Repaired HD2, now no signal, can't find any networks - HD2 General

Hiya, I've got a HD2 with a couple of problems.
My brother had it as contract upgrade from his iPhone 3G back in February, and it was fantastic for around a month. As he never needed the insurance on his iPhone, he didn't take it out on his HD2, and you know whats coming don't you? It fell from his pocket and cracked the screen pretty badly.
As he didn't want the hassle or expense of fixing it, he went back to the iPhone and left the HD2 in a drawer. I found it a couple of weeks ago and asked what he was doing with it, he said I could have it if I got it fixed. The digitiser was the only thing wrong with it, so I took it to a local phone repair shop. After a week away having the glass replaced, I picked it up today and have found a couple of problems.
1. The phone can't find any networks.
I know its locked to O2, but with my O2 SIM card in it, it won't find any networks (the signal strength icon is the phone mast with an exclamation mark). Manually or automatically searching doesn't make a difference.
2. The Volume buttons don't work
They don't seem to make any difference to sound levels when pressed, and they seem harder to press than they used to be.
Now, I think the second problem would be fixed with a simple take-apart-put-together job, but I'm more worried about the first problem. Why would the phone lose the ability to find a network? When the digitiser is replaced, does the antenna get removed? Could it be that it hasn't been reattached properly?

I'd take it back and get it fixed properly.

Found no networks: I don't know the Hardware of HTD2 explicitely in its assemling process so I can just guess:
For my Touch diamond I got the problem that the antennacable (a tiny internal coaxial cable) was unplugged. That may be the problem here, too if GSM-Antenna is softwired in HD2.
Or try a hardreset (probably reflashing)

to get to the screen you have to strip every last part of the hd2. hunt down the official assemble disassemble video.
your problems have all the hallmarks of assembly errors. an antenna cable gets tugged when you close the case, volume buttons get caught, etc etc
id take it back and have them look at it again.

samsamuel said:
to get to the screen you have to strip every last part of the hd2. hunt down the official assemble disassemble video.
your problems have all the hallmarks of assembly errors. an antenna cable gets tugged when you close the case, volume buttons get caught, etc etc
id take it back and have them look at it again.
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I agree with that. And most likely they will do that for free as it was their fault (if its an assembly error)


Screen fading to white ongoing issue- MONEY AHEAD!

