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Tell me HTC HD7 is not our phone ) (HD2)

Yeah it's already been relized that the HD7 is an HD2 with more internal memory and WP7. Not much to see here and honestly I think the HD2 is still one of the nicest looking phones ever.
But yes were it not for the three button rule then I am sure the Official update would have come. But I would prefer a run from sdcard option like Android with WM6.5.3 on Nand.
I finally got excited for the upcoming WP7

chrisrj28 said:
Yeah it's already been relized that the HD7 is an HD2 with more internal memory and WP7.
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Unless you're rocking the TMOUS HD2 with the 1GB ROM & the 16GB included micro-sd card

Seems the same as the TMOUS HD2, except for the S-LCD, no card slot (8GB internal) and camera recording in 720p, but still 5mpx, same camera?? better sound, but main specs are almost if not identical.
I´d better keep my Hd2 with Android and eventually WP7.

Since the HD7 and HD2 share so much of the same components, doesnt that make a WP7 port to the HD2 relatively simple ??

viciousxp said:
Since the HD7 and HD2 share so much of the same components, doesnt that make a WP7 port to the HD2 relatively simple ??
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yes , this is the next step , maybe cotulla will make us an suprise.

Im also hoping someone surprises us with a nice WP7 ROM. I'd love to see it
I'd still want it Android friendly though...

after watching te games in this link i was asking my self how the old snapdragon gives all this power in gaming , was htc drivers this bad as we couldn't recognize the real power of our hd2 for a year , i hope we will see wp7 on hd2

I am still better off with HD2 ............. No SD-slot ? 8GB for Europe ? I have 28 GB data on my SD-card !
No CHT, no WP, no MetalDetector, no apps, I stay with my HD2

no sd card
looks like Microsoft's a lil mad about andriod on sd i would def get an hd 7 if i could boot android on it at some point in time no more dual boot for us ;(

Nice to see comment's on this thread.
I have the feeling I was the only one who don't like the WP7 concept, but reading some expression/opinions here it seams I'm not the only one.
I have the impression that the HD2 is miles before the WP7
Not only the UI is smoother but gives us more personal personality!
WP7 = a iPhone wit windows logo

I am highly disappointed. Same 1Gh processor speed so expected to work slower with WM7 than WM6.5. Again back to the slooooooow windows. Noooo, no way. My 16Gb card is almost full and HTC expects I to return to 8 GB without option for upgrade?????

kuwait said:
I am highly disappointed. Same 1Gh processor speed so expected to work slower with WM7 than WM6.5. Again back to the slooooooow windows. Noooo, no way. My 16Gb card is almost full and HTC expects I to return to 8 GB without option for upgrade?????
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Have you actually seen Engadget videos showing the OS running and the xbox live feature? There is nothing slow about it. 1ghz is fast, and even faster when running efficient code and correct graphics drivers. As great as it is, neither WinMo or Manila is running efficiently, or using good drivers (out of the box)

What interests me is the XBOX live achievements and points. I think this will be a big selling point for them and a step in the right direction!
Really until 4G and HD voice (AMR-WB) come to the UK mainstream the HTC HD2 will do me fine. Plus like everyone else said I think HTC could have done more. Then again do they need to against the competition at the moment. I think when they are on the backfoot they will produce something special.
I'd love a 12M, Surround sound, 4.5" high DPI screen with AMR-WB please ;-)

morpheus1982 said:
Have you actually seen Engadget videos showing the OS running and the xbox live feature? There is nothing slow about it. 1ghz is fast, and even faster when running efficient code and correct graphics drivers. As great as it is, neither WinMo or Manila is running efficiently, or using good drivers (out of the box)
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WP7 MUST be ported on HD2. Is a '' must have ''

Here's a look at the proper successor to the HTC HD2, the HD7. It's a Windows Phone 7 device launching on T-Mobile in November at probably a $200 price point. It's a very thin device with a kickstand in the back

i like my hd2 more than any wph7 device hd7 is everything but not new everything seen before but only now eith new software p.s hate the ui of win phone 7

kurt-willems said:
Here's a look at the proper successor to the HTC HD2, the HD7. It's a Windows Phone 7 device launching on T-Mobile in November at probably a $200 price point. It's a very thin device with a kickstand in the back
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nice video

