Idea for an app - Android Software Development

Not sure if this is the right place to post, but here goes. I have an idea for a phone application and have no clue on how to build an app. I am looking for someone to help me bring my idea to fruition. If there is anyone that would be willing to help me out and potentially put this app on the market and split profits. If your interested let me know!!!

I'm getting into Android development lately. Played with WinMo development in the past. Been doing Java full-time as a job for 10 years.
What kind of app are you thinking about? Feel free to PM me.


Looking for an Android Developer

I currently have a conceptualized android application and am now accepting requests from developers. I cannot discuss to much about the app but it does do some pretty revolutionary things and utilizes parts of the phone that other apps haven't.
What we are looking for:
Someone who is willing to see the project through, and someone who is willing to do this project in a timely concise manner.
Someone who like a challenge.
Someone who is willing to do this for free to gain experience or broaden their portfolio.
If you are interested in learning more about this app or want to start building it please email me
Do you have any technical background at all?
Also, there's a very high chance it has been done already.
so this guy doesn't get smashed with the spam comments? go figure.

Looking for a dev to build an app.....

If this is in the wrong place, please let me know and move as needed.
Starting to look at ideas to fund an application development. Is there anyone that does freelance work and is willing to do something like this? No time issues and I have not looked into costs of these types of things yet.
What type of app did you have in mind?
what app?
what app?
can tell the details..

Have app idea, need developer, will pay

I have an idea for an application that I (and a few other android friends) believe would be rather popular in the market. Unfortunately, I have no dev skills or even knowledge besides basic introductory in programming. I'm looking to speak with someone who has development skills and might want to help me make an app and also share in the profits (if we made it a paid app). If anyone is interested could you please PM me?

New App idea! Looking for Android Developer

I am a Technology Consultant by profession and I am fascinated by Android. I have some creative Android App ideas but I am not so good at java so unable to make things work by myself.
That's why I am looking for a developer (Preferably from India) who can help me out with this thing. I cannot pay anything but just looking for someone who has the potential to develop Apps but still did not get any attention.
Why should you help me for free?
1. App's developer section will have your name with me.
2. I guarantee that the App idea I have will be a hit.
3. There is no such application still in the Android Market.
4. You have got nothing to lose.
So if you have the zeal for developing android app and want to be famous (Yes, I believe my app idea is that good), Please leave a comment and we can then discuss things.
Thanks for reading!
okay, I'll bite, but I only develop for android in my spare time.
im in....just PM me or email [email protected]
sure ill help
[email protected]
Thanks for replying guys, I'll contact you by this weekend and discuss the details.
You guarantee your app will take off even though you can't spell correctly. I hope you're right.
Lol, kidding. Good luck.
I have an app idea for the healthcare industry so as you know what that industry has been like for many years you will know anything that can help healthcare and put money in workers' pockets is going to be a winner.
it will also save care homes and the NHS a small fortune.
parliament met me and nearly fell off their chairs they couldn't believe what a great idea it was.
but with a lack of funds its getting it made.
if someone could make it without money upfront I would happily go 50-50 on it.
and i cannot guarantee fame if it took off it would be innevitable.

Have tons of app ideas..

..and no programming knowledge.
Is there a resource for those of us with great, profitable ideas without the knowledge to make them happen? By the time I learn the language, the ideas may have either been developed, or no longer relevant.
Just curious what kind of input you guys might have.
Just Post them
Just Post your ideas in this Thread. Any developer willing to do one could write a quick post to stick an idea to himself/herself....
Cant wait to see your ideas..
Best Ragards,
Hans Moleman
google app invenotr should do whilst learing code
You could start a thread with your ideas, and maybe will other people follow you and start sharing their
As MacaronyMax said Google App Inventor is supposed to be easy enough for non programmers. You might want to give it a shot.
Ive been waiting to get invited to Google app inventor for two months...
I have Google App Inventor. Don't expect a miracle, it's just a tool. At the moment it's very limited in my opinion. The example with the cat in their own video is a good example of what you cán create, but don't think you can make professional apps with it.

