[FIXED]No network location when "use wireles networks" is enabled - Epic 4G General

I have a epic runing DI07, rooted. Since I got the phone the GPS has been flawless, and i use google navigation everyday without the first issue.
But my phone is unable to determine its network location, so if GPS is off, an application can not determine my rough location.
Most of the time I don't care at all about this. However some application, "Weather and toggle widgets" uses network location to figure out where you are, and give you weather for that area, it will not even look for a GPS location. and no mater what it fails to fine my location.
I have also tested this with google maps, and every other app I have that can find my location based off what tower im connected to. I have reflashed, even rolled back to the old rom to see if it worked.
So i went into the sprint store and they told me it was working as intended. I called bull *(@# and said I wanted to exchange my phone. Dude at the counter had a moment and I showed him on the moment that with network location enabled and GPS disabled you get a blue ring in google maps showing the area you could be in, aka rough location. So he agreed to exchange my phone, we pulled out 2 more epics and tryed them both and they both behaved EXACTLY the same way. GPS lock was no problem, network location was 100% fail.
What is everyone elses experience with this?

bump. Just updated to DI18, "use wireless networks" still provides no location.

Works for me...
No problem here... running on DI07, stock but rooted. Turned off wifi, turned off GPS, turned on "use wireless networks for location" (forgot to mention) and started Maps. It definitely took a little while longer to lock on, but there I am with a big blue ring around little blue me.
Wanna go test my issue for me now
I would be forever grateful

Still no dice, anyone else want to test for me to see if this works or not for you?

I pushed the NetworkLocation.apk from the samsung moment and rebooted and now its working great! It works over WiFi and over 3g/1x, and it didn't break GPS.
attached is the APK


Issue 5715 (GPS), Please star at code.google.com

Yesterday I experienced issue 5715 (just looked it up) pretty badly. http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=5715
I switched on my GPS in a city 300 Miles away from where it was last on, then waited for 1 hour with the phone by a window.... No GPS fix. All it sees is one or two satellites. (as seen by 'GPS status').
Later in the evening I had to walk to a new location thats about 0.5 Miles away...No GPS fix in the open! Restarted my phone as I knew this had worked before (many times). Unfortunately it still didnt work. 'GPS Status' showed 3 connected/4 found and a fix 200+ Miles away with a ground speed of 271MPH, Was funny looking at my location (blue dot) flying across the map so fast while I was stationary. (I was standing at the intersection of two streets, no tall buildings or obstructions anywhere)
I finally managed to find the location by just looking at the map.
Later that night I restarted the phone one more time and the GPS is working fine. (6 connected/ 6 found)
Please "star" the issue linked above if you've experienced this too.
If anyone knows if this is fixed with the newer/custom ROMS please let me know.
I had the same problem last year when I flew from Jersey to Oregon. After I arrived, I went to navigate with my Touch HD (Windows Mobile 6.5) and the map put me in Michigan traveling at 600mph. I chocked it up to a flaky custom ROM.
I wonder if theres a common link here, in that its not the software, but in fact the GPS's ephemera data that needs to be purged and/or updated?
Later that day I ran the satellite update software, rebooted a few times, and all was well again.
I'm in Dublin, Ireland and for some reason in both Maps and Google Earth it says I'm somewhere near to Alicante in Spain!!
I installed Secure Wave today and hit the track button on the site and guess what, it said Alicante as well!!
How can it be this wrong guys?
rotohammer said:
I wonder if theres a common link here, in that its not the software, but in fact the GPS's ephemera data that needs to be purged and/or updated?
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+1 for a GPS reset/Clear data app.
I remember the GPS on my N95 thinking I was doing about 200mph when I was in my house before, wonder if it's more a general GPS glitch than the N1's fault.
I had this problem before the update. Haven't seen it since. I'm not saying they are related, I'm just putting it out there.
I did notice a couple of things (that could be unrelated or user error) - 1. if I had a Google Nav or directions course mapped, exited the Maps app and then went back in, my location would sometimes jump from the actual to the cached Nav starting point (make sense?) 2. If I left the GPS widget enabled, I had much better performance in Google Maps (duh! - but I mean no glitches in showing my location).
My pocket theory was it had to do with the assisted GPS portion - the checkbox that says 'use wireless networks - location determined by WiFi and mobile networks'. If any of those networks are reporting a bad location (IP source or Phase 1 location on a mobile tower) - maybe that is what's throwing the maps off? The thing is, the iPhone uses the same location enhancements (Skyhook plug in) and doesn't exhibit the problem, so who knows.
rvinny said:
My pocket theory was it had to do with the assisted GPS portion - the checkbox that says 'use wireless networks - location determined by WiFi and mobile networks'. If any of those networks are reporting a bad location (IP source or Phase 1 location on a mobile tower) - maybe that is what's throwing the maps off? The thing is, the iPhone uses the same location enhancements (Skyhook plug in) and doesn't exhibit the problem, so who knows.
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I suspected this, so I turned off the "use wireless networks" option before rebooting. Didn't help, The GPS was still lost.
Are you actually obtaining a lock (solid GPS icon rather than flashing)?
Rusty! said:
Are you actually obtaining a lock (solid GPS icon rather than flashing)?
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Didn't check that (think it was flashing), however 'Gps Status' reported a "fix" after the first reboot and it was wrong. Showed 3 connected/4 found.
Waited for atleast 15 minutes in the open...freezing.
anyone found a work-a-round or fix for this problem? Trying to use my NBA league pass but says it shows I'm in Espoo ( no idea where it is) instead of in the US.

