Still on 020 in uk? Stopped getting updates after rooting? - XPERIA X10 General

Just wondering as others got 026 other day. Im on orange but dont yhink the phone is branded to them it was from a 3rd party store not sure what the sigs are but I dont have any orange branded apps on the phone. Not had any updates since 020 would annoy me if 2.1 came and I couldnt pick it up lol
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Well if that happened then you could just debrand.
My phone is rooted and I still get updates though.
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Got bad news im afraid the phone is branded just secretly, the traffic TV app is exclusive to orange
to debrand i suggest you download that, follow the instructions to install the 026 firmware, that what i did and i believe it is now debranded, it also roots, etc.

I'd follow steps 1-5 HERE to debrand, then run SEUS to get 026.

I rooted and debranded, so I could get 020 generic months ago, but I got an OTA prompt to say an update was available yesterday and to update via. SEUS. Haven't done so as I don't want to brick my phone, so am considering my options, whether or not it would be safer to flash my old O2 016 files, and then try to run the update. Even that could go wrong though,so maybe I should just take the risk. but dont want to brick my phone

I take it debranding is the obly way to get 2.1 on release for me then? Is there a chance of recovery if i brickit lol used ti flash alit of custom roms on winmo but still quite new to android
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go3asy said:
I take it debranding is the obly way to get 2.1 on release for me then?
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Not really, but will most likely get it quicker than the networks.
go3asy said:
Is there a chance of recovery if i brickit lol
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The chance of bricking it is next to none so wouldn't worry about it.

first of all, is it branded? if so maybe is your carrier if not then you just screwed it XD


UK/France had 026 FW

I'm using an UK X10i, today im update my phone and have the newest FW 026
dundun1701 said:
I'm using an UK X10i, today im update my phone and have the newest FW 026
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Hope that fix the alarm bug. This pass weeks, i came to office very late because of the alarm bug. dooh.
Now i'm installing 3rd party alarm apps
what you using?
Uk generic? o2 ETC?
superleeds27 said:
what you using?
Uk generic? o2 ETC?
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I'm using Generic FW
dundun1701 said:
I'm using Generic FW
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Any ideas of your CDA?
Is it still rooted?
fast rock said:
Is it still rooted?
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Surely it not. It've just released. Dev will need time in order to root it.
Plz wait.
Any changes you notice...
its alot slicker than 020 for sure
It is said that the 026 has better speed in Mediascape and Timescape, but i've tried yet, cuz my company wifi is down, haiz.
There is no big change in this new FW as I notice, the baseband is 31 now
wifi radio is better tho aswell
here in Ireland ive got update to 026 as well and no root after update.
Think ill stick with Rooted 024 for now
is the update ota?
How did you guys update if your phone was rooted? I know it will lose the root, but how did you update in the first place?
Thats strange, I'm on rooted 024 on O2 here in the UK, if I do an OTA check, it says im on the latest firwamre, did yuo guys update using SEUS?
Flash back to a Generic firmware, using Omnius or whatever. Then use SEUS
fast rock said:
How did you guys update if your phone was rooted? I know it will lose the root, but how did you update in the first place?
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Rooted fone will be able going back to original one by redo the step1 (back to 016 FW) after that, OTA or SEUS is depend on your choice
Im on R2BA020 from the southwest of the uk and both OTA and SEUS arent showing an update yet
I'm not rooted and using FW016 and SEUS says my phone is up to date. Am u doing something wrong?
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Official 2.2 is here! Finally!! Well, for some...

