Just got the epic, tad disappointed - Epic 4G General

Came from a Droid 1 to the Epic today. I liked my droid, but the verizon bill was the biggest ripoff on the face of earth. Lately I've been hearing good things about Sprint, and I also wanted the evo... after some reviewing today, I decided that Epic was the better choice for me because of keyboard (I sometimes use the keyboard, maybe not enough to justify tho) better performance, and better battery life. I was aware it didn't come with 2.2...
Well now that I'm playing around with this thing, I miss all the features of the 2.2! BT voice dial, JIT, flash, 2.2 specific apps... I miss all of them!
It's very upsetting to know that samsung will probably not release the 2.2 for these phones until 2.3 is almost released on the Nexus One and all =/
also, I hear everyone praising the AMOLED screen, but I see all these grainy dots on it, it's brigther, but looks more pixalated, it's hard to tell, it's easy to tell on white.
Has anyone done the switch to EVO or to Epic from the EVO? what are your thoughts? it's def snappier compared to my gf's evo running 2.2... and the screen size diff isn't that big

razorseal said:
Came from a Droid 1 to the Epic today. I liked my droid, but the verizon bill was the biggest ripoff on the face of earth. Lately I've been hearing good things about Sprint, and I also wanted the evo... after some reviewing today, I decided that Epic was the better choice for me because of keyboard (I sometimes use the keyboard, maybe not enough to justify tho) better performance, and better battery life. I was aware it didn't come with 2.2...
Well now that I'm playing around with this thing, I miss all the features of the 2.2! BT voice dial, JIT, flash, 2.2 specific apps... I miss all of them!
It's very upsetting to know that samsung will probably not release the 2.2 for these phones until 2.3 is almost released on the Nexus One and all =/
also, I hear everyone praising the AMOLED screen, but I see all these grainy dots on it, it's brigther, but looks more pixalated, it's hard to tell, it's easy to tell on white.
Has anyone done the switch to EVO or to Epic from the EVO? what are your thoughts? it's def snappier compared to my gf's evo running 2.2... and the screen size diff isn't that big
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I had a evo. I had it oc to 1.11ghz and running cynagon 6 rc1. I switched to the epic and never looked back. My epic when stock is almost as good as my evo in the state it was. My epic is now oc to 1.2ghz and I'm running the ee rom. Its even close to my evo. Once we get cynagon or 2.2 the epic will blow the evo out the water.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Yeah, I have to root this thing still, I haven't done the adb thing, so I would need step by step instructions on that, down to where I download adb to my comp (no idea how it works)
That being said, I wasn't a huge fan of CM on my droid, but if that's the only thing we'll have with epic and 2.2, i'll gladly use it.

razorseal said:
Yeah, I have to root this thing still, I haven't done the adb thing, so I would need step by step instructions on that, down to where I download adb to my comp (no idea how it works)
That being said, I wasn't a huge fan of CM on my droid, but if that's the only thing we'll have with epic and 2.2, i'll gladly use it.
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easiest way that I found:

I have to be honest here. I think some people talk about Froyo like it is this amazing leap forward in technology and it is like a night and day difference from 2.1 out there.
I have an Epic 4G and love the thing! I had a chance to play with a friend's G2 last weekend and, when looking at the 2.2 froyo Android, all I could think of was "Really? Seriously? This is making people decide NOT to get an Epic 4G? Are you fricken kidding me?"
First off, Froyo should be out on the Epic within a month of this posting. Second, the things you are talking about are almost non-issues! You can't voice dial over blue tooth? Wow...I voice dial all the time by holding the phone for all of about 15 seconds to tell it "dial 1-800-dont-be-lame" and then drop it on the seat as it runs the call over BT. Flash...installed already and you don't need root to do it. JIT? Really? 2.2 specific apps? Like what?
Don't take this wrong, and it is NOT meant to be an insult (though it might sound like one a bit) but you almost sound like those zealots who argue that the book is ALWAYS better than the movie even if the movie kicks butt.
The Epic is an awesome movie...

ExploreMN said:
I have to be honest here. I think some people talk about Froyo like it is this amazing leap forward in technology and it is like a night and day difference from 2.1 out there.
I have an Epic 4G and love the thing! I had a chance to play with a friend's G2 last weekend and, when looking at the 2.2 froyo Android, all I could think of was "Really? Seriously? This is making people decide NOT to get an Epic 4G? Are you fricken kidding me?"
First off, Froyo should be out on the Epic within a month of this posting. Second, the things you are talking about are almost non-issues! You can't voice dial over blue tooth? Wow...I voice dial all the time by holding the phone for all of about 15 seconds to tell it "dial 1-800-dont-be-lame" and then drop it on the seat as it runs the call over BT. Flash...installed already and you don't need root to do it. JIT? Really? 2.2 specific apps? Like what?
Don't take this wrong, and it is NOT meant to be an insult (though it might sound like one a bit) but you almost sound like those zealots who argue that the book is ALWAYS better than the movie even if the movie kicks butt.
The Epic is an awesome movie...
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How do u have flash? Skyfire is not real flash if that's what ur referring to. Also in cali u can get a ticket if u voice dial the way u mentioned above. 2.2 has many advantages over 2.1 no need to argue that 2.2 is not a big deal.That being said the epic will get it soon, and even without 2.2 it is a beast. However if the op is used to 2.2 apps and some of the feautures I understand his concern, no need to start calling the op nmes because his opinion of the phone does not agree with urs.
Sent from my Epic 4G

ExploreMN said:
I have to be honest here. I think some people talk about Froyo like it is this amazing leap forward in technology and it is like a night and day difference from 2.1 out there.
I have an Epic 4G and love the thing! I had a chance to play with a friend's G2 last weekend and, when looking at the 2.2 froyo Android, all I could think of was "Really? Seriously? This is making people decide NOT to get an Epic 4G? Are you fricken kidding me?"
First off, Froyo should be out on the Epic within a month of this posting. Second, the things you are talking about are almost non-issues! You can't voice dial over blue tooth? Wow...I voice dial all the time by holding the phone for all of about 15 seconds to tell it "dial 1-800-dont-be-lame" and then drop it on the seat as it runs the call over BT. Flash...installed already and you don't need root to do it. JIT? Really? 2.2 specific apps? Like what?
Don't take this wrong, and it is NOT meant to be an insult (though it might sound like one a bit) but you almost sound like those zealots who argue that the book is ALWAYS better than the movie even if the movie kicks butt.
The Epic is an awesome movie...
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The difference between eclair and froyo are night and day. There is so much more you can do with froyo then you can with eclair and 3yr performance gain is well worth it. Once the epic gets froyo it will put the rest to shame. I had both the epic and evo on launch day. The epic out the box put the evo to shame. The only reason the evo is a tad bit better is cause of froyo.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Grainy dots? I'm going to assume u got this directly at sprint store and they put the crappy ass screen protector on it. Change that to realook screen protector and ur screen will look as it was intended to
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

