In trouble with SPL1.2 olipro - Mogul, XV6800 General

Hello. I've been trying to tinker with this old phone and see what kind of custom ROMs i could load onto it and ran across this forum. In the blitz of information I came across a file called Titanunlocker that was supposed to allow me to install the custom ROMs I wanted.
I ran the unlocker and it quickly threw some info on the phone, then my phone popped up with 3 colored bars and now it says "TITA100 SPL-1.20.Olipro" and nothing more on it, other than Serial or USB at the bottom when I connect it.
Now I am unable to load any firmware be it custom or sprint official, and I am not able to get the phone to sync with active sync (or Windows Mobile Device Center since I'm using Windows 7).
Is there any hope for this old phone now, or am I doomed?

batpoople said:
Hello. I've been trying to tinker with this old phone and see what kind of custom ROMs i could load onto it and ran across this forum. In the blitz of information I came across a file called Titanunlocker that was supposed to allow me to install the custom ROMs I wanted.
I ran the unlocker and it quickly threw some info on the phone, then my phone popped up with 3 colored bars and now it says "TITA100 SPL-1.20.Olipro" and nothing more on it, other than Serial or USB at the bottom when I connect it.
Now I am unable to load any firmware be it custom or sprint official, and I am not able to get the phone to sync with active sync (or Windows Mobile Device Center since I'm using Windows 7).
Is there any hope for this old phone now, or am I doomed?
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Your good. Your stuck in bootloader because your radio or OS does not match bootloader. Flash a 3.xx radio for the titan and then flash a 6.1 ROM.
To flash, plug phone in to computer and when you see the phone say serial, you should be able to flash.

Strike that, been awhiek since I've fused with the titan. your unlocker 1.20 is for non gps radio and wm 6.0. My sugestion is locate bootloader 2.40 and flash that. You probably already have gps radio and WM 6.1, so if you flash 2.40 you will be good.


I need serious help

So I installed the T-mobile UK radio rom on my unlocked cingular HTC 8125 with a t-mobile sim. Upon reboot I get no phone service, it acts as though the phone is shut off but it's not. On bootup when it displays the IPL/SPL and OS and all that there was a line between the IPL / SPL lines and the OS line which used to have something on it, but now it's blank. Here's the worst part, it no longer recognizes on USB or under activesync, I tried to get it to work with bluetooth using a usb bluetooth adapter, but to no avail.
I need to know if there is anyway to get it working again, anyway at all to get it to connect or something so I can install a new radio rom on it.
Please help.
Help me too
I am in exactly the same predicament. I have spent days searching for a solution. Nthing so far. Anyone?
Well,only flashing a Radio Rom,never bricks a phone,cuz it doesn't include any IPL/SPL in it Its just a bad flash.Either,Try a Soft Reset or Hard Reset,if works fine,otherwise,get the phone in bootloaders (multicolor screen) and flash the cingular official Rom,it'll recover back. The phone doesn't get detected via usb or doesn't activesync if there's no working Rom (OS) on it,but if you are able to get to bootloaders and connect the phone via usb cable, a small usb appears at the bottom of the bootloaders screen,it means it has established connectivity and you can flash a rom.
Secondly if the ohine is not SIM unlocked,it won't work with a T-mobile SIM,you'll have to get it sim unlocked if you plan to use a different sim and network.
Be a little more specific about the problem and remember to always post the version of the phone OR vital data of the phone to ask for an advise.
been done
I've been able to get it into bootloaders, the usb pops up in the corner but when I try to flash a rom it it gives me a no phone connected type of error. which is really messed up because the first time I put it into bootloaders it worked, but I didn't use the official rom so the flashing didn't fix it.
If flashing the radio rom isn't supposed to brick it then well somehow mine is apparently the exception to the rule. Still gonna be working on it throughout today though, so any other suggestions?