check it out...
but...since I'm with ATT US, sounds like the wait continues!
At least I'm using O2 2.1 (build 8105)... so I'm getting most of the benefit.
Official Dell Streak Froyo (2.2) Update Frequently Asked Questions
About time..... sucks being on AT&T
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I'm on an unlocked streak but no update yet. Had to downgrade after I saw only stock builds will get it. Has anybody got the update notification yet?
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
Im on the unlocked streak, EU, on leaked O2, 2.1 but im getting "no updates available"... currently living in AU, should i be able to upgrade ?
Anyone know what the baseband is for the betunits for AT&T? Im running Stephen's 1.2 and would like to revert back. Dun worry, .pkg will be shared as soon as I get it.
OMG your 2.2 is here drove me crazy.. then I saw the for some....
It has got to be close now. When I update on ATT as well, it shows the dell website vs your phone is upto date..
Good sign..
Really wanted it today though..... the wait continues..
check it out if someone can get pkg out of this lol
Dont mean to threadjack but is there a howto on downgrading to stock US 1.6?
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dead101 said:
check it out if someone can get pkg out of this lol
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I can get to " downlosd and install " but then nothing :-(
Son of a b****h. I am a Att user!!!
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distortion said:
Dont mean to threadjack but is there a howto on downgrading to stock US 1.6?
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There are plenty of threads here and on modaco about downgrading...but my guess is as soon as it's available and people start installing will only be a matter of HOURS before it's .pkg up for all different versions and markets.
so then this update is for??? witch tipe of steak? 31? 21??
just wanna know is is o2 compatible!??
The download and install link sent by dead101 doesnt seen to work
jvc.silence said:
so then this update is for??? witch tipe of steak? 31? 21??
just wanna know is is o2 compatible!??
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It's starting out for Streaks bought UNLOCKED only...not sure if you unlocked it afterwards if that applies too.
Then upgrades for Streaks locked to various carriers (O2, ATT, Rogers, etc.) will become available beginning early Dec.
ive got a factory unlocked streak... EU, OEM2.1, running the leaked O2 leaked 2.1 but im not able to update, currently in AU
Might have to downgrade to 1.6 i think ?
ipguy said:
The download and install link sent by dead101 doesnt seen to work
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Not 100% sure but i think they havent started to upgrade just yet thats why it might not work i am on 00 uk unlocked and so far it wont work on mine
I have unlocked streak non branded. Still no update. Location is netherlands.
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Q. Can I run the update, even if I don’t get the official notice, by copying the URL from someone else’s device?
A. No, the final link to download the 2.2 Froyo update will be non-functional unless the browsing session is initiated via the software update mechanism on the Streak device. This is because the software update application in the device communicates with the OTA update server to authenticate the update session. The link to the update is dynamically set to download the correct software package based on the device that is connecting to the update server. Please wait for the software update notice to display on the device itself, when your version of the software is ready for the upgrade. You can continue to check for updates manually by going to Menu->Settings->About device->System Updates which will connect to the update server and correctly check for an update.
I have unlocked Streak running offical 2.1 (OEM Version GAUSB1A121100) & no update yet for me