Hi all,
I need help,suggestions,anything with an issue I've had for a while. Since the time I started loading WM6 the screen has been randomly fading to white. I have LSVW latest rom 22/4 SE and 1.40.10 radio and 1.40oli although it doesn't matter what rom you load. I tried going back to WM5 and its better but now still fades to white as well.
on advise from oli and legolas I purchased a new battery but still have the same issue.
I have dropped my phone once which resulted in a crack to the right of the DEL/CR keys so could it be a HW issue and if you think so is it one I could open up the phone and fix?
Any and all help appreciated
Im updating to
LVSW 4-23 Full, Radio, SPL 2.10.Oli, IPL 1.04
seeing if any difference comes out.
This is not the first time this issue has been reported:
The conclusion is that it's hardware related. It may be as simple as one of the internal ribbon connectors having a less than firm connection. It may be brought on my anything from physical movement or pressure to internal pressure if the device gats warm. However, it is possible that there is a failing component. IMHO, a case of take it for replacement/repair or first check connectors if your brave and not worried about a warranty.
mikechannon said:
This is not the first time this issue has been reported:
The conclusion is that it's hardware related. It may be as simple as one of the internal ribbon connectors having a less than firm connection. It may be brought on my anything from physical movement or pressure to internal pressure if the device gats warm. However, it is possible that there is a failing component. IMHO, a case of take it for replacement/repair or first check connectors if your brave and not worried about a warranty.
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HHmmm interesting thread .. the only issue i have out of that is the fade to white one.
Maybe Hardware .. i got the phone off ebay and now it has a crack in it .. so i dare say it isnt under warranty any more. (even though its a max of 6 months old).
It may also be software. I experienced the WSOD on my JASJAM when playing with the GPS-related DLL's. Once this problem appeared when switching on the camera. The screen would turn white and soft reset would not fix this, only power off/on would sort it out. Seems that the drivers do not reset (some of) the hardware to a known state on boot.
Had EXACTLY the same problem. Hoped it would be a software problem. Hard-reset a few times to no avail. Upgraded to a couple of the WM6 ROMs. No change. I did notice that when it was cool it tended not to happen, but after being on the phone a couple minutes or using the PDA for a while, it would do it AGAIN.
One weird thing I noticed was that if I did a Soft-reset and held down the Left Soft-key, I could "force" it to fade to white on start-up! VERY WEIRD.
I finally bit the bullet, and sent it back to Telstra to get it sorted. Didn't want to void warranty myself.
It has been just over 2 weeks since I sent it off, and They have sent this reply...
This phone is currently waiting on a part which was ordered yesterday. Some parts have already been issued but needs further repair.
From: LJ Boyd [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2007 2:18 PM
To: ! TMS Customer Service
Subject: RE: Imate JASJAM Problem
Hello, I am emailing about an I-Mate JASJAM phone I sent for repairs early last week (tel # xxx ).
Can you please update me as to status of this repair, as the Telstra shop did not provide me with a second phone while I await return/repair/replacement of the phone.
So, I guess it IS a hardware problem. But then again, that kind of reply, sounds a bit "dodgy" as it doesn't seem to "technical" does it?
Hope this helps.
jyetara said:
So, I guess it IS a hardware problem. But then again, that kind of reply, sounds a bit "dodgy" as it doesn't seem to "technical" does it?
Hope this helps.
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Their reply was not very technical - does not surprise me however. The people who repair these devices are usually faced with some component/connection/screen or a m/board that needs replaced. They often fail to take account of something as basic as the case pressing on the screen or other components - particularly when device is warm. So they replace the component they think is faulty and then discover the problem is still there. With this issue in particular I think that there are no faulty components just the case is a fraction of a millimetre too tight for the internal components and hence swapping out parts can have no effect. With this fault I advise people to go for a replacement not a repair if possible.
NB: This issue should not be confused with white screen that may appear after installing particular software or when an application crashes, or when the flashing of a new ROM goes wrong! The hardware issue arises most commonly when the device gets warm or put another way goes white after maybe 10 minutes of use and will continue to go white even after hard reset.
I have this same problem! =(
My phone screen recently (4-5 days ago) started to go white. I never saw this happen with my own eyes but when i picked up my phone and its sleeping i push the power button to get to an all white screen. I can hear noises when i touch the screen but no image other than white. I can solve this by removing the battery and putting it back in, then my scren works fine....its not verry often just like 1-3 times a day.
