Linux Direct Push Server to Microsoft WM5 Client Possible? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Is Microsofts Direct Push technology in AKU2 proprietary? I'd love to be able to setup just push on emails from a BSD server running Postfix. Anyone know if there is some kind of Unix server that can communicate with the built in client?
I know there is an Open Source server for Unix and a client for PPC but I'd love to be able to use what's built in instead of having to installing another util.

Did you find anything on this? I want to do the same, and may write one if one doesnt exist.


I have looked at Sync4j/Funambol, and it has a client that you install, as the OP said. Have you been able to get it to push directly to WM5 without any client addons?

Too be honest, i only found the site....
I haven't tried, because I'm using an Exchange 2k3 server... I only use OpenBSD for firewalls

We are working on a fork of funambol at this is one of our intentions and we will be releasing the source code, obviously, once we have achieved it.
Any help welcome

maybe I can help out would like to join a oss project
what kind of help are you looking for?
greets stefan


Linux solution for Push Email

Hi peeps,
do you guys know if there is a linux solution to get push email working without exchange. I'm thinking of getting exchange 2003 sp2 running in vmware, but it would be much easier to have a native solution. Anyone?
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I've never heard of exchange 2005. I think you mean exchange 2003 SP2
I dont think there is a linux solution for email push because this is a special microsoft feature in WM5.
But exchange 2003 in VMWare sounds good. Take the new VMWare Server for this, its free
Yeah running in VMWare will all be possible. But i have to purchase more memory for it. (its just a poor 733 running basically running all server functions for me) So a native solution would be more convinient. Thx for your answer. -
<edit> might be a solution, but i didn't look into this yet.
Yeah I also was planning to install Vmware on my Redhat Fedora Core 4 server and install Exchange 2003 on it.
My server is a P3 running at 866Mhz with 512MB it would be definitely to slow to run a Virtual Exchange 2003 machine on it.
Also because I run Veritas Netbackup 5.1 on it, which is pretty heavy to run.
I'm gonna install Vmware on my laptop (Centrino 1.7Ghz with 512MB) this weekend and lets see if Exchange would run on this machine.
But I really would love to see a sync solution on Linux that could just sync my mailaccount.
I know about some tools that can maybe do this but didn't have a good look into their capabilities:
- Exchange4Linux
- Funambol
- Sync4j
There is pushmail email service if you use an Oracle solution called collaboration suite. Runs natively on Redhat.
ricadelic said:
Hi peeps,
do you guys know if there is a linux solution to get push email working without exchange. I'm thinking of getting exchange 2003 sp2 running in vmware, but it would be much easier to have a native solution. Anyone?
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There is pushmail email service if you use an Oracle solution called collaboration suite. Runs natively on Redhat.
ricadelic said:
Hi peeps,
do you guys know if there is a linux solution to get push email working without exchange. I'm thinking of getting exchange 2003 sp2 running in vmware, but it would be much easier to have a native solution. Anyone?
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@molski: Sync4j is the old version, the new name of this project is funambol, so forget sync4j

directpush protocol questions (exchange replacement possible?)