Gingerbread on Orange

Is the gingerbread update available yet, on Orange? I tried checking on kies a few days ago and it said I have the latest version, but I have froyo 2.2.1
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
In a word, no. Samsung withdrew the Gingerbread updates due to some fault or whatever so the only ones available are the JV1, JVK, JVB and JVA Roms which are floating around at the moment but these are primarily for unlocked devices so I don't know what effect they may have on your phone if its locked to Orange
So when will we get it?
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Why don't you ask Orange?
So when will we get it?
Very simple answer
After Samsung release it and Orange customise or sodomize it and Orange upload it to the Kies server .
More complicated answer Ask Samsung .
It will be weeks after the stock unmolested firmware is re-released. Im on orange too and debranded mine because I got bored waiting for Oranges 2.2. It is still sim locked though (hasnt caused any problems)If you decide to try this make sure youre 3 button download/recovery is working though-mine wasnt originally-but is now thanks to the good peeps here.
If you look in the forums you will find a free network unlock solution too.
After flashing all the Gingerbread roms though I find I keep returning to Darky's 9.5 (Froyo based).
If you do decide to de-brand & network unlock you should also consider changing you CSC to XEU too that way kies will check for the official European i9000 rom instead of a network branded version.
You can always re-flash back to a carrier rom should you want to though.
You can always re-flash back to a carrier rom should you want to though
But where would you get one from ?.
That seems to be a problem 99% do not save carrier rom and few are available elsewhere .
JJEgan said:
But where would you get one from ?.
That seems to be a problem 99% do not save carrier rom and few are available elsewhere .
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Just like me I to hunt around for "t-mobile galaxy s odin" and sure enough google provided me with a link to a t-mobile 2.2.1 rom flashable via odin, failing that you could always use fwspoof to emulate a older carrier from and have kies re-install the carrier update.
Just thought you might have a secret stock .
Orange delayed and delayed 2.2 for the SGS, it was supposed to come out in November last year and ended up being January for the official release. This was months and months after the official unlocked versions came out, so I wouldn't hold your breath on it being a quick release.
That said 2.2.1 seemed to come out relatively quickly compared to 2.2
Fingers crossed they get bored modding all these releases with their own crap and have it as downloads from the it should be.
I may have missed it in the Orange Terms and conditions, but a while a go when I read through them, I couldn't spot anything about modding phones making warranties being void (although I'd double check), so you could always try a custom ROM if you can't wait.
I hooked up my galaxy S to Kies yesterday morning and was offered 2.3.3 from Orange, Installed it and all went well ... until I tried using the 3G instead of wireless, I cant access 3G at all. anyone else having this issue?
I have checked the APN and that is fine.
here's some more detailed info about the firmware:
Firmware version: 2.3.3
Baseband version: I9000BVJV2
Roystoned said:
I have checked the APN and that is fine.
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Delete your APN settings & re enter them from scratch!
Delete your APN settings & re enter them from scratch!
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I did that when I checked them.
I got the Data working by doing a factory reset which was kind of a last resort but oh well.
any chance you can post your PDA, CSC & modem info for me?
Not really. Factory reset is good practice after any upgrade.
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get yourself the stock orange rom from your country, to have it in case of warranty
and install a custom one
Just root your phone, make a Nandroid-backup (CWM-backup), save this backup on your PC and then you can flash a custom-ROM.
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KiRAdot47 said:
get yourself the stock orange rom from your country, to have it in case of warranty
and install a custom one
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Don't suppose you could explain how to get hold of a stock rom for a branded phone? I'd like a stock OrangeUK rom with all the bloatware and stuff just in case I need to send it for repair.
thanks in advance
No need for explanation anymore I used checkfusdownloader to download the froyo update for orange uk. The available gingerbread update is fubar from what I've been reading in the web.