hehehe23 said:
Grainy dots? I'm going to assume u got this directly at sprint store and they put the crappy ass screen protector on it. Change that to realook screen protector and ur screen will look as it was intended to
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I don't even use a screen protector. That's what insurance is for
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mysteryemotionz said:
I don't even use a screen protector. That's what insurance is for
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Insurance doesn't cover small screen scratches. They are considered cosmetic. Also u have a deductible to pay too.
Sent from my Epic 4G

ravizzle said:
Insurance doesn't cover small screen scratches. They are considered cosmetic. Also u have a deductible to pay too.
Sent from my Epic 4G
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$100 deductible and a crack in the screen they will
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Guys, don't get me wrong, I'm happy with the phone and doubt I'll be going to the evo within my 30 days, but from what i've been reading the november date is for the european galaxy phones? (haven't done enough research on that yet, just the thread here about it)
that being said, unless you had a 2.2 and used it regularly, you wouldn't know I guess ExploreMN. one nice feature was the auto update and update all feature on the 2.2. the app2sd is a nice feature too. believe it or not, the V8 JIT browser is faster, you can run a sun spider test and see the dif in numbers if you want. If it comes out in a month, I could care less really. I might not even bother rooting then, since i'll have to wait for a rooted 2.2 etc etc...
as far as the grainy dots go, if you can compare it next to another phone like droid, evo, iphone (any other smart phone) and look at the white on the super amoled, you can see what I'm talking about. honestly my eyes are already getting used to it though. I dunno, it's hard to tell, but it's there if you look. colors are def more vibrant though, grainy dots or not... lol
I'm really just disappointed about the 2.2 issue, and I hope it does come out november like engadget said.
oh, also, the speaker volume (phone ring and notifications) seems really low on this thing, I made sure it was on high... anyone else have anything to say about that?
I have the black tie thing, so no deductable here either

razorseal said:
Guys, don't get me wrong, I'm happy with the phone and doubt I'll be going to the evo within my 30 days, but from what i've been reading the november date is for the european galaxy phones? (haven't done enough research on that yet, just the thread here about it)
that being said, unless you had a 2.2 and used it regularly, you wouldn't know I guess ExploreMN. one nice feature was the auto update and update all feature on the 2.2. the app2sd is a nice feature too. believe it or not, the V8 JIT browser is faster, you can run a sun spider test and see the dif in numbers if you want. If it comes out in a month, I could care less really. I might not even bother rooting then, since i'll have to wait for a rooted 2.2 etc etc...
as far as the grainy dots go, if you can compare it next to another phone like droid, evo, iphone (any other smart phone) and look at the white on the super amoled, you can see what I'm talking about. honestly my eyes are already getting used to it though. I dunno, it's hard to tell, but it's there if you look. colors are def more vibrant though, grainy dots or not... lol
I'm really just disappointed about the 2.2 issue, and I hope it does come out november like engadget said.
oh, also, the speaker volume (phone ring and notifications) seems really low on this thing, I made sure it was on high... anyone else have anything to say about that?
I have the black tie thing, so no deductable here either
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First thing I did was compare the screen to my evo. I'll take the samoled any day. I never seen these dis you speak of. Maybe you got a bad phone. Take it back compare it to another epic then replace it.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

mysteryemotionz said:
$100 deductible and a crack in the screen they will
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That's true. For me is rather pay 5 bucks for a screen protecter
Sent from my Epic 4G

no it's not the phone... I looked at the att one few months ago and realized that, so it's def not the phone. I think i'm actually the only one that sees this, had to point it out to my gf and she barely saw it. maybe she was just agreeing with me lol...
looking side by side to the evo though, the colors are def more 'vibrant'

ravizzle said:
That's true. For me is rather pay 5 bucks for a screen protecter
Sent from my Epic 4G
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I hated using swype with thr protector. I like these feel of my finger sliding across the glass
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Yea samoled gets tiny dots on all white screen. Ur not the only one who sees it. I personaly only notice it when I look super super su0per carefully. It doesn't bother me at all, but I understand it may be a prob for some ppl who notice it.
Sent from my Epic 4G

mysteryemotionz said:
I hated using swype with thr protector. I like these feel of my finger sliding across the glass
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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That's true glass feels the best! Well if ur careful then ur phone will be fine. Gorilla glass ftw!!!
Sent from my Epic 4G

ravizzle said:
Yea samoled gets tiny dots on all white screen. Ur not the only one who sees it. I personaly only notice it when I look super super su0per carefully. It doesn't bother me at all, but I understand it may be a prob for some ppl who notice it.
Sent from my Epic 4G
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ok, at least I know i'm not the only one lol...
you gotta look pretty close to see it, but i have pretty good eyes, so they pop out alot easier.

oh, for the guy who said 2.2 is junk
sun spider on epic - 16758ms
droid 1.0ghz 2.2 - 8331ms