WP7 sucks big time!!!
Another thing you all didn't mention, no synchronization with Outlook with your contacts and your agenda! Yes, it has Office Mobile, but no synchronization with Outlook on your desktop PC! WTF?! This is a MAJOR drawback, especially for the business market.
No people, this is like going back to the stone age. Sorry Microsoft, you spoiled a good thing, instead of evolving you into something better, you made a Neanderthal OS system compared to your Homo Sapien WM 6.5.
I hope for HTC that they let Microsoft foot the bill for putting so much restrictions on their hardware in order to use their OS. Like, what is a phone without expandable memory??! How could you let Microsoft put so much restrictions on your hardware??!
I will be keeping my HD2 for the time-being and I know you guys here on XDA will keep the ROM's coming for it. And besides, I NEED my navigation! Can't do without it, and as long as no third-party apps are available for WP7, I won't be switching!
I agree with the part that Microsoft shooting themselves in the foot with this OS, it's doomed from the beginning. iPhone and Android have evolved much further and nobody is looking for a restricted copy of any of these, that's what was nice with WM, totally customizable and flexible the way WE wanted it.
One bit of advice to Microsoft: Stick to PC's and leave the Phone OS market behind.

metko said:
i like my hd2 more than any wph7 device hd7 is everything but not new everything seen before but only now eith new software p.s hate the ui of win phone 7
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I'm agree with you, ether I don't like the UI (if we can speak of UI) but I must be honest the external look of the device is nice!
But it's the same as a nice box but without anything in it
If this was a WM phone thy make in 1995 I would say, okay it is a start but there is a long way to go! But now almost 2011 thy came with this look???
I have the impression that this time WM will win the Award fore ugliness!
And I don't like the monopole of it so that 3th hands can't build there UI on it.


If Windows Mobile 7 Was Properly Ported Onto HTC HD2 Would It Be The Same As HTC HD7?

