New App idea! Looking for Android Developer - Android Software Development

I am a Technology Consultant by profession and I am fascinated by Android. I have some creative Android App ideas but I am not so good at java so unable to make things work by myself.
That's why I am looking for a developer (Preferably from India) who can help me out with this thing. I cannot pay anything but just looking for someone who has the potential to develop Apps but still did not get any attention.
Why should you help me for free?
1. App's developer section will have your name with me.
2. I guarantee that the App idea I have will be a hit.
3. There is no such application still in the Android Market.
4. You have got nothing to lose.
So if you have the zeal for developing android app and want to be famous (Yes, I believe my app idea is that good), Please leave a comment and we can then discuss things.
Thanks for reading!

okay, I'll bite, but I only develop for android in my spare time.

im in....just PM me or email [email protected]

sure ill help

[email protected]

Thanks for replying guys, I'll contact you by this weekend and discuss the details.

You guarantee your app will take off even though you can't spell correctly. I hope you're right.
Lol, kidding. Good luck.

I have an app idea for the healthcare industry so as you know what that industry has been like for many years you will know anything that can help healthcare and put money in workers' pockets is going to be a winner.
it will also save care homes and the NHS a small fortune.
parliament met me and nearly fell off their chairs they couldn't believe what a great idea it was.
but with a lack of funds its getting it made.
if someone could make it without money upfront I would happily go 50-50 on it.
and i cannot guarantee fame if it took off it would be innevitable.


Diamond Software on ebay

I see some low life #[email protected]# #@#] is making money out of everybodys great development work on Ebay item number 180301613315.
So if nobody minds i thought about placing our own item on ebay exactly the same as this #unt# but for free and with a link directly to this site. What do ya think.
He said it is freeware...
None of those apps have any kind of restrictive license that prevents resale that I know of. In addition he's selling it for 2GBP, which is like.. nothing. I'm surprised he's bothering considering the time it takes to burn the disc and ship it. When you add in free postage, it's clear that he's not making any money on it.
really don't get this! not being undecent on stuff but can't someone just go ahead and download these apps for free online(in cabs), immediately. or are some of the software included sold*like the bubbles-is it the one from spb(is this version full?)
clearification please!
He's trying to get people aware of these wonderful apps? I'm sure people will start googling after they've bought and used them. Therefore, they'll reach this site I think in the end it will help the developers. I think this guy is a good samaritan not a thief.
Nice one
What a fu**ing wa**er
yeah, its not like he's looking for any money out of the deal..
Kraize92 said:
He's trying to get people aware of these wonderful apps? I'm sure people will start googling after they've bought and used them. Therefore, they'll reach this site I think in the end it will help the developers. I think this guy is a good samaritan not a thief.
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good point of view...
F****d up... hope no one will buy that...
If you have to give money away - donate the developers
and not some idiot burning them on a CD...

