Bye Bye Sony Xperia X10 - XPERIA X10 General

Well i just sold my X10 to a friend of mine. i know the 2.1 update is around the corner but ive been using my dell streak more and more... Atleast i'll be able to update his home and check out 2.1 when it finally does come out!

If it is a lack of bye bye,bye bye

Mods, please close this thread. It contributes absolutely nothing of value and will lead to 2100 pages of flaming and *****ing.

Dont get me wrong though. I love the X10. The camera is great. the phone is very stylish. Its quick. Its tough. i dropped my phone 20+ times without a case and the screen didn't break. my buddys galaxy was dropped from 2 feet and the screen cracked. I actually like Mediascape i know a lot of people don't. Sony made a nice phone. And it will be one of the best phones on the market once 2.1 comes out.

iead1 said:
Mods, please close this thread. It contributes absolutely nothing of value and will lead to 2100 pages of flaming and *****ing.
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I have to strongly agree.....but maybe that wont actually happen. To the OP...what was the point of this thread anyways? Not trying to be an ass tho.

gypsydigi said:
Dont get me wrong though. I love the X10. The camera is great. the phone is very stylish. Its quick. Its tough. i dropped my phone 20+ times without a case and the screen didn't break. my buddys galaxy was dropped from 2 feet and the screen cracked. I actually like Mediascape i know a lot of people don't. Sony made a nice phone. And it will be one of the best phones on the market once 2.1 comes out.
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If you really feel that way about it...I don't understand why you would ditch it. Anways, I love my X10 and I traded in my Nexus One running froyo for it and never looked back. The only phone that has me second guessing right now is the unreleased in Canaded "Desire HD"....until I read reviews on that, and then compare it to my Xperia X10 with 2.1 and the second half of the update process Ill decide then.

The dell streak is a 5" tablet, not a mobile phone. If I wanted to carry around a plastic brick I'd buy a netbook.
P.S. If you're not satisfied with Sony Ericssons level of customer service then you obviously haven't read what streak owners think of their device with 2.1.

Contrarian said:
The dell streak is a 5" tablet, not a mobile phone. If I wanted to carry around a plastic brick I'd buy a netbook.
P.S. If you're not satisfied with Sony Ericssons level of customer service then you obviously haven't read what streak owners think of their device with 2.1.
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no need to rage about it, if he wanted a change of phone he's more than welcome to, it hasn't affected your mobile phone at all and sony still made a sale so no damage done.
some people just like phones which are bigger than your face :L