Google Location Service unavailable (only with cell tower info, GPS working fine)

I've been looking through google to find posts related to the google location service, but can't really find an exact match to my problem. All the N1 users post complain that the GPS is not working fine, which is not at all my issue.
About a week ago my location service using cell tower info stopped working. I used the Desire r21 rom and switched back to Kang-o-rama 0.6 and it stopped working around the same timeframe, however I don't think it is at all related to the rom switch.
I tried wipping all the data again, in hopes it was just a messed up setting with no avail. Also turned off the cell phone radio and back on (airplane mode). Tried to switch from 3G to 2G and back.
Anyone have an idea what could be wrong. Also, I read that google's service sometimes goes down and that could be a cause, however I would have imagined that some else would have complained by now.
Thanks guys!!
There are a whole bunch of reasons this could happen, in my experience, they're usually network related. New towers, repairing towers, etc..
My "My location" service went down for approximately 3 weeks recently. Wouldn't work on any of my phones, Android or WinMo. One day it just started working again.
Currently, when I am at the office, "my location" thinks I'm somewhere hundreds of miles from where I am. I suspect someone at AT&T entered the Lat/Lon of the main tower I'm on incorrectly. When I'm elsewhere in my city (closer to another tower) "my location" places me correctly.
Edit: That reminds me.. when I'm at the office and the phone is on WiFi "my location" knows where I am and it has very good accuracy (like within a block).. I always wondered if that was a result of Google Maps mapping Mac addresses, or if they can do that with IP..
So sure enough, I checked it out in San Jose, CA today at work and it found my location within a quarter of a mile. When I got home (Hollister), the google map ticker still shows me in San Jose and when I click on "My Location" in the menu it just stays in SJ.
But here is the even odder thing. My finance has an iphone and her location service is spot on in Hollister without the GPS.
I have seen posts saying it may be an old sim card, but this one just got replaced when I upgraded to the TILT 2 a few months ago.
I guess we will just have to keep waiting until the service comes back for us.
My N1 has been doing the same thing lately. I will leave work and about 1/2 hour later when I look at Google maps, the locator service still shows me at work. I wonder if the location service has a certain polling interval.