Want to switch to epic

Cons and pros
LCD I could go either way on
Big screen
Great community support
Hard to type
No keyboard
Super amoled
just the right size
Superior processor
Battery life
Bad com support
People say it feels cheaper
Touch wiz
Obviously I'm leaning towards epic but can anyone just tell me how much better it is? O and does epic have cm and snap?
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i just switched from evo to epic friday. i like the epic, the colors are better, the keyboard is awesome. youll notice the screen size diff at first but then itsfine. no CM or snap yet, just really like 3 roms out right now. but itll get better. in my opinion its ab tter switch, but ive always needed the keyboard. if youre fine without a keyboard then its not that great of a diff.
4wesome said:
i just switched from evo to epic friday. i like the epic, the colors are better, the keyboard is awesome. youll notice the screen size diff at first but then itsfine. no CM or snap yet, just really like 3 roms out right now. but itll get better. in my opinion its ab tter switch, but ive always needed the keyboard. if youre fine without a keyboard then its not that great of a diff.
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Yeah I figured. I really hope it gets better
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Oh nd hows the battery life? Thats my main concern
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The community support is not bad...we actually have quite a bit..its just the device has not been out as long and a lot of people are not used to HTC, most of the development now is being done by people who did development on other Samsung devices such as the Moment. The developers who came from HTC are doing things but not as quickly as they are not used to it.
That said, I usually used custom roms before but for my Epic I'm pretty happy with Stock and Root for backup and Tethering.
What do you mean by cm and snap? if cm is Cyanogen then its coming...
The battery life is OK, better if you configure Juice Defender or use energy saving Kernal and maybe kill mediahub..but stock vs stock Epic has a bit better battery then Evo
Yeah I meant cyanogen and what bout set CPU
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Crossrocker said:
Yeah I meant cyanogen and what bout set CPU
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pretty sure theres a kernal thatssets it to overclock when needed. better batter life with that kernal too. ive only tried one so far so cant say bout the other one(s)
i like my epic a lot, i havent gotten a chance to experience the EVO in full yet, but i know from having the mts that htc makes some of the best quality phones. Samsung did ok on this one, as far as physical build and keyboard ill give it a 7/10. 4 inch S-AMOLED screen is crazy.. but i cant wait til sprint/htc does a similar to the epic, because that will be truly epic
I was deciding between Evo and Epic too before finally getting an Epic. To me software is something that can be improved upon but hardware is what it is and cannot be changed. Samsung's support is not on par with HTC but they've pushed 2 updates out already in the last month, so maybe there's hope. And with simple tweaks I've got GPS working nicely as well as fairly good battery life (airplan mode and disable drm). So far I've been happy with the phone and I think it'll be amazing once Froyo is out.
I'm staying with evo.. epics got problems
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I took my evo back to the store a few weeks ago and traded for an epic. I was not impressed with the hardware of the evo. I would much rather have the cpu and gpu of the epic for future games etc..
Run the ocean waves live wallpaper on the evo and see for yourself, it starts chugging and epic runs it flawless...
Crossrocker said:
I'm staying with evo.. epics got problems
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Evo has problems too..it boils down to which problems you prefer Evo problems or Epic problems (no pun intended lol)
For me personally I have no problems yet on my Epic :/
gTen said:
Evo has problems too..it boils down to which problems you prefer Evo problems or Epic problems (no pun intended lol)
For me personally I have no problems yet on my Epic :/
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What problems does the EVO have these days?
From my understanding, the light leakage has been address, 30 fps caps been lifted and wifi fixed. Is there anything else?
Crossrocker said:
I'm staying with evo.. epics got problems
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iv been running my epic problem free for over a month
crabjoe said:
What problems does the EVO have these days?
From my understanding, the light leakage has been address, 30 fps caps been lifted and wifi fixed. Is there anything else?
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Video capture is still horrible, audio doesn't sync with video at times, taking pictures with low light has not improved. If the EVO fixed that i'd still be on it. Camera sucks on the EVO.
Well, if you're still wavering... the Epic's keyboard looks nice, but IMHO it was compromised into uselessness thanks to the flat keys with almost no space in between. The problem is that I can't use my thumbs to effortlessly type on it, because I keep hitting two or more keys. Had they compromised its appearance a bit by using keys that were 2/3 as wide and long (with the same center pitch), or significantly raised the keycap centers, it would be fine. Unfortunately, they didn't, so it's not. By the same token, holding it with my left hand and using my right index finger gets tiring quickly, and the phone wobbles due to the screen's weight if I try to type on the keyboard while the phone is laying on a table.
The keyboard design of the Epic just has me shaking my head wondering whether they even bothered to test its usability with real people before committing to the design, or whether they told their designers, "make it look pretty in pictures, and keep the profile low" and decided that actual usability didn't matter.
Sigh. I can't wait for 3D printers to become cheap enough to enable things like aftermarket retrofit parts for things like the Epic that come from the factory "not quite right" by design, but could probably be hacked into comfy usability if there were a cost-effective way to make custom plastic parts in small quantities. Then someone could just make a kit that let you disassemble the lower half of a stock Epic, then reassemble the circuit board in a new bottom enclosure that made the keyboard nicer to use, and maybe added a slide-latch to lock the slider closed for added solidity when it's stowed...
I owned an evo up till the epic came out. I switched because I worked on the processor inside the epic and wanted to own something that I helped to make.
I had a lot of reservations about switching. Chief among them was the support that Samsung would give the phone. I read the horror stories about the moment, but decided to jump in.
Well two updates in I'm gonna go ahead and say that the epic is already at a point where I am as happy with it as I was with my evo. It took 5 months to get my evo to a point where the battery life was acceptable and the phone was running smooth. As of yesterday, I've resolved my battery issues (clean install of the latest update and no restoration of original settings). All this while running 2.1. I'm giddy with excitement over what 2.2 could bring.
In my opinion, people that list touchwiz as a negative simply havent experienced it for themselves. I never liked HTC sense and always preferred ASOP. That said, once you replace the touchwiz launcher (which really is pretty crappy), you're left with things that touchwiz, in my opinion, does better than sense. For one, there are the shortcuts that allow you to toggle wifi, 4g, gps and bluetooth in the dropdown notification menu. This allows you to toggle these settings in any app without exiting to the home screen. Then theres the brightness slider on the notification bar that I use more times than I can count. When you get down to it, the only thing sense has going for it are the widgets. And the widgets can all be had, at a small cost, on the epic 4g via launcherpro plus and beautiful widgets.
The screen is amazing, the keyboard is more useful than I thought it would be. As is the hardware camera button. The only glaring defects are the GPS and the capacitive buttons. Now dont get me wrong, these two are pretty serious and potentially dealbreaking problems. But I have faith that the GPS can be fixed. And as far as the capacitive buttons go, I'm slowly getting used to them...
Thats my take, for what its worth. Good luck w/ your decision.

So after owning the G2 for a few weeks...