Decided to jump ship.. switching to HTC desire

Who is with me?
With all the gripes that we have with this phone right now, including no 2.1 for a 8 months (by which time SE will launch a newer Android device and pay no attention to X10 owners) as well as multitouch, live wallpapers, hundreds of apps that dont run on anything less than 2.1 etc etc, I think its high time we hit SE where it hurts.
Bring on AMOLED, 512 MB RAM, native flash and 2.2 around the corner.
Who needs a 8MP camera. Seriously, all cameras on mobile phones are **** anyways.
The screen size is a tad smaller, but so is the phone (which is better in my books).
Any other reasons anyone can think of apart from the obvious?
Just about to flog it on fleebay/gumtree
You sound horribly insecure. Its just a phone. Relax for god sake.
thats because i probably am... or perhaps just enlightened...
more fits of insecurity coming your way
forzanerazzurri said:
You sound horribly insecure. Its just a phone. Relax for god sake.
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Exactly its phone nothing more. Jheeze what a pointless thread.
I sincerly hope you are satisfied once you switch.
The X10 is as advertised and I am happy with it as is.
Im sure you are all very happy with the device at hand and this is probably not the best forum for this topic, although I know of a lot of users here who feel the same way about the X10 and would be willing to move away.
If not now, than a couple of months down the line, you will all be singing the same tune when most of the apps stop offering upgrades on the 1.6 platform.
Everyone's opinion is welcome and a forum (any) is the perfect place to express it.
I respect your opinion and your reasoning as it does have merit.
For me, this is my first run on Android.
I like the SE UI and the apps are secondary to me.
i'm with you. but i'm going for the nexus one. receiving that piece of sexy tomorrow.
I will wait another month or so, to see if we get it rooted. If not, ill be getting a 4G when available in the UK
boring htc phones
To be very honest i think Desire and Nexus are both boring not so well designed phones. They´re geek phones with no aesthetics. X10 it´s way more sleek, elegant and big! Froyo will come as well to the X10... just patience my friends. Who know we get the phone rooted pretty soon...
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
seriously im getting tired of these "omg ive had it with this x10 gotta sell it" go ahead , no one really cares. coming from 2.1, i still dont care if the x10 is still 1.6, its fast,sexy and its just a phone! im all for root, and itll come. for now though people who dont sit at home all day in mommys basement are enjoying the x10.
i certainly hope puberty doesnt confuse you as much as your x10 dilemma.
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anyone who is happy with the way the x10 is right now is seriously either super retard OR cant/doesnt have the money/whatever reason to switch to another phone. "ofcourse i am talking software wise " not the phone it self in general as i used to have X10 and i love the design of the phone more than my new nexus 1
anyway OP. i did the same yesterday, i bought the Nexus 1 tho. mainly because i never like the HTC interface and i figure that phones like nexus and motorolla droid are always faster to get updates " since i wont wait for htc to implement their software into the phone before updating.
the guy at the store promised me not to sell my x10 for a week " he is a friend " if SE annouce 2.2 by then or the phone get rooted " haha wtf i am thinking " then great i will get it back. if not, then the hell with SE. let them shove the phone up their @$$. or some unlucky mfer buy it
let us know if it hurts when yours drop too...wait there should be a thread for prepubescent b00ns...
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Seriously just keep the x10 for now. Root will come sooner or later. You knew the x10 would come with 1. 6 then why did you buy it in the first place? If I have the patience to wait for 2. 1 or root then so does everyone else, unless you don't have a life and loaft around xda starting useless threads saying ur gonna sell your x10 for another phone. If so go ahead no one is stopping you. We don't need to know anything else. As far as I know this is the xperia x10 thread.
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i'm going to be keeping the x10 for a while even after my nexus one gets here today.
i have faith in x10. but the phone seriously is limited by the OS. the nexus one's looks are a matter of opinion and mostly on taste. i love the way it looks but all the good features are on newer OS.
we all knew Android would be updated. but i don't think people expected the phone to have such a long wait for an update with an outdated OS. you get an android phone these days for the reason that the OS will only get better with updates. everyone sees the petition thread, right?
if OS didn't mean a thing and that it didn't have any issues for the X10, no one would be complaining.
Moving to another phone in the future?
HTC? No way ..
What else?
A new iteration of Nexus, maybe a better Galaxy S (one with flash for camera) or a Motorola Motoroi if they decide to sell it in US/Canada.
But really... HTC?
I'm sorry to say but you are crazy
Giving your X10 for HTC Desire/Legend or Nexus One is pointless.
None of them is as good as X10.
tuxStyle said:
But really... HTC?
I'm sorry to say but you are crazy
Giving your X10 for HTC Desire/Legend or Nexus One is pointless.
None of them is as good as X10.
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pointless ? ..... what planet are you from ?
I agree with miguelsantos1979.
1st Gen AMLOED screens are not overly impressive, my friend has the Desire and he struggles to see the screen in direct sun light.
If you want to change the handset, change it rather then write a post like a spoilt child
Well, assuming that people don't have the cash to switch to another phone when they are having a X10 is the most useless comment I read here since I became a member, it's not about having cash my friend, it's about what you expect from something you bought and if the product suits you or not.
Fortunately everyone is different, I like my X10 eventhough on my X1 I was able to make my own themes and tweaked whatever I wanted. Ashame some games can't be installed because of the fact it is still running on 1.6, but that's not worth getting another phone for me personally. I will wait for the updates, and as soon as SE comes with the update, there will be something new to complain about. That is how it works in this fastgrowing technology world we live in.
Another point can be not everyone goes so deep in their phones as we do, and for "normal" people the X10 is fantastic as it is. SE want to sell big with this phone, so making it to complicated scares of the average customer who just buys a phone based on the looks of it, and you have to admit, the first time you had the X10 in your hand, it was looking good
Just relax and take a beer after you bought yourself another phone