I want to try a hard reset but have a question first: My phone is unlocked by the ebay guy i got it from, will a hard reset lock my phone back to Cingular?
Next i want to try upgrading my ROM and Radio and anything looking in the wiki for instructions on how to do this. Any help? What else shouls i upgrade?
Ive only had my Hermes for around 2 months so im new to much of this.
I recently purchased a Used Imate Jasjam (Ex Telstra Australia) with this issue.
I pulled the unit apart, and reseated and pressed the Power and LCD Display Data Cables... attempting to ensure they were firmly fastened.
I then upgraded to LVSW's Latest WM6 Release.
I have had the Phone go to White once in that timeframe since. I brought it back by pressing the power button of, then one again.
I don't feel that it's really a "100%" Faulty Part... Because it works fine othertimes. It almost seems as if connections or a Data Cable has an Issue.
I'm intending tonight and using the Phone over the weekend to see if the issue continues to occur.
Well, got my phone back after a bit over 3 weeks I think? I kept ringing the repair center and emailing. Finally they said it was ready, and was sent back to the shop I bought it from. Rang the shop "no it's not here yet, we will ring you"... now the repair centre to the shop is a 20 min drive... on the 3rd, I rang again at 1pm and "no it's not here yet, we will ring you when it arrives." At this point I was really getting p*ed off. So I went to the shop, and demanded, and guess what was AT the Shop?!?!?!
Anyway, after 1 friggin day, I have lost the Red & Green phone buttons! As of tonight the whole bottom section no longer work, and the screen has gone white again.
The repair report listed 3 things was a "bezel" another was a "poly" something. I will get the report a list the replaced bits if anyone likes, but their descriptions are kind of strange if ya ask me.
Anyway, I have to send the phone back for repairs again, which could take another 3 weeks +, which I think is completely PATHETIC OF TELSTRA, especially for the fact they dont give the same phone or even similar to "loan" while I wait for my defective $1300 phone to get "repaired"... (more like 'fiddled with' & "yeah, she'll be right mate"...
My girlfriends phone was having the same problem. Try popping out your SD card and putting the phone into/out of sleep and see if that brings back a visible screen. Thats how we determined her situation was a hardware problem and not a problem with the rom.
jyetara said:
Well, got my phone back after a bit over 3 weeks I think? I kept ringing the repair center and emailing. Finally they said it was ready, and was sent back to the shop I bought it from. Rang the shop "no it's not here yet, we will ring you"... now the repair centre to the shop is a 20 min drive... on the 3rd, I rang again at 1pm and "no it's not here yet, we will ring you when it arrives." At this point I was really getting p*ed off. So I went to the shop, and demanded, and guess what was AT the Shop?!?!?!
Anyway, after 1 friggin day, I have lost the Red & Green phone buttons! As of tonight the whole bottom section no longer work, and the screen has gone white again.
The repair report listed 3 things was a "bezel" another was a "poly" something. I will get the report a list the replaced bits if anyone likes, but their descriptions are kind of strange if ya ask me.
Anyway, I have to send the phone back for repairs again, which could take another 3 weeks +, which I think is completely PATHETIC OF TELSTRA, especially for the fact they dont give the same phone or even similar to "loan" while I wait for my defective $1300 phone to get "repaired"... (more like 'fiddled with' & "yeah, she'll be right mate"...
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Yes, sadly this is kind of predictable as I said in an earlier post in this thread:
This is why, as I said, get a replacement not a repair if possible. My view is that the individual components are fine but connectors come loose or the heat generated causes pressure to be put on the screen etc So it's a problem with some cases and how the innards in some cases get squeezed. So off course changing the top poly board, connectors, bezel gasket, may by pot luck make a difference but is just as likely to make no difference at all.
Status Report:
After having my phone playing Video's Through the Night (My Way of a "Stress Test" to Generate Heat) I woke up the find the screen to be "almost completely" White.
Usually its gone completely, however in this instance I was able to see the icons through the whitewash.
I put the phone into sleep and back out and the Display is fine again.
Being that these phones are much easier to pull apart and put back together than my old JasJar I might to do some further experimentation.
I think the issue will have something to do with either one of the following
- Heat
- Pressure on the LCD from Parts Around it
- Faulty Ribbon or Power Leads to the LCD
My suggestions
- In the Case of Heat... I'll run the Same Test, with the Phone Directly in front of a small airconditioning unit I have.
- In the Case of Pressure, I'm going to look and see if I can place some extra Insulation Tape or Similar on the Phone to relieve this
- I wish I could find somewhere to buy the Replacement Ribbon Cables but I don't know where I can get them in Australia... any ideas?
VolarisPtyLtd said:
Status Report:
After having my phone playing Video's Through the Night (My Way of a "Stress Test" to Generate Heat) I woke up the find the screen to be "almost completely" White.
Usually its gone completely, however in this instance I was able to see the icons through the whitewash.
