A Big Step Into The Scene - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Ok im going to take the plunge and try to run android on my HD2 i havent really messed about with my mob it too much but when i first got the Phone i flashed from the 02 ROM to the WWE i think i had to run Hspl or something like that cant quite remember.
basicly before i start i would like to ask a few questions in the hope some can open the door for me
to enjoy android on my HD2
1) I have downloaded FroyoStone Sense - Version 3.2
I know its preference but is this a good starting block i.e most support stable relese and so on. or would you recomend a different build?
2) I hear windows roms can cause issues when running android my phone is currently at this stage below.
will this cause problems do i need to change to a custom rom and if so again whats most people using
OS - 5.2.21869
Manila - 2.5.19211619.0
Rom - 1.66405.2 WWE
Radio -
[ROM][WWE]★★★Astraios Roms★★★[REG/BUUF/GTX][23569][22nd July]
ChuckyROM GTX + CHT 1.8.5 - 23128 ~ 2.10.1
¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ | 21911||23129 * Sense 2018
or other?
3) Question 2 brings me on to radios i guess if the above is necessary then a radio is needed,
Again what are people preference?
4) If the above questions are required then i know im required to hspl my HD2 but what version should
I use and does it matter that i have used a previos version?

Can some please just take 2mins out to help me please?

Westie69 said:
Can some please just take 2mins out to help me please?
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Sorry this has to be done mate

Westie69 said:
Can some please just take 2mins out to help me please?
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Instead of asking to be spoon-fed, you could try taking 2 mins out of your own day to do a little reading. These questions have been asked (literally) hundreds of times before.

Its not about being spoon feed i think i have ask valid questions if you follow a scene right from the begining of corse you will know exactly what to do, but as im coming into this scene 9 months too late theres a lot to learn i have done the searching and the reading.
I dont think im that far off from understanding what the procedure is all im asking for is a few simple questions to be answered by people in the know!
Nice to see that this community is willing to help out new comers i hope that you try to get into a scene and no one helps you out because you will understand what it is like!
At the end of the day its my mobile phone that i use daily for work i carnt really afford to be fashing dodgy unstale roms diffrent radios and so on.

Westie69 said:
Its not about being spoon feed i think i have ask valid questions if you follow a scene right from the begining of corse you will know exactly what to do, but as im coming into this scene 9 months too late theres a lot to learn i have done the searching and the reading..
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I sold my Nexus one only last week, and purchased this phone.
I did not start a thread asking what to do?
Ive tried a lot of Win mobile roms, radios, sdcards and android builds to get to a stable setup..
No one can tell you what is best for you.... there are many factors that will effect your experience and you would know this by doing some quality reading instead of waiting to be told...

I can't be bothered with the "do this" "do that" and "search the 1,000,000 threads for something I know" thing.
Upgrade your radio to a minimum of 2.08.50 (I'd recommend 2.12.50 or higher, even 2.15.50 - the current latest).
I use FroyoStone Sense v3.1 (so I can't speak for v3.2) and I find it the best version I've tried. I've only tried a handful though, so I'm no expert.
As for HSPL, if you've already got a custom ROM on there then don't worry about that. If you can, use the latest official ROM from HTC. That comes with the latest radio and doesn't care about HSPL.


custom rom vs offical

hi all i have the first batch of hd2's from mobilephonesdirect.com and the specs are
1.43.405.1 WWE rom
5.2.21864 OS
now id like to flash my hd2 as ive had it awhile and at first just installed everything everywhere and now i know what apps i want id like a clean install, i was going to just hard reset it but then thought seen as theirs new roms i should install one for the fixes they offer. so i have one simple question....
should i install the latest official rom from htc 1.66 or would it benefit me more installing a custom rom, keep in mind this is a first for me and i would like a custom rom if possible to gain some extra features they offer
can someone link me to the best custom rom to date please and also are they easy to install
you should do your homework and read m8. then happy flashing.
im reading up on the info now matey, could i ask whats the best custom rom todate.. most stable and clean, also how is their some with more ram and cpu hacks, where can i find out more info on this as it seems weird htc putting higher amounts of ram in these hd2's and then not showing it, also whats this 1ghz hack ??
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donalgodon said:
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could you post your thoughts here too I am well interested too, I have had my HTC HD2 for 8 hours now and its a beauty!!!
I have pretty much decided to:
- Check SPL version
- Install HSDL
- Install Dutty's LEO Holy Grail V0.9
- Stick a SNES emulator on it.
there is no 'best custom rom' and if you HAD been reading up you would have seen that that question gets asked a dozen times per day, and never gets an answer.
actually threads like that get closed.
knightthatsaysni said:
could you post your thoughts here too I am well interested too, I have had my HTC HD2 for 8 hours now and its a beauty!!!
I have pretty much decided to:
- Check SPL version
- Install HSDL
- Install Dutty's LEO Holy Grail V0.9
- Stick a SNES emulator on it.
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Starting with HSPL is the best choice, then your options are greater.
You'll get many opinions on ROMs, and all our chef's are great, and do fantastic work but like anything, it is a matter of taste.
For me, Dutty's HG is a good place to start. It is close to stock, but with some great custom features. It is my choice, as it suits my needs/style of using my phone the best, but my all means, you should experiment.
I have read alot and the process/method seems like something I can cope with, I suppose the only question is:
If I should wait for longer than 8 hours
Nice piece of kit for sure though.....
That's up to you, but what are you waiting for?