I'm happy to say that I'm back on my Samsung Vibrant! The G2 is a great looking phone, and fast at that too. Issues that made me walk away from it....
Hinge was fine when I first got it, but after a few weeks it got really loose.
Force closed on my Apps so many times, it made me wanna toss it out the window a few times.
Rebooted itself at least once a day. This morning it did it 3 times back-to-back. Really?!?!
Can't get a perm root, and it looks like a few are starting to give up on it. I'm sure it'll be rooted, but not any time soon.
I really missed the Vibrant crew. You guys are a bunch of cool Mother F__kers!
Missed this pretty ass screen! <3
Oh, and I know this is minor, but I couldn't do this <3 because the G2 is missing this key "<"
I haven't heard of any of them rebooting themselves. That is weird.
Did you do something to the phone to make that happen?
welcome back to the Vibrant.
Let's make a group called "The Vibrants!"
I didn't do anything to it at all. I didn't even try to install temp root either. I didn't want to mess with the phone till their was a perm root.
If you go to the G2 forum section, you'll see that a few people had a issues with the phone rebooting on its own. Even when I called T-Mobile about the issue, I was told that they've been getting calls about the issue.
Tarzanman said:
I haven't heard of any of them rebooting themselves. That is weird.
Did you do something to the phone to make that happen?
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There has definitely been people having issues with the phone rebooting by itself. Sometimes even 3 times in a day like he mentioned. Seen plenty of people on my Twitter timeline complain about it. There seem to be a lot of issues with the phone.
WilliamStern said:
I really missed the Vibrant crew. You guys are a bunch of cool Mother F__kers
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Good to have a family member back
We're pretty cool
You were lucky to return it. There are posts that some people have been put on a wait list due to so many returns coming in.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I am on my third G2 with the fourth replacement on the way and so far all have had very similar issues.1.Very very poor to no reception. 2. random rebooting, 3. Black screen freezes. 4. Dropped calls. 5. Loose hinges that keep getting looser. 6. When deploying keyboard apps start randomly. 7. Very difficult to connect to market. 8. Powers itself off on a random basis. I am so Grateful that I still have my Vibrant. So far I would rank it way above the G2. If my fourth one has the same issues and there is no OTA update to fix some of them I will send it back. IMO I believe the Vibrant is the best phone available at this time.
tenbeau said:
I am on my third G2 with the fourth replacement on the way and so far all have had very similar issues.1.Very very poor to no reception. 2. random rebooting, 3. Black screen freezes. 4. Dropped calls. 5. Loose hinges that keep getting looser. 6. When deploying keyboard apps start randomly. 7. Very difficult to connect to market. 8. Powers itself off on a random basis. I am so Grateful that I still have my Vibrant. So far I would rank it way above the G2. If my fourth one has the same issues and there is no OTA update to fix some of them I will send it back. IMO I believe the Vibrant is the best phone available at this time.
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I agree about the Vibrant being the best phone right now.
Thanks for telling me this after I just purchased a G2...
Actually I'm not giving my Vibrant up just yet. Once my G2 gets here I'll have both. I was able to get the G2 new for $200 flat-out (no contract) So I'm gonna keep them both for a while and see what happens. Then maybe I'll sell one
Told them so........
Told them so........ but no one listens The Vibrant best phone on the market today.
Smartphones I have had:
2 blackberrys, 3 Iphones, 1 nokia, 2 Winmo Phones, the G1 and the Hd 2
Of all those phones only the HD2 came close in overall performance to the Vibrant...... but not android and what a battery hog- did like the htc sense
What I like about the Vibrant (besides almost everything) it is very forgiving when you brick, I have been able to restore from all screwups I have created within 1 hr.
Within the first 20 min of trying a G2 I knew it was going to be buggy that is why I stayed with this phone
Good luck But Vibrant still RocKs
That just proves that every phone had issues. No phone is perfect.
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spacecasespiff said:
That just proves that every phone had issues. No phone is perfect.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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+1 plus 10 char
Still loving my vibrant.
spacecasespiff said:
That just proves that every phone had issues. No phone is perfect.
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Anyone try the EVO 4G? I wouldn't switch, I was just wondering. I love my vibrant, but my friend is switching because of the hype of 4G and the large screen. I've never tried seen an EVO up close so I'm not sure how good it really is.
rbtady said:
Anyone try the EVO 4G? I wouldn't switch, I was just wondering. I love my vibrant, but my friend is switching because of the hype of 4G and the large screen. I've never tried seen an EVO up close so I'm not sure how good it really is.
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Yeah I had the Evo before I got my Vibrant. It's a good phone, but Sprint sucks and the hype of the 4G is complete bull. I got about 4mbps tops on 4G and my Vibrant gets 6.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Just want to say welcome back. And after the froyo update we'll be back on the top of the food chain again: )
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This thread help me decide somethings. I am kicking Verizon to the curb because of billing issues. I am really looking at T-Mobile. Not sure if I want the Vibrant or HD2. I have a Droid X and now hooked on the 4.3".
Had thought about Evo but know the battery is horrible. I thought of the G2 because of HSPA+ but looks like I need to do the Vibrant or HD2.
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joroboyvn said:
Just want to say welcome back. And after the froyo update we'll be back on the top of the food chain again: )
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Personally I'd rather they get rid of RFS before I worry about Froyo. Faster JIT sounds nice but when your largest bottleneck is the FS, it doesn't matter. It's like driving a Ferrari in a school zone.