I put the phone into sleep and back out and the Display is fine again.
Being that these phones are much easier to pull apart and put back together than my old JasJar I might to do some further experimentation.
I think the issue will have something to do with either one of the following
- Heat
- Pressure on the LCD from Parts Around it
- Faulty Ribbon or Power Leads to the LCD
My suggestions
- In the Case of Heat... I'll run the Same Test, with the Phone Directly in front of a small airconditioning unit I have.
- In the Case of Pressure, I'm going to look and see if I can place some extra Insulation Tape or Similar on the Phone to relieve this
- I wish I could find somewhere to buy the Replacement Ribbon Cables but I don't know where I can get them in Australia... any ideas?
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We wait to see. Mind you one guy on these boards found he could get half an hour from his device if he put it in the freezer for a while - so I'm not sure that air-con will be strong enough!!!
Well Results.....
After pulling apart the unit and reconnected, I think I found my cause to simply be excess pressure.
I've removed the "Black Plastic" Micro SD Card from its Blanking Plate.
Since I've done this... not one White Screen Whatsoever.
I don't use an SD Card, so the issue is resolved for me, however it is very interesting.
Could be Pressure or Heat (Small Hole Might Increase Airflow/Allow for Greater Dissapation or something)
Hi folks,
i've also small experience with this "white screen" issue and just wanted to inform you about it.
I got the device from my former boss who did already complain about this "white screen" issue on his O² XDA trion with original ROM. (honestly i did not really believe him due to my experience with couple of other devices so after i got the device i was just wondering - ok back to the facts).
I installed on Friday the Windows Mobile VI Pro - BLACK 2.5 Release and until today it was running (as far as i remember expect one time) nearly perfect w/o white screens. About 45min ago, i flashed the device with BLACK 3.0 Release and got until now about 5-10 times a white screen.
I assume this is not a hardware ONLY issue but indeed very strange.
I'll go back to 2.5 and will look forward if i get again the white screen or it'll be ok.
Cheers so far
FaCeOff said:
Hi folks,
i've also small experience with this "white screen" issue and just wanted to inform you about it.
I got the device from my former boss who did already complain about this "white screen" issue on his O² XDA trion with original ROM. (honestly i did not really believe him due to my experience with couple of other devices so after i got the device i was just wondering - ok back to the facts).
I installed on Friday the Windows Mobile VI Pro - BLACK 2.5 Release and until today it was running (as far as i remember expect one time) nearly perfect w/o white screens. About 45min ago, i flashed the device with BLACK 3.0 Release and got until now about 5-10 times a white screen.
I assume this is not a hardware ONLY issue but indeed very strange.
I'll go back to 2.5 and will look forward if i get again the white screen or it'll be ok.
Cheers so far
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You are right to ask the question "is it hardware or software".
We know a white screens can arise if folk duff up flashing a new ROM.
We know there is a hardware caused white screen that comes and goes often when device gets warm.
But there maybe white screens caused by some kinds of crashing software or a buggy ROM etc
Crucially in terms of finding a cure will be distiguishing between these.
2 for most people is easy - take it back and get a replacement.
1 is a matter for the ROM upgrading and fixing boards
3 is a case of trying different ROMs testing 3 party software by selective installation until the problem starts or stops.
In your case I am worried that this is a number 2 device as it did sometimes get the problem before you flashed the ROM and now it's worse. It may only be worse because this particular ROM is generating more heat and consequently more white screens. (see explanations elsewhere).
I suppose if it's an occasional problem you might live with it but otherwise it's replacement at best and repair as a rather dodgy alternative.
Hey Mike,
well, before flashing the device with a custom ROM, in my opinion it was really difficult to use it.
By flashing it with V 2.5, it was very good usable and with V 3.0 it returned to become more unusable. Nevertheless, i upgraded 10min ago with HARD-SPL-V7 and it's running fine now (i've been wating with downgrading to V 2.5. If it returns to become unstable, i will downgrade to V 2.5 again.
I'll keep you informed.
yes for this particular "white screen" issue it will be useful to hear how things go - thanks
White screen - in my case definitely a hardware issue
Hi folks,
i was testing and playing around with my Hermes and today i found the problem (very funny because now i can't reproduce it anymore but just read ahead).
Today i was playing around and after pressing by accident on the case of the Hermes, the screen appeared disappeared and changed into white.
Please download the video i recorded from the attached link - you'll see that it was able to reproduce it by tapping on the case:
Please use VLC or MPC (additional codecs required) to watch the movie.
Honestly i'm not sure if this can be reproduced by anyone but this makes the whole situation much more clear.
Any feedback is welcome.