I have had my HTC HD2 for around 5-6 months now. Though I'm happy with it and it has exceeded my expectations, I was thinking of upgrading it to WM7 when it's finally ported for the HD2.
What I would love to know is if the HD2 indeed had WM7 ported for it, would it run the SAME as it would on HTC HD7?
Reason I ask this is because I was planning on selling my HD2 and get the HD7.
However, both phones have the SAME screen size, same 1ghz processor, same ram & same 5mp camera, the HD7 only being 720p.
Why should I sell my old HD2 to buy the new one which is the SAME spec?
That is why I was asking if WM7 was ported onto the HD2, would it:
- Run as quick?
- Responsive, fast & smooth
- If it really will be ported, when can we expect the first rom or when should it be made for HD2
I am sure sooner or later wp7 will be cracked and ported for HD2. So we will have the same device with HD7 except the looks. Also we have some more hard buttons as an extra
Its not the same.....
It might be a very similar spec but the actual components will differ.
No ported OS will ever run as smoothly as it would on its intended device....
If you want a dedicated WP7 then you'll have to get one not wait for a port.
The fact that it is a user-made port, most likely running off SD card will mean it may be a little more sluggish than something designed natively for, and run natively on, a different device.
That's assuming the problems using Live services are overcome too
conantroutman said:
Its not the same.....
It might be a very similar spec but the actual components will differ.
No ported OS will ever run as smoothly as it would on its intended device....
If you want a dedicated WP7 then you'll have to get one not wait for a port.
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Doh that's what I thought!
Well I hope at least if a port does take place, it will perform almost as good as it does on the HD7, but we have to wait and see first when one is made and how it performs.
the camera is capable of 720p it lacks drivers
From my understanding as of right now. The phone will boot into WP7 but it will not have any live application functionality. Meaning the live hubs will not work so no it will not work just like a HD7.
I personally cannot understand the hardware choices they made for WP7. They are all the same spec as the HD2, and personally I'm not shelling out $500ish for the equivalent of a Software upgrade. I'd get all your use out of the HD2 first and wait for the next Hardware generation, unless WP7 really is a big deal for you.
Personally, as a big WinMob fan, I'm now running Android on my HD2, and worryingly I might not come back to MS. Android is exceeding all my expectations, and with no upgrade path to WP7, it's beginning to win my heart, despite my slight mistrust of Google.
If WP7 does come to HD2, the big problem now does appear to be the use of Live Services. Maybe Microsoft may soon relent and sell genuine Licence Keys (there's no sign of that - it's just my wish), but until then you'll probably be locked out of them.
I have had many phones: MDA, Wing, Omnia I900, Iphone 3G and now the HTC HD2. I have Android on my HD2 and use it all the time. Only reboot back into WM every so often.
Why would I or anyone else want WM7? I can make my phone look like WM7, an iPhone, etc. Do looks really matter? Every OS has it advantages and disadvantages.
Android apps are plentiful, cheap and very good. Does WM7 have as many apps?
Do I loose a little (whatever) using Android on my HD2? If I do I don't know what.
Should I buy a new Android phone? What would I gain?
Lets be realistic. The phone companies just love to put out new phones with minor tweeks so us 'suckers' keep them in business. Where does it end?
Personally I can see buying new, if there is that much more bang for the buck. Otherwise, get the value out of what you have. In IT what you buy today is always a day behind what comes out tomorrow.
i am going to ask you why do you want wp7? it's a huge step backwards for users in several key areas and to regain some of that functionality, you need to do several hacks to get wp7 to do what WM 6.5 can already do with ease.
anhyeuemmaimai said:
i am going to ask you why do you want wp7? it's a huge step backwards for users in several key areas and to regain some of that functionality, you need to do several hacks to get wp7 to do what WM 6.5 can already do with ease.
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I accually hate WP7 interface and software. Really. This is my personal opinion.
anhyeuemmaimai said:
i am going to ask you why do you want wp7? it's a huge step backwards for users in several key areas and to regain some of that functionality, you need to do several hacks to get wp7 to do what WM 6.5 can already do with ease.
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I couldn't agree with you more.
Cause of interest in wp7, I read many tests and user ratings and played with it a time. After all I would buy myself an iPhone( I hate it ) instead of any wp7 phones. Its the same rubbish like iOS but for iPhone you can get more funny and useless apps . Also if you like a fast and smooth UI, WM6.5 or Android would be a better choice. wp7 will not allow to be really individual with your phone...all phones are the same hardware in other shells with same unchangeable UI. There are many more should may inform yourself one more time.
But when you already know all of this there is no chance to help you
ike2903 said:
Cause of interest in wp7, I read many tests and user ratings and played with it a time. After all I would buy myself an iPhone( I hate it ) instead of any wp7 phones. Its the same rubbish like iOS but for iPhone you can get more funny and useless apps . Also if you like a fast and smooth UI, WM6.5 or Android would be a better choice. wp7 will not allow to be really individual with your phone...all phones are the same hardware in other shells with same unchangeable UI. There are many more should may inform yourself one more time.
But when you already know all of this there is no chance to help you
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How are people saying WinMo and Android have faster smoother UI. That is false
Thanks everyone for your input, views and opinions.
As some have said, htc just want us to shell out another $500 just to get wm7 which may or may not be worth it since it does have the same hardware as the current htc hd2 and as it's new, there is a lot less software/apps & with regards to compatability, many existing apps for windows mobile 6.5 will not work with wm7.
Since this is the case, maybe there is no point in even upgrading to wm7 or buying a wm7 phone...
Anyway my other phone is the HTC Desire HD running android 2.2 froyo so I have the best of both.
well ! when phone 7 will be ported to HD2 microsoft will release wino 8 lol!
kanej2006 said:
I have had my HTC HD2 for around 5-6 months now. Though I'm happy with it and it has exceeded my expectations, I was thinking of upgrading it to WM7 when it's finally ported for the HD2.
What I would love to know is if the HD2 indeed had WM7 ported for it, would it run the SAME as it would on HTC HD7?
Reason I ask this is because I was planning on selling my HD2 and get the HD7.
However, both phones have the SAME screen size, same 1ghz processor, same ram & same 5mp camera, the HD7 only being 720p.
Why should I sell my old HD2 to buy the new one which is the SAME spec?
That is why I was asking if WM7 was ported onto the HD2, would it:
- Run as quick?
- Responsive, fast & smooth
- If it really will be ported, when can we expect the first rom or when should it be made for HD2
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First of all everything the hd7 has the hd2 has the only major change from the devices is that they added a kickstand.
I for one think that if the hd7 has same hardware as hd2 then running wp7 on hd2 shouldn't really be a difference. In a matter of fact the hd2 runs android well compared to other android devices that were made to run it.
OP, I think you should stay with the HD2. I'd rather have the ability to run four different operating systems (relatively well) than run a single system slightly better.
anhyeuemmaimai said:
i am going to ask you why do you want wp7? it's a huge step backwards for users in several key areas and to regain some of that functionality, you need to do several hacks to get wp7 to do what WM 6.5 can already do with ease.
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Indeed. As a matter of fact, i just recently bought an HD2. not full price, less than 300 euros for a brand new unusued unscratched device with 1 y warranty.
I knew very well that W7 was coming out, even that the HD7 was soon to be out. But its the same phone. I like having extra buttons (hate 100% touch phones.. i like to press something when it becomes unresponsive ). I like Winmobile, even if people say its ****. I like my collection of CAB files.
I like HD2. I like 6.5.
i dont like the new presentation of the phone on W7.. plus the apps will be slow to launch etc etc. If u really wanna upgrade, do it in a years time, get ur phone 50% off
AinsCrowbar said:
OP, I think you should stay with the HD2. I'd rather have the ability to run four different operating systems (relatively well) than run a single system slightly better.
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That's VERY true. I have indeed tried android on the hd2, it was responsive, quick & reliable.
When you see android running for the first time on your hd2, you smile and think to yourself ''how cool'' I got android on a phone meant to run windows.
Anyway, I will keep my hd2 for now...