Looking for a developer to help with an app idea

I hope this isn't prohibited by forum rules - if it is, please notify me and I will request that the thread be closed.
Problem is, I'm not a developer. I would love to be one, but I've tried my hand at it in the past and am old enough to know my limitations...coding is one of them.
I'm looking for someone with app development experience who would be willing to develop my idea into an app in exchange for some equity in the finished product.
If you know how to develop apps, are looking for an interesting app to develop, and would consider investing development work for equity, please PM me.
Thanks, and I hope this post does not offend anyone or break any rules.
If you state your idea, you're more likely to get a response.
I get the impression the OP thinks their idea is too valuable to be publicly disclosed. I'd be surprised if anyone took up such an offer - essentially they get to do all the work in return for the idea & 'some equity' in the finished product. Even if you could first establish you have a history of creating marketable ideas I'd not rate your chances.
If someone has a project they want implementing they're more than likely going to need to offer a fee, not merely a percentage. Sites such as Elance provide a means to match up projects with programmers - btw I have no connection to them; I just googled android project proposals bids.
In any case, if you have no money to finance such a project, you probably won't even have the resources to draw up a legally binding contract, so good luck enforcing any arrangements you might come up with.
TBH the OP's best bet is either learn to code & do it themself, or as atolar suggests, make the idea public & hope if anyone bothers with the idea that they're willing to let them have a (small) share of any resulting equity.
[Edit:] BTW I'd be interested to be proved wrong. If the OP finds someone willing to carry out their work, I hope they'll let us know.
cauli said:
I get the impression the OP thinks their idea is too valuable to be publicly disclosed. I'd be surprised if anyone took up such an offer - essentially they get to do all the work in return for the idea & 'some equity' in the finished product. Even if you could first establish you have a history of creating marketable ideas I'd not rate your chances.
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I don't mean to come across that way. Understand that the one person who replied got the full idea without any sort of upfront requirements.
If someone has a project they want implementing they're more than likely going to need to offer a fee, not merely a percentage. Sites such as Elance provide a means to match up projects with programmers - btw I have no connection to them; I just googled android project proposals bids.
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I've paid for development projects before, and understand the industry. But I have to look at other options for this idea. I've hired people looking for development experience in the past, some of whom were willing to take a stake in the idea...just thought I'd float it here.
In any case, if you have no money to finance such a project, you probably won't even have the resources to draw up a legally binding contract, so good luck enforcing any arrangements you might come up with.
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Luckily (or unluckily haha), I'm a lawyer, so I have the transactional stuff covered.
TBH the OP's best bet is either learn to code & do it themself, or as atolar suggests, make the idea public & hope if anyone bothers with the idea that they're willing to let them have a (small) share of any resulting equity.
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I wish I could learn code - unfortunately I spent 7 years learning a completely different field of study, and am too old and not nearly smart enough to pick up coding in any way that would produce quality software. I've tried, and had to be honest with myself and admit that coding is not tailored for a brain like mine.
[Edit:] BTW I'd be interested to be proved wrong. If the OP finds someone willing to carry out their work, I hope they'll let us know.
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Only one person has replied, and he felt that he didn't have the experience to execute the idea. You sound as if you are experience with android - I'd be happy to PM you with the idea so that you can at least tell me if it's something worth pursuing. Willing to hear the idea out and provide some feedback?
Thanks, and take care.
androidlurker said:
Luckily (or unluckily haha), I'm a lawyer, so I have the transactional stuff covered.
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Lol, that is fortunate. I'm sure you'll appreciate the mess someone less experienced could get into.
Only one person has replied, and he felt that he didn't have the experience to execute the idea. You sound as if you are experience with android - I'd be happy to PM you with the idea so that you can at least tell me if it's something worth pursuing. Willing to hear the idea out and provide some feedback?
Thanks, and take care.
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Thanks for the detailed reply. It's always interesting to read of others' experience & involvement in development. Alas I'm not an experienced Android dev myself, though I do have a background in programming (mostly C, going back a couple of decades, but nothing recent).
I've only started to get interested in Android since buying an HTC Hero about a month ago. It is an appealing platform though; I plan on brushing up my somewhat lacking Java skills & dabbling a little but it will be a good while before I'm up to speed.
I hope you find someone who can take your ideas further forward & that if you do, you'll let us know how it goes. Feel free to PM me if you still feel my feedback might be of use to you. Either way, best of luck
cauli said:
I hope you find someone who can take your ideas further forward & that if you do, you'll let us know how it goes. Feel free to PM me if you still feel my feedback might be of use to you. Either way, best of luck
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Someone has offered to take on the project. I will update with development progress and information as I get it.
Thanks for the interest folks!

Android4Autism (Big Announcement)

