Software Programmers - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I am in need of a programer to desgin a program for this platform. I plan on selling the program to night clubs in NYC. I have the idea just need the know how to put it together. Anyone intrested please PM me. Thanks!
It would be a form of accounting software that would be used sort of like a POS system. I would get into more detail but I dont want someone else to make it and try to market it. PM me for more info or email me [email protected]
It is not out there at all trust me I work in all the major clubs in NYC.

what is your plan? maybe I can lend a hand

Does this thread even belong here? I am not entirely sure, if it doesnt can one of the mighty mods move it to the correct location.


Looking for a developer to help with an app idea

I hope this isn't prohibited by forum rules - if it is, please notify me and I will request that the thread be closed.
Problem is, I'm not a developer. I would love to be one, but I've tried my hand at it in the past and am old enough to know my limitations...coding is one of them.
I'm looking for someone with app development experience who would be willing to develop my idea into an app in exchange for some equity in the finished product.
If you know how to develop apps, are looking for an interesting app to develop, and would consider investing development work for equity, please PM me.
Thanks, and I hope this post does not offend anyone or break any rules.
If you state your idea, you're more likely to get a response.
I get the impression the OP thinks their idea is too valuable to be publicly disclosed. I'd be surprised if anyone took up such an offer - essentially they get to do all the work in return for the idea & 'some equity' in the finished product. Even if you could first establish you have a history of creating marketable ideas I'd not rate your chances.
If someone has a project they want implementing they're more than likely going to need to offer a fee, not merely a percentage. Sites such as Elance provide a means to match up projects with programmers - btw I have no connection to them; I just googled android project proposals bids.
In any case, if you have no money to finance such a project, you probably won't even have the resources to draw up a legally binding contract, so good luck enforcing any arrangements you might come up with.
TBH the OP's best bet is either learn to code & do it themself, or as atolar suggests, make the idea public & hope if anyone bothers with the idea that they're willing to let them have a (small) share of any resulting equity.
[Edit:] BTW I'd be interested to be proved wrong. If the OP finds someone willing to carry out their work, I hope they'll let us know.
cauli said:
I get the impression the OP thinks their idea is too valuable to be publicly disclosed. I'd be surprised if anyone took up such an offer - essentially they get to do all the work in return for the idea & 'some equity' in the finished product. Even if you could first establish you have a history of creating marketable ideas I'd not rate your chances.
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I don't mean to come across that way. Understand that the one person who replied got the full idea without any sort of upfront requirements.
If someone has a project they want implementing they're more than likely going to need to offer a fee, not merely a percentage. Sites such as Elance provide a means to match up projects with programmers - btw I have no connection to them; I just googled android project proposals bids.
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I've paid for development projects before, and understand the industry. But I have to look at other options for this idea. I've hired people looking for development experience in the past, some of whom were willing to take a stake in the idea...just thought I'd float it here.
In any case, if you have no money to finance such a project, you probably won't even have the resources to draw up a legally binding contract, so good luck enforcing any arrangements you might come up with.
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Luckily (or unluckily haha), I'm a lawyer, so I have the transactional stuff covered.
TBH the OP's best bet is either learn to code & do it themself, or as atolar suggests, make the idea public & hope if anyone bothers with the idea that they're willing to let them have a (small) share of any resulting equity.
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I wish I could learn code - unfortunately I spent 7 years learning a completely different field of study, and am too old and not nearly smart enough to pick up coding in any way that would produce quality software. I've tried, and had to be honest with myself and admit that coding is not tailored for a brain like mine.
[Edit:] BTW I'd be interested to be proved wrong. If the OP finds someone willing to carry out their work, I hope they'll let us know.
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Only one person has replied, and he felt that he didn't have the experience to execute the idea. You sound as if you are experience with android - I'd be happy to PM you with the idea so that you can at least tell me if it's something worth pursuing. Willing to hear the idea out and provide some feedback?
Thanks, and take care.
androidlurker said:
Luckily (or unluckily haha), I'm a lawyer, so I have the transactional stuff covered.
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Lol, that is fortunate. I'm sure you'll appreciate the mess someone less experienced could get into.
Only one person has replied, and he felt that he didn't have the experience to execute the idea. You sound as if you are experience with android - I'd be happy to PM you with the idea so that you can at least tell me if it's something worth pursuing. Willing to hear the idea out and provide some feedback?
Thanks, and take care.
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Thanks for the detailed reply. It's always interesting to read of others' experience & involvement in development. Alas I'm not an experienced Android dev myself, though I do have a background in programming (mostly C, going back a couple of decades, but nothing recent).
I've only started to get interested in Android since buying an HTC Hero about a month ago. It is an appealing platform though; I plan on brushing up my somewhat lacking Java skills & dabbling a little but it will be a good while before I'm up to speed.
I hope you find someone who can take your ideas further forward & that if you do, you'll let us know how it goes. Feel free to PM me if you still feel my feedback might be of use to you. Either way, best of luck
cauli said:
I hope you find someone who can take your ideas further forward & that if you do, you'll let us know how it goes. Feel free to PM me if you still feel my feedback might be of use to you. Either way, best of luck
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Someone has offered to take on the project. I will update with development progress and information as I get it.
Thanks for the interest folks!