Oh crap, update help possible brick

I dragged my Mini s out of the draw thinking it dead for the past few months, after using the battery jump start trick got her up and running again. now, after using mobile 6 on my other HTC i wanted to upgrade on this one, nothing fancy just bog standard mobile 6. its an O2 G4 model, I also checked it with the wizard service tool. I then used the hard SPL G$ tool to unlock it, that went fine. the device repowered and worked. I then tried to load in windows mobile 6 from this thread
after its started the flash I got an error message saying "error 300 invalid update tool" please get a newer tool, I have tried to run it again and now get the message " error 2641 cannot connect " and now all I have is an XDA with a red, green and blue screen showing IPL2.21.0001, SPL 2.21,0lip and "usb" in the bottom left corner
is it bricked? can I recover it, I will be gutted if it is bricked as I followed the instructions to the letter
btw I havnt disconnected it from the USB at all, just leaving it there until I get somne advice from here
update, bit the bullet and unplugged, soft reset and its all as it should be, on windows mobile 5.
so my question now is why didnt the Rom update in the link above work? or am I just a noob doing it wrong...
try downloading another rom and flash it again...even if it isn't connected in activesync ignore that and flash away...if that still doesn't work try your original rom wm5 and then flash a wm6's not bricked(see below)
stevescoots said:
I dragged my Mini s out of the draw thinking it dead for the past few months, after using the battery jump start trick got her up and running again. now, after using mobile 6 on my other HTC i wanted to upgrade on this one, nothing fancy just bog standard mobile 6. its an O2 G4 model, I also checked it with the wizard service tool. I then used the hard SPL G$ tool to unlock it, that went fine. the device repowered and worked. I then tried to load in windows mobile 6 from this thread
after its started the flash I got an error message saying "error 300 invalid update tool" please get a newer tool, I have tried to run it again and now get the message " error 2641 cannot connect " and now all I have is an XDA with a red, green and blue screen showing IPL2.21.0001, SPL 2.21,0lip and "usb" in the bottom left corner
is it bricked? can I recover it, I will be gutted if it is bricked as I followed the instructions to the letter
btw I havnt disconnected it from the USB at all, just leaving it there until I get somne advice from here
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Download this RUU ,extract it and replace all the files in the folder with the RUU files in the Rom and run the RUU,it'll flash successfully .
stevescoots said:
update, bit the bullet and unplugged, soft reset and its all as it should be, on windows mobile 5.
so my question now is why didnt the Rom update in the link above work? or am I just a noob doing it wrong...
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Your ROM Update may not have worked because, maybe it was not built for the G4 Wizard. so try anyother ROM
xda2_hasseb most of the WM6 roms available for download on xda-developers are G4 safe as they don't conntain ipl and spl you can safely flash a Windows Mobile 6 rom without bricking your Wizard
'XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL' is the latest custom build wm6 rom,build for both the devices,it can be flashed to both the devices G3 and G4 safely,its one of the most favourite roms.
Thakx xardas_90, i knew they didnt had the IPL and SPL with them but i didnt knew that it was IPL & SPL not the ROM it self that caused the Bricking of the G$ WIzards i thought Windows ROM for G3 and G4 were different but THANKS for the info. TC
Thanks for the advice, got it done and works a treat, except no data transfer or sms or net conncetion, still soldiering on, at best it will work, at worst, well i guess my son gets a hand me down lol
stevescoots said:
Thanks for the advice, got it done and works a treat, except no data transfer or sms or net conncetion, still soldiering on, at best it will work, at worst, well i guess my son gets a hand me down lol
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You need to get GPRS/MMS settings configured,get these settings from your carrier,only then you'll be able to connect to internet/SMS/MMS, or check out the 'XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL' rom thread,you might find the appropriate GPRS/MMS settings there of your concerned network.

plz help

My heads spinning from all the information aka post and threads, but im still stuck like my wizard on the 2nd splash screen.
I wasnt trying to upgrade the rom jst clear storage but after everything ive read i would like to upgrade to wm6 but first i want to get my wizard working.
I tried backing up the rom to the sd card but I get "You didn't get the proper security level to download a specific image" So i take it my wizard is cid locked.
My IPL:1.01 and SPL:1.06 does that mean its a g3. My activesync 4.5 doesnt pick up my wizard is it because it cant boot, i tried with it in bootloader mode still doesnt pick it up.
So plz point me in the right direction to fix my wizard
ok i think the place where im stuck at is cid unlocking my wizard with out using that imei site. any help or is there another way to do this.
This helped me when I was stuck on the first screen. For some reason, the Radio file was gone. Follow this exactly, it works. In my case (sounds like yours also), at the end of this you will at least have access to the phone again.
After your done. You will have a RGB screen, then follow these directions to load a base rom and unlock so you can keep going until you ca load WM6.1. Windows Mobile 6 for newbies
I've had many, many problems over the last 3 days trying to do this. I completed it all in less than a day, but when I used the phone it had terrible reception. I completely downgraded everything back to square one. Still bad phone reception. I was about to through it out the window, when someone called my wife's cell phone and she also had bad reception. I then put my sim in another phone, same problem. Well, at&t has a tower down for the last 3 days. What timing, it seems to work when not at home, but hard to test that way Anyway, moral of the story is. Don't give up, keep plugging along.
Good luck.
I'm pretty sure imei checker is for SIM unlocking.
For G3 CID unlocking and upgrading read the stickies in
If you can start your Wizard in bootloader, and it says "usb" in the lower-left, you can flash your original ROM. An active sync connection is not needed. Search for your carrier's ROM if you don't have it and I'd recommend the "no carrier ID" version of the RUU.
Have you tried a 'Hard Reset',hope it'll work,if it boots up into working OS and it already has IPL/SPL 1.xx,use lokiwiz02b tool to SIM/CID unlock the phone and than upgrade.
If it doesn't work still after Hard Reset,most probably,its Extended_Rom is corrupted,its required to reflash a new rom.
Activesync doesn't work in absence of a working OS and in Bootloaders mode.Its not required for flashing a rom.Just get the phone into Bootloaders and hook the phone with pc via usb cable and watch small usb appear at the bottom of the bootloader screen,if its there,it good to go and flash the rom.
ok so i downloaded the button rom finally but how do i flash it to my wizard.
Get your phone in Bootloaders,hook up the phone with pc via usb,watch small usb appear at the bottom of the Bootloader screen,if its there run the 'RUU' application,it'll start to flash,it stops at a certain percentage,don't get worried and do anything,after a couple of minutes it starts again,let it complete 100%,the phone'll restart and boot up in new OS.
which ruu application. I jst downloaded 1 which comes in the form of a rar file saying ruuwrapper. is that the right 1
So after lots and lots and lots more reading i realized i dont need a ruu. all i need to do is get into bootloader mode plug in the usb and run the wizard button rom. It worked perfectly my wizard is back to life yip pee.
Anyway i wud jst like to thank u guys for all the help and compliment u guys on a gr8 forum.
Now my next challenge is wm6 with touch flo.