[Q] If not the HTC HD2 then what?

So, i've just got a HTC HD7, and its amazing.
I miss the 'hacking' and other modifications i could perform on my old device's (of of which broke and the other was a pile of poo).
So in light of this i have gone searching and came up with an older device with many modification options; this being the HTC HD2.
So yeah, thats fine. So i went on ebay (UK) and searched it out.
Within 15mins i had come to the end of my search as was feeling, well kinda at the prices. But hay ho.
This did however, get me wondering if there are any other viable alternatives to the HD2 in terms of specs and modifications (e.i dual booting) as well as availability of homebrewed roms.
Any ideas?
There is nothing that even comes close. The HD2 is the ONLY phone that runs WM6.5.x with a snapdragon and capacitive screen, and is also the only natively winmo phone that can run Android almost flawlessly.
It is the only non WP7 phone that can run WP7 although no live services yet.
It really is hands down the best winmo and a great Android device.
orangekid said:
There is nothing that even comes close. The HD2 is the ONLY phone that runs WM6.5.x with a snapdragon and capacitive screen, and is also the only natively winmo phone that can run Android almost flawlessly.
It is the only non WP7 phone that can run WP7 although no live services yet.
It really is hands down the best winmo and a great Android device.
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Yeah... I figured as much, extensive research told me similar, mind you always worth a try Thanks
It would be nice to think the same kind of functionality could be seen on the HD7 in the future.
the problem is that nothing else even comes close
you can some decently priced <$250 used sets if you look long enough
that may sound like a lot of money for ancient 2009 phone but bear in mind that
hd7 spesifications+ flexabiliy of having other OSes + SDcard reader+ handy tactile buttons+ end/send call button = HD2
the only thing the hd7 does better is the (crappy)720p video but who cares about that
that may sound like a lot of money for ancient 2009 phone but bear in mind that
hd7 spesifications+ flexabiliy of having other OSes + SDcard reader+ handy tactile buttons+ end/send call button = HD2
the only thing the hd7 does better is the (crappy)720p video but who cares about that
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I'm totally agree. HD2 is the best phone.
mytat3 said:
I'm totally agree. HD2 is the best phone.
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Yeah totally agree; and I think it will be the best device for long time. (don't see all this possibilities on a WP7)
HD2 is ultimate and most versatile. It reminds me himalaya which was also a similar device.

HD2 WP7 Hack good for microsoft?