I am Making A Website

I'm making a site, called market4android which you developers can feature your apps/roms on, etc. I'd love for you guys to contact me so we can get the ball rolling. It's a great domain that gets a lot of search engine hits, so if you're looking to get your name out there and get your apps out there, then please PM me and let me know what you have and all that cool stuff!
The site should be online for most of the world. If it is not, give it a while because it may still need to update on world servers.
Check it out, leave feedback, etc, and developers! hit me up and let me know if I can post your ROMs on the site. Don't want nobody getting mad at me!
Reminds me of a site that I frequent called XDA.
Maybe I am missing the point? Are you simply offering to host files?
jerry43812 said:
Check it out, leave feedback, etc, and developers! hit me up and let me know if I can post your ROMs on the site. Don't want nobody getting mad at me!
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You'll never get anywhere waiting for others to send you content. If you want to post a rom, post info, screenshots, etc. and link out to the post where they can get it and more info.
This may be a dumb question, but here goes anyway....
It's not hard at all to get an app included on the Android Market. What advantage are you offering over going that route?
So far I've only written a few Android apps, and they were both custom jobs for clients that would not be at all interesting to the general public. (And they have a LOT of tweaking left to do before I'd call them anything I'm proud of. I'm new to Android, it'll take awhile for me to catch up with the stuff I've done for WinMo and PalmOS.)
But I've considered diving into some more generally appealing projects, and the Android Market currently offers me both the ability to distribute for free, and the ability to monetize my efforts if I decide to go that route. Either route gives me pretty widespread exposure.
As a developer, my main question would be: "What extras are you offering that the existing marketplace leaves out?" (i.e. How can you make me more money? And/or give me wider exposure?)
I don't think he is making a place to distribute apps (at least that's not what I got), I thought he was making a place to be like "hey look what's going on in the dev community, check out this app and this rom, etc."
gthing said:
I don't think he is making a place to distribute apps (at least that's not what I got), I thought he was making a place to be like "hey look what's going on in the dev community, check out this app and this rom, etc."
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So a review site?
That could be very, very cool. Only trick is building a large readership.....
With that in place, it could very easily be something that developers want to pay close attention to.
gthing said:
I don't think he is making a place to distribute apps (at least that's not what I got), I thought he was making a place to be like "hey look what's going on in the dev community, check out this app and this rom, etc."
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You got the idea down pat!
subliminalurge said:
So a review site?
That could be very, very cool. Only trick is building a large readership.....
With that in place, it could very easily be something that developers want to pay close attention to.
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I'd definitely be letting developers have publisher accounts so they can work on getting exposure from my site, etc. It's not totally about me distributing apps...
Try to picture this: I can get traffic. Traffic coming to my site and seeing your apps there, your ROMs there, etc, want to download them, etc, well, not only gets you not only exposure, but income from the apps as well seeing as how they're downloading you stuff because they found info and reviews on it on my site.
Yes, the market would definitely be the #1 way to go, but what harm can it do to get some more exposure to your stuff? as well as get user reviews and the income that youre concerned about?
danknee said:
Reminds me of a site that I frequent called XDA.
Maybe I am missing the point? Are you simply offering to host files?
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I will create mirrors for your files etc, and yes, you are missing the point. I wasn't 100% absolute sure in the direction I was heading with this, but I am offering you the exposure of traffic that comes to my site to see your apps etc, when they may not have ever noticed your app in the marketplace. User reviews, developer releases and all kinds of cool **** can happen here if you're willing to crack the shell away a little bit and accept my offer of free exposure to your stuff.