Sld out, and I dont even have the 30 Silver

OK. 3 hours ago i had two current phones to go with my 4 dormant phones, which i will list:
htc dream/htc hero/motorola milestone/BB storm 2
SE Xperia X10/Galaxy S
i found myself at a Vodacom (South Africa) Iphone 4 launch (yeah I know its late), and after a large amount of wine and some great electronica music, i left the event with an iphone 4/16g in tow.
so im just here to say i sorry, coz i came down to between the galaxy s and the xperia x10, and the android 2.1 won. I have a cool bamboo live wall paper on that mf, thats just too sweet to ignore.
after some scissors work i have a few off the cuf remarks:
retina display is very very clear and crisp. the galaxy s is more vibrant, but not as crisp. dont know whether that make sense.
secondly, i already miss native gtalk and gmail.
and finally. i missssssssssssss widgets. totally. so im just saying i fked up.
What the hell are you talking about?
iead1 said:
What the hell are you talking about?
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I *think* he sold his X10, but I'm not sure
meant i sold out to the machine that is the Apple Marketing juggernaut. i basically replaced, even though i still have it, my x10 with an phone 4. and im regretting my decision
You replaced the x10 with an iphone 4 though you still have the x10? Where does the galaxy come in?
Perhaps you should eat some bread, drink some coffee, regroup a little, and re post when the effects of the wine have subsided.
lt iibad said:
meant i sold out to the machine that is the Apple Marketing juggernaut. i basically replaced, even though i still have it, my x10 with an phone 4. and im regretting my decision
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No such thing as "selling out."
You got something that will be better for you. The X10 isn't for everyone.
iead1 said:
No such thing as "selling out."
You got something that will be better for you. The X10 isn't for everyone.
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xD and he can get an iphone 4 so he will be the weird one among the callers o.0
QUOTE=Reeonimus;8257943]You replaced the x10 with an iphone 4 though you still have the x10? Where does the galaxy come in?
Perhaps you should eat some bread, drink some coffee, regroup a little, and re post when the effects of the wine have subsided. [/QUOTE]
Haha, +1
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Reeonimus said:
You replaced the x10 with an iphone 4 though you still have the x10? Where does the galaxy come in?
Perhaps you should eat some bread, drink some coffee, regroup a little, and re post when the effects of the wine have subsided.
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lol. theyve definitely worn off now. im one of the fortunate few that gets a ciorporate line and a personal line. my corporate line uses the galaxy s, but on my personal i was using an x10. now im using an iphone 4. (not so sure abt sticking with it, ill give it a month, otherwise into my bottom drawer with my storm2 and the rest of my other phones it goes"
No Offense,but Iphone 4 sucks a$$ and doesnt even come close to x10...
Well done dumping the pos x10, i sold mine a couple of weeks ago, cant believe i wasted £400 quid on it. I have a lovely little htc wildfire now, with 2.1 custom FW on it. I will be getting a desire HD on monday.
tigger69 said:
Well done dumping the pos x10, i sold mine a couple of weeks ago, cant believe i wasted £400 quid on it. I have a lovely little htc wildfire now, with 2.1 custom FW on it. I will be getting a desire HD on monday.
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Yet you still post here and interact with us lowly X10 users. I'm flattered that you grace us with your superiority.
Its not that, i am still interested to see how this phone develops, it was a shame to get rid of it, but i just was not for me. I like a android phone that i can mod and feck about with, one that has lots of custom roms etc for it, unfortunatley these things are not available for the x10 yet. I do not feel superior at all and i never said that, i just felt the x10 was overated, and not as versatile as other android phones because of the uncracked bootloader.
If you want to stick a knife in my back because of this then feel free.