[Q] Telstra T9193; Android Woes

Hi all,
Having a problem getting Android to run on my Telstra HD2. I do the following:
+ Run CLRCAD; all good
+ Run HARET; all good until -- 5 or 6 lines of the linux screen appear and then it hangs, or the screen goes blank depending on the Android build that I try running.
I have an Australian HD2 with the following specs:
Model: T9193 (Telstra)
OS: 5.2.21869
D: 1.72.82124
I am using the standard SanDisk 16Gb Micro-SD card. I have tried a number of Android builds from gamesquare.co.uk with no luck.
Can anyone suggest what I need to do to get this running on the stock Telstra ROM?
Any help is greatly appreciated,
Probably need to upgrade your rom
and radio. Look at some signatures of people who say their build is working good.
I didn't really want to upgrade the ROM and radio since it'd void my warranty..
RE: Telstra woes
I notice you are running 2.07.51 radio. I reckon it's your radio to be honest. I run on mine. I have had problems with radios other than x.xx.50.xx radios. There is a link somewhere in here to all the working radios (I think in the definitive guide. Don't worry about warranty issues, if you ever need to deal with that, just flash back to the factory rom (but I take no responsibility .
Definitely need to change the radio. You need a .50 radio. That also means you need to put HSPL on the phone. However, be aware that Android is not very stable yet. I couldn't get WiFi working and had all sorts of problems getting it to talk with Outlook. Went back to stock Rom highly modified (CHT etc)
Hmmm indeed the radio could be the problem. I use the radio (although my G and and D values are also different from yours) and I've had no problems.
This way if anything catastrophically goes wrong with your phone and you're unable to flash the old radio back hopefully they won't notice
EDIT: Forgot about HSPL, thanks iandg.
Thanks for the replies.
I'm going to bite the bullet... I've just installed HSPL; no problems.. Now to find a radio update..
iandg said:
Definitely need to change the radio. You need a .50 radio. That also means you need to put HSPL on the phone. However, be aware that Android is not very stable yet. I couldn't get WiFi working and had all sorts of problems getting it to talk with Outlook. Went back to stock Rom highly modified (CHT etc)
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really? you had that much problems with it dude? I'm still a noob here but I must say that I'm having a really good experience with it at the moment.
My config seems to be working pretty good. Try this....
ROM is NRGZ maxsense rom:
Android build is [BUILD][25.08.2010][mattc Leo + Froyo w/Sense 1.6b][Kernel: michyprima #70]:
I have actually been using this as my main OS for the last 2 builds and it is really usable now. I have it syncing direct to my outlook server at work no probs at all (IT have hijacked it with security policies, but this is understandable). Other than that I reckon the DEVs here are absolute geniuses with how well this stuff is running.
Hope this is of some help
e1design said:
Thanks for the replies.
I'm going to bite the bullet... I've just installed HSPL; no problems.. Now to find a radio update..
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e1design, I have the same phone in the States on AT&T. Feel free to use my links below in my sig to get what I'm using. It works just fine. I haven't been on WinMo in weeks.
Firstly, thanks for the replies in this thread.
I have to say that I've read it many times before: "Try the search function" - well it works wonders. With the information posted in thtis thread I was able to piece it all together and I now have Android on my HD2!
There are still a couple of things to iron out [WiFi, battery life and such] but in all a very worthwhile exercise.
Thanks again to the thread responders, and if you're in the same place as I was a week ago wanting to get Android on your HD2 - search on the keywords in this thread and you'll find it's as easy as can be.
Androis on T9193
Am totally thrilled to learn Android can be installed on the T9193.
Where are the best locations to source ROMs?
Suggestions on which are better and why?
Steps to Android..
Look at my sig and go from there..
I know I'm reviving an old thread here, but I'm wondering if any of you using a Telstra HD2 on AT&T (Cingular for me) here in the US have a stable Android install? I've been struggling with this for a long time now. I love Android but I can't get a configuration that will run longer than about 10 hours most of the time. I've gone through all the radios from,, and I've switched my Windows Mobile ROM from Dutty CDLC v15 to OzDroid v1.11, I've switched my Android build from mattc froyo sense v1.8 to froyostone sense v3.2. I've gone through a couple different Linux kernels, currently on hastarin #8. No matter what I do I end up with about a 10 hour life before the device hangs. I have seen improving PPP performance with the different radios and kernels, but the overall device stability is the biggest problem. Could anyone using the Telstra HD2 for Android please post the configs that worked from them on their devices and include what kind of uptime you've achieved? I'm hoping this would really help me. Thanks in advance.
Ok For me I have the telstra HD2 and this is my Config.
Pretty much the latest of everything
- MAGLDR1.13
-Latest HSPL
- Radio
- Clockwork mode recovery v1.3
Just follow this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=933951
Hope that helps.