Re-Roll out of Gingerbread

Anyone in Ireland get the Gingerbread update since its re-roll out on Samsung Kies??
Checking everyday but all I get is you have the latest firmware
Love the phone but pretty pissed off at Samsung with how slow they are to update the phones.
here we are stuck with 2.1 man, so you should consider yourself lucky
its not a re rolout - they use old builds with some branding and new modems
at least that is what i can say about todays uk o2 ginge
that is jvh_jv3_jv2.tar so
good old JVH base (vodaphone had JV9)
JV3 csc i guess thats for uk o2 (vodaphones was JV5)
and some new JV2 modem in opposite to vodaphoneuk JV3
but asian ones seems to be made out of fresher build
RorixRebel said:
here we are stuck with 2.1 man, so you should consider yourself lucky
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Still no 2.2 in Mexico
There roll-outs are very poor.
I have a Samsung Omnia Windows Mobile 6.5 for years now and its never had an update. My son has the Apollo that he got about 8 months ago and again no updates.
jetpack101 said:
Anyone in Ireland get the Gingerbread update since its re-roll out on Samsung Kies??
Checking everyday but all I get is you have the latest firmware
Love the phone but pretty pissed off at Samsung with how slow they are to update the phones.
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If you're on a branded phone, maybe you should place the blame at your carrier
blazevxi said:
If you're on a branded phone, maybe you should place the blame at your carrier
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Is it the carrier that need to approve the update from Samsung ???
I'm on Meteor Ireland (MET)
jetpack101 said:
Is it the carrier that need to approve the update from Samsung ???
I'm on Meteor Ireland (MET)
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Well from my limited knowledge, the carrier takes the update and adds their own stuff to the update. The unbranded updates from samsung come out pretty fast.
If it's your carrier you're waiting on, maybe theyre just taking their time
While I did get my phone from the carrier it's not branded. I have put other carrier sims in it and it worked fine. Think they forgot to brand my on.
Anyway with that in mind, it must be unbranded.
Just wish they would a get a move on.
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jetpack101 said:
While I did get my phone from the carrier it's not branded. I have put other carrier sims in it and it worked fine. Think they forgot to brand my on.
Anyway with that in mind, it must be unbranded.
Just wish they would a get a move on.
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Mine was Meteor (2.2), I'm on Vodafone though, had a hardware problem and sent it off for free through Vodafone shop, got it back with 2.2.1 (JPY) on it, Kieds never gave me the option to update from 2.2, my friend's phones are all stuck on 2.2.
Bought a JIG, read up on Odin and flashed 2.3.3 (JVB)...
Thought about doing the update via odin but wanted to keep to the offical kies updates.
To much of a wimp to take the risk
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jetpack101 said:
Thought about doing the update via odin but wanted to keep to the offical kies updates.
To much of a wimp to take the risk
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Have a look at this
Is it the carrier that need to approve the update from Samsung ???
I'm on Meteor Ireland (MET)
Samsung pass the updates to the carrier its then up to them to do what they want ..
Check Fus Post 44. and 1,
jetpack101 said:
Thought about doing the update via odin but wanted to keep to the offical kies updates.
To much of a wimp to take the risk
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So was I until I found a stock rom for my phone on samfirmware that I can flash with odin. So, any trouble - back to stock!
OK I've downloaded Z4root and I have a
Temporary Root
Permanent Root
I'm told that I can root and unroot with this app. Has anyone any feed back as I am not knowledgeable in Android whatsoever.
I'd like to root the phone then unroot it to get the Gingerbread update on Keis when it comes out.
I want to run OCLF as I getting a lot of lag issues
jetpack101 said:
Thought about doing the update via odin but wanted to keep to the offical kies updates.
To much of a wimp to take the risk
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Use spoofFw availible on market to trick kies .
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New Xperia Play update! (Just got it 14/08/11)

Just saw the update pop up on my phone. I am only on Wifi as well.
Did a quick google and this seems to be the updates with the new Homescreen (with themes!)
I won't pop the update as I am on an unlocked BL. Probs gonna wait till someone posts a flashable update.
Not available for me...
Nothing here.
Big Red is still blank as well.
Possibilty that OP got a phantom update message like many phones do.
uk generic not available yet, Sony has no seriousness on its website
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I had one pop up yesterday when I was on wifi too, but I dismissed it since I just got my Play rooted. Wonder what it is. I'm on Verizon.
UK generic here, no updates
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
I think the op should do the update, and brick his phone so we can all get the new update Take one for the team lol
If theres a new update, i hope it comes with a button to disable auto brightness
AndroHero said:
I think the op should do the update, and brick his phone so we can all get the new update Take one for the team lol
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If I relocked my bootloader would I be safe? Or could it still brick?
not yet available for me also..
I'm waiting for this update before I install generic 2.2/root/OTA update to this. Come on SE!
TehH4rRy said:
If I relocked my bootloader would I be safe? Or could it still brick?
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If you relock your bootloader you can OTA without any issues you wont get the DRM certificates back though
2.3.3 Vodafone UK nothing via ota or update service
According to OP info he is also on UK Vodafone so must have been a phantom update.
subcu1ture said:
According to OP info he is also on UK Vodafone so must have been a phantom update.
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Im on UK Vodafone.
No update for me yet.
Dont know how the OP has got notice of one tbh.
No update for Global Generic.
OP must have had the Update inception dream.
Got a UK unbranded Xperia Play here and no update........still. Seriously why is it taking so long for the update to be released for the Play when it's out for the Arc and Neo. Not impressed :|.

