[Q] where have all the roms gone? - Droid Eris Android Development

Sorry... found my own answer... so much drama for one forum.

tjsauber said:
Was out of the country for a bit. Came back looking for nonsensikal to download, and can't find it... Also the support thread for ShadowRom is locked. Perhaps I'm missing something, but could someone help explain what in the world is going on here without pointing out my obvious ignorance?
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dude i think people are just moving on to the next roms if you notice, now everyone is making big deals about these new 2.2 sense roms that what i went to know switch over lol


Loss of Good Developer/Future Prevention Thread Only

Ok everyone. I dont want to sound like a bad guy here or be redundant if someone else said it already but I havent seen it yet. This needs to be said. Look at what you all are saying. The majority of posts on the forum are saying (paraphrased), "Hey I am sorry that Haykruo had to go and you guys suck for making him go... btw where is the rosie rom?" That is the core of the issue here people. Who cares about the damn rom? Who cares if we even ever get it. Thats not the point.
When you are a dev here you give of yourself wholly. You have nothing to gain except the respect of others here. I am not a rom dev but I am a developer and I do know what its like to be in one of these devs positions. Haykuro trusted certain people who misused that trust. We know that already. But he also trusted all of you who downloaded and used his roms. He trusted you to not be pushy. He trusted you to respect his wishes of being quiet (shhhh thread ring a bell), of being respectful to the man who has given so much. Its not one person's fault. It's the entire community's fault. If we don't want this to happen again then there is a simple way of preventing it.
Give the devs their time. From what I could tell Haykuro spent every minute he wasnt at work, working on these roms. Give the devs time and respect, don't be pushy and if they trust you with something then respect their wishes.
Just my two cents but that's the only way to prevent this from happening again. Haykruo's loss is a real one. The community will feel it. Maybe someone will step in his place maybe someone wont. But mark my words if someone does and we don't learn from this and be respectful to the new devs we will lose them too.
One more time I want to thank you Haykuro. You truly are a man of honor. Just take care of yourself man.
thanks.....chuck that should tidy the thread up a bit
ok heres a few ideas that will hopefully prevent a developer leaving like the hero haykuro
1. stop asking for roms..it is just a bonus if we get an updated rom, that improves the performance and makes the ui nicer
2. if you are lucky enough to get 2 try a new rom out dont leak it. hes gave u the rom through trust dont break that trust.
3. give the developers a break....they cant work on new roms all the time..they have there own personal lifes aswell
4. donate.....the developers are doing it in there free time...they dont need to improve the phone but they do for the likes of us(the forum) fair enough if you cant afford to donate just thank the developer.
finally i hope haykuro will still be in and out the forum...from all the roms hes made hes a living legend.
haykuros twitter
We know that Xdan has it, we know that twistedumbrella has it, we think that TheDude has it, but that's about it. Haykuro was the developer who was working on it the most, and now that he's halted his development, nobody knows when we'll get the Rosie UI. Don't get your hopes up.
bolmedias said:
We know that Xdan has it, we know that twistedumbrella has it, we think that TheDude has it, but that's about it. Haykuro was the developer who was working on it the most, and now that he's halted his development, nobody knows when we'll get the Rosie UI. Don't get your hopes up.
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ive only read half into the bust up with haykuro and whatever his name was....so if im correct did he leak the hero rom w/ rosie ui? and that caused the bust up?
stevemartin1991 said:
ive only read half into the bust up with haykuro and whatever his name was....so if im correct did he leak the hero rom w/ rosie ui? and that caused the bust up?
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From what I understand, HardDaez promised Haykuro a ROGERS ROM that Haykuro could work on. In return, Haykuro gave HardDaez the Hero rom w/ Rosie. The ROGERS rom turned out to be fake, and HardDaez leaked the Rosie ROM. Haykuro has every right to be upset.
And where is the Rosie ROM? I only see the hero ROM without rosie.
bolmedias said:
From what I understand, HardDaez promised Haykuro a ROGERS ROM that Haykuro could work on. In return, Haykuro gave HardDaez the Hero rom w/ Rosie. The ROGERS rom turned out to be fake, and HardDaez leaked the Rosie ROM. Haykuro has every right to be upset.