[Q] How do I flash my TMOUS HD2, and install Andoid?

I'd like to start off by saying that I know nothing, NOTHING about the technicalities of phones. I know nothing about ROMs, Radios, SPLs (or whatever they are). I'm a COMPLETE noob, but I HATEEEEE Windows Mobile. It's crap.
I've been reading posts on the site for a good three hours now, but there's so much I don't know, I'm confused and lost. So, if ANYONE could PLEASE give me a step by step break down of EVERYTHING I need to do, and download (in order) so that I can put the Android software on my phone, I'd REALLY appreciate it! My Software info is:
OS: 5.2.21892 (21892.5.0.89)
ROM version: 2.13.531.1
Radio version:
Please help! Also, can I still use the SWYPE text feature once my phone is on Android?
If ur on gtalk I can help out. [email protected]
I'm in a good mood today.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
CluelessChk said:
I'd like to start off by saying that I know nothing, NOTHING about the technicalities of phones. I know nothing about ROMs, Radios, SPLs (or whatever they are). I'm a COMPLETE noob, but I HATEEEEE Windows Mobile. It's crap.
I've been reading posts on the site for a good three hours now, but there's so much I don't know, I'm confused and lost. So, if ANYONE could PLEASE give me a step by step break down of EVERYTHING I need to do, and download (in order) so that I can put the Android software on my phone, I'd REALLY appreciate it! My Software info is:
OS: 5.2.21892 (21892.5.0.89)
ROM version: 2.13.531.1
Radio version:
Please help! Also, can I still use the SWYPE text feature once my phone is on Android?
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Start here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=653614
Read it everything... That's how you flash.
Then go here after you have all that down: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=782173
Read everything. That's how you install Android on your SD Card. You will STILL have windows. Android will run on top of it.
Then pick the Android build you want...
Swype is strong for droid.some androids come with it. I had to try several different versions until one worked, our wouldn't say the trial is over.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
CluelessChk said:
I'd like to start off by saying that I know nothing, NOTHING about the technicalities of phones. I know nothing about ROMs, Radios, SPLs (or whatever they are). I'm a COMPLETE noob, but I HATEEEEE Windows Mobile. It's crap.
I've been reading posts on the site for a good three hours now, but there's so much I don't know, I'm confused and lost. So, if ANYONE could PLEASE give me a step by step break down of EVERYTHING I need to do, and download (in order) so that I can put the Android software on my phone, I'd REALLY appreciate it! My Software info is:
OS: 5.2.21892 (21892.5.0.89)
ROM version: 2.13.531.1
Radio version:
Please help! Also, can I still use the SWYPE text feature once my phone is on Android?
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In my opinion there is way to much stuff to read for how simple it really is to flash a Rom & Install Android there should be a thread started that tells noobs the easy way.
1st. Download and unzip HSPL , Radio ,Task29, Rom of your choice, and android build of your choice.
2nd. Put your phone in bootloader mode and plug it into computer (hold down on volume while powering on)
3rd. Click the HSPL accept accept next next.... when it is at %100 hold down in volume again to enter bootloader again
4th. Click the radio everything is exactly the same as B4 accept accept nextnext... hold down
5th. Click Task29 same as above ^^^^^^
6th. click the ROM then next next accept accept BUT THIS TIME HOLD BOTH VOLUME BUTTONS WHEN IT REACHES %100 this will hard reset volume up to reboot then your done with the windows install.
7th. Now just plug your phone into the computer make sure it in disc drive mode not that active sync BS and transfer the Android folder you unzipped with the rest of the stuff unhook and use file explorer on the phone find the Android folder Click CLRCAD then CLICK HARET it loads up Android AND VWALAHHH
Very nice. But do you have recommended radio and roms for Android builds?
please help me out.
hmm can i have a custom rom( like for an example: a chucky rom) and a android os in my htc hd2??
Yes...it is explained on this and other threads, also you could have the latest official 3.14 ROM that works with some android builds.
thank you!can you give me some pointers on some good roms to have that will work perfectly with android??
thank you!
jallen2 said:
thank you!can you give me some pointers on some good roms to have that will work perfectly with android??
thank you!
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In my opinion Energy Roms are the best and MDEEJA has the best android builds I use energy's sencity rom and mdeeja's revolution android build but they are so easy to flash just toy arround with all the different choices here on XDA
wrecless said:
In my opinion Energy Roms are the best and MDEEJA has the best android builds I use energy's sencity rom and mdeeja's revolution android build but they are so easy to flash just toy arround with all the different choices here on XDA
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thank you
im leaning on having chucky rom and android froyo. will that work?
any suggestion? im looking for a rom with a good phone call and can receive or send text messages
Ok, I've been using this Rom for a while and seems to be the most stable fastest reliable Rom ever flashed .....
PhireMOD skinnyEVO v1.5 .... and I just been updating the kernel , right now I have hastarin.r8 which is the latest today ... emailed for help..
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
What is the mentality of these people who buy an HD2, do no research, and expect us to teach them how to run Android on them?
AyanamiZer00 said:
What is the mentality of these people who buy an HD2, do no research, and expect us to teach them how to run Android on them?
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Don't B a A$$H()LE that is exactly what this web site is for and you dont have to help anyone if you dont want to just keep it to yourself someone else will help you can just keep doing what you been doing LEACHING off others work like the rest of us
That's why this is a FORUM!! He is here to discuss and learn.... don't be so high and mighty
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
AyanamiZer00 said:
What is the mentality of these people who buy an HD2, do no research, and expect us to teach them how to run Android on them?
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If the HD2 had the proper operating system installed the first time instead of Windows 6.crap then we wouldnt have to ask these questions now would we.
Im confussed too
ok so im running on this right now i have a TMOBILE USA HTC HD2 i install the android and when i make calls it sound robotic everything else works fine.. as my understanding i need to install the HSLP3 and another ROM right??? but which one whould i know its good for me.. so i wont brick my phone im so confused PLEASEEEEE!!!! help me out.. i already read the other instructions.. i just wanna make sure im doing the right thing here.. i just got this phone.. and i love the android on when i installed it its just i cant make any calls.. i can text and do everything else.. please help!!!!!
OS verison:5.2.21892
Manila Version:2.5.20121412.2
ROM version: (90963) WWE
ROM date: 4/28/10
Radio Version:
Everything that you need to get started with the wonderous world of Android Froyo 2.2 on your HD2 is HERE.