Hey everyone. I wanted to cleanup this post a bit in order to make a pretty big announcement. Here is an expcert from my blog post late last night. The whole post can be read here.
To read more about Android4Autism
"Tonight, I so very pleased to announce that Intellijoy will be donating FULL versions of ALL their children’s apps to Android4Autism to be distributed on all the devices that we will be putting into the hands of Autistic children from around the US. I’m very excited about this because I truly believe this WILL make a difference in the lives of many Autistic children and their families. I don’t make it a habit of promoting companies on this blog because that’s not the purpose of Lost and Tired. However, Intellijoy is a company that is working to help our children learn through engaging and entertaining apps. My children benefit from the use of these applications and I know many more could as well. As special needs parents and members of the Autism community we should support companies like, Intellijoy, as they are providing low cost software that can turn your Android powered smartphone into a learning tool for your child.
So on behalf of Android4Autism and, I want to THANK Intellijoy for helping to improve the lives our Autistic children and their families. If you have an Android powered smart phone and I KNOW many of you do, check out these apps on the Market. Help spread the word that these apps and others like it can be found on the Android Market. As a community we need to support the companies that are providing resources for our kids….. More to come soon…"
In the mean time get all the latest Android4Autism updates by following us on twitter: @Android4Autism or “Like us on Facebook.
Good luck on this.
Sounds like a great work you are doing.
So what exactly does the phone do? My son is autistic and believe it or not I let him play speedx on my evo but there aren't many apps on the market (if any) that are geared towards autistic people which is why he has his own ipad2. Some more specifics would be nice instead of saying that you are taking old android phones and stripping them down. What else is done to them software wise that makes them more autistic friendly and enriching.
lovethyEVO said:
So what exactly does the phone do? My son is autistic and believe it or not I let him play speedx on my evo but there aren't many apps on the market (if any) that are geared towards autistic people which is why he has his own ipad2. Some more specifics would be nice instead of saying that you are taking old android phones and stripping them down. What else is done to them software wise that makes them more autistic friendly and enriching.
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The point is that many people can't afford the iPad and yes the apple has better apps and more of them at the moment. However, there are still simple apps that can help kids to communicate, Voice4u is an example. There are other apps the help with fine motor like Kids Shape Puzzles, Kids Numbers and Math and Kids Colors. I'm not sure where your child falls on the spectrum but many kids like my youngest struggle with language and communication. While maybe some kids won't benefit from these apps as much as others it's something for someone who has nothing. The apps don't have to be geared towards Autistic kids. They just have to serve a purpose. My son who was thought to be non-verbal is now using words (although still very limited). When he solves these puzzles and the voice says the name, he now repeats it. He is also able to identify the shapes by the outlines now.
Is it as good as an iPad probably not. But as a father to 3 Autistic boys and someone that can't afford an iPad, this has really helped to build some much needed basic skills. These apps while simple are engaging and entertaining for the kids. Again, many people can't shell out $500-$800 for an iPad and this would give them something. Sometimes seemingly the small things can make the biggest impact.
I realize you don't know me but I have a very popular Autism blog and if you look around the Epic forums you will see Autism Awareness running rampant.
I'm not trying to change the world here. Just trying to make life better for those that I can.
Best of luck to you and your family.
newblacksociety said:
Best of luck to you and your family.
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You have my final "thanks" for today.
ptfdmedic said:
The point is that many people can't afford the iPad and yes the apple has better apps and more of them at the moment. However, there are still simple apps that can help kids to communicate, Voice4u is an example. There are other apps the help with fine motor like Kids Shape Puzzles, Kids Numbers and Math and Kids Colors. I'm not sure where your child falls on the spectrum but many kids like my youngest struggle with language and communication. While maybe some kids won't benefit from these apps as much as others it's something for someone who has nothing. The apps don't have to be geared towards Autistic kids. They just have to serve a purpose. My son who was thought to be non-verbal is now using words (although still very limited). When he solves these puzzles and the voice says the name, he now repeats it. He is also able to identify the shapes by the outlines now.
Is it as good as an iPad probably not. But as a father to 3 Autistic boys and someone that can't afford an iPad, this has really helped to build some much needed basic skills. These apps while simple are engaging and entertaining for the kids. Again, many people can't shell out $500-$800 for an iPad and this would give them something. Sometimes seemingly the small things can make the biggest impact.
I realize you don't know me but I have a very popular Autism blog and if you look around the Epic forums you will see Autism Awareness running rampant.
I'm not trying to change the world here. Just trying to make life better for those that I can.
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I wasn't trying to downplay your is a good cause. My son's autism affects his communication development the most and his ipad has helped along with his services he gets at school as well as his extra services like aba.
I did not buy his ipad so please throw out that notion that I can "shell out 500 bucks" for it. On the contrary, his ipad is his and his alone and was acquired as a learning aid through a program that his school set up. He qualified for the free ipad because his doctors re-evaluated him for the program application and concluded that he is still delayed in his development. As long as I show that his ipad is being used solely for his purposes and no unapproved apps are installed for the next two years, it's his to keep.
I'm straying off topic a bit and I apologize. I understand your cause to get these devices to families that can't afford them but it would also help to include some really great software for the autistic person as well as support for that software. These are just things to help your noble project along, not railroad it. It should be stripped of the ability to make calls or texts to try to prevent it being used by other persons for example.
lovethyEVO said:
I wasn't trying to downplay your is a good cause. My son's autism affects his communication development the most and his ipad has helped along with his services he gets at school as well as his extra services like aba.
I did not buy his ipad so please throw out that notion that I can "shell out 500 bucks" for it. On the contrary, his ipad is his and his alone and was acquired as a learning aid through a program that his school set up. He qualified for the free ipad because his doctors re-evaluated him for the program application and concluded that he is still delayed in his development. As long as I show that his ipad is being used solely for his purposes and no unapproved apps are installed for the next two years, it's his to keep.
I'm straying off topic a bit and I apologize. I understand your cause to get these devices to families that can't afford them but it would also help to include some really great software for the autistic person as well as support for that software. These are just things to help your noble project along, not railroad it. It should be stripped of the ability to make calls or texts to try to prevent it being used by other persons for example.
