[q] not receving all txt msgs - Vibrant General

Hello, i have a samsung galaxy and my girlfriend has a blackberry curve. She gets all of my txt msgs but i dont get all of hers sometimes. Anyone know the problem?

Funny, I was just told by someone on Verizon that they didn't get my text tonight. It's happened before, and not with just this person.
I would think it's T-Mobile network-related and not an issue with the phone, though.

Same thing has been happening this weekend, I also have no been able to access the internet 95% of the time but I am guessing tmobile is doing some network maintenance or something since I am not the only some friends are having problems with the internet/texts.
I live in dallas, texas btw.

Yeah, I am having problems with receiving texts. A couple of times I have gotten a batch of texts at the exact time in the middle of the night. No idea if it's the other phone or mine. (Btw this is only one other person/phone this has happened from, Blackberry.)

My text reception is wonky here in Los Angeles. My gf sent me 5 texts yesterday. I received 2 this morning, and the other 3 are still in limbo.

I get this too, got it on my G1 as well, so I take all my texts through my google voice number now. The weird thing is, unless all my friends are systematically lying to drive me insane, I am still not getting every text.

had that issue all day yesterday. I just got 8 messages this morning, that i missed from yesterday. I thought it was just the rom i was running.

Same issue in Boise, Idaho. Kind of funny because a bunch of texting I did yesterday with some friends didn't go through and then at 5:30 this morning they got a bunch of texts from me and I got all the ones they sent...
T-mobile is having issues I am thinking lol

My girlfriend has been having the same problem but it's been happening ever since we bought the phone in July. There would be times of the day where she couldn't send/receive messages and then hours/days later receive batches of messages (sometimes up to 30 in a matter of 5 minutes) from previous days.
She'll also receive a voicemail alert without the phone even ringing atleast twice a day even with full reception.
Just hoping the update will correct these problems because we really do like this phone

+1 on issue. I'm not getting some texts from a tmobile blackberry. Another thing, this happened only once so far but one text I received it duplicated 5 times.

I've been having this same problem with my girlfriend.I'm in Canada I'm on the bell network and she's on rogers. Its not only this phone though it did this when I had my iphone aswell. I'm thinking its more a network issue than a device issue. She has an iphone 4, and it did the same thing previously when she had her iphone 3g.
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Kinda off topic, I got text from people today but the text was repeated like 10 times for the same text. Happened with two different people...very weird.

We might be on to something, people!