I am using mail2web free service to have my mail pushed to my WM5 device, but I don't like the idea of forwarding my private email to a company I don't know and I don't trust.
Normally I have my email at a home mail server running linux, and I was wondering if there's any open/free solution compatible with directpush technology to replace the need for an exchange 2003 server.
If it does not exist (i have been searching and couldn't find it), what is preventing someone of writing a free replacement? patent issues? authentication issues? I haven't sniffed the protocol yet, but I think it's impossible that no one has thought about it before... wouldn't you like to have your home imap server pushing your inbox to your PocketPC phone? If the protocol is not very obscure it should be easy to write a daemon that does it...
any thoughts or experiences?
Kerio Mail Server has the push compatibility.
Not free though, but it is an alternative to Exchange.
Their latest beta supports it. I reported a bug to them re: contacts getting corrupted but they say they fixed that in the latest build.
Can't retest now since that server is at another site I won't be visiting for a while.
Hmm the directpush "protocol" is pretty trivial it shouldn't be impossible to implement an open alternative.
I installed the latest Kerio MailServer yesterday. It works great!
Especially nice is that it runs on XP as well as Linux. Too bad about the price!
pof, have you had the chance to sniff the protocol?
not yet ivorh, been too busy with many other things, but this is still on the queue
Heh, got bored so I setup an exchange account and sniffed the packets.
I'll go through them and post some details when I get a chance.
great ivorh!
Can you attach a capture in pcap format?
update and thoughts
Hmm, ok a bit more thinking and digging and I'm not sure implementing an open alternative directly is that useful. Let me explain why:
The direct push only works with the outlook exchange active sync. When the device gets a "direct push" byte, it triggers a sync with exchange - the functionality is tightly bound together, and as far as I can tell you cant dip in and get it to do something else. So to get it working you would need a server providing the exchange http interface. This wouldn't be impossible but would need a lot of effort for little benefit.
I took a look at the open-exchange but that doesn't seem like an ideal solution since it would require a completely different server installed rather than IMAP or POP and as far as I can tell the Outlook connector isn't one of the open-source components anyway.
Now what I'm currently thinking would be a neat workaround would be to implement a custom "direct-push" to basically do exactly the same, have a client app on the device open an http connection to a server running, er, "OpenPush" if you like... use exactly the same technique of a keep-alive connection and occasional heartbeats, but on a message notification on the client get the client to trigger an IMAP pull.
Now this is where I need some advice.... I haven't done any Windows Mobile development yet, so can anyone tell me what sort of API is available to the messaging app? Can you/how do you trigger a mail pull? (oh someone please tell me it's not the same horrible old MAPI interface??).
PS I've just been capturing the data using a simple http proxy actually, I'll make some samples and upload them with descriptions.
Hi pof,
try funambol. It was formerly known as Sync4j. I once found it when I searched a complete sync solution that I could implement in the mailserver of my company. We are using kolab so I only tried the old Sync4j cause there is a kolab connector available for v2.3.
v3.0 implements (real) Push-Mail. Microsoft Active Push works with a http connection that is opened by the client. Funambol Push-Mail connects to a port the client opens. I didn't want to test any further cause I'm using a Wapflat and thus only get an internal IP and have to use a proxy.
Perhaps this is what you are searching for
What I forgot to say: For funambol you install a java program on your phone wich will insert the received mails in your Pocket Outlook
Ha! Ok I've whipped up a version 0.0.0 of OpenPush. and it works rather nicely!
Basically it consists of two parts one is an app that runs on the mobile and operates in the same manner as DirectPush. It opens up a socket connection to the server and waits for a notification byte. If it recieves a byte it kicks off a mail retrieval.