Where to buy a motherboard / mainboard for TyTN

I've been experiencing the intermittent "No GSM" problem, and I'm pretty sure it's the mainboard (it started after I dropped the phone). Already opened the phone a few times / reflashed Radio etc...
Does somebody know where can I find a board for a HTC TyTN (Hermes 200) on the internet?
Thanks for the help!
i would be interested in this too
Maybe you could consider buying one with a cracked screen or so from eBay, just in case you can't figure out where to get a complete mainboard from...
Buying a broken one
MilchCow said:
Maybe you could consider buying one with a cracked screen or so from eBay, just in case you can't figure out where to get a complete mainboard from...
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I've considered that, but than I have the risk of having a bad motherboard as well. I'd prefer to get a new one as a replacement part. I did that in the past with the D-PAD controller and had success with it. Can't find a motherboard anywhere thou... Any ideas? Help!!
Hey there.. I too want a new motherboard.. I dropped my 8525 and the speaker, left side of the keypad and SD card slot stopped functioning. I took off the cover and reconnected the speaker..even lifted the MB off..But still with the same problem except that the speaker works and that the Unit gets very hot near the SD slot...I surfed and surfed without any finds of a MB..
So any ways broke out the Wizard for awhile , dug deep down and just bought a Kaiser ( the real one from HTC ).....
So any else have any clue at all on how to get a Hermes MB?...
shmilson said:
I've been experiencing the intermittent "No GSM" problem, and I'm pretty sure it's the mainboard (it started after I dropped the phone). Already opened the phone a few times / reflashed Radio etc...
Does somebody know where can I find a board for a HTC TyTN (Hermes 200) on the internet?
Thanks for the help!
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i'm iterested too
I am in a different position. I NOW HATE THESE UNITS LIKE POISON
I have three 8225s which I am getting really sick of constantly reflashing and finding out that something doesnt work, whatever it is.
Sometimes it is the whole screen going white eight times our of ten boots, sometimes NO GSM, sometimes it flashes properly and runs properly, starts up with all GSM numbers showing correctly and then goes into its configuration cycle only to end up with NO GSM on reboot or some kind of freeze.
I want to know where I can get rid of these things: I am in New York. Is the only place to try them on ebay? Might involve a considerable (not worthwhile) learning curve?
Has anyone had any luck contacting other flashers on craigslist? Or is there a place on this forum where I can get rid of them for a reasonable price?
I also have a few Wizards (as well as a working Wizard G4 main board) and a Blue Angel which has NEVER worked properly in the 4 years since I Have had it. However with persistence and playing around while doing other things (like watching TV), I DO have it finally working properly on all functions and have given it to my offspring. The sheer amount of playing around with it to get it working properly has convinced me that it definitely wont be worthwhile trying to get the Hermes' to work!
Oh and I forgot to mention.....
licensedtoquill said:
I have three 8225s which I am getting really sick of constantly reflashing and finding out that something doesnt work, whatever it is.
Sometimes it is the whole screen going white eight times our of ten boots, sometimes NO GSM, sometimes it flashes properly and runs properly, starts up with all GSM numbers showing correctly and then goes into its configuration cycle only to end up with NO GSM on reboot or some kind of freeze.
I want to know where I can get rid of these things: I am in New York. Is the only place to try them on ebay? Might involve a considerable (not worthwhile) learning curve?
Has anyone had any luck contacting other flashers on craigslist? Or is there a place on this forum where I can get rid of them for a reasonable price?
I also have a few Wizards (as well as a working Wizard G4 main board) and a Blue Angel which has NEVER worked properly in the 4 years since I Have had it. However with persistence and playing around while doing other things (like watching TV), I DO have it finally working properly on all functions and have given it to my offspring. The sheer amount of playing around with it to get it working properly has convinced me that it definitely wont be worthwhile trying to get the Hermes' to work!
In addition to all this, I use most regulatly a Wing. A few years ago I broke the screen and HTC sent me a new chassis for whatever reason. When I switched screens, the unit with the slightly broken screeen worked, it just had a chip like break at the top corner. I could still use it. Recently I put the battery back in and hey presto! it now doesnt work at all
So what happened to the working one? The battery pins on it stopped 'pinging' today, which I take to mean that the connections no longer work. The unit suddenly stopped working on putting the battery back in it.
So who needs a few Wing chassis as well??
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Heading should be whole load of units, mostly working, to get shot of.