Unable to Use Cell-Tower Triangulation

So this past week I was having tons of issues with the cell-tower triangulation on my Nexus One. I've tried multiple things such as restarting, toggling the "Use Network Location" and mostly everything short of resetting the phone to factory default.
So I was playing around in the Applications menu and decided to just mess around with all the items there. Then, after clearing the cache on the "Google Framework" option, force closing, then restarting my phone, I was finally able to get cell phone triangulation working again!
The problem continues though, because after said procedure I was unable to access the market, or the downloaded section of the store only had 2 items listed. So I did another restart, the market works, but the cellphone triangulation breaks again.
Does anyone have a solution?
well sounds like somethings haywire on the software side of things, i'd try a factory reset/reflashing your current rom etc. or you could just use GPS i suppose
Matt1408 said:
The problem continues though, because after said procedure I was unable to access the market, or the downloaded section of the store only had 2 items listed. So I did another restart, the market works, but the cellphone triangulation breaks again.
Does anyone have a solution?
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Market problems are generally due to the ROM you're using, although most cooks have that sorted immediately. What ROM are you using?
And I've never heard of anyone anything on the Framework, maybe that in itself was kind of dumb? Have you rebooted or such to see if it clears up?
So what is the issue anyway? Where are you observing that cell tower info isn't working? And you've double checked, and maybe toggled off/on the setting for this?
OP, does triangulation work for you on EDGE?
I've been in this state (2G triangulation works but 3G does not) for about two weeks now.
Most probably a T-Mobile or Google data base issue...
chdloc said:
OP, does triangulation work for you on EDGE?
I've been in this state (2G triangulation works but 3G does not) for about two weeks now.
Most probably a T-Mobile or Google data base issue...
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This is true, at one point T-Mobile and 3G the lookups didn't work.. but I haven't heard this in a long time so I'd think
I really wish people would stop referring to it a "triangulation" though, it's estimation based on tower location and possibly data from Cell+Wifi+GPS data that Google has collected. There's no calculation going on.
I am glad someone brought this up. I thought it was just me.
'Estimation' works with EDGE on, but not otherwise. If EDGE is off, Google Maps takes me to the last estimated position!
I am sure something is broken in Maps.
khaytsus said:
This is true, at one point T-Mobile and 3G the lookups didn't work.. but I haven't heard this in a long time so I'd think
I really wish people would stop referring to it a "triangulation" though, it's estimation based on tower location and possibly data from Cell+Wifi+GPS data that Google has collected. There's no calculation going on.
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OK, I believe accurate terminology would be "multilateration"
(there is an excellent Wiki article on this) which in turn is based on triangulation. The calculation is done either by the network, e.g. T-Mobile, or by Google based on the location of nearby towers...
I have the same problem as the OP. It occured since Tuesday of last week. I am also on Rogers in the Toronto and GTA region. Use wireless networks is checked under settings. The Enable location setting in the browser is also checked. However, when using 3G, location is unavailable when using the browser and it is also unavailable in the news and weather widget. RadioTime does not pick up my location either. In addition, when I travel into Toronto, the location in google maps is not updated to my new tower location. The location remains in Markham. Strange thing is that when I am on WIFI, location is available. I have tried using EDGE, same problem. I have also tried resetting to factory settings but no luck. I can confirm one of my coworkers is getting the same problem also on his N1. I don't think it is Rogers' problem since iPhone and Maemo users are having no trouble for location service on Rogers. I don't see how it is a problem on Google's servers either if location service is working for users of other OS. However, I don't know if any other Android devices on Rogers are having the same issues though. Can other Rogers users, Big 3 users, Wind/Mobilicity users confirm if their N1's are having the same issues? On a side note, my N1 is stock.
As far as the ROM/Phone. I am using the official FRG83D without any root or modifications to the firmware/bootloader.
It would not pick me up using Edge/wifi/3G and the only thing that did work was GPS. The weird thing is, it appears to be some issue with a service on the phone. The reason why I believe this is because if I went on the mobile Google, the page didn't ask me for permission to access my location.
After I cleared the cache on "Google Framework" and rebooted, everything worked fine and the browser asked me for my permission.
As madballs mentioned, it doesn't seem to be a Rogers issue as I was able to pop the sim card in my XPERIA and it was able to locate me just fine.
After going insane and going without sleep for the past 30 hours, I have linked the issue with the update to Google Goggles. Got rid of the update, location now works fine.
My N1's tower based estimation works ok on Solo (Bell's network). The estimatation is not as good as my Nokia N85 when I put the same SIM card in...
So I got into work today and same thing happened. The location services does not recognize that I am now in Toronto and not Markham. However, I tried out what the OP suggested and cleared the cache in the Google Services Framework and restarted the N1. It then recognized I am now in Toronto. This is quite strange. What does Google Services Framework do? And why would it not update when I travel into another location? It only stopped working last week. I will see if it changes back to Markham tonight when I get off work tonight. If it doesn't work, I will try deleting the Google Goggles update.
