data sent, and it will be easy to replicate those request-response via raw socket.

[Q] need help ,developing group messaging over WLAN

I am supposed to develop a group messaging app (IM client) using WLAN ,its a term project.This app is supposed to list all the available users that are connected over the wlan and provide the user with the options ,to create a group ,send group messages or send messages individually over the wlan.I have had experience of developing android apps in the past but none of them have ever been network based.
I need to know :
1.what Internet protocols will be used .(sip? ,voip?) for DNS etc ,yeah i have below meager networking knowledge.
2.what areas do i need to research any links to resources will be quite helpfull .
3.any open source app that offers the same functionality i need to set up a server aswell ?
I would be really thankfull for your advice on this .
Take a look at XMPP which is an extendable and open source messaging protocol.
DNS is just used to convert names to numbers, so you'd give your server a name and create a DNS A record, then the clients would use that name to locate the server. XMPP works over TCP/IP which is useful as it's implemented in every operating system I'm aware of. There are also XMPP clients (which is a protocol that works on top of TCP/IP) for all platforms out there as well.
Check wikipedia for XMPP to give you background information, then look at something like openfire as a server implementation, it's pretty simple to setup and has a web based configuration.
Configure Microsoft Communicator

Commerce Application

Early apologies if this is an incorrect forum but it's what i found about app development. If so can someone link me to something relevant?
I am going to preface this post by saying I have been using OOP languages for a long time now yet all localized self contained programs usually in python. I've gotten fairly used to some of the android API and parsing XML data to java and the reverse however I'm completely ignorant when it comes to php parsing.
I'm working on an android project for a client. I want to do an commerce application. Starting off I have already established XML UI's for a logging in, new user, main menu, and product search page. My main concern at this point is getting the remote data. Please correct me if I'm wrong but this was my plan for data handling.
Three different PHP scripts on a remote go-daddy server to access a database that holds a user data table as well as a product data table structure is as you'd expect user:{first_name, last_name, password, ect....} product:{SKU, UPC, Name, ect...}.
One of these PHP scripts pulls data from the products table for the products activity. One compares log-in credentials for the log-in activity so people can find purchase history ect... and one inserts rows to the user table for the new user activity.
Again if this isn't optimal some advice would be helpful. If this setup works however I already have a written PHP script(again held on the remote server) that parses the data into JSON format. My next step would be to write the java for the products activity to run the script and parse the JSON back into a usable format. Is there a specific java library to do this? Any UML depictions or tutorial links would be appreciated,
Secondly a big concern would be the new user script specifically how do i pass data from the java activity into the php "Insert script" i've read some on GET and it seems to be applicable to html but not java also this would be stupid for password security. again any help on any of these matters would be appreciated.
Have a look at Google's Gson library. It's great.