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yeah absolutely........not meaning 2 sound a **** but has hardeaz leaked the rom with the rosie ui anywhere? i want it
stevemartin1991 said:
yeah absolutely........not meaning 2 sound a **** but has hardeaz leaked the rom with the rosie ui anywhere? i want it
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so the build he leak was unstable and was bricking peoples phones so it was pulled from the servers and when info got out the hardeaz wasn't suppose to release the build the threads was closed immediately
adub007 said:
so the build he leak was unstable and was bricking peoples phones so it was pulled from the servers and when info got out the hardeaz wasn't suppose to release the build the threads was closed immediately
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aaaah right i get you now.....just when seeing haykuros video i thot it would have just been the same as that that he gave to hardeaz...obviously not
stevemartin1991 said:
yeah absolutely........not meaning 2 sound a **** but has hardeaz leaked the rom with the rosie ui anywhere? i want it
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Steve, Haykuro worked extremely hard making so many roms for us in a very short time. No one gave him a break. Many people kept demanding more and more from him, leaving him little time to study. He was working on hero, Ion, Magic, and other stuff all at once while he was trying to study and work. Then they kept asking him for the Rogers rom. It seems like so many people were asking for so many roms, all at once, like he could just pull them out of his hat and they would magically appear.
He was trying to please everyone at once, then, when hard daez promised him the rogers rom, he screwed Haykuro over.
I have been following these threads, and I saw a lot of adoration for Haykuro, but I also saw a lot of people demanding things from him, and saying he wouldn't deliver if he didn't have something ready for them as soon as they demanded it. I also saw a lot of people trying to start trouble when the dude began making roms, even though both Haykuro and the dude kept saying publicly that they were working together. I also saw other things in these threads that would try anyone's patience.
Calm down, and wait. Hopefully, after Haykuro gets through school, and gets a break from the hectic schedule he has kept up trying to do what he needs to do in his personal life, as well as mod all of those different roms for us, he will reconsider. I'm not saying that no one else here can do what Haykuro can do, but he was very very good at what he did. I also don't think it's fair to start asking other devs to give you Rosie before things settle down a little, and Haykuro has a chance to take a break. He is the one who did the most work on hero, and we should give him a chance to decide what to do.
Possibly he will decide to work on this again, even if he does it through his own site rather than here.
Just enjoy what he has done for us, and wait for a week or two, but please don't be demanding. (I don't mean to sound mean or nasty, and I don't want to sound like I am flaming you. I'm just stating what everything here looked like to me).
stevemartin1991 said:
aaaah right i get you now.....just when seeing haykuros video i thot it would have just been the same as that that he gave to hardeaz...obviously not
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This Thread needs a new title or it will get locked and deleted, and I don't want that XDA users deserve better then not knowing what in the world is going on w/ hero, Plz rename to "Loss of Good Developer/Future Prevention Thread Only" so we can talk about this and not get locked.
Oh and yeah, i think he should reconsider but minus the user input, start his own site where he can post his roms but not have to listen to user input, just bugfix and preinstalled apk request only, he need to go back to what always did, making himself happy first..and if someone else likes it then so be it...then he can cut out the XDA drama, i love this community for my JUNO my friends WING's and the G1 and soon to be my Touch Pro 2, or maybe even my Bigfoot, when they come out...I love changing what my phone can do...and these awesome devs only make it possible, so i hope Haykuro comes back or I'll cry in my pillow! I loved his progress even when i wasn't on his rom, the rom i was on was affected by his roms w/ remix's using his stuff...loved it all...i don't wanna close my eyes...i don't wanna miss one thing...the sweetest dream will never do! i'll still miss you steve, and i don't wanna miss a thing!
pychobj2001 said:
This Thread needs a new title or it will get locked and deleted, and I don't want that XDA users deserve better then not knowing what in the world is going on w/ hero, Plz rename to "Loss of Good Developer/Future Prevention Thread Only" so we can talk about this and not get locked.
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I agree. This thread needs to stay so that we can make sure that this doesn't happen again. Your idea of a title was a very good one. If this thread gets locked, or burried somewhere where no one can see it, it will serve no purpose.
A lot of the devs here are getting fed up with all the garbage, and we are losing them. Those of us who aren't devs are guests here. We are using their stuff, on their forum, and we need to clean up our act.
how do i rename the thread?
ignore my stupidity
stevemartin1991 said:
how do i rename the thread?
ignore my stupidity
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I don't know, try thread tools at the top, or maybe you can change the name from user CP? I hope someone can answer.
