Looking for a dev to build an app..... - Android Software Development

If this is in the wrong place, please let me know and move as needed.
Starting to look at ideas to fund an application development. Is there anyone that does freelance work and is willing to do something like this? No time issues and I have not looked into costs of these types of things yet.

What type of app did you have in mind?

what app?
what app?
can tell the details..


Software Programmers

I am in need of a programer to desgin a program for this platform. I plan on selling the program to night clubs in NYC. I have the idea just need the know how to put it together. Anyone intrested please PM me. Thanks!
It would be a form of accounting software that would be used sort of like a POS system. I would get into more detail but I dont want someone else to make it and try to market it. PM me for more info or email me [email protected]
It is not out there at all trust me I work in all the major clubs in NYC.
what is your plan? maybe I can lend a hand
Does this thread even belong here? I am not entirely sure, if it doesnt can one of the mighty mods move it to the correct location.

Idea for an app

Not sure if this is the right place to post, but here goes. I have an idea for a phone application and have no clue on how to build an app. I am looking for someone to help me bring my idea to fruition. If there is anyone that would be willing to help me out and potentially put this app on the market and split profits. If your interested let me know!!!
I'm getting into Android development lately. Played with WinMo development in the past. Been doing Java full-time as a job for 10 years.
What kind of app are you thinking about? Feel free to PM me.

Have tons of app ideas..

..and no programming knowledge.
Is there a resource for those of us with great, profitable ideas without the knowledge to make them happen? By the time I learn the language, the ideas may have either been developed, or no longer relevant.
Just curious what kind of input you guys might have.
Just Post them
Just Post your ideas in this Thread. Any developer willing to do one could write a quick post to stick an idea to himself/herself....
Cant wait to see your ideas..
Best Ragards,
Hans Moleman
google app invenotr should do whilst learing code
You could start a thread with your ideas, and maybe will other people follow you and start sharing their
As MacaronyMax said Google App Inventor is supposed to be easy enough for non programmers. You might want to give it a shot.
Ive been waiting to get invited to Google app inventor for two months...
I have Google App Inventor. Don't expect a miracle, it's just a tool. At the moment it's very limited in my opinion. The example with the cat in their own video is a good example of what you cán create, but don't think you can make professional apps with it.

[Q] I've Put My App On Kickstarter... Need Genius Marketing Ideas, Help Please!!

Hey guys, long time lurker here...
So basically I'm building a new Android launcher that's designed to make Android more productive and more capable of multitasking... and I decided to do something different and try putting it on Kickstarter to raise some funds! I thought that basically this would prove there was a market for the app, it would build some interest and it would help me to afford to work with other designers and developers. I want to add support for MSOffice file formats but that's something I'm going to have to outsource...
The link to the Kickstarter project can be found here: kickstarter.com/projects/983549908/mulit-window-desktop-launcher-for-android - sorry it's not a live link, I'm new see
So far it's not going well, I asked for £8,000 (it's too much in retrospect, but after tax and Kickstarter/Amazon take their cut it will be a lot less) and so far I have £138 pledged with 23 days to go.
I've sent out countless press releases - even to editors who know me have published things of mine in the past - and had no response. I've tried paying for AdSense and that was a waste of money, and I've posted through every social media outlet I can find... About to try Instagram :-/
My best success so far was posting in the Basic4Android forum where I'm an active member - that's the secret I think, knowing lots of people online and being active. That's my advice to anyone else thinking of doing this! Get active on forums and get known, wish I'd done that more!
Now obviously I'd appreciate any helps with pledges but what I really want is your ideas for marketing and a critique of my video and project page (I think there are areas for improvement). I think that if I could get just one article onto a well-read site then it could potentially snowball... but how can I get noticed?
Has anyone else tried using Kickstarter for an app?
Thanks a lot for your help in advice guys, and I hope you find this useful too. Maybe we can work out what I'm doing wrong and then we've learned how not to raise money for an Android app... :laugh:
I've attached a picture of the app by the way for those interested...

New app dev in need of help

I have always been into coding and now i actually want to learn more about it, i made a extremely easy app and i was wondering if anyone can help me get started on what to do with android app dev, i bought a java book and i dont know which sections to read, please help as i do want to pursue this as a career and a hobby.
Purpleice45 said:
I have always been into coding and now i actually want to learn more about it, i made a extremely easy app and i was wondering if anyone can help me get started on what to do with android app dev, i bought a java book and i dont know which sections to read, please help as i do want to pursue this as a career and a hobby.
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you can make an app to get familiar with android environment, something that has textviews and notification, service
you can find a sample apps here : http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/android-sdk-samples--mobile-20901
And way I can talk to you and maybe you can help me out? I'm kinda looking for someone to take me under their wings
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