Why the hell would anyone pass up free? Beats me.
jerry43812 said:
I wasn't 100% absolute sure in the direction I was heading with this,
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For the record, my comments were not meant to be disparaging, but to help you figure that out.
I'm not going to go into how old I am, but I'm not exactly wet behind the ears. I was making a living in the "computer field" since long before anything called a "web browser" ever existed. The first time I heard about Mosaic, my reaction was "eh, sounds like gopher with pictures. big deal." (It wasn't a great article....)
There are two main reasons why projects fail. The first, and by far the greatest, is because the people starting that project never ask themselves, and come up with a clear answer to, "what problem am I trying to solve?"....
The second reason is that they fail to ask themselves "Is my solution something people will actually use?".
If you have good answers to those two questions, then the rest is just the legwork of getting it done. If you don't have good answers to those questions, then no amount of work will produce a successful outcome.
Sorry if I sound harsh, just trying to be helpful.
subliminalurge said:
For the record, my comments were not meant to be disparaging, but to help you figure that out.
I'm not going to go into how old I am, but I'm not exactly wet behind the ears. I was making a living in the "computer field" since long before anything called a "web browser" ever existed. The first time I heard about Mosaic, my reaction was "eh, sounds like gopher with pictures. big deal." (It wasn't a great article....)
There are two main reasons why projects fail. The first, and by far the greatest, is because the people starting that project never ask themselves, and come up with a clear answer to, "what problem am I trying to solve?"....
The second reason is that they fail to ask themselves "Is my solution something people will actually use?".
If you have good answers to those two questions, then the rest is just the legwork of getting it done. If you don't have good answers to those questions, then no amount of work will produce a successful outcome.
Sorry if I sound harsh, just trying to be helpful.
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Not harsh at all and I comprehend your points. Maybe my tone sounded harsh when it was simply factual and jsut telling my purpose.
I feel that the purpose of this site I opened is good, and it can be very useful. But just like any other good thing, it usually cannot be done by one person. Support for the project is always a plus, and it can be made to be an excellent resource for people who are green on both sides, that want to get into modding android devices.
I dont think that it is a waste of my time, but in order for it to make it to where I'd like it to be, it can definitely use all the support and input that it can get. Thats why I brought the whole subject up, here. There are lots of developers here and even I am new to a lot of the stuff here, and I feel that it would be a great asset to a lot fo folks here if you jsut give it a chance.
jerry43812 said:
Not harsh at all and I comprehend your points. Maybe my tone sounded harsh when it was simply factual and jsut telling my purpose.
I feel that the purpose of this site I opened is good, and it can be very useful. But just like any other good thing, it usually cannot be done by one person. Support for the project is always a plus, and it can be made to be an excellent resource for people who are green on both sides, that want to get into modding android devices.
I dont think that it is a waste of my time, but in order for it to make it to where I'd like it to be, it can definitely use all the support and input that it can get. Thats why I brought the whole subject up, here. There are lots of developers here and even I am new to a lot of the stuff here, and I feel that it would be a great asset to a lot fo folks here if you jsut give it a chance.
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Oh, I never meant to imply it was a waste of time. Nothing of the sort. I think the Android platform has a huge amount of potential. For the people developing the platform, for the people developing apps to run on top of it, and for people creating the entire ecosystem that will surround it.
I guess what I was trying to do was get you thinking about a statement that you ended up making yourself. That you weren't 100% sure about the direction you wanted to take this. Whatever direction you decide on, I think your chances of success are much greater if you have a clear idea of what that direction is.