Issue with HTC Touch..

Hey im new here! *in terms of posts and stuff*
But I got a big issue..
I was trying to upgrade my HTC Touch from windows 6.0 to windows 6.1. And the phone went funny and the USB cable stopped working and disconnected before it could upgrade? So now, The phone is stuck in “Bootloader Mode” and I don’t know what to do?
I am supposed to install a ROM (Official or otherwise) to make the phone better, but for some reason the ROM cannot detect the phone?....but its odd because the USB is being detected by sections of my laptop...for example, when I connect it, the Safety Remove Hardware says "PocketPC USB Sync"...but if I connected it to a USB Hub for example, it wouldnt detect it?
and my Touch also has the USB at the bottom *on the white screen*...yet, no ROM can find it?..
I have these random two numbers on the screen as well “IPL 1.16.002 and SPL 1.16.0000”..? oh and RUU on the top right hand corner on the red..
Can anyone help?
Oh, and I know tons of these posts have been done before..but, I cant find any that talks about *my* terms of the fact that ROMs cannot find the hence I get the 264 Error all the time...
First of all, are you attempting to upgrade an Official ROM from HTC or one of the custom built ones on XDA here?
Secondly, if you ARE flashing a custom built rom and you don't know what IPL & SPL you're in trouble. There's a few stickies in the Upgrading forum about these, you must flash a USPL or HardSPL before your phone will let you put a custom ROM onto it.
I am having the same problem.
I just used the USPL to unlock my CID ( now my g_ckeyCardSecurityLevel = 0) but now my phone just show the logo's screen and turn off. I can't dump any rom on it since the communication with ActiveSync doesn't exist.
Any clue?

Titan flash fail. Need recover instructions

Hi, had a problem flashing my bro in law's Titan.
I unlocked the titan with the titan unlocker by Olipro and flashed with the round 4 reloaded (loaded) rom (dcd 3.2.6)
unlocked fine, installed the rom to 100% rebooted phone and its stuck on the Bell screen. (its after the HTC screen and after the screen that shows versions, which it does show D. version 3.2.6) any ideas how to get it to where i can flash it again?
Does it have a compatible v3.x radio installed as well? I recommend 3.42.40 personally, but just about any v3.x radio will work.
Tzetsin said:
Hi, had a problem flashing my bro in law's Titan.
I unlocked the titan with the titan unlocker by Olipro and flashed with the round 4 reloaded (loaded) rom (dcd 3.2.6)
unlocked fine, installed the rom to 100% rebooted phone and its stuck on the Bell screen. (its after the HTC screen and after the screen that shows versions, which it does show D. version 3.2.6) any ideas how to get it to where i can flash it again?
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Ok, solved the problem by pressing the power button, camera button and reset button all at the same time. This of course enabled the bootloader on the phone. installed another rom which gave me the same result, stuck at carrier screen. This is of course because i didnt know i had to upgrade the radio first. Got the phone running again by updating the rom with the one at the HTC website for my carrier.
Now i'm trying to update the radio. there isnt alot of instruction out there, but i did find this only upgrade instructions Although after following the instructions, the universal rom upgrade tool never connects to my phone. I tried the vista fix here But being that its over 2 years old, i'm guessing its now useless as when i try to update with the files there my OS says my drivers are more current and wont allow me to install them.
So now i'm stuck at the "how to upgrade my titan's radio" stage. Anyone have better instructions? (or can tell me what i'm doing wrong?
what i've done
downloaded radio version 3.42.40 as BTC suggested
downloaded "universalRUU" and extracted it to its own folder
copied the radio's file "TITAIMG.nbh" into the UniversalRUU folder
reset my phone into the bootloader screen
ran the ROMUpgradeUt.exe from the UniversalRUU folder
pressed "next"
it says "checking information on your device" and hangs there forever.
if i press update anyway, it continues to the last screen where i can press "finish" and thats it. nothing happens. which part am i missing? the phone is DEFINATLY connected to windows at that point, so it should be able to detect it, but it doesnt seem like it even tries as there is no system pausing or stuttering like it might be trying to do something.
thanks for the help so far.
Solved the problem on my own, as well as the other couple problems i ran into.
Updated the Titan WIKI to reflect my solutions and clarify some key points.