Possible next upgrade to streak

Hi folks,
I have a month left on my contract and looking at the streak or the DHD and it would be great if you guys who have the streak can leave your thoughts on why you chose it and what you like about it. The 'issue' I have at the moment is the way of charging it, not by USB. Ok its a small issue but I tend to have a charger connection at work and home just in case so would need to purchase another one (more expense lol)
The other thing is development as there only seems to be the one custom rom for it (please tell me if I am wrong).
So, benefits, nice massive screen is always good (coming from a Hero) and from what I have read its quite nippy too (has it the newer snapdragon or the older one?)
It either this or the DHD
Do a search mate there are lots of threads on people asking the same question and as far as development only Steve is doing it right now and he does a dam good job, one of the problems with development is Dell have not released the Source code until they do Steve can only do so much but he has done a lot better than dell.
lufc said:
Do a search mate there are lots of threads on people asking the same question and as far as development only Steve is doing it right now and he does a dam good job, one of the problems with development is Dell have not released the Source code until they do Steve can only do so much but he has done a lot better than dell.
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Yeh I did a search but nowt. So, Dell are not releasing the source code? I thought this was against Googles rules?
I like HTC because theyre pretty good with updates and support and what not. What I don't like about their products is that theyre all nearly identical. As soon as they release a "ground breaking" product, they release another one that slightly tops it a month later.
I like the streak because theres no hardware (the screen) out there like it. Pair that with front cam, snapdragon, nice battery, and you have specs that rival the top of the game. Although the 1.6 os (for AT&T) is a joke, and theres only streakdroid as a custom rom, I find the streak community very supportive.
Streak is the best! Its only gonna get better as development increases. Get one, you should be able to return it within a month if you don't like it. Once you get used to the size, you can't go back. I never use my netbook anymore...
How many times in a day do you streak owners hear "Wow! Is that your phone!? Can i see it?"
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Lemme summerize what ppl have been sayiing and how I feel about the streak. Amazing phone, obivously biggest advantage is the big screen, and trust me when I tell u this, when you go soooo big u won't be able to go back to 3.7 inches.
The biggest problem with the phone, the camera. If you are a camera person, do not get this phone. this is not to say the camera is crap, but its pretty bad for 5mp.
People have been telling me that they drop their phone and it wasn't a high drop and the screen broke, I drop my phone really hard on the bare ground from 4 feet high and nothing happened (alittle scartch on the back, nothing on the screen) regardless of what happens I have also heard dell will replace it without a big hassel.
I used an iPhone before this phone, and I like this phone better. I have many requests to trade phones from random strangers on the street when they see me using the phone, iPhone 4 users too. So if for some reason you don't like the phone I am sure it wont be hard to trade it up.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Get one man. I went from the iPhone 3g,S,4, HD2, Desire, EVO, and now this. I'm loving this bad boy. It puts the web and everything else in motion man. This screen is the biz. Couldn't wait so using BestBuy/ att locked version until my Dell unlocked comes in. My 30 days will be up on Feb 6 but phone supposed to be here by the 3rd! If not, will be returning this armed then buying it again to start a new 30 days. So wrong, but am I gonna do? Use my wifes Craptivate or the 3.5 iPhone sitting in my drawer? Nope. Can't wait for some Froyo goodness. I digressed some.
Sent from my freakn Dell Streakn! 3.5 retina? Get outta heh!
Thanks for the replies folks, I am hearing good things from both sides (my other option is the DHD) so if my provider will offer a test run then I will give both of them a whirl and judge that way. I am loving the screen size though. Its ideal. Just worried about development for it. Seems only one guy on the case?
Yeah but he's amazing we already have better that stock version of 2.2 running no problems. When I had stock my quadrant score was 800s now its 1500s and no overclocking.
So even its only one guy he is doing better work than 20 guys.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
yasir_jan87 said:
Yeah but he's amazing we already have better that stock version of 2.2 running no problems. When I had stock my quadrant score was 800s now its 1500s and no overclocking.
So even its only one guy he is doing better work than 20 guys.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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Well yes that seems to be the case but how long into the future will development go for the Dell. I dont want to have a phone that is going to be redundant in 6 months time. Ok thats probably selfish on my point seeing as someone else is doing all the hardwork but we do get spolit you know lol
He already said he is skipping 2.3 if u were wondeing.about but he did also say he will working on 3.0 when it comes out.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Check out the Samsung Infuse 4G, for AT&T. It may be a viable alternative for you Haizum74.
*Omnipresent* said:
Check out the Samsung Infuse 4G, for AT&T. It may be a viable alternative for you Haizum74.
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Cheers dude, I'm in England though
As other have said on here the Streak IMHO is probably the best device out there.
DJ_Steve may be the only person cooking a ROM for this thing but if he quit tomorrow i know that the 1.6.1 ROM that i'm running will be better than anything Dell ever puts out for this phone.
That being said if i had to choose another device i would probably got for the HTC Infuse on AT&T, which is the Desire HD for you. Same device, just different name.
Although, i'm biased, go with a Streak. You won't be sorry!
+1 for crappy camm...other than that, I luv my streak...only wish I could get dlna to work..would luv to stream my video library while on the crapper
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
I love the Streak. It is insane how great it is and how much I love showing it off.
The only thing in the pipeline now that I would consider instead of the Streak would be the new Motorola ATRIX. A seriously high-end dual-core processor phone would be a step up, I think. But other than that, there isn't much out there to get excited about.