Tytn / hermes / 8525 freezing up when I slide close

It seems that my 8525 with Black Satin (WM6) has recently started crashing when I slide it close after sending a message or after sliding it open when recieving one.
The screen goes all dim and interlaced looking but it's really "off" as when I press the power button it actually boots up. When this happens that current text message is GONE poof!
I sat there and slid it open and closed 20+ times and couldn't repeat it but when trying to use it for real is when it freezes. It's not only with the text messaging though as I tried to slide it open to reply to a message on the internet (via wifi) and it locked up there also.
I did a search and haven't really found anything... guess I could reinstall but man, I hate having to do that... what all will I need to rememeber to back up? Text messages, phone numbers, settings for tomtom? bah!
Anyone ever experienced this?
Great, I think it's a loose connection somewhere... I noticed it was out and I had only put it down, not closed the slide. So just now when it was just idle I tapped on it and poof it locked up.
Great... Now what!
gilligan8 said:
Great, I think it's a loose connection somewhere... I noticed it was out and I had only put it down, not closed the slide. So just now when it was just idle I tapped on it and poof it locked up.
Great... Now what!
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If it's still under warranty, take it in and have them look at it.
If it's not, look for one of the many disassembly instructions around, take it apart and reseat the cables.
I took mine apart not long ago to fix a non-working camera and it was amazing easy to get into the phone and remove and reconnect the cables.
Just make sure to read everything before trying it.
I bought it off ebay (supposed to be brand new) to unlock and use on a regional company's network. So doubt I'm covered. 8525 Instructions.pdf
Is that a sufficient set of instructions? I'm not opposed to doing this, I repair laptops all the time and they are just about as difficult if not worse sometimes. I had attempted to take apart a friends dead 8525 a year or so ago but didn't know where the retention tabs were to get it opened beyond the obvious screws.
gilligan8 said:
I bought it off ebay (supposed to be brand new) to unlock and use on a regional company's network. So doubt I'm covered. 8525 Instructions.pdf
Is that a sufficient set of instructions? I'm not opposed to doing this, I repair laptops all the time and they are just about as difficult if not worse sometimes. I had attempted to take apart a friends dead 8525 a year or so ago but didn't know where the retention tabs were to get it opened beyond the obvious screws.
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That would be the basics. I noticed that it doesn't say anything about the tape for the large ribbon cable, so there may still be some snags if you use those (I don't know if the tape is present on all the various rebadges of the hermes).
Nice that they use a tool to take it apart, I used something like a debit card on mine.
If you are comfortable disassembling a laptop, you should be fine. As with a laptop, just take it slow and be careful.
(shudders at the memory of disassembling a compaq and Apple laptop)
Word, I hate working on laptops... but I guess I got to!
I'll bet it is the battery header on the board. I had a similar issue and needed to repair a solder joint there.
same here.. i was lucky it was still under warranty..
good luck with the dissasembly!
it has been rather calm lately... though I am a lot more gentle when sliding it open and close...
I know it couldn't have been a fluke... maybe some dirt got in and now is out... I'm sure I will have to get at it eventually... till then I'll just keep treading lightly!
Oh, and Mike, thanks for those links... VERY good stuff!