That said, I like your idea. I'd love to hear more about what you have in mind.
subliminalurge said:
Oh, I never meant to imply it was a waste of time. Nothing of the sort. I think the Android platform has a huge amount of potential. For the people developing the platform, for the people developing apps to run on top of it, and for people creating the entire ecosystem that will surround it.
I guess what I was trying to do was get you thinking about a statement that you ended up making yourself. That you weren't 100% sure about the direction you wanted to take this. Whatever direction you decide on, I think your chances of success are much greater if you have a clear idea of what that direction is.
That said, I like your idea. I'd love to hear more about what you have in mind.
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Why dont you PM me with some messenger info so we can talk? I run ICQ and AIM because ICQ is what is industry standard in the industry I work in.
jerry43812 said:
Why dont you PM me with some messenger info so we can talk? I run ICQ and AIM because ICQ is what is industry standard in the industry I work in.
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Will do. I mainly use Skype these days for IM, but I can throw ICQ on my computer real quick.
subliminalurge said:
Will do. I mainly use Skype these days for IM, but I can throw ICQ on my computer real quick.
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Awesome, look forward to talking with you!
Got an article coming soon on the best battery app I found, along with some info from the developer. This should be live within a day or two.
I am looking for more stuff to write articles about, and it will involve some email communication between us so I can get the most accurate info onto the site.
Anyone want to be the one of the first few people to get featured on the site? PM me your email address so I can contact you
jerry43812 said:
Got an article coming soon on the best battery app I found, along with some info from the developer. This should be live within a day or two.
I am looking for more stuff to write articles about, and it will involve some email communication between us so I can get the most accurate info onto the site.
Anyone want to be the one of the first few people to get featured on the site? PM me your email address so I can contact you
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Got that article written and set live, and I also have a few other things on there, including a comprehensive guide to rooting the Sprint HTC Hero.
well an app review site would be great as i tend to follow users input when i download apps, and the input in the Market is just crap .. what some user find to be a bad app could actualy be a very good app for others. i sometime do it myself when i download an app , i look for user rating and comments. and decide wether to download the app or not, based on the user ratings..
The other thing would be a app request, meaning i been loking for an app that will play FLAC or AAC music files, i found 2 , 1 is from XDA ( a good app but the GUI is must to be desired ) the other is a cheap app that sometimes plays sometimes dont.. LOL
if someone would make good app for this i would be willing to pay for it 20.00 if i had to ...
The point is i would love a place that i could go to and request an app or suggest ideas for an app..
my 2 cents
rgildoss said:
well an app review site would be great as i tend to follow users input when i download apps, and the input in the Market is just crap .. what some user find to be a bad app could actualy be a very good app for others. i sometime do it myself when i download an app , i look for user rating and comments. and decide wether to download the app or not, based on the user ratings..
The other thing would be a app request, meaning i been loking for an app that will play FLAC or AAC music files, i found 2 , 1 is from XDA ( a good app but the GUI is must to be desired ) the other is a cheap app that sometimes plays sometimes dont.. LOL
if someone would make good app for this i would be willing to pay for it 20.00 if i had to ...
The point is i would love a place that i could go to and request an app or suggest ideas for an app..
my 2 cents
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You're able t request apps and stuff there, I honestly havent set that section up because I am working on other content first. You can possibly post a new thread requesting someone code something for you, but I am not sure on the pricing of their work, etc. Let me work on getting some good app coders on my side and then I'll open up the requests section.