The other is a daemon that runs on the server and watches for a change in the users mailbox if it changes (i.e. a mail has arrived) then it pops a byte down the socket.
It just needs finishing now...
Currently the daemon is just an app that listens on a dedicated socket. I plan on turning it into a mod_perl module and using http keep-alive in the same fashion as directpush.
ivorh, that sounds cool!!
I had a look at funambol but seems too 'bloated' for my needs, I think your OpenPush will be more tight to what I was looking for, so if you want a beta tester just send a link to it
Is there any specific server configuration? I am running a Gentoo server with courier-imap, sendmail and apache2.
Any chance you could extend the daemon so other programs can tie into your new-item notification? It would be cool to write a program that can keep files synchronized over-the-air with a desktop machine using push sychronization.
Yeah it's just a prototype at the moment. So I need to write it properly next. At the moment the requirements are simply "perl". It's independent of mail system, it simply monitors a directory/file you give it for changes.
I'm going to write it to be a mod_perl module for various reasons, so the requirements will be just apache and mod_perl.
I'll hack some more tonight and try and get a 0.0.1 ready.
Well I'll keep it simple for now and just doing one job well.
Sound interesting to me.
I am new to this. Pardon me for some questions.
Do I need to buy a server at home?
This server can be any OS?
I am really happy to see some people trying to do just about the same I intended to. Today I started experimenting with Open-Xchange. I also have a Gentoo server that provides an ebuild for Open-Xchange, but after a bit of browsing it just seems like the thing MS Exchange and OX have in common is the similarity of their names. So installing OX and doing all the Exchange stuff with it does not seem to be an option.
So I looked into Funambol - sort of again. About a year ago I already tried to get Sync4J running to sync my SyncML phone. I did not succeed, but that just makes me eager to try it harder this time.
I also have to use a Proxy-Server for my GPRS connection but I want to have it working via WLAN, too, hence without proxy and the whole tunneling disco.
PS: Ivor, I am glad to meet You once again. When our roads crossed the last time, You just figured out how to get the CLE266 MPEG2 stuff working, respect!
A very rough pre-alpha version should be ready this weekend. I can only apologise in advance for the quality of my WM5 app!
But it's "working for me".
At the moment the "server" is a simply perl app that watches for changes to a directory or file so its pretty portable. I run it on linux since that's what my mailserver is on.
As for needing a server at home... well its entirely up to you, really you want the server running wherever your mail is retrieved from.
If the app/system gets a bit more polished and advanced you might even find independent ISP's willing to add it as a service.
Heh! Small world.
I'd also like to be considered for Beta testing when available,
I run Ubuntu 5.10 Server at home, hosting 5 domains for myself, and would Love to not have to forward them through mail2web anymore as I don't like to reply because it will go through Mail2Web. I know I can create a separate "account" in Pocket Outlook but you can only have 5. I need more than that...
with direct push over the o2 wap proxy all https conections are closed after 2 min. this is becausse all 2 minutes a new sync is needed. This eats much battery. So why is it nnot possible to mak e a ppc client that just sends the current ip adsress to the client on the server. and the server just push the email to the known ip adress. The client on ppc just has to send a new ip in case it changes. this wouldt be much better for battery life.
Thats the reason Exchange-Activesync works the way that it does. The server sends out a text message that is handled at the system level on the PPC, and this is basically an instruction to sync with the server. No unneeded traffic just to check if there is anything new.
Most Celllar service providers are using NAT technology so reporting your IP address to a server and telling it to make a connection to that IP, would just be telling the server to connect to the "gateway" back into the Cellular network. A text message sent to what is called the "SMTP Gateway" for each service provider will get to the phone no matter if the phones IP changes.