Touchscreen not responding, backup question

Hi all,
Looks like my Sprint Vogue is flaking out on me. The touchscreen is suddenly and without warning not working at all. Everything else works (all other buttons, activesync, all functions). I'd like to do a hard reset before giving up on it, but I'd really like to sync my contacts/messages/photos/etc before doing that. So here's the problem- I use Dashwire to sync, and I'm unable to hit the "SYNC NOW" button!
Any ideas on how to switch to and activate the bottom left and bottom right menu buttons without being able to touch them? For example, the Inbox and Menu buttons on the Mail app screen, or Album/Slideshow on the Photos and Videos screen? If I can get to those I'll be able to activate the sync. Any help would be great!
There is a application called "MyMobiler" which allows you to control your phone over ip/usb/bluetooth. If i remember correctly launching the installer on your pc while your phone is connected to activesynch will install it without having to press anything.
Awesome, thank you. That did exactly what I needed it to!
Once it finishes sync'ing I'll give the reset a shot and see if the screen is really borked or not.
No problem glad i could help. If the touchscreen refuses to work you might wanna try replacing it. The part is called a digitzer and they go for 15-20 dollars online. I bought one and it wasn't difficult at all to replace.
Yeah, that's the plan. Hard reset didn't fix the problem, so I'm guessing that part is busted. Between this site and PPCG I found the guide for taking apart the phone, so it's looking like I'll be doing some minor surgery in a few days.
bogus83 said:
Yeah, that's the plan. Hard reset didn't fix the problem, so I'm guessing that part is busted. Between this site and PPCG I found the guide for taking apart the phone, so it's looking like I'll be doing some minor surgery in a few days.
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How would the touch screen instantly not work?
maybe someone let it fall and put it back to normal like nothing happened
and i know what u mean.I dont wanna give up my vogue. EVER,
but im the time im 30, i wont remember what vogue is.LOL.
Actually, it seems to have developed a very small air bubble in the very upper left corner. I'm pretty sure that's causing the digitizer to think there's constant pressure in that area, evidenced by the "Start" menu occasionally activating when I turn on the phone. I ordered a new digitizer anyway- the set of torx screwdrivers I'd need to open the case cost the same as a new digitizer and the screwdriver I need. I don't really understand how the air bubble formed (or even what it is contained in), but one way or another I'll resolve the problem next week.
And I just turned 26- I'm sure by the time I'm 30 I'll be sporting a Touch Pro 4 running Windows Mobile 8.5
Well, the digitizer and tools came much faster than I'd anticipated (I won the auction on eBay on Friday, paid same day, and got it in the mail today, shipped from CA to NY!). So I dove right in. It was a straightforward affair- remove the four torx screws from the back under the cover, remove the speaker, pry open the front from the mainboard, disconnect the keypad circuit board from the mainboard and the digitizer from the keypad board, push out the old digitizer, swap in the new one and hook it all back up.
Not for the faint of heart to be sure, but for someone who likes to tinker it was a lot of fun. Took maybe 15 minutes because prying the case from the mainboard was difficult. More accurately, the top plastic case is extremely thin and fragile- if you do this you'll almost definitely crack it in at least one place. If not, you'll crack it pushing the digitizer out from behind. But I'm not that worried about cosmetics, I got my Vogue second-hand off-contract, refurbished, so it wasn't exactly mint to begin with.
On the plus side, the repair worked like a charm! I tested every touch feature I could think of and as many areas of the screen as I could, it actually seemed to respond better than when I initially got the phone. The odd part is I could still see the air bubble in the old screen, and couldn't flatten it out even by squeezing on both sides of it. I wish I knew how it formed so I could prevent it from happening again, but I'll just have to be careful.
So to anyone considering this project:
If you're worried about damaging the casing and have insurance or a warranty or something like that, take it to the phone company to get it repaired.
For anyone else, the $15 bucks for the screen and three tools is a lot cheaper than buying a new phone. Plus you get the geek cred for repairing your own phone.