Texts coming in but time is 3 hours late

stock ROM.
i'm getting texts just fine but randomly it will decide to time stamp them 3 hours earlier, so if i have a bunch of texts i have to scroll through them all until i find the new one that it thinks was sent 3 hours ago. it is pretty annoying. anyone know how to fix this? soft reset didn't do anything.
it's often the networks fault when sms's are delay'd
i would try putting the sim in another phone for testing
same here
since yesterday ive been getting random texts with the timestamp 3 hrs earlier, and i also have to scroll thru to find it. my computer did something to the phone yesterday and basically deleted anything synced and then resynced. its been doing this ever since.
weird that we would get this same problem at the same time.
this is really annoying
Not to beat the horse but i've been having the same problem since this morning. Everything was fine all day and night yesterday. I've received about 8 texts or so since 8am EST this morning (it's now 2:20pm EST) and about 3 of the texts have had the problem. Pretty annoying. Assuming it's the network like someone previously suggested.
the person said the network was delivering them late. that has happened before too, but these are being delivered on time, but the time stamp is 3 hours before the text was sent. since 3 of us had the same problem starting yesterday or around then, it must have something to do with the network, even though the messages are being delivered on time, it is just the time stamp that is wrong.
yeah i thought it was something wrong with my particular phone but now since all three of us are having issues i feel "better".
hopefully t-mobile fixes this soon, its really annoying **crosses fingers**
Yeah, and the wierd thing is that it seems like it's only happening with specific contacts too. Looks like it's happening with only two people out of the 7 people that have texted me today.
yeah it's weird, but only 2 people have texted me today, and only one of them messed up, while both contacts messed up yesterday
this has also been happening to me, what phone service do you guys have, i have tmobile
I just thought my phone took a crap. but with the above posts I guess it was the network. mms are always late but this is a first for sms. tmobile needs serious improvement on their network issues
Maybe the Network Wizard will fix the problem? Just thought I'd throw that in there.
well my network settings are set the way tmobile set them, so i don't think it's anything we can fix on our end. it is them.
Im having the same problem since about yesturday, and my carrier is t-mobile,
so I think it has something to do with them.
Not to beat that already dead horse, but just to reiterate, I too have t-mobile and I have been receiving text exactly 3 hours late. It is very annoying and I am calling t-mobile ATM. Thanks for letting me know it isnt just me.
tell us what they say. last night it was nuts for me. i would get a text with the proper time stamp, and then one 3 hours earlier (but you know, it was actually received at the the present) and then one from the same person that would have an accurate time stamp
wyldstallyns2589 said:
tell us what they say. last night it was nuts for me. i would get a text with the proper time stamp, and then one 3 hours earlier (but you know, it was actually received at the the present) and then one from the same person that would have an accurate time stamp
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They told me that it was "only your issue and no one else in your area has complained about it." They offered to send me a new sim card but it seems like it must be a network issue and not a hardware one because we are all experiencing the same thing. Could it only be modded phones? I changed the rom on mine, been meaning to for a while. I cant say if it has happened again cause I havent gotten a message :-X
I live on the Northeats and was previously running Touch-IT 5.0.
you should have told them that there are reports on the internet of people having the same issues.
i'm in the southeast with the newest stock ROM. so it is definitely a network thing, not hardware or modded issues.
i'd call myself but i'm not the account holder and they make you give all these account numbers SSN and crap
well in addition to the time stamp being wrong now my sms are coming in 24 hrs late. I am afraid to ask whats next.
wow. mine are just 3 hour late timestamps. what is going on here?
I have also been getting delayed texts... sometimes like 10 minutes but can be up to like 9 hours late. I live in Seattle, WA

Replacement Phone In

Well I basically had determined that I had a faulty N1 phone after tests and tests... Google was very helpful and worked with me and HTC to get the phone replaced. I received my new N1 today got the OTA and now am seeing much better signal strength and 3G integrity. Its early yet but Im looking at this on the bright side of things and hope it continues.
For those ppl who havent heard my gripes I had dropped calls, trouble sending text (had to send them multiple times *sometimes) poor call quality (the other end) some ppl had to call me upwards of 3 times to get my phone to ring and a radio that switched from 3G to edge in spots I had 3G service.
Seems as this phone is more strict on the 3G preferred and will only switch to edge when 3G is not available.
One more note, it does suffer from the hand cupping thing tho
I take this back, the N1 Radio is TERRIBLE!
So you still have the same issues? Where do you live?
Im in phoenix,
Iwas driving around last night on a major freeway with full signal... My buddy kept telling me i was cutting out until I finally dropped the call... Having trouble sending text even when i have some signal as well... and oddly enough i keep getting text msgs but am unable to reply...
This never happened on my 8900.
I haven't experienced anything like what you're describing... could it be T-mobile's network where you live?
I live in phoenix, namely 44th st and Mc Dowell. I don't have any issues using pandora on a daily basis, and I drive around a lot.
i was on the phone with google 2days ago for the same reason droped calls and text messages not going through sometimes. I gotta call them back to see what they are going to do about this. I spent $560.74X2 my wife and I have the nexus one.
I'm in Tucson and I don't have any of the problems mentioned
well im a lil distraught over my N1 issues not being resolved with the replacement phone. Everything seemed great at first but it keeps getting worse... I don't think I have had one phone call when my phone doesn't completely cut out or my voice fades away... the sms thing is a PAIN...
I love the phone the screen the OS but wtf I paid A LOT for this phone that does everything for me but be a phone!

receiving text late

lately i been noticing that my texts have been coming 10 mins late or more after the person sent them,i think this has to do with the data connection cutting off on its own problem i been having because as soon as the person calls me i would get the text at the same time that they're calling me. has anyone else had this problem and if so how did you fix it.
texts dont use data connection.
Late txt behavour is usually caused by the network, not the phone. The SMS service was never intended to be an instant service, we have just gotten used to them being delivered almost instantly.
If you have another phone that your sim works in, id do some testing and compare the two.
i hag the g1 and my sim was in that phone last week and the texts was coming in on time and now they come in late,maybe it's this phones radio.
heh, yea, could be, but that was last week, too. on thursday my broadband was fine but all weekend its been half speed,,,,
all i'm saying is you need two phones right there and compare, just to be sure.
first step in trouble shooting is proving the fault.