Dont wish to sound an idiot but does anyone have this new leaked rom?
I usually just lurk around XDA, but I've always appreciated the work of not only Haykuro, but of any developer who takes time out of their life to improve the G1 experience. I think this thread is a fantastic idea.
I missed all the stuff that happened last night, but have caught up now. As you may know I have been arranging for Haykuro Donation Apps to go up on the market. He gave the final ok last night (before the **** went down) and they went up this morning. It doesn't mater if he never does any Rom cooking again, I thank him for what he has done and hope that these apps can be some kind of payback for that.
stevemartin1991 said:
dont get excited.......so is this the nd of hero rom? so what other developers has the leaked rom? when will we get the rosie ui? steve
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I fail to see how your post addresses the problem of the loss of good developers. I could be mistaken but didn't JF and Haykuro leave precisely because the dev forum got swamped by leech-centric posts... much like yours?
jashsu said:
I fail to see how your post addresses the problem of the loss of good developers. I could be mistaken but didn't JF and Haykuro leave precisely because the dev forum got swamped by leech-centric posts... much like yours?
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The original post was worded that way before the title was changed at the suggestion of someone else. The thread is made with all good intentions.
jashsu said:
I fail to see how your post addresses the problem of the loss of good developers. I could be mistaken but didn't JF and Haykuro leave precisely because the dev forum got swamped by leech-centric posts... much like yours?
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Not leeching just wanting just a good explanation, hopefully this thread will get update more and more to help stop exacly that leeching trolling and bugging devs, and more helping the community in whole, i like anyone on this thread want to get his grubby hands on Hero, but we need to start going about this all the right way and not bug and upset devs, you wouldn't interupt a painter while he is painting and be like..."you done yet?" bad idea, but you could ask to watch the painter at work (via twitter) which we already got and still weren't happy...geez...or find a better way to interact w/ the dev. (heavy moderation on forums/ off topic and trolling deleted fast) but to delete everything to do w/ HERO on the forums is getting redunkulous that's why we need this thread and a good mod to help keep it alive..to explain what happened and prevent it from ever happenin again (end-users showing devs respect)

[REQUEST] Froyo ROM with Sense?

I know it's possible now since there are Desire and Incredible ROMs running Sense on Froyo, so I'd be very happy if a developer could figure out how to port one of those to the Eris. Obviously they're different screen resolutions (and the Desire is GSM instead of CDMA), but it must be possible. Thank you in advance!
titansfan10 said:
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Hah, for what? It's your 2nd post and your already trolling? The man is asking something pretty simple, if someone would be willing to do a port on an EXISTING rom or if anyone is currently working on one...no need to report.
Been around long enough to know no one likes it when people post these types of things. You think some dev hasn't already thought of this? You think his question is going to motivate them? It just clogs up the page.
titansfan10 said:
Been around long enough to know no one likes it when people post these types of things. You think some dev hasn't already thought of this? You think his question is going to motivate them? It just clogs up the page.
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If a dev has thought about it or has been messing with it, nobody knows about it yet(for the eris at least). Maybe someone who has worked on that type of thing (porting) or others might be interested.
Anyway, here's the link to 2.2 sense for the Incredible if anyone was interested in checking it out for a possible port.
titansfan10 said:
Been around long enough to know no one likes it when people post these types of things. You think some dev hasn't already thought of this? You think his question is going to motivate them? It just clogs up the page.
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lol...somehow I doubt a joining date of "July 2010" with 3 posts constitutes being "around long enough."
I don't know about everyone else, but I have no problem when someone posts a very benign request. There's nothing wrong with what thenestor did. He made a legit post throwing an idea out there with the hope that the devs would comment on the possibility of doing it.
What I do have a problem with is a new punk user coming in and throwing weight around that he doesn't have. The only problem with this thread is that you posted on it.
wait? been around long enough to see it? the guy is a senior member? and hes asking a simple question. nobodys gonna learn unless you ask? maybe you know all and want to troll on everyone but damn give the man a chance
vash8806 said:
lol...somehow I doubt a joining date of "July 2010" with 3 posts constitutes being "around long enough."