I love everything about the phone except the RFS. RFS is an example of companies drinking their kool-aid and wearing their sneakers, with the same result when it comes to plastic bags and breathing.
If you flash Bionix, Master ROM, AOSPish, or Eugene's R4, your phone will run like butter. Like. It's ridiculous how fast this thing is. I can't even stand to use the Nexus One it feels so laggy after witnessing such smoothness on the vibrant.
Other than that. My G2 also went back. It's not worth the hype nor the money. They could have made it AWESOME but no, they made it suck. The Vibrant is THE best phone. It out-performs EVERY phone in both power and slickness. The screen is the best. Once we get Froyo rolling we will be king. Forever. The only comparable/better phone to the Vibrant in smoothness (on menus/swyping screens) is the iPhone 4. But that's Crapple.
As far as the Evo 4g goes, it's ugly, and 4g aka Wimax is ***** **** that can't even touch T-Mobile's 3g itself, let alone HSPA+. My vibrant pulls 6.3mb/s. Sprint's 4g can't do that. Sprint is a joke and should be sued for false advertising
As far as the Droid X goes, it's huge and bulky. I just got one for testing on WQVGA854 screens for my apps. It's a decent device but it is more sluggish than anticipated even on Froyo. My vibrant on 2.1 runs Way smoother than my Nexus, G2, and DroidX combined, and they're all froyo.
The Vibrant is also a lot more slick than the Droid X. The Droid X is huge.
Also, depending on your location of course, T-Mobile is the best and 2nd cheapest (cricket), and most honest *cough*at&t*cough* provider. They have the nicest reps and the fastest 3g.
Vibrant -> ALL.
Vibrant 2.2 ---------------------------> all
Not to mention the Vibrant can get the FFC now as well. HSPA+ is only 8-10MB/s here in Pittsburgh as compared to 6.3MB/s, so it's not THAT big of a difference.
I will be keeping my Vibrant and loving it until Samsung drops the HSPA+ Dual Core Vibrant 2, on Gingerbread of course . And an unlimited-point touch screen with a QuadrupleSuperAMOLED HD lmao and 1920/1080 resolution... ROFL. Along with T-Mo's 42mb/s HSPA+ when that rolls. Not to mention a Camera button on the same side as the volume rocker and a mini HDMI out on the other side and... blah. Yes I dream.. 10 megapixel camera... records 1080p... a WiFi module with the power of a laptop's... and some real bluetooth compatibility... and a flash on the back camera... Make it Quad Core processor at 3.0GHz too LOL. I've gone too far.
OH and can't forget the quad-speaker setup that it should also have. Two speakers on the back and two speakers on the front. (top/bottom) and a 6800 mAh battery... that lasts like. 2 weeks. And make the touch screen feel like you could almost be touching water. But not wet.
Hahahaha. And. Uh. 1TB mini-SSD internal drive With 8GB/s transfer rate. Boots up in 5 seconds. Would be instant but needs a splash screen
Anderdroid said:
If you flash Bionix, Master ROM, AOSPish, or Eugene's R4, your phone will run like butter. Like. It's ridiculous how fast this thing is. I can't even stand to use the Nexus One it feels so laggy after witnessing such smoothness on the vibrant.
Other than that. My G2 also went back. It's not worth the hype nor the money. They could have made it AWESOME but no, they made it suck. The Vibrant is THE best phone. It out-performs EVERY phone in both power and slickness. The screen is the best. Once we get Froyo rolling we will be king. Forever. The only comparable/better phone to the Vibrant in smoothness (on menus/swyping screens) is the iPhone 4. But that's Crapple.
As far as the Evo 4g goes, it's ugly, and 4g aka Wimax is ***** **** that can't even touch T-Mobile's 3g itself, let alone HSPA+. My vibrant pulls 6.3mb/s. Sprint's 4g can't do that. Sprint is a joke and should be sued for false advertising
As far as the Droid X goes, it's huge and bulky. I just got one for testing on WQVGA854 screens for my apps. It's a decent device but it is more sluggish than anticipated even on Froyo. My vibrant on 2.1 runs Way smoother than my Nexus, G2, and DroidX combined, and they're all froyo.
The Vibrant is also a lot more slick than the Droid X. The Droid X is huge.
Also, depending on your location of course, T-Mobile is the best and 2nd cheapest (cricket), and most honest *cough*at&t*cough* provider. They have the nicest reps and the fastest 3g.
Vibrant -> ALL.
Vibrant 2.2 ---------------------------> all
Not to mention the Vibrant can get the FFC now as well. HSPA+ is only 8-10MB/s here in Pittsburgh as compared to 6.3MB/s, so it's not THAT big of a difference.
I will be keeping my Vibrant and loving it until Samsung drops the HSPA+ Dual Core Vibrant 2, on Gingerbread of course . And an unlimited-point touch screen with a QuadrupleSuperAMOLED HD lmao and 1920/1080 resolution... ROFL. Along with T-Mo's 42mb/s HSPA+ when that rolls. Not to mention a Camera button on the same side as the volume rocker and a mini HDMI out on the other side and... blah. Yes I dream.. 10 megapixel camera... records 1080p... a WiFi module with the power of a laptop's... and some real bluetooth compatibility... and a flash on the back camera... Make it Quad Core processor at 3.0GHz too LOL. I've gone too far.
OH and can't forget the quad-speaker setup that it should also have. Two speakers on the back and two speakers on the front. (top/bottom) and a 6800 mAh battery... that lasts like. 2 weeks.
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Yeah You are dreaming...and misrepresenting the truth. By the time you get Froyo it will be time to get a new phone. I had the Vibrant for almost 30 days (Cali) sent it back before the remorse period. I rooted it on the first day, the screen is over saturated for my taste (hurts the eyes) and the quality of the phone is plastic and flimsy. The Samsung Epic is a better choice. As for Sprint, I have hit 10+ downloads speeds in the valley and overall they have more coverage (3G) then T-Mobile. The Roms for the Vibrant were sorely insufficient for my taste as well, plus touchwiz is just ugly. Try taking a picture without any light, no video calls, no front camera, no dual led flash= less than Evo or Epic. However, it is slightly behind Nexus and Incredible as far as what it can do. The processor is geared toward gaming, but in other areas it will fall short. Run a linpack on that thing if and when you get Froyo and tell me what you get. You will never get above 20 mflops. So, in that area all the other phones I mentioned are killing the Vibrant.
I returned 2 g2's because of random reboots, so yes that is an issue
i am back to my good ole vibrant