FIX for HTC HD2 touch screen not responding

After reading several posts to find a cure for my HTC HD2 unresponsive touch screen,( Slider wont slide to open applications), I decided to verify a theory. Software... Digitalizer screen, or power button.
Ok, first I Instelled about six different android versions, and the screen slide still failed. I reverted the cell back to original t-mobile windows software, and still locked screen.
Conclussion: The sofware is not the problem.
After several attempts pressing the red power button, I got the slider to open. Briefly, it locked again. Pressed the red button hard and tried to work the slide on the touch screen. Again briefly worked. After several more attempts I got it to slide and while the phone was awake, everything worked perfect. I played games, oppened applications, texted, made phone calls, and the touch screen worked flawless.
Conclussion: The digitalizer (Thin top glass screen on top of the display that responds to touch) is not the problem.
This led me to belibe that the power button was at fault. I called T-mobile and after explaining the problem, they decided to send me a different type of windows cell. I want my htc. So I declined the offer and decided to void the warranty and take matters in my own hands. Yes, I opened my HTC HD2. This is what I found: After about an hour I had carefully taken my htc apart without braking or scratching the phone or screen. When I finaly got to the buttons on the bottom, I noticed how cheap they where made. A thin copper circle on top of two contacts held in place by tape. Yes you heard right, tape. After a while, beating on the red end key for maybe a year or two, the tape brakes and the metal piece slides to the side, and makes the button to malfunction, that's why the hard pressing to make it work. I tried A bottle of comppressed power air to clean them before disassembling the phone but the way they are installed It's not possible to clean them like that.
Conclussion: The red end key is faulty.
I decided to keep the cell alive so I went on e-bay and ordered the buttons, and just in case I also got a new digitalizer for testing purpose.
The buttons panel was about 4 dollars and some change, and the digitalizer (touch screen) was about 14 dollars for a total of less than 20 bucks. (Worth it)
So here are some pics of my cell buttons, and what it should look like. After I get the parts and assemble it I will conclude and let you know the final and official veredict. As of now, it all leads to the button.
Please do let us know how you got on. I have a HD2 which I'd like to get up and running again so I can play with custom roms and leave my other mobile Any chance you could link to the places you got parts/tape from, and what tools we would need?
Cheers! :good:
Did it worked ??? i am also in the same situation...please share the details,
bijeeshvs said:
Did it worked ??? i am also in the same situation...please share the details,
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listening in as well
sheesh! my wife's HD2 also stop responding yesterday, seems like clockwork that a lot are having the same problem
first have to find "how to open your HD2" w/o breaking anything in the process :silly:
Damn. The second time I'm hearing about the red button giving problems.... Will be waiting results from you dude!!! +1
still wayting for the parts
Well, I am still wayting for the parts, they are on the way. The parts I found on E-bay. The buttons panel was about five or 6 dollars, I also got the digitalizer which was about 15 dollars. As soon as I get the parts, I will assemble my hd2 with the original digytalizer (the thin top screen) and test to make sure the buttons were the problem. If all goes well, I will post a complete test result with links to how to get the parts, a link on how to dissassemble the hd2 and all info I can to help on this issue. I did a step back in life, and pulled out my trusty 7 years old motorola razr v3 and stuck my sim card so i can talk and text 5 words in 7 minutes. No internet... I need my HD2... Well, I will report back as soon as I can. Thanks for the wait...
will be waiting for your findings & ways to dis-assemble the HD2 :fingers-crossed:
You were lucky to find the buttons' panel for 4bucks. I just checked out Ebay india, and the panel is 40bucks!!! What a robbery!
Wow. Me too!
I have been running Win6.5 still on my HD2, and have found in the last few days, my screen locks and I can't unlock it.
I came here deciding it was a software issue and was going to look into putting Android on my HD2.
I was slowly coming to the conclusion that it was the power button.
If I make an effort to NOT touch it - my phone seems happy.
It's amazing that we're all having the same problem about 2 and a bit years down the track since the HD2 was released - almost a built in expiry!!
And yeah - lots of details on how to fix it would be great.
The HD2 is too good-a-piece of hardware to allow a ****ty hardware button to be the cause of it's death.
New Keypad Button Flex Cable Ribbon For HTC HD2
Copy this:
New Keypad Button Flex Cable Ribbon For HTC HD2 T8585 and paste it on ebay, it will bring the buttons for the htc hd2. I belive they all come from china, but after I test them I will let you all know if they work and if they are worth it.
Copy this: REPLACEMENT DIGITIZER TOUCH SCREEN LENS for HTC HD2 T8585 and paste it on e-bay and it will bring you the digitizer for the hd2.
copy this: and paste it on your web browser, and it will lead you to a video on How To Replace Repair Disassemble Screen Digitizer. When it gets to a part that say that you have to put the phone in a oven, is just to melt the tape or glue holding the screen to the phone. I just used a hair dryer to war the screen enough to carefully remove the screen and the digitizer from the phone without breaking them, It works. I will be back soon with more info. I believe my digitizer screen is on the mail box now. Will report back...
I have same problem. Today I bought a flex cable ribbon and waiting for the dispatch (estimated in 2 days). I will also report back..
Same problem here!
Hope to hear soon that this is the way to go to fix it
You have to stick back the tape in the housing. The tape is electrically conductive. It connects the ground of the keyboard flex cable with the ground of the housing.
Copy this: REPLACEMENT DIGITIZER TOUCH SCREEN LENS for HTC HD2 T8585 and paste it on e-bay and it will bring you the digitizer for the hd2.
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Be careful! There are two types of digitizer:
- Solder version
- Socket version
Be very careful when ordering parts, specially the digitizer they have several kinds, solder and socket, and different socket sizes. Compare parts with the ones in your cell to make sure, don't just believe the advertisements.
Hi, any updates on this? I'm also having this issue, but in my case, even pressing end call really really hard doesn't solve the problem... snif..
+1 on that
i pressed all the keys even the lower part of the LCD & flashed new roms but no joy :crying:
will bring to shop instead I'm afraid to open it up, it might end up even worse
Just be extremely careful when you try this. That flex cable is so incredible fragile and easy to tear. My roommate tore the volume rocker section right off of his HD2.
Hi dragonsuicida
Were you able to get your touchscreen to work?