OK ive been looking and looking for a simple solution.
everyone knows about the robotic voice on HD2 when you get android. ive been searching old links and posts but most of it doesnt work, people say use miri, i dont really even understand what miri is. but i dont want any WinMo, i like using android on my phone, i was wondering if someone could just point me in the direction of a android build that doesnt have a robotic voice or a simple solution. Please dont be rude, ive been looking for maybe weeks, i would just like some help. i dont really mod my phone much so anything that is simple or helpful will be greatly appreciated.
Vercetor said:
OK ive been looking and looking for a simple solution.
everyone knows about the robotic voice on HD2 when you get android. ive been searching old links and posts but most of it doesnt work, people say use miri, i dont really even understand what miri is. but i dont want any WinMo, i like using android on my phone, i was wondering if someone could just point me in the direction of a android build that doesnt have a robotic voice or a simple solution. Please dont be rude, ive been looking for maybe weeks, i would just like some help. i dont really mod my phone much so anything that is simple or helpful will be greatly appreciated.
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You`ve searched for weeks and never stumbled upon something like :http://www.google.ro/#hl=ro&source=hp&biw=1440&bih=645&q=android+robotic+voice&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=d194facf2c53bcbc
I sincerely doubt that...
Then again, there are three main reasons you are having problems with your audio part.
1. You fail to run CLRCAD.exe before HaRET.exe;
2. Your radio is causing these issues;
3. Your ROM (WinMo ROM, NOT Android build!) is causing these issues;
Make sure you first run CLRCAD.exe, then HaRET.exe. If this is done and the issue is still present, try and flash another radio version, such as 2.10 or 2.12 (try some and see which fits you and your surroundings best). If this is taken care of as well and the issue is still present, try and use another ROM (the more basic it is, the better; I`m using one which has absolutely nothing but the old WinMo 5 interface, so it boots in about 4-5 seconds).
Good luck and please refer from posting such "famous" questions before using every option you have available.
EDIT: FYI, MIRI is a WinMo ROM customized for Android. For more information, look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=778398
MOD EDIT: Unacceptable language removed
Vercetor said:
Removed quote for personal attack/language
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I don`t remember insulting you in any way, everything I said was that by simply googling "android robotic voice" you could have found your answers and I bet you would have found your answers by hitting the "search" button and finding everything right here on XDA. I am truly sorry for your cultural and intellectual gap, but I`m not going to lower myself to your level, so you will hear no insults from me. You, my dear sir, are the one who should refrain from calling someone who helped you an "asshole".
Have a nice day and enjoy your Android HD2.
Vercetor said:
Removed quote for language/flaming
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wow dude! wow!
you aperently lack reading comprehension. he did give you answers.
if all you had read was just the OP in the stickies, you would have found answers, so you obviously had not been reading verry much.
you ask for a polite answer, i think you got as polite of an answer as you deserved concidering theres atleast 5 threads with the same topic going on. then you go absolutely postal? post reported! grow a little thicker skin and get an education so you can learn to read.
Thread cleaned of language and flaming.
OP, please mind the language
please help
for more than a month trying to install android flashing, hard reseting, restoring
i am really tired i even forgot why i wanna use android any way.
my current software information is:
stock rom from htc website arabic enabled
OS version 5.2.21869 (21869.5.0.82)
manila version 2.5.19211619.0
rom version 1.66.415.9 (76641) WWE
radio version
protocol version
can any body tell me which of the above needs changing and which android version should i use and is IT possible to keep using stock rom?
my current android version is froyostone and mp3 not working and incoming and outgoing calls robot sound i cant hear any thing
sleven711 said:
for more than a month trying to install android flashing, hard reseting, restoring
i am really tired i even forgot why i wanna use android any way.
my current software information is:
stock rom from htc website arabic enabled
OS version 5.2.21869 (21869.5.0.82)
manila version 2.5.19211619.0
rom version 1.66.415.9 (76641) WWE
radio version
protocol version
can any body tell me which of the above needs changing and which android version should i use and is IT possible to keep using stock rom?
my current android version is froyostone and mp3 not working and incoming and outgoing calls robot sound i cant hear any thing
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Everything seems to be okay, as far as the radio goes. I dunno much about 2.15 but at least theoretically it should perform flawlessly. Try and use this combination of radio/ROM, it works for me:
Link to radio: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=705098
Link to ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=734238
Also, as I have mentioned before, make sure to manually run CLRCAD before HaRET (at least for the first time) so that you can be sure this is not causing it all. Keep me posted, I look forward to hearing from you.