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hatchna said:
I don't know about everyone else, but I have no problem when someone posts a very benign request. There's nothing wrong with what thenestor did. He made a legit post throwing an idea out there with the hope that the devs would comment on the possibility of doing it.
What I do have a problem with is a new punk user coming in and throwing weight around that he doesn't have. The only problem with this thread is that you posted on it.
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Thanks guys. So back on topic, what other 2.2 sense roms are out now (desire/incredible)?
Zer0_Cool said:
Thanks guys. So back on topic, what other 2.2 sense roms are out now (desire/incredible)?
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umm... that's a LEAKED rom... I believe theres a difference between LEAKED & ROOTED roms..
Once you go onto a leaked rom, you lose root privileges..which is NOT what you want...
Then again, he might just mean that its leaked to everyone else, thereby not really a leak..
vash8806 said:
umm... that's a LEAKED rom... I believe theres a difference between LEAKED & ROOTED roms..
Once you go onto a leaked rom, you lose root privileges..which is NOT what you want...
Then again, he might just mean that its leaked to everyone else, thereby not really a leak..
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please explain? im running a cyanogen Tazz froyo rom and i still have root privileges? is it gonna change if you port it from another devices?
From what I gathered, it's a leaked OTA ROM that has been modified with the superuser apk and such. So it should still allow for root access.
Zer0_Cool said:
The man is asking something pretty simple, if someone would be willing to do a port on an EXISTING rom or if anyone is currently working on one...
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But when "iloveandroid" asked about someone making a ROM, he/she got jumped all over for it. How's this different ? No offense thenestor... Yeah, "iloveandroid" was annoying, but sorry, the rules don't apply to some and not others.
hallstevenson said:
But when "iloveandroid" asked about someone making a ROM, he/she got jumped all over for it. How's this different ? No offense thenestor... Yeah, "iloveandroid" was annoying, but sorry, the rules don't apply to some and not others.
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Depends slightly on what's being requested really. Requesting someone make a Sense 2.2 ROM is different from requesting that someone make a Sense 2.2 ROM with X Y and Z added and A B and C removed.
He's not requesting a customized ROM, just asking if someone was doing a Sense 2.2 ROM.
Marisa said:
Depends slightly on what's being requested really. Requesting someone make a Sense 2.2 ROM is different from requesting that someone make a Sense 2.2 ROM with X Y and Z added and A B and C removed.
He's not requesting a customized ROM, just asking if someone was doing a Sense 2.2 ROM.
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hes asking developers to build a specific rom, regaurdless this is not the place to ask for a rom to be made if you have a request, speak with a devloper in his own thread on a private note, and ask there.
Reported? Whats this about? Are we back in elementary school? Are you guys hall monitors? What kind of punkas* b*&ch reports anyone these days?
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
BigBeefy said:
Reported? Whats this about? Are we back in elementary school? Are you guys hall monitors? What kind of punkas* b*&ch reports anyone these days?
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
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I agree. That's why you can add people like Sjflowerhorn and DroidKevlar to your ignore list. That way you don't have to read their stuff.
lotus22 said:
I agree. That's why you can add people like Sjflowerhorn and DroidKevlar to your ignore list. That way you don't have to read their stuff.
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You idiot. Those two are solid gold around here...
This is worse then my high school, honestly guys. If you have a problem with a question you can either:
A) Skip over it and let it float to the bottom
B) Say do it yourself
C) Try and say something worthwhile
To be the only one answering to answer the OP question in 18 posts is very sad.
OP, It is said that Framework is working on it, but as of right now I think he is the only one. Andrizoid was, but we all know what happened to him.
Grow up guys. In all seriousness, annoyances don't have to ruin our day.
BeinDroid said:
You idiot. Those two are solid gold around here...
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thank you sir but we really should watch the name calling
and another note if you read any post ive made they are all geared towards A:learning B:helping others learn C:to have a good time
youl see i never created a thread . . . . EVER because i - A either use google myself B ask a developer in his thread or C-DEAL WITH IT UNTIL ITS FIXED OR RELEASED.
i enjoy learning and helping others learn but there becomes a point when people are asking to be spoon fed and i disagree with that strongly. If you feel that you need a place to be spoon fed. . . . Phandroid.com or androidforums.com seem to be very open minded towards that and helping code thief's prosper. i have no issues with either of said forums however "me personally" i chose XDA because its a reputable place to LEARN,
I appoligize to the XDA members who have to read this knowing D*** well this isn't necessary. Please read and obey the posting rules. Im not even a mod or any kind of status around here. If i were things would be a lot tighter around here.TRUST AND BELIEVE THAT.