Really considering selling my atrix for a Sgs2

Please convince me not to do this! I've been really thinking about doing it ='(
I want a better camera , gingerbread , and I heard the gs2 has a better display
i don't understand why you need us to convince you to keep something. it's your own decision. if you want the SGS2, then get it. if you're happy with your atrix, then keep it. we all have different opinions and decisions. make your own, honestly.
lesonal said:
Please convince me not to do this! I've been really thinking about doing it ='(
I want a better camera , gingerbread , and I heard the gs2 has a better display
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I would trade mine in a heartbeat if this bootloader doesn't get unlocked. I am getting sick of the Motorola drama.
Do it. You wont regret it
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Any ideas on a good place to sell the Atrix and buy the SGS2 (or the Samsung Attain which will be the AT&T version of the SGS2)? I'm new on eBay so I'm a little worried that buyers wouldn't buy from me because I don't have any feedback. Any other options?
Think about it, try out the GSII if you are able, look at the dev threads and maybe wait a few weeks to see what the situation is for the Atrix compared to it. I know I certainly will consider it if/when the GSII comes to AT&T.
EDIT: Only other place I can think of is Craigslist. If you post plenty of pictures and a detailed description, that will help.
Just keep it and wait till the next Nexus comes out and then sell it
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
rjayflo said:
Just keep it and wait till the next Nexus comes out and then sell it
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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This is what you should do.
Also the processor and GPU on the Atrix is better than the one on the SGSII. When the Atrix gets 2.3 it will do circles around the SGSII.
There are only 2 things that will pull me towards an SGSII
1. Unlocked bootloader (this likely going to be locked when it comes to AT&T)
2. Super Amoled screen
If those are important to you go get it if not keep the atrix. The dev section is booming we might get the bootloader unlocked.
lesonal said:
Please convince me not to do this! I've been really thinking about doing it ='(
I want a better camera , gingerbread , and I heard the gs2 has a better display
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Tired of reading threads like this!
I've got both handsets and to be honest the grass isn't necessarily greener on the SGS II side. Geez its a nice handset though, but I still believe 4" is the best size. I've found that the SGS II has a very plastic feel, and the back cover is so thin. I've been in a few situations where I've accidently sat down with the Atrix in my back pocket, and its survived easily, but I worry about doing the same with the SGS II. The SGS II probably isn't the phone I would take out drinking with the boys on a Friday night - I'm sure I would easily break it.
If you're looking for a speed comparison between Gingerbread handsets, it runs just as smooth on the SGS II as it does on my Nexus S (yes I also have the NS). There's no real difference between them IMO, (even though the Nexus S is single core). Where the SGS II shines is in having numerous widgets going and live wall papers at the same time - and although the lag is still there in momentary milliseconds, its no where as bad as the Atrix with live wallpapers going with Android 2.2. I think this is where Gingerbread shines though - and I'm sure the Atrix will perform similar when it gets Gingerbread. Its this very reason why, although I've been tempted to sell the Atrix as well, I'm prepared to hang onto it until it gets 2.3.
Damage wise, I've found the Atrix is easier to fix. For example, I dropped my Atrix onto my concrete driveway from low height and damaged the corners of the back cover - However, the cover was easily replaced by one from As you know, the cover on the Atrix covers the corners, so when you replace the back cover, its all fixed. The SGS II isn't the same. If you drop it on the corners, you need to replace the entire body..! I'm not looking forward to this..
I think other than the shear size of the SGS II being a negative for me, I really wish the SGS II had qHD screen resolution. 800x480 at 4.3" on the SGS II is just bad IMO, although maybe if I hadn't gone from the Atrix to the SGS II, I wouldn't have cared. I feel I have been spoilt by the qHD though, especially when I view high resolution photos I've taken with my Canon 5D Mk II DSLR - on the SGS II, the sub-pixelation is a killer...
My 2 cents
lesonal said:
Please convince me not to do this! I've been really thinking about doing it ='(
I want a better camera , gingerbread , and I heard the gs2 has a better display
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I don't give a ****, and I don't know who else does. I'm sick of all these idiots thinking people care that "I sold my Atrix" or "Traded Atrix for Nexus S" or "Atrix or Wait for SG2" and the post that you just made, young sir, is no better. Look it up and make your own opinion, for God's sake. We don't need ONE MORE NONSENSE THREAD someone made asking which handset to buy, or informing people they have rid of their Atrix and/or got something else.