Same issues here ...
I am stock FRG83G on Rogers in southern Ontario. Been having this issue for a while but never bothered to look into it. I tried some of the tricks in this thread and here are the results:
- went to 2G - no improvement
- removed updates from Google Goggles and rebooted - no improvement
- Cleared cache and force stopped the Google Services Framework and rebooted and location is working.
I will edit this note if anything changes.
Update: Looks like clearing the framework loses your history of free downloads from the Market ... the paid items are still there.
OzCDN said:
I am stock FRG83G on Rogers in southern Ontario. Been having this issue for a while but never bothered to look into it. I tried some of the tricks in this thread and here are the results:
- went to 2G - no improvement
- removed updates from Google Goggles and rebooted - no improvement
- Cleared cache and force stopped the Google Services Framework and rebooted and location is working.
I will edit this note if anything changes.
Update: Looks like clearing the framework loses your history of free downloads from the Market ... the paid items are still there.
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Oops.. But try this, launch AppBrain, sync, then exit Appbrain and try the market again. I noticed by accident once after restoring all apps using Titanium Backup that before I went into Appbrain the Market didn't know about my installed apps and afterwords it did.
OzCDN said:
Update: Looks like clearing the framework loses your history of free downloads from the Market ... the paid items are still there.
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If you restart again, the Market will work correctly again, but the location services will break.
Same issue here on stock FRG83D since November 15.
I've tried both Rogers and Fido SIM cards. I've also done a factory reset and rolled google maps back. Nothing seems to resolve the issue so I've resorted to enabling GPS when it's available.
The same thing started happening to a friend's Acer Liquid E running 2.2 earlier this week. After clearing the maps data on their phone the positioning worked as expected once again but latitude isn't providing the correct location.
Today my N1 refused to update its position. After clearing the maps data it started to work properly.
Both phones are on Rogers and being used from Hamilton to Toronto...
Quick update. As I mentioned on post #11, I had to clear the Google Services Framework cache this morning before the N1 recognized I have left Markham and arrived in Toronto. I am in Markham now, and the N1 automatically recognized I am back in Markham now. Honestly, I have no clue what the problem is. As I stated, I have reset to factory setting a couple times the past week. I would tend to believe by reseting to factory setting is equivalent to clearing the cache. However it did not work then. So I dont know how by clearing the Google Services cache would work today. May be it is just a coincident. I will post again tomorrow when I am back in Toronto and see if the N1 recognizes the location by itself. Oh right, another thing tried was putting my friend's SIM card (he has a iPhone 3GS) into my phone, but no luck. I didn't bother giving him my SIM card to try since another poster on here said his SIM card works on his XPERIA.
beermike: Location services wasn't working for me on November 16th. Right before Eric Schmidt made his Gingerbread comment actually. I wish this hinted that Gingerbread was coming but then it's only us Rogers/Fido users having the problem.
P.S. This is probably not a Rogers issue. But I have to say, Rogers sucks. Too bad I'm on a corporate plan with them.
EDIT: I found another thread that some AT&T folks had this same issue back in May http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=679636
Restarted phone yesterday night and location services is not working today again.
I believe the correct term all of you gentlemen are looking for is "A-GPS" or "Assisted GPS".
Per the issue, are these results being achieved with the GPS hardware setting turned OFF, and the mobile network/AGPS turned ON, or are both of these settings turned on and still unable to find an accurate position?
j.bruha said:
I believe the correct term all of you gentlemen are looking for is "A-GPS" or "Assisted GPS".
Per the issue, are these results being achieved with the GPS hardware setting turned OFF, and the mobile network/AGPS turned ON, or are both of these settings turned on and still unable to find an accurate position?
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No, it's NOT assisted GPS as that includes the GPS, yes? As mentioned, it's more of this nature: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multilateration
A-GPS is when your cellular provider offers the phone ephemeris data which reduces the amount of time the phone has to calculate the satellite positions and improves accuracy and the ability to maintain a fix because the phone already knows where the satellites are without downloading such data directly from the sats themselves. And in this case of course you're using the GPS, not an estimated location based on your nearby cell towers.
Assuming tower location is correct (and KNOWN...), if you only have one visible tower you should basically show up as being at or near that tower. If there are multiple towers, some set of parameters allows some estimation or predetermined location based on the results. I've read multiple times in the past that when the GPS is in use on a cellphone and My Location (what Google calls the cell tower location stuff of course) is in use, it will upload anonymous data to improve their database. There are multiple such databases, although most of them would only place you at the known location of the tower and not take into account multiple 'visible' towers.
Here's an OpenCellID lookup: http://www.opencellid.org/cell/get?mcc=310&mnc=410&lac=15913&cellid=50762 If you look closely, directly east, across the shopping center there and just into what looks like a bit of an industrial work area there's a square patch with a shadowy place; that's the tower it's referring to.