[THINK TANK]backlight notifications on bottom buttons from i9000... port possible!?!?

backlight buttons used for notifications on the i9000
i remember seeing this before in the theme and apps section and it got ruled out for the vibrant because of kernel issues i think it was... but they figured it out for the i9000, so i hope we can see this on our phone... soon.
btw... please dont flame and tell me this is in the wrong thread, because it will get more views here... and its in this section of the i9000 thread.
If you build it. they will come
Try this, it works like a charm: http://www.appbrain.com/app/com.led.notify
thanks... ive seen that in the market... but unless theyve changed the battery drain and the using home button to power the phone back up... it doesnt feel like a complete solution. atleast for me...
Michaelr219 said:
thanks... ive seen that in the market... but unless theyve changed the battery drain and the using home button to power the phone back up... it doesnt feel like a complete solution. atleast for me...
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well the source is there from the i9000 build, sounds like you need to get to work to fit your needs.
oh and it's in the development section in the i9000 section because there is DEVELOPMENT done, unless you plan on doing something this should go in the Q&A section.
flame on!
Who cares if its in the wrong section or not? If everyone posted crap like that then nothing would get done with our phone so take that **** elsewhere. Anyway back to the topic at hand, just reading over the first post it seems as tho the dev who made that is willing to port it to other Galaxy S phones. Anyone try contacting him yet?
rsfaze said:
well the source is there from the i9000 build, sounds like you need to get to work to fit your needs.
oh and it's in the development section in the i9000 section because there is DEVELOPMENT done, unless you plan on doing something this should go in the Q&A section.
flame on!
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woww! a fantastic 4 reference...
youre sooooo clever
ive never heard anyone use that out of context like that before
what a clever clever girl you are
i know how these threads work.
and in case you havent noticed!!!
the i9000 is a GALAXY S,
now look at the back of your phone
it probably says GALAXY S
hmmmm... soo strange how that works.
it isnt my fault that samsung decided to put
out 5 different versions of almost the same
effing phone.
i do my part for the community anyway i can,
and i know as well as anyone else, the q and a
section doesnt get as much attention... so,
hopefully this thread will bring to life some actual
development since this can and should be port-able
id do it myself, but obviously i cant...
which is why i posted.
Genesis1791 said:
Who cares if its in the wrong section or not? If everyone posted crap like that then nothing would get done with our phone so take that **** elsewhere. Anyway back to the topic at hand, just reading over the first post it seems as tho the dev who made that is willing to port it to other Galaxy S phones. Anyone try contacting him yet?
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yes... waiting for a response... i hope curio or jac are already aware of this and adding it to there kernels... it seems like a no brainer that this could be useful to anyone...
Michaelr219 said:
woww! a fantastic 4 reference...
youre sooooo clever
ive never heard anyone use that out of context like that before
what a clever clever girl you are
I'm a dude
i know how these threads work.
and in case you havent noticed!!!
the i9000 is a GALAXY S,
now look at the back of your phone
it probably says GALAXY S
The i9000 is a variation of the Galaxy S just as the Vibrant, Epic and so on are. Each may be similar but no two are alike, if they were you wouldn't be here requesting someone do something you are too lazy to figure out and learn yourself. And yes it's strange how THAT works.
hmmmm... soo strange how that works.
it isnt my fault that samsung decided to put
out 5 different versions of almost the same
effing phone.
Is it anyones fault? There is plenty of documentation available on android and there is the source for this project, why not contribute?
i do my part for the community anyway i can,
and i know as well as anyone else, the q and a
section doesnt get as much attention... so,
hopefully this thread will bring to life some actual
development since this can and should be port-able
id do it myself, but obviously i cant...
which is why i posted.
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Do your part by not being one of the members that purposely posts things in the wrong section. If the moderators did not feel the need for separate sections we would have one general forum.
And the reason the Q&A section doesn't get "much" attention is because people like you refuse to post there.. why would someone looks there if you continue to post here?