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No offense taken. Sorry if I came off harsh. I didn't mean to insinuate anything about you financial status in my comment. I was trying to explain my point. I would load a custom ROM, removing everything I can so that it serves it's intended purpose. I would disable to the radio and attempt to leave the WiFi and blue tooth in tact for connectivity to the market and headphones. I get offers all the time to review software on my blog geared for this purpose. I'm working on securing software donations as well. You have some great ideas. I appreciate your feedback. Again sorry if I came across wrong. We are both on the same journey. Best of luck.
ptfdmedic said:
No offense taken. Sorry if I came off harsh. I didn't mean to insinuate anything about you financial status in my comment. I was trying to explain my point. I would load a custom ROM, removing everything I can so that it serves it's intended purpose. I would disable to the radio and attempt to leave the WiFi and blue tooth in tact for connectivity to the market and headphones. I get offers all the time to review software on my blog geared for this purpose. I'm working on securing software donations as well. You have some great ideas. I appreciate your feedback. Again sorry if I came across wrong. We are both on the same journey. Best of luck.
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We are on the same journey yes, but you have alot more to handle and my hat goes off to you. I too apologize if I came off wrong in my first post.
I will be keeping my eye on your efforts for others that I know in our situation. The school year is almost over but I think this is something they might be interested in. Best of luck to your endeavors.
lovethyEVO said:
We are on the same journey yes, but you have alot more to handle and my hat goes off to you. I too apologize if I came off wrong in my first post.
I will be keeping my eye on your efforts for others that I know in our situation. The school year is almost over but I think this is something they might be interested in. Best of luck to your endeavors.
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Always nice to meet other special needs parents. It was a pleasure meeting you. Thanks again.
For those of you who don't know ptfdmedic, with all that he has to deal with his children, has over the months taken the time to develop and provide support for some of the best ROMs on the Epic. He is one of the few people who is a truly selfless person. I mean we over on the Epic forums have a bunch of people that just go around and complain about everything. Rob (ptfdmedic) has a heart of gold and has put up with a bunch of crap from a lot of whining users and does it with kindness and class. He even goes as far as releasing multiple versions of the same ROM to accommodate the minority of us who wanted journal on to provide stability and a journal off version for those who see a ever so slight performance increase. I came over here because I am considering getting an Evo 3D and wanted to read what people were posting now that the CEO confirmed it won't be boot locked. As soon as I saw ptfdmedic's thread, I knew it was for a worthy cause. He is the real deal. This isn't some guy trying to hustle anyone. His heart is 100% into raising Autism Awareness and helping in any way he can. If my finances permit me to upgrade to the Evo 3D, I know where my Epic is going now. If you are in the position to do likewise, I can assure you Rob will do what he intends to do. What a worthy cause.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
ptfdmedic said:
Hey fellow Android users and Autism supporters. I have been quietly working on something for a little while now and decided I would officially announce it. I wanted to announce it here because of all the Autism support generated by this community. So I would like to introduce "Android 4 Autism. What Android 4 Autism will be doing is taking used (donated) Android devices, preferably Epic or EVO (due to the larger screen) and turning them into communication and learning tools for Autistic children. I'm working on securing software donations as well for pre-installation purposes.
Once received, the devices will be wiped and stripped down. Once completed, these devices will be donated to special needs families who couldn't otherwise afford this technology for their child.
The reason I'm announcing this now is because we are about to hit a device turn over with the release of the Nexus S 4G and the pending EVO 3D and Galaxy S 2 releases.. We are a community that lives on the bleeding edge. I'm asking that if and when you upgrade your phone that you consider Android 4 Autism when deciding what to do with your old device. Bad ESN's don't matter as WiFi/Bluetooth would be the only needed connections. PLEASE consider this if and when you decide to upgrade. I'll have more information available when I go live. I just wanted to plant the bug in your ear. Your old phone could change someone's life.
Thanks everyone....
Below is an example of what Autistic children can do and learn with these phones.
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You're doing a very noble thing ptf. It's amazing to see somebody take initiative in such a prolific cause. I don't know you personally, but you seem very genuine and i'm sure your family is blessed to have you supporting them.
You have my full support and I will gladly donate my EVO and Asus TF when I purchase new devices to replace them. I think that a lot of us on these forums are typically more fortunate than a lot of people and the least we can do is donate our old devices for a just cause.
p.s It seems that you are very serious about this, you should try to get the mods to sticky your threads. Also, are you going to be accepting donations from other devices like the droid x?
Best of luck to you. If you need any help spreading the word or anything shoot me a pm.
I know the HTC Flyer has the option to place the phone under "Kid Mode."
Maybe for those parents who may have a smartphone, it would be good to create a custom rom with that feature. That way they can use the phone as they normally would. Under this mode, the calls would be forwarded to a home phone line or another phone.
It seems like a lot of work and highly unlikely that parents will know how to flash a custom rom but it's an idea that came to me.
I'll get in contact with the Coordinator of Student Activities at my school and ask if I can host some sort of drive to have students donate their phones when they upgrade.
(I'll get back to you after she lets me know if I can)
Bumping this for the cause. I hope at least people read this or visit his website. Especially for those that are going to get an Evo 3D and not trade in their current phone. Hopefully I am one of them
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
as an Uncle to a nephew with Autism, I commend you. I wish I had a spare device but I don't but if you could post some of the actual names of apps that you have used with your sons it would be greatly appreciated.
I want to help my sister get some good apps so her son can learn to communicate. He is pretty much mute and only barely communicates through signing. He is on the more severe end of the spectrum and like most families doesn't have the amount of money it takes to purchase the more expensive autism teaching tools.
On a side note besides grants and some education funding, getting assistance for autistic children is incredibly and overly expensive. With the immense amount of kids being diagnosed more and more I can't believe the price has not come down for some of these things.
That's pretty awesome. My son's a high functioning on the autistic spectrum and he loves to use my Evo and my Transformer pad. Seeing that video reminded me a lot of my son. It does really help and I really hope your cause takes off. Really commendable..
I actually wrote a piece for my website on my son using another technology: Kinect.
Absolutely fantastic idea! I'll be sure to share this.
My nephew is autistic and I'm about to retire my Evo...I'd love to load your ROM when it's ready and give him my device.
I'm subscribing to this thread, because I want to follow everything you're doing with this cause.
God Bless You, dude. We need more people like you in this world, let alone this community...
as a father with a son who is autistic this is a GREAT idea ! /respect