BravoMotorola said:
I don't give a ****, and I don't know who else does. I'm sick of all these idiots thinking people care that "I sold my Atrix" or "Traded Atrix for Nexus S" or "Atrix or Wait for SG2" and the post that you just made, young sir, is no better. Look it up and make your own opinion, for God's sake. We don't need ONE MORE NONSENSE THREAD someone made asking which handset to buy, or informing people they have rid of their Atrix and/or got something else.
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You know, sometimes you have to just get out there and say how you feel.
I'm starting to think Samsung fanboys are worse than apple fanboys. After all, we don't get iphoners in here talking trash all the time.
BravoMotorola said:
I don't give a ****, and I don't know who else does. I'm sick of all these idiots thinking people care that "I sold my Atrix" or "Traded Atrix for Nexus S" or "Atrix or Wait for SG2" and the post that you just made, young sir, is no better. Look it up and make your own opinion, for God's sake. We don't need ONE MORE NONSENSE THREAD someone made asking which handset to buy, or informing people they have rid of their Atrix and/or got something else.
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Why again should he not ask for opinions about a phone on a board that is focused around discussions on said phone?
BravoMotorola said:
I don't give a ****, and I don't know who else does. I'm sick of all these idiots thinking people care that "I sold my Atrix" or "Traded Atrix for Nexus S" or "Atrix or Wait for SG2" and the post that you just made, young sir, is no better. Look it up and make your own opinion, for God's sake. We don't need ONE MORE NONSENSE THREAD someone made asking which handset to buy, or informing people they have rid of their Atrix and/or got something else.
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Normally I would agree with this school of thought, but the SG2 is a $600-$900 phone to just "Jump into".
The Atrix unlocked is not cheap either.
It's nice to hear other people's input since XDA is a "community" that tries to help others.
Sure you can read reviews in Samsung's forum, but to hear it from somebody in here gives you more perspective.
Sure I've seen multiple threads about this, "and wish it was all in one neat thread", but if Motorola got their act together (especially for Bell users) this **** wouldn't be happening as much...
Man_of_Leisure said:
I'm starting to think Samsung fanboys are worse than apple fanboys. After all, we don't get iphoners in here talking trash all the time.
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Nobody is talking thrash, OP is just asking for "help" from others.
The "only" mistake OP made, was creating a new thread instead of posting his concerns in the other existing, that's all...
CaelanT said:
Tired of reading threads like this!
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LOL! All I could think of was this:
“I command ye, therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. You have sat here too long for the good you do. In the name of God, go!”
@cheetah2k Thanks for the great writeup!
Everyday to and from work, I think about making the switch myself. I've had the Bell Atrix for over a month, and have probably used it for half the time. My Motorola Milestone is kicking it's ass right now and that's not sitting well with me.
^ (still have a capped device with no Stock SBF and Adfree still doesn't work)
The only thing that still keeps me holding on is hoping that Gingerbread actually fixes this device, and that I get the "Telus Fascinate" experience again.
^Basically I had the same garbage issues with the Fascinate on Eclair, but Froyo almost fixed everything. Sadly GPS was still broken, but the phone was way better than before.
Last week I actually wiped my Atrix and almost sold it, but after reading about some of the bugs on the SGII it's bought me a little bit more time.
Hardware and form factor wise the Atrix is PERFECT, but it's like using a Core 2 Duo PC running on 98/Me. Part of me still doesn't trust Motorola, and the support on their forums blows right now, but the phone has so much potential in front of it.
If the Galaxy S II didn't have so many dead pixel units reported, I would have pulled the trigger a long time ago and pitted the 2 phones against each other. For now I'm just waiting for the SG2 to either come down in price, or Moto to give us an "official" timetable of when Gingerbread is gonna be rolled out (including the forgotten Bell units)...
+1 for cheetah2k, a good seemingly unbiased comparison. I think its best that I stick with the Atrix because of the things it still has that the SGS2 doesn't, like qHD and the awesome fingerprint sensor. Plus, it'll probably be a little while before the SGS2 officially comes on AT&T, so I might as well just wait for the next Nexus. Thanks again, cheetah2k!
system update is really a issue constraining phone's spec
I bought atrix just for it is the first phone with 1ghz*2 +1g ram
but I'm now considering to replace it with a next-g nexus
for it is branded by Google and always gets the latest version
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