Change the thread title to include [Think Tank] then he can't complain anymore.
Genesis1791 said:
Change the thread title to include [Think Tank] then he can't complain anymore.
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Posts like this and we wonder why people respond at all
rsfaze said:
Posts like this and we wonder why people respond at all
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because people like you are on a high horse... you arent a mod.
you arent the xda police. id just like to bring it to an experienced persons attention who could do it faster than it would take me to learn. why? cause i work and have a life that doesnt completely revolve around xda.
so why dont you go flame someone elses thread little lady... as you can see, there are some ppl here that would like to accomplish the same thing id like to see. which is to get more functionality out of my phone, since it is obviously possible on other "similar" models.
to the mods. if im out of line.
pardon me.
how many threads do we need to create about the same request/idea?
rsfaze said:
Posts like this and we wonder why people respond at all
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Really? Isn't the whole point behind a Think Tank to get people in here and try and get development done? Hmm seems to fit this thread perfectly. So what exactly is the problem now?
Edit: That configurable backlight timeout thread has nothing to do with this topic, It's a separate topic that in no way involves using the backlights as notifications. The other thread isn't a Think Tank so go flame in that one if your that hell bent on being useless to getting this to work on our phones.
Genesis1791 said:
Really? Isn't the whole point behind a Think Tank to get people in here and try and get development done? Hmm seems to fit this thread perfectly. So what exactly is the problem now?
Edit: That configurable backlight timeout thread has nothing to do with this topic, It's a separate topic that in no way involves using the backlights as notifications. The other thread isn't a Think Tank so go flame in that one if your that hell bent on being useless to getting this to work on our phones.
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lolololol... im done replying to him.
i bet as soon as this is released for the vibrant.
he'll be the first one in here dl'ing it...
hes the threads biggest fan soo far, what are
we at now? like 5 replys already...
soo rsfaze, take your little links and shove em up your think tank...
this thread doesnt need your negativity.
rsfaze said:
how many threads do we need to create about the same request/idea?
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oh... btw... smart guy... look where your links were posted
Michaelr219 said:
lolololol... im done replying to him.
i bet as soon as this is released for the vibrant.
he'll be the first one in here dl'ing it...
hes the threads biggest fan soo far, what are
we at now? like 5 replys already...
soo rsfaze, take your little links and shove em up your think tank...
this thread doesnt need your negativity.
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it's a shame when someone takes the time to show you that what you posted has been done twice now but instead of bumping one of the old threads you create another one.
What was I for thinking about the actual guidelines around here.
Good day
p.s. yes smart guy posted here and still not anything done.. I feel like I should be smacking my head on the desk right now while typing to you.
rsfaze said:
it's a shame when someone takes the time to show you that what you posted has been done twice now but instead of bumping one of the old threads you create another one.
What was I for thinking about the actual guidelines around here.
Good day
p.s. yes smart guy posted here and still not anything done.. I feel like I should be smacking my head on the desk right now while typing to you.
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embrace those feelings, sir.
Guys if you really want to see this in 2.2 instead of arguing do what I did and shoot this idea over to samsung!
SE7EN- said:
Guys if you really want to see this in 2.2 instead of arguing do what I did and shoot this idea over to samsung!
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sounds like a great idea... i guess im just hoping for an update.zip or apk possibly... like in the other thread... so that we can unlock this feature with ANY rom... but im glad to see people taking proactive steps... ill be sure to mention it on the samsung website...
sorry for the negativity previously in this thread... its just kind of sad to throw a disclaimer up, only to find someone try to tear it down... its unnecessarily negative when the out come of this thread is supposed to be positive.

Google announcing Gingerbread soon?

Here's a tweet from @Googlemobile:
Our cafes are baking something sweet http://twitpic.com/3682u2 (4 minutes ago via web)
I know i won't be able to install the ota since i'm rooted, but i'm excited nonetheless!
Mo_Nexus said:
Here's a tweet from @Googlemobile:
Our cafes are baking something sweet http://twitpic.com/3682u2 (4 minutes ago via web)
I know i won't be able to install the ota since i'm rooted, but i'm excited nonetheless!
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Did this honestly need another thread?
Oh ****! Not another thread about Gingerbread!!!
This is getting so old...
Oh no, not another complaint about another thread!