[Opportunity] You a rockstar App developer? you could help US!

I am creating a core team of three for a concept for which the initial corporate funding of $350000 (not much, I agree) is committed. I (even the investor) strongly believe this concept could make a difference and is inviting two more rockstar android developers to join me..
the location of the startup will be Bangalore, India. Pls ping me on [email protected] if you are interested.. thanks
It would probably help if you said what the project even is
I agree, maybe you dont have to tell us exactly what the concept is but just what skills are required etc.
Thanks for the reply,
The broad concept I was pitching in is on the Mobile protection, but the approach to this is different from the current crop of antiviruses or Data backup solutions.. the funding entity is a leader in providing enterprise security and they will provide the expertise in that field.. The one that I am looking forward would have exceptional android app development experience/skills who could drive the on device app vision. Hope this helps..
I would offer my services up (and actually wouldn't mind working for very little or no money just to get more experience), but I am still learning. I can develop apps on the computer in Java pretty well, so I guess that helps, but I still am getting used to the different style and classes offered by the Android API/SDK. If you need a hand and seriously dont have money to waste, I can try my hand at it, but I would rather practice coding lots of smaller apps first and then maybe offer it again.
Should i PM you if I feel like I've gotten my hand wrapped around this SDK/API?
Thanks Johnson, we could explore your proposition once we have a core team in place
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App