I've been thinking about this and surely it is in their interests for the hack to happen, we have android already. so if you grow to like android chances are when you get a new phone/contract you'll get an android device..?
Which brings about my point .. consider the hd2 a try before you buy for your next Gen wp7 device .... I'm going to give it a go myself but I really like android ATM ... that cotulla is some guy
My thoughts I posted on Pocketnow:
I have an HD2 with 6.5 on it. As 6.5 has been "killed off", I am now running Android as my daily driver... And it's fantastic! I've already spent £30 in the App store, I'm beginning to use Gmail, Google, etc.
If MS choose to give me a code, then I will do the same with WP7, and have a fair trial of both before deciding what works best in my life.
But at the moment, I can't trial it other than in shops/off friends, and it's becoming a one-horse race for Android. If MS want to tempt the many many thousands of HD2 users, they should turn a blind eye to this.
My hardware is less than a year's old, there's no way I'm buying a new phone for another 12 months.
It's absolutely good, I just bought a HD7 after having used WP7 on my HD2 because it was just flakey enough, and I missed having full use of my camera... proof that the hack is good.
dgabriel said:
It's absolutely good, I just bought a HD7 after having used WP7 on my HD2 because it was just flakey enough, and I missed having full use of my camera... proof that the hack is good.
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the hd7 is one of the nicest looking phones out there, but the hd2 is is just king of all phones, being able to run both solid builds of wp7 and android.
if i lost my hd2, i'd gladly pay out the same money i did a year ago for it
Yes, i have the same idea) I have HD2 with WP7, and now a im going to buy HD7 =)
I have tried both WP7 and Android on the HD2 and would have stayed with WP7 if it wasnt for not being able to watch flash or copy and paste, and microsoft is just giving away codes i personally have called twice for activation codes and was able to use marketplace and everything. I will forever be a fan of android though especially on our HD2's because there are so many different flavors and im a big fan of choice, and android also has a better market. The apps for WP7 suck to me but i did love the tiles.
It's definitely worked on me! I can't even imagine using another OS after using WP7. I will be getting an HD7 once it's time to upgrade. I'll always keep, use, & love my HD2, but will go to a native WP7 device soon. The apps I used & need on Android are now on WP7 & superior to the Android versions, so I'm very happy with WP7. A few minor changes & this will be the closest to perfection mobile OS, imo.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
the full power of Android and the "beautiful" design of WP7 will be the perfect combination to MobileOS right?
HD2 is a powerful machine till now.
Shall other devices even more powerful upcome soon? Maybe a full Windows 7, MacOS or Linux in a 4.3 inches screen device with the camera and phone features is what we are waiting for!!! or not, but I found that I love how simple is WP7.
peace out fellas!!!
Lovin WP7 on the HD2. My only issue is MMS messages, but this is definitely going to make me get a HD7 once my upgrade comes around.

HD2 best hackable phone?