Incoming texts not received. Then, hours worth of texts all come through @ same time?

I just got a new S4 on Sprint a week ago.
After comparing my GF's text log on her phone to my phone, I have discovered that I am missing texts from her sent over 3-5 hours.
Then, all of sudden, I receive all of the texts from her on my phone at the exact same time.
I had 4 texts come throgh from another friend at the identical same time the ones from my GF came through as well.
The phone never moves from the desk next to my bed in my 2nd story bedroom in the middle of a large metropolitan city.
I went to the sprint store and they reset my phone, updated the PRL, profile, etc a few days ago.
Now, the very same thing happened. Phone was sitting on my desk next to my bed, untouched, and it missed incoming texts from my GF for 3 hours.
Then, all the texts come through to my phone at the identical same time.
Can anyone explain why this is happening and what the fix is?
Thank you.
This sounds suspiciously like a carrier issue with there network. I have had this happen before and it lasts for a day or two then clears up.

[Q] Note 3 not receiving phone calls.

Hello all, I've been a happy owner of a Note 3 32gb for Verizon for around 6 months now. The phone has been working great up until about 2-3 weeks ago and what its been doing in place has been quite strange. The phone REFUSES to receive phone calls, but its COMPLETELY random. Some days it will work just fine, others I will get reports from people that they called me 3-4 times, the phone rang all the way through, and I myself would never receive as much as a notification that I was even getting called. It's happening very consistently with my Girlfriend (We talk quite often, long distance relationship) and Its really beginning to get on both of our nerves. I've also had issues with text messaging, I'll receive messages from her DAYS after they have been sent (And I've already received them) and in some cases we've had texts come through that we didn't even send, at one point a text that I sent her, made it half way there, and the second half of the text was replaced with what appeared to be someone elses conversation. The phone works just fine for surfing the internet, tethering, etc, but when it comes to calls and texts it seems to be all messed up. I've tried resetting it, and I've checked my sim card, neither of which seem to be the issue. I'm currently located in Pensacola, FL, and am receiving decent service (2-3 bars most of the time on 4GLTE). Anyone have any idea what the issue could be or a way to resolve it? I was really looking forward to the Note 4, but if this is the kind of thing I can expect from Samsung I'll end up going else where with my money.
Liege said:
Hello all, I've been a happy owner of a Note 3 32gb for Verizon for around 6 months now. The phone has been working great up until about 2-3 weeks ago and what its been doing in place has been quite strange. The phone REFUSES to receive phone calls, but its COMPLETELY random. Some days it will work just fine, others I will get reports from people that they called me 3-4 times, the phone rang all the way through, and I myself would never receive as much as a notification that I was even getting called. It's happening very consistently with my Girlfriend (We talk quite often, long distance relationship) and Its really beginning to get on both of our nerves. I've also had issues with text messaging, I'll receive messages from her DAYS after they have been sent (And I've already received them) and in some cases we've had texts come through that we didn't even send, at one point a text that I sent her, made it half way there, and the second half of the text was replaced with what appeared to be someone elses conversation. The phone works just fine for surfing the internet, tethering, etc, but when it comes to calls and texts it seems to be all messed up. I've tried resetting it, and I've checked my sim card, neither of which seem to be the issue. I'm currently located in Pensacola, FL, and am receiving decent service (2-3 bars most of the time on 4GLTE). Anyone have any idea what the issue could be or a way to resolve it? I was really looking forward to the Note 4, but if this is the kind of thing I can expect from Samsung I'll end up going else where with my money.
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The problem can be from the mobile network or from your phone.
But it sounds most likely the problem is from the mobile network.
Put your SIM card into another phone for a few days to see if any problem.