I just hope this is the right place to post this, as I do not intend to misuse this forum, it has been very helpful to me over the past few years and I love seeing what yall come out with. That being said here is what I am proposing.
I am looking for some people who know how to build apps for android. As well apps for windows. ( pick whatever programing language you like we just need it to work) I can not pay anyone, but if a small team of people will join me and help get my ideas built as a team I believe we will become successful in the first prototype of what will be the future of cell phones.
I don't get to check the forum often so please reach me via email [email protected]
thank you all for taking the time to read this.
When you say "apps for windows" are you suggesting applications for Windows Phone OS or Windows OS (as in the OS that runs on PCs)?
People will find it hard to work without getting paid and they definitely don't want to work on an idea without getting paid that wont take off so I suggest you give some hints about what your idea is to let people make a better decision?
camp sheckbo
Thanks for the response, and I should have clarified that. Sorry. I was referring to Windows os for pc. I can completely understand people not wanting to work for free as what I am asking I imagine will be quite some work and most likely quite a bit of testing. I have to admit I am apprehensive about just laying any part of my idea out there but for the sake of giving everyone a vague idea of what I have in mind ( please forgive grammar and spelling at this point) is google glass but trust me when I say far better then google. and for now we aren't even building the "phone part" the app on both the phone and its counterpart on the pc should be generic in the sense that any android phone & windows pc user can use the prototype once it is done. Then we shop it around with the concept for the new phone. anyone willing to know more please just shoot me an email. I realize yall don't know what it is yet but I am convinced if made this product would make those involved if not as big as google then pretty close (maybe not in terms of there money but in terms on the name)
Brand is everything.
You could ask here:
nikwen said:
You could ask here:
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Thank you for the feedback. I will be checking it out.
A developer, looking for collaboraion
Hi Guys,
I am a long time developer for Android, iOS, BB etc with bunch of apps on the app stores, some dead on arrival, some successful, nothing like the next Bill Gates tho . Apps development is side job for me "for now", I am sure you know the feeling.
I guess what I am looking for here is somewhat the opposite to most of the posts here, where folks with amazing ideas looking for developers to "just make it happen". I have bunch of ideas, as well! (too many to count some for apps and some for other areas - chemistry, physics etc). I am looking for *developers* to work and collaborate, basically to brain storm and run through their ideas and my ideas, take our time to proper research and figure out business model, patents etc, maybe throw few baits in apps stores and see where it's going.
My thinking is that if bunch of us developers get together we stand a chance, I find it close to impossible to do it alone..
Of course we can sign all NDAs required etc to make everyone happy. I hope I did not violate any written or conceptual guidelines here.. please feel free to contact me, [email protected]
udihamudi said:
Hi Guys,
I am a long time developer for Android, iOS, BB etc with bunch of apps on the app stores, some dead on arrival, some successful, nothing like the next Bill Gates tho . Apps development is side job for me "for now", I am sure you know the feeling.
I guess what I am looking for here is somewhat the opposite to most of the posts here, where folks with amazing ideas looking for developers to "just make it happen". I have bunch of ideas, as well! (too many to count some for apps and some for other areas - chemistry, physics etc). I am looking for *developers* to work and collaborate, basically to brain storm and run through their ideas and my ideas, take our time to proper research and figure out business model, patents etc, maybe throw few baits in apps stores and see where it's going.
My thinking is that if bunch of us developers get together we stand a chance, I find it close to impossible to do it alone..
Of course we can sign all NDAs required etc to make everyone happy. I hope I did not violate any written or conceptual guidelines here.. please feel free to contact me, [email protected]
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You can ask in this thread:
Another possibility would be making it open-source.
We'll be happy to make it open source when we actually get to work on something
I will be happy to make "it" open source when I finally get to work on something exciting .. need to figure out first what it is thus first step before this need to get together with some bright minds here and decide what we want to work on.. then get it to format where folks can look at and work with as open source
nikwen said:
You can ask in this thread:
Another possibility would be making it open-source.
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udihamudi said:
I will be happy to make "it" open source when I finally get to work on something exciting .. need to figure out first what it is thus first step before this need to get together with some bright minds here and decide what we want to work on.. then get it to format where folks can look at and work with as open source
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Of course, you need an idea. Check the thread I linked. You might find an idea there.
For example you could join the WidgetsEverywhere project. It's working and it's open-source.