Posted a topic on which phone was the most hackable one? I got nexus one as the answer but i am seeing so much development on HD2 (WP7, android, meego, ubuntu) and it seems to me that this is actually the best hackable phone right now??? or i am missing a point?
i am mainly interested in android and maybe WP7...
so questions:
how well does android 2.2/2.3 runs on HD2? in terms of overall performance for web browsing (slow? saw a vid on youtube that scrolling and zooming lags a bit), apps/games compatibility (e.g. do some games lag?)
same for WP7
and most important question for me : does flash 10.1 works on android for HD2? (already posted a topic on so you can answer on the thread instead)
yeahman45 said:
Posted a topic on which phone was the most hackable one? I got nexus one as the answer but i am seeing so much development on HD2 (WP7, android, meego, ubuntu) and it seems to me that this is actually the best hackable phone right now??? or i am missing a point?
i am mainly interested in android and maybe WP7...
so questions:
how well does android 2.2/2.3 runs on HD2? in terms of overall performance for web browsing (slow? saw a vid on youtube that scrolling and zooming lags a bit), apps/games compatibility (e.g. do some games lag?)
same for WP7
and most important question for me : does flash 10.1 works on android for HD2? (already posted a topic on so you can answer on the thread instead)
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the new superRAM (SD) and NAND builds are just like a normal android phone. everything works perfect. i'm using android on hd2 since many months, never used winmo 6.5 anymore. absolutely no issues. trying wp7 now, i guess i'll go back to android (android = open system, much more better than iphone like restrictions)
yeahman45 said:
Posted a topic on which phone was the most hackable one? I got nexus one as the answer but i am seeing so much development on HD2 (WP7, android, meego, ubuntu) and it seems to me that this is actually the best hackable phone right now??? or i am missing a point?
i am mainly interested in android and maybe WP7...
so questions:
how well does android 2.2/2.3 runs on HD2? in terms of overall performance for web browsing (slow? saw a vid on youtube that scrolling and zooming lags a bit), apps/games compatibility (e.g. do some games lag?)
same for WP7
and most important question for me : does flash 10.1 works on android for HD2? (already posted a topic on so you can answer on the thread instead)
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The higher quality Android roms run just as well as a native android phone...I'd say it runs better than most un-rooted, native android phones actually. Flash works on Android.
The older builds lagged and had problems, but the super ram builds and NAND builds ran very quickly and smoothly on my TMOUSA HD2.
As far as WP7 goes, the HD2 is buttery smooth and runs like a native WP7 phone. I'm impressed with it.
Obviously, running hacked ROMS, there are always little nuances and caveats you have to deal with that you wouldn't have to on a phone that natively runs WP7 or Android, but having the choice of running so many different OS's makes it very much worthwhile. The ability to load WP7 from ram and Android from SD card is a big plus. The thought of one day being able to dual boot both OS's is an even bigger plus.
The Nexus one runs Android only. The HD2 runs WM6.5, Android, WP7, and Ubuntu. No brainer there.
The HD2 is the first phone that I actually liked more over time
yeahman45 said:
Posted a topic on which...
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seriously lmao, dude there is absolutley no contest, and im not just saying because im a HD2 user im saying it because its a fact, The HD2 is THE most versatile phone/ppc there is for MANY reasons.
If you enjou tinkering with phone, trying different OS's and great phone specs at same time then there is no other choice then the HD2, simple as that.
mystik610 said:
The ability to load WP7 from ram and Android from SD card is a big plus.
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You dont run WP7 from RAM you run it from NAND.
I would add that if at all possible one should attempt to get a leo1024 instead of the 512 model, you'll find those to be the most versatile of the two. Top of the top in hackability afaik.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
thx for the replies... what is leo 1024? 1024 flash memory?
going to buy one in Singapore there:
looks like it's a 512mb flash version?
mystik610 said:
The higher quality Android roms run just as well as a native android phone...I'd say it runs better than most un-rooted, native android phones actually. Flash works on Android.
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So that i can geta good idea of the performance, as compared to the htc desire, how well does android 2.2 perform on HD2? ( equal, little less or quite a big gap in performance)?
Short answer: yes, HD2 is the most hackable and customizable phone ever. There is no second device like HD2 on which you can choose between 3 (or maybe even 4) fully working mobile OSes and few ports of PC OS's (old Windows 95/98 and Ubuntu)!
yeahman45 said:
thx for the replies... what is leo 1024? 1024 flash memory?
going to buy one in Singapore there:
looks like it's a 512mb flash version?
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Leo 1024 is HTC HD2 branded by T-Mobile which has 1024 MB of ROM storage, which means you get around 700 mb instead of 200 mb for apps when using Android and around 650 mb of storage on WinMo 6.5.
WP7 does not utilize full 1024 mb, it works as you had leo512.
raven_raven said:
Short answer: yes, HD2 is the most hackable and customizable phone ever. There is no second device like HD2 on which you can choose between 3 (or maybe even 4) fully working mobile OSes and few ports of PC OS's (old Windows 95/98 and Ubuntu)!
Leo 1024 is HTC HD2 branded by T-Mobile which has 1024 MB of ROM storage, which means you get around 700 mb instead of 200 mb for apps when using Android and around 650 mb of storage on WinMo 6.5.
WP7 does not utilize full 1024 mb, it works as you had leo512.
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+1 here,oh Meego aswell soon.maybe even windows XP one day The possibilitys with this thing are so unreal,its ridiculous.I think it will be a while before we get anougher device like it that can do all this stuff.Yeah if you can,Get a TMOUS HD2,Our Euro units struggle a bit on internal Mem,Were still having to use sd and partition them so we have enough space,Wonder What phone all the devs will be going to for the next big major Crack like this,HD7 perhaps