New App idea! Looking for Android Developer

I am a Technology Consultant by profession and I am fascinated by Android. I have some creative Android App ideas but I am not so good at java so unable to make things work by myself.
That's why I am looking for a developer (Preferably from India) who can help me out with this thing. I cannot pay anything but just looking for someone who has the potential to develop Apps but still did not get any attention.
Why should you help me for free?
1. App's developer section will have your name with me.
2. I guarantee that the App idea I have will be a hit.
3. There is no such application still in the Android Market.
4. You have got nothing to lose.
So if you have the zeal for developing android app and want to be famous (Yes, I believe my app idea is that good), Please leave a comment and we can then discuss things.
Thanks for reading!
okay, I'll bite, but I only develop for android in my spare time.
im in....just PM me or email [email protected]
sure ill help
[email protected]
Thanks for replying guys, I'll contact you by this weekend and discuss the details.
You guarantee your app will take off even though you can't spell correctly. I hope you're right.
Lol, kidding. Good luck.
I have an app idea for the healthcare industry so as you know what that industry has been like for many years you will know anything that can help healthcare and put money in workers' pockets is going to be a winner.
it will also save care homes and the NHS a small fortune.
parliament met me and nearly fell off their chairs they couldn't believe what a great idea it was.
but with a lack of funds its getting it made.
if someone could make it without money upfront I would happily go 50-50 on it.
and i cannot guarantee fame if it took off it would be innevitable.

Want to hire someone to write and app to pull info from my website.

Is anyone interested in writing an app to pull data from my website?
I'm not looking for anything flashy, just something to search or pull
the new entries.
PM me Information
Hi there....I'd like to develop for you. Just send me some further information via PM.
Best Regards,
Hans Moleman
So it's been 3 months since I've looked into this. I've talked to a few people, but no one has gotten back to me more than once or twice. I would still like to have this made. If anyone out there is interested, please let me know. Thanks!
Okay, I know I know nothing more than what you've said above, but to me it sounds like you may just need to add an RSS feed to your site. Then any reader app (Google reader?) can read it.
I understand I may be way off the mark, but that was my first thought.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
I've attached a couple images of what I'd like it to look like. The site itself already detects the device being used to access it and configures the page view appropriately. The big thing I guess is the main screen.
I've put a quick app together that uses the rss feed, but it's really ugly and not at all how I'd like the main page to display. I know very little of programming and even less about putting Android apps together. I did get in the Google App Inventor, but was still unable to put anything useful together. Maybe during Christmas break I'll try again...
I will have some free time in the coming weeks if you don't find anyone before Christmas send me a PM.
pegisys said:
I will have some free time in the coming weeks if you don't find anyone before Christmas send me a PM.
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Thanks! I'll be sure to let you know.
Have you considered simply putting your website inside of a webview?
Anderdroid said:
Have you considered simply putting your website inside of a webview?
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or just making a mobile version of the site? It won't then be restricted to only 1 OS.
Anderdroid said:
Have you considered simply putting your website inside of a webview?
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I've been told that before, but I don't know how to do that.
johncmolyneux said:
or just making a mobile version of the site? It won't then be restricted to only 1 OS.
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The site currently has a mobile version. It auto-detects the OS that is accessing it and reconfigures it appropriately. The only problem is that it's kind of limiting. You can't search easily, you can't submit information, etc. It's a really watered down version of the site. At least the main page is.
Ideally I would like people to be able to pull up the app in the movie theater either before or after to see if there is anything they need to know about beforehand or submit information via the multiple ways I provide afterwards.
This is sofian i have developed many android apps..i m interested to work...
My skype id is: sofian_sunny
hotmail [email protected]
I know it's been a while since I've posted this on here and just as long since I've been in contact with anyone. With that being said, I would still like to do this. Here is the major problem: I don't have the cash to pay someone to do this. The site doesn't generate very much income at all right now. Although, about 75% of my traffic is from mobile users as well as the little ad income I get.
With that being said, I am more than willing to enter in a contract with the developer that states something like we will split the income from the app say 60/40 (you/me) until xx day or xx amount of dollars are met. I would like two versions; one ad supported and one ad-free, but paid (.99 or so).
I tried to also get a Kickstarter going for this, but for me to even start a campaign, I need more delepment information like timelines, mock-ups, sketches, etc.
If anyone is seriously interested, please either post back here or send me a PM.
P.S. Please, please only serious developers that can agree to the terms above. I don't need to speak with any more developer houses where we talk and all of a sudden they say it'll cost x amount of dollars. I said above I don't have the cash currently to pay for this, that's not going to change unless I win the lottery!