[Q] Rooted Evo vs Rooted Epic

I searched through the forums quite a bit and even good but have yet to find anything specific. I'm not sure which phone to get since I can not find a rooted comparison.
Please read about my HTC Hero and my original thoughts here:
Main Points:
Weight and size are not an issue: Glass screen is a +
Price is not an issue.
Standard Mini USB charging is a +
Battery life is not so important.
Texting Speed is 100% most important item - my hero can not keep up with my fingers and it is beyond frustrating.
I know this is the Epic forum so I can't say I don't expect you to be bias, but it would be nice to hear anything at all. Just wanted to hear how the phones compare as BOTH rooted devices with all speed benefits.
As of now the epic has an issue where it will miss keys on the physical keyboard every so often. Txlexting speed is also very important to me (I have an epic) and I have been dissappinted with the physical keyboard to say the least. That being said, the evo does not even have a physical keyboard and you could use any keyboard from the evo on the epic. The app "Smart keyboard" is the best of all that I have tried. The screen on the epic is also substantially better than the evo. The evo gets updates before the epic because it is an htc phone so that is always something to consider. Good luck.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
If you fancy yourself with modding then an Evo is a clear cut winner. There are much more Roms, Mods, and source codes are always released first for HTC phones. Samsung has a history of not really supporting their devices. Epic is no exception. And if you look at the news today in the Android world, signs point to Samsung focusing on supporting Windows 7 phones in 2011 while Android will slowly move to the back seat. http: //phandroid.com/2010/11/22/samsung-focusing-more-on-windows-7-in-2011-but-will-it-matter/
imwillzillla said:
And if you look at the news today in the Android world, signs point to Samsung focusing on supporting Windows 7 phones in 2011 while Android will slowly move to the back seat. http: //phandroid.com/2010/11/22/samsung-focusing-more-on-windows-7-in-2011-but-will-it-matter/
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Samusung needs to give up on smartphones because they have no clue what their doing.
They have great screens & top notch processor but missing the most important factors. QC & SUPPORT!!!
sling said:
Samusung needs to give up on smartphones because they have no clue what their doing.
They have great screens & top notch processor but missing the most important factors. QC & SUPPORT!!!
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Yeah you can tell how tarded they are by them having the hottest phone on the planet and neglecting it.
Actually, I completely forgot to mention, I don't know that I would use the keyboard much anyway. I guess if it was there, I may start to use it, but I like the touch screen keyboard, I'm quite fast with them. In fact I still use T9 a LOT, especially while I'm driving. So as far as the keyboard goes, not a huge pro/con for me. When I mention texting speeds, I just want the phone to be able to keep up with me. My experience with the HTC hero is bad in the sense that I'll be waiting every few words for the phone to catch up so I can check for errors before continuing to type.
Those are some really good points! So if I root the Evo with a custom rom, the speeds will be comparable to a rooted epic? And how come HTC stuff comes out first/sooner? Just because the phone has been out longer?
Windows 7... ew. Those are definitely some good points. Do HTC updates and that matter much if I'm installing a custom ROM?
Thanks guys.
Note: I heard the Evo now comes stocked with something that prevents it from being rooted and still today they've yet to break it. Any truth to this?
YoshioDuo said:
Note: I heard the Evo now comes stocked with something that prevents it from being rooted and still today they've yet to break it. Any truth to this?
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My Evo is a week old and UnrEVOked worked fine for me.
scriz said:
My Evo is a week old and UnrEVOked worked fine for me.
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Great news. I've been leaning towards the evo... looks like it's decided. Thanks again MLHickey.
Last note is, should I wait for early 2011 in case HTC releases something crazy. I mean, I can live on my HTC hero a few more months if I need to.
Just thought as an epic owner Im obligated to reply. The choice is a hard one, but the epic is faster, a better screen (even if slightly smaller) and since its basically stock android doesnt need roms like cynagen to be super fast and its only slightly thicker then the evo. You also get better battery life on the epic.
As for the keyboard, its really not that bad, and a keyboard is better then nothing at times when touch typing just isnt working out as planned.
I had the same hard decesion and luckily when I was visiting home a few weeks ago I got to play with my parents evo. Don't let the benchmarks fool you, the epic is much faster, plus that screen, you get size shock from the evo, but color and contrast shock from the epic. Plus you can install htcs awesome on screen keyboard on the epic. Its the best of all worlds in my book. The evo will have faster updates though, but really.. updates are almost superficial because by time android 2.2 is unsupported should they stop there you will likely be getting a new phone. Gps might or might not work better on the evo, some epics are fine, others aren't.
Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
TheDub said:
Just thought as an epic owner Im obligated to reply. The choice is a hard one, but the epic is faster, a better screen (even if slightly smaller) and since its basically stock android doesnt need roms like cynagen to be super fast and its only slightly thicker then the evo. You also get better battery life on the epic.
As for the keyboard, its really not that bad, and a keyboard is better then nothing at times when touch typing just isnt working out as planned.
I had the same hard decesion and luckily when I was visiting home a few weeks ago I got to play with my parents evo. Don't let the benchmarks fool you, the epic is much faster, plus that screen, you get size shock from the evo, but color and contrast shock from the epic. Plus you can install htcs awesome on screen keyboard on the epic. Its the best of all worlds in my book. The evo will have faster updates though, but really.. updates are almost superficial because by time android 2.2 is unsupported should they stop there you will likely be getting a new phone. Gps might or might not work better on the evo, some epics are fine, others aren't.
Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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But what about Epic's ugly azz cool color temperature?! Whites look grey on it, screen has blue tint... sorry, photographer coming out in me, but Evo's colors are much more accurate.
quote: "especially while I'm driving. " i dont care what phone you have, this is dangerous and very stupid. please refrain from texting while driving.
TheDub said:
Just thought as an epic owner Im obligated to reply. The choice is a hard one, but the epic is faster, a better screen (even if slightly smaller) and since its basically stock android doesnt need roms like cynagen to be super fast and its only slightly thicker then the evo. You also get better battery life on the epic.
As for the keyboard, its really not that bad, and a keyboard is better then nothing at times when touch typing just isnt working out as planned.
I had the same hard decesion and luckily when I was visiting home a few weeks ago I got to play with my parents evo. Don't let the benchmarks fool you, the epic is much faster, plus that screen, you get size shock from the evo, but color and contrast shock from the epic. Plus you can install htcs awesome on screen keyboard on the epic. Its the best of all worlds in my book. The evo will have faster updates though, but really.. updates are almost superficial because by time android 2.2 is unsupported should they stop there you will likely be getting a new phone. Gps might or might not work better on the evo, some epics are fine, others aren't.
Just my 2 cents.
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Is your two cents from owning both? My battery lasts way longer than my girls epic
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BrianDigital said:
Is your two cents from owning both? My battery lasts way longer than my girls epic
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I'm not tryna sound biased but u gotta be kidding me.. maybe ur gf's usage is much higher.. honestly 4 of my friends have evo's and whenever we're chilling on either of our houses, they fight over the charger.. although my epic is rooted and has custom rom+kernel and their evo doesn't but even b4 i rooted mine i had much better battery life..
The keyboard on this thing is not great, but it beats having none. WPM will not be high with this keyboard, although accuracy is not bad. Still, coming from a Hero, I really like having a keyboard now.
The main gripe is Samsung's poor support, small ROM, and the gps on this thing.
If you text a lot, this should still be your choice as it is faster than virtual keyboards.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
BrianDigital said:
Is your two cents from owning both? My battery lasts way longer than my girls epic
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Lets be a smarta$$ about it.
No. I have asked about the Evo's battery life and I quite frequently hear it hardly makes it through the day from people who DO own them. I've had mine unplugged with moderate use and plenty of calls since 7am and its at 40% right now at 11PM. Now to be fair.. my Epic is rooted with the battery sucking processes from Sprint/Samsung cut out, the Evo's i've heard about are stock. If both were rooted you'd probably cut similar results.
They both have 1500MAH batteries, they will both be roughly the same if you cut the fat out of each I imagine.
As for the screen, yeah the colors are not as accurate, but you're not going to notice, they have a cooler look to them which bothers the heck out of graphics designers and the like heh heh but really.. it's still stunning in comparison to the evo, but thats just MY opinion.
You really need to go into the Sprint store and play with both as much as you can.... you really can't go wrong with either of them and their pro's and con's split pretty evenly.
1) for the keyboard issue..try disabling Swype and use the hardware kb.
2) Epic even with the custom roms we have is doing fairly well...I mean take all the custom roms on the EVO and the Epic and you'll notice there isn't too much difference...most of the advantages EVO had was gotten from the Nexus One which hopefully we will get from the Nexus S.
3) You can do a bunch with custom roms on the EVO to make it run smoother but It'll never run as smooth as the epic.
4) The colors can't be more accurate on the EVO because its only 64k colors..if anything Droid X has probably the most accurate colors...but since EVO is only 64k colors it won't be accurate...the Super AMOLED tends to be mroe blue because the blue dies out the fastest...over time it balances itself out...on my device though if I set it to 100% brightness its white as I lower the brightness it turns grayish..but thats what lowering brightness is suppose to do...
5) Yeah.. texting while driving is bad...
6) Battery life varies by your usage..overall though if you configure it best you can on both devices Epic will win.
TheDub said:
Lets be a smarta$$ about it.
No. I have asked about the Evo's battery life and I quite frequently hear it hardly makes it through the day from people who DO own them. I've had mine unplugged with moderate use and plenty of calls since 7am and its at 40% right now at 11PM. Now to be fair.. my Epic is rooted with the battery sucking processes from Sprint/Samsung cut out, the Evo's i've heard about are stock. If both were rooted you'd probably cut similar results.
They both have 1500MAH batteries, they will both be roughly the same if you cut the fat out of each I imagine.
As for the screen, yeah the colors are not as accurate, but you're not going to notice, they have a cooler look to them which bothers the heck out of graphics designers and the like heh heh but really.. it's still stunning in comparison to the evo, but thats just MY opinion.
You really need to go into the Sprint store and play with both as much as you can.... you really can't go wrong with either of them and their pro's and con's split pretty evenly.
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i had to read that twice, he wasnt talkin about you only having two cents... he was referring to owning both phones... just kinda seemed like u took that the wrong way...
Personally, I never got to actually play around with an evo but I will say these things about my epic:
The keyboard, though sometimes annoying, is a great bonus to have for those who text/email/im/fb/whatever a lot. And you can bring the htc keyboard over to the epic as well.
The battery life on custom roms/kernels seems to be better when compared to most evo scenarios (I don't have an evo so don't quote me)
The color temps can be fixed using voodoo color.
The phone DEFINITELY responds better to user input than the evo, hands down (probably due to the evo having so much bloat, and also due to the better built cortex processor)
Updates on the evo happen more quickly, this is very true. But our devs have done a great job fixing MOST of our major issues.
This is a big one that people seem to be failing to mention. The new froyo modems seem to FIX gps PERMANENTLY. I've been running wifi on my epic for days without a reboot and gps is on hot start (not using the cold start workaround) and every time I get a full lock within seconds (using gps status).
All in all, I love my epic and the way it runs thanks to our community, but if you want a more reliable manufacturer (and a community that isn't chock full of spoiled brats who's parents bought them the phone), go with the evo.
If you can deal with the slower updates and the forum nonsense, go with the epic.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I think more kids end up with an epic over an evo just because of the keyboard. Look son it has a keyboard so you can type fast! "OMG L33T AHH! SWEET!" lol..
I wonder how many kids actually are on these forums when I was 12 I wasn't looking for ways to hack my cell phone... then again when I was 12 I think that Motorola "flip" phone that looked like something outta star trek was the most popular one for being so "portable". lol
uhm no, thats why there are sidekicks.. i doubt u will c a kid with an epic or evo..