HD2 is usefull mobile device that I very like it.
It's very very very nice for me.
Also XDA devices are nice as I used before since : hx2750 ---> xda Atom Exec ---> hw6965 ---> HD2
Nexus one can also run ubuntu. But so can the hd2 lol
mystik610 said:
The higher quality Android roms run just as well as a native android phone...I'd say it runs better than most un-rooted, native android phones actually. Flash works on Android.
The older builds lagged and had problems, but the super ram builds and NAND builds ran very quickly and smoothly on my TMOUSA HD2.
As far as WP7 goes, the HD2 is buttery smooth and runs like a native WP7 phone. I'm impressed with it.
Obviously, running hacked ROMS, there are always little nuances and caveats you have to deal with that you wouldn't have to on a phone that natively runs WP7 or Android, but having the choice of running so many different OS's makes it very much worthwhile. The ability to load WP7 from ram and Android from SD card is a big plus. The thought of one day being able to dual boot both OS's is an even bigger plus.
The Nexus one runs Android only. The HD2 runs WM6.5, Android, WP7, and Ubuntu. No brainer there.
The HD2 is the first phone that I actually liked more over time
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If there was a list of hack-ability, where would the EVO rank? I love my EVO but I really like the HD2.
from my EVO using XDA app.
yeahman45 said:
So that i can geta good idea of the performance, as compared to the htc desire, how well does android 2.2 perform on HD2? ( equal, little less or quite a big gap in performance)?
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how is performance of android on HD2 as compared to the desire(apparently the best android phone)?
unfortunately, i will be able to get only the 512mb version of HD2.. can you do dual boot (android and wp7) on it? can't i save and run my android apps on sd? (apart from additional storage, the 2 models are identical right(512 vs 1024): i mean i can install same custom roms, hacks etc.. right?)
This is the only phone with this much hacking potential/ability. Makes me glad I bought it, even at full price.
TheiPhoneKiller said:
maybe even windows XP one day
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Whaddya mean one day?
yeahman45 said:
how is performance of android on HD2 as compared to the desire(apparently the best android phone)?
unfortunately, i will be able to get only the 512mb version of HD2.. can you do dual boot (android and wp7) on it? can't i save and run my android apps on sd? (apart from additional storage, the 2 models are identical right(512 vs 1024): i mean i can install same custom roms, hacks etc.. right?)
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yeahman45 said:
So that i can geta good idea of the performance, as compared to the htc desire, how well does android 2.2 perform on HD2? ( equal, little less or quite a big gap in performance)?
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I can't speak for the Desire, as it isn't available where I am locally, but around here, everyone who isn't using an iPhone seems to be using an HTC EVO. In terms of performance, the HD2 running the more recent Android ROMS performs just as well, if not better, than a stock EVO.
There's also a video out there with an HD2 running WP7 side by side a stock WP7 phone, and the HD2 was actually faster than the stock WP7 phone.
That being said, if you're intention is to stick with Android, then get an Android phone. The beauty of the HD2 is the ability to run multiple OS's, and hopefully one day dual-boot any combination of OS's. But a stock Android phone will certainly have fewer quirks and tweaks to worry about to run perfectly. Owning an HD2 and keeping up with all of the developments really is a it of a commitment.
I think mostly all phone r hackable ...
credit should be given to dev like cotulla, DFT, all in htc-linux team that make it possible.
hendr1k said:
I think mostly all phone r hackable ...
credit should be given to dev like cotulla, DFT, all in htc-linux team that make it possible.
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Most are hackable, but only the HD2 is able to run this many OS's.
Most phone are only able to run hacked versions of its native OS.
mystik610 said:
I can't speak for the Desire, as it isn't available where I am locally, but around here, everyone who isn't using an iPhone seems to be using an HTC EVO. In terms of performance, the HD2 running the more recent Android ROMS performs just as well, if not better, than a stock EVO.
There's also a video out there with an HD2 running WP7 side by side a stock WP7 phone, and the HD2 was actually faster than the stock WP7 phone.
That being said, if you're intention is to stick with Android, then get an Android phone. The beauty of the HD2 is the ability to run multiple OS's, and hopefully one day dual-boot any combination of OS's. But a stock Android phone will certainly have fewer quirks and tweaks to worry about to run perfectly. Owning an HD2 and keeping up with all of the developments really is a it of a commitment.
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ok thx! i wanna use android as my main os and then WP7 as secondary for fun and testing ... like the idea to be able to install multiple os... always like to use the full potential of a device... this is what i did with my psp (with homebrew: vnc, better mp3 player, retrogaming emulation) and my wii (homebrew: media player center, vnc, retrogaming emulation) that's so much more fun!
hendr1k said:
I think mostly all phone r hackable ...
credit should be given to dev like cotulla, DFT, all in htc-linux team that make it possible.
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I've had my HD2 since September 2009 and I have had an amazing time tinkering with it. I've run Gingerbread on it and am running WP7 right now (stuck at the Live Services verification). Having said all this, I am beginning to wonder which phone will be the next "most hackable phone". Which phone will the likes of Cotulla turn their attention to next?
4 weeks ago and 1 year into my 24 month Orange contract, I was ready to sell my HD2 (Eur 512mb) and buy myself out of my contract so I could get a phone based on android simply because I was soooo bored with winmo 6.5
By chance I stumbled across xda devs and saw it was possible to run android from SD card and dual boot it with winmo.....I was overjoyed! a couple of weeks later NAND flashes became available and I was amazed at the fluidity of it running on my HD2 (Eur 512mb)....that made me even happier. I'm so glad I kept my phone, I saved myself a packet all thanks XDA and the band of devs. HD2 FTW