Sure to cause wrath: Reverse Engineering ActiveSync with Exchange server

Hello everyone!
As you can see by my profile, I'm a rather new member of the XDA-Dev community, and also a new owner of an HTC Tytn. I love it.
I also love open sourced or at least free software.
My problem is: I'd love to have push based e-mail feeding off of my plain old IMAP and/or POP account hosted wherever.
Of the two IMAP IDLE capable clients on WM6 (I'm using LVSW) both feel like a piece of **** along with an attached price tag. One of them was also last updated in early 2006.
I've been looking at WM Outlook and Exchange syncing. I'm thinking about implementing some sort of an interface that would provide Outlook style ActiveSync front end (hey, it's just WebDAV) to a simple IMAP/POP3 account in the background.
I'll probably start working on this just for the kicks anyway, but... would anyone else be interested in seeing/using something like this?
ivanstojic said:
Hello everyone!
As you can see by my profile, I'm a rather new member of the XDA-Dev community, and also a new owner of an HTC Tytn. I love it.
I'll probably start working on this just for the kicks anyway, but... would anyone else be interested in seeing/using something like this?
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There is software called emoze. This relies on your desktop & outlook downloading the email then Emoze sends the data to you PDA over the cell network.
The way i think that would be good is you would need a software client running on your desktop that polls your POP3 server for new headers. When it gets one it sends your PDA a token telling it to go and d/l its pop.
Im thinking of writing one cause i want it to detect if its cradled. I only want my e-mails forwarded to my phone when its not cradeled.
Just some thoughts. But if its in c# ill be happy to try help where i can.
Shaun33 said:
There is software called emoze. This relies on your desktop & outlook downloading the email then Emoze sends the data to you PDA over the cell network.
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First off, I'd like to avoid the whole using-the-desktop thing. The mails are accessible on the server, and can stay there until your desktop client picks them up. Ideally, you would use IMAP and just leave the mail on the server as long as you need it, thus having it both accessible from your desktop and your mobile client.
The approach I'm thinking of would emulate an Exchange server. You would configure this server the same way you configure outlook syncing with a real Exchange server on your phone - thus eliminating any need for development or hacking on the client side. Everyone would just be using their default messaging client installed on WM.
ivanstojic said:
First off, I'd like to avoid the whole using-the-desktop thing. The mails are accessible on the server, and can stay there until your desktop client picks them up. Ideally, you would use IMAP and just leave the mail on the server as long as you need it, thus having it both accessible from your desktop and your mobile client.
The approach I'm thinking of would emulate an Exchange server. You would configure this server the same way you configure outlook syncing with a real Exchange server on your phone - thus eliminating any need for development or hacking on the client side. Everyone would just be using their default messaging client installed on WM.
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So from My understanding this is what we got.
~ Project ~
CLIENT | HACK'D | <-----> IMAP
A/Sync <---> | Server |
WM6 | APP We Write | <-----> POP3
That should be possible but the reason that your able to recieve it in two places is because the exchnage server is the mailbox essintally. And your desktop account is also attached to the exchange server(someone jump in if im wrong) this means that it knows when something is deleted on your desktop.
So we would have to emulate both the Device and Desktop exchange server functions.
Other way is to just put a wrapper around a popserver. So it will only send the emails to the desktop once, then keep the e-mails for the device.
****Check POP3/IMAP server every x mins
New Email
D/L and Store
Ping PPC Client
PPC Downloads
Flaged as PPC received
Desktop POP3 checks pop wrapper
Because the exchange server has the builtin pop client you will never be able to get true e-mail unless you create a pop3/imap server that has the PPC ping functionality built into it, you will always have the **** step.
Just some thoughts ...
ivanstojic said:
First off, I'd like to avoid the whole using-the-desktop thing. The mails are accessible on the server, and can stay there until your desktop client picks them up. Ideally, you would use IMAP and just leave the mail on the server as long as you need it, thus having it both accessible from your desktop and your mobile client.
The approach I'm thinking of would emulate an Exchange server. You would configure this server the same way you configure outlook syncing with a real Exchange server on your phone - thus eliminating any need for development or hacking on the client side. Everyone would just be using their default messaging client installed on WM.
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you dont need to 'hack' anything... is you look at the Microsoft Exchange 2007 SDK you can write your own libraries that get called on incoming mail etc... no hacking required... how do you think Blackberry Enterirpse Server and Goodlink Server work??
The whole idea is that I want nothing to do with Exchange in the software, except to emulate it's ActiveSync features and push e-mail. No SDK, no libraries, nada.
I don't have any problems polling the POP3 server every few minutes. With IMAP it's much easier considering that a lot of IMAP servers support IDLE.
Basically, the architecture would be exactly what Shaun33 described/drew in his post.
ivanstojic said:
The whole idea is that I want nothing to do with Exchange in the software, except to emulate it's ActiveSync features and push e-mail. No SDK, no libraries, nada.
I don't have any problems polling the POP3 server every few minutes. With IMAP it's much easier considering that a lot of IMAP servers support IDLE.
Basically, the architecture would be exactly what Shaun33 described/drew in his post.
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Ok best idea is if you have the time.
1. Install Exxhange server and pair your PPC to it.
2. User packet monitoring software such as ethereal to monitor the data going back between the server and the client the best fun is going to be the fact that is SSL. But there is an option to disable the SSL then you monitor port 80.
If you post a capture file i would be willing to look into helping you develop it.
Shaun33 said:
Ok best idea is if you have the time.
1. Install Exxhange server and pair your PPC to it.
2. User packet monitoring software such as ethereal to monitor the data going back between the server and the client the best fun is going to be the fact that is SSL. But there is an option to disable the SSL then you monitor port 80.
If you post a capture file i would be willing to look into helping you develop it.
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Ethereal isn't called Ethereal any more, you do know that? It's been known as Wireshark for a while now. Anyway, the protocol is (almost) standard WebDAV protocol with some strange extensions.
I'm working on getting clean dumps of various bits of functionality. Will report soon!
hi guys,
i got to know about one website which is provide push mail for pop3 account for free, i tested it on JASJAR and its working fine, you can try it here may be it would be helpfull...
This certainly sounds interesting to me! Do you still think it is doable?
Sounds cool - like you said, it's all webdav oriented, and from IIS logs, getting the content is fairly easy to construct. You won't have to worry about matching up device IDs, etc, so you can ignore that and concentrate on the username with what verbs are being used (foldersync, sync, getestimate, etc)
One thing may get you is the initial connection - after configuring, it will check to see if theres a policy to set on the device after checking the user, not sure how activesync on the device will handle it if it can't get to that.
I always think its funny that MS decided to call this "push" technology, when its just the device constantly polling (probably just an xml change file, i seem to remember something like that)
Anyway, good luck