Streak alternatives

Well my contract renewal is on the horizon, I feel I cant go back to a screen smaller than 5 inches after using my streak for so long, but with no updates about the opus1 in over 6 months, what other 5 inch devices will be available in the coming months?
If any?
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
I think Acer has one that is or is about 5". Its not out yet tho. Google "Acer iconia smart". I think I'm gonna get the HTC holiday if it ever comes out. It's only 4.5" tho.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
I tried Samsung Galaxy S2 the other day:
light and plastic,feel like a toy
made to look like a iphone
running smooth,perf is good
scr is over saturate,unreal
the touch is not as smooth as Streak
5" Addiction
I like TOTALLY feel your pain.... If my Streak ever breaks, I'll be forced into "pocket-tablet rehab" LOL... As you know, other devices look SO small now... even the HTC Sensation, which I had very high hopes for, is significantly more narrow (screen size), than an HD2 or Evo.... To me, it's basically a narrow strip of glass.... Same goes for the Acer Iconia..... it has something like a 21:9 aspect ratio, meaning it's an even longer "strip of glass" than even the Sensation. I did read that Samsung is coming out with a "Q" model, that's supposedly 5.3" (bigger than our Streaks even)..... Unfortunately, it will probably have worse LCD-fracturing problems because it's surrounding frame will constitute the most lightweight/cheap plastic available.... I think I'll need Streak methadone to get mine out of my hands :-o...... Good luck, and tell us what you end up with
Ill wait and see what dell comes out with next. I'm in no rush for a new device. This streak is keeping me very satisfied!
Can't go to a smaller screen. The Q with the folding display looks like an intriguing device.
SHildebrandt said:
I like TOTALLY feel your pain.... If my Streak ever breaks, I'll be forced into "pocket-tablet rehab" LOL... As you know, other devices look SO small now... even the HTC Sensation, which I had very high hopes for, is significantly more narrow (screen size), than an HD2 or Evo.... To me, it's basically a narrow strip of glass.... Same goes for the Acer Iconia..... it has something like a 21:9 aspect ratio, meaning it's an even longer "strip of glass" than even the Sensation. I did read that Samsung is coming out with a "Q" model, that's supposedly 5.3" (bigger than our Streaks even)..... Unfortunately, it will probably have worse LCD-fracturing problems because it's surrounding frame will constitute the most lightweight/cheap plastic available.... I think I'll need Streak methadone to get mine out of my hands :-o...... Good luck, and tell us what you end up with
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They want meee to go to Pocket Tablet REEE-Hab, and I said "noooooo , No -NO!"
ROFL !! Good one, Rico and for days now I've been thinking she died of a drug overdose (ouch) LOL
SHildebrandt said:
ROFL !! Good one, Rico and for days now I've been thinking she died of a drug overdose (ouch) LOL
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I was ROFL x2 after reading your rehab post too, because what you've said regarding moving from the Dell 5" screen to anything smaller would slap me so far into pocket-tablet-rehab, I dont think I would EVER recover..
As torn up as Winehouse was, its still a sad moment when someone dies , even so young.
RussianSolja said:
Ill wait and see what dell comes out with next. I'm in no rush for a new device. This streak is keeping me very satisfied!
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You would trust Dell again? Seriously? They used to have a crime called "non-support" that you could get arrested for. They should round up all the Dell executives and lock them away.
They'll be playing hockey in Hell before I buy another Dell product.
Okay, I might chance a computer...
auramae said:
Can't go to a smaller screen. The Q with the folding display looks like an intriguing device.