Relax, it's not like i'm killing trees or taking up space by posting this. I didn't have time to go through the entire forum just to make sure i didn't hurt your feelings. A popup appeared showing possible similar threads, none of them matched, so i submitted it. No need to cry about it.
Mo_Nexus said:
Oh no, not another complaint about another thread!
Relax, it's not like i'm killing trees or taking up space by posting this. I didn't have time to go through the entire forum just to make sure i didn't hurt your feelings. A popup appeared showing possible similar threads, none of them matched, so i submitted it. No need to cry about it.
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There are about 5 GB threads on the first page. Maybe you should start a few more because it will do a lot of good for all of us.
gibosn6594 said:
There are about 5 GB threads on the first page. Maybe you should start a few more because it will do a lot of good for all of us.
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Sure no prob!
To all the complainers, why are you clicking on the threads then?
Mo_Nexus, thanks for the info.
OP, thank you for posting the information. While I wouldn't have created a new thread
myself it still is new news nonetheless so I appreciate it.
Hopefully the mods either lock the excess threads or merge them to de-clutter the forum.
verboten said:
To all the complainers, why are you clicking on the threads then?
Mo_Nexus, thanks for the info.
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No problem Verboten, and thank you for the comment, i appreciate it.
verboten said:
To all the complainers, why are you clicking on the threads then?
Mo_Nexus, thanks for the info.
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Because we can't tell from the thread titles exactly what's in the post.
gibosn6594 said:
Because we can't tell from the thread titles exactly what's in the post.
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I can understand if the thread title was Google announcing Gingerbread!!!
But it's "Google announcing Gingerbread soon?"
With most thread titles, no one can tell exactly whats in the posts.
Just wait for the thread title "Gingerbread is here!!" and click no others than. Simple.
ap3604 said:
OP, thank you for posting the information. While I wouldn't have created a new thread
myself it still is new news nonetheless so I appreciate it.
Hopefully the mods either lock the excess threads or merge them to de-clutter the forum.
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No problem, and i agree, all existing threads should consolidated or something. Hopefully there'll be no need for that if Google stops teasing us & releases 2.3 already.
Cool dude, thanks for the info and welcome this a public forum and everyone share his knowledge, always here like this, when someone post anything even said hi u will see many of the guys here saying sucks comment. THIS IS JUST HOW IT IS. keep going and when u have something to post don't think a lot, JUST POST, if i want to read i will read if i don't i will leave u just thanks
Mo_Nexus said:
No problem, and i agree, all existing threads should consolidated or something. Hopefully there'll be no need for that if Google stops teasing us & releases 2.3 already.
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Google is not teasing us, WE DON'T HAVE ANY PATIENCE, and the thing is when Google release the gingerbread we will start complain THIS ALSO JUST HOW IT IS
Google is not teasing us
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actually they are teasing with us. they just dont bother their sorry ass to give a proper release date. they just dont even care about to give out an spesifications about the new system. nothing. just some fake news also new screenshots could be fake too. we simply dont know anything about new update. 4 example is the new crappy youtube app staying? what about horrible keyboard?
it just could be stupid update without any new features. also it could be something revolutionary like eclair. but we already knew them BEFORE the eclair released. were just waiting for google's jokes if whole gingerbread is just about some stupid skin and stuff.
korhanes said:
actually they are teasing with us. they just dont bother their sorry ass to give a proper release date. they just dont even care about to give out an spesifications about the new system. nothing. just some fake news also new screenshots could be fake too. we simply dont know anything about new update. 4 example is the new crappy youtube app staying? what about horrible keyboard?
it just could be stupid update without any new features. also it could be something revolutionary like eclair. but we already knew them BEFORE the eclair released. were just waiting for google's jokes if whole gingerbread is just about some stupid skin and stuff.
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Please tell me english isn't your native language, I'll totally understand then. Anyhow Google have 0 commitment to providing us with pre-release info. It's *UNRELEASED* therefore they could deny the existence of GB itself and are completely within their right to do so. These little bits of info like not so secretive tweets are just a bit of fun, surely I'm not the only one who likes the suspense/surprise regarding the lack of GB info?

real sense 4.0 rom for hd2

hello guys
i kno its silly question, but i really want working sense 4.0 rom for ma hd2.
tried all roms but cant find proper one.
can anybody suggest me?
kslakhani said:
hello guys
i kno its silly question, but i really want working sense 4.0 rom for ma hd2.
tried all roms but cant find proper one.
can anybody suggest me?