Android SQL Client

Hi All,
Does anyone know of a SQL client for Android? Just something for running basic queries when I need to check on a system and can't be arsed waiting for a computer to boot up. The databases I use are MS SQL Server.
I've searched about and can't find anything. I've also had a look at the dev docs for Android and it looks like it should be straight forward using the java.sql class but unfortunately Java isn't in my skill set at the moment and the day job & life in general doesn't leave me with much time to learn it.
If there isn't a program does anyone have any plans to write one ;-)
Anyone ???
It'd be pretty darn insecure to open up your databases to use a remote client like that, why not just use something like phpmyadmin for it? It runs fine in the android browser and theres tons of alternatives that probably have iphone themes that would work great. Alternatively you could get debian set up and grab one of the hundreds of apps to do it in the repository
I need this as well. I'm constantly on SQL Enterprise Manager on my PC and when mobile, I have to teamviewer to my desktop and run queries there, which is such a torture.
I've bought RemoteDB, which I can't seem to get to work properly, I can't switch databases and the connection registry is very confusing.
Also interested
I'm also interested in this topic.
As far as opening your db's up to the internet, that's a bogus argument. Anyone remotely managing enterprise databases will be using a vpn tunnel, and not the open web.
Having an Android app to connect to Microsoft SQL and Oracle would be extremely helpful. I've been trying to figure out how to mod Oracle's SQLDeveloper to do just that but without any success so far.
aSQL - Remote Control, new launch
Remote Control Client for Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2008R2/2012.
aSQL - Remote Control Lite is a powerful Microsoft SQL Server client providing Access to your server in your Pocket. Access all of your databases, Jobs and Processes as well from your mobile device.Simple and Fast application providing advanced features.
aSQL - Remote Control Lite Provide features like:
- Providing connectivity to different servers on your Network.
- Ability to store Server Information for future use.
- Job START/STOP only a click away.
- Kill any running Processes From your mobile device.
- View Databases details - View File size.
Google Play Store link -
SQL Client
Hi Guys
I looked for something like this for a while as well, and couldn't find anything that did what I wanted, so I made one myself
Key features I wanted are the following
Be able to connect directly to a db server. I used the jdts jdbc driver for Java to get this right
Be able to connect to any SQL Server db. I'll add support for Postgres and MySQL if this gains any popularity
List of all databases on the server (excluding system dbs) and allow you to quickly switch between them
List tables in the currently selected db, and generate Select statements for them
List stored procedures in the currently selected db, and pull the code for them so you can change it
Use a tabbed interface for the different sql queries, to allow you to run many queries at once
This is all done and works really well. Large queries take longer to run than they would on a pc, but they run nonetheless.
Let me know what you think, and feel free to suggest features. If enough people like it and use it, I'll bite the bullet and buy the developer so I can publish it on the Play store
I hope you enjoy it
ps. The installer is signed with the standard testing key, so you will need to go into your settings and allow applications from unknown sources
pps. I ask for internet access to get access to the network sockets, but dont actually connect to the internet.
danegoodwin -
I've downloaded it and played with it a bit - looks good. One feature I'd suggest off the top is storing the connection info. It's a pain having to enter the server address and username each time.
If you are still looking for a SQL client I had written one as well.
It should cover most of the popular databases and works well with tablets and phones.
SQLTool Pro
I'm also open to suggestions and questions if anyone decides to give it a try.
nraboy said:
If you are still looking for a SQL client I had written one as well.
It should cover most of the popular databases and works well with tablets and phones.
SQLTool Pro
I'm also open to suggestions and questions if anyone decides to give it a try.
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so, this one does BOTH MySQL and MS SQL, and, your other one *just* MySQL ?
thanks, anyone
abbots said:
so, this one does BOTH MySQL and MS SQL, and, your other one *just* MySQL ?
thanks, anyone
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Correct. The pro version will handle MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, and Oracle up to version 10.1.
The MySQL version is strictly MySQL.
nraboy said:
Correct. The pro version will handle MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, and Oracle up to version 10.1.
The MySQL version is strictly MySQL.
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thanks for reply (and for nice app!)