Screen Comparison - LG G2x vs Samsung Vibrant

I am getting tired of waiting for a new phone, and am interested in getting the LG G2x. I understand it has its issues, but im willing to give it a shot, plus i will be putting CM7 on, which I believe fixes some of the said issues.
But my question is, how is the display (screen) of the LG in comparison to the Super Amoled of the Vibrant.
Is the Vibrant Significantly better? are they similar?
Any input would be appreciated.
i have had both. vibrant and g2x. im going to go stick to my vibrant.
Its a good phone but no worth the upgrade it still has 512 ram like vibrant so not an real upgrade an android doesn't utilize 2 cores yet an screen is down grade really wait another 3 to 6 months 4 a phone
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Double post srry
Jasonhunterx said:
Its a good phone but no worth the upgrade it still has 512 ram like vibrant so not an real upgrade an android doesn't utilize 2 cores yet an screen is down grade really wait another 3 to 6 months 4 a phone SAMOLED HD should be out by that time hopefully
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Wait for the Samsung hercules, it'll have everything the g2x is missing but it comes out in september still no reason to rush just flash some new roms its what I do when i get tired of my phone now Im on MIUI
Nowhere near an upgrade. If anything the vibrant dominates that pos phone. If you got it your basically taking a huge risk. Have you seen how trouble sum those phones have been its ridiculous..
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Don't do it.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Us Galaxy S users have gotten spoiled by the AMOLED screen, I could never use another device that didn't have one, I even find the screen on the iPhone 4 to be lacking, but thats personal opinion.
As for upgrading to the G2x, save your cash and upgrade, my mother has one, basically no difference from the vibrant, except the lack of the AMOLED, which is the first thing you notice.
Alex530 said:
Nowhere near an upgrade. If anything the vibrant dominates that pos phone. If you got it your basically taking a huge risk. Have you seen how trouble sum those phones have been its ridiculous..
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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but... but... but... the gps works better than the vibrants?
funeralthirst said:
but... but... but... the gps works better than the vibrants?
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Give me a break if gps is that important you can buy a bluetooth gps reciever for 40 bucks
ok. i guess i will wait for the Hercules or the next Nexus device! Thanks!
and yes.... the Super AMOLED screen has spoiled me.... dont even want to know what the SAMOLED+ Screen will look like!
GameOver69 said:
dont even want to know what the SAMOLED+ Screen will look like!
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Trust me. It'll be better than sliced Jesus.
funeralthirst said:
but... but... but... the gps works better than the vibrants?
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I was going to ask about the gps. I am really getting tired of not having a phone with a gps that I can trust to take me to my destination. I had the G1 and the HD2 and could trust both of those phones to take me to ther right place and not lose the signal 10 times on the way.
Working GPS doesn't mean a whole lot if the phone reboots or hard freezes to the point of requiring a battery pull at least 5 times a day.
I went through FOUR G2x's in a month and each and every one of them had the same problems...
I tried all of these:
Stock with absolutely no apps installed except for what came from the factory.
Stock with root
Stock with root , again with nothing but what came from the factory and superuser.
Custom ROM with root
CM7 with root
Under ALL of those conditions it had the same problems.
They should have named it the LG Crash-o-matic.
I'll take my Vibrant any day of the week over it.
By the way - don't let the "speed" fool you - they actually sped up the speed of the animations to make it look like it was faster.
whatever5 said:
Give me a break if gps is that important you can buy a bluetooth gps reciever for 40 bucks
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actually my gps works fine (well as good as a vibrant can be expected to. on cm7 and i bought my vib on release date), since you didn't pick up on the obvious sarcasm....
I just got a G2x a few days ago and updated to official Gingerbread right away. So far, I have not experienced a single freeze or reboot. The GPS locks almost right away. I came from the Samsung Mesmerize (Galaxy S, SCH-I500) which had a TERRIBLE GPS.
As for the screen, the Mes may have been a little better but honestly the G2X still has a fantastic screen, one of the better ones. It's an IPS LCD just like the iPhone 4.
And the phone is FAST.
Alex530 said:
Nowhere near an upgrade. If anything the vibrant dominates that pos phone. If you got it your basically taking a huge risk. Have you seen how trouble sum those phones have been its ridiculous..
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Umm, really? The Vibrant is a wonderful phone, but it's not nearly as powerful as the G2X. OP: Go to your local t-mobile store and compare the two side by side for yourself. That's the only way you'll know. But as others have said, unless you're going to another Samsung device, prepare to get a crummier screen.
I love everything about my new sensation, but I really miss SAMOLED.
Paging Dr B said:
Umm, really? The Vibrant is a wonderful phone, but it's not nearly as powerful as the G2X. OP: Go to your local t-mobile store and compare the two side by side for yourself. That's the only way you'll know. But as others have said, unless you're going to another Samsung device, prepare to get a crummier screen.
I love everything about my new sensation, but I really miss SAMOLED.
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Playing with the phone at the store and having one in your possession for more than just a few minutes are two TOTALLY different things... Sure, it may have a 1000 horsepower engine, but when it's running with only 1 quart of oil when it's supposed to have 4 or 5, things aren't going to run right.
The phone may be powerful, but it's a piece of junk when you get right down to it.
Yeah the screen on both phones are great, but why sacrifice a small screen difference for stock gingerbread, raw power (tegra 2 dual core) and a better camera, capable of 1080p. The gingerbread update fixed almost every single problem. The phone just flies. Yes our phones are great and I love the vibrant, but if you're looking for a powerhouse update soon, I'd go for the g2x
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Who's getting a Photon???