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My screen has had a crack in it for months now and dirt has started working its way inside. I have serious reservations about what that seam will look like after a while, but I really like the concept.
Too true..... Having been on the receiving end of an intervention many, MANY moons ago, I can still see the humor in comments above..... It's too bad no one could get through to her in time...
Anywho, comments overheard at a recent Streak intervention: "We all love you so much.... can't you see what this Streak is doing to your life"?..... "You have it up..... I mean on your arm from morning to night"..... "You give all your money to Michael Dell..... can't you see what that does to people who love you"?.... "Please for your own good, pick up a Sensation or a Galaxy"
SHildebrandt said:
Too true..... Having been on the receiving end of an intervention many, MANY moons ago, I can still see the humor in comments above..... It's too bad no one could get through to her in time...
Anywho, comments overheard at a recent Streak intervention: "We all love you so much.... can't you see what this Streak is doing to your life"?..... "You have it up..... I mean on your arm from morning to night"..... "You give all your money to Michael Dell..... can't you see what that does to people who love you"?.... "Please for your own good, pick up a Sensation or a Galaxy"
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Yep, she was really one of the uniquely talented singers today who would have made a legendary mark in music like other greats. Sorry to see her go.
Michael Dell OWNS MY SOUL, because, I cannot kick this habit! This monkey on my back called the Dell Streak has is the BEST phone ive ever owned. I know I will have serious withdrawals EVERY time I look at a phone with smaller screens. And totally come unhinged when using a constantly sticky/choppy winmo device. Yup, I dont think theres an intervention that can cure me of my Dell Streak Fix
Ditto, RicoDude ! (as I pass Rico the Streakpipe)
I was considering an alternative to my streak, until I figured out what was causing the FC's & lag. Once I uninstalled launcher pro, and installed go launcher, geez, my streak flies now. I think I'll skip an upgrade this fall, unless something in a 5" range is released and has no hiccups.
Lol, Hilderbrandt, its TRUE
check this pantech vega no. 5, it is better than the streak. The only problem is we don't know when it will be available in the UK/US
Hey I just read a couple of positive (sort of), reviews on the Viewsonic ViewPad 7.... I see the price for one is down to $299 at CompUSA...... Comes with slower processor (but not hideously slow), and has out-of-the-box, unlocked GSM phone capabilities.... Maybe someone here could buy one and tell me how it turns out LOL
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
SHildebrandt said:
Hey I just read a couple of positive (sort of), reviews on the Viewsonic ViewPad 7.... I see the price for one is down to $299 at CompUSA...... Comes with slower processor (but not hideously slow), and has out-of-the-box, unlocked GSM phone capabilities.... Maybe someone here could buy one and tell me how it turns out LOL
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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If viewsonic 7, then why not dell streak 7?
But I don't think anything bigger than 5" will classify as phone too. They would simply be tablets.
p51d007 said:
I was considering an alternative to my streak, until I figured out what was causing the FC's & lag. Once I uninstalled launcher pro, and installed go launcher, geez, my streak flies now. I think I'll skip an upgrade this fall, unless something in a 5" range is released and has no hiccups.
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Roger that. This is the first phone that I am considering keeping until it dies.!
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