I just hope this is the right place to post this, as I do not intend to misuse this forum, it has been very helpful to me over the past few years and I love seeing what yall come out with. That being said here is what I am proposing.
I am looking for some people who know how to build apps for android. As well apps for windows. ( pick whatever programing language you like we just need it to work) I can not pay anyone, but if a small team of people will join me and help get my ideas built as a team I believe we will become successful in the first prototype of what will be the future of cell phones.
I don't get to check the forum often so please reach me via email [email protected]
thank you all for taking the time to read this.
When you say "apps for windows" are you suggesting applications for Windows Phone OS or Windows OS (as in the OS that runs on PCs)?
People will find it hard to work without getting paid and they definitely don't want to work on an idea without getting paid that wont take off so I suggest you give some hints about what your idea is to let people make a better decision?
camp sheckbo
Thanks for the response, and I should have clarified that. Sorry. I was referring to Windows os for pc. I can completely understand people not wanting to work for free as what I am asking I imagine will be quite some work and most likely quite a bit of testing. I have to admit I am apprehensive about just laying any part of my idea out there but for the sake of giving everyone a vague idea of what I have in mind ( please forgive grammar and spelling at this point) is google glass but trust me when I say far better then google. and for now we aren't even building the "phone part" the app on both the phone and its counterpart on the pc should be generic in the sense that any android phone & windows pc user can use the prototype once it is done. Then we shop it around with the concept for the new phone. anyone willing to know more please just shoot me an email. I realize yall don't know what it is yet but I am convinced if made this product would make those involved if not as big as google then pretty close (maybe not in terms of there money but in terms on the name)
Brand is everything.
You could ask here:
nikwen said:
You could ask here:
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Thank you for the feedback. I will be checking it out.
A developer, looking for collaboraion
Hi Guys,
I am a long time developer for Android, iOS, BB etc with bunch of apps on the app stores, some dead on arrival, some successful, nothing like the next Bill Gates tho . Apps development is side job for me "for now", I am sure you know the feeling.
I guess what I am looking for here is somewhat the opposite to most of the posts here, where folks with amazing ideas looking for developers to "just make it happen". I have bunch of ideas, as well! (too many to count some for apps and some for other areas - chemistry, physics etc). I am looking for *developers* to work and collaborate, basically to brain storm and run through their ideas and my ideas, take our time to proper research and figure out business model, patents etc, maybe throw few baits in apps stores and see where it's going.
My thinking is that if bunch of us developers get together we stand a chance, I find it close to impossible to do it alone..
Of course we can sign all NDAs required etc to make everyone happy. I hope I did not violate any written or conceptual guidelines here.. please feel free to contact me, [email protected]
udihamudi said:
Hi Guys,
I am a long time developer for Android, iOS, BB etc with bunch of apps on the app stores, some dead on arrival, some successful, nothing like the next Bill Gates tho . Apps development is side job for me "for now", I am sure you know the feeling.
I guess what I am looking for here is somewhat the opposite to most of the posts here, where folks with amazing ideas looking for developers to "just make it happen". I have bunch of ideas, as well! (too many to count some for apps and some for other areas - chemistry, physics etc). I am looking for *developers* to work and collaborate, basically to brain storm and run through their ideas and my ideas, take our time to proper research and figure out business model, patents etc, maybe throw few baits in apps stores and see where it's going.
My thinking is that if bunch of us developers get together we stand a chance, I find it close to impossible to do it alone..
Of course we can sign all NDAs required etc to make everyone happy. I hope I did not violate any written or conceptual guidelines here.. please feel free to contact me, [email protected]
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You can ask in this thread:
Another possibility would be making it open-source.
We'll be happy to make it open source when we actually get to work on something
I will be happy to make "it" open source when I finally get to work on something exciting .. need to figure out first what it is thus first step before this need to get together with some bright minds here and decide what we want to work on.. then get it to format where folks can look at and work with as open source
nikwen said:
You can ask in this thread:
Another possibility would be making it open-source.
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udihamudi said:
I will be happy to make "it" open source when I finally get to work on something exciting .. need to figure out first what it is thus first step before this need to get together with some bright minds here and decide what we want to work on.. then get it to format where folks can look at and work with as open source
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Of course, you need an idea. Check the thread I linked. You might find an idea there.
For example you could join the WidgetsEverywhere project. It's working and it's open-source.