I have a friend that has one and we traded phones for a couple hours last night. Here's my mini review/reason I'm getting it. First the kickstand. I know alot of people hate the kickstand placement because it places the charging port and hdmi port down. Surprisingly unlike the evo the kickstand clicks in place which makes it possible for you to flip the phone upside down with the kickstand basically flat. This allows you to charge the phone while also watching Netflix with the kickstand propping the phone up. If your brave you can also have the phone in portrait with the kickstand open but the phone rocks if you touch it though I think it would take alot to make it fall over.
My epic barely gets one 3g bar in my dorm room his photon however has 3 or 4 which means alot lol because when I go outside its full. 4G on the other hand demolished my epic doing 10mb whereas my epic did 5 or 6 on a good day. Call quality is something I've never really been able to gauge I called a couple landlines and cellphones with no issues besides that I had to turn the volume down which is agood thing. Speakerphone was clearer then my epic it didn't sound distorted as usual when I try to use it and wasn't as obvious.
Now to the more important stuff the software. To each his own but Motoblur is 10x better than Touchwiz and nothing close to the Motoblur of old. The widgets aren't flashy on the outside almost as if their trying to conserve battery but I like them especially the messaging widget. I don't see myself using handcent anymore because it allows you to have all your messaging in an universal App which is wonderful for me because I'm always on twitter and facebook. The music app is good also especially for people who buy music from amazon. The social widgets I didn't really get into because well it wasn't my phone lol. Most importantly people say the phone lags switching from screen to screen and honestly I think it's the frame rate of Motoblur because I installed Go Launcher, ADW, LP, and Zeam(favorite) and they flew I mean fastest i've seen on any phone even the 3vo and to be sure I loaded them all 7 screens with widgets and transitions.
I only had the phone for 4 hours but the battery life was good only used 20% doing all the stuff I've spoken of above. However, he came looking for my charger and my phone was fully charged when he got it lol. Now for a few tidbits the camera is great I didn't see this bluish tint people speak of or the pixelation maybe I wasn't looking hard enough or don't have a keen enough eye. After the system used its necessity after a clean boot there was about 700mb of ram for use which is well self explanatory. Apps open instantly, bluetooth connects perfectly quicker than my epic, and wifi had no hiccups, and I've talked about 4G already but I'm starting to get hungry any questions ask personally I plan on buying one but who knows may still end up with a within when it comes out.
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inimitableac said:
Most importantly people say the phone lags switching from screen to screen and honestly I think it's the frame rate of Motoblur because I installed Go Launcher, ADW, LP, and Zeam(favorite) and they flew I mean fastest i've seen on any phone even the 3vo and to be sure I loaded them all 7 screens with widgets and transitions.
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Yes, it a blur problem. The "Blur" on the Droid 2 R2D2 is exactly the same in that it lags, which makes the phone seem slow. As soon as I put LP on it(it was my cousins) it was pretty smooth.
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G.
Just wait for the Samsung Within
Photon 4g is a great phone.. However i think i could do without the kickstand if it was alitlle slimmer.
Im pretty sure its thicker than most galaxy s phone (not to mention gs2)
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
MikeyLee said:
Just wait for the Samsung Within
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Cdma Samsung is horrible
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
inimitableac said:
Cdma Samsung is horrible
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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I'm happy with the Epic lol. XD
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G.
Thanks for the review. Keep us updated.
I'm happy with my Epic too, but I'd be happier with +20dB more signal that I might get with the Photon. I tested that today at a Sprint store...
There is also the dock for your TV which works great. I have not yet seen if the actual dock is required for the app to work or if a straight cable can be used from phone to TV...
There is also an app to share files from computer to the phone over 3/4g or wifi (supposedly). The review sites have all been full of **** and half assed reviews and I have only seen a single mention of this feature, no details whatsoever.
The UI does lag and it did look great when I used both GO and ADW on the store demo..
I also changed the theme to a couple different styles and all looked great.
I noticed no discoloring on the camera pictures and the screen looks real good on color duplication. My Epic side by side has a greenish tint, while the Photon looked as though it might have had a warmer (red) tint, still accurate colors though..
The sound from the speaker sounded a bit clearer from my Epic while playing Electronic and Classic Rock.
I did not try calls or texts or anything like that but yall can see other reviewers for that info. Overall quality of calls seems good.
I removed several apps that looked like they were bloatware...
I will find out for sure when I go to another store to play for an hour or so...
The camera has very few options. I like the panorama option on my Epic, even though it is low resolution. There just didnt seem to be many customizations or settings to tinker with, but I might have just missed them in my limited time... I would love to confirm if the camera sound can be killed...
got the photon today, played with it for few hours, everything is very good, but the screen is terrible. really bad. its going back to sprint tomorrow. will wait for the within
ericizzy1 said:
got the photon today, played with it for few hours, everything is very good, but the screen is terrible. really bad. its going back to sprint tomorrow. will wait for the within
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what is it about the screen that was horrible ?
asking because I'm on the fence about getting the photon.. I managed to get an early upgrade (full upgrade) 2 wks before my 12 month anniversary and I was playing w/ one and it seemed ok.. just wasn't impressed w/ the screen too well..
can you offer a review of the screen ?
The screen is not horrible at all. In fact it is actually pretty awesome. The Super AMOLED screens are just an over saturated display that kill your battery like crazy. The Photon's display is impressive plus it has the best battery life for a smartphone ever.
Look at Engadget's review. Their positive is the screen!
Korey_Nicholson said:
The screen is not horrible at all. In fact it is actually pretty awesome. The Super AMOLED screens are just an over saturated display that kill your battery like crazy. The Photon's display is impressive plus it has the best battery life for a smartphone ever.
Look at Engadget's review. Their positive is the screen!
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Do you know the pixel count... like 480x800?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
deano0714 said:
Do you know the pixel count... like 480x800?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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It is qHD just like the EVO 3D
Korey_Nicholson said:
The screen is not horrible at all. In fact it is actually pretty awesome. The Super AMOLED screens are just an over saturated display that kill your battery like crazy. The Photon's display is impressive plus it has the best battery life for a smartphone ever.
Look at Engadget's review. Their positive is the screen!
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I second this. Very much like the display.
Battery life is superb. 1 day 3 hours of moderate to heavy usage and I still had 13% left.
Panoramic mode for the camera is under menu then picture modes.
Pixel count is 540 x 960
And the option to connect to your tv without the **** and just a cable is there but you need to be rooted.
The bootloader is also unlocked already. And root access of available without dock now.
If you have the chance I say upgrade and test it for a week or 2 then decide for your self. I think I may be keeping it.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
I want it, cant afford it. Waiting to see if someone will return it so I can buy it pre-owned at the store .
ZiggSVO said:
I second this. Very much like the display.
Battery life is superb. 1 day 3 hours of moderate to heavy usage and I still had 13% left.
Panoramic mode for the camera is under menu then picture modes.
Pixel count is 540 x 960
And the option to connect to your tv without the **** and just a cable is there but you need to be rooted.
The bootloader is also unlocked already. And root access of available without dock now.
If you have the chance I say upgrade and test it for a week or 2 then decide for your self. I think I may be keeping it.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
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Yeah I love the option to connect my Photon to my TV without my ****. lol
Korey_Nicholson said:
Yeah I love the option to connect my Photon to my TV without my ****. lol
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Lol i was just about to make a joke about that, oh well. lol
Yea this phone is amazing so far along with the devs
Sent from my PHOTON blaster!
Korey_Nicholson said:
Yeah I love the option to connect my Photon to my TV without my ****. lol
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Some swypos you just dont want to fix
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
Darkshneider said:
I want it, cant afford it. Waiting to see if someone will return it so I can buy it pre-owned at the store .
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$99 from radio Shack
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