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1 wrong section
2 do you see a sense 4 rom anywhere in the dev section
3 learn to use the search button
4 reported
5 watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmvCpR45LKA
I suggested ban for you since you are old member :angel:
zexmunze said:
I suggested ban for you since you are old member :angel:
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wonder why this thread was moved instead of just deleted or locked
zexmunze said:
I suggested ban for you since you are old member :angel:
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I think u got a plenty of time for negative suggestions yeah but who cares man
0719andy said:
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kslakhani said:
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You agree with him agreeing that you should be banned (which I also agree with btw)? Or are you posting a spelling correction, in which case you should really read your own OP before trying to correct others.
short massage
there was a rom in development section but the developer of the rom got bored because of the members who ask for eta a lot and accusing him of detching his own rom development then he upgraded his mobile phone and moved along and leaved a reply in the rom thread that if he was able to fix problems in the rom he wouldnt do it because of those people who just think developers are machines they dont get sick they dont get tired they dont have real life and this is completely wrong they are not bound to update their roms or make another updated but they do it because they like to do it and for the sake of the legend (HD2) to get the most out of it
sorry for bad english
yeyoo said:
there was a rom in development section but the developer of the rom got bored because of the members who ask for eta a lot and accusing him of detching his own rom development then he upgraded his mobile phone and moved along and leaved a reply in the rom thread that if he was able to fix problems in the rom he wouldnt do it because of those people who just think developers are machines they dont get sick they dont get tired they dont have real life and this is completely wrong they are not bound to update their roms or make another updated but they do it because they like to do it and for the sake of the legend (HD2) to get the most out of it
sorry for bad english
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Thanks buddy for yr response
Yeah that was the only rom I think. Tried so many time but not find anything
Nigeldg said:
You agree with him agreeing that you should be banned (which I also agree with btw)? Or are you posting a spelling correction, in which case you should really read your own OP before trying to correct others.
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U agreed as well to ban me right?
I don't give a shiiiiiit
yeyoo said:
there was a rom in development section but the developer of the rom got bored because of the members who ask for eta a lot and accusing him of detching his own rom development then he upgraded his mobile phone and moved along and leaved a reply in the rom thread that if he was able to fix problems in the rom he wouldnt do it because of those people who just think developers are machines they dont get sick they dont get tired they dont have real life and this is completely wrong they are not bound to update their roms or make another updated but they do it because they like to do it and for the sake of the legend (HD2) to get the most out of it
sorry for bad english
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kslakhani said:
Thanks buddy for yr response
Yeah that was the only rom I think. Tried so many time but not find anything
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In other words, Sbryan was sick of douches like you (kslakhani) who just kept asking him to fix things and make the ROM work. You really don't appear to understand XDA at all, you probably shouldn't come on here too much.
First of all I hardly asked anybody to fix things.
I always appreciated their efforts and u know its up to them whether they wanna do it or not.
Check my posts before giving yr pointless opinions
I m quiet old user so what do I have to keep posting? I don't think so
I always been a fan of xda and will b.
I really don't understand whats yr problem.
What abt those who left negative onions abt me. why u don't tell them. I never left such things for anyone.
Sent from my NexusHD2 using xda premium
We had valid reason to leave negative opinions, your posts are completely pointless.
Screw your problems with asking questions or anything, jeez, chill out.
There's no real Sense 4 ROM for HD2 yet, but there is one for Desire. All we need is one man who would like to spend his time porting that **** to our device. Want it? Do it yourself or wait for someone else who wants it too and will do it for you.
Spaqin said:
Screw your problems with asking questions or anything, jeez, chill out.
There's no real Sense 4 ROM for HD2 yet, but there is one for Desire. All we need is one man who would like to spend his time porting that **** to our device. Want it? Do it yourself or wait for someone else who wants it too and will do it for you.
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lets hope
No sir, you were supposed to say "I shall learn the magic of porting different ROMs to our holy device, and then make it usable!"
kslakhani said:
hello guys
i kno its silly question, but i really want working sense 4.0 rom for ma hd2.
tried all roms but cant find proper one.
can anybody suggest me?
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with sense theme installed is a good way