Need help regarding purchase of HD 2[Thread closed, since I have got my answer :-) ]

Hi guys,
I am originally from the xperia x10 section.
I am gonna buy a windows mobile for my sister on her birthday next Month. She always wanted to buy a windows phone which is fast and stable. The looks of the xperia x1 and HD 2 amazed her.
I wanted your help to choose the best of the two. I know hd2 is superior in specs.
Are there many roms for the hd2?
What might be the future of the device?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
before you get lots of 'are you serious? can you not see??' type replies, , look around the forum, its the most hacked phone around. winmo android, wp7, dualboot, nand android, sd android, ubuntu, win95, they all work on hd2.
roms, there are loads, what do you want? winmo 6.5, winmo 6.5.5, win phone 7, android eclaire, froyo, gingerbread, have one android on nand another on sd card if you want, run win phone 7 fron nand and dual boot it with sd card android, loooads of options, tehre isnt another phone about with as much choice. (You only have to compare teh number of sub foryums the hd2 has.)
As for the future, it has no future. It is the last of a dying breed. From here on out the phones will be a little less hackable. Thats not to say they wont be hacked, far from it im sure, but the choice of what you run on it is likely to be more limited, and you are unlikely to see a phone that is so easy to switch between OS's for some time.
I for one will by buying up two or three hd2's in the next few months, shoudl last me a year or three.
Hey bro! Thanks forbthe reply. Yes ibhad checked out the forum and I was pretty amazed with the amount of hacking that has been done on this phone.the reason why I am attracted to this device is that it supports or rather runs many popular platforms. I saw a couple of video reviews from phone dog, they say that the device freezes many times! My x10 used to lag but now I have tweaked it, it runs silky smooth. So are there methods to remove the freeze issue?
Thanks a ton
samsamuel said:
before you get lots of 'are you serious? can you not see??' type replies, , look around the forum, its the most hacked phone around. winmo android, wp7, dualboot, nand android, sd android, ubuntu, win95, they all work on hd2.
roms, there are loads, what do you want? winmo 6.5, winmo 6.5.5, win phone 7, android eclaire, froyo, gingerbread, have one android on nand another on sd card if you want, run win phone 7 fron nand and dual boot it with sd card android, loooads of options, tehre isnt another phone about with as much choice. (You only have to compare teh number of sub foryums the hd2 has.)
As for the future, it has no future. It is the last of a dying breed. From here on out the phones will be a little less hackable. Thats not to say they wont be hacked, far from it im sure, but the choice of what you run on it is likely to be more limited, and you are unlikely to see a phone that is so easy to switch between OS's for some time.
I for one will by buying up two or three hd2's in the next few months, shoudl last me a year or three.
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hd2 or xperia?
hd2 can run ubuntu meego android windows mobile win phone 7 believe it or not even full version of windows 98/me its got a snapdragon 1ghz processor its soooo customizable from boot screens to roms its just a better deal and now you can pick one up on craigslist for under 200 ive seen as low as 150 hd2 is the way to go
I think the biggest thing to consider is how your sister will be able to use the HD2.
Look at what she uses now, and how that is different from the HD2, how tech knowledgeable is she.
Is she interested in changing the ROM? Will she be able to do that? Will you do that for her?
My niece had a Wm6.x phone, but never truly used it to even a fraction of its abilities, and always had problems with it. [Now she has a Blackberry, and is doing great.]
Hey thanks for the reply! By looking at what you said this phone looks very promising! Will definitely go ahead with thus now
gh0zt36 said:
hd2 can run ubuntu meego android windows mobile win phone 7 believe it or not even full version of windows 98/me its got a snapdragon 1ghz processor its soooo customizable from boot screens to roms its just a better deal and now you can pick one up on craigslist for under 200 ive seen as low as 150 hd2 is the way to go
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Lol its not an issue. She uses the xperia x10 mini. She got quite bored if the form factor and all. I help her installing roms so that isn't an issue. She is pretty tech savy thanks for your suggestion and reply bro! I will definitely go ahead with this device! !! Thanks once again
uzziah0 said:
I think the biggest thing to consider is how your sister will be able to use the HD2.
Look at what she uses now, and how that is different from the HD2, how tech knowledgeable is she.
Is she interested in changing the ROM? Will she be able to do that? Will you do that for her?
My niece had a Wm6.x phone, but never truly used it to even a fraction of its abilities, and always had problems with it. [Now she has a Blackberry, and is doing great.]
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