GPS not working

Rooted my G1 yesterday for the first time and installed
H-BOOT 1.33.013d
Everything seems to be fine EXCEPT my GPS isn't working - When I hit my location in maps it says to enable a My Location source in system settings - I have use GPS satellites checked and use wireless networks unchecked - if i check use wireless networks it will get me my location but doesnt solve the problem why GPS isn't working. Also when I use facebook and try to check-in with places, facebook crashes (I'm assuming its trying to use GPS and for some reason it can't).
I was having the facebook crashing problem prior to this and didnt notice if GPS was working or not prior to this so I'm wondering if something got messed up during the rooting of the phone or is my GPS somehow not enabled? I don't even get a satellite icon in maps or facebook. Any help ?
anyone ?????
try reflashing
Same problem here with Laszlo's Froyo, seems that switching on/off GPS in settings doesn't do anything. Normally I got a blue color on the LED, nothing happens there either.
Very fast MOD, but I definately want to get GPS working!
Try different ROM. See if you get the same problem.
Right, got it working. Don't know what did the trick, changed radio to v2.22.28.25 (from and installed "GPS-test-plus" (gps-test-plus-version-1-1-3 from androidxmarket) after I started the gps-test program my location changed to the right one in my case from Holland to Sudan (!)
Maybe this could be helpful to anyone.
Glad everything works out.

Google Maps Won't Locate Without Enabling GPS/Wifi?? Anyone Else?

It appears the A-GPS function has stopped working on my 32gb S4, perhaps a google maps update recently? When I click the little cross hairs that are supposed to zoom in and center on your location, it doesn't do anything with the map and just asks that I enable wifi/gps. I have network assisted (cell tower triangulation) location checked on, but still nothing. Does anyone else have this problem as well? Was the feature shut down? I never leave my GPS unless I want close accurate location data, I have always just used the A-GPS for general stuff. Really not liking the new google maps at all
Norcalz71 said:
It appears the A-GPS function has stopped working on my 32gb S4, perhaps a google maps update recently? When I click the little cross hairs that are supposed to zoom in and center on your location, it doesn't do anything with the map and just asks that I enable wifi/gps. I have network assisted (cell tower triangulation) location checked on, but still nothing. Does anyone else have this problem as well? Was the feature shut down? I never leave my GPS unless I want close accurate location data, I have always just used the A-GPS for general stuff. Really not liking the new google maps at all
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Just uninstall the update. I thought the new update sucked so I uninstalled it and I am now using the older version again.
Go into settings, accounts, Google and hit location and enable it..
If that doesn't work make sure you reboot. It should work after that
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4
I am having the exact same problem. I have everything enabled, and Maps will not detect my location without GPS turned on. My last 4 phones did not have this problem.
Settings I have examined:
Preferred network mode: CDMA/LTE/EVDO
Google Location settings access on.
Location Settings: Access on, VZW location services on, Wi-Fi & mobile network location on.
I have rebooted the phone many times and haven't had any success. The last thing I can think to try is turning off the "VZW location services" and just let Google handle everything, but my previous 2 Android phones (HTC Incredible & Incredible 2) functioned normally with this feature activated.
---------- Post added at 03:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 PM ----------
Deactivating "VZW location services" seems to have solved the issue. It must have been a Verizon-specific interference with the new Maps. I'm not sure what location services Verizon provides.
Now when I open Maps without GPS, I see a grey dot where my last known location was, and then within 10 seconds I get the blue dot with the larger blue circle showing the area in which I'm narrowed down. This is what I've wanted!
Of note: I'm also in a basement with 1 bar of 1X service, so it's not about the signal. I wouldn't be surprised that Verizon would inadvertently interfere with the proper functioning of a Google app.