TMOUS - Guide me please!

Hi, I just got a HTC HD2 TMOUS, I am from Mexico so I really don't care about T Mobile configs. I am pretty new on this, I have been reading for the past days, right now I already tried two diff android builds via SD but I am getting SoD.. so I read I should flash a new radio.
Since I am pretty new and I am not ready to flash a nand Android, can you suggest me what should I do about it?
What do I have to flash? Any links to their posts?
I already read the noob guide to flash WM Custom ROM/Radio on my phone but I am not feeling confident about what suits best for my phone.
Right now I have:
Manila: 2.5.20121412.2
Rom: 2.13.531.1 (90963) WWE
Thanks I really appreciate it
anyone please ?
The only thing I can suggest is that you get a very recent Android SD build. A lot of the earlier ones had freezing and "screen of death" issues, but the later ones didn't exhibit the same problems (as much).
You really need to play around and try a few different builds, but make sure to read at least the 1st post in the thread where you get the build from, as it will tell you of all known issues and possibly link you to solutions.
Also, your radio is fine - there's no need to update it. The newer ones (particularly 2.15.50) report better battery life, but other than that you're okay with what you've got.
Thanks for the info... I will keep trying then... do you think it's worth to change to a nand build? I am not sure if they are stable right now... Thanks again
marcosxd said:
Thanks for the info... I will keep trying then... do you think it's worth to change to a nand build? I am not sure if they are stable right now... Thanks again
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I find NAND builds better than SD in every way possible. It's more stable and the battery life is a LOT better!
But I am not really sure what do I have to do, I have been reading and what I understand now is that I have to install HSPL3 and then install an android nand build? I am not really sure