nice, looks good... even better, seems to work well....connected to remote MySQL OK
suggestion: please auto-suggest correct ports for relevant SQLs
so, editing can only be done via queries ? (time to learn SQL syntax..?)
next, I'll try connecting to MS SQL, whilst I know a tiny bit about MySQL, I know nothing about MS, might be asking for help...
need some help, if you can:
having issues with MS SQL, MS SQL is on a cloud server, for all I know, port could be blocked..
I've setup definition with port 1433, get 'failed to connect'
how to t/s outside of the app ?
should "telnet host 1433 " work ?
I'm getting
# telnet mssql2008.xx.yy 1433
telnet: connect to address Connection timed out
what else can I try ?
thanks for any pointers!
abbots said:
thanks for reply (and for nice app!)
nice, looks good... even better, seems to work well....connected to remote MySQL OK
suggestion: please auto-suggest correct ports for relevant SQLs
so, editing can only be done via queries ? (time to learn SQL syntax..?)
next, I'll try connecting to MS SQL, whilst I know a tiny bit about MySQL, I know nothing about MS, might be asking for help...
need some help, if you can:
having issues with MS SQL, MS SQL is on a cloud server, for all I know, port could be blocked..
I've setup definition with port 1433, get 'failed to connect'
how to t/s outside of the app ?
should "telnet host 1433 " work ?
I'm getting
# telnet mssql2008.xx.yy 1433
telnet: connect to address Connection timed out
what else can I try ?
thanks for any pointers!
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Hinting a default port is a good idea. I will see about adding in an upcoming release.
Yes right now anything beyond a simple select or delete must be done with a custom query. My goal is to make it more like the desktop editors, but since I am the only developer it might take a while. But I am not saying it won't happen.
If telnet is failing to connect then there is a firewall rule blocking your IP. Three things could fix this.
1. Add your IP to the database allow list (talk to the DBA)
2. If you can connect to the network the DB is on via VPN then you should. The db might be restricted to local IP
3. Use the SSH features of SQLTool to connect to a server on the databases allow list
You were smart to try the telnet. I would have done the same thing.
Feel free to contact me here or through the tools site. I'm happy to help
nraboy said:
You were smart to try the telnet. I would have done the same thing.
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ahem, not that smart.....
forgot to specify sql type...... ooops
suggestion: don't allow save unless all req. stuff filled in...
OK, I seem to be in.
can I dump/backup with this app ?
decent app, well done, wish you success in further development, if I can help in any way, happy to try
now I need to figure out how to dump this MS SQL into my Linux machine
abbots said:
ahem, not that smart.....
forgot to specify sql type...... ooops
suggestion: don't allow save unless all req. stuff filled in...
OK, I seem to be in.
can I dump/backup with this app ?
decent app, well done, wish you success in further development, if I can help in any way, happy to try
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Nice catch on the SQL Type. I will work to correct that.
For dump / backup are you referring to data or structure or both? Right now I have exporting DDL on my things to do list, but if you're referring to something else I'd like to hear it.
Thanks for the compliments on my app. I definitely want to hear more suggestions if you have them. Also please don't forget to rate well when you get a chance

[q] Getting OTA HTTPS push activesyncing with a Linux or FreeBSD server: Doable?

I've been getting by with Flexmail with its imap idle to email using my server but I'd like to see if it's possible to get Apache or any httpd working I suppose in conjunction with an MTA like postfix and an IMAP server like dovecot to trick a WinMo phone into thinking it's getting its mail fed to it by a Linux machine (over https) in a way it can understand. Might save me some juice but I'm just up for a challenge and could use your help. Even if just for receiving mail...
So, might one be able to set up apache to have some kind of an ActiveSync directory to get the phone interacting with it when you try to add the host on the phone?
If that's doable, how could one configure the rest of server's mail daemons to work in a way that's Microsoft-esque as far as the phone's concerned? Or are other daemons not even involved, just httpd?
Lastly, and I've spent hours (but a long time ago) trying to do this with no success but with an actual Exchange server, is it possible, regardless of this linux stuff, to tweak a winmo phone not to care about domain/host certificate validation and just sync away over https (I believe activesync only does push over https, not http, though regular non push works over http)? All I could find were obsolete cert tricks that worked with wm5.
How's that for a challenge!
I know my way around Linux and Apache and if we could figure this one out (maybe Xandros?), well, wouldn't that be badass